c taylor coal the unequaled · 2017. 12. 15. · i page eight the paducah evening suntuesdar...

I PAGE EIGHT THE PADUCAH EVENING SUNTUESDAr JAXUAIIY 4rI S J l HEADQUARTERS FOR COAL Pittsburgh Coal Company Leaders of Quality Quantity and Low Prices Office and Works 904 S o Third StaPhones No 3 9 It will pay you to get our prices before placing your order elsewhere ss ssssssss S Ss s Ss Ss Ss sssssssss s I 1l lie Evening Suns Daily Markets I S s Ss S S Livestock Loulevllte Ky Jan 4cttl1o The receipts were 2193 head which included several cars of llirougl 3p steers not for solo There ws fl very Rood attendance of local buj jrs s on the horde and quite a Ge- E outoftown traders The market generally was very1 good about like ft week ago yet hardly as Mgh as during the mlddfc of last wool Choice butcher cattle hamlywelghti found easy favor and brought good figures Vhlld the heavy butche steers t nml medium and Inferior kind were neglected and hardly etumdj Feeders steady good stockers abou steady common lockers slow to thado lower nulls firm canner dull much oows unchanged No many heavy cattle here the feeling was easy to a shade lower on thnt class Calves Receipts 138 the market ruled firm best S88aom fancy blghor medium anti common slow anti unchanged Hoge Receipts 542G the marktt ruled unevonSy lower than FrWaj no sales made Saturday the beet ICu lbs and up S3G 130 to 1Ci lbs 8X tavYIlgg < S10 Ugh l pgs 72o roughs 790 don The J liens were welt cleared and the mar- ket cored about ettody Sheep and Lamba R colpts t 78 the market titled i steady best she- er34c t best lambs 61Clhc some fancy higher medlpmand com- mon slow and unchanged St Umls Ctttte Receipts 450C including 2 500 Toxans market in < higher native beef Steen HJS4 caws and heifers 325G stockers and feeders 3V84C Texas and Indan I tteers 3505 cows and htlfers I27SQ4CO calves In car ¬ load lots G25S5 lIogaRl ¬ celpts 9000 market lOc higher pigs and lights 6500840 packers FOR SALT 4 room frame house on Broad street with stable and all out buildings In good condition Pried 850 200 down and balance same as rent 5 room frame dwelling on South Eleventh street In splen ¬ did neighborhood house In good condition Price 1400 4 room frame cottage In sub- urbs within a half block of car line Price 1300 small cash payment and balance to suit the buyer 6 room brick aouse 60 foot lot South Eighth St 2760 WILL R HENDRICK AUTOMOBILELap Carriage Lap Robes Horse Blankets for street and stable Auto Gloves and Driving Gloves Har- ness ¬ of all kinds THE ALEX KUIP BUGGY and HARNESS GO Incorporated Corner Third Street and Kentucky Avenue Phone 393 r s SSSSS S SS 81uSSO butchers and bes heavy 8 20S56 SheeRqt- rdpty 2600 market Iflc higher lIai live muttons 37G575 Iamb S Grro8GO I IIInllkhlslI1c Tobacco Hopklnavllle Ky Jan 4Atter- a vacation of ten days the tobacco market will resume business agal today During the period since Dt cember 23 no sales have been hrl nor tobacco reM Te1 at any of tM handKiig houses but tho time haw not been thrown away There Ij less than 160 hogshead of 1908 tobacco remaining on tJlls market and this ranges In prick from 1550to 112 Only a few trial hogsheads of the present crop have beon offered for sale as yet I Clnrksvlllc Tobacco CVarksvllle Tenn Jan 4Thep- ast week ha been a holiday Reel on the local tobacco market not a l single hogshead being received oh sold Tho following prices are quoted Trash 4425 low lugs 4aOH common lugs 52uC 675 medium lugs CCC50 good lugs G307 low leaf 7t1 773 common leaf S87 medium I lea 926E7J11025vrtcst must rnrsiW- IlllnmiT Indian rilo Ointment will cure Illlnd Bleeding and Itching Piles It absorbs the tumor allays itching at once nets as n poultice Rive In- stant relief Williams Indian Ill Ointment Is prepared for Piles and itching of the private parts Sold by druggists mall too and 1100 Wil ¬ liam MTe Co Propa Cleveland 0 I sold by ust Drug Co IYee Lecture nt Dmrt louse FrUlay Night I Elder A M Saphore sent out by tho Brooklyn abrnaee wll lecture Friday tttgnt at 7 oclock The sub jecto be Resurrection All who are Interested In the future should hear him No collection will be taken up I Shake olT the grip of your orJ enemy basal Catarrh by using Ely ° Cream Balm Then will all the swell- Ing and soreness be driven out of tho tender Inflamed membranes The tiff of pneczlng will cease and the dls charge as offensive to others as td yourself wlil be stopped when thq cauaes that produce It are renew Cleanliness comfort and health by the use of Cream Sold by all druggists for 60 cents or mailed Iby Ely Dros 66 Warren Street New York In IJankmptcj Notice of tint meeting ot creditors In the district court of the United States for tho Western Rstrict of I Kentucky In bankruptcy In the matter of of Ben Michael bankrupt To the creditors of Den Michael 3f Paducab Ky In the county of IcCracken and district aforesaid a lankrupt Notice la i hereby given that on the 30th day of December A D 1909 the said Ben Michael was adjudicated bankrupt and that the flrrt meeting of hi creditors will be held at my office In Paducah Me Cracken county Kentucky on the loth day of January A D 1910 at 2 oclock In tho afternoon at which time the raid creditors may attend prove their claims appoint a trustee examine the bankrupt and transact Pooh other business as may come properly before said meeting KMMET W BAGBY Referee In Bankruptcy Among those with lofty Ideas aro lithe upllftcr and the Inventor of the aeroplane FOREMAN ELECTED TO SUCCEED SBLF XO OPPOSITION TO PHKSIDUN I IX UViU HOAHI pw SoventyPour Saloons l Apply Pur Limned nnd All AraCirnntr 1 Without Protest wlIr ciiAxni PUKSKXT HUMS President Al Foreman was re elected to thechair by the board i of councilmen last night Not a single remonstrance was rec- eived and the new board ot council- men unanimously granted 74 Ilqu > r licenses last night Out of this number 9 were for quart licenses and tho remainder for saloons or coffee houses During the rending of the applications that of A J Stone at 1041 Kentucky avenue was laid aside on account of some defect In the bond but tho license was granted afterwards and tho bond made subject to the approvr of the city solicitor This Is the same number of liquor establish mnnts that existed In tho city during 1909 v QfPt0 tuo licenses were granted i r a recommendation from the mayo iud flianco committee that saloon be permitted to open at old stands without posting notices was adoptc a l9 rule This rule was In effcc J nst rear Following are tho II bgQsea granted last night IQuart j houses Knglert Bryant l Unlteijrpl Btreet M 1 Livingston Co 119 121 North First street A Sid Ter roll 417 Jefferson street George II Goodman 106108 North Second street Century Liquor Co 121 North Fourth street A M Hoove camp Mill and Bridge streets Ji Mechanlcsburg Elliott Burke 111 South Second street II Well d Sons 113 North Second street Retail houses Jim Dulger lUii South Fourth street G V Kelly 100 BroadwAy M L RIckman 1167 North Twelfth M I D Camp bell 106 South Third Lee Hlte 934 Husbands John Ward 132 Kentucky L B Ragan 115 South Fourth J U Rothrock 200 Ken- tucky G W Edwards 117 South Third J C Quarrels east side Un- Ion station M I H Gallagher 829 Frlmble FE Cartwright 119 Broad way Cooper Jones Sons 230 Kentucky Raliney Jenkins 113 South Second L L Nelson 407 South Third Grant Gray 301 South Seventh F M Mattock 110 South Second George Schulte 701 Jack ¬ son R L Poacher 103 South Sec- ond John Elrod 125 South Second Oscar Denker 936 North Tenth Charles Denkor 90U Washington A C Mitchell 901 North Ninth Abe Marcoffsky 134 South Second A J Storm 1041 Kentucky W M I illtchel 100 North Tenth J L Potter 824 Harris Sam Starks South Second Thomas Boyles 900 North Eighth W C Gray 107 K > uth Fourth George Backer Ninth UltVCaldwell B M I Allen 105 roadway Charles Graham 134 S itjujh Ninth G T A Gllberto 116 South Fourth George Denker 434 worth Twelfth G ttashlee com pany 412 North Twelfth Palmer iotcl company Fifth and Broad vayjtiC F Schrader 233 North r lilrpchtb Charles Berger 70- 191tlJSeventh James Bolden 704 Af1JlPJ r C Pace Bro 434 Nor- ton Murray Wathen 115 North ourth Sam C Smith 129 South S locond S D Gott 119 North ourth O F Dugger 126 South Second James Ward 1100 South seventh Tuck Lowe 825 Wash ngton Frank Lacefleld company 10 South Third J W Sherrlll 107 North Fourth C J Moshell 109 North Fourth A V Bauer 00 Washington J J McGowan 1134 Jones Frank Levin 1001 Bur nett Dan Galvin 934 South Fifth ako Elliott 134 South Fourth Bel edere hotel Second and Broadway l C Denlngton 1201 South Eighth J J Lally 1501 South Fourth Ed earson 701 Trimble Oscar Dem tick 1736 Meyers Theodore Pet- ers 1043 Kentucky G W Willow 212 Kentucky Blederman Distilling company 117 South Second J N fart 125 Broadway J 11 Rick man 1042 Washington Itcports A communication from Wharf naster Frank Brown stating tha ho had allowed boats to use part ol tho wharf below the wharfboat as t mooring place was referred to the board of public works Mr Brows ccommended the use of cinders Ir improving the lovco ns it la not as slippery during cold weather The monthly report of the meat milk and livestock inspector was re celved and filed and ordered pu llshed The monthly report of exChlef Collins for December 1909 show- Ing collections amounting I to JG2045 amount replovfned 119 and amount on hand for collectlo n 450 was received and tiled Miscellaneous A letter from 11 W Mamim asking for the assurance of exemp- tion from taxation for the new fur- niture factory was received nnd flied and the ordinance com mitt was Instructed to bring in an owl nance covering that point 111 Matnmen was allowed to speak and said he Is promoting the revival of tho old Paducah Furniture Manu- facturing company and that the com- pany will employ over 40 hands 111 said ho expects to raise halt the cap- Ital stock in Paducah and the ra maln er elsewhere The excuiptlo from taxation he said will mark tho beginning of the new enterprise- J I W Sellers now residing In Old Mexico sent in a letter stating that ho has been charged with a poll tax and has not resided In Paducah ftlr four years lie was granted a re- fund I of 150 J C Taylor llvln outside the city was granted S 1iiO i paid for poll tax He has not llvei hero for two years On recommendation of the board of supervisors the following refund in assessment and taxed wore grant ed Thomas C Leech 1850 Henry Dlllahunty 87 12 cents El- liott Burke SilO B F Jones 12 J M Worten 926 On recommendation ot the city treasurer S E Bonnur was refunded 550 To the license committee was re- ferred a communication from Smut and Davis Tho council ratlllcd the action of Mrs Annie Herman la transforrlni a lot In Oak Grove cemetery U Messrs F M I McUlathcry and J W IronA deed was granted J M Watson and W K Morris for a lot In Oak Grove cemetery Street Work On motion of Councilman Hannli two ordinances were ordered for street Improvements One was foi the grading arid graveling of Four teenth street from Burnett street to tho north side of the cemetery 01 the Intersection of the Rleke farm The other was for a similar Improve- ment on Flournoy street between Twelfth and Fourteenth streets Foreman Klrrtrtl City Clerk Maurice McIntyre railed the melting to order and ad iscd nominations for the election of a i chairman Mr Duvall nominated xPresIdent Foreman and Council tan Ially seconded tho nomination On motion of Councilman McCarthy nomination wore closed andr Mr oruman was declared elected alter a unanimous vote In a short speech he thanked tfio board and spoke of tbe good work of the last year New members present last night were Charles llorton succeeding At- E Young and Oliver P Leigh suc- ceeding C L VanMeter Tho new ioard Is composed of tho following all of whom were present last night Councilmen Foreman Dowers Bud de Duvall lIannln Horton Krout zer Lally Leigh Mayer McCarthy and Wilson Upon tho advice of City Solicitor amen Campbell President Foreman ppolnted a committee composed of Imsolf and Councilmen C C Duvall and O P Leigh to act In conjunction with the solicitor and a similar com- mittee from the board ot aldermen In preparing new rules under which tbe general council will operate Inco the completion of tho third tory addition A date will be select- ed for the meeting night Both boards will meet on the same night liS they have separate chambers Other details for this years word will be mapped out President Foreman has not select d his committees yet but Is pro arlng his list Tho committee are nance ordinance street light and water public Improvement tire and police license railroad telegraph and telephone hospital sanitary ant ower relief cemetery printing en olluicnt and judiciary Old Couucll Adjourns Yesterday afternoon both tho up- per and lower boards of the old gen- eral council met upon call of Mayo l with and allowed salaries and ac ounts for the last half of December mounting ot 2784308 City Physician W J Bass clalu if S118 for extra work done In Feb- ruary 1909 during the smallpo pldcmlc was refused by the coun llmen Councilmen VanMeter am oung voted In favor of the allow nee Prof John D Smith expert ac ountant who is acting as auditor I ilex Kirklands absence on accoun I of lllnesB was allowed S6G halt a months salary Councilmen Duvall and Young were In favor of allowIng him a months salary Tho councilmen met first and afte they adjourned the aldermen met Present were Councilmen Foreman Bowers Duvall Ilannln Kreutzei Lally Mayer McCarthy VanMetei Budde Wilson and Young A voto to allow Professor Smith 165 for two weeks work was un- animous at tho aldermens sel lon Before adjournment President Han non in a brief speech thanked the aldermen for their support nnd salt ho believed the boards had dun more during 1909 than they luau over done before In tho way ot mu- nicipal Improvements Aldermen L I I- E Durrett who retired spoke brief ly and endorsed what President than nan said When Alderman VIrgil Sherrlll wn called upon to say his farewell remarks he blushed and left the hall Both meetings wore hold In tin new council chamber on the thin floor Present were Aldermoi Hannan Durrett Hank Oohl chlae ger Potter Sherrill and Stewart Alderman Lackey was absent Jlev I W Williams TrMtlflc Rev L W Williams Huntington W Vo writes as follows This i Is to certify that I used Foleys Kid- ney Remedy for nervous exhaustion and kidney trouble and am tree t to say that Foleys Kidney Remedy will do all that you claim for IL 011 berts drug stor- eRIVER I I mm I Itlvrr Slngr Pittsburgh 139 85 rise tncinuatl 119 3C rlM toulsvllta l U 00 die Bmnsvllle OC 01 fall Ml Vornon Ml Nn Mt CannelMtaxog- Nashvllls 15 OV std Chattanooga 29 07 re Florence3Us1ngJohnsonvlllo 34 12 fall Qalro 95 tjO faU- St Louis 211 08 fir Paducah i4 41 fall Burneldc JAI 06 The Oarthnge JI 00 std nine lortcntt t Tho river will fall during tho next U hour Todays Arrival DIck Fowler from Cairo Clyde from Joppa CowMng from Metropolis Ohio from Gokonda Owen from Brookport Margaret from Tonnettec TiNlnyN IH artun s Dick Fowler for Cairo Clyde for Joppa Cowling for Motropollu Ohio for Golconda Owen for Brookport Henrietta for Tcnneeoo River and 11rather The government gauge at 7 oclock his morning registered 54 feet a all of onetenth of a foot In 24 hours Venthor cloudy and colder and outl ¬ nell good Pilothouse Pointers Loaded to her guards with lumber otton seed and other miscellaneous rolght the Clyde arrived at 930 clock last night from Waterloo Ala She unloaded bore and left fit a m today for Joppa and Metrqp lbs Sho returns here tonight and avoa at 6 p m tomorrow for a ro- am trip to Waterloo With the blfKesttrlp for several tenths the Dick Fowler resumed hor Paducah and Cairo run UUi morning saving at 8 oclock She I Is duo back at 8 oclock tonight Her cargo con Wed of lumber corn cotton wed and produce 1 Fowler Post went out on the Fow 11 thin morning as bill clerk BROADWAY AND SIXTH STREETS The Paducah CentralI I Business Collegeii Will OIKMI ilmiunry 10th at the above address Anyone wishing to arrange far n scholarship should l shift < us thiswcTjk to get tUffihlIontdrI > A Big Discountf Office on Second Floor 1 I TIlt towboat Margaret arrived to- day from tho TonncMee rlvor with o tow of ties for the Ayer lord Tic comnanj The towboat Hun riot ta departed this I morning for tho Tennessee and will bring out a tow of flee The J I n Richardson If due back tonight or curly tomorrow from OJarkcvDl and departs tomorrow nt noon for Nartjtlllc There was a small amount of I ice drifting down tho Ohio I hi morning but In very little quinUU Tko gorge at Carrsrilli U Ixrttevod to be- stir hoWlng Thfe best violation rhormon could expect would bw a w rm rain tailing Tor about three days All tee above hore would btecjc sad rildy dtooj rMwr with the swelling ttrcam Ice gorges above and brfo Oln ttltktjrgk l days agb softened the upper erupt to a great degree Snow melting In the ClncinimU dUtrtot for the last two dufk hak had little effect on tho river stage John N Helno Chief clerk of lite Jo Fowler wio has been I plydlaic the holidays IH CatwrTlllo ta now rk Itlng In Hrannrnio St Ixkiils Harbor No SS l Ittfsre eelved a card conveying the radaont greetings trout Mrs OalHe French the famous showboat woman who now lives In Alabama She k a mem- ber ¬ of the harbor and the only woman to hold a pilots kense on tho Ml < ftkirippl rlwr She was an active pilot during her long career on that stream The Kentucky departs Saturday on her regular trip to Rlverton Ala The stage at Padueth I In exceed- Ingly low for this time of the year although rlvormon wIlt for more water In a short Umo Hnglneer Mart Williams of Memphis was run down on Friday December 24 by ar Illinois Central engine nt the foot of Court avenuo In Memphis and thrown through the alt 110 was picked up and taken to tho cUr hospital where lu died f sorer regaining conndoutnes He was one of rho bovt known engineer In the south having been on tho river for 40 jivui H was 00 year of age A Traveling SatcAinn 111 Beers 61 7th Ave Peorls in writes I halo been troubled for some time with kidney trouble so severely at times I could Miaree ly carry my grips After using one bottle of FoIuyM Kidney Pills 1 have beon entirely relieved and cheerfulp l ly rgeornure < nd thorn to all Ioteya Kidney Pills are healing and atilt soptle and will restore health mudi i strength Qllberts drug storm i ASK KOIt mum MONEY l tilta AltHflilLltl2 DIIIAllTMUVr Mr 1 George N McQrvw of llayous 1 Uvin tton count passed throtigh Padumh jo tnl y en route In Frank- fort ¬ where he will a sM I In nuttUIn the book of M 1 C Itankln eemmts toner of ngrlcHlture Tim omm tf tN will meet IbIs weak and will ask for larger appronrlotloM for eke par 1 polo of carrying OH farm work 1 i Xollro For Sale The two tory brick building local I ml on the oaM r ti of Fourth street t t bw en roadway and J nOfon rtretrt in the dry of Padutah the same known as Control Fire SlaUon and belonging to the oily of Iadu 4 eat Size ot lot 28 feet ten and one haul Inches fronting on Fourth street sad extending beck IOC fret Sv to a paved alley Terms CASH S > aled bids will be received by the finance commlttto of the otty ot lsf f ducah UU 7 p m Monday January Iffth each bid to be nee mran4kd 1 with certified chck for S 14100 as a pmrautM of good faith The eotn inlttiMi retonv the right to rojocl any and all Utls AM ada of Om inltto wibject to approval of the Qenvral Council The generar public lovited to bid on this proi rty IIIf Itosreetfullyf JAIlS I SMITH Mayor un m LangstaffOrm MfgCo Iacorpo- rate4Largest Stock + Lumber Shingles and Lath 7C In the City Our Shingles and Lath are all kept in sheds insuring our cus ¬ tomers DRY BRIGHTstock C Low Prices Prompt Service Both Phones 26 l tit elOll fli flel TAYLOR COAL THE UNEQUALED Ilir r r BRADLEY BROS and 1 I I ItVllllera 1 1 RAIN DI ALI RS 922 Madison d j Paducah Ky 1 ti oth Phoftta 339 Denltor In COAL AND F EED 1 21 1 5 7ay 5 dtgimaci w

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Post on 21-Feb-2021




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Pittsburgh Coal Company

Leaders of Quality Quantity and Low Prices

Office and Works 904 So

Third StaPhones No 3


It will pay you to get our prices before

placing your order elsewhere

ss ssssssss S Ss s Ss Ss Ss sssssssss s

I 1l lie Evening Suns Daily Markets I

S s Ss S SLivestock

Loulevllte Ky Jan 4cttl1oThe receipts were 2193 head which

included several cars of llirougl3p steers not for solo There ws

fl very Rood attendance of local buj


on the horde and quite a Ge-

Eoutoftown traders The marketgenerally was very1 good about likeft week ago yet hardly as Mgh asduring the mlddfc of last woolChoice butcher cattle hamlywelghtifound easy favor and brought goodfigures Vhlld the heavy butchesteerst nml medium and Inferior kindwere neglected and hardly etumdjFeeders steady good stockers abousteady common lockers slow tothado lower nulls firm cannerdull much oows unchanged Nomany heavy cattle here the feelingwas easy to a shade lower on thntclass

Calves Receipts 138 the marketruled firm best S88aomfancy blghor medium anti commonslow anti unchanged

Hoge Receipts 542G the markttruled unevonSy lower than FrWaj

no sales made Saturday the beetICu lbs and up S3G 130 to 1Ci

lbs 8X tavYIlgg < S10 Ugh

lpgs 72o roughs 790 don TheJliens were welt cleared and the mar-

ket cored about ettodySheep and Lamba R colptst 78

the market titled isteady best she-er34c


best lambs 61Clhcsome fancy higher medlpmand com-

mon slow and unchangedSt Umls Ctttte Receipts 450C

including 2 500 Toxans market in <

higher native beef Steen HJS4caws and heifers 325G stockersand feeders 3V84C Texas andIndanI tteers 3505 cows andhtlfers I27SQ4CO calves In car¬

load lots G25S5 lIogaRl ¬

celpts 9000 market lOc higherpigs and lights 6500840 packers

FOR SALT4 room frame house on Broadstreet with stable and all outbuildings In good conditionPried 850 200 down andbalance same as rent5 room frame dwelling onSouth Eleventh street In splen ¬

did neighborhood house In

good condition Price 14004 room frame cottage In sub-urbs within a half block of carline Price 1300 smallcash payment and balance tosuit the buyer6 room brick aouse 60 footlot South Eighth St 2760



Carriage Lap RobesHorse Blankets for streetand stable Auto Glovesand Driving Gloves Har-ness


of all kinds


BUGGY and HARNESS GOIncorporated

Corner Third Street andKentucky Avenue

Phone 393r

s SSSSS S SS81uSSO butchers and bes

heavy 8 20S56 SheeRqt-rdpty 2600 market Iflc higher lIailive muttons 37G575 IambS Grro8GO

IIIInllkhlslI1c TobaccoHopklnavllle Ky Jan 4Atter-

a vacation of ten days the tobaccomarket will resume business agaltoday During the period since Dtcember 23 no sales have been hrlnor tobacco reM Te1 at any of tMhandKiig houses but tho time haw

not been thrown awayThere Ij less than 160 hogshead

of 1908 tobacco remaining on tJllsmarket and this ranges In prick

from 1550to 112Only a few trial hogsheads of the

present crop have beon offered forsale as yet

I Clnrksvlllc TobaccoCVarksvllle Tenn Jan 4Thep-

ast week ha been a holiday Reelon the local tobacco market not alsingle hogshead being received oh

sold Tho following prices arequoted Trash 4425 low lugs4aOH common lugs 52uC

675 medium lugs CCC50 goodlugs G307 low leaf 7t1 773common leaf S87 medium Ilea


must rnrsiW-IlllnmiT Indian rilo Ointment will

cure Illlnd Bleeding and Itching PilesIt absorbs the tumor allays itchingat once nets as n poultice Rive In-

stant relief Williams Indian IllOintment Is prepared for Piles anditching of the private parts Sold bydruggists mall too and 1100 Wil ¬

liam MTe Co Propa Cleveland 0I sold by ust Drug Co

IYee Lecture nt Dmrt louse FrUlayNight

I Elder A M Saphore sent out bytho Brooklyn abrnaee wll lectureFriday tttgnt at 7 oclock The subjecto be Resurrection All whoare Interested In the future shouldhear him No collection will be takenup


Shake olT the grip of your orJenemy basal Catarrh by using Ely°Cream Balm Then will all the swell-

Ing and soreness be driven out of thotender Inflamed membranes The tiffof pneczlng will cease and the dlscharge as offensive to others as tdyourself wlil be stopped when thqcauaes that produce It are renewCleanliness comfort andhealth by the use of Cream Sold byall druggists for 60 cents or mailed

Iby Ely Dros 66 Warren Street NewYork

In IJankmptcjNotice of tint meeting ot creditorsIn the district court of the United

States for tho Western Rstrict ofI Kentucky In bankruptcy

In the matter of of Ben Michaelbankrupt

To the creditors of Den Michael3f Paducab Ky In the county ofIcCracken and district aforesaid alankrupt Notice lai hereby giventhat on the 30th day of DecemberA D 1909 the said Ben Michaelwas adjudicated bankrupt and thatthe flrrt meeting of hi creditors willbe held at my office In Paducah MeCracken county Kentucky on theloth day of January A D 1910 at2 oclock In tho afternoon at whichtime the raid creditors may attendprove their claims appoint a trusteeexamine the bankrupt and transactPooh other business as may comeproperly before said meeting

KMMET W BAGBYReferee In Bankruptcy

Among those with lofty Ideas arolithe upllftcr and the Inventor of the





SoventyPour Saloonsl Apply PurLimned nnd All AraCirnntr1

Without Protest


President Al Foreman was reelected to thechair by the board iofcouncilmen last night

Not a single remonstrance was rec-

eived and the new board ot council-men unanimously granted 74 Ilqu>rlicenses last night Out of thisnumber 9 were for quart licensesand tho remainder for saloons orcoffee houses During the rendingof the applications that of A JStone at 1041 Kentucky avenuewas laid aside on account of somedefect In the bond but tho licensewas granted afterwards and thobond made subject to the approvrof the city solicitor This Is thesame number of liquor establishmnnts that existed In tho city during1909

v QfPt0 tuo licenses were granted irarecommendation from the mayoiud flianco committee that saloonbe permitted to open at old standswithout posting notices was adoptcal9 rule This rule was In effccJ nst rear Following are tho II

bgQsea granted last nightIQuartj houses Knglert BryantlUnlteijrplBtreet M1 Livingston Co 119121 North First street A Sid Terroll 417 Jefferson street George IIGoodman 106108 North Secondstreet Century Liquor Co 121North Fourth street A M Hoovecamp Mill and Bridge streets JiMechanlcsburg Elliott Burke111 South Second street II Well dSons 113 North Second street

Retail houses Jim Dulger lUiiSouth Fourth street G V Kelly100 BroadwAy M L RIckman1167 North Twelfth MI D Campbell 106 South Third Lee Hlte934 Husbands John Ward 132

Kentucky L B Ragan 115 SouthFourth J U Rothrock 200 Ken-

tucky G W Edwards 117 SouthThird J C Quarrels east side Un-

Ion station MI H Gallagher 829Frlmble FE Cartwright 119 Broadway Cooper Jones Sons 230Kentucky Raliney Jenkins 113South Second L L Nelson 407South Third Grant Gray 301 SouthSeventh F M Mattock 110 SouthSecond George Schulte 701 Jack ¬

son R L Poacher 103 South Sec-

ond John Elrod 125 South SecondOscar Denker 936 North TenthCharles Denkor 90U WashingtonA C Mitchell 901 North NinthAbe Marcoffsky 134 South SecondA J Storm 1041 Kentucky W MI

illtchel 100 North Tenth J LPotter 824 Harris Sam StarksSouth Second Thomas Boyles 900North Eighth W C Gray 107K>uth Fourth George Backer NinthUltVCaldwell B MI Allen 105roadway Charles Graham 134

Sitjujh Ninth G T A Gllberto 116South Fourth George Denker 434worth Twelfth G ttashlee com

pany 412 North Twelfth Palmeriotcl company Fifth and BroadvayjtiC F Schrader 233 Northrlilrpchtb Charles Berger 70-191tlJSeventh James Bolden 704

Af1JlPJr C Pace Bro 434 Nor-

ton Murray Wathen 115 Northourth Sam C Smith 129 South

Slocond S D Gott 119 Northourth O F Dugger 126 South

Second James Ward 1100 Southseventh Tuck Lowe 825 Washngton Frank Lacefleld company10 South Third J W Sherrlll

107 North Fourth C J Moshell109 North Fourth A V Bauer00 Washington J J McGowan

1134 Jones Frank Levin 1001 Burnett Dan Galvin 934 South Fifthako Elliott 134 South Fourth Beledere hotel Second and Broadway

l C Denlngton 1201 South EighthJ J Lally 1501 South Fourth Ed

earson 701 Trimble Oscar Demtick 1736 Meyers Theodore Pet-

ers 1043 Kentucky G W Willow212 Kentucky Blederman Distilling

company 117 South Second J N

fart 125 Broadway J 11 Rickman 1042 Washington

ItcportsA communication from Wharf

naster Frank Brown stating thaho had allowed boats to use part oltho wharf below the wharfboat as tmooring place was referred to the

board of public works Mr Browsccommended the use of cinders Ir

improving the lovco ns it la not asslippery during cold weather

The monthly report of the meatmilk and livestock inspector was recelved and filed and ordered pu

llshedThe monthly report of exChlef

Collins for December 1909 show-

Ing collections amounting ItoJG2045 amount replovfned 119and amount on hand for collectlo n

450 was received and tiledMiscellaneous

A letter from 11 W Mamimasking for the assurance of exemp-

tion from taxation for the new fur-

niture factory was received nndflied and the ordinance com mittwas Instructed to bring in an owlnance covering that point 111

Matnmen was allowed to speak andsaid he Is promoting the revival oftho old Paducah Furniture Manu-

facturing company and that the com-

pany will employ over 40 hands 111

said ho expects to raise halt the cap-

Ital stock in Paducah and the ramaln er elsewhere The excuiptlofrom taxation he said will mark thobeginning of the new enterprise-

JIW Sellers now residing In Old

Mexico sent in a letter stating thatho has been charged with a poll taxand has not resided In Paducah ftlrfour years lie was granted a re-

fundI of 150 J C Taylor llvlnoutside the city was granted S 1iiOipaid for poll tax He has not llveihero for two years

On recommendation of the boardof supervisors the following refundin assessment and taxed wore granted Thomas C Leech 1850Henry Dlllahunty 87 12 cents El-

liott Burke SilO B F Jones12 J M Worten 926

On recommendation ot the citytreasurer S E Bonnur was refunded

550To the license committee was re-

ferred a communication from Smutand Davis

Tho council ratlllcd the action ofMrs Annie Herman la transforrlnia lot In Oak Grove cemetery UMessrs F MI McUlathcry and J W

IronAdeed was granted J M Watson

and W K Morris for a lot In OakGrove cemetery

Street WorkOn motion of Councilman Hannli

two ordinances were ordered forstreet Improvements One was foithe grading arid graveling of Fourteenth street from Burnett street totho north side of the cemetery 01

the Intersection of the Rleke farmThe other was for a similar Improve-ment on Flournoy street betweenTwelfth and Fourteenth streets

Foreman KlrrtrtlCity Clerk Maurice McIntyre

railed the melting to order and adiscd nominations for the election of

ai chairman Mr Duvall nominatedxPresIdent Foreman and Counciltan Ially seconded tho nomination

On motion of Councilman McCarthynomination wore closed andr Mroruman was declared elected alter

a unanimous vote In a short speechhe thanked tfio board and spoke oftbe good work of the last year

New members present last nightwere Charles llorton succeeding At-

E Young and Oliver P Leigh suc-ceeding C L VanMeter Tho newioard Is composed of tho following

all of whom were present last nightCouncilmen Foreman Dowers Budde Duvall lIannln Horton Kroutzer Lally Leigh Mayer McCarthyand Wilson

Upon tho advice of City Solicitoramen Campbell President Foreman

ppolnted a committee composed ofImsolfand Councilmen C C Duvall

and O P Leigh to act In conjunctionwith the solicitor and a similar com-

mittee from the board ot aldermenIn preparing new rules under whichtbe general council will operateInco the completion of tho thirdtory addition A date will be select-

ed for the meeting night Bothboards will meet on the same nightliS they have separate chambersOther details for this years wordwill be mapped out

President Foreman has not selectd his committees yet but Is proarlng his list Tho committee arenance ordinance street light and

water public Improvement tire andpolice license railroad telegraphand telephone hospital sanitary antower relief cemetery printing enolluicnt and judiciary

Old Couucll AdjournsYesterday afternoon both tho up-

per and lower boards of the old gen-

eral council met upon call of Mayol

with and allowed salaries and acounts for the last half of Decembermounting ot 2784308

City Physician W J Bass claluif S118 for extra work done In Feb-

ruary 1909 during the smallpopldcmlc was refused by the counllmen Councilmen VanMeter amoung voted In favor of the allow

neeProf John D Smith expert ac

ountant who is acting as auditor I

ilex Kirklands absence on accounI

of lllnesB was allowed S6G halt amonths salary Councilmen Duvalland Young were In favor of allowInghim a months salary

Tho councilmen met first and aftethey adjourned the aldermen metPresent were Councilmen ForemanBowers Duvall Ilannln KreutzeiLally Mayer McCarthy VanMeteiBudde Wilson and Young

A voto to allow Professor Smith165 for two weeks work was un-

animous at tho aldermens sel lonBefore adjournment President Hannon in a brief speech thanked thealdermen for their support nnd salt

ho believed the boards had dunmore during 1909 than they luau

over done before In tho way ot mu-

nicipal Improvements Aldermen LII-

E Durrett who retired spoke briefly and endorsed what President thannan said When Alderman VIrgilSherrlll wn called upon to say hisfarewell remarks he blushed andleft the hall

Both meetings wore hold In tinnew council chamber on the thinfloor Present were AldermoiHannan Durrett Hank Oohl chlaeger Potter Sherrill and StewartAlderman Lackey was absent

Jlev I W Williams TrMtlflcRev L W Williams Huntington

W Vo writes as follows This iIsto certify that I used Foleys Kid-

ney Remedy for nervous exhaustionand kidney trouble and am tree ttosay that Foleys Kidney Remedy willdo all that you claim for IL 011

berts drug stor-


Itlvrr SlngrPittsburgh 139 85 risetncinuatl 119 3C rlMtoulsvllta lU 00 dieBmnsvllle OC 01 fallMl Vornon MlNnMt CannelMtaxog-Nashvllls 15 OV stdChattanooga 29 07 reFlorence3Us1ngJohnsonvlllo

34 12 fallQalro 95 tjO faU-

St Louis 211 08 firPaducah i4 41 fallBurneldc JAI 06 TheOarthnge JI 00 std

nine lortcntttTho river will fall during tho next

U hourTodays Arrival

DIck Fowler from CairoClyde from JoppaCowMng from MetropolisOhio from GokondaOwen from BrookportMargaret from Tonnettec

TiNlnyN IH artun sDick Fowler for CairoClyde for JoppaCowling for MotropolluOhio for GolcondaOwen for BrookportHenrietta for Tcnneeoo

River and 11ratherThe government gauge at 7 oclock

his morning registered 54 feet aall of onetenth of a foot In 24 hoursVenthor cloudy and colder and outl ¬

nell goodPilothouse Pointers

Loaded to her guards with lumberotton seed and other miscellaneousrolght the Clyde arrived at 930clock last night from Waterloo

Ala She unloaded bore and left fita m today for Joppa and Metrqp

lbs Sho returns here tonight andavoa at 6 p m tomorrow for a ro-

am trip to WaterlooWith the blfKesttrlp for several

tenths the Dick Fowler resumed horPaducah and Cairo run UUi morningsaving at 8 oclock She IIs duo back

at 8 oclock tonight Her cargo conWed of lumber corn cotton wed

and produce1Fowler Post went out on the Fow

11 thin morning as bill clerk


The Paducah CentralII

Business CollegeiiWill OIKMI ilmiunry 10th at the above address

Anyone wishing to arrange far n scholarship

shouldl shift< us thiswcTjk to gettUffihlIontdrI>

A Big DiscountfOffice on Second Floor



TIlt towboat Margaret arrived to-

day from tho TonncMee rlvor with otow of ties for the Ayer lord Ticcomnanj

The towboat Hun riot ta departedthisI morning for tho Tennessee andwill bring out a tow of flee

The J In Richardson If due backtonight or curly tomorrow fromOJarkcvDl and departs tomorrow ntnoon for Nartjtlllc

There was a small amount of Iicedrifting down tho Ohio I hi morningbut In very little quinUU Tkogorge at Carrsrilli U Ixrttevod to be-

stir hoWlngThfe best violation rhormon could

expect would bw a w rm rain tailingTor about three days All tee abovehore would btecjc sad rildy dtoojrMwr with the swelling ttrcam

Ice gorges above and brfo Olnttltktjrgkl

days agb softened the upper erupt toa great degree Snow melting In theClncinimU dUtrtot for the last twodufk hak had little effect on tho riverstage

John N Helno Chief clerk of liteJo Fowler wio has been Iplydlaicthe holidays IH CatwrTlllo ta now rkItlng In Hrannrnio

St Ixkiils Harbor No SS lIttfsreeelved a card conveying the radaontgreetings trout Mrs OalHe Frenchthe famous showboat woman whonow lives In Alabama She k a mem-


of the harbor and the only womanto hold a pilots kense on tho Ml<

ftkirippl rlwr She was an activepilot during her long career on thatstream

The Kentucky departs Saturday onher regular trip to Rlverton Ala

The stage at Padueth IIn exceed-Ingly low for this time of the yearalthough rlvormon wIlt for morewater In a short Umo

Hnglneer Mart Williams ofMemphis was run down on FridayDecember 24 by ar Illinois Centralengine nt the foot of Court avenuo InMemphis and thrown through thealt 110 was picked up and taken totho cUr hospital where lu died

fsorer regaining conndoutnes Hewas one of rho bovt known engineerIn the south having been on thoriver for 40 jivui H was 00 yearof age

A Traveling SatcAinn111 Beers 61 7th Ave Peorls

in writes I halo been troubledfor some time with kidney troubleso severely at times I could Miareely carry my grips After using onebottle of FoIuyM Kidney Pills 1 havebeon entirely relieved and cheerfulplly rgeornure < nd thorn to all IoteyaKidney Pills are healing and atiltsoptle and will restore health mudii

strength Qllberts drug stormi

ASK KOIt mum MONEY ltiltaAltHflilLltl2 DIIIAllTMUVr

Mr1 George N McQrvw of llayous 1

Uvin tton count passed throtighPadumh jo tnl y en route In Frank-fort


where he will a sM IIn nuttUInthe book of M1 C Itankln eemmtstoner of ngrlcHlture Tim omm tftN will meet IbIs weak and will askfor larger appronrlotloM for eke par 1polo of carrying OH farm work

1 i

Xollro For SaleThe two tory brick building local I

ml on the oaM rti of Fourth streetttbw en roadway and J nOfonrtretrt in the dry of Padutah thesame known as Control Fire SlaUonand belonging to the oily of Iadu


eat Size ot lot 28 feet ten and onehaul Inches fronting on Fourthstreet sad extending beck IOC fret Svto a paved alley Terms CASHS >aled bids will be received by thefinance commlttto of the otty ot lsff

ducah UU 7 p m Monday JanuaryIffth each bid to be nee mran4kd 1

with certified chck for S 14100 as apmrautM of good faith The eotninlttiMi retonv the right to rojoclany and all Utls AM ada of Ominltto wibject to approval of theQenvral Council The generar public

lovited to bid on this proi rtyIIIf Itosreetfullyf

JAIlS I SMITH Mayorun m

LangstaffOrm MfgCoIacorpo-

rate4Largest Stock +

Lumber Shingles and Lath7C In the City

Our Shingles and Lath are all kept in sheds insuring our cus ¬

tomers DRY BRIGHTstockC

Low Prices Prompt ServiceBoth Phones 26





and 1I IItVllllera 1

1 RAIN DI ALI RS922 Madison d j Paducah Ky 1

tioth Phoftta 339 Denltor In COAL AND F EED


21 15 7ay 5 dtgimaci w