cabinet district 201w1 newsletter july-august 19 district newsletter.pdf · if you have a club...

1 201W1 DISTRICT NEWSLETTER [email protected] HUMANITARIAN SERVICE, DISASTER RELIEF, MEDICAL RESEARCH, SIGHT & THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF YOUTH WE SERVE JULY/AUGUST 2019 It is with great pleasure that I and the district team welcome you to a new Lionisc Year. On behalf of myself 1st VDG Mick Wainwright and 2nd VDG Tony Palloa we look forward to vising all the clubs, meeng you and finding out the great work in you do in the community and in our district. My theme for the year is Make Lions Great Again GAT Membership, Leadership & Service”. GAT stands for the Global Acon team, and the three focuses of the GAT team are Membership, Leadership and Service, which if our clubs put into pracce will make lions great again. I also encourage clubs to visit the Lions Australia website, which is a fantasc resource if your club is in need of merchandise or resources to promote your club in your community, or if you are planning on doing a membership drive, the Lions Australia website has everything you need! In February of 2019 as your incoming DG I got the privilege to travelling to the LCI world headquarters and aend a four-day training seminar located in St Charles an hour out of Chicago. On the second last day of training as a treat we visited the grave site of our founder Melvin Jones. Both Lions and Rotary own a Cemetery located in Chicago. It is where founder of Rotary Paul Harris and founder of Lions Melvin Jones both have their grave sites. The Cemetery is owned by both Rotary Internaonal and Lions Clubs Internaonal as a joint project. Both service organisaons are very special to the community in Chicago, and both have their world headquarters in Chicago. Rotary is in the suburb of Everston and Lions are in the suburb of Oak Brook. An interesng fact, the suburb of Oak Brook was where McDonalds also had its internaonal headquarters from 1971 ll 2018 then they moved back to Chicago. The LCI world headquarters is located on a corner street and they have a staff of 600. When you arrive you see a statue of the founder Melvin Jones out the front, and a statue of a Lion in the grounds. The LCI headquarters have a Japanese Garden and a massive car park. LCI do daily tours of the office and when you go inside you are welcomed by LCI staff. You walk around the different divisions, you get to have your photo taken in the internaonal presidents office, and they have a Lions shop filled with Merchandise and pictures of all the past Internaonal Presidents since the founding of the organisaon in 1917. There is a map of the world which is divided into seven parts represenng the constuonal areas. We are part of constuonal area 7 which is Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia and the Pacific Islands. The place where all the DGE's were staying in St Charles is called the Q Center. It was an old University which shut down and now serves are a seminar and convenon centre. It has two dining halls, an American Football Field, Baseball Field and Basketball courts. I will never forget this experience to meet all the incoming DG's from around the world and form many friendships. DG Daniel Stevens. Official Publication of Lions District 201W1 CARE-TAKER EDITOR RICHARD TUNMER PO Box 2524 MALAGA WA 6944 (M) 0415 089 938(H) (08) 9209 1358 email : [email protected]. DISTRICT NEWSLETTER Published First Week of Every Month COPY DEADLINE 25th of the preceding month Outgoing District Governor handing over the gavel and gong to incoming District Governor Daniel Stevens at the last Cabinet Meeng of the year.

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Page 1: cabinet DISTRICT 201W1 NEWSLETTER July-August 19 District Newsletter.pdf · If you have a club newsletter please send a copy, preferably digital, to DG Daniel Stevens so that he can



DISTRICT NEWSLETTER [email protected]



It is with great pleasure that I and the district team

welcome you to a new Lionistic Year. On behalf of myself

1st VDG Mick Wainwright and 2nd VDG Tony Pallotta we

look forward to visiting all the clubs, meeting you and

finding out the great work in you do in the community and

in our district.

My theme for the year is “Make Lions Great Again GAT

Membership, Leadership & Service”. GAT stands for the

Global Action team, and the three focuses of the GAT team

are Membership, Leadership and Service, which if our clubs

put into practice will make lions great again. I also

encourage clubs to visit the Lions Australia website, which is

a fantastic resource if your club is in need of merchandise

or resources to promote your club in your community, or if

you are planning on doing a membership drive, the Lions

Australia website has everything you need!

In February of 2019 as your incoming DG I got the privilege

to travelling to the LCI world headquarters and attend a

four-day training seminar located in St Charles an hour out

of Chicago. On the second last day of training as a treat we

visited the grave site of our founder Melvin Jones. Both

Lions and Rotary own a Cemetery located in Chicago. It is

where founder of Rotary Paul Harris and founder of Lions

Melvin Jones both have

their grave sites.

The Cemetery is owned by

both Rotary International

and Lions Clubs

International as a joint

project. Both service

organisations are very

special to the community

in Chicago, and both have

their world headquarters

in Chicago. Rotary is in

the suburb of Everston

and Lions are in the

suburb of Oak Brook.

An interesting fact, the suburb of Oak Brook was where

McDonalds also had its international headquarters from

1971 till 2018 then they moved back to Chicago. The LCI

world headquarters is located on a corner street and they

have a staff of 600. When you arrive you see a statue of the

founder Melvin Jones out the front, and a statue of a Lion in

the grounds.

The LCI headquarters have a Japanese Garden and a

massive car park. LCI do daily tours of the office and when

you go inside you are welcomed by LCI staff. You walk

around the different divisions, you get to have your photo

taken in the international president’s office, and they have

a Lions shop filled with Merchandise and pictures of all the

past International Presidents since the founding of the

organisation in 1917.

There is a map of the world which is divided into seven

parts representing the constitutional areas. We are part of

constitutional area 7 which is Australia, New Zealand,

Indonesia and the Pacific Islands.

The place where all the DGE's were staying in St Charles is

called the Q Center. It was an old University which shut

down and now serves are a seminar and convention centre.

It has two dining halls, an American Football Field, Baseball

Field and Basketball courts. I will never forget this

experience to meet all the incoming DG's from around the

world and form many friendships. DG Daniel Stevens.

Official Publication of Lions District 201W1


(M) 0415 089 938(H) (08) 9209 1358 email : [email protected].

DISTRICT NEWSLETTER Published First Week of Every Month

COPY DEADLINE 25th of the preceding month

Outgoing District Governor handing over the gavel and gong to incoming District Governor Daniel Stevens at the last Cabinet Meeting of the year.

Page 2: cabinet DISTRICT 201W1 NEWSLETTER July-August 19 District Newsletter.pdf · If you have a club newsletter please send a copy, preferably digital, to DG Daniel Stevens so that he can


YOUTH OF THE YEAR Our Lions Youth Of The Year programme will be starting again soon. A Youth Of The Year workshop has been set for Saturday the 17th Of August at Gibson Park community Centre, Gibson Ave, Padbury.

Again the workshop will focus on club involvement and approaching schools as well as new areas of compliance and other important information for clubs and club coordinators. The day will commence at 1.00pm and conclude around 3.00pm. I will contact all the clubs who have taken part previously as well as place a notice in the district newsletter for other interested clubs.

The important dates for clubs wishing to take part and to start approaching schools is that all club judging should be completed by the 7th of March 2020. The two regional finals will be held on the weekend of the 21st and the 22nd of March with the 201W1 district final to be held on Saturday the 4th of April. The WA state final will be held on Sunday the 26th of April with the National final to be held at the Adelaide MD convention which runs from the 15th to the 18th of May 2020.

Congratulations again to all the clubs who took part in 2018/2019 and I look forward to working with you again to have another successful year of Youth Of The Year in 2019/2020.


PDG Colin Heap

District 201W1 YOTY Chair

Lions Youth Of The Year Workshop 2019

Saturday 17th of August 2019

Gibson Park Community Centre

Gibson Avenue, Padbury

Come along on the 17th of August to Gibson Park and find out all the latest about this

most exciting programme.

Approaching Schools and recruiting students for the programme

All the new details of the child protection policy and what your club needs to do

Running a successful club event …….And more .

Plus a question and answer session with district and state YOTY chairs

The Workshop will commence at 1.00pm and finish around 3.00pm.

Afternoon tea will be after the workshop.

RSVP to 201W1 DC PDG Colin Heap

Email: [email protected]

(M) 0417898394

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L to R Lance Nicholls, Steve Pietracatella, sitting Sue O’Brien (Chairperson) Diane Taylor (Secretary), PDG Barry Middleton (Public Relations) District Governor Daniel Stevens, Sandra Laundy (Treasurer & Registrar) , Neville O’Brien & John Ottes.

WANNEROO LIONS CLUB - CHRISTMAS SLEIGH FREE OR WITH DONATION If your club is looking for a Christmas sleigh to use over the festival season please look no further. Set of wheels available.

Contact Lion Sue McDonald

Email: [email protected]

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SERVICE CHALLENGE 50000 HOURS ACHIEVED LAP THE MAP FOR DIABETES 17th November 2019 A National project named ‘Lap the Map for Diabetes’ is planned for 17th November 2019. This is a Multiple District initiative, with all Clubs encouraged to participate by organising a walking event over a set distance with Lions and members of the public participating. The plan is for the accumulated distances to be tallied by each participating Club and then reported to the District and MD coordinator. Hopefully the final tally will be equivalent to the distance on Highway 1 around Australia (including the road between Hobart and Launceston in Tasmania).

World Diabetes Day is on 14th November 2019, chose a date around this time to make it easy for your Lions Club and community to participate.

In addition to the Lions members, family and friends, who could participate in your local area? Think outside the box:

• Do you have a local park where people regularly walk - ask them to join in

• Is there a walking group in your local shopping centre – walk with them and Just Ask

• Ask the local Primary and Secondary schools to join in. Running, walking or bike riding – building community spirit with Lions

• Ask local sporting clubs to walk a lap of the oval before the game – great exposure for Lions

• Ask at the local gyms if they can add to the kms.

• People on exercise machines at home - why not!

All they would have to do is tally up the distance covered and report to the Club Coordinator. Ideally a Lions member

would be attend on the day.

Please discuss this at your next meeting and register the Club for participation in the event.

Lap the Map planning and event information will be sent to Clubs as they register. Act Now!

Register participation: Carmel Ward Service Coordinator M: 0409334737 [email protected]

2018-2019 Service Goal Achieved The goal to achieve 50,000 hours of service by our District was reached, and in the final days even more hours were recorded on MyLCI. What a fantastic effort by the Clubs who reported their service activities – Well Done All.

The Challenge for 2019-2020 Lions year is to have all Clubs use MyLion to report their Service Activities. All Lions members who have a Lion Account can register an Activity, however only designated Club Officers can report on the actual hours etc. The metrics will be different going forward. Service activities, fundraising and meetings will be counted in different categories. I will be contacting Clubs in the coming weeks to offer help if needed. registering your Lion Account, please ask for help from any member of the Global Action Team or the Cabinet Secretary.

Carmel Ward M: 0409334737 [email protected]

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Jurien Bay













July 2019


New Members

EDITORS CORNER: Thank you to all clubs and District

Officers for your contributions to the July /August Newsletter. Please send through photos & articles for the September Edition. A newsletter will also be circulated in Digital Format which allows for any additional content and provides greater picture clarity.

If you are interested in helping with the District Newsletter please let me know. The newsletter is circulated in the first week of each month and has at the least 12 pages. We also circulate one printed copy to each club through Australia post.

Email: [email protected] until further notice


If you have a club newsletter please send a copy, preferably digital, to DG Daniel Stevens so that he can keep up with your news and put your club in the running for the annual Best Club Newsletter Award which is judged by the DG of the year and awarded at the District Awards function.

Your club could pick up this very special award.

Email: [email protected]

PO Box 2524 Malaga WA 6944

Copy to Cab Sec: [email protected]

DRIVER LIONS CANCER INSTITUTE Volunteer driver wanted to help the Lions Cancer Institute carry out its skin screening program in WA.

If you can spare a few days at a time, mostly Friday to Monday, and have at least a HR licence, please contact Phil by email [email protected] for more details.

All expenses on the trips are met by the Institute.


The District Magazine requires knowledge of Publisher and Photoshop or similar platforms. Be proficient with an email account and working on the internet.

Working with Digital applications is essential as well because we are rapidly moving into the Digital world. A lot of time is spent on Facebook sourcing photos and information. Be available to attend Club & District functions to take photos and get articles.

Email: [email protected]


In looking for a new District Treasurer, they don't have to be a qualified Accountant, although that is obviously preferable, but must have bookkeeping to balance sheet experience and have a good understanding of prepayments, accruals, assets, liabilities, journals, debtors and Creditors etc, and be familiar with transactional processing in an accounting system such as quickbooks, MYOB, Reckon,

They also need to be familiar with Excel and competent in exporting, importing and general manipulation and analysis of Data. Most importantly, they will live online, be it communicating, in the bank accounts or on the Lion Website, so it goes without saying that they need to be Internet & computer savvy. A lot of free time to carry out all the tasks required.

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DISTRICT CABINET MEETING – next Cabinet meeting is on Sunday 25th August 2019 at the Gibson Park Community Centre .

The cabinet meeting starts 9.30 am followed by lunch at 12.30 pm. All club members are welcome to attend our cabinet meeting as observers or just lunch after the meeting. An invitation will be circulated to clubs


HEARING BUS DRIVERS: We urgently require any Lions Member with a HR Drivers Licence to volunteer to take the Hearing Bus to various events.

HEARING BUS TESTERS: An urgent appeal to any Lions Member to volunteer as Testers. Full Training will be provided to both the above positions. We would gladly hear from any Lion who would like to be part of the Hearing Bus Team. We are desperately short of volunteers who are available for both mid week and weekend events. It would ideally be suited to Lions within the Perth Metro area as the Bus is garaged in Perth.

Please make contact with the LHF Screening Chairman Ivan Sturgess on [email protected] or 0451 655 808 to discuss.

WHAT DO LIONS DO - a "one liner statement" that could be used at projects and recruiting displays

when we are asked "What do Lions do"?

" Lions change people's lives every day, whether that be through conducting fundraising activities to fund medical research or provide medical equipment, development opportunities and activities for youth, supporting disadvantaged, elderly or infirm within our communities, protecting our environment or providing recovery support following natural disasters, Lions make a difference every day." PDG John Muller Multiple District GST Area Leader


YOUR CLUBS NEW CONSTITUTION A copy of the approved constitution has been circulated to clubs with details on how to adopt and then submit the new Club Constitution to Consumer Protection. This should have been completed by the 30th June 2019.

If you have not submitted your new constitution to Consumer Protection then you are now in breach of the act. CBL Rod McLaren has made enquiries through Consumer Protection and there is no penalty for late lodgement. Please contact Rod [email protected] or Richard if you need assistance

Please click here to view details posted on our District website on how to firstly adopt and then submit your new club constitution on Associationsonline. A new document has been uploaded explaining the lodgement process in detail. If you have any queries please contact us.

Planning Date for 17th November 2019

“Lap the Map for Diabetes”

More information will be provided soon regarding this National Project.

August 12th - International Youth Day

September 5th to 8th - ANZI Forum Jakarta Indonesia

September & Vision Awareness Month October Lions Membership Growth Month Leo Membership Growth Month

October 11th - World Sight Day

November 14th - World Diabetes Day

November - Diabetes Awareness Month

December 5th - International Leo Day

January - Hunger Awareness Month


Disseminate information on incoming and outgoing youth exchange. Encourage clubs to get involved with this worthwhile program. Find families to host the students. Ensure that all the requirements are met before Lions or families host the students. Such as WWCC’s.

Please let the Cabinet Secretary Richard Tunmer know if you are interested in the above positions.

Email: [email protected]


While our online platform is pretty basic one still needs some knowledge and be confident with web site development and manipulating data to suit the various web pages of our website.

Someone with a background or a certain amount of Information System Skills would be suitable. A lot of maintenance work is required on our District website which will take some time to complete.

Email: [email protected]


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Changeover Dinner. PDG Luen Chicote inducted our new Board. Bruce Groenewald is taking on the President's role. We are looking forward to another successful year.

Our President Jeanette Simpson for 2018/19 presented to Bruce Hoar a WA Lions Hearing Foundation Arthur and Lorna Dodd Award for services to our Club.

We have welcomed new members Janet Dawkins, Hilary Bozikovic, Judy Tyler and the Hon Vince Connelly MP.

We have recently donated to many of the Lions Foundations including Lions Save Sight Foundation, Lions Hearing Foundation, Lions Mobility Foundation WALDEF, and others. Donations have also been made to Rocky Bay, Camp Kulin, WA Diabetes Research Foundation, Foodbank and Carad.

Christmas in July Party - Our new President gave out the presents. Cheryl and David Meehan provided an amazing Christmas dinner to members and partners.

Left - North Beach Lions have donated blankets and food to the Salvation Army Blanket Appeal. David and Cheryl Meehan took a car load to the Salvos. Their reaction was "WOW" and were extremely grateful for our donations.

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Wanneroo Lions attended a fundraising High Tea at Wanneroo Lime Theatre who are in need of a new kitchen. Our Club kickstarted the fund with $1000 donation. L to R Lion President Glenys Fricker, President Limelight Shelly, Lion Secretary Marilyn Sutton & Lion Les McDonald.

KALGOORLIE LIONS - Members showing off to the Public the new Lions Club of Kalgoorlie cover for the

gazebo at the Boulder monthly Markets donated to the Club by a local company. Also the club has a new teardrop flag.

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The above Train was built in the workshop of the Lake View and Star mine (now gone by the Super Pit) about 45 years ago for the St Marys School Kalgoorlie'. The school could not handle the physical work involved in transporting and operating the Train so sold it to the Kalgoorlie Lions Club for $2000.00 about 40 Years ago.

The Train has had 3 engines fitted by a member of the Club and now has a 1200 Mini Moke Engine. The Train was painted yellow about 25 years ago.

Each carriage holds 8 Children and the Engine holds 6. The driver of the Old Train is Past President David Trivet (deceased). No records are available on how much the Train has generated but it is estimated to be over $250,000.00.

The picture below is of the new train built in 2018.

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On the 17th June 2019 Carol attended the Lions Ballajura Changeover thinking that she was doing a two minute talk regarding the Ballajura Community College Breakfast Club but in reality she was to be given an Exemplary Service Award.

Carol Findlay came to the attention of the Lions Club of Ballajura in 2003 when she was appointed as youth worker for the Dungeon located in Ballajura & won a $5k award for the youth club.

In 2007 she moved to the Education Department working with disengaged youth of the area.

In 2012 Carol moved to Ballajura Community College to case manage both senior & junior school students assisting them with job interviews, mental health appointments & counselling etc. At the same time she took over the BCC Breakfast Club management and it soon became a permanent Thursday fixture at the school.

In 2014 the breakfast club moved to the BCC commercial kitchen at the college.

Ballajura/Malaga Rotary assisted greatly from the commencement of the club with ongoing cash donations. Further food help came via “Food Bank” Lions Club of Ballajura participation commenced from 2016 with 3 regular attendees being Greg Brennan, Kaye Scandrett and Jill Middlemass. And of recent times Alan Fruin. Oz Harvest came on board in 2018. From 2017 the Lions Club of Ballajura assisted financially with $500 per annum.

These additional funds enabled the food supply to increase to include family hampers, lunches for students as needed & afternoon tea for Thursday afternoon homework classes.

It is estimated that approximately 300 students now attend on a Thursday morning for breakfast and approx 80 on Thursday for after school homework class.

These breakfasts depend on what food is purchased or donated, e.g. baked beans, spaghetti, cheese toasties, fruit salad, pancakes, Milo, and hash browns to name just a few.

Carol has an amazing ability to be able to take any type of donated food and turn it into a nutritious healthy meal.

Sufficient funding has always been a challenge with Carol micro managing how the funds from Ballajura/Malaga Rotary/Lions Club of Ballajura (the only 2 monetary donors) are best economically and healthily utilised.

(all these funds are administered by the school).

Carol is a super caring, loving person who has an enormously big heart and is exceptionally well respected and admired by not just the students but school staff and administration people as well.

Carol does numerous out of school hour’s work receiving no recompense and acts way beyond the requirements of the role. As an example Carol was called out by the police at 11pm to attend to a student problem.

Ballajura Lions Club was most proud and honoured that the members have seen fit to recognise Carol with a Lions Exemplary Award “For service to the community via the Ballajura Community College Breakfast Club, her constant support of youth, predominantly in the Ballajura area, and helping families in need within the district both practically and emotionally”.

The club also approved the annual donation to increase to $1,250 – this being– $625 for terms 1 & 3. A cheque was handed to Carol for Term 3.

She was really surprised and happy to receive both the award and the donation.

L to R District Governor Luen Chicote, Lion Greg Brennan & Carol Findlay.

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MEDIA RELEASE - 2 August 2019

Curtin University and the Lions Cancer Institute Inc. have announced a new PhD scholarship that aims to improve the outcomes of people living with liver cancer around the world.

The Lions-Lotus PhD Scholarship has been fully funded by the Lions Cancer Institute and will be based in the Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute (CHIRI) at Curtin University.

The scholarship recipient, who will be supervised by Associate Professor Nina Tirnitz-Parker from CHIRI and Curtin’s School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, will conduct cutting-edge research dedicated to the prevention and treatment of liver cancer.

CHIRI Director Professor John Mamo said the new scholarship would assist in tackling a major global disease affecting thousands of Australians every day.

“The new scholarship will attract high-quality PhD candidates who will undertake research focusing on addressing important research questions about chronic liver disease and liver cancer,” Professor Mamo said.

“I would like to thank the Lions Cancer Institute for their funding commitment to this highly important scholarship and look forward to welcoming the successful recipient to Curtin University.”

Associate Professor Nina Tirnitz-Parker, an internationally recognised expert in chronic liver disease and cancer, said chronic liver disease was one of the most rapidly growing causes of death worldwide and continued to present a major global challenge.

“Current treatments for liver cancer are limited and at present only prolong the life expectancy of patients by two to three months. The new scholarship will help to tackle this growing problem by researching how to better identify and treat the disease, which in turn may improve outcomes for people living with liver cancer,” Associate Professor Tirnitz-Parker said.

The Chairman of the Lions Cancer Institute Mr Phil Chinnery said he looked forward to visiting Curtin University and seeing first-hand the work being undertaken by researchers.

“On behalf of our Directors and our WA Lions Clubs, we are both excited and delighted to have formed this partnership with Curtin University and their brilliant research team in the fight against cancer and more specifically liver disease,” Mr Chinnery said.

The new agreement, signed yesterday, will fund a full PhD scholarship for up to 3.5 years and will be available to domestic PhD students in Australia. The successful recipient will commence at Curtin in late 2020 or beginning of 2021.


Signing Ceremony

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Sunday 4th August seven Ballajura Lions were helping with the water tables at the annual Perth half marathon. Very lucky with the weather with rain all around us.

We handed out water to over 600 runners who enjoyed the pleasant conditions on the day.

Part of the proceeds from the day go to the Lions Save Sight Foundation.

L to R Kaye Scandrett, Heather Fruin, Alan Fruin, PDG Michael Wolf, Mary-Anne Wold and Keith Cooke.

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Clubs in both Districts have recently received, via their Cabinet Secretary, a request to consider nominating someone worthy from their Club or another Lions Club.

To be eligible, the person must be a current Lion in your Club or a member of another Lions Club anywhere in Western Australia. We are looking for Lions who have made a significant contribution to the community through Lions Clubs International over a number of years.

A nomination fee of $115.00, used to offset the costs of Certificates and meals for the new Nominees, should be included with the Nomination Form and sent to PO Box 182, APPLECROSS, WA, 6953. Direct credits may be made to District 201W2 Administration Account, WESTPAC BANK BSB 036-022, ACCOUNT NUMBER 461371. PLEASE SHOW CLUB NAME AS A REFERENCE.

In keeping with the significance and prestige of this award, only up to 3 people will be inducted this year.

If your Club has nominated a Lion in the previous 2 years, then you do not need to renominate them this year, as they are automatically eligible again this year.

A nomination form is available on the Hall of Fame web sites of both Districts 201W1 and 201W2, or and select WA Lions Hall of Fame. The form is printable and once completed can be attached to an email to [email protected]

Nominations must be received by 5.00pm on the 31st August 2019 to be considered. A Black Tie Dinner will be held on Friday 1st November 2019, to announce the inductees into the WA Lions Hall of Fame. The venue will again be the Parmelia Hilton Hotel, Hill St, Perth at 7.00pm for 7.30pm. Cost of the Dinner will be $100.00. (No charge for NEW Nominees). Further details relating to the Dinner will be advised to Clubs in September this year.

Nominations are open to all Lions in Western Australia and are being sought from Clubs in both W1 and W2.

We look forward to receiving one or more Nominations from your Club.

Yours in Lions,

PDG Wally Barrett, OAM


WA Lions Hall of Fame Committee 2017

Home: (08) 9531 2339 Mobile: 0407 778 235 Email: [email protected]

NOTE: Please forward all Nominations to WA Lions Hall of Fame Committee Secretary, PDG Allan Cooper, PO Box 182, APPLECROSS, WA, 6953 or [email protected]


A Joint Project of Lions Districts 201W1 & W2

Chairman PDG Wally Barrett OAM

Correspondence to PO Box 182, APPLECROSS, WA, 6953

MAYLANDS LIONS CLUB Maylands Lions assisting at a Community Service project.

They help out a Shop Front making sandwiches and feeding the homeless people around Maylands.

On left Rosemary, In the middle Clarence and on right Alex (Lions) Clarence's granddaughter and the Shop Front manager.

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L to R - Derrick Wright--Sect. V/Pres-- Don Francis. Membership-- PDG Ivan Sturgess. DG-- Luen Chicote. Treasurer-- Hans Hoette and Pres: 1st VDG Mike Wainwright.

The Noranda Lions Club had an informal Changeover breakfast on Saturday 6th July. District Governor Luen Chicote officiated and the newly elected Board with Luen are featured in the photograph.

DG Luen Chicote carrying out the induction of Noranda Lion Club Officers with incoming President 2nd VDG Mick Wainwright.

Visiting Lions enjoying the proceedings outdoor.

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The incoming Board of Directors inducted by 2nd VDG Mick Wainwright on the right of the banner.

Lions enjoying the breakfast . Outgoing President Mary Ann Powell presenting the gong and gavel to incoming President Dale Thomson

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Incoming Board of Directors inducted by 2nd VDG Mick Wainwright

Main Table L to R - Roslyn Barnes - Incoming President, 2nd VDG Mick Wainwright, Derrick Boardman Club President & Lion Pat Boardman

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Three Noranda members had the pleasure of attending the Ellenbrook Lions Changeover on Thursday 6th June. L to R Derek Boardman - Immediate Past President, Roslyn Barnes - Incoming President, Installation Officer 2nd VDG Mick Wainwright (Noranda Lions), Brady Rickert-O'Shea - President -Morley Leos, and Don Francis... Noranda member. With Derrick Wright Noranda member behind the camera.

Also in attendance at the Ellenbrook changeover dinner was members from the Swan District and Ballajura Lions Club. Kaye Scandrett on left and Jill Middlemass on right in front. (both from Ballajura). Next to Jill is Mary Ann Powell and Marion Martin from Swan Districts.


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Ballajura Lions Charter President Lion Paul Titheradge on right receiving a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow award from Lion President Richard Tunmer for his service to our club and community over the past 30 years.

Lion Greg Brennan on left a long serving Lion receiving a well deserved Melvin Jones from Club President Richard Tunmer.

Ballajura Lions Club held their Changeover Dinner at The Heights - Bar and Bistro, Alexander Heights on Monday 17th June.

This function was made even more memorable, with the Lions Club celebrating their 30th Anniversary having chartered in June 1989!

As well Members of Ballajura Lions, guests including DG Luen Chicote, City of Swan, Ballajura /Malaga Rotary Club, Ballajura Community College, Noranda Lions, Swan District Lions, Ellenbrook Lions and Duncraig Lions were represented. The Morley Leo Club President Brady Rickett O’Shea was also present.

Past District Governor Rob Meney from Duncraig Lions Club installed the new Board for 2019/20. The new President for the coming year is Lion Jill Middlemass

Lion Kaye Scandrett was award the Ballajura Lion of the Year trophy for her tremendous support given to the club over the past year. Kaye was always available to assist with club activities and open her home for meetings and functions.

Lions enjoying themselves on the evening.

L to R Lions District Exemplary Service Awards Chairperson Jill Middlemass, Lion Greg Brennan, Carol Findlay and Kaye Scandrett.

Ballajura Lions Club presented Carol with an Exemplary Service Award for her work at the Ballajura Community College. Particularly her involvement with the Breakfast Club. Four Ballajura Lions Club members attend each Thursday morning throughout the Term to assist in serving those Students who partake in the Breakfast....sometimes there are to 100 students who utilise this project. Both Ballajura Lions and Ballajura/Malaga Rotary Clubs are heavily involved.

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District Governor Luen Officiating at the Awards High Tea. A very enjoyable afternoon.

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NEW AUSTRALIAN LIONSONOZ MEMBERS INDUCTED For Lions Clubs across Australia the induction of two new members is an exciting event to be celebrated and is usually at a meeting with pomp and ceremony. Australian Lionsonoz is a unique club which meets online and so an induction is quite different, but very special.

On Monday 17th June, new Lion Ian Handley was in Darwin and new Lion Gilly Kearney was in Narooma. With the help of President Alison from Darwin Nightcliff Lions and the Secretary Paul of Narooma Lions, PCC Lion Bob Buckley inducted Ian and Gilly into Lions as members of Australian Lionsonoz. It was very exciting for club members who were scattered across

Australia to connect through messenger and welcome two new members.

Lion Ian is currently travelling Australia to promote awareness and raise funds for brain cancer having lost his wife to brain cancer early last year. Ian has been welcomed by many communities and many Lions clubs. As he travels he is meeting Lions across Australia. He has been very impressed with the Lions in his home town and is pleased to now call himself a Lion.

Follow his website (“Around Australia for Brain Cancer”) and his journey and if you find him in a town near you please help him.

Lion Gillian (Gilly) was at home in Narooma with her cuddly pet “Lion Leo” and a photo of

her Dad, Lion Sam Katz who was past President of the Chatswood Lions Club in the ‘60s. She was delighted to re-join Lions after a move from Bathurst to Narooma, where it was not possible for her to attend meetings. We are certainly pleased to have her back and she will now help Narooma as a Lion to support her community.

Welcome to Lions Ian and Gilly.

Australian Lionsonoz New Board On one of the few occasions that the majority of Australian Lionsonoz members get together occurred at South West Rocks on the Mid coast of NSW on the 24th May this year.

It was the occasion of their Annual Changeover of Officers. Lionsonoz has a current membership of 30, with 2 more members to be inducted at the next meeting. Fifteen members and their families made the journey to South West Rocks to witness the Changeover.

The whole procedure was conducted on computers through “Skype”, the balance of the Club’s membership joined in from all the parts of Australia where they were located.

PDG Gerard Cross of Hallidays Point in NSW conducted the Changeover which saw Lion Cheryl Buckley hand over the reins to PDG Peter Veryard. A dinner meeting was then conducted at the South West Rocks Country Club to celebrate the Club’s 10th Birthday.

By PDG Warren White

Above - Lion Ian

Above - Lion Gillian

Lion Cheryl Buckley, Lionsonoz outgoing President congratulates PDG Peter Veryard on his new role as President of Australian Lionsonoz.