by: student. shark fact attack! hammerhead sharks have their eyes far apart but they have good...

Download By: Student. Shark Fact Attack! Hammerhead sharks have their eyes far apart but they have good vision. The most feared shark in the ocean the Great White

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Post on 24-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1
  • By: Student
  • Slide 2
  • Shark Fact Attack! Hammerhead sharks have their eyes far apart but they have good vision. The most feared shark in the ocean the Great White but it is not the most dangerous shark. Great White Sharks really dont eat humans on purpose. Sometimes we look like seals, so they bite people on accident.
  • Slide 3
  • Sharks As Predators Sharks feasts on squid, fish, seals, and much more. Sharks have these things called lateral lines. Sharks have great eye sight and a good sense of smell.
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  • Dolphins Life Time Dolphins live in groups. These groups are called pods. Pods can have up to 40 dolphins. Baby dolphins are about 3 feet long.
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  • Dolphins Dolphins breathe oxygen like people do. They have lungs like people do. Dolphins are not fish, they are mammals!
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  • Saving The Sea Dolphins and sharks have been around for millions of years but now they are now in danger. Almost every year 3,000 dolphins die and get caught in big fishing nets.
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  • Oceans Most dolphins and sharks live near the equator of the earth because it has the most food for them to eat. Also many, many other fish live there.