cadastre in addis ababa - in...

-1- Copyright @ 2010 Hansa Luftbild Group Cadastre in Addis Ababa Property Transactions in the Digital Age, Mülheim, 1.10.2010 Cadastre in Addis Ababa Status and future development Dr.-Ing. Paul Hartfiel Mülheim, 1. Oct. 2010

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Cadastre in Addis Ababa

Property Transactions in the Digital Age, Mülheim, 1.10.2010

Cadastre in Addis Ababa

Status and future development

Dr.-Ing. Paul Hartfiel

Mülheim, 1. Oct. 2010

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Cadastre in Addis Ababa

Property Transactions in the Digital Age, Mülheim, 1.10.2010

Addis Ababa

Capital of Ethiopia

Area 540 km²

population > 3,200,000 (rapidly growing)

2,300,000 in 1994

> 22% of all urban dwellers

in Ethiopia

Centre for international organisations:

- African Union headquarter

- United Nations

headquarter of Economic Commission for Africa

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Cadastre in Addis Ababa

Property Transactions in the Digital Age, Mülheim, 1.10.2010

Legislative framework in Ethiopia

Property in Ethiopia

- No private ownership of land

- Ownership of buildings combined with right to use the land parcel

Basis for a cadastral administration

- Civil code defines registers of immovable property

- transferring ownership and taxes are based on these registers

- In general the authorisation for jurisdiction on possessing rights,

fixing and collecting land use fees (leasehold, houses taxes)

is given to the local government of the cities

- actually no separate authority is defined for keeping these registers

Based on this, government of Addis Ababa started to build a register

- of properties

- and cadastre in 1996

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Cadastre in Addis Ababa

Property Transactions in the Digital Age, Mülheim, 1.10.2010

Cadastre in Addis Ababa

Implementation of a register of properties and cadastre in 1996

- Using for taxation and assessment

- Building transfers, building permissions

cadastral map based on of photogrammetric mapping

Updating process was not installed consistently

- No more reliability of the data after more than 10 years

Necessity to install the cadastre as a modern land information system

- add transaction services to other external users

- integrate written procedures and processes

first step: attempt to update the cadastral maps in 2005

- partly integration of the new data

The Addis Ababa city government decided to re-design

- the data base and

- the complete workflow

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Cadastre in Addis Ababa

Property Transactions in the Digital Age, Mülheim, 1.10.2010

Hansa Luftbild

Real Property Registration and Land Information (Cadastre) System Development

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Cadastre in Addis Ababa

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Hansa Luftbild is Europe‘s leading group of companies in the fields of aerial surveying, geomatics and geographic information systems

• About 200 employees

• Operating worldwide since 80 years

• Projects in 70% of all countries worldwide

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Cadastre in Addis Ababa

Property Transactions in the Digital Age, Mülheim, 1.10.2010


Hansa Luftbild GroupHansa Luftbild Group

Remote Sensing &


Remote Sensing &

PhotogrammetryConsulting InternationalConsulting InternationalGeoinformation SystemsGeoinformation Systems

Geodata production

Data capturing

Data conversion

Geo IT-management

Software development

Data modelling / analysis

System supply and support

Consulting & Solutions

Management of complex

international projects

General contracting


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Cadastre in Addis Ababa

Property Transactions in the Digital Age, Mülheim, 1.10.2010

Clients and Fields of Application

Our Clients are Worldwide

Government Ministries


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Public Utilities

State Authorities

Fields of Application

Land Management

Environmental Monitoring

Infrastructure and Transport


Utility Information System

Public Administration

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Cadastre in Addis Ababa

Property Transactions in the Digital Age, Mülheim, 1.10.2010

Real Property Registration and Land Information (Cadastre) System Development

“Publicly accessible property registers

are like the rank mud carried to estuary by a river

to guarantee a general progress in economics and prosperity.”

quote from Hernando de Soto

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Cadastre in Addis Ababa

Property Transactions in the Digital Age, Mülheim, 1.10.2010

1. Updating the cadastral (parcel, building, street, administrative divisions and

topography) map of the city and develop a cadastre database that can support

municipal data needs.

2. Study, design, develop and put in place a functional and reliable real property

registration system and organization.

3. Study, design, develop and put in place a functional and reliable land information

(cadastre) system that support land administration and building permit, land

development and valuation, land use planning and taxation.

4. Propose, design and produce international level addressing system (including

street coding and link with existing street names) that considers the city’s

administrative boundaries.

5. Ensure sustainability of the project results on the base of knowledge transfer

Real Property Registration and Land Information (Cadastre)

System Development

Project Objectives

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Cadastre in Addis Ababa

Property Transactions in the Digital Age, Mülheim, 1.10.2010

Methodology and Approach

One working group for each of the following topics:

• updating of cadastral map data

• business processes of all cadastral duties

• development and implementation of addressing system

• real property registration

• land information system

• definition of the objects catalogue required for the data model.

• based on international standards

• special working groups (WG) are established

(consisting of members from AACA and HL)

The working groups will be involved in the whole development and implementation

process in order to guarantee the sustainable use of the implemented systems and

solutions after the completion of the contracted work.

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Cadastre in Addis Ababa

Property Transactions in the Digital Age, Mülheim, 1.10.2010

Updating of Cadastral Maps

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Cadastre in Addis Ababa

Property Transactions in the Digital Age, Mülheim, 1.10.2010

Flight Mission Digital Aerial Imagery

City MappingOrthophoto ProductionGIS Processing

Ground Control

Updating of Cadastral Maps

Data Updating - Aerial Mapping

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Cadastre in Addis Ababa

Property Transactions in the Digital Age, Mülheim, 1.10.2010

Requirement Analysis, Design and Specification of Real Property Registration and Land Information (Cadastre) Systems

The situation of Hamburg will be used as an example to conceptualise the processes at

Addis Ababa solution level taking into consideration the special needs of Addis Ababa

vis-á-vis current situation and future plans.

Even though the two systems which will be developed are complex Hansa Luftbild will

design a user interface which is marked by its simplicity and hence providing the non-

experienced users with an easy handling.

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Cadastre in Addis Ababa

Property Transactions in the Digital Age, Mülheim, 1.10.2010

Development and Implementation of Real Property Registrationand Land Information (Cadastre) Systems

Architecture goals

Efficiency: The system must have the capacity to manage the parcels of

the whole city of Addis Ababa. Addis Ababa covers a total area of 540

km². The total number of parcel is esitmated.

Correctness: The system must implement the processes defined in the

working package requirement analysis, thus it meets all legal concerns.

Maintainability: The architecture and the development of the system

must be designed in such way that long term maintenance can be


Integrity: The system must guarantee the logical and physical integrity of data,

managed by the system, on the level of a sub-city, as well as on the whole city


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Cadastre in Addis Ababa

Property Transactions in the Digital Age, Mülheim, 1.10.2010

Supporting the Establishment of Municipal Real Property Registration Offices

Capacity building will be applied to ensure at the end of the

project that the cadastre office is fully in operation serving

the needs of the community.

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Cadastre in Addis Ababa

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Contributions of Cadastre Information to Sustainable Development

Implementation – Urban Land Management System

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Cadastre in Addis Ababa

Property Transactions in the Digital Age, Mülheim, 1.10.2010

Thank you for your attentionHansa Luftbild GroupElbestraße 5 48145 MünsterGermany

Tel.: +49-251-2330-0Fax.: +49-251-2330-112

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