cc dr ty english ulcus

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  • 7/29/2019 Cc Dr TY English Ulcus


    Nama : Mr.S

    Usia : 46 yoPekerjaan : petaniMRS : 10.06.13

    Bangsal : melati I bed 6i

  • 7/29/2019 Cc Dr TY English Ulcus


    Allo dan autoanamnesa

    Chief complain : Foot injury does not heal

    2 weeks before admission the patient complained of left foot injurydoesnt healed. wound was in the left big toe , was originally a smallwound in the form of wood impaled former point around the garden.wound gradually widened, swollen, pus and smelling. wound initiallywas limited to only the left big toe, but over time grew wider calf left.

    Because of the complaint, the patient became difficult to walk.Patien also complained of fever, sumer2, is felt throughout the body,continuous, denied cough, colds denied. since 1 month beforeentering the hospital the patient complained of limp bodies. feltweakness throughout the body, fatigue increases with activity anddecreases with rest. patients also complained of fatigue and tired.

    Bleeding gums denied. nosebleeds denied. cold sweat and blurryvision also admitted denied.pasien easy thirst, hunger and irritabilityurinate 10-11 times in 1 day, urinate clear yellow, @ 1/4-1/2 cupstarfruit, pain during bowel movements small denied. urination sandydenied. 1 bowel movement a day brown, mushy konsistency mucus /blood undeniable.

  • 7/29/2019 Cc Dr TY English Ulcus


    Past history disease

    History of diabetes ( +) 1 month

    History high blood (-)

    History of cardiovascular disease denied History of kidney disease denied

    History of asthma denied

  • 7/29/2019 Cc Dr TY English Ulcus


    Vital sign

    KU: CM, enough nutrition

    BP: 110/70 mmHg

    Pulse rate: 120x/mnt

    Respirasi : 22x/mnt

    Tempt : 38

    Height : 165 cm Weight : 60 kg

    BMI : 22,04

  • 7/29/2019 Cc Dr TY English Ulcus


    JVP R+2cm, KGB tak

    membesar, stiff neck (-)

    Mata :Pale conjungtiva +/+Sklera ikterik -/-

    Anterior lungI. Development of the right chest

    with the left chest,P fremitus touch with Left RightP. Sonor / resonantA. SD = Normal vesicular,

    ST RBK (- / -)

    oedem inferior -/+Ulcus -/+ crepitation +

    Posterior lungI. Development of the right chest

    with the left chest,P fremitus touch with Left RightP. Sonor / sonorA. Basic sound = Normal vesicular,

    ST RBK (- / -)

    Cor:I. IC invisibleP. IC palpable in SIC V 1 cm lat LMCSP. cardiac border not widenA. BJ I-II pure. noisy (-), gallop (-)

    AbdomenI. DP // DDA. Peristaltik (+) NP. Timpani, PA (-), Undulasi (-)P. Hepar Lien nonpalpable

    Spoon nail -/-

  • 7/29/2019 Cc Dr TY English Ulcus





    Hb 8.0Ht 24

    AL 14.9

    AT 201

    AE 3.56GDS 336

    Cr 0.8

    Ur 48

    Na 128K 4.2

    HBsAg nonreaktif

  • 7/29/2019 Cc Dr TY English Ulcus


    1. HR: 130 x/mnt

    2. Ritme: sinus

    3. Zona transisi: V1-v2

    4. Aksis: normo axis

    5. Morfologi gelombang: gel


  • 7/29/2019 Cc Dr TY English Ulcus


    Problem list

    Ulcus DM pedis sinistra wagner IV

    DM type 2 non obese

    Moderate Hyponatremia

    Anemia normositik normokromik

  • 7/29/2019 Cc Dr TY English Ulcus


    Problem I. Ulcus DM pedis sinistra wagner V dengan sepsis

    Ass : The foot injury that does not heal, the wound was initially small, then more and more stretched,and smell with crepitation +

    Rontgen : gas gangren regio pedis sinistra

    IPDX : kultur pus

    IPTX : Un totally BedrestO2 2 lpm nasal canul

    Inf Nacl 0.9 % 20tpm

    Inj Ceftriaxon 2 g/24h

    Inj metronidazole inj 500mg/8h

    Inj dexametason 1 amp/ 8 hAspilet 80mg 1x1

    Wound treatment

    IPMx: M0nitoring vital signipMx: educated the family about the desease and the complication

  • 7/29/2019 Cc Dr TY English Ulcus


    Problem II. DM type 2 non Obese

    Ass History of DM (+)

    gds 336 ipDx : Gdp, 2pp, HbA 1c, Profil lipid,


    ipTx : Inf Nacl 0,9 % 20 dmp

    Diet DM 1700 ccalInf insulin 6-6-6 iu sc

    ipMx : Monitoring vital sign, gds 05

    IPEX : Educated the family about the desease and


  • 7/29/2019 Cc Dr TY English Ulcus


    Problem 3

    moderate HyponatremiaAss : Na 128Dd/ excretion of excess

    intake lessIPDX :

    IPTX : Inf Nacl 0.9 % 20 tpm

    IPMX : elektrolit post corectionIPEX : educated the family about the desease

  • 7/29/2019 Cc Dr TY English Ulcus


    Problem 4

    Anemia normositik normokromikAss : hb 8.0

    Dd/ on cronic deseaseakut bleeding

    IPDX : DR2, SI, TIBC, Ferritin, Reticulosit

    IPTX : Transf prc 480 ccIPMX : hb post post corection

    IPEX : educated the family about the desease