c3 newsletter

C3 ANCHORAGE NEWSLETTER Fall 2013 Issue 1 Season of Celebration by Katherine Propst 4 people baptized 2 baby dedications 50+ people have accepted Christ 120 average attendance REACH| RAISE| RELEASE READ ABOUT ALL OUR MINISTRIES You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. - Matthew 5:14 At C3 we are celebrating our first year anniversary, and for many of us this anniversary marks more than just the passage of time. We have seen growth in our church body and in our own spiritual lives. So, for a moment, take a step back and let's look at the "big picture" together. Some highlights of our first year: To share the love of Christ in our local community, we have had picnics; coffee buyouts; Kid's Day in Anchorage;Thanksgiving Blessing where we fed hundreds of families; we have built houses with Habitat for Humanity; and cancelled church to have a Service Sunday. We have extended our hearts to our military by attending welcome home ceremonies, delivering Christmas gifts to The Fisher House, placing flags at the National Cemetery for Memorial Day, and volunteering at a variety of events at JBER. However, our focus has not only been outward. Inwardly, we have seen people deepening in their understanding of the gospel and growing in their relationship with God. We've had over 50 people who have come to saving faith in Jesus Christ. People have also made public professions of faith through baptism and baby / child dedications. Praise God! Many are allowing God to lead them, trusting Him and breaking out of their comfort zones to grow in ways they never thought possible. Our Home Groups have made such great connections that people have become Christians and started coming to church as a result of this ministry. Our young church is also committed to missions, locally and globally. We are presently supporting The Alaska Native Charter School and Habitat for Humanity Anchorage Project. Our global missions programs include Key of Hope in South Africa and Covenant Kids Congo. Truly, God has given our church family a wonderful spirit of unity and hearts to serve. We are thankful for the hours of volunteer work that characterize the people of this church body. C3 could not thrive as it does without depending on the involvement of so many workers. In closing, here are some comments from other C3ers on what our church means to them: "I feel like there's a common thread among C3 attenders. Most of us started this journey together. I feel like part of a group of people with the same goal- to grow closer to Christ. " "C3 has been there for us from the beginning, through a deployment and the birth of my son. No matter what, we have an awesome church with wonderful people!" "Upon meeting Pastor Dan, and talking to him personally, my faith in God grew stronger. So strong, that on July 28, 2013 I was baptized by him in this church." "Feels like family." "What I love is the selfless service of folks who serve tirelessly out of a heart of love for God, His people and furthering His kingdom." "I can honestly say that the church is personal. It's a great relationship that C3 has with its members. We thank you, our C3 family for helping us realize some goals, for bravely committing yourselves to a new church plant, and mostly for becoming a church family who is making an impact. That willingness is helping reveal God's plans for us personally and in our community. Now that's a church I want to be a part of and that's a reason to celebrate!

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C3 ANCHORAGE NEWSLETTER Fall 2013 Issue 1 11

Season of Celebration by Katherine Propst

• 4 people baptized • 2 baby dedications • 50+ people have

accepted Christ • 120 average attendance


You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. - Matthew 5:14 At C3 we are celebrating our first year anniversary, and for many of us this anniversary marks more than just the passage of time. We have seen growth in our church body and in our own spiritual lives. So, for a moment, take a step back and let's look at the "big picture" together. Some highlights of our first year: To share the love of Christ in our local community, we have had picnics; coffee buyouts; Kid's Day in Anchorage;Thanksgiving Blessing where we fed hundreds of families; we have built houses with Habitat for Humanity; and cancelled church to have a Service Sunday. We have extended our hearts to our military by attending welcome home ceremonies, delivering Christmas gifts to The Fisher House, placing flags at the National Cemetery for Memorial Day, and volunteering at a variety of events at JBER. However, our focus has not only been outward. Inwardly, we have seen people deepening in their understanding of the gospel and growing in their relationship with God. We've had over 50 people who have come to saving faith in Jesus Christ.

People have also made public professions of faith through baptism and baby / child dedications. Praise God! Many are allowing God to lead them, trusting Him and breaking out of their comfort zones to grow in ways they never thought possible. Our Home Groups have made such great connections that people have become Christians and started coming to church as a result of this ministry. Our young church is also committed to missions, locally and globally. We are presently supporting The Alaska Native Charter School and Habitat for Humanity Anchorage Project. Our global missions programs include Key of Hope in South Africa and Covenant Kids Congo. Truly, God has given our church family a wonderful spirit of unity and hearts to serve. We are thankful for the hours of volunteer work that characterize the people of this church body. C3 could not thrive as it does without depending on the involvement of so many workers. In closing, here are some comments from other C3ers on what our church means to them: "I feel like there's a common thread among C3 attenders. Most of us started this journey together. I feel like part of a group of people with the same goal- to grow closer to Christ. "

"C3 has been there for us from the beginning, through a deployment and the birth of my son. No matter what, we have an awesome church with wonderful people!" "Upon meeting Pastor Dan, and talking to him personally, my faith in God grew stronger. So strong, that on July 28, 2013 I was baptized by him in this church." "Feels like family." "What I love is the selfless service of folks who serve tirelessly out of a heart of love for God, His people and furthering His kingdom." "I can honestly say that the church is personal. It's a great relationship that C3 has with its members. We thank you, our C3 family for helping us realize some goals, for bravely committing yourselves to a new church plant, and mostly for becoming a church family who is making an impact. That willingness is helping reveal God's plans for us personally and in our community. Now that's a church I want to be a part of and that's a reason to celebrate!

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Upcoming Events for Men and Women Ministires:

• Men's Summit Saturday Oct. 5th 8:00am - 2:00 pm at ChangePoint. Guest speaker is David Eckman, international speaker, author, and dean of Western Seminary will speak on Becoming What God Intended. There will be two hour-long break-out workshops lead by 10 local pastors on a variety of topics of interest to men. The Summit ends with lunch. Cost: $25.00

• C3 Men's retreat is being planned for October at Drill Lake in Chickaloon. Date TBD. More on that later.

• Malachi Conference November 22-23 Cornerstone Church. Brian Molitor will be speaking on Reaching and Raising the next Generation of Godly Men" He speaks to men's groups around the world. Cost: $25.00

• Reindeer farm, Even IS for whole Family! October 19 in Palmer: Cost $8 per person

• Women’s Brunch @ different Locations- Check C3 Women’s Page for more information

• Women’s Movie Night, October 6, 2013 7pm More information on C3 Women page

For more information on Men Ministries contact Steve Gordon 333-9541 and for Women Ministries check our C3 Women’s page.

Our Military Ministry has been doing a wonderful job. Thank you a million times to everyone who has participated and supported our activities. We love our church and the support you've all shown. We have a strong military presence in our congregation and with that, a strong love, respect and commitment to our military folks.

Please let us know if you'd like to be more involved. We are always looking for help and more great ideas! These are the activities we have coming up.

Upcoming Events:

• Bowling night with our C3 Military

Ministry date to be announced..

• Habitat for Humanity Saturday

Oct. 26 8:30am- 4pm

• Habitat for Humanity Saturday Dec. 7 8:30am- 4pm



Military Connection by Katherine Propst

For Military Ministry information contact: Keith or Katherine Propst

Email: [email protected]

The CREW our C3 Youth Group Meets at the Boys and Girls Club biweekly. If you want to be part of this years youth, come and join us for a time of FUN and LEARNING with Pastor Dan.

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Home Groups- At C3, we are committed to making disciples (followers of Jesus), and we believe that discipleship happens best in community! These needs for discipleship and community are the reason we have Home Groups that meet weekly to study God's Word together, and to help encourage each other as we seek to follow Jesus together. We currently have groups meeting in East Anchorage, Midtown, JBER, and in Eagle River. If you would like to connect with a group or are interested in leading one please contact Pastor Matt by email ([email protected]) or by phone: (773) 610-9088.

Location: Eagle River Host: Keith & Katherine Propst Contact: [email protected] Time: Thursday, 6:30pm Location: Mid-town (off of Northern Lights & Campbell Airstrip Road) Host: Scott & Tina Stair Contact: [email protected] Time: Tuesday, 6:30pm

It’s pretty simple. Jesus loves kids. He said so and that makes them really important. And since we love Jesus, we care about what He treasures.

So we do this thing called children’s church. We call ourselves CH2@C3 (CHildren’s CHurch at Chugach Covenant Church). Kiddos in kindergarten through sixth grade meet every week in theater five for prayer, worship, learning, and fun.

Our team is small but effective. We are lost without Seth the SoundMan. He faithfully runs the PowerPoint presentation, video clips, and sound system simultaneously. Plus we can always count on him to choose just the right jamming song for the kids. Mark and Robin tag-team teach and wrangle the tots, also simultaneously. Mark is the hunter and disposer of mice. Robin takes pictures and phone calls.

Our goal is to communicate a critical message to the kids: there is a God and He loves us all very much, enough to die in order to secure our ransom and eternal destination, enough to leave us a Comforter, enough to give us His blueprint for a joy filled life. He is the God who is with us. He is the God who is for us. He is the God who forgives us. He is the God who can do anything. He is THE God.

Over the last year, we have been studying the character of God.

We start out with a little R&R (Rewind to last week and Review our lesson). Next we define a character trait in language kids can understand.

We go on a Nature Walk look at how that God intentionally placed each trait in nature, as displayed in the behavior of animals. In a Blast From The Past we see the trait in an honorable, historical figure. We always Take A Look In The Book (the Bible) because it is imperative that we always check to see what God says about any issue. With five I Will’s we make it real, laying out practical ideas for kids to start practicing character today. To wrap it up we Lock & Load, hiding God’s word in our hearts and empowering us not only to live in a God-honoring way but also to fight the attacks of the enemy.

In CH2@C3, we believe it is crucial to know what God says about who He is and who we are. The Bible isn’t just a collection of awesome stories with some boring lists thrown in. It is an amazing account of the redemptive story, our story, and Jesus Christ is the hero. Within the upcoming year, we plan to switch gears away from the character curriculum and start The Gospel Project for kids.

The Gospel Project goes through the entire Bible and shows how everything in it points to Christ. This relevant truth is so necessary for all ages to internalize!

What about you? Do you like working with kids? Are you passionate about passing a Godly heritage and Biblical knowledge on to the next generation? Making your way in the world today can take everything you’ve got. Sometimes you think taking a break from all your worries and your regular routine sure would help a lot.

Wouldn’t you like to get away and serve Jesus right here in Anchorage? Sometimes you just want to go where everybody knows your name and you’re always glad you came. CH2@C3 is that place! We would love to have more volunteers to join in the fun!

And don’t worry. We got rid of the dead mouse so our theater hardly smells at all now. Unless you count the sixth grade boys.

CH2@C3 – By Robin Ross

Location: JBER Host: Kyle Brown Contact: [email protected] Time: Tuesday, 6:30pm Location: East Anchorage Host: Matt & Marisol Cisneros Contact: [email protected] Time: Thursday, 6:00pm

The groups currently meeting are as follows:

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• Coat Drive • Thanksgiving Blessing • Operation Christmas

Child • Habitat Project

A note from Pastor Dan

"We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother." 1 John 4:19-21 ESV

Hello C3!

I was asked to write a paragraph or two to give a bit of an update on our church. While thinking about our first year, the thing that sticks out most in my mind is the loving sacrifice that so many of you have given and continue to give. Hosting worship services at a movie theater takes a lot of work to make happen, and there are some unsung heroes that work diligently every week to serve our church. I want to take this opportunity to tell you about a few. The Propst family was one our first families to step up at C3 before we even started monthly gatherings. Keith and Katherine have put in hundreds (maybe thousands) of hours without complaint. They are a joy to me, and have had a major part in set-up and tear-down, youth group, the leadership team, home group ministries, this newsletter, and oversight of our military ministry. The Bright family has also accumulated a significant amount of volunteer hours including: set-up and tear-down, tech, home group, military ministry, hospitality, and serving on the leadership team. The Ross family have been running our elementary ministry since we began monthly services about a year and a half ago as well as serving on the leadership team. The Alexander family has been active in many areas as well, including Brad preaching and being the “front man” almost every Sunday. Bethany Brown has been in charge of our finances since our beginning and works several hours weekly to stay on top of them. Kyle Brown preaches, plays on the band, helps with set-up and tear-down and is my right arm in many ways. The Thacker family has taken on the daunting task of organizing our nursery/preschool. The Hollands have helped with the band and set-up and tear-down and have been a joy to me. And my wife, Kelli, has done everything except preach. I am missing several other people who have served sacrificially in our maiden year. I love you all and I am encouraged by you. I could write a book if I listed everyone else who helps out in huge ways so if you didn’t see your name here it isn’t because you are unappreciated.

Do you have any prayer requests or praises? Send us your concerns… c3anchorage.com

Chugach Covenant Church (C3) @ Totem Theater 10am Sundays

Community Missions: