california trip: los angeles and san francisco: los ...paopl thi tall an siv a report on what we bav...

.. to I.cs Angeles luncheon I glad to be out re among all the good good news is that the Johnson ministration d the 88th Congress 1 ll on the way to establlelins the most productive and progressive legislative record in our The largest tax cut blll Congre s has ever passed is on its te use. 'l'his ll billion cut 1 the moat 1gn1ticent leg! lation on economic grovth and progress since passage the loyment Act of 1946.

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Page 1: California trip: Los Angeles and San Francisco: Los ...paopl thi tall an Siv a report on what we bav done d~in tho to r ·WII!Uil"P ' t ? hould we tell first of all, vUl tell the peopl



I.cs Angeles ~ntio luncheon

I glad to be out re among all the good

good news is that the Johnson ministration

d the 88th Congress 1 ll on the way to establlelins

the most productive and progressive legislative

record in our history~

The largest tax cut blll Congre s has ever

passed is on its te use. 'l'his

ll billion cut 1 the moat 1gn1ticent leg! lation

on economic grovth and progress since passage o~ the

loyment Act of 1946.

Page 2: California trip: Los Angeles and San Francisco: Los ...paopl thi tall an Siv a report on what we bav done d~in tho to r ·WII!Uil"P ' t ? hould we tell first of all, vUl tell the peopl


s aa the most comp hsti 1 v

ci 11 M ta act v r pre t d to ongre

tting t for an historic battl 1n t

I ce.n tell you hat we in t nate . oizlg

to~ ... ~!.-..· rights and ens r to r. :t to t

ident Johnson' call or en er.tecti v

c atructiv civil 18ht bill.

:.L'llfUle two mea ures are the co rstone ot the

our tot t will o our

lo r.

Page 3: California trip: Los Angeles and San Francisco: Los ...paopl thi tall an Siv a report on what we bav done d~in tho to r ·WII!Uil"P ' t ? hould we tell first of all, vUl tell the peopl


~ t th1 is only the beg1nning.

out 1n8llY other parts or the nnedy-J

e.nd I want to go on reool'd re and now ... witbo t

u ot being proven wrong - that when the our

eax-s ot t Kennedy-Johnson Adm1n1strat1on hav

n eompl ted tbe cord or the 87th and the 88th

Congress, both ntOC t1c&lly controlled, Will

one of the most outs 1ng record in the r.istoey

0 the Oovemme t or tbe Uni tats.

I know that very Congres come 1n tor its o orit1c1 and certainly the 88th s is

no exc ption. t l t to remind my llow

Democrats that you on' t improv your 1 tuat1on b1

joining the llyac r cle.ek4

Page 4: California trip: Los Angeles and San Francisco: Los ...paopl thi tall an Siv a report on what we bav done d~in tho to r ·WII!Uil"P ' t ? hould we tell first of all, vUl tell the peopl



Page 5: California trip: Los Angeles and San Francisco: Los ...paopl thi tall an Siv a report on what we bav done d~in tho to r ·WII!Uil"P ' t ? hould we tell first of all, vUl tell the peopl


You t'ats bsre today are the cu todian ,

the tevards, 0 to spe$k or a t political

part,- that ha been given the pons1b111ty tor

vemlng tbia nation tor f'>ur- ar I"iod,.

, you and tting ready to go to the

paopl thi tall an Siv a report on what we bav

done d~in tho to r ·WII!Uil"P'

t ?

hould we tell

first of all, vUl tell the peopl that w

e ta 1nber1ted a politic structure that was

e ping along 1n se~iou trou 1 broad; its mon

at literally on the rocks in terms o~ 1ntamat1onal

payment J 1te prest

JOOUnting at home

c ping pao , t best.

abroad at lov bb; unemplo nt

oonomy loWing down to

Page 6: California trip: Los Angeles and San Francisco: Los ...paopl thi tall an Siv a report on what we bav done d~in tho to r ·WII!Uil"P ' t ? hould we tell first of all, vUl tell the peopl


heaident l'annedy took over With a ~se to get

and it took a big man, with big ideaa and groat

determination to get the country- moving. And we

got 1t 1210ving under hia leaderahip.

got it moving to the point where tt::Jdq instead

of' tal.k1ng about a 6oO bllll.on econom;y, we have

1 t; 'Where progress i being made agai nat Ul'lfJmploJlll$nt;

'Wher& pxtice levels have been stabillzed J vbere our

intemat101l81 balance ot •wmeo·ts situation is better

than it baa been 1n t1 ve ~·. Tbeae are just a

:rev ot tba th1nga ..

Page 7: California trip: Los Angeles and San Francisco: Los ...paopl thi tall an Siv a report on what we bav done d~in tho to r ·WII!Uil"P ' t ? hould we tell first of all, vUl tell the peopl

-7· more important~,-, President Kennedy t this

countl'f moving aga1 n to the point vbe the President

o-r the United State can talk about peace today.

can negotiate ~or peace a.nd not negoti te tram

w. can negotiate ~ strength - not rrom ~ .. Nov w can con~~ano respect f'.rom tbe

Soviet Union to point re they are v!ll.1ng, at

long l t, to talk more zteasonably

bout the problems 1n the VOl'ld.


Th1 d1 t t happen easil . You can be proud

that your gover.rm:ent haS strengthened ric to

point wile it 1 the uncontested political and

:mill tary and economic po"Watt in the l«Jrld today.

combination o

Page 8: California trip: Los Angeles and San Francisco: Los ...paopl thi tall an Siv a report on what we bav done d~in tho to r ·WII!Uil"P ' t ? hould we tell first of all, vUl tell the peopl


All ott thia baa ..te it possible fbr our new

lrea1dent - Ip.doo B. Jolmaon .... to otter 801118

overttmte to the &asians about di~t. He

can do it ~17. WbJ? Becauae e1nce 1961 the

great Preaident and tallen leader wtlo we lOved ao

lllloh s.v• thia count17 the toola, tbe a1new and the

strerlgth tor OUl" 1111l1t&r7 eatabl1-...,ta, our ~,

our toreign aid and all tbat IDIDa up our national


lnov this record, Ba proud ot it. Thia Juat

di*l1t happen. It liU woriatd on.. It wu PlaDned.

It bad to be leg1al.atecl and it bad to be executed

and edlatn1atered. ADd w did it.

Page 9: California trip: Los Angeles and San Francisco: Los ...paopl thi tall an Siv a report on what we bav done d~in tho to r ·WII!Uil"P ' t ? hould we tell first of all, vUl tell the peopl


And we will continue t.o C&r1'7 on that ·ine reool'd

er the Adm1ni ration JOhnson.

vant you to I'ellll8nlber tho t words in President

Johnson r a.ddre to the Co BS

ot 1 t us continue,


hre& word sum up the central t ot t

JOhn on Aam1nistrat1on ..

They also constitute good plat nn tor Democrat

to run on this U.

on the programs po11c1 a of sid t nnedy

oause t

sident Johnson p~ a major role 1n dev loping

that program ..

I sat there With the

pa.x-t ot the team. I know.

n. I work:ad with them.

Page 10: California trip: Los Angeles and San Francisco: Los ...paopl thi tall an Siv a report on what we bav done d~in tho to r ·WII!Uil"P ' t ? hould we tell first of all, vUl tell the peopl


Ve Democrats •ve an obUgation to point out the

f' reool'd ot the ~Johnaon teem and take

our case to the people ..

.... began an aJI8& ~velopuent pX'Ogl"am that

helped economi~ distressed communitie

throughout the nation.

-- built more nursing homes tor our old

people 1n the last 3 year than 1n the preceding

200 yeat' •

- built more hous.tng tor the &ld&rlyin

the 3 years than the previous l.OO and

broadened the uztban redev lopoent, Plbllo

housing end college hou programs.


Page 11: California trip: Los Angeles and San Francisco: Los ...paopl thi tall an Siv a report on what we bav done d~in tho to r ·WII!Uil"P ' t ? hould we tell first of all, vUl tell the peopl


--we Urprov t Soc1a1. Security pro

-- started a. 1Pood tamp progl"em tor the

the school lunch and milk program.

And I haven't even c to the so-called "maJor"

actions )'8t.

1proc&l Trade Act tbered bJ

tield of mental. health and the tirst maJor attack \

on mental tardat1on by any count17in t

h1 tocy ot t world.

Page 12: California trip: Los Angeles and San Francisco: Los ...paopl thi tall an Siv a report on what we bav done d~in tho to r ·WII!Uil"P ' t ? hould we tell first of all, vUl tell the peopl

. ~ .


·- bave enacted the broadest, most comprehen 1ve

progt'am of aid to educ tion that any nat on

1n tbe rl has ev·er kno - aid to voc tional

schools, aid to medical s hools, school ot

and othe pro se1onal ohools;


lp f'or eolle construation.

This is a proud record. DJ. this ia only t

~- I can tell you go1n.g to d to

viU ir it.

can get r1 or

stand in our ..


ot those ctio~ie

Page 13: California trip: Los Angeles and San Francisco: Los ...paopl thi tall an Siv a report on what we bav done d~in tho to r ·WII!Uil"P ' t ? hould we tell first of all, vUl tell the peopl


t Jomaon h1 f'io t te

of' Union st t

0 the d, tWhy, t t is luepr. tfb

1 •

I cH.dn•t t t t t ,bu

tba •s t c ll buy 1t6 s one

1 yotl will t bl prin ~0~

• You c ret sure<i

n ppide 1n lay1

ow lu "int tor pro s , - to d&.t'

t wil l t

p •

Page 14: California trip: Los Angeles and San Francisco: Los ...paopl thi tall an Siv a report on what we bav done d~in tho to r ·WII!Uil"P ' t ? hould we tell first of all, vUl tell the peopl


zteoogniz that our dutY' is to Ul people.

'lhat• not indirte:rent to pl. t 0~

1 in this uent iecy.

all-out ft.l' on pov rty - an 'uncond1t1anal "

aga:Lnst poverty :wherever it xis.t - u1n city a-4'-;Wu:a

iil!WI!l ....... towns, 1n sbareorop~r- sb&Ok5, in migrant

wo.t'k.e~ catlllt>s, and on our Indian re rvation ~ QUA.cua

'White e.

a tba

n s groes. Qi.Ul.~ t young Wll

, 1n boom town an

and conviction. Th1a 1s tbe reason W1n elect ons.

Page 15: California trip: Los Angeles and San Francisco: Los ...paopl thi tall an Siv a report on what we bav done d~in tho to r ·WII!Uil"P ' t ? hould we tell first of all, vUl tell the peopl


I ma.1m one plea to J:ll1 tello t'e


anyon pa.ttt .. t 1 not t one sectio o

the count

e.notber.. tet•s not indUl in rsonalit1e . !at

US C MuCt OUI' lv Vith ood -•"'"" ood taste

1'1 t and t'imles in t r1ght s

to the right.

ve .1n 1964 Will

and etion o

the Captain or t

with u "

or c duct t t we st



llion W:Pld -

Front r vho is no lo r

Page 16: California trip: Los Angeles and San Francisco: Los ...paopl thi tall an Siv a report on what we bav done d~in tho to r ·WII!Uil"P ' t ? hould we tell first of all, vUl tell the peopl

.. ' I •

poll ic no

t~ he

t u


u.:<o..K.L.L-. .&.a;:n.o; and till ;m. ~~ 1

t ~ ....... ~

t d.

Page 17: California trip: Los Angeles and San Francisco: Los ...paopl thi tall an Siv a report on what we bav done d~in tho to r ·WII!Uil"P ' t ? hould we tell first of all, vUl tell the peopl



as h1 pil.x'ttier :t the Democratic CQnvention 1n

Ioe Angele 1n 19tb - President Johnaon - bas our

nation that w intend to aee that he 1a nrelee~


Page 18: California trip: Los Angeles and San Francisco: Los ...paopl thi tall an Siv a report on what we bav done d~in tho to r ·WII!Uil"P ' t ? hould we tell first of all, vUl tell the peopl

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