c. kamperidis- table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators

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  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    Table-top laser

    plasma wakefield

    electron accelerators


    Plasma Physics GroupImperial College London, UK

    OLA - CRETE 2008

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators



    Motivation for table-top/compact particle accelerators

    Physics of laser driven wakefield electron accelerators(LWFA)

    Ionisation by an intense laser pulse

    Particle motion under a laser field / Ponderomotive Force

    Plasma waves

    Generation of non linear plasma waves

    Relativistic plasma wave breaking limit (self-injection)

    Energy gain

    Energy losses in plasma wave generation

    1st Session

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators



    2nd Session

    Propagation of ultra-short, ultra-intense laser pulses in underdense

    plasmasNon linearities in plasmasPropagation beyond the Rayleigh length

    Schemes of laser driven plasma based electron acceleration

    LWFASelf Modulated - LWFA

    Experiments performed in multi-TW table-top laser systems

    Recent experimental landmarksGeV mono-energetic electron beams from 2D simulations

    Conclusions/Applications/The Future

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Motivation

    Review of major state-of-the-art traditional accelerator facilities

    Conseil Europen pour la Recherche Nuclaire: www.cern.ch

    Large Hadron Collider (LHC) - Multi-TeV proton collision energies

    27 km

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Motivation

    DESY synchrotron facility in Hamburg


    Review of major state-of-the-art traditional accelerator facilities

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1. RF technology is not getting cheaper2010 - proposed ILC (International Linear Collider) will be ready giving500 GeV at an estimated cost of 5 G$

    2. RF technology needs a lot of spaceMaximum possible accelerating gradient in RF accelerators (limited by

    material electric breakdown): ~ 100 MeV/mILC -> 31.5 MeV/m -> ~15 km

    3. RF technology can not deliver ultrashort (~ fsec)electron bunchesILC will deliver e- bunches of 1 psec min

    Applications of ~ fsec science : Ultrafast biological probing for example

    1st Session Motivation

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    Conclusion: Current acceleration techniques havetwo main limits :

    1.an upper limit on the accelerating gradient

    2.a lower limit the pulse length.

    Any new method that can improve any of thesefeatures will open up new possibilities in both highenergy, biomedical physics and many otherapplications.

    1st Session Motivation

    Possible solution for the future:



  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session The LWFA

    The Laser WakefieldThe Laser Wakefield

    AcceleratorAccelerator1979 Tajima and Dawson

    Same way a boat excites sea wakes

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Basic EM theory equations *



    S E H E B

    = =

    ur ur uur ur ur

    The Poynting vector represents the energy flux of an EM wave

    ( ) ( )2

    20 0

    1 / 377 / peak values


    I S E E V cm I W cmc

    = = =

    ur ur

    and its amplitude the intensity (W/cm2) of the wave

    * Most of the basic theory of laser plasma interactions can be found in E. Clarks talk

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Ionisation by an intense laser pulse

    Keld > 1 multiphoton ion.

    3 distinct processes :depending on the strength of the external laser field,

    for a given atomic state and governed by the Keldysh parameter

    Keld < 1 tunneling ion. Keld

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Particle motion under a laser field

    Laser field equations

    Lorentz force

    But first, again some basic equations :

    For a single electron, the electric and magnetic fieldcan be expressed in terms of the vector potential as

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Particle motion under a laser field

    By replacing in the Lorentz equation we obtain the

    equations of motion of our test particle (electron)

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Particle motion under a laser field


    and is the normalised vector potential

    The first term in the longitudinal equation of motion denotes a

    gradual, linear drift with time

    in useful experimental units,0 in m, I in 1018W/cm2

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    Thus, if we transform in frame

    moving with velocity

    we obtain the famousfigure of 8 motion

    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Particle motion under a laser field




    a c

    Laboratory frame

    2 oscillation

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Ponderomotive force

    Total energy of a relativistic particle

    Kinetic energy gained

    Averaged kinetic energy (Ponderomotive potential of the field)

    of a relativistic particle over a field oscillation period 2/

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Ponderomotive force

    And since there is there is net energy gain when

    the laser is off, the Ponderomotive potential is related to the Ponderomotive force by

    As we will see immediately, the Ponderomotive

    force is the responsible force behind the creation ofthe plasma waves, which possess electric fields

    with ideal accelerating properties.

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Plasma waves Plasma frequency

    When many electrons are present, collectivebehaviour is exhibited



    Static positive (ion)background -ALWAYS

    Mobile electrons

    Surface charge density

    Capacitor-like E-field

    Equation of motion

    Simple harmonic


    Oscillation freq.

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Plasma waves Excitation of linear plasma waves

    When a plane EM wave travels in free space is characterised by the

    dispersion relation =ck, where c=1/(00)1/2

    and k=2/For a medium/plasma with and , however the dispersion relation is altered

    Assume an infinite and low intensity (i.e. collisions and magnetic effects are neglected) EM wave

    The equation of motion of a test free electron within the plasma will be


    By performing some mathematical manipulations,i.e. integrate the equation of motion over time and solve for velocity,

    we can generate expression for current Je

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Plasma waves Excitation of linear plasma waves

    1. Propagation of the mode isperpendicular to the initial field E-

    oscillation,mode is EM in nature

    2. Propagation of the mode is parallel

    to the initial field E-oscillation,mode is electrostatic in nature

    We can identify two oscillatory excited modesfrom the propagation of the EM wave within the medium/plasma

    Exercise : Derive the current Je, use the curl of Faradays law (for EM and E-stat), use

    Ampere-Maxwell equation (for EM only) to derive the dispersion relations of the new modes

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Plasma waves Generation of non-linear pw

    To estimate how much and in what way a particular EM pulse(having finite durationrather than an infinite wave as before)ofarbitrary strengthwill affect the behaviour of the plasma wave

    we will have to express some fundamental quantities such as the

    plasma density variation(i.e. oscillation) neandthe electrostatic potential created by this variationin terms of our EM pulse primary quantity,

    which is the normalized vector potential = eA/mc2.

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Plasma waves Generation of non-linear pw

    Lets assume an EM pulse (of finite duration),

    linearly polarised, described by the vector potentialy : oscillation axis

    x : propagation axis

    Medium : cold, collisionless plasma

    Density perturbations n=ne-n0 Electrostatic potential

    New expressions for the electric and magnetic fieldsto be used in the Lorentz equation

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Plasma waves Generation of non-linear pw

    Equations of motion*

    *These equations contain the momentum components px, py,which explicitly introduces the relativistic factor

    Normalisations :

    Coupling factor

    Coulomb gauge,

    assuming charge plasma fluid motionaffects instantly

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Plasma waves Generation of non-linear pw

    Vector field wave equation,

    by replacing Eand Bin Amperes law

    Continuity equation(since we are treating

    our medium as fluid)

    Poisson equation,only in terms of,

    due to Coulomb gauge

    The longitudinal eq. of motionRelates a fluid quantities (, )

    with a field quantity

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Plasma waves Generation of non-linear pw

    The previous four equations provide a system where the importantparameters of the plasma wakefield are coupled with the strength

    parameter of the EM pulse, albeit in a non easily solvable form

    For simplification, we transform in

    a frame moving at the groupvelocity of the EM pusle

    New coordinatesin comoving frame

    Also, assume that EM pulseevolution is negligible compared toplasma frequency, i.e. Quasi-Static

    Approximation (QSA)

    Thus, any time derivativeis neglected

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Plasma waves Generation of non-linear pw

    The four coupled equations can berewritten in the new coordinate


    The second equation has a very important implication for plasmadensity evolution : when the velocity of the fluid reaches the groupvelocity of the EM pulse (i.e. ->g)

    then the plasma density reaches infinity (ne->),black hole formation - impossible

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Plasma waves Generation of non-linear pw

    To cut a very long story short, we rearrange the above relations,

    and we associate the plasma fluid velocity , and density ntothe electrostatic potential and vector potential , which whenreplaced in Poissons equation give in the new coordinate frame*

    *All quantities are still normalised

    which is a 2nd

    order nonlinear ordinary differential equation for theelectrostatic potential , created by the density variation (n = ne/n0),created by the EM pulse =0()in the QSA and

    can be solved numerically.

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Plasma waves Generation of non-linear pw

    Physical 1D system : EM pulse, =1m, pulse=100 fsec,

    Plasma, n0=1018 cm-3 (p=30m) (i.e. cpulse ~ p)

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Plasma waves Generation of non-linear pw

    Important notes : in the Non Linear case, we observe plasma wavelength increase due to relativistic

    effects (p->p1/2)

    plasma density profile steepening

    plasma wake electric field sawtoothing

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Plasma waves Relativistic pw wavebreaking (wb)

    Lets remember the second of the final coupled equations

    What happens when ->g???

    Same thing to a surfer riding a sea wave

    Smooth/slow wave steepening,

    good ride

    Harsh/fast wave steepening,

    bad ride

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Plasma waves Relativistic pw wavebreaking (wb)

    The mathematical formulation for wavebreaking is rathercomplicated but it suffices to give the final expression of

    the natural limiton the electrostatic fields supported by aplasma wave before the wave structure collapses

    Cold RelativisticWaveBreaking field

    Cold Non-RelativisticWaveBreaking field

    Practical units Emax,limit~0.96(ne)1/2,

    i.e. ne~1020 cm-3 ->

    Emax,limit~10 GV/cm

    Laser field factor,equal to 1 when laser is off

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Plasma waves Relativistic pw wb Self-injection

    1D Plasma density profile steepening

    Adapted from Nature, 431, 515 (2004)

    The natural process of driving a non-linear plasma wave towavebreaking acts as automatic electron injector in the

    accelerating parts of the plasma wake electric fields

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Plasma waves Relativistic pw wavebreaking (wb)

    3D Plasma density profile steepening trajectory crossing /3D Wavebreaking Bubble regime

    (identified in Pukhov, A. & Meyer-ter-Vehn, J. Laser wake field acceleration: the highlynon-linear broken-wave regime. Appl. Phys. B 74, 355361 (2002))

    Electron density void /

    Ion surplass / Plasma bubbleElectron trajectories

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Plasma waves Energy gain of accelerated e-

    Natural limitation on acceleration distance *remember the plasma wake electric field points at

    the centre of the plasma period/plasma bubble

    The dephasing length : the maximum length thatan electron injected at the back of the plasma wake period

    will travel before it starts to decelerate due to theelectrostatic fields of the front half of the plasma wake

    In the comoving frame (ug),is equal to a length of half

    the plasma wavelength p/2

    In the laboratory frame,

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Plasma waves Energy gain of accelerated e-

    Energy gain in the comoving frame (the wave frame)

    By performing a Lorentz transformationon the electron momentum four-vector

    Energy gain in the laboratory frame

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Plasma waves Energy losses in Wake generation

    Simplistic model : EM energy contained in laser pulseequals E-static energy contained in the plasma wake

    Laser EM energy Plasma wake E-static energy

    Optimum length for asquare pulse to maximiseplasma wakes amplitude

    Valid approximation for allinitial driver laser pulseshape (i.e. sine, square,


  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Plasma waves Energy losses in Wake generation

    Depletion length(for a square pulse)

    Dephasing length

    Small laser amplitudes

    The interaction isdephasing limited

    Large laser amplitudes

    The interaction isdepletion limited

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Plasma waves Energy losses in Wake generation

    Third physical limitation length on the Laser Plasma Interaction

    Natural defocusing - Rayleigh length :defined as the length were the cross section of the laser

    pulse is doubled (or in simpler terms stays in focus)

    Physical example :a laser pulse of=1 m, focused at a

    focal spot of w0=20 m, with an achieved0=1, in a plasma with ne=5*10

    18 cm-3

    ZR= 1.2 mmLd = 2.98 mmLdp = 3.03 mm




  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Summary of LWFA

    1. The ponderomotive force of a laser pulse excites plasma waves

    2. Depending on the strength of the laser pulse, a bubble structurecan form withperfect Efield geometry for electron acceleration,i.e. both acceleratingand focusingkeeping a low energy spreadand emittance. This non-linear structure can break, leading to

    self-injection of electrons in th`e accelerating parts of thewake

    3. Beam loading end of injection, where the electrostatic field ofthe injected electrons cancels the accelerating field of the wake.

    4. Dephasing the injected electron beam enters thedecelerating phase of the wake.

    LWFA is a 4 step process

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Physics of the LWFA :

    Plasma waves Relativistic pw wb Self-injection

    1D Plasma density profile steepening

    Adapted from Nature, 431, 515 (2004)

    The natural process of driving a non-linear plasma wave towavebreaking acts as automatic electron injector in the

    accelerating parts of the plasma wake electric fields

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    1st Session Bibliography

    E. Esarey, P. Sprangle, J. Krall, and A. Ting,Overview of plasma-based accelerator concepts

    IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 24, 252 (1996)

    Paul Gibbon,Short Pulse Laser Interaction with Matter

    Imperial College Press, 2005

    W. B. Mori,The physics of the nonlinear optics of plasmas atrelativistic intensities for short-pulse lasersIEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 33, 1942 (1997)

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    2nd Session In brief

    We will show how we can extend the propagation of alaser pulse beyond the naturally limiting length ofZR , by

    exploiting various non-linear phenomena that inevitablyoccur

    We will show results from recent experiments + somesimulation movies, visualising in real time what is reallyhappening

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    2nd Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

    Non Linearities Refractive index modulations

    A plasma is a medium with electric permittivity

    and magnetic permeability , different thanthe vacuum equivalents 0, 0

    Index of refraction is defined as

    The phase velocity of a propagating EM wave is*

    *Remember from dispersion relation

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    2nd Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

    Non Linearities Refractive index modulations

    With appropriate substitutions

    Group velocityof EM wavePhase velocityof EM wave

    Dependence ofon plasma density (ne), laserfrequency (0), laser intensity (0-as relativisticeffects effectively increase the critical density ncr)

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    2nd Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

    Non Linearities Refractive index modulations

    Thus can be expanded to first order accordingly

    Modulations in these three parameters (ne, 0, 0) lead

    to modulation of the index of refraction which in turnleads to modulation ofphand grof the EM pulse

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    Physical system : A laser pulse (e.g. gaussian)

    enters a homogeneous density plasma region ->Transverse intensity profile induces ponderomotive

    radial expulsion of electrons ->

    Transverse index of refraction modulationOr respectively transverse modulation in ph

    2nd Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

    Non Linearities Refractive index modulations

    Induced phenomenon : Self-focusing


  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    Physical system : A laser pulse (e.g. gaussian) has

    longitudinal intensity variation (0) ->Longitudinal variation plasma density will inducelongitudinal variation in index of refraction ->

    Longitudinal variation in gr

    2nd Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

    Non Linearities Refractive index modulations

    Induced phenomenon : Self-compression

    Self-compression rate (incomoving frame , )


  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    2nd Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

    Non Linearities Refractive index modulations

    Induced phenomenon : Self-compression

    Image courtesy of A.G.R. Thomas

    2 d S i P i i d d l

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    2nd Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

    Non Linearities Refractive index modulations

    Physical system : A laser pulse (e.g. gaussian) has

    longitudinal intensity variation (0) ->Longitudinal variation plasma density will inducelongitudinal variation in index of refraction ->

    Longitudinal variation in ph

    Induced phenomenon : Photon Acceleration

    Frequency change rate (incomoving frame , )

    2nd S i P ti i d d l

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    2nd Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

    Non Linearities Refractive index modulations

    Conclusion: Refractive index gradientsare found in almost all cases of laser

    propagation in underdense plasmas, so it is

    almost unavoidable not to experience


    Photon acceleration/deceleration

    2nd S i P ti i d d l

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    2nd Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

    Propagation beyond the Natural Limit (ZR)

    If the natural defocusing rate of a laser beam matches the inducedfocusing from any non-linear phenomena (i.e. self-focusing fromtransverse density gradients) then the laser pulse fronts will stay

    focused and propagate for an extended length

    Natural Defocusing Limit = Rayleigh range ZR=w02/

    Adapted from http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/94/Gaussianbeam.png

    Typical experimental valuesw0=10 m, =1m ->


    w0=1/e2 intensity radius

    2nd Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    If the natural defocusing rate of a laser beam matches the inducedfocusing from any non-linear phenomena (i.e. self-focusing from

    transverse density gradients) then the laser pulse fronts will stayfocused and propagate for an extended length

    2nd Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

    Propagation beyond the Natural Limit (ZR)

    2nd Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    2nd Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

    Propagation beyond the Natural Limit (ZR)

    Two ways to induce a transverse density gradient(i.e. transverse index of refraction gradient)

    I) Externally, for example with the use of the so-called gas filled discharge discharge capillaries

    II) Internally, i.e. by allowing the laser pulse to self-evolve, see Self-focusing section, due to theunavoidable electron expulsion from axis due to the

    radial ponderomotive force of the laser pulse

    2nd Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

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    2nd Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

    Propagation beyond ZR External guiding

    Transverse parabolicplasma profile

    Gas filled discharge discharge capillaries =Hollow tubes of 100s m diameter, filled with gas (i.e. hydrogen)

    where an electrical pulse of 100s A and 10s kVpasses, ionises and hydrodynamically expands the plasma

    Transverse inverse parabolicindex of refraction

    Maximum achieved guidingup to 50 mm

    2nd Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    2nd Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

    Propagation beyond ZR External guiding

    By matching the natural

    defocusing rate

    By matching the self-focusingacceleration (see Self-focusing


    We can derive a matched spotsize, where diffraction is balancedby self-focusing effects due to the

    density (refractive index)

    transverse gradients

    2nd Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    2 d Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

    Propagation beyond ZR Relativistic guiding

    Respectively, the relativistically corrected index ofrefraction (due to relativistic mass increase) will be

    Assume a laser pulse in the mildly relativisticregime, i.e. 0


  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    And since

    2 Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

    Propagation beyond ZR Relativistic guiding

    Index of refraction profile similar to externally guiding case

    Thus by replacing this index of refraction expression in the self-focusing acceleration equation and equate with the natural

    diffraction rate (as we did before) we can derive the matched

    spot size for relativistic self-guiding

    2nd Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    2 Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

    Propagation beyond ZR Relativistic guiding

    By replacing 0 with

    We can derive a critical value for the power of the laserpulse, so that relativistic self-focusing is induced

    (!!!) (!!!)

    Major Limitation : For relativistic self-guiding to occurthe laser pulse must cover many plasma periods (pe) so

    that there is time for self-focusing to evolve

    2nd Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    2 Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

    Propagation beyond ZR Relativistic guiding

    Longestself-guiding channels observed so far: 10.1 mm

    Laser pulse : 25J, 500fsec, 50TW, w0=25mm -> Z


    0~ 2

    2nd Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    2 Session Propagation in underdense plasmas :


    So far we have seen that any laser pulse propagating through ahomogeneous plasma density region will be affect by non-linear

    phenomena such asself-focusing, self-compression, photon acceleration

    Simply put, a pulse of initial strength 0will self-evolve during propagation in



    Given that the laser pulse is long enough (i.e. claser>>plasma)

    Relativistic increase of electron mass leads to transverse density profile,ideal for self-focusing and hence self-guiding over many ZR

    2nd Session Schemes of laser driven plasma based

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    accelerators - LWFA

    Typical Experimental values

    Laser : 40fsec, 500mJ

    w0 : 40m 5 m

    I : 3*1017 3*1019 W/cm2

    0 : 0.4 3.5

    Plasma Density : ne ~ 5*1018 cm-3

    Plasma length : Lplasma ~ 3 mm

    Single pulse excites plasma waves, which when driven to highamplitudes, wave break, inject electronsin the accelerating phaseson the wake, thus leading toMono-Energeticelectron beams

    2nd Session Schemes of laser driven plasma based

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    Image courtesy of A.G.R. Thomas


    accelerators Self Modulated LWFABy utilising the Forward Raman instability, we create a beat pattern that

    resonantly can drive a plasma wake to breaking conditions.From that point on it behaves as a usual LWFA

    2nd Session Schemes of laser driven plasma based

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    accelerators SM LWFA Parametric instabilities

    The plasma waves grow at the expense of the incoming EMwave, which is called the pump

    Parametric instabilities occur only when their growth rate is fasterthan the characteristic evolution of the system, usually determinedby the duration of the EM pulse, i.e. short (

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    1. The pump EM field causes the electrons of the plasma to oscillate at


    2. Pump photons are scattered from these density oscillations, atfrequencies equal to the sum and difference of the pump frequency

    and plasma frequency (pmpe)

    3. The interference between the pump and scattered beam causes avariation at the beat frequency (pe) in the overall EM pressure

    4. These variations resonantly excite electron density fluctuations, whichin return generate more scattered photons at (pmpe), which beatwith pump photons and so on

    Feedback Loop

    accelerators SM LWFA Parametric instabilities

    2nd Session Schemes of laser driven plasma based

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    The Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS)is the decay of an

    incoming photon (pump laser) into another photon (eitherblueshifted or downshifted) and a plasmon

    The emitted photon can be either:

    co-propagating with the pump beam (Forward Raman Scattering)

    counter-propagating (Raman Back Scattering)

    can be scattered in any in between angle (Raman Side Scattering)

    accelerators SM LWFA Parametric instabilities

    2nd Session Schemes of laser driven plasma based

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    Matching conditions for the feedback loop to grow

    Image courtesy of A.G.R. Thomas

    accelerators SM LWFA Parametric instabilities

    2nd Session Experiments performed Multi-TW

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    table top laser systems Recent historical landmarks

    First high energy SM-LWFA experiment

    Until 2002 all the experimentalresults on electron accelerationsuffered from a large energy

    spread, an inherent feature of theSM-LWFA mechanism as it involves

    randomised wavebreaking of manyplasma periods

    The bubble regime has been identified in 2002 and was madeaccessible only recently with the T3 laser systems that could inducewavebreaking conditions with laser pulses of a few plasma periods

    long (i.e. claser

    ~ plasma


    Modena, Nature, 377, (1995)

    2nd Session Experiments performed Multi-TWbl l

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    table top laser systems Recent historical landmarks

    First Mono-Energetic LWFA experiments

    But in 2004 Nature, 431,3 seminal papers werepublished

    The set-up was similar in allexperiments

    2nd Session Experiments performed Multi-TWt bl t l t

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    Mangles et al,Imperial College, UK:

    70 MeV beam

    Geddes et al,Lawrence Berkeley, USA:

    85 MeV beam

    Faure et al,LOA, France:

    170 MeV beam

    All images taken from Nature, 431

    table top laser systems Recent historical landmarks

    First Mono-Energetic LWFA experiments

    2nd Session Experiments performed Multi-TWt bl t l t

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    table top laser systems Recent historical landmarks

    First Mono-Energetic GeV experiment

    Leemans et al,

    Lawrence Berkeley, USA:

    1000 MeV beam

    Image taken from Leemans et al., Nature Physics, 2 (2006)

    Long interaction length, i.e.

    33 mm, via guiding through a

    Hydrogen filled, discharge


    Note : Maximum electron

    acceleration ~ 100 GeV in

    km long linear accelerators

    2nd Session Experiments performed Multi-TWtable top laser systems Simulations

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    table top laser systems Simulations

    The code used for the simulations is a 2D Particle-In-Cell, called OSIRIS

    Physical system :

    Laser - 1J, 30fsec, =800nm, w0=10m, 0=1.79

    Plasma -ne=9*1018


    , Lplasma=10 mm

    1st Simulation : Propagation of ultrashort (claser~plasma)

    laser pulse in homogeneous underdense plasma - LWFA

    Main results :

    1. slow evolution(i.e. self-focusingand self-compressionto higher laseramplitudes)

    2. stable >250MeV electron beamthat outruns the laser pulse

    3. maintaining its Mono-Energetic/low energy spreadfeature

    2nd Session Experiments performed Multi-TWtable top laser systems Simulations

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    table top laser systems Simulations

    Physical system :Laser 100J, 400fsec, =1054nm, w0=25m, 0=4.3

    Plasma -ne=2*1018 cm-3, Lplasma=20 mm

    Main results :

    1. slow evolution(i.e. self-focusingand self-compressionto higher laseramplitudes) leads to complete pulse break

    2. laser pulse is slowly matched to an ideal LWF Accelerator

    3. Emax>GeV, >plasma)laser pulse in homogeneous underdense plasma SM-LWFA

    2nd Session Conclusions

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    The need for new particle acceleration techniques is obligatory,if we want to explore new realms of physics.

    However, as more is not always the best, new particleacceleration techniques on a lower energy range (100-1000 MeV)can downsize and reduce the cost of an acceleration machine for

    commercial purposes as well

    Laser Wakefield Accleration,since 2004 when it wasfirst demonstrated, has drawn the attention (and the

    funding) of 100s of research groups all over the world.

    However, the reproducibility, stability, emittanceandchargeof the beams produced from LWFA are still one

    order of magnitude worse than conventional accelerators.

    2nd Session Conclusions : Exotic new research

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    Control of electron self-injection Multiple laser beams

    Image courtesy of A.G.R. Thomas

    The ponderomotive force of a second laser beam (co-,counter- or cross-propagating) can dephase wake electrons and inject them in the wake.

    2nd Session Conclusions : Exotic new research

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    Control of electron self-injection External Impurities


    IBSI =1.4e17 W/cm2


    IBSI =4e16 W/cm2


    IBSI =1e18 W/cm2

    2nd Session Conclusions : Exotic applications

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    Towards a table-top free-electron laserConventional bright x-ray source


    Downsized novel x-ray source

    How x-rays are produced ???

    The applications of suchsynchronised electron/x-ray beams

    are numerous. From ultrafastbiomedical (molecular/atomic)imaging, to lithography for the

    computer and automotive industry

    2nd Session Conclusions : Proton/Ionacceleration applications

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    acceleration applications

    Main acceleration of protons/ions comes from electron sheathspropagating through and away from the surface of a thin metallictarget hit by a laser pulses similar to those described in this talk

    Main applications ofthese protons/ionsCancertreatm






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    Thank you for your timeand presence !!!

    CollaboratorsRCUK - Basic Technology Grant AlphaX

  • 8/3/2019 C. Kamperidis- Table-top laser plasma wakefield electron accelerators


    A.G.R. Thomas, S.P.D. Mangles, L. Willingale, C. Bellei, S. Kneip, S. Nagel,K. Krushelnick, Z. Najmudin

    Plasma Physics Group, Imperial College London, UK

    C.D. Murphy, K. Lancaster, P.S. Foster, C.J. Hooker, E.J. Divall,O. Cheklov, P. Norreys, J. Collier

    CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK

    J.G. Gallacher, E. Brunetti, M. Wiggins, F. Bode, D.A. Jaroszynski

    University of Strathclyde, UK

    T.P. Rowlands-Rees, Tom Ibbotson, A.J. Gonslaves, S.M. Hooker

    Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford, UK

    RCUK Basic Technology Grant AlphaX