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Table o contents

1. Introduction 4

2. What is Cradle to Cradle? 4

3. How does the Government reer to Cradle to Cradle? 6

4. Cradle to Cradle and sustainable public procurement 6

  4.1 Making he way he organisaion operaes Cradle o Cradle-proo 74.2 Choosing a suiable procuremen sraegy 8

4.3 Procuring Cradle o Cradle producs ha mee he minimum requiremens or 

public susainable procuremen 8

4.4 Applying he Cradle o Cradle-relaed crieria rom he crieria documens 9

Appendix 1 Points o ocus or C2C procurement 10

Appendix 2 Sample C2C criterion 12

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4 | Cradle o Cradle 5 | Cradle o Cradle

Cradle o Cradle (C2C) is a new approach o design

and producion ha combines innovaion and

susainabiliy. The name C2C reers o he con-

inuous cycle in which maerials should remain

in circulaion, essenially creaing sysems ha

are wase-ree. Furhermore, C2C ocuses on he

uncion o he paricular produc – ha is, wha

is is purpose? Producs are rarely inended o be

harmul o he environmen, his is a mosly

unwaned side eec. C2C encourages people o

redesign producs or o design hem in such a way

ha hey achieve heir inended purpose in he

bes way possible wihou any negaive side-eecs,

or raher wih posiive side-eecs. C2C signies

a shi away rom he more classical approach,

i.e. minimising he damage o he environmen,

owards acually increasing he qualiy o lie and

he qualiy o he environmen.

C2C hereore advocaes a new way o designing

producs and services. C2C-designed producs will

be valuable o he economy and o he environmen

because hey are:

- pracical and uncional or he user, increasing

he chance o he produc being purchased.

- healhy or everybody and anyhing ha comes

in conac wih hem.

According o he C2C philosophy, qualiaive

improvemen is based on hree principles:

1 Everyhing is inended as a nurien or some-

hing else (Wase equals Food).

2 Use energy creaed rom solar energy and graviy.

3 Embrace diversiy (as a concep, culurally, and

in erms o biodiversiy).

The essence o Cradle o Cradle (C2C) is he

meaphor: Wase equals Food. Producs belong

o one o he ollowing wo cycles:

- The biological cycle

In his cycle, producs are designed o be saely

consumed by naure. When (pars o) hese

producs wear ou, evaporae, dissolve or are

buried in he soil, hey ‘eed’ he biological sysem.

- The technological cycle

In his cycle, maerials and producs (or produc

componens) are re-used again and again in a new

produc generaion. These producs mus be

chemically sable during use. Moreover, aer hey

have ullled heir uncion i mus be possible o

break hem down ino usable new raw maerials.

The ingrediens o hese echnical nuriens mus

be careully dened.

Cradle o Cradle is hereore primarily a sraegy

or produc design and an approach ha essenially

suis suppliers. For he Governmen, however,

susainable public procuremen is a cusomer-

oriened sraegy, devised and realised rom he

perspecive o procuremen ocers working or 

Governmen organisaions (or raher he eam o 

managers, employees, advisers ha are involved

in procuremen and calls or enders, hereinaer 

reerred o as ‘procuremen eams’). Needless o say,

hese wo groups are relaed o each oher, and his

brochure describes how C2C can be simulaed

hrough Governmen procuremen.

For more inormaion abou wha C2C has o oer 

o suppliers, see he C2C inormaion char on


Solar panels

2. What is Cradle to Cradle?

1. Introduction

Sustainable public procurement is all about taking environmental and social aspects into account 

during every stage o the procurement process. Together with local authorities, the Government wants

to stimulate the market or sustainable products by leading by example and by itsel adopting 

sustainable procurement practices. Organisations will be able to procure products and services

sustainably by including sustainability criteria in all o their calls or tenders and procurement 

processes. The Ministry o Inrastructure and the Environment, together with the authorities, has

drawn up sustainability criteria or a number o product groups. These sustainability criteria can be

downloaded rom www.agentschapnl.nl/duurzaaminkopen.

These sustainable procurement criteria will orm the basis or the sustainability that the Government wishes to put into practice. But much more is possible. Some Government organisations want to go

urther than these criteria. For those organisations, the adoption o the sustainability criteria is

already common practice and their sustainability aspirations are more ar-reaching. They are likely to

get acquainted with Cradle to Cradle at some point. In any case, or these and other organisations this

brochure explains how the Cradle to Cradle philosophy can be applied to the procurement process.

Manufacturing industry




Plants and animals

Product use

Degradation organisms


for the soil

The biological cycle The technological cycle

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6 | Cradle o Cradle 7 | Cradle o Cradle

The importance o recording aspirations:

Rijnstraat 8

The cliens have described heir wishes in

an aspiraion documen. The renovaed

building mus have he ollowing qualiies:

- Green: no less bad bu good: he building

mus have a posiive ecological ooprin.

- Inelligen: he building mus have a

modern and varied oce concep based on

‘he New Way o Working’ (a Duch policy


- Vial: he building mus help o simulae

he vialiy o he users, he organisaion

and he urban area in which i is locaed.

These hree aspiraions are worked ou

in deail in he aspiraion documen. For

example, ‘Green’ means ha he building

mus supply clean energy, supply cleaner air

and waer han came ino he building and

mus be uure-proo, ec.

The ull aspiraion documen can be

downloaded rom:



The C2C concep is closely relaed o developmens

ha have aken place in environmenal policy over 

he pas 15 years − or example, in he conex o 

inegral chain managemen and eco-design. In a

number o recen Governmen documens, Cradle

o Cradle is reerred o as an inspiring concep −or example, in he Susainable Developmen

Governmen policy, in he 2008 Indusry leter 

and in he Naional Wase Managemen Plan (LAP2).

A presen, C2C is also playing a role in he develop-

men o maerials policy and he ormulaion o 

crieria or susainable public procuremen.

For more inormaion abou C2C’s compaibiliy

wih various Governmen incenive schemes,see www.agenschapnl.nl/cradle-o-cradle.

Susainable public procuremen by he Governmen

is based on he commimen made by Governmen

organisaions o ake susainabiliy aspecs ino

consideraion when making decisions on procure-

men and calls o ender. They will henceorh

choose o procure relaively susainable goods and

services and in ha way increase he marke share o 

susainable producs and services: rom he margins

o he mainsream. Procuremen eams working or 

he Governmen can simulae he C2C approach by:

- making he way heir own organisaion operaes


- choosing a suiable procuremen sraegy

- procuring C2C producs

- using he C2C-relaed call or enders crieria

recorded in he crieria documens.

These poins are worked ou in deail in he secions


4.1 Making the way the

organisation operates

Cradle to Cradle-proo 

Beore acually procuring a produc, he procure-

men eam can ask isel wheher he procuremen

will help o realise a C2C-oriened uure. Wha are

he susainabiliy arges o his Governmen

organisaion and how do hey link up wih he C2C

principles? Does his organisaion have concree

long-erm aspiraions o improve waer and air 

qualiy, or example? How do hese aspiraions

ranslae o his specic, planned procuremen

o a produc or service? The example on he page

opposie displays he aspiraions or he renovaion

o he Minisry o Inrasrucure and he Environmen

building a Rijnsraa 8 in The Hague.

A descripion o he cusomer’s aspiraions or a

produc or service enables he marke o come up

wih creaive soluions. I is a good idea o ormulae

procuremen crieria aer marke consulaion

in order o ake opimal advanage o he laes

innovaive developmens. In he case o 

‘Rijnsraa 8’, marke paries were asked wha hey

had o oer o realise hese aspiraions beore a call

or enders in order o es he easibiliy o he

aspiraions in advance.

However, Cradle o Cradle involves much more

han dening how a produc should be procured.

Changes will also have o be made in he company’s

own business operaions. This hen makes i

necessary, or example, o consider how producs

will be conveyed away/processed aer use by he

Governmen insiuion so ha he maerials used

in he produc are indeed reurned o he inended

biological or echnological cycle.

I may also be necessary o re-examine inernal

working mehods. For example, budges may need

o be organised in a dieren way so ha he coss

during use are also aken ino accoun during he

procuremen process (Toal Cos o Ownership,

TCO). For example, can he organisaion lease oce

urniure insead o procuring i? In his way, he

logisics or reurned goods are easier o organise.

Can devices be repaired or can hey ull a new

useul uncion elsewhere aer use? Can workplaces

be organised dierenly so ha i is possible o

procure beter producs? By hinking explicily and

creaively abou which need mus be saised, he

number o possible C2C-proo soluions will


These choices have he bes chance o success i he

organisaion has clear susainabiliy objecives and

ranslaes hem ino procuremen objecives. Cradle

o Cradle procuremen requires personnel o be

well-inormed. Personnel can acquire (more)

knowledge abou susainabiliy and C2C by aking

par in raining courses and workshops.

3. How does the Governmentreer to Cradle to Cradle?

4. Cradle to Cradle andsustainable public procurement

Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment Rijnstraat 8

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8 | Cradle o Cradle 9 | Cradle o Cradle

levels: Basic, Silver, Gold and Plainum C2C

cericaes. On he one hand, hese cericae levels

refec he radical C2C ambiion o achieve complee-

ly closed cycles (he echnological and biological

cycles), he banning o oxic subsances and he

swich o susainable sources o energy, and on he

oher hand hey refec he pragmaic C2C working

mehod based on sep-by-sep progression. For 

example, or he Basic and Silver C2C hallmarks only

produc inormaion is required (deailed knowledge

o he maerials ha make up he produc and he

energy used o produce he produc), plus he

inenion (Basic) or a sraegic plan (Silver) o ackle

he problemaic aspecs relaed o he produc.

Public auhoriies are no permited o make

hallmarks/cericaes compulsory or a produc,

as his would confic wih European ender 

regulaions. However, a hallmark/cericae or a

procuremen can serve as proo ha he produc

complies wih measurable minimum requiremens

derived rom ha hallmark. Several produc groups

have Governmen procuremen crieria based on

elemens incorporaed ino he more common

hallmarks such as he European Eco label, he

Nordic Swan, Blaue Engel, ec. In a similar way,

here are some elemens o C2C or which he

procuremen eam can include a crierion (see

also he ollowing secion). Crieria based on

hese elemens should reward he suppliers o 

C2C-ceried producs or heir eors by improving

heir chance o being awarded a ender.

The curren marke supply o C2C ceried producs

relevan or Duch cusomers is acually very limied.

The available producs are displayed on he MBDC

websie,www.mbdc.com .

4.4 Applying the Cradle to

Cradle-related criteria rom

the criteria documents

Procuremen eams do no have o resric hem-

selves o he curren supply o C2C producs on he

marke (esed according o DI minimum require-

mens). The Governmen’s susainabiliy crieria

also include requiremens and wishes inspired byhe philosophy behind he C2C approach. Appendix

1 conains a range o C2C aspecs according o which

C2C rendseters in he marke can disinguish

hemselves. This appendix was compiled in

consulaion wih he C2C Learning Communiy,

a group o leading Duch companies ha are closely

involved wih Cradle o Cradle. For each produc,

procuremen eams can develop crieria ha are

consisen wih hese aspiraions. The poins o 

ocus in Appendix 1 can hereore also be used by

procuremen sa a companies ha oen have

more opions open o hem in heir procuremen

process due o dieren ender regulaions.

Appendix 2 includes an example o a C2C-inspired

award crierion based on a number o C2C elemens.

This crierion is aimed a providing producs ha

are suiable or uure re-use wih an advanage.

I is an example o an award crierion ha helps

Cradle o Cradle produc and services providers o

sand ou rom heir compeiors during a procure-

men process. This sample crierion is inended o

inspire. For each produc, he procuremen ocer 

mus assess wheher all poins in he award

crierion are appropriae or he produc o be

procured. Or wheher i is possible o acually

include exra elemens derived rom C2C (see

Appendix 1). I is obvious ha his crierion will be

easier o apply o producs wih jus a small number 

o dieren componens and maerials. For example,

i is easier or he suppliers o garden seas o speciy

how heir produc saises hese crieria han or 

elevision producers.

In addiion, i is sill imporan ha procuremen

ocers are aware o he marke supply and make

sure ha he requiremens comply wih he legal

rameworks o he European ender regulaions.

4.2 Choosing a suitable

procurement strategy 

Prior o procuring a produc or service, he

procuremen eam can choose one o he procure-

men sraegies approved by European law, such as

privae procuremen, MEAT, public or non-public

calls or enders, DBFMO conracs (Design Build

Finance Mainain Operae), a design cones,

compeiion-oriened dialogue, call or enders by

negoiaion, ec. Every sraegy is linked o is own

regulaions and provides a greaer or lesser amoun

o space or he ollowing, or example:

- pre-selecion o (C2C-oriened) suppliers

- rewarding susainabiliy when awarding enders

- innovaive proposals by suppliers

- ineracion/ cooperaion beween supplier and


For more inormaion on his subjec, see he

‘Susainable Public Procuremen Manual’, which

can be downloaded rom http://www.pianoo.nl 

and he repor ‘Susainable Public Procuremen,

version 2.0’, which can be downloaded rom



C2C will bene mos rom open processes ha

include numerous opions or creaive soluions and

close cooperaion beween suppliers, procuremen

ocers and possible oher sakeholders. Paricularly

projecs in he area o consrucion and building

renovaion, GWW (groundwork, road and hydraulic

engineering) procedures and regional developmen

can bene rom his approach. I is in hese areas

ha he Governmen can exercise a srong infuence

during he design sage. These ypes o projecs are

radiionally oen pu ou o ender wih very

deailed specicaions, and are awarded o he

lowes bidder. However, his working mehod

resrics he C2C-oriened approach.

The endency in recen years has been o dene

uncional specicaions or hese ypes o projecs.

Numerous pilos have been launched wih a

C2C-oriened design approach. One procuremen/

ender sraegy ha paricularly links up well wih

C2C is he compeiion-oriened dialogue, which is

oen bu no always combined wih a design cones.

For more inormaion abou learning experiences

wih C2C in he road-building and hydraulic

engineering secor, go o: www.agenschapnl.nl/

cradle-o-cradle/publicaies/index.asp. Specically

or he consrucion secor, he 2009 Tendering

Guidelines or Consrucion Conracs (Leidraad

Aanbeseden Bouwopdrachen 2009) species

various endering echniques. This guideline is

issued by Regieraad Bouw (he Duch Council or 

Innovaion in Building and Consrucion) and is

available on htp://www.leidraadaanbeseden.nl .

4.3 Procuring Cradle to Cradle

products that meet the mini-

mum requirements or publicsustainable procurement 

Cerain producs have already been ceried

by MBDC, he company run by McDonough and

Braungar, who are he originaors o he C2C

approach. The cericaes are issued by MBDC’s

consulancy division and by he MBDC parner 

organisaions. The C2C cericae can be regarded

as a hallmark wih an (as ye) unesed legal saus.

In he meanime, alks are aking place abou an

independen produc cericaion process ha can

be submited o he Duch Accrediaion Council,

boh naionally and inernaionally, bu his sill

requires a grea deal o ime.

MBDC’s cericaion requiremens are no specied

or a paricular produc group bu raher or our 

A C2C table

The brochure ‘Cradle-to-Cradle in regional development’

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10 | Cradle o Cradle 11 | Cradle o Cradle

N.B.: Government procurement ofcers should be extra careul with the points o ocus displayed in

the green rectangles. In view o the European legislation on proportionality, these points will not 

always be suitable or ormulating criteria.

Appendix 1 Points o ocus or C2C procurement 

Stimulate local solutions.

Supplier is involving local suppliers and customers

Supplier is adapting to local needs

Do no harm: conscious use of good-quality and

healthy materials.

Thecomposition of the supplied products is known up to 100 ppm,even in the case of recycled materials.

For each product, it has been dened for which use and whichperiod of use the product has been designed and for which cyclethe components are intended.

The product contains no known toxic materials in the intendedspecic application. For this information, link up withknowledge/expertise/criteria from certication schemes.

The impact of the product ingredients on people and the environmentis known and has been tested independently. For ingredients with aprohibited impact, there is a plan for phasing out those ingredients.

Products intended for the technical cycle contain as manyrecyclablematerials as possible which are healthy during theperiod of use.

Products intended for the biological cycle contain as manymaterials as possible that can be biologically degraded/ compostedsafely under dened conditions.

As many of the materials as possible in the product are recyclable

or compostable or have been recycled or are rapidly renewable.

Waste equals food: circulate materials incontinuous loops.

Supplier has a plan for re-use of the materials by the company

itself or by another producer.

Supplier arranges for the return of products.

Products can be collected separately .

Products consist of as few dierent materials as possible.

Products have been marked so that the materials they containare identiable.

Products are easy to dismantle.

Products consist of as few components as possible.

Improved air, soil and water quality.

Supplier demonstrates how its organisation is purifying the air and waste in the surroundings.

Supplier has a plan indicating water consumption (absoluteamount), the water sources and the quality of the wastewater and how this will help supplier to make a positive contributionto the surroundings.

Supplier is supplying products that improvethe quality of the air,soil and water.

Use of rapidly renewable energy from the sunand gravity.

Supplier indicates how the company is working energy-positively .

Supplier is itself using sustainable energy for its own productionprocess/oces.

Supplier has a plan to make the company’s energy consumption


Supplier supplies products that produce rapidly renewableenergy .

Increase diversity.

In addition to intended function, the product has an extra qualitythat contributes to the quality of life of people and theenvironment ( added value).

Supplier is helping to increase biodiversity by means of theproduct design/materials/facilities used in the chain.

Social responsibility.

Supplier has a corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy , whichhas been communicated externally and which denes social andenvironmental targets. (ISO 26000)

Supplier has a code of conduct and/or ethics.

Supplier has an externally veried report dening the social andenvironmental objectives and results.

The company subscribes to ILO and OESO directives.

For Government procurement ocers, see the social criteria for sustainable public procurement on the website of the Ministryof Infrastructure and the Environment.

Cradle to Cradle

points of focusfor procurement by 

Government and thebusiness sector 

Supplier preferably uses local energy sources.

Procuremen ocers working or he auhoriies and he business secor can use hese C2C poins o ocus

o ormulae crieria specic o he produc. The poins o ocus have largely been derived rom he curren

C2C cericaion. The mos imporan aspec is he level o cohesion – ha is, he more poins o ocus ha

can be included in he procuremen, he beter.

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12 | Cradle o Cradle 13 | Cradle o Cradle

This sample criterion is intended to be inspirational. For each product, the procurement ofcer

will have to assess whether all o the points in the award criterion are suitable or the product to be

procured. In addition, the procurement ofcer must always be aware o the market supply and make

sure that the requirements comply with the legal rameworks o the European tender regulations.

Appendix 2 Sample C2C criterion

Design aimed at the (re)use o sustainable materials

The more (in weigh percenage) he producs comply wih he ollowing aspecs,

he higher he raing o he regisraion:

. The exen o which he chemical composiion o he produc is known. This

is deermined by he percenage o he weigh o he maerials ha have been

defned up o ppm in relaion o he weigh o he oal produc (wih he

excepion o he unprocessed naural maerials such as wood, coton, ec.).

I is indicaed wheher he maerials were designed or he echnological

and/or he biological cycle.

. The exen o which he componens and he maerials in he produc can be

separaed rom each oher wihou having o use addiional subsances or

maerials ha canno be re-used in he process.

. The exen o which he maerials in he produc can be recycled a he end o 

he inended lie span wihou losing heir original qualiy or are biologically

degradable or composible.

. The exen o which he maerials are rapidly renewable or recycled maerials.

) Maerials ha belong o he biological cycle are maerials ha are used by living

organisms or cells o coninue lie processes such as growh, cell division, he

synhesis o carbohydraes or oher complex uncions. Biological maerials are

usually based on carbon compounds ha can be reurned o he soil as nuriion.

Maerials ha belong o he technological cycle are maerials creaed by people

and are designed o circulae saely in echnical and/or indusrial processes or an

indefnie period. These maerials mus be chemically sable and mus be careully


) In his conex, a maerial is regarded as recyclable i here is a leas one

commercial plan in exisence ha is recycling he maerial. By original quality is

mean ha a he end o he produc’s lie span he maerial can be used again or

he same ype o produc.

) In Europe, hedegradability o plasic is assessed according o he harmonised

European Norm or plasic packaging. For oher maerials, i is imporan

ha he maerials can be broken down in a limied ime by he naural aciviy

o micro-organisms such as baceria and ungi ino waer, CO, anorganic

compounds and biomass ha can be used as nuriion or he soil.

) By rapidly renewable is mean vegeable or animal maerials ha can be

susainably replenished by naure in less han years.




A. A sandard orm flled in by he supplier as comprehensively as possible,

as included in he appendix.

B. Cerifcaes ha demonsrae ha he relevan secion(s) is/are being complied


C. Documens wih chemical analyses o he maerials used in he produc.

D. R EACH documenaion or he chemical subsances/maerials used, such

as Saey Daa Shees.

This award crierion is derived rom he “Cradle o Cradle” design heory.

In order or maerials o circulae saely in cycles (wihou a hazardous oxic impac

on people and he environmen), i is necessary o defne sric requiremens

regarding he qualiy o he maerials. To do his, he exac composiion o he

maerials mus be known. In principle, i mus be possible or every produc o

record his ype o inormaion. This is because he European REACH subsances

legislaion (Regisraion, Evaluaion, Auhorisaion and resricion o Chemical

subsances) promoes he exchange o inormaion abou chemical subsances in

producs hroughou he chain. The aim o REACH is o proec people and he

environmen agains risks posed by chemical subsances. REACH holds companies

liable or surveying he risks o he use o subsances hey uilise in heir producs,

based on inormaion abou he characerisics, use and exposure o hese

subsances, and on ha basis o ake he necessary measures o proec people

and he environmen. Every user may only use subsances whose use has been

documened by he manuacurer o he subsance. For more inormaion abou

REACH, go o www.reach-helpdesk.nl.

I suppliers appeal o a Non Disclosure Agreemen (NDA) on he chemical compo-

siion o he produc, he supplier can sill comply wih Par o his award crierion

by asking an independen pary, such as a cerifcaion insiue, o fll in he

appendix wihou revealing he names o he subsances.

A procuremen ocer is ree o defne more ar-reaching requiremens or he

characerisics o he chemical subsances used in he produc being procured.

However, he procuremen ocer will require a high level o experise in order o

evaluae which o he maerials/producs ha were supplied are he mos susain-

able/healhy. Procuremen ocers should hereore comply as much as possible

wih he subsance requiremens documened in (inernaional) hallmarks.


Verication o proo:

A. No urher verifcaion.

B. A documen o be appended o his regisraion, which has been issued and

signed by an independen hird pary exper and which shows how his award

crierion has been complied wih.


tion or the


ment ofcer

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14 | Cradle o Cradle 15 | Cradle o Cradle






easy to


(relevan or


secion 2)



in each


(relevan or


secion 2)



percentage of 

materials in

relation to totalproduct?

(relevan or all




Materials easy 

to separate

from each


(relevan or


secion 2)


Designed for 


or biological

cycle or notknown??

((relevan or

crierion secion 1

and 3)




compostable or 

recyclable whileretaining


(relevan or


secion 3)



or rapidly 



(relevan or


secion 4)



of material

known up to

100 ppm or a natural


(relevan or


secion 1)


What is the


composition of 

the materials?

(relevan or


secion 3)


Safety data

sheet enclosed

for the


(relevan or


secion 3)


NDA enclosed?

(relevan or


secion 3)


Data known to



(relevan or


secion 3)


Total score:

add up the

scores in

column 5, 7,8, 9, and 11



Yes Aluminium 10% No Technological Yes, recyclable

while reaining


No, virgin Yes Chemical

subsance XYes

Foam 45% N o Tec hnol og ica l N o, no r ecy cl abl e

while reaining


Yes, recycled No Chemical

subsance Z


PLA 20% Yes Biological Yes, compos-


Yes, rapidly

renewableYes Chemical

subsance AYes


subsance B




Yes Wood 15% Yes Biological Yes, biologically


Yes, rapidly


Yes, naural


No applicable No applicable



No, glued wih D Plasic 5% No Technological Yes, recyclable

while reaining


No, virgin Yes Secre Yes, indirecly


Yes Yes



No, glued wih C Plasic 5% No No known Non-recyclable No, virgin No Secre No No No


(i yes,

add up he




in column 4)

100% Sum o weigh

percenage o 

easily separaed


20 + 15 = 35

Sum o weigh







10 + 20 + 15 +

5 = 50

Sum o weigh


rapidly renewa-




45 + 20 + 15 = 80

Sum o weigh


maerials known

up o 100 ppm

10 + 20 +15 +

5 = 50

Sum o weigh


maerials or

which saey daa

shee is available

10 + 20 + 5 = 35

Total score

35 + 50 + 80 +

50 + 35 = 250

250% : 5 =


Example o (fctitious)completed standard orm

Page 9: C2C in Procurement_holland

8/7/2019 C2C in Procurement_holland

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This documen is a publicaion o:

NL Agency

NL Environmen

PO Box 8242 | 3503 RE Urech


© NL Agency | December 2010 | Publicaion no. 1MLDI1009

NL Agency is an agency o he Duch Minisry o Economic

Aairs, Agriculure and Innovaion responsible or he

implemenaion o susainabiliy, innovaion and economic

developmen programmes or various governmenal bodies.

NL Agency is a deparmen o he Duch minisry o Economic

Aairs, Agriculure and Innovaion ha implemens governmen

policy or susainabiliy, innovaion, and inernaional business

and cooperaion. I is he conac poin or businesses, educaio-

nal insiuions and governmen bodies or inormaion and

advice, nancing, neworking and regulaory maters.

The division NL Environmen simulaes he achievemen o 

susainabiliy goals by creaing alliances, assessing environmen-

al legislaion and providing nance, inormaion and advice.