call center guide 3 tier contact model

CRM Team Call Center Procedures Guide 1

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Page 1: Call center guide   3 tier contact model

1CRM Team

Call Center Procedures Guide

Page 2: Call center guide   3 tier contact model


Table of Contents

Customer Engagement and Relationship Strategy (Introduction to the model) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Execution through Activities (basics) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5

Mid Market Relationship program ………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7

1. Welcome …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9

2. Deploy ….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11

3. Use …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13

4. Use – True-ups …..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15

5. Renew ….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 17

3 Tier Contact Model - Integrated Execution …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21

Data Targeting ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 23

MQPs and PQPs …………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25

Appendix A – Taxonomy Guide .……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 26

Appendix B – Data Quality Fields Guide ..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 29

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Customer Engagement and Relationship Strategy


• Microsoft Customer Engagement and Relationship Strategy se basa en la ejecución de un modelo que permite agregar valor tanto a clientes activos e inactivos.

• Este modelo se llama 3 Tier Contact Model y tiene tres pilares:

1. Mid Market Relationship Program y LTV:Provee una razón para contactar y ayuda a conectarse con el cilente Crear relacionamiento y confianza.Para clientes inactivos, construir un relacionamiento Comienza aún antes que adquieran por primera vez.

2. Targeted Marketing: Ayuda a vender. Ser conciente y cauteloso cuando estás vendiendo

activamente. Esto puede ser sólo “plantar una semilla” por lo que se dará

seguimiento durante 6 meses. Los

clientes de Mid Market adquieren lo que beneficia su negocio y se

enfoca en sus necesidades – “valor agregado” – Los

mensajes de las campañas deben enfocarse a los puntos de pain.

3. Validación de Datos: Mejor entendimiento y conocimiento del cliente.Microsoft confía en los datos en nuestro sistema. Mejora los tiempos. Siempre actualiza GSX para que en la siguiente conversación sea contextual y puedas referirte a lo que se

discutió previamente.

• Construye confianza al cuidar los intereses, aprender sobre los requerimientos de negocio y proveer valor en cada interacción• Crear profundidad en el relacionamiento teniendo contactos regulares con multiples BDMs y TDMs y ofreciendo soluciones a través de las empresas• Retener/Incrementar la Penetración ofreciendo la mezcla de productos/soluciones que se relacionen a las necesidades del cliente e incremente el

posicionamiento dentro de la corporación manteniendo informado al cliente sobre nuevos productos y mejoras• Incrementar el conocimiento de Microsoft de la base de clientes manteniendo registros de alta calidad, interactuando con cada cliente y agregando

estandares de calidad y requerimiento de datos• Mejorar la experiencia del Cliente (CPE) demostrando interés sincero para el bien del cliente, respondiendo ágilmente a sus quejas y situaciones

proveyendo valor

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Customer Engagement and Relationship Strategy

3 Tier Contact Model

Cada componente del 3 Tier Contact Model se explicará detalladamente en éste manual.

Qué Por qué

1.Reason to contact (Razón para contactar) = RelationshipMejorar el compromiso y CPE de cuentas

Siempre agrega valor – Construir relacionamientoLTV determina – Asignación de Portafolio de Cuentas y frecuencia de contacto

2. Selling (Campañas)

Maximiza el revenue de la cuenta

Los objetivos de marketing significa que hablas con el cliente sobre cosas que requiere.Los mensajes de Campañas aseguran que éste es el lenguaje y contexto del cliente

3. Entendimiento Profundo del Cliente = Datos Mejorar el conocimiento de Cuentas

Necesitamos usar cada oportunidad para obtener datos adicionales sobre nuestros clientes y validar los datos que todavía tenemos.

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Execution through Activities


• El contacto con los clientes se basa en la ejecución de las actividades en GSX. Esto significa que todas las interacciones con las cuentas o los contactos están registrados en el módulo de la actividad en la herramienta de CRM..

• Éstos son algunos de los tipos de interacciones: – Asistencia a Eventos– Correo directo/Email– Llamadas de seguimiento– Actividades TPM– IROs– Objetivos– Etc.

• Las actividades en Siebel tiene un conjunto de campos que tanto ayudan a comprender el objetivo de esas actividades, y el resultado de la ejecución .• Las interacciones con los clientes pueden requerir medidas adicionales (llamadas a los clientes, reasignar la actividad a cualquier otra persona, etc) o puede

ser de carácter informativo solamente.• Actividades informativas dar apoyo a actividades de acción necesarios.


• Cada Actividad tiene su propia taxonomía para diferenciar a cada una. • La Taxonomía ayuda a identificar el tipo de actividad. Se registra en el campo de DESCRIPTION• La Taxonomía se divide en los segmentos que muestra: Fiscal Year, origen, tipo de actividad, acción, descripción adicional:

FiscalYear-Origen-Tipo-Acción-Descripción E.g.: FY11-MMRP-WELC-RQA-Welcome May

Some examples

* Para la lista completa de taxonomias, ver appendix A


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Execution through Activities

Cómo se ve

Description: Ayuda a entender el propósito de la actividad.

Status: Muestra el status de la actividad:• not started: Aún no se ha ejecutado.• In progress: Está siendo procesada.• Done: Ha sido ejecutada y cerrada.• Cancelled: Se ha cancelado.

Comments: El equipo de CRM puede cargar información adicional para hacer más entendible la actividad. ISRs pueden escibir comentarios adicionales.

Additional Information: Igual que Comments

Call Disposition: Sólo si la actividad requiere acción. Este campo registra feedback sobre la ejecución de la actividad (No interest in subject, no phone, interested, etc.)

Create Oppty from Activity: Si la ejecución de la actividad lleva a la creación de una oportunidad, éste botón debe utilizarse para crear una y asociarla con la actividad.


• El status de las iniciativas de marketing son medidos con la ejecución de actividades analizando los campos de actividad. Por lo tanto llenar correctamente los campos es crítico.

• Los campos de actividad ayudan al equipo de CRM a mejorar lo que hay en GSX. Por ejemplo, actividades con Call Disposition No Phone son separadas para corregir los números telefónicos de las compañías relacionadas a dichas actividades.


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Mid Market Relationship Program (MMRP)


• El Mid Market Relationship Program es un marco de compromiso con el cliente basado en una estratégia comprobada de contacto que consiste en una serie de ejecuciones consistentes, altamente relevantes y con comunicaciones a clientes basados en tiempos mapeados según el ciclo de vida de las licencias de los clientes.

• MMRP es un programa de posteo de ventas que crea un fuerte relacionamiento con clientes.• Éste programa sigue el ciclo de vida de las licencias: desde la compra hasta la renovación del contrato.• MMRP tiene cuatro fases con mensajes específicos en un tiempo específico.• Cada fase tiene material personalizado dependiendo de:

– Tipo de Licencia– Producto– Ciudad– ISR

• El seguimiento de todas las fases se realiza a través de call-activities en GSX.


• Mejorar la satisfacción del cliente y compromiso con MS• Mejorar cross-sell y up-sell• Mejorar el conocimiento del cliente• Maximizar las tazas de revenue de renovaciones• Maximizar el deployment

Fases – Proceso de Tiempos

• Welcome: Dá la bienvenida a los clientes 0-3 meses posterior a la compra.• Deploy: Verifica si el cliente ya instaló el producto. Se comparten tips de Deployment o Implementación. 3-6 meses posterior a la compra.• Use: Provee tips para usar productos de Microsoft y sus beneficios, de tal forma que los clientes tengan una buena experiencia con las soluciones

de Microsoft. 6-30 meses posterior a la compra.• Renew: Intenta garantizar la renovacion de los contratos de Software Assurance . 30-36 meses posterior a la compra.

Retain/ Renew

0 – 3 Months 3-6 Months 30-36 Months6-30 Months




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Mid Market Relationship Program (MMRP)

• MMRP provides a determinant reason to contact customers at a specific time and via a specific delivery channel (Phone, e-mail). • MMRP helps improve customer satisfaction through engagement, deployment and quality of communications.• Microsoft gets better renewal rates.• MMRP enables cross/up- sell Increase sales



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MMRP - Welcome


• Welcomes the customers to the Microsoft volume licensing program.• A welcome kit with customized material is sent to customers. This kit can be e-mailed or direct mailed.• The kit includes a welcome letter with:

• Customized messages for: – Purchases with or without Software Assurance.– Different license types: Enterprise agreement, Select or Open.

• Summary of purchased licenses.• Step-by-step guide to register OPEN or MVLS products in the volume licensing webpage.• Software Assurance Benefits.• Web resources to implement products.

• ISRs reinforce the materials with follow-up calls.

Process – How to do it

• Every time a customer purchases a new Microsoft product, two activities are uploaded into Siebel with a specific date to contact:

• Welcome Kit activity: This is an informative activity that is created to register the email or direct mail sent to customer.• Welcome Call activity: This activity is created to reinforce Welcome kit through a follow up call. This activity has to be executed

by the ISR.

• When executing the call:• Check with the customer if the material was sent.• Talk about the benefits the customer has.• If the customer has not bought Software Assurance, talk about the benefits of buying Microsoft products with it.


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MMRP - WelcomeTaxonomy

Type of Activity Taxonomy (activity description) ActivityType ActivityCategory ActivityPurpose Status

Welcome CallFY09-MMRP-WELC-RQA-Welcome call T+30 Month Call - Outbound MMRP Welcome - Call

Not Started

Welcome Kit FY09-MMRP-WELC-FYI-Welcome Kit MonthDirect Mail or Email - Outbound MMRP Welcome - Kit Done

What it looks like

Comments help track the contract in MSExplore. More details like Agreement End Date, License Type, or products are included in this field.

Status and Call disposition have to be filled out according to the outcome of the call.


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MMRP – Welcome MaterialsCustomized welcome message explaining the program.The materials are written in the country’s native language.

Details of the purchase: Licensing Type, dates, contract numbers, etc.

Letter signed by Account Manager.

Other customized messages depending on the license type.

Details of purchased licenses.

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MMRP - Deploy


• This phase checks if customers have already installed the product .If not, customers are encouraged to do it with deployment tips.• Deploy email is sent to customer after 60 days of purchase. This email has recommendations to reach a correct deployment of products.• ISRs reinforce the materials with follow-up calls.

Process – How to do it

• After welcome phase is executed some months before, a deploy activity is uploaded into Siebel with a specific date to contact the customer.• When executing the call:

• Check if customer received deploy email. If not, send material.• Check if customer has already installed the products. If not, encourage the customer to use the deployment tips sent in the email.• Talk about activating software assurance benefits.


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MMRP - DeployTaxonomy

What it looks like

Comments help track the contract in MSExplore. More details like Agreement End Date, License Type, or products are included in this field.

Status and Call disposition have to be filled out according to the outcome of the call.

Taxonomy helps identify the activity

Type of Activity Taxonomy (activity description) ActivityType ActivityCategory ActivityPurpose Status

Deploy FY09-MMRP-DEPL-RQA-Deploy Product Month Email - Outbound MMRP Deploy - Kit Not Started


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MMRP – Deploy MaterialsCustomized deploy message explaining the program.The materials are written in the country’s native language.

Details of the purchase: Licensing Type, dates, contract numbers, etc.

Letter signed by Account Manager.

Support resources to deploy products

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MMRP - Use


• This phase provides recommendations to achieve the best usage of Microsoft products.• Use email is sent to customer after six months of purchase.• ISRs reinforce the materials with follow-up calls.

Process – How to do it

• After deploy phase is executed some months before, a use activity is uploaded into Siebel with a specific date to contact the customer.• When executing the call:

• Check if customer received use email. If not, send material.• Encourage the customer to use the recommendations sent in the email.• Talk about activating and using software assurance benefits.

A good use experience of products and benefits helps develop the customer’s potential and leads to customer satisfaction.



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MMRP - UseTaxonomy

What it looks like

Comments help track the contract in MSExplore. More details like Agreement End Date, License Type, or products are included in this field.

Status and Call disposition have to be filled out according to the outcome of the call.

Taxonomy helps identify the activity

Type of Activity Taxonomy (activity description) ActivityType ActivityCategory ActivityPurpose Status

Use FY09-MMRP-USES-RQA-Use Product Month Email - Outbound MMRP Use - Kit Not Started


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• True-ups is a benefit of Enterprise Agreement contracts.• When customers sign a new E.A., they declare and install the products they will use during the three year contract. However, customers might want to use

additional products. They can install them at any time and pay the additional usage cost at the end of the first or second year. The payment is made only for future usage, i.e.:

If a customer installs new products after six months of purchasing an Enterprise Agreement, the payment will be made at the end of the first year and only for the next remaining two years of contract.

• This MMRP-Use call was created to check if customers have used additional products during the first or second year.• This call leverages Cross-sell and Up-sell, i.e.:

If a customer has SQL Server and Office, a BI speech can be addressed.• Customers might not be aware of this benefit, therefore this touch can help improve the usage of true-ups.

MMRP Use – True-Ups


• Four touches: Two at the end of the first year and two at the end of the second one:

1. First year T-60: 60 days before first year of contract (Gives time to cross/up sell)2. First year T-30: 30 days before first year of contract (Follow up call to verify additional products and cross/up sell if at T-60 the customer is not sure or

needs more time)3. Second year T-60: 60 days before second year of contract (Gives time to cross/up sell)4. Second year T-30: 30 days before second year of contract (Follow up call to verify additional products and cross/up sell if at T-60 the

customer is not sure or needs more time)

Process (Timeline) – How to do it

• First Touch T-60 (first year): Call to customer to verify additional usage of products during the first year. Cross-sell and Up-sell through the list of installed/deployed products.

• Second Touch T-30 (first year): Call if at first touch, the customer was not sure of usage or if the customer needs more time to add a product.• Third Touch T-60 (second year): Call to customer to verify additional usage of products during the second year. Cross-sell and Up-sell through the list of

installed/deployed products.• Fourth Touch T-30 (second year): Call if at third touch, the customer was not sure of usage or if the customer needs more time to add a product.

1 2Purchase Agreement End Date

T-30 Call - True Up

T-60 Call - True Up

T-30 Call - True Up

T-60 Call - True Up


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MMRP Use – True-UpsTaxonomy

True-ups can be the only source of revenue during three years in accounts with Enterprise Agreement contracts.

What it looks likeRemarks

Touch Taxonomy (activity description) Status Additional Info

First Year T-60 FY09-MMRP-USES-RQA-TrueUp T60 First Year Not StartedAgreementID: xxxxxxxAnniversary Date: mm/dd/yyyy

First Year T-30 FY09-MMRP-USES-RQA-TrueUp T30 First Year Not StartedAgreementID: xxxxxxxAnniversary Date: mm/dd/yyyy

Second Year T-60 FY09-MMRP-USES-RQA-TrueUp T60 Second Year Not StartedAgreementID: xxxxxxxAnniversary Date: mm/dd/yyyy

Second Year T-30 FY09-MMRP-USES-RQA-TrueUp T30 Second Year Not StartedAgreementID: xxxxxxxAnniversary Date: mm/dd/yyyy

The Comments field can be used to add remarks regarding the execution of the call

Status and Call disposition have to be filled out according to the outcome of the call.

The Additional Info field contains the Agreement Id that helps track the contract in MSExplore


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MMRP – Use Materials

Customized use message explaining the program.The materials are written in the country’s native language.

Details of the purchase: Licensing Type, dates, contract numbers, etc.

Letter signed by Account Manager.

Product Use recommendations

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Renew expiring contracts with Software Assurance. Email/Dmail is sent to customers with:

• Current licensing status• Benefits to renew

ISRs calls reinforce the materials with follow-up calls.

MMRP - Renew


Six touches (email/dmail + calls) to guarantee renewal:

1. T-180: 80 days before expiring (Gives time to budget)2. T-90: 90 days before expiring (Gives time to budget)3. T-60: 60 days before expiring (Reminds customer)4. T-30: 30 days before expiring (Follow-up call)5. T: Date of expiration (Customer has 30 more days to renew)6. T+30: Last chance to renew

Process (Timeline) – How to do it

First Touch T-180: Call to customer to remind them of the expiring Contract. Close activity if no further action is required. Second Touch T-90: Call to customer to remind them of the expiring Contract. Create an opportunity and close the rest of the renewal activities if the customer is interested. If the customer is not yet sure, close the activity and wait for T-60. T-60,T-30 Touches: Call to customer to remind them of the expiring Contract. Create an opportunity and close the rest of the renewal activities if the customer is interested. If customer is not yet sure, close the activity and wait for T-60. If the customer does not want to renew, create an opportunity at 0% Prospect. Fifth Touch: One month to renew. Determine if the customer is not renewing, if not, create an opportunity at 0%Prospect and close the activities. Sixth Touch: Last chance to engage the customer. The customer has 30 more days to renew.

AgreementEnd Date

First touchT-180

Second touchT-90

Third touchT-60

Fourth touchT-30

Fifth touchT

Sixth touchT+30


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MMRP - RenewTaxonomy

All activities have information to track the contract in MSExplore or in EOLAS. The Comments field have detailed information including the AgreementID.

TouchTaxonomy (activity description) Status Comments AdditionalInfo

T-180 FY09-MMRP-RENEW-RQA-T180Not Started

Agreement ID,End Date,Authorization #,License Type,Allocation,Products

Agr. ID,End Date,License Type,Alloc

T-90 FY09-MMRP-RENEW-RQA-T90Not Started

Agreement ID,End Date,Authorization #,License Type,Allocation,Products

Agr. ID,End Date,License Type,Alloc

T-60 FY09-MMRP-RENEW-RQA-T60Not Started

Agreement ID,End Date,Authorization #,License Type,Allocation,Products

Agr. ID,End Date,License Type,Alloc

T-30 FY09-MMRP-RENEW-RQA-T30Not Started

Agreement ID,End Date,Authorization #,License Type,Allocation,Products

Agr. ID,End Date,License Type,Alloc


Agreement ID,End Date,Authorization #,License Type,Allocation,Products

Agr. ID,End Date,License Type,Alloc

T+30 FY09-MMRP-RENEW-RQA-T+30Not Started

Agreement ID,End Date,Authorization #,License Type,Allocation,Products

Agr. ID,End Date,License Type,Alloc

What it looks like

Taxonomy shows when to contact the customer.

Comments help track the contract in MSExplore. More details like Agreement End Date, License Type, and products are included in this field.

If customer wants to renew the contract, an opportunity has to be created by using this button. The same taxonomy should be used in the Opportunity Name.

Status and Call disposition have to be filled out according to the outcome of the call.


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MMRP – Renew MaterialsCustomized renewal message explaining the program.The materials are written in the country’s native language.

Details of the purchase: Licensing Type, dates, contract numbers, etc.

Letter signed by Account Manager.

Benefits to renew

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Data Quality – Profiling


• Every month the CRM Team generates an analysis to detect deficiencies in the basic profile for Accounts and Contacts.• Deficiencies are uploaded into Siebel to ISRs as activities that require action.• Analysis includes installed platform deficiencies in accounts.

• The progress in Data Quality will be measured by the corrections done in Siebel, not by the amount of executed activities.

Process – How to do it

• Every time a call is executed with customers, Data Quality speech should be incorporated .• When preparing the call, look for a Data Quality activity to understand the deficiencies that the account has.• In a call it is not possible to cover all criteria of the Data Quality activity; however, it is important to cover at least two (better if more) to maintain a good

standard of quality in Siebel.• Once the call is executed, deficiencies should be corrected with the call outcome.

Maintaining good standards in Siebel means we know our customers better, and therefore more accurate initiatives can be run.



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Data Quality – ProfilingTaxonomy

Taxonomy (activity description) ActivityType ActivityCategory ActivityPurpose Due Date Status

FY09-DAQU-CALL-RQA-Fase Mantenimiento Call - Outbound Common Activities Follow Up End of Fiscal YearIn Progress

What it looks like

Due date is uploaded at the end of the fiscal year (or Q), so that the Data Quality Activities are active during the whole year.

Deficiencies are uploaded in the Comments field.

(Example): • Account: Address, Phone Number• Platform: Data Base, Messaging, Desktop

Operating System, SW ERP-CRM• Contacts: Lonardis Olivares (1+7817+46):

Email, JobTitle // Andres Rojas (1+7817+47): Email // Carlos Montes Ramirez (1-2BQEN8): JobTitle


* For a complete list of validating fields and validation rules, see appendix B.

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• Microsoft can identify customer future value from customer transactional purchasing behavior and industry benchmarks.• This analysis helps identify each account’s future potential revenue to Microsoft.• There are quite a few models that address different concepts:

• Cross Sell• Next Logical Product• Early Adopters• Anti-piracy• Etc.

• These models are available to the call center through activities.• Data targeting helps improve daily business operations in marketing and sales.

Process – How to do it

• Data Targeting is executed through 3 Tier contact model – MMRP first (Relevant information about products already purchased).• When preparing call be ready to discuss any Campaign Scenario and Product listed in the Target set Activities. • Data Sets give guidance - Preplanning , which profiling option to begin conversation with.  • Engage customer in an investigative discussion – listen for critical issues, validate and explore for alternatives.  • For Managed Accounts – Depth and Breadth Tier1 and Tier 2:

• Use Three Tier contact model• MMRP or Routing Activity - due date triggers customer contact  (Primary reason to contact) • Data Target sets linked to Customer Campaign messages -  Target activities due date set to the end of the fiscal year• Execute at same time

• For Un-Managed Accounts – Breadth Tier3 and Tier 4:• Use Target set list• Call Center and Breadth Lead determine customer contact schedule. Start with highest revenue generating products.• Each ISR is assigned a customer list of  Data Target set Customer Campaign activities for the week.

• Some customers could already have bought the offering product. This happens because the customer buys before Microsoft finishes uploading the predicting activities.


Data Targeting

Taxonomy (activity description) ActivityType ActivityCategory ActivityPurpose Due Date Status

FY08-MKTG-TARG-RQA-Campaign Name, Product, Prob/PX, Source Call – Outbound Common Activities Campaign End of Fiscal Year

Not Started

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Data Targeting

What it looks like An account could have more than one Data Target Activity. The customer may be interested in more than one depending on how the conversation goes.

Taxonomy shows details of product and probability:

FY09-MKTG-TARG-RQA-Campaign Name, Product, Prob/PX, Source

Campaign Name: Name of the initiative or Customer Campaign Product: Any PX: P1>=85%

P2 >=70% and <=84%P3 >=50% and <=69%

Source: LOCAL (if the analysis was generated locally)LATAM (if the analysis was generated by LATAM)CORP (if the analysis was generated in Corp as part of a global campaign)


Additional info shows purchase probability percentage.

Feedback from ISRs is registered in Status field:

•Not Started: If ISR has not yet talked with the customer (default status).

•In Progress: If the customer is interested but the opportunity is not yet created. If necessary change the due

date according to the follow up date.•Not Applicable: If customers clearly indicate that they are not and will not be interested in the product in the future.

•Done: If the customer is interested and an opportunity is created (Use Create Oppty from Activity button).

Only select “Done” without opening an Opportunity if multi product Opportunity is being opened from another Target Activity.

Due date is uploaded at the end of the fiscal year (or Q), so Data Target Activities are active during the whole year.

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• An integrated execution should guarantee that when customers are called, they are contacted with unique speech that gathers information from all pending activities (MMRP, Data Quality, MQPs, etc.).

• The integrated execution avoids contacting customers several times for different reasons.

• The 3 Tier Contact Model has three main areas to focus on:1. MMRP: Provides a reason to contact and builds relationships with customers. A reason to contact helps start the conversation. Afterwards

it is possible to expand and complement the conversation to talk about different topics.2. Data Mining Analysis: Provides a set of mathematical analysis that helps identify each account’s future potential revenue to Microsoft. 3. Data Validation: Use every opportunity to obtain additional data and to validate the date that we already have.

3 Tier Contact Model - Integrated Execution

Process – How to do it

1 – Immediate Action

• Validate Opportunities• MMRP• Routing Call (if there is MMRP

as well, then cancel routing)• MQPs

2 – Always talk about• Data Quality• Targets (when available)

3 – Additional information

• Event attendance• Marketing Initiatives• SA Benefit Activation Call


These are informative activities that support calls

Activities that require action (RQA)

• MMRP• Routing Calls• MQPs• Targets• Data Quality• Etc.

Information Activities (FYI)

• SA Software benefit activation

• Event Attendance• Marketing initiatives



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3 Tier Contact Model - Integrated Execution

Cover next points:

1. Validate ERP/CRM opportunity and fulfill platform information (Data Quality Activity)2. Talk about SQL/Exchange Target P3 (cross-sell that complements ERP/CRM opportunity)3. Talk about Windows Target P1

Reached Objectives:

4. Opportunity (MQP) was validated5. Platform was validated Data Quality6. 2 out of 3 Targets were validated

1. RQA / Validate CRM/ERP Oppty

2. Targets and DAQU Activities

2.1 Data Quality Activity requires

ERP/CRM information

What it looks like



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MQPs, PQPs and SQPs


• A very active way of generating pipeline in Microsoft is done through events.• The generation of revenue is an expected outcome from the execution of a complete events plan.• The planning and execution of events have different stages that involve various areas in Microsoft (see the chart below for reference):

1. Planning: Marketing segments create different types of events to fit customers’ needs. These events can be targeted initiatives, product launch, massive events and even marketing though Partners.

2. Execution and Leads generation: Once marketing is clear on the initiative concept, the execution is done through various channels: Physical Events, Calls, Meetings, Demo Centers, etc. The result of the execution can generate prospects (leads) which are commonly called MQPs (Marketing Qualified Prospects), PQPs(Partner Qualified Prospects) and SQPs (Sales Qualified Prospects) depending on who generated the lead.To detect sales prospects, the Lead Qualification model (BANT) is used. This model is based on four basic questions:

B: Budget (Do you have a budget associated with this project?)A: Authority (Are you the business or technical decision maker for this project?)

N: Need (Are you looking to implement a project planned in any of the following areas?)T: Time (What is your organization's timeframe to purchase the chosen solution?)

MQPs, PQPs, and SQPs are contacts who positively answered at least 3 BANT questions and Need is present.Once prospects/leads are detected, they are uploaded into Siebel as activities so that the call center can follow them up.

3. Activity follow-up and Pipeline execution: All prospect activities uploaded in Siebel have to be validated with high priority, as customers expect their needs to be fulfilled. If customers’ needs are real, these activities generate opportunities.

4. Revenue generation: The final expected outcome of the process is Revenue generation and customer satisfaction.

• Marketing Inputs• Tradeshows• Events• D/Emails


• Partner Inputs• Partner referral• Through Partner


• Sales Inputs• 1:Few Events• Meetings, calls,







True Pipeline

20% 40% 60% 80%

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MQPs, PQPs and SQPs

Process – How to do it

• MQPs, PQPs and SQPS activities have specific due dates that must be respected since customers are waiting for Microsoft to contact them. • Customers can be contacted before (but not after) the activity due date.• As part of an integrated execution, these activities should appear when querying all pending activities (status = Not Started).• Comments and Additional Info fields help understand the event objective. Data like date, country, event name, IDs are specified.• If an opportunity is identified , the Create Oppty from Activity button must be used to associate the activity with the opportunity. This is necessary to

measure the ROI (Return of Investment) of Marketing Campaigns.• Close the activity by setting the Status field to Done.


Type Taxonomy (activity description)ActivityType


ActivityPurpose Due Date Status

MQPsFY09-MKTG-CALL-RQA-Event Date/Country/Event Type/Event Name/WWE_ID MQP Lead

Marketing Qualified Prospect

7 days after tabulation

Not Started

PQPs FY09-MKTP-CALL-RQA-Validate Oppty Partner Event MQP LeadPartner Qualified Prospect

7 days after tabulation

Not Started

What it looks like

Taxonomy helps understand source and event type.Keep in mind that events organized by Partners (Through Partner Marketing) can generate leads as well. These leads are uploaded to Siebel with different taxonomy.

Activities are uploaded as soon as leads are detected.Remember that customers are waiting for Microsoft to contact them. Therefore, the sooner the activity is executed, the faster customer expectations are fulfilled.

Not all created MQPs/PQPs generate an opportunity. However, if one is identified, the Create Oppty from Activity button must be used.

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Routing Calls


• Microsoft has a Customer Contact Management Strategy that guarantees coverage throughout Accounts in all segments during the whole year. • This strategy sets the number of times that customers have to be contacted in the year.• The main objective of Contact Management is not to leave customers unattended.• This strategy is different depending on the subsidiary and on the account segment. For example: for Depth accounts Microsoft could be interested in

contact customers once every two months, but for Breadth accounts once every four only.• Contact Management is executed through some instruments: MMRP, Event Activities, Data Sets, Opportunities etc.• In a certain period of time, an account might not have any activity or opportunity, and therefore we cannot contact the customer.• If the account is not touched, contact strategy is broken and engagement is affected.• Routing Calls are created to cover untouched accounts Microsoft can identify when customers are not to be touched and then create a routing call to

cover the accounts.• Routing Calls force a contact with customers.

Process – How to do it

• Routing Calls have to be executed as part of the 3 Tier Contact Model. Every time a routing call is found, a speech has to be prepared by looking at the interactions between Microsoft and the customer.

• Usually routing calls are not accompanied by pending activities, that means that even though calling the customer is necessary, routing calls do not provide a reason to call. That is why looking at the customer history is important to create a logical speech (cross and up sell could help create the reason to contact).

• There can be some exceptions to the previous point when new MMRP, MQPs or initiatives are created. • If the routing call is found with other activities that require action, create the speech bearing in mind these activities and set the routing call to Done in

the status field.


FY09-RUTA-CALL-RQA-Short description

ActivityType ActivityCategory ActivityPurpose Due Date Status

FY09-RUTA-CALL-RQA-Short description Call – Outbound Common Activities Follow Up Depends on the strategy Not Started

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Routing Calls

What it looks like

Find Routing Calls by looking at the Taxonomy

Due Date is established by the contact strategy.

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Appendix A – Taxonomy Guide


Page of reference Description of the activity Type of Activity

Taxonomy(activity description) Type Category Purpose Status

Data Quality 18,19

The proactive Data Quality project guarantees that ISRs verify account's information every time they call customers. Call to verify information FY09-DAQU-CALL-RQA-Data Maintenance Call - Outbound

Common Activities Follow Up

In progress

Microsoft Relationship Program 4,5,6,7

First phase of the Microsoft Relationship Program welcomes the customer to the Volume Licensing program after 30 days of purchase. ISR executes a call Welcome Call FY09-MMRP-WELC-RQA-Welcome call T+30 Month Call - Outbound MMRP Welcome - Call

Not Started

Microsoft Relationship Program 4,5,6,7

First phase of the Microsoft Relationship Program welcomes the customer to the Volume Licensing program after 30 days of purchase. A welcome Kit containing welcome letter and a detail of licenses of the purchase is sent to customer. Welcome Kit FY09-MMRP-WELC-FYI-Welcome Kit Month

Direct Mail or Email - Outbound MMRP Welcome - Kit Done

Microsoft Relationship Program 4,5,8,9

A Deploy email is sent to customer after 60 days of purchase. This email has recommendations to reach a correct deployment of the products. A Deployment follow-up call is executed through ISRs after 90 days of purchase. Deploy FY09-MMRP-DEPL-RQA-Deploy Product. Month Email - Outbound MMRP Deploy - Kit

Not Started

Microsoft Relationship Program


A Use email is sent to customer after 60 days of purchase. This email has recommendations to reach the best use experience with Microsoft products. A Use follow-up call is executed through ISRs after 90 days of purchase. Use FY09-MMRP-USES-RQA-Use Product. Month Email - Outbound MMRP Use - Kit

Not Started

Microsoft Relationship Program 4,5,14,15

Renew expiring contracts with software assurance. Email/Dmail is sent to customers with current licensing status and benefits to renew. ISRs calls reinforce the materials. This phase is executed 180 days before the contract expires.

Renew T-180 FY09-MMRP-RENEW-RQA-T180 Call - Outbound MMRP Renew - CallNot Started

Microsoft Relationship Program 4,5,14,15

Renew expiring contracts with software assurance. Email/Dmail is sent to customers with current licensing status and benefits to renew. ISRs calls reinforce the materials. This phase is executed 90 days before the contract expires.

Renew T-90 FY09-MMRP-RENEW-RQA-T90 Call - Outbound MMRP Renew - CallNot Started

Microsoft Relationship Program 4,5,14,15

Renew expiring contracts with software assurance. Email/Dmail is sent to customers with current licensing status and benefits to renew. ISRs calls reinforce the materials. This phase is executed 60 days before the contract expires.

Renew T-60 FY09-MMRP-RENEW-RQA-T60 Call - Outbound MMRP Renew - CallNot Started

Microsoft Relationship Program 4,5,14,15

Renew expiring contracts with software assurance. Email/Dmail is sent to customers with current licensing status and benefits to renew. ISRs calls reinforce the materials. This phase is executed 30 days before the contract expires.

Renew T-30 FY09-MMRP-RENEW-RQA-T30 Call - Outbound MMRP Renew - CallNot Started

Microsoft Relationship Program 4,5,14,15

Renew expiring contracts with software assurance. Email/Dmail is sent to customers with current licensing status and benefits to renew. ISRs calls reinforce the materials. This phase is executed in the same month of the contract expiring date. Renew T FY09-MMRP-RENEW-RQA-T Call - Outbound MMRP Renew - Call

Not Started

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Appendix A – Taxonomy Guide


Page of reference Description of the activity Type of Activity

Taxonomy(activity description) Type Category Purpose Status

Microsoft Relationship Program 4,5,14,15

This is the last opportunity for customers to renew an expiring contract. An ISR call is executed 30 days after the contract expiring date. Renew T+30 FY09-MMRP-RENEW-RQA-T+30 Call - Outbound MMRP Renew - Call

Not Started

Marketing 4,5,14,15

In some regions a Demo Center can show products or solutions to customers. The execution of this activity is registered for ISRs information.

Democenter - Register of Execution FY09-MKTG-DEMO-FYI-Short description Meeting Event Attendance Done

Marketing  The execution of a teleconference is registered for ISRs information.

Teleconference - Register of Execution FY09-MKTG-TCON-FYI-Short description Meeting Event Attendance Done

Marketing  Webcasts assistance are registered for ISRs information. Webcast - Assistance FY09-MKTG-WBCA-FYI-Short description Meeting Event Attendance Done

Marketing  Webcasts invitations are registered for ISRs information. Webcast - Invitation FY09-MKTG-WBCA-FYI-Short description Meeting Event Invitation Done

Marketing  MQPs Follow-up is done by ISRs though activities MQPs Follow-up Call

FY09-MKTG-CALL-FYI-Event Date/Country/Event Type/Event Name/WWE_ID MQP Lead

Marketing Qualified Prospect

Not Started

Marketing  Events assistances are registered for ISRs information. Event - Assistance FY09-MKTG-EVEA-FYI-Short description Meeting Event Attendance Done

Marketing  Events invitations are registered for ISRs information. Event - Invitation FY09-MKTG-EVEI-FYI-Short description Meeting Event Invitation Done

Marketing  Marketing activities can include sending e-Mail to customers e-Mail

FY09-MKTG-MAIL-FYI-Short description(specify it is an e-mail campaign) Email - Outbound

Common Activities Campaign Done

Marketing  Marketing activities can include sending direct Mail to customers Direct Mail FY09-MKTG-MAIL-FYI-Short description Email - Outbound

Common Activities Campaign Done

Marketing 20.21 

Microsoft can identify customer future value from Customer transactional purchasing behavior and industry benchmarks through predictive models. These models help identify each account’s future potential revenue to Microsoft and help improve daily business operations in marketing and sales.

Data Sets/TargetsFY08-MKTG-TARG-RQA-Campaign Name, Product, Prob/PX, Source

Corresp/Letter - Outbound

Account Planning

Executive Business Review

Not Started


Marketing activities can be supported by ISRs calls. To differentiate from each other, the short description has to clearly describe the activity. Follow-up Call FY09-MKTG-CALL-RQA-Short description Call - Outbound

Common Activities Follow Up

Not Started

Marketing through Partner  

Marketing events executed through partners can be registered for ISRs information (Assistance)

Marketing through Partner - Assistance FY09-MKTP-EVEA-FYI-Short description Meeting Event Attendance Done

Marketing through Partner  

Marketing events executed through partners can be registered for ISRs information (Invitation)

Marketing through Partner - Invitation FY09-MKTP-EVEI-FYI-Short description Meeting Event Invitation Done

Marketing through Partner  

Marketing through partners activities can include sending e-Mail to customers

Marketing through Partner - eMail

FY09-MKTP-MAIL-FYI-Short description(specify it is an e-mail campaign) Email - Outbound

Common Activities Campaign Done

Marketing through Partner  

Marketing through partners activities can include sending direct Mail to customers

Marketing through Partner - Direct Mail FY09-MKTP-MAIL-FYI-Short description

Corresp/Letter - Outbound

Common Activities Campaign Done

Prospecting Machine  

The group to identify opportunity prospects (prospecting machine) can create an activity to ISRs after calling to customers. ISRs get deeper in the customer request. Follow-up Call FY09-PMAC-CALL-RQA-Short description Call - Outbound

Common Activities Follow Up

Not Started

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Page of reference Description of the activity Type of Activity

Taxonomy(activity description) Type Category Purpose Status

Routings calls  

Routing calls are used to guarantee a constant contact with customers. These activities are executed to contact customers only if there are not other activities. Follow-up Call FY09-RUTA-CALL-RQA-Short description Call - Outbound

Common Activities Follow Up

Not Started

Partners  Calls to partners Follow-up Call FY09-PTNS-CALL-RQA-Short description Call - OutboundCommon Activities Follow Up

Not Started

CPE - World Wide Customer Sasisfaction Survey


After the World Wide Customer Satisfaction Survey, some complaints about bad experiences with Microsoft are registered in an IRO activity for follow-up.

IROS to follow-up FY09-IROS-CALL-RQA-Short description Call - Outbound Common Activities Follow Up Not


Licensing Activities / SAM  

A call from the AntiPiracy group to contact customers. Follow-up Call FY09-LICC-CALL-RQA-Short description Call - Outbound BSA

License Inconsistency Check

Not Started

Dynamics  A call from Dynamics to follow-up certain initiatives Follow-up Call FY09-DYNA-CALL-RQA-Short description Call - Outbound

Common Activities Follow Up

Not Started

Customer Service  

Customer service can create an activity to ISRs after receiving a call from customers. These activities represent potential opportunities and are executed by ISRs.

Phone call that requires further action

FY09-CSRV-CALL-RQA-OPPTY VALIDATION Customer Campaign Name Call - Outbound

Common Activities Follow Up

Not Started

Customer Service  

Customer service can create an activity to ISRs after chatting with customers. These activities represent potential opportunities and are executed by ISRs.

Chat that requires further action

FY09-CSRV-CHAT- RQA-OPPTY VALIDATION Customer Campaign Name Web - Inbound

Common Activities Follow Up

Not Started

Customer Service  

Customer service can create an activity to ISRs detecting a customer opportunity from a web form. These activities are executed by ISRs.

Online Form that raises an action

FY09-CSRV-FORM- RQA-OPPTY VALIDATION Customer Campaign Name Web - Inbound

Common Activities Follow Up

Not Started

Appendix A – Taxonomy Guide

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Appendix B – Data Quality Fields Guide

Field Rule Reason to correct

Organization Name a) Field length must be greater than 2

Company name is printed in all letters and communications with customers.b) Field must not be null

Address 1

a) Field length greater that 10 and less than 25Geographical localization, sent of correspondence, and the correct localization of the company's revenue

b) Field must not be nullc) Field must not contain words like "undefined", "unknown" or any other unclear word


a) Field length must be greater than 2

Geographical localization, sent of correspondence, and the correct localization of the company's revenue

b) Field must not be nullc) Field must not contain words like "undefined", "unknown" or any other unclear wordd) Must be the same as the field Site


a) Field length must be greater than 2

Geographical localization, sent of correspondence, and the correct localization of the company's revenue

b) Field must not be nullc) Field must not contain words like "undefined", "unknown" or any other unclear wordd) Must be the same as the field City

Main Phone Number a) Field length must be greater than 7

Main way of communication with companyb) Field must not be null

State a) Field must not be null Geographical localization, and sent of correspondence.

Vertical Industry a) Field must not be null Identification of the Market segment to target specific products

Site Servers

a) Field must not be null

Defines the segment and the work strategy to the companyb) For "Low Small Business" and "Core Small Business", field must be greater or equal than 0c) For the rest of segments, length must be greater than 0

Total Servers

a) Field must not be null

Defines the segment and the work strategy to the companyb) For "Low Small Business" and "Core Small Business", field must be greater or equal than 0c) For the rest of segments, length must be greater than 0

Site PCs a) Field must not be null

Defines the segment and the work strategy to the companyb) Field length must be greater than 0

Total PCs a) Field must not be null

Defines the segment and the work strategy to the companyb) Field length must be greater than 0

Employees At Site a) Field must not be null

Defines the segment and the work strategy to the companyb) Field length must be greater than 0

Total Employees a) Field must not be null

Defines the segment and the work strategy to the companyb) Field length must be greater than 0


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Appendix B – Data Quality Fields Guide


Field Rule Reason to correct

First Name a) Field length must be greater than 2 Identifies the contact to call or send Dmails. This field appears in correspondences (event

invitations, letters, etc.)b) Field must not be null

Last Name a) Field length must be greater than 2 Identifies the contact to call or send Dmails. This field appears in correspondences (event

invitations, letters, etc.)b) Field must not be null

Job Title a) Field length must be greater than 2

Helps marketing activities to have better approach with customers.b) Field must not be null

Job Role a) Field must not be null Helps understand the approach with customers in the sales process

Marketing Audience a) Field must not be null Helps understand the approach with customers in the sales process

Vertical Industry a) Field must not be null Helps understand the approach with customers in the sales process


a) Field must not be null

Communications, support material, event invitations.Important contact mean for Microsoft

b) Field must not contain strange characters (%,/,etc.)c) Correct usage of point in the extensiond) Field length must be greater than 7e) Field must have at sign (@)


Data Quality is focused in obtaining seven categories in account profile:

CategoryDesktop Operating SystemServer Operating SystemData BaseMessagingDesktop ToolsERPCRM