campbelltown joggers news - amazon s3 · 2019. 6. 22. · campbelltown joggers news issue: march...

CAMPBELLTOWN JOGGERS NEWS ISSUE: MARCH 2019 CAMPBELLTOWN JOGGERS PAGE 1 PRESIDENT’S REPORT UPCOMING… It’s been a busy month with one of our major annual club events done and dusted. A big thank you to all members who assisted on Challenge Walk Day and in the lead-up to the event. This is our Club’s major fundraiser, so it is great to see so many members turning up and doing their bit for the club. Congratulations to our Fun Run Coordinator Tom Limbrey who does a lot of hard work behind the scenes to liaise with Council and ensure this day runs as smoothly as it does. Congratulations to Denis “The Rock” Sharrock who was our February Handicap Winner. Our newest life member is an inspiration to all club members young and old. This time last year it looked as though Denis’ running days were over, many in his position would have just given up. Denis however continued to persevere – there he was every Sunday even if he wasn’t able to run. Through sheer hard work and determination, Denis is back running and now winning red singlets. That’s why they call him The Rock! The Defibrillator has arrived and is sitting in the shed. This was purchased by the club in conjunction with a grant from the NSW Office of Sport. If there’s a member who would like to mount it on the wall for us, please let me know. Whilst it is an expensive purchase, I do hope it collects dust without use for many years. We have also invested in an online membership system. This will largely aid in the administration of the club. It will allow members to register and renew memberships online as well as book for club events. The Australian Running Festival is just around the corner and I know many members have been putting in the hard yards training for various events. Linda has kindly booked our same dinner venue for our pre-race dinner (post- race if you are doing the 10km). Details are later on in the newsletter – if you would like to attend please let me know ASAP. This weekend is your last opportunity to qualify for the 2019 President’s Cup. After Round 2, our top 32 times on handicap are eligible to compete in Round 1 of the President’s Cup held during Handicap Number 3. Thanks to Sylvia who brought along the McLaren Real Estate Coffee Van to last month’s handicap. It will be back, but coffees will be available for a gold coin donation. This donation will be donated to a local charity. Peta Mar. 24 Handicap #2 – mass start Mar. 31 Club run: Lindesay Street Event: RunWest Apr. 7 Smiths Creek Apr. 14 Club run: Chrisparkle Event: Australian Running Festival, Canberra weekend. Apr. 21 Park Central Apr. 28 Handicap #3 – staggered start If you have any comments or suggestions about the Run Calendar, please see Denis. Click on the links for information about these runs. Campbelltown Joggers teams are set up for each one: RunWest – March 31 st Australian Running Festival, Canberra – April 13th & 14th SMH Half Marathon – May 19th CONTENTS Page 2 Recent Events Page 3 Member’s Profile Page 4 Safety on Course Page 5 Around the Grounds Page 6 Junior Member’s Profile and New Arrivals Page 7 King Island Imperial Page 8 Noticeboard

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    PRESIDENT’S REPORT UPCOMING… It’s been a busy month with one of our major annual club events done and dusted. A big thank you to all members who assisted on Challenge Walk Day and in the lead-up to the event. This is our Club’s major fundraiser, so it is great to see so many members turning up and doing their bit for the club. Congratulations to our Fun Run Coordinator Tom Limbrey who does a lot of hard work behind the scenes to liaise with Council and ensure this day runs as smoothly as it does.

    Congratulations to Denis “The Rock” Sharrock who was our February Handicap Winner. Our newest life member is an inspiration to all club members young and old. This time last year it looked as though Denis’ running days were over, many in his position would have just given up. Denis however continued to persevere – there he was every Sunday even if he wasn’t able to run. Through sheer hard work and determination, Denis is back running and now winning red singlets. That’s why they call him The Rock!

    The Defibrillator has arrived and is sitting in the shed. This was purchased by the club in conjunction with a grant from the NSW Office of Sport. If there’s a member who would like to mount it on the wall for us, please let me know. Whilst it is an expensive purchase, I do hope it collects dust without use for many years.

    We have also invested in an online membership system. This will largely aid in the administration of the club. It will allow members to register and renew memberships online as well as book for club events.

    The Australian Running Festival is just around the corner and I know many members have been putting in the hard yards training for various events. Linda has kindly booked our same dinner venue for our pre-race dinner (post-race if you are doing the 10km). Details are later on in the newsletter – if you would like to attend please let me know ASAP.

    This weekend is your last opportunity to qualify for the 2019 President’s Cup. After Round 2, our top 32 times on handicap are eligible to compete in Round 1 of the President’s Cup held during Handicap Number 3.

    Thanks to Sylvia who brought along the McLaren Real Estate Coffee Van to last month’s handicap. It will be back, but coffees will be available for a gold coin donation. This donation will be donated to a local charity.


    Mar. 24 Handicap #2 – mass start

    Mar. 31 Club run: Lindesay Street Event: RunWest

    Apr. 7 Smiths Creek

    Apr. 14 Club run: Chrisparkle Event: Australian Running Festival, Canberra weekend.

    Apr. 21 Park Central

    Apr. 28 Handicap #3 – staggered start

    If you have any comments or suggestions about the Run Calendar,

    please see Denis.

    Click on the links for information about these runs. Campbelltown Joggers

    teams are set up for each one:

    RunWest – March 31st

    Australian Running Festival, Canberra – April 13th & 14th

    SMH Half Marathon – May 19th

    CONTENTS Page 2 Recent Events

    Page 3 Member’s Profile

    Page 4 Safety on Course

    Page 5 Around the Grounds

    Page 6 Junior Member’s Profile

    and New Arrivals

    Page 7 King Island Imperial

    Page 8 Noticeboard

  • MARCH 2019



    Left: The February 10km Handicap was won by Denis, with

    Simon in second place and Mitchell in third.

    Right: The February Junior Cross Country was won by Heath, followed by Isabella and Kayla.

    Left: The March Eliminator was won by Ryan, followed by Kay,

    William and Daniel.

  • MARCH 2019



    Name: Denis Sharrock

    Age: 69

    Occupation: Retired.

    Years with the Club: 15 years.

    Hobbies/Interests: Cycling, MTB, walking my dog.

    Favourite Food: YouFoodz.

    Favourite Drink: Beer.

    Favourite Movie: Platoon and Green Mile.

    Favourite Music/Band: Creedence.

    Favourite Training Run: parkrun.

    Fastest 10K: 44?

    Favourite Running Buddy: Everyone at the Joggers.

    Typical Training Week: 3 gym days of cardio and strength, 2 days cycling, track,

    parkrun and club runs.

    Running Highlights: So many… 12 marathons in one year, including a couple of ultras. But completing 100

    Club Handicaps and actually winning a couple are up there.

    Running Goals: I thought my goals were over two years ago

    when the surgeon said knee replacement is

    imminent, but now after a lot of persistence

    and good physio I’m back running. My goals

    are to keep running.

    Favourite Way to Unwind: Watching sport.

    Advice to Other Members: Set achievable goals.

  • MARCH 2019



    Important safety guidelines for CJC club runs…

    Please be reminded that at all times member safety is our utmost priority - PB's, times, club championship points

    all come second.

    At all times, runners must be aware and responsible for their own personal safety. There are a number of instances

    on our Club Handicap Course where you may need to slow down slightly to allow you to cross a road safely. This will

    have minimal impact on your overall time but has very high value in staying injury free, or alive for that matter!

    → Each runner when exiting Bradbury Oval carpark must cross as soon as possible and run facing the

    traffic up The Parkway. For a mass start we will have marshals at the carpark exit to make this crossing

    as safe as possible, however you are reminded that your personal safety is your responsibility - if

    there is a car, wait for it to pass before you cross.

    → Runners must run along the left-hand side of St Johns Road and cross as close as possible to the

    Briar Road Roundabout. Cross with caution.

    → Run along the RHS of Briar Road until St Johns Road.

    → When turning off Riverside Drive onto Briar Road, runners must use the pedestrian bridge. No


    → Runners must be facing traffic down The Parkway to finish. Proceed with caution at

    Parkway/Campbellfield Roundabout and also be cautious of cars exiting Bradbury Shops.

    Road Running can be a dangerous activity and your safety must always remain your first priority.

    CJC Committee

  • MARCH 2019


    Around the Grounds

  • MARCH 2019



    Name: Heath Cunningham Age: 7 Favourite food: Pizza Favourite drink: Fanta Orange Hobbies: Rugby Favourite movie: How to Train Your Dragon Favourite song: Shotgun by George Ezra Favourite subject at School: Robotics / Science What are your current running goals? To beat the PB record… I want to get the most PBs in a row. Favourite running event: Junior relay events What would you like to do when you finish school? A snake hunter. I want to catch and relocate snakes.

    New Arrivals…

    Congratulations Daniel and Amanda on the birth of their first baby, a little girl.

    CANBERRA RUNNING FESTIVAL DINNER Many of you are currently training for an event at the Australian Running Festival in April. This is a great weekend away with

    many CJC members participating!! It is also the venue for our Marathon Championships.

    Linda and Scott have booked our Saturday Night Dinner at East Lake Football Club – 3 Oxley Street, Griffith. It’s always a

    great night and a fantastic way to get pumped for your Sunday run or celebrate your success in the Saturday events. Please let

    Peta know if you will be attending as soon as possible so we can ensure we have a large enough booking.

    RUNWEST CARPOOLING The RunWest event is on Sunday March 31st. If you are participating in this event and would like to carpool, either as a driver

    or as a passenger, please see Tania so we can make arrangements as a group.

  • MARCH 2019


    KING ISLAND IMPERIAL RUN by John McGann The only way to write this race report is to open one of the 4 cheeses that I received for finishing the 20 mile (32km) event, with thanks to King Island Dairy. The run starts at Naracoopa and finishes at Currie. I completed the 20 miles in 2 hours, 40 minutes and 28 seconds for 8th place overall. On handicap time I also finished 8th with a time 4 minutes 32 seconds under handicap. The Imperial 20 is the main event over the Saturday and Sunday. The only way to visit King Island is by plane so I arrived on Friday via Melbourne. I did a warm-up run with the sunrise on Saturday morning at Naracoopa. The carbo-load dinner on Saturday night was buffet-style with lasagna, pasta, meatballs and salad. The cheese platters on any of the tables were emptied.

    Andrew from King Island Prime Meats filled the guests in on having the wallaby as a hors d’oeuvre which was quite nice to eat. Nature provided the entertainment with a sunset over the Southern Ocean. The race started facing Sea Elephant Bay at 8:15am. By the time I reached one of the other runners, Rachel, on the course I had climbed the steep hill out of Naracoopa and was feeling really good with the rolling hills and runners in front to chase down. At the 8km drink stop I was met by the hosts of the accommodation I was staying at, with drinks and jelly beans. I walked through the drink stop with a blue Powerade. Once I passed Rachel I was aiming for the next runner ahead. I caught up to Will Balmford at around 11km and stayed with Will up to the 16km mark. I took a toilet break at the roadside portaloo at 16km. By the time I started running again Rachel had also gone past. I looked at my watch for the only time during the event and found that I was 4 minutes under handicap. I passed Rachel at the 17km mark and finally passed Will at the 21km mark. The collection of windmills was a sign that the right turn for Wicks Road was not too far away at 24km. The run along Wicks Road and Fraser Road were the flat sections of the race. I found this section to be quite difficult as I was running really well up and down the rolling hills to this stage. A left turn at the end of Fraser Road lead to North Road, heading into Currie. From the 30km drink stop there was another hill to climb where the two churches are before a downhill into the town of Currie. I could see and hear a spotter calling my race number 100, 100. The race announcer then said there are 3 runners coming into view down the hill. My thinking was that Rachel was ahead of Will. The race announcer mentioned our names in current order and I was proven correct. As I passed the finish line before the out and back to Currie Harbour I could feel the beginnings of cramp in the right calf. Rachel passed me on the downhill run to the turnaround near the 31km mark and I could not catch up. I could see Will running downhill while I was on the uphill run. I reached the top of the hill back in town, ran through the roundabout and down the main street to break the rope at the finish line. The post-event dinner was also held at Boomerang by the Sea. Once again, the dinner was buffet style with roast lamb, sausages, chicken, vegetables. Cheese platters and a selection of desserts were also on offer. Tahnee Sutton from the Indigenous Marathon Project was the invited guest for the weekend and gave an excellent speech. I had a brief look at the other runners watching Tahnee speak and could see most people listening intently to Tahnee’s story. Tahnee also won the handicappers’ award for the nearest finish to a runner’s predicted time. The handicap event was based on “sealed time”. This was so that the winner of the handicap event would be announced at the dinner on the Sunday night. There was a countdown by groups of 5 runners during the dinner. I wasn’t in the first group called to position 11 so I thought I was a chance. I was doing the maths while Rod Griffin (the MC and handicapper) was announcing the names, times and places. The chance of the win on handicap ended when my name was read out in 8th place. I really enjoyed the hill climb from Naracoopa and the rolling hills in the first half of the event. The cooler temperature for this event helped, compared to training in Sydney this summer. I found the event to be very well organised. There was even a booklet for the presentation on the dinner tables that had the major prize winners present. Each kilometre mark was exact on the road, drinks stops every 4km and again at 30km. Toilets were on course at every 8km. Little touches for the frequent participants such as signs for ‘Barker’s Bend’ at the Pegarrah Road turn for Stephen Barker and ‘Vance’s View’ for John Vance at the Wicks Road turn were good as well. Those runners who have become regular participants of the event were rewarded with membership to the 100 mile club and beyond. Numerous committee members were also rewarded with life membership. Unfortunately there was a lot of roadkill (mostly wallabies) present on and beside the road which was unpleasant to see and smell during the event. Thanks to everyone involved with organizing this event, especially Gary Strickland. There are not many events where members of the organizing committee will meet runners arriving at the airport! This post was written after eating half a block of cheese. I can say that the Seal Bay Triple Cream Brie is highly recommended.

  • MARCH 2019




    ON FACEBOOK!! You will find important information

    on Club Events, Club Notices, photos and more!!

    You can find links to the club

    calendar and run maps on the club website:

    To view recent run results please visit our website. All run results are posted on our Facebook page and also on the website. If you have participated in an event and would like your result included,

    please email: [email protected] or message our Facebook page.

    2019 COMMITTEE

    President: Peta Shanahan 0419 400 557

    Secretary: Tania Cannings 0411 151 400

    Treasurer: Emma Kirton 0432 314 453

    Handicappers: Mick Shanahan 0412 868 694

    James Watson 0412 946 715

    Webmaster: Darryl Smith 0412 929 634

    Run Organiser: Denis Sharrock 0407 497 798

    Track Coordinator: Stephen Cannings 0425 300 880

    Junior Coordinator: Ted Borodzicz

    Systems Coordinator: John McGann

    General Committee: Ashley Thomas, Tina Wills

    Fun Run Coordinator: Tom Limbrey


    SUNDAY MORNINGS 7:00am for 7:15am start, Bradbury Oval. This is our main club run of the week with distances between 5k and 16k over various courses. Check

    the Run Calendar for details.


    7:00pm, Campbelltown Sports Stadium. 1k and 3k runs. Come and beat your PB!


    Run starts at 6:00pm and 6:30pm, Bradbury Oval. 5k and 10k runs through the streets of Bradbury.

    SATURDAY MORNINGS 6:30am SHARP at Kentlyn Park for a bush run. For the runner who needs a new challenge.[email protected]