by: dr. satyawati. department of english

By: Dr. Satyawati. Department of English

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By: Dr. Satyawati.Department of English

Q. What do you mean by communication Skills?

Some other definitions by different theorists…• Communication is a process of passing information from from one

person to another. ( Keith Davis)

• Communication is essentially the ability of one person to make contact with another and make himself or herself understood. (John Adair)

• Communication is an exchange of ideas, facts, opinions or emotions of two or more persons. (William Newman and Charles summer)

• Communication is a process by which information is transmitted between individuals or organisations so that an understanding response results. ( Peter little)

• Communication is a process of transmitting and receiving verbal and nonverbal messages. It is considered effective when it achieve the desired response from receiver. ( Thomas Murphy)

To change behavior: Communication can help in altering the behaviour of a person, for example if the students welcome the teacher lazily and do not respond to the questions and behave inappropriately in the class then the teacher might get hurt and her interest in teaching be lost. So it is responsibility of the students to behave properly in the class and should not judge easily.To get action: If Person A says open the door rudely the possibility of doing the work is less by Person B, but if the same thing is said politely and with request then the possibilities are higher of getting positive response.

To ensure understanding: the main purpose of the communication should be that the message is understood by the receiver, if not the sender should try other means to make the receiver understand properly, this is an important goal of communication.To persuade:If an employee ask for a leave from a boss, he should ask in a persuasive manner and not rudely, he should try to give an emotional and honest account of his situation. The act of persuading politely should not seize, till the leave is granted.

To get and give information: Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, books , blogs, shots, emails, youtube and other social site networks are the means of sharing information to larger number of people. Nowadays, In organizations and freelance companies, information are transferred to emails and whatsapp groups for the ease of the employees. The main purpose of getting and giving the information through different sites in organization is to get the work done and make their employees aware of events around them, so that they can work attentively and be aware of the competition. It is an important Marker of communication.

Principles of communication

•A four-fold analysis of communication skills – skill of listening, Speaking, reading, writing.

Listening: It is an important trop of communication, effective listening is important for the clarity and understanding of the message.

Steps towards the process of listening.

• It is very important for a good listener to first listen properly, it might sound simple but there is a systematic process of listening. One can say that without hearing, filtering, comprehending, remembering, and responding the process of listening cannot be completed.

• Types of listening and the barriers to an effective listening will be discussed in the later slides.

• Lets just into the process of listening…

Reading: It is one of the most important aspect of communication, reading not just improve the understanding of word but it also open up our minds and cultivates our thought Process.There are three types of reading, SchemingScanningCritically analyzing

Scheming: It is a way of reading, in which the reader does a preliminary reading, meaning the reader simply swims through the reading material without stopping or analysing it, it is also called beginners read.

Scanning: this way of the reading is mostly done when a reader is trying to find an important event or incidence in the dating material, mostly the things that we remark are the result of scanning. It helps and ease in searching the important things in the material.

Critically analyzing: This is one of the most important and fruitful step in reading. It is also called the ‘reading between the lines’meaning that through critically analyzing the text the reader tries to hind the hidden meaning of the text something that might not be evident to the reader while doing scheming or scanning. The critics critically analyzes the text or a paper to find the meaning of the author’s intentions.The process is tedious and time consuming but once achieved gives a feeling of complete satisfaction.

Written and speaking/ oral communication will be discussed in later slides in detail.

Q. How can a communicator communicate?

Q. What are different types of communication?

• With reference to the sub categories, explain the above mentioned questioned.

Q. What are the important factors and types of verbal communication? Explain the advantages and disadvantages with example.

Q. What are different factors and types of non verbal

communication?Explain the advantages and

disadvantages of the non verbal communication, with example.

Just for fun…

Paralanguage (Part of non verbal communication).• It is an important component of nonverbal communication it

emphasizes on body language as well as voice no answer that help to express feelings and thoughts it is sometimes defined as relating to non phonetic properties only. It has ability to modify or Nuance the meaning which volume emotion or so. It can be used consciously as well as unconsciously. People normally use paralanguage multiple times a day even without being aware that they are doing so. The study of paralanguage is called paralinguistics.

• the aim of paralanguage is ‘how something is said’ rather than ‘what is said’.

It makes oral communication effective and complete the factors affect speech in following ways:Intonation : intonation is related to the Rise and fall of the pitch of voice pitch plays an important role in the speech. Pitch is determined by the frequency of vibration of the vocal cords. Intonation describes how the voice Rises and falls in speech it helps in expressing questions in spoken English.

Word stress : Each word is made up of one or more syllables. For example the word sunlight is made of two syllables Sun and the words having two or more syllables all the syllables are not equally prominent like in ‘captain’ - cap and tain. So one is pronounced with greater prominence then other. it may be due to stress that is greater breath force, muscular effort and amplitude of the vibration of the vocal for example the syllable is stressed in the word.

For example, the syllable ‘cap’ is stressed in the word captain. The stress placed on a particular syllable in a word, or the word in a phrase or sentence is called word stress, It helps to make out whether an utterance is a statement, a question, a request, or an order for example, the sentence open the door can be used as a request as well as an order if the word open is stressed it may be taken as an order but if the word door is stressed it may be taken as a request.

Proximics/ Space distancing.

• Proxemics is derived from the word proximity which means ‘the region around a person’.the space or distance that we choose to keep from others is also a part of nonverbal communication all of us have our own inner and outer circles which are different for different people we might not allow our acquaintance in intimate space, or we might not share something with someone we are not close with. Only parents comes in intimate space. More distance is maintained between the speaker and the listener in formal situation; while there will be a less distance in informal situation. The Standing and sitting positions are also different in different spaces. The person in superior or commanding position usually stands or other remain seated. For example a teacher teaches the students in standing position and students remain seated, politician gives speech in standing position while the audience remains seated.

Sign language

• Communication is a process in which people exchange messages are meaning through mutually understandable signs, symbols and signals. The symbol can be in the form of pictures drawings posters photographs etc. There is a Chinese proverb “a picture is worth a Thousand Words” sometimes words fail to convey exact meaning while pictures make the meaning clear a drawing or picture makes an impression on the mind of a person. For example a red light sign on the edge of the road helps more effectively that a traffic police officer standing in the middle of the road.

• Similarly, sound signals are also quick in conveying the message. For example. Sound of an ambulance, police Jeep,etc.

Q. What is written communication.

Write the advantages and disadvantages of written communication and explain with


Advantages of written communication

• Are, as follows:

Disadvantages of written communication

• Are, as follows:

Features of good writing and hence of good communication.

Q. What are the important significant of communication in everyday life ?

Formal and Informal communication

Formal communication• With superior, peers, subordinates in


• Internal communication that happens within an organization

• Flow of communication:

• Downwards from superior to subordinates in organization

• Upward from subordinates to superior.

• Horizontal from one person of same position to another, from peer to peer, from head to head, etc

• Diagonal from head to assistant to and assistant to head, from people of different positions.

Informal communication• This type of communication is seen

between individuals or groups which are not officia like what’s app group of family

• No set of rules and regulations are followed in this type of communication

• It is free from all kinds of formalities it can flow in multi directions without any restrictions.

• Any person can communicate with any member of organisation regardless of rank position or status, for example in Google company there are no restrictions.

• The channel of informal communication is also known as grapevine

Mode/ types of communication.

Difference between formal and informal communication?

Formal communication• Formal communication is official

• It is a slow moving process

• Its origin can be known easily• Responsibility of mistake can be fixed


• It is task oriented• It consists mainly of work related

matters.• There is no space for non verbal

means• Message has authenticity and

accuracy and it flows in fixed direction.

Informal communication• Informal communication is unofficial

• It is a fast moving process

• It is sometimes difficult to find its origin

• Responsibility of mistake can be fixed easily

• It is people oriented• It consist of work related as well as

social messages• Non-verbal means can be used in this

type of communication.• Message has no authenticity and

accuracy, It can flow in every direction

Q. What are the barriers to communication?

• Explain emotional, psychological, personal, semantic barriers to communication

The process of communication• Communication is a two way process involving the following

elements a sender, a message, a medium, a channel, a receiver , a response and feedback. However, it is not sufficient to have just all these element; there should be corporation and understanding between the two parties involved. It is important to have a common frame of reference or context for successful and meaningful communication. E.g. a common language or common interpretation of a gesture.

• Comm. involves the sender or the communicator and the receiver. Both should necessary share a mutual accepted code, e.g. a common language, and the “communication environment”. The “code”is not not restricted only two language; it may involve others things like gestures etc.

Simple fanda…( just for fun)

Effective communication involves:

Verbal communication/ message

Nonverbal communication/ message.

Paravertebral communication/ message.

Q. How do you develop your communication skills?

• Explain the above mentioned question with the help of flow chart.

Q. What are the good ways to develop communication skills and how can be a good communicator?

• Jot down some key features to it.

Q. What are different types of listening styles?

Q. What are intrapersonal and interpersonal Communication?

Explain with the reference to Maslow theory of hierarchy.

Firstly, there is a intra(within yourself) personal communication, then interpersonal (with someone), then group discussion about an issue and lastly, a mass communication that is mostly one way but has a common aim and purpose like the election speech by PM Narendra Modi, but it has a common interest of all the indians.

The Self

Knowing yourself is important for self –awarenes, and self realization.The self discovery is not easy. But they are many because it becomes important to have multiplet selves in today’s world. But there is one ‘core self’ which determines the base of our behaviour.

There are three types of selves one is the core self( that defines your identity), An ideal self which one wishes to have, and public self that we project in society to hide our real self. It’s like wearing a mask to meet other masks.

Self awareness: The, ability to recognize and understand emotions, moods and their effect on others.Self regulations: The ability to control or redirect, dusruptive impulses, emotions and moods and the tendency to suspend the judgement and think before actingEmpathy: The ability to understand the emotional make-up of other people.Motivation: A passion to work for reasons that go beyond money and status and the tendency to pursue goals with persistence.Social skills: A proficiency in managing relationships and building networks.

Acording to maslow theory of Hierarchy, the aim is to achieve the self esteem, and self actualization. For this a good intra personal relationship is required, but it can only be achieved if a person have good social (interpersonal), Physiological, and economical safety. Then only a person can share a confident group and mass discussions.

Explain the significance of physical space in interpersonal communication.

It is very important to maintain a physical space/distance while having an interpersonal communication with colleagues (informal) or Boss (formal). It defines the personality of an individual as well as give a space to the speaker to speak his mind comfortably. According to Edward T. Hall there are four steps of physical space/space distance, which are also known as proximics in interpersonal communication. It gives a clear layout of how important space is while communicating.

What is translation?

• Translation is the process of carrying across or conveying a message from one language to another, across regions, religions, and countries.

• The problem of translation is that the meaning can be lost while translating from one language to another.

Eg. Lajja : with some English words for this word. Can you?

You can get some related words like shame, shyness, etc but not the exact word.

• There are two types of translation namely :

• 1. Literal translation which is also known as word to word translation.

• 2. Semantic translation which is also known as meaning to meaning translation.

let’s go to some examples of literal and semantic translation and find out the problems in them.

मत जा दरू एक ददन के लिए भी क्युकी मैंनह ीं जानती ये कैसे कहूीं कक एक ददन िम्बाहोता है और मैं तुम्हारा इींतजार करीं गी।

Translate the above give stanza in English.Try both in symantic and literal translation.

मुझे एक पि भी ना छोडो सपन मेरे।मुझसे पहि सी मोहब्बत मेरे मेहबूब ना माींग।हर घडी बदि रह है रूप जजींदगी छाींव है कह ींकह ीं है धूप जजींदगी।Translate the above give sentence in literal and symatic form. And find out which one is more meaningful and which translation.Does the accence and beauty gets lost in this translation?

Activity: Practice translating one peom, song, ghaza, nazm, shayeri, idioms, advertisement, etc.Both literal and symatic translations.