cambridge - english grammar in use (intermediate) (2005) 3.pdf

8/10/2019 Cambridge - English Grammar in Use (Intermediate) (2005) 3.pdf 1/4 Present continuous I am doing) rud> rh1s example '>ltuanon: >.uah 1 in her 1,;.1r. >hl· 1s on her way to worl-. he is d ri\'i ng ro ork . Thi s mean : he 1s dm mg noll , at the rime o t '>pc.ikang. The ac.:non 1s not finished. Am/ is/a r c + -ing 1 the present contm11011s: --. am (= I' m) dnd n g he/c;he/i1 ic; I= he's ere.) work ing we/you/they arc (= we're etc.) doi ng ere.:. I n m doi ng somet h ing= I'm in the midd le of doing it: l \ · c srarrcd doing i t Jnd I h.wcn·r fin ishe d ye t : n Pl ease don't make o mu c h n oise. I' m t r y ing ro work. 1 I rr y) o 'W he re's Mark?' ' H e ' s havin g a shower.' not He ha a .howcr) L Le t 's go our now. It isn ' t rainin g any mo re. no t I t doesn·r rain ) a t a part) ) Hello, Jane. Ar e you en joy in g rhe p a r e ~ ? n o t Do ) ou cn10\') What's all char no1 c? Whar's g oin g on? (= What' c; happening? ) The acnon 1s nor nece sanl> happening at the rime of > For example: rcve I > m :i (nend on rhe phone. He a\'>: I m reading a really good book at t he moment. It s abOut a man who I rcve is nor reading rhc hook .1t the nme ol >pc.1 kmg. Some more examples: I l e means that he ha . '>t.lrrcd 1r. hut h.1<, not tlni.,hcd 1r) er. I le c; in rhe middle ot re.1d111g . ti Ka re wan e s ro work in Italy, so s he's learnin g lc < 1 lin n . (bur pe rlrnp . h e it.n r l ea rn i ng Ita lian o r c hc rime of speaking) Ll Some friends of mine ar e buildin g their own houi.c. They hope ro finish ic nexr summer. You can use the pre enc continuous with t o da y I thi wee k I th i yea r ere. p e r i o d ~ around now ): \: You're wo rk i ng hard to day. (n o t You worl. hard ro<lay ) s: e , I have a lot co do. The com pan) I orl- for i so t d o tog so well t h i ) ca r . We u e che pre enc commuous when we ralk about change happening around no''· pecially w1rh rhe c verb : ge e c ha nge b eco me in crease rise fa ll gro i m p ro ' c beg in t art I your Eng lish gc nin g berrer? n o r Doe 'our l:ngli h gcr berrer ) The populanon of the world is incr eas ing \ e r ~ t:i r. 111 1 increa e ~ I Ar firsc I didn't like my job, bur r m begi nnin g 10 CllJO} IC nO\\, not I begin ) Pr ese nt co ntinu o u s a nd p rese nt si mpl e - Units 3 - 4 P rese n t tenses for th e f utu re - Unit 19

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Present continuous I am doing)rud> rh1s example '>ltuanon:

>.uah 1 in her 1,;.1r. >hl· 1s on her way to worl-.he is d ri\'i ng ro ork .

Thi s mean : he 1s dm mg noll , at the rime o t '>pc.ikang.

The ac.:non 1s not finished.Am/ is/a rc + -ing 1 the present contm11011s: (= I' m) dnd ng

he/c;he/i1 ic; I= he's ere.) work ingwe/you/they arc (= we're etc.) doi ng ere.:.

I nm doi ng somet h ing= I'm in the midd le of doing it: l \ ·c srarrcd doing i t Jnd I h.wcn·rfin ishe d ye t:

n Please don't make o mu ch n oise. I' m t r ying ro work. 1 I rry)

o 'W here's Mark?' ' He 's havin g a shower.' not He ha a .howcr)L Let 's go our now. It isn 't rainin g any mo re. no t It doesn·r rain )

a t a part) ) Hello, Jane. Are you en joying rhe p a r e ~ ?n o t Do ) ou cn10\')What's all char no1 c? Whar's g oin g on? (= What' c; happening? )

The acnon 1s nor nece sanl> happening at the rime of > For example:

rcve I > m :i (nend on rhe phone. He a\'>:

I m reading a really good book at the moment.I t s abOut a man who I

rcve is nor reading rhc hook .1t the nme ol >pc.1kmg.

Some more examples:

I le means that he ha . '>t.lrrcd 1r. hut h.1<, not tlni.,hcd 1r) er.I le c; in rhe middle ot re.1d111g .

t i Kare wan es ro work in Italy, so s he's learnin g lc<1linn. (bur pe rlrnp . h e it.n r lea rn ingIta lian o r chc rime of speaking)

Ll Some friends of mine ar e buildin g their own houi.c. They hope ro finish ic nexr summer.

You can use the pre enc continuous with toda y I thi week I th i yea r ere. p er i o d ~around now ):\: You're wo rk ing hard today. (n o t You worl. hard ro<lay)s: e , I have a lot co do.The com pan) I orl- for iso t do tog so well thi ) ca r .

We u e che pre enc commuous when we ralk about change happening around no' ' · peciallyw1rh rhe c verb :

ge e cha nge beco me increase rise fa ll gro impro' c beg in t art

I your English gc nin g berrer? n o r Doe 'our l:ngli h gcr berrer )The populanon of the world is incr eas ing \ e r ~t:i r. 111 1 increa e ~ I

Ar firsc I didn't like my job, bur r m beginnin g 10 CllJO} IC nO\\, not I begin )

Pr ese nt co ntinu ous a nd p rese nt si mpl e - Units 3 - 4 Prese n t tenses for th e futu re - Unit 19

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Exercises Unit

1.1 Complete the sentences with the following verbs in the correct form :



get happ en look lo se make scan stay rry -we r-k-

·You .. r ~... .Q r ~ ~ ghard r o d a ~·. ·Yes. I have a lot ro do.

l I ... ··-· . ···-··-···· ····· - for Chrisrine. Do you know where she i ?3 Ir ··-··-··-···............ .. dark. Shall I rnrn on rhe lighc?4 They don·r luwe anywhere ro live ar che momenr. They ···- ·--··--······· .--····-··· . ··········- wirh friends

unril chey flnd somewhere.5 Thing s are nor o good ar work. Th e company - · ....... .. -···-·- --··········· . money.6 Ha, ·e you ~ o ran umhrella? le _ ·---····-·-·- .... ro rain.- You _ a loc of noise. Can you be qu1erer? I ............. _::-.__(.__ ·-··- ·-··········

co concenrrace.\X1hy are all these people here? Whar --·· ··---····-·---·- -'-···-·-C.-............... ?

Put the verb into the correct form . Someti mes you need t he negative (I'm not do ing e tc. .

I Please don t make o much noi se . l ...~ .... .".Y.l .1.9.. (err ) ro work.

l Let' go our 11ow. le .... ~ 1 'L : . ~ ~ ~ L (rain ) ap\ m ~ r c

3 You ca n turn off rhe radio . I · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · - · ~ · · - · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · - - ~................ c. ..... (lisre n) o ir.4 Kare phoned me bs r nighc. She's on holiday in Fr::rnce. She ..........L ................. c:............... ............ (have )

a grear rime and doe n'r wanr ro come back .- I wane ro lose weight. ~ ochis week l ·-·-··········· ··········-"·· - ······:·······r:·····-···· (ear) lunch.6 Andrew ha ju r caned e\·ening classes. He · · - - - · - · · - · - · · · .····-······-··-···· (learn} German.- Paul and ally have had an argument. They ····-···· · · · ~ ~ · · · · · · · · < : ..... (spea k) ro each other.

I (gert rired. I need a re r.9 Tim - - • · - -- (work ) rhis week. Hs s on holiday..Complete the conversations .I >\: I aw Brian a few da\ · ago.

8: Oh. did you?-g j.s _~h e M ~ r g_

rhe e days?A: He' ar u n i n ~ r1ry. (whar he do )

B: ... -··- -·-··-······· ? twhar he rudy )-\: P ychology.B: ....... - . ... ... . ....................... ...- ............- ..... it? (he enio>).\: Ye , he says it's a ,·ery good course .

Hi, Liz. Ho ····-····· ......................; ........ .. .;.... .. .... .../.. ..... ......... . in your ne_w job? () ' OU ge t on}Noc bad. Irwasn c so goo d ac firsc, buc .. ............ ...." ............. , .......... .. ... ..... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· ·· · berrer

2 . \ :


now . (thin gs ge e).\: Whar abour Jonathan? Is he O K?

B: Yes, bur ........... ·······-·-·-·--·--·..,-- ······ ···-···..,.-·his work ,a r the moment. (he nor enjoy)He's been in rhe same 1ob for a long rime and .........- · · · · · - · · · · · · · : C ~..;. ..........·······•············-···· . ········ co gerbored wirh ir. (he begin

1.4 Complete the sc.>ntences using the following verbs :

begin chan ge ge t i:ecreO:Se rise

The popubcion of rhe world .. . :~ .... I U " ~ ~ 9 ...... \'err fasc.2 The world ·-···· ·- ·····-··· . Things never Sta) rhe ame.

he ittta[ion is J l r e 3 d ~· bad and r _ -f.. --·-······o-·. ----····..···-.. ·--···- or se

4 The i:o r of li,·ing .. .. _ .- · · - - · - · · - · · ······- . Every }'ear rhings are more expensive.S The wearher . ...... -· - ·-- -· ·-- ····-·-······-··-· ··· ro improve. Th e rain has stopped . and rhe wind isn't

as · r r o n ~


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xercises nit

2.1 Complete the sentences using the following verbs :ca use(s) coon ect(s) drin k(s) live(s) op en(s) speak (s) ta ke(s)



a d n y ~.....: ·P ~ ? . / ; ; r m a n,·ery fefll.2 on r o ren :: co ee.3 Th e sw imming pool ....................... ._ ................ ar 7.30 every morning .4 Bad dri\'ing ...............-,:. . ..................... manr acc idenrs.5 My parenrs ...................... ..........,1 ........ j.n a ,·ery smalJ Aar.6 The Olympic Games ....... ... . ..:, .\.:. e\'ery four years.7 The Panama Canal .........{ . . ~ ............. ......rhe Atlantic and Pacific oceans .

2.2 Put the verb into the correct form .

l Julie ..... . 9 . ~ ? . n ' . f ....4"..Y. 5..... (not I drink ) t¢a very ofte n.2 What time ............................ ............ ............. ...............l .{ ......L (the banks I close) here?

• ~ f' / ' # , I •

3 J ve go t a computer, but I ...........:-........ ....................... ..... .......................... ..................... (not I use) 1t much .4 ·where ..........................................................~ ( ' . ' . ' ....L ... ..'.:. ( ( . J( M a r r i nI come) from?' ' He's Scottish .'5 'W har ......................... . .............:.. :' ......... ........................... ...... .... ( ~·o uI do )?' Tm an electrician.'

6 Ir ........f~


...J.....................................................................(take ) me an hour ro get ro work. How longt ....: ...?..........- .. . ~...............................................................(ir I take ) yo u?7 l oo k ar thi s se nrence. \'(lhac/ ; ..,,/ ....,... 1 .... . : ; ;.. ....... ......E...................................(this word I mean )?8 David isn't ve ry fir. He ................ .. ........ ............:. .......................................... (nor I do) any sport.

2 .3 Use the following verbs to complete the sentences. Sometimes you need the negative :believe ea r flow make rise tell tr anslate

. - r ~ . ',-; Ir s7 An interpret er ............................. ........ ..............from one

language into another . I "' .8 liars are people who ....: . . '................... ...... . ..... .

The earth ..... 9 ~ ? ....... round t he sun.2 Rice ..... . 9 . ~ ~ n . .L . 9 . t : : Q.~ Britain.3 The sun ................f..-f..i:: ......................... in the east.

rhe rrurh. I ,

9 The River Amazon ........... ...................... ................. .inro the Atlantic Ocean.

4 Bees : T f ........;_.... h ~ n e y

5 Vegetarians .....................-............................. meat.6 An arheis r ..... .. ..? ·...........~..........< .. in God.

2.4 You ask Liz questions about herself and her family . Write the questions .

You know that Liz pla ys tenni s. You wane ro know how often. Ask her.How often .....4.9...:l.Qµ... ~ ... r i.~ i § ...................... ........ .............................. .....................................................................................................

2 Perhap s Liz's sisrer plays rennis roo. You wa nr ro know. Ask Liz ........._f:\ ..C.... . ~........ .... ........................... yo ur sisrer . lr ......... . li 1 U L ?

3 You kn ow char Liz reads a new spape r every day. You wanr ro know which , one. Ask her.............. .:...............................~........f ..; .................................................. ...... . ' : . ~....................................... . ....... ......C:......... . ....:..C..........................................?

4 Yo u kn ow that Liz 's brother work s. You wa'nc ro know what he does . Ask Liz. : :.E ?5 Yo u know char Liz goes ro rhe c inema a lot. You want ro know h ow often. Ask her

.............. ...........................c .:......................' . ; - . . t . ...: ........ .. ....................... . / < / ?6 You don't kn ow where Liz' s g randparent s live. You w,.anr ro know . Ask Liz .

................ ..................................... . ..... ........:............... ..................................................... ... ..................................................... .................................................?

2.5 Complete using the following :l apolog ise I insist I pr omi se I reco mm end l s ugges t

l Ir 's a nice d a ~- . ....J..... .~ g g ~ ? . . t... we go o ur for a walk.2 I w on' t rel anybodr what rou sa id . ............................................................... .

/3 (in a rest ur nt ) You mu st ler m e pay for th e meal. ............................................................. .4 T h ~ .. : : . . C : : : .........::.......: .....H fo

11r5whar I did. t wodn't h ~ p p e : 1a g ;~n . 1 ;

1/ .

5 e new r estaurant 1n 1 rreer 1s very goo ......................................... ............. ..... tr.