can do descriptors: grade level cluster...

CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-K For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English language learners can process or produce the language needed to: e CAN DO Descriptors work in conjunction with the WIDA Performance Definitions of the English language proficiency standards. e Performance Definitions use three criteria (1. linguistic complexity; 2. vocabulary usage; and 3. language control) to describe the increasing quality and quantity of students’ language processing and use across the levels of language proficiency. Level 1 Entering Level 2 Beginning Level 3 Developing Level 4 Expanding Level 5 Bridging Level 6 Reaching LISTENING Match oral language to classroom and everyday objects Point to stated pictures in context Respond non-verbally to oral commands or statements (e.g., through physical movement) Find familiar people and places named orally Sort pictures or objects according to oral instructions Match pictures, objects or movements to oral descriptions Follow one-step oral directions (e.g., “stand up”; “sit down”) Identify simple patterns described orally Respond with gestures to songs, chants, or stories modeled by teachers Follow two-step oral directions, one step at a time Draw pictures in response to oral instructions Respond non-verbally to confirm or deny facts (e.g., thumbs up, thumbs down) Act out songs and stories using gestures Find pictures that match oral descriptions Follow oral directions and compare with visual or nonverbal models (e.g., “Draw a circle under the line.”) Distinguish between what happens first and next in oral activities or readings Role play in response to stories read aloud Order pictures of events according to sequential language Arrange objects or pictures according to descriptive oral discourse Identify pictures/ realia associated with grade-level academic concepts from oral descriptions Make patterns from real objects or pictures based on detailed oral descriptions Write in grade-level Listening expectations below: NAMES

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Page 1: CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster… ·  · 2013-01-11CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-K ... CAN DO Descriptors:

CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-KFor the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English language learners can process or produce the language needed to:

The CAN DO Descriptors work in conjunction with the WIDA Performance Definitions of the English language proficiency standards. The Performance Definitions use three criteria (1. linguistic complexity; 2. vocabulary usage; and 3. language control) to describe the increasing quality and quantity of students’ language processing and use across the levels of language proficiency.

Level 1Entering

Level 2Beginning

Level 3Developing

Level 4Expanding

Level 5Bridging

Level 6Reaching




• Matchorallanguageto classroom and everyday objects

• Pointtostatedpicturesin context

• Respondnon-verballyto oral commands or statements (e.g., through physical movement)

• Findfamiliarpeopleand places named orally

• Sortpicturesorobjectsaccording to oral instructions

• Matchpictures,objectsor movements to oral descriptions

• Followone-steporaldirections (e.g., “stand up”; “sit down”)

• Identifysimplepatterns described orally

• Respondwithgesturesto songs, chants, or stories modeled by teachers

• Followtwo-steporaldirections, one step at a time

• Drawpicturesinresponse to oral instructions

• Respondnon-verballyto confirm or deny facts (e.g., thumbs up, thumbs down)

• Actoutsongsandstories using gestures

• Findpicturesthatmatch oral descriptions

• Followoraldirectionsand compare with visual or nonverbal models (e.g., “Draw a circle under the line.”)

• Distinguishbetweenwhat happens first and next in oral activities or readings

• Roleplayinresponseto stories read aloud

• Orderpicturesofevents according to sequential language

• Arrangeobjectsorpictures according to descriptive oral discourse

• Identifypictures/realia associated with grade-levelacademicconcepts from oral descriptions

• Makepatternsfromreal objects or pictures based on detailed oral descriptions

Writeingrade-levelListening expectations below:



Page 2: CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster… ·  · 2013-01-11CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-K ... CAN DO Descriptors:

CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-KFor the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English language learners can process or produce the language needed to:

The CAN DO Descriptors work in conjunction with the WIDA Performance Definitions of the English language proficiency standards. The Performance Definitions use three criteria (1. linguistic complexity; 2. vocabulary usage; and 3. language control) to describe the increasing quality and quantity of students’ language processing and use across the levels of language proficiency.

Level 1Entering

Level 2Beginning

Level 3Developing

Level 4Expanding

Level 5Bridging

Level 6Reaching




• Identifypeopleorobjects in illustrated short stories

• Repeatwords,simplephases

• Answeryes/noquestions about personal information

• Nameclassroomandeveryday objects

• Restatesomefactsfrom illustrated short stories

• Describepictures,classroom objects or familiar people using simple phrases

• Answerquestionswithone or two words (e.g., “WhereisSonia?”)

• Completephrasesinrhymes, songs, and chants

• Retellshortnarrativestories through pictures

• Repeatsentencesfromrhymes and patterned stories

• Makepredictions(e.g.“What will happen next?”)

• Answerexplicitquestions from stories read aloud (e.g., who, what, or where)

• Retellnarrativestoriesthrough pictures with emerging detail

• Singrepetitivesongs and chants independently

• Compareattributesofreal objects (e.g., size, shape, color)

• Indicatespatialrelationsofreal-lifeobjects using phrases or short sentences

• Telloriginalstorieswith emerging detail

• Explainsituations(e.g., involving feelings)

• Offerpersonalopinions

• Expresslikes,dislikes,or preferences with reasons




Page 3: CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster… ·  · 2013-01-11CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-K ... CAN DO Descriptors:

CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-KFor the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English language learners can process or produce the language needed to:

Level 1Entering

Level 2Beginning

Level 3Developing

Level 4Expanding

Level 5Bridging

Level 6Reaching




• Matchiconsand symbols to corresponding pictures

• Identifynameinprint• Findmatchingwords

or pictures• Findlabeledreal-life

classroom objects

• Matchexamplesofthesame form of print

• Distinguishbetweensameanddifferentforms of print (e.g., single letters and symbols)

• Demonstrateconceptsof print (e.g., left to right movement, beginning/end,ortop/bottom of page)

• Matchlabeledpicturesto those in illustrated scenes

• Usepicturestoidentifywords

• Classifyvisualsaccording to labels or icons (e.g., animals v. plants)

• Demonstrateconceptsof print (e.g., title, author, illustrator)

• Sortlabeledpicturesby attribute (e.g., number, initial sound)

• Identifysomehigh-frequency words in context

• Orderaseriesoflabeled pictures described orally to tell stories

• Matchpicturestophrases/shortsentences

• Classifylabeledpictures by two attributes (e.g., size and color)

• Findschool-relatedvocabulary items

• Differentiatebetweenletters, words, and sentences

• Stringwordstogetherto make short sentences

• Indicatefeaturesofwords, phrases, or sentences that are the sameanddifferent




The CAN DO Descriptors work in conjunction with the WIDA Performance Definitions of the English language proficiency standards. The Performance Definitions use three criteria (1. linguistic complexity; 2. vocabulary usage; and 3. language control) to describe the increasing quality and quantity of students’ language processing and use across the levels of language proficiency.

Page 4: CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster… ·  · 2013-01-11CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-K ... CAN DO Descriptors:

CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-KFor the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English language learners can process or produce the language needed to:

Level 1Entering

Level 2Beginning

Level 3Developing

Level 4Expanding

Level 5Bridging

Level 6Reaching




• Drawpicturesandscribble

• Circleorunderlinepictures, symbols, and numbers

• Tracefiguresandletters

• Makesymbols,figuresor letters from models and realia (e.g., straws, clay)

• Connectorallanguageto print (e.g., language experience)

• Reproduceletters,symbols, and numbers from models in context

• Copyiconsoffamiliarenvironmental print

• Drawobjectsfrommodels and label with letters

• Communicateusingletters, symbols, and numbers in context

• Makeillustrated“notes” and cards with distinct letter combinations

• Makeconnectionsbetween speech and writing

• Reproducefamiliarwords from labeled models or illustrations

• Producesymbolsand strings of letters associated with pictures

• Drawpicturesandusewords to tell a story

• Labelfamiliarpeopleand objects from models

• Producefamiliarwords/phrasesfromenvironmental print and illustrated text

• Createcontent-based representations through pictures and words

• Make“storybooks”with drawings and words

• Producewords/phrasesindependently

• Relateeverydayexperiences using phrases/shortsentences

Writeingrade-levelWriting expectations below:



The CAN DO Descriptors work in conjunction with the WIDA Performance Definitions of the English language proficiency standards. The Performance Definitions use three criteria (1. linguistic complexity; 2. vocabulary usage; and 3. language control) to describe the increasing quality and quantity of students’ language processing and use across the levels of language proficiency.

Page 5: CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster… ·  · 2013-01-11CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-K ... CAN DO Descriptors:

CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster 1-2For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English language learners can process or produce the language needed to:

The CAN DO Descriptors work in conjunction with the WIDA Performance Definitions of the English language proficiency standards. The Performance Definitions use three criteria (1. linguistic complexity; 2. vocabulary usage; and 3. language control) to describe the increasing quality and quantity of students’ language processing and use across the levels of language proficiency.

Level 1Entering

Level 2Beginning

Level 3Developing

Level 4Expanding

Level 5Bridging

Level 6Reaching




• Followmodeled,one-step oral directions (e.g., “Find a pencil.”)

• Identifypicturesofeveryday objects as stated orally (e.g., in books)

• Pointtoreal-lifeobjects reflective ofcontent-relatedvocabulary or oral statements

• Mimicgesturesormovement associated with statements (e.g., “This is my left hand.”)

• Matchoralreadingofstories to illustrations

• Carryouttwo-tothree-steporalcommands(e.g.,“Takeout your science book. Now turn to page 25.”)

• Sequenceaseriesoforal statements using real objects or pictures

• Locateobjectsdescribed orally

• Followmodeledmulti-step oral directions

• Sequencepicturesofstories read aloud (e.g., beginning, middle, and end)

• Matchpeoplewithjobs or objects with functions based on oral descriptions

• Classifyobjectsaccording to descriptive oral statements

• Compare/contrastobjects according to physical attributes (e.g., size, shape, color) based on oral information

• Finddetailsinillustrated, narrative, or expository text read aloud

• Identifyillustratedactivities from oral descriptions

• Locateobjects,figures,places based on visuals and detailed oral descriptions

• Usecontextcluestogain meaning from grade-leveltextreadorally

• Applyideasfromoraldiscussions to new situations

• Interpretinformationfrom oral reading of narrative or expository text

• Identifyideas/conceptsexpressedwithgrade-levelcontent-specificlanguage

Writeingrade-levelListening expectations below:



Page 6: CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster… ·  · 2013-01-11CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-K ... CAN DO Descriptors:

CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster 1-2For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English language learners can process or produce the language needed to:

The CAN DO Descriptors work in conjunction with the WIDA Performance Definitions of the English language proficiency standards. The Performance Definitions use three criteria (1. linguistic complexity; 2. vocabulary usage; and 3. language control) to describe the increasing quality and quantity of students’ language processing and use across the levels of language proficiency.

Level 1Entering

Level 2Beginning

Level 3Developing

Level 4Expanding

Level 5Bridging

Level 6Reaching




• Repeatsimplewords, phrases, and memorized chunks of language

• Respondtovisually-supported (e.g., calendar) questions of academic content with one word or phrase

• Identifyandnameeveryday objects

• Participateinwholegroup chants and songs

• Usefirstlanguageto fill in gaps in oral English (code switch)

• Repeatfactsorstatements

• Describewhatpeopledo from action pictures (e.g., jobs of community workers)

• Comparereal-lifeobjects (e.g., “smaller,” “biggest”)

• Askquestionsofasocial nature

• Expressfeelings(e.g., “I’m happy because…”)

• Retellsimplestoriesfrom picture cues

• Sortandexplaingrouping of objects (e.g., sink v. float)

• Makepredictionsorhypotheses

• Distinguishfeaturesofcontent-basedphenomena (e.g., caterpillar, butterfly)

• Askquestionsforsocial and academic purposes

• Participateinclassdiscussions on familiar social and academic topics

• Retellstorieswithdetails

• Sequencestorieswithtransitions

• Useacademicvocabulary in class discussions

• Expressandsupportideas with examples

• Giveoralpresentationsoncontent-basedtopics approaching grade level

• Initiateconversationwith peers and teachers




Page 7: CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster… ·  · 2013-01-11CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-K ... CAN DO Descriptors:

CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster 1-2For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English language learners can process or produce the language needed to:

Level 1Entering

Level 2Beginning

Level 3Developing

Level 4Expanding

Level 5Bridging

Level 6Reaching




• Identifysymbols,icons, and environmental print

• Connectprinttovisuals

• Matchreal-lifefamiliarobjects to labels

• Followdirectionsusingdiagrams or pictures

• Searchforpicturesassociated with word patterns

• Identifyandinterpretpre-taughtlabeleddiagrams

• Matchvoicetoprintby pointing to icons, letters, or illustrated words

• Sortwordsintowordfamilies

• Maketext-to-selfconnections with prompting

• Selecttitlestomatchaseries of pictures

• Sortillustratedcontentwords into categories

• Matchphrasesandsentences to pictures

• Putwordsinordertoform sentences

• Identifybasicelementsof fictional stories (e.g., title, setting, characters)

• Followsentence-leveldirections

• Distinguishbetweengeneral and specific language (e.g., flower v. rose) in context

• Beginusingfeaturesofnon-fictiontexttoaidcomprehension

• Uselearningstrategies(e.g., context clues)

• Identifymainideas• Matchfigurative

language to illustrations (e.g., “as big as a house”)




The CAN DO Descriptors work in conjunction with the WIDA Performance Definitions of the English language proficiency standards. The Performance Definitions use three criteria (1. linguistic complexity; 2. vocabulary usage; and 3. language control) to describe the increasing quality and quantity of students’ language processing and use across the levels of language proficiency.

Page 8: CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster… ·  · 2013-01-11CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-K ... CAN DO Descriptors:

CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster 1-2For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English language learners can process or produce the language needed to:

Level 1Entering

Level 2Beginning

Level 3Developing

Level 4Expanding

Level 5Bridging

Level 6Reaching




• Copywrittenlanguage• Usefirstlanguage(L1,

when L1 is a medium of instruction) to help form words in English

• Communicatethroughdrawings

• Labelfamiliarobjectsor pictures

• Provideinformationusing graphic organizers

• Generatelistsofwords/phrasesfrombanks or walls

• Completemodeledsentence starters (e.g., “I like ____.”)

• Describepeople,places, or objects from illustrated examples and models

• Engageinprewritingstrategies (e.g., use of graphic organizers)

• Formsimplesentencesusingword/phrasebanks

• Participateininteractive journal writing

• Givecontent-basedinformation using visuals or graphics

• Produceoriginalsentences

• Createmessagesforsocial purposes (e.g., get well cards)

• Composejournalentries about personal experiences

• Useclassroomresources (e.g., picture dictionaries) to compose sentences

• Createarelatedseries of sentences in response to prompts

• Producecontent-related sentences

• Composestories• Explainprocesses

or procedures using connected sentences

Writeingrade-levelWriting expectations below:



The CAN DO Descriptors work in conjunction with the WIDA Performance Definitions of the English language proficiency standards. The Performance Definitions use three criteria (1. linguistic complexity; 2. vocabulary usage; and 3. language control) to describe the increasing quality and quantity of students’ language processing and use across the levels of language proficiency.

Page 9: CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster… ·  · 2013-01-11CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-K ... CAN DO Descriptors:

CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster 3-5For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English language learners can process or produce the language needed to:

The CAN DO Descriptors work in conjunction with the WIDA Performance Definitions of the English language proficiency standards. The Performance Definitions use three criteria (1. linguistic complexity; 2. vocabulary usage; and 3. language control) to describe the increasing quality and quantity of students’ language processing and use across the levels of language proficiency.

Level 1Entering

Level 2Beginning

Level 3Developing

Level 4Expanding

Level 5Bridging

Level 6Reaching




• Pointtostatedpictures, words, or phrases

• Followone-steporal directions (e.g., physically or through drawings)

• Identifyobjects,figures, people from oral statements or questions (e.g., “Which one is a rock?”)

• Matchclassroomoral language to daily routines

• Categorizecontent-based pictures or objects from oral descriptions

• Arrangepicturesor objects per oral information

• Followtwo-steporaldirections

• Drawinresponsetooral descriptions

• Evaluateoralinformation (e.g., about lunch options)

• Followmulti-steporaldirections

• Identifyillustratedmain ideas from paragraph-leveloraldiscourse

• Matchliteralmeaningsof oral descriptions or oral reading to illustrations

• Sequencepicturesfromoral stories, processes, or procedures

• Interpretoralinformation and apply to new situations

• Identifyillustratedmain ideas and supporting details from oral discourse

• Inferfromandactonoral information

• Roleplaythework of authors, mathematicians, scientists, historians from oral readings, videos,ormulti-media

• Carryoutoralinstructions containing grade-level,content-based language

• Constructmodelsoruse manipulatives to problem-solvebasedon oral discourse

• Distinguishbetweenliteral and figurative language in oral discourse

• Formopinionsofpeople, places, or ideas from oral scenarios

Writeingrade-levelListening expectations below:



Page 10: CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster… ·  · 2013-01-11CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-K ... CAN DO Descriptors:

CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster 3-5For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English language learners can process or produce the language needed to:

The CAN DO Descriptors work in conjunction with the WIDA Performance Definitions of the English language proficiency standards. The Performance Definitions use three criteria (1. linguistic complexity; 2. vocabulary usage; and 3. language control) to describe the increasing quality and quantity of students’ language processing and use across the levels of language proficiency.

Level 1Entering

Level 2Beginning

Level 3Developing

Level 4Expanding

Level 5Bridging

Level 6Reaching




• Expressbasicneedsorconditions

• Namepre-taughtobjects, people, diagrams, or pictures

• Recitewordsorphrases from pictures of everyday objects and oral modeling

• Answeryes/noandchoice questions

• Asksimple,everydayquestions (e.g., “Who isabsent?”)

• Restatecontent-basedfacts

• Describepictures,events, objects, or people using phrases or short sentences

• Sharebasicsocialinformation with peers

• Answersimplecontent-basedquestions

• Re/tellshortstoriesorevents

• Makepredictionsor hypotheses from discourse

• Offersolutionstosocial conflict

• Presentcontent-basedinformation

• Engageinproblem-solving

• Answeropinionquestions with supporting details

• Discussstories,issues,and concepts

• Givecontent-basedoral reports

• Offercreativesolutionstoissues/problems

• Compare/contrastcontent-basedfunctions and relationships

• Justify/defendopinionsor explanations with evidence

• Givecontent-basedpresentations using technical vocabulary

• Sequencestepsingrade-levelproblem-solving

• Explainindetailresults of inquiry (e.g., scientific experiments)




Page 11: CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster… ·  · 2013-01-11CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-K ... CAN DO Descriptors:

CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster 3-5For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English language learners can process or produce the language needed to:

Level 1Entering

Level 2Beginning

Level 3Developing

Level 4Expanding

Level 5Bridging

Level 6Reaching




• Matchiconsordiagramswithwords/concepts

• Identifycognatesfrom first language, as applicable

• Makesound/symbol/word relations

• Matchillustratedwords/phrasesindifferingcontexts(e.g.,on the board, in a book)

• Identifyfactsandexplicit messages from illustrated text

• Findchangestorootwords in context

• Identifyelementsofstory grammar (e.g., characters, setting)

• Followvisuallysupported written directions (e.g., “Draw a star in the sky.”)

• Interpretinformationor data from charts and graphs

• Identifymainideasand some details

• Sequenceeventsinstoriesorcontent-based processes

• Usecontextcluesand illustrations to determine meaning of words/phrases

• Classifyfeaturesofvarious genres of text (e.g., “and they lived happily ever after” —fairy tales)

• Matchgraphicorganizerstodifferenttexts(e.g.,compare/contrast with Venn diagram)

• Finddetailsthatsupport main ideas

• Differentiatebetweenfact and opinion in narrative and expository text

• Summarizeinformation from multiple related sources

• Answeranalyticalquestionsaboutgrade-level text

• Identify,explain,and give examples of figures of speech

• Drawconclusionsfrom explicit and implicit text at or near grade level




The CAN DO Descriptors work in conjunction with the WIDA Performance Definitions of the English language proficiency standards. The Performance Definitions use three criteria (1. linguistic complexity; 2. vocabulary usage; and 3. language control) to describe the increasing quality and quantity of students’ language processing and use across the levels of language proficiency.

Page 12: CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster… ·  · 2013-01-11CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-K ... CAN DO Descriptors:

CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster 3-5For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English language learners can process or produce the language needed to:

Level 1Entering

Level 2Beginning

Level 3Developing

Level 4Expanding

Level 5Bridging

Level 6Reaching




• Labelobjects,pictures,or diagrams from word/phrasebanks

• Communicateideasbydrawing

• Copywords,phrases,and short sentences

• Answeroralquestionswith single words

• Makelistsfromlabelsor with peers

• Complete/producesentencesfromword/phrase banks or walls

• Fillingraphicorganizers, charts, and tables

• Makecomparisonsusingreal-lifeorvisually-supportedmaterials

• Producesimpleexpository or narrative text

• Stringrelatedsentences together

• Compare/contrastcontent-basedinformation

• Describeevents,people, processes, procedures

• Takenotesusinggraphic organizers

• Summarizecontent-based information

• Authormultipleforms of writing (e.g., expository, narrative, persuasive) from models

• Explainstrategiesoruse of information in solving problems

• Produceextendedresponses of original text approaching grade level

• Applycontent-basedinformation to new contexts

• Connectorintegratepersonal experiences withliterature/content

• Creategrade-levelstories or reports

Writeingrade-levelWriting expectations below:



The CAN DO Descriptors work in conjunction with the WIDA Performance Definitions of the English language proficiency standards. The Performance Definitions use three criteria (1. linguistic complexity; 2. vocabulary usage; and 3. language control) to describe the increasing quality and quantity of students’ language processing and use across the levels of language proficiency.

Page 13: CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster… ·  · 2013-01-11CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-K ... CAN DO Descriptors:

CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster 6-8For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English language learners can process or produce the language needed to:

The CAN DO Descriptors work in conjunction with the WIDA Performance Definitions of the English language proficiency standards. The Performance Definitions use three criteria (1. linguistic complexity; 2. vocabulary usage; and 3. language control) to describe the increasing quality and quantity of students’ language processing and use across the levels of language proficiency.

Level 1Entering

Level 2Beginning

Level 3Developing

Level 4Expanding

Level 5Bridging

Level 6Reaching




• Followone-steporalcommands/instructions

• Matchsociallanguagetovisual/graphicdisplays

• Identifyobjects,people, or places fromoralstatements/questions using gestures (e.g., pointing)

• Matchinstructionallanguage with visual representation (e.g., “Useasharpenedpencil.”)

• Followmulti-steporalcommands/instructions

• Classify/sortcontent-related visuals per oral descriptions

• Sequencevisualsperoral directions

• Identifyinformationoncharts or tables based on oral statements

• Categorizecontent-based examples from oral directions

• Matchmainideasoffamiliar text read aloud to visuals

• Uselearningstrategiesdescribed orally

• Identifyeverydayexamplesofcontent-based concepts described orally

• Associateorallanguagewithdifferenttimeframes (e.g., past, present, future)

• Identifymainideasanddetails of oral discourse

• Completecontent-related tasks or assignments based on oral discourse

• Applylearningstrategies to new situations

• Roleplay,dramatize,orre-enactscenariosfromoral reading

• Useoralinformationtoaccomplishgrade-leveltasks

• Evaluateintentof speech and act accordingly

• Makeinferencesfromgrade-leveltextreadaloud

• Discriminateamongmultiple genres read orally

Writeingrade-levelListening expectations below:



Page 14: CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster… ·  · 2013-01-11CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-K ... CAN DO Descriptors:

CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster 6-8For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English language learners can process or produce the language needed to:

The CAN DO Descriptors work in conjunction with the WIDA Performance Definitions of the English language proficiency standards. The Performance Definitions use three criteria (1. linguistic complexity; 2. vocabulary usage; and 3. language control) to describe the increasing quality and quantity of students’ language processing and use across the levels of language proficiency.

Level 1Entering

Level 2Beginning

Level 3Developing

Level 4Expanding

Level 5Bridging

Level 6Reaching




• Answeryes/noandchoice questions

• Begintousegeneraland high frequency vocabulary

• Repeatwords,shortphrases, memorized chunks

• AnswerselectWH-questions (e.g., “who,” “what,” “when,” “where”) within context of lessons or personal experiences

• Conveycontentthrough high frequencywords/phrases

• Statebig/mainideasofclassroom conversation

• Describesituationsfrom modeled sentences

• Describeroutinesandeveryday events

• Expresseverydayneedsand wants

• Communicateinsocialsituations

• Makerequests

• Begintoexpresstimethrough multiple tenses

• Retell/rephraseideasfrom speech

• Givebrieforalcontent-based presentations

• Stateopinions• Connectideasin

discourse using transitions (e.g., “but,” “then”)

• Usedifferentregistersinside and outside of class

• Statebig/mainideaswith some supporting details

• Askforclarification(e.g.,self-monitor)

• Paraphraseandsummarize ideas presented orally

• Defendapointofview• Explainoutcomes• Explainandcompare

content-basedconcepts• Connectideaswith


• Substantiateopinionswith reasons and evidence

• Defendapointofviewand give reasons

• Useandexplainmetaphors and similes

• Communicatewithfluency in social and academic contexts

• Negotiatemeaningingroup discussions

• Discussandgiveexamples of abstract, content-basedideas(e.g., democracy, justice)




Page 15: CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster… ·  · 2013-01-11CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-K ... CAN DO Descriptors:

CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster 6-8For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English language learners can process or produce the language needed to:

The CAN DO Descriptors work in conjunction with the WIDA Performance Definitions of the English language proficiency standards. The Performance Definitions use three criteria (1. linguistic complexity; 2. vocabulary usage; and 3. language control) to describe the increasing quality and quantity of students’ language processing and use across the levels of language proficiency.

Level 1Entering

Level 2Beginning

Level 3Developing

Level 4Expanding

Level 5Bridging

Level 6Reaching




• Associateletterswithsounds and objects

• Matchcontent–relatedobjects/picturestowords

• Identifycommonsymbols, signs, and words

• Recognizeconceptsofprint

• FindsinglewordresponsestoWH-questions (e.g., “who,” “what,” “when,” “where”) related to illustrated text

• Usepicturedictionaries/illustrated glossaries

• Sequenceillustratedtextoffictionalandnon-fictional events

• Locatemainideasin a series of simple sentences

• Findinformationfromtext structure (e.g., titles, graphs, glossary)

• Followtextreadaloud(e.g., tapes, teacher, paired-readings)

• Sort/grouppre-taughtwords/phrases

• Usepre-taughtvocabulary (e.g., word banks) to complete simple sentences

• UseL1tosupportL2(e.g., cognates)

• Usebilingualdictionaries and glossaries

• Identifytopicsentences,main ideas, and details in paragraphs

• Identifymultiplemeanings of words in context (e.g., “cell,” “table”)

• Usecontextclues• Makepredictionsbased

on illustrated text• Identifyfrequentlyused

affixes and root words to make/extractmeaning(e.g.,“un-,”“re-,”“-ed”)

• Differentiatebetweenfact and opinion

• Answerquestionsaboutexplicit information in texts

• UseEnglishdictionariesand glossaries

• Orderparagraphs• Identifysummariesof

passages• Identifyfigurative

language (e.g., “dark as night”)

• Interpretadaptedclassics or modified text

• Matchcausetoeffect• Identifyspecific

language of differentgenresandinformational texts

• Useanarrayofstrategies(e.g., skim and scan for information)

• Differentiateandapplymultiple meanings of words/phrases

• Applystrategiestonewsituations

• Infermeaningfrommodifiedgrade-leveltext

• Critiquematerialandsupport argument

• Sortgrade-leveltextbygenre




Page 16: CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster… ·  · 2013-01-11CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-K ... CAN DO Descriptors:

CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster 6-8For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English language learners can process or produce the language needed to:

The CAN DO Descriptors work in conjunction with the WIDA Performance Definitions of the English language proficiency standards. The Performance Definitions use three criteria (1. linguistic complexity; 2. vocabulary usage; and 3. language control) to describe the increasing quality and quantity of students’ language processing and use across the levels of language proficiency.

Level 1Entering

Level 2Beginning

Level 3Developing

Level 4Expanding

Level 5Bridging

Level 6Reaching




• Drawcontent-relatedpictures

• Producehighfrequencywords

• Labelpicturesandgraphs

• Createvocabulary/concept cards

• Generatelistsfrompre-taughtwords/phrasesand word banks (e.g., create menu from list of food groups)

• Completepatternsentences

• Extend“sentencestarters” with original ideas

• Connectsimplesentences

• Completegraphicorganizers/formswithpersonal information

• Respondtoyes/no,choice,andsomeWH-questions

• Produceshortparagraphs with main ideas and some details (e.g., column notes)

• Createcompoundsentences (e.g., with conjunctions)

• Explainstepsinproblem-solving

• Compare/contrastinformation, events, characters

• Giveopinions,preferences, and reactions along with reasons

• Createmultiple-paragraph essays

• Justifyideas• Producecontent-related

reports• Usedetails/examplesto

support ideas• Usetransitionwordsto

create cohesive passages• Composeintro/body/

conclusion• Paraphraseorsummarize

text• Takenotes(e.g.,for


• Createexpositorytexttoexplaingraphs/charts

• Produceresearchreportsusingmultiplesources/citations

• Beginusinganalogies• Critiqueliteraryessays

or articles

Writeingrade-levelWriting expectations below:



Page 17: CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster… ·  · 2013-01-11CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-K ... CAN DO Descriptors:

CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster 9-12For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English language learners can process or produce the language needed to:

The CAN DO Descriptors work in conjunction with the WIDA Performance Definitions of the English language proficiency standards. The Performance Definitions use three criteria (1. linguistic complexity; 2. vocabulary usage; and 3. language control) to describe the increasing quality and quantity of students’ language processing and use across the levels of language proficiency.

Level 1Entering

Level 2Beginning

Level 3Developing

Level 4Expanding

Level 5Bridging

Level 6Reaching




• Pointtoorshowbasicparts, components, features, characteristics, and properties of objects, organisms, or persons named orally

• Matcheverydayoral information to pictures, diagrams, or photographs

• Groupvisualsbycommon traits named orally (e.g., “These are polygons.”)

• Identifyresources,places, products, figures from oral statements, and visuals

• Matchorclassifyoraldescriptionstoreal-lifeexperiencesorvisually-represented,content-related examples

• Sortorallanguagestatements according to time frames

• Sequencevisualsaccording to oral directions

• Evaluateinformationin social and academic conversations

• Distinguishmainideasfrom supporting points inoral,content-relateddiscourse

• Uselearningstrategiesdescribed orally

• Categorizecontent-based examples described orally

• Distinguishbetweenmultiple meanings of oral words or phrases in social and academic contexts

• Analyzecontent-relatedtasks or assignments based on oral discourse

• Categorizeexamplesofgenres read aloud

• Comparetraitsbasedon visuals and oral descriptions using specific and some technical language

• Interpretcauseandeffectscenariosfromoral discourse

• Makeinferencesfrom oral discourse containing satire, sarcasm, or humor

• Identifyandreacttosubtledifferencesinspeech and register (e.g., hyperbole, satire, comedy)

• Evaluateintentof speech and act accordingly

Writeingrade-levelListening expectations below:



Page 18: CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster… ·  · 2013-01-11CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-K ... CAN DO Descriptors:

CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster 9-12For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English language learners can process or produce the language needed to:

The CAN DO Descriptors work in conjunction with the WIDA Performance Definitions of the English language proficiency standards. The Performance Definitions use three criteria (1. linguistic complexity; 2. vocabulary usage; and 3. language control) to describe the increasing quality and quantity of students’ language processing and use across the levels of language proficiency.

Level 1Entering

Level 2Beginning

Level 3Developing

Level 4Expanding

Level 5Bridging

Level 6Reaching




• Answeryes/noorchoice questions within context of lessons or personal experiences

• Provideidentifyinginformation about self

• Nameeverydayobjectsandpre-taughtvocabulary

• Repeatwords,shortphrases, memorized chunks of language

• Describepersons,places, events, or objects

• AskWH-questionstoclarify meaning

• Givefeaturesofcontent-basedmaterial(e.g., time periods)

• Characterizeissues,situations, regions shown in illustrations

• Suggestwaystoresolveissues or pose solutions

• Compare/contrastfeatures, traits, characteristics using general and some specific language

• Sequenceprocesses,cycles, procedures, or events

• Conductinterviewsor gather information through oral interaction

• Estimate,makepredictions or pose hypotheses from models

• Takeastanceanduseevidence to defend it

• Explaincontent-relatedissues and concepts

• Compareandcontrastpoints of view

• Analyzeandshareprosand cons of choices

• Useandrespondtogossip, slang, and idiomatic expressions

• Usespeakingstrategies(e.g., circumlocution)

• Givemultimediaoralpresentationsongrade-level material

• Engageindebatesoncontent-relatedissues using technical language

• Explainmetacognitivestrategies for solving problems(e.g.,“Tellme how you know it.”)

• Negotiatemeaningin pairs or group discussions




Page 19: CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster… ·  · 2013-01-11CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-K ... CAN DO Descriptors:

CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster 9-12For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English language learners can process or produce the language needed to:

The CAN DO Descriptors work in conjunction with the WIDA Performance Definitions of the English language proficiency standards. The Performance Definitions use three criteria (1. linguistic complexity; 2. vocabulary usage; and 3. language control) to describe the increasing quality and quantity of students’ language processing and use across the levels of language proficiency.

Level 1Entering

Level 2Beginning

Level 3Developing

Level 4Expanding

Level 5Bridging

Level 6Reaching




• Matchvisualrepresentations to words/phrases

• Readeverydaysigns,symbols, schedules, and school-relatedwords/phrases

• RespondtoWH-questions related to illustrated text

• Usereferences(e.g.,picture dictionaries, bilingual glossaries, technology)

• Matchdataorinformation with its source or genre (e.g., description of element to its symbol on periodic table)

• Classifyororganizeinformation presented in visuals or graphs

• Followmulti-stepinstructions supported by visuals or data

• Matchsentence-leveldescriptions to visual representations

• Comparecontent-related features in visuals and graphics

• Locatemainideasin a series of related sentences

• Applymultiplemeaningsofwords/phrases to social and academic contexts

• Identifytopicsentencesor main ideas and details in paragraphs

• Answerquestionsaboutexplicit information in texts

• Differentiatebetweenfact and opinion in text

• Orderparagraphsorsequence information within paragraphs

• Compare/contrastauthors’ points of view, characters, information, or events

• Interpretvisually-orgraphically-supportedinformation

• Infermeaningfromtext• Matchcausetoeffect• Evaluateusefulnessof

data or information supported visually or graphically

• Interpretgrade-levelliterature

• Synthesizegrade-levelexpository text

• Drawconclusionsfromdifferentsourcesofinformational text

• Infersignificanceofdataorinformationingrade-level material

• Identifyevidenceofbiasand credibility of source




Page 20: CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster… ·  · 2013-01-11CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster PreK-K ... CAN DO Descriptors:

CAN DO Descriptors: Grade Level Cluster 9-12For the given level of English language proficiency and with visual, graphic, or interactive support through Level 4, English language learners can process or produce the language needed to:

The CAN DO Descriptors work in conjunction with the WIDA Performance Definitions of the English language proficiency standards. The Performance Definitions use three criteria (1. linguistic complexity; 2. vocabulary usage; and 3. language control) to describe the increasing quality and quantity of students’ language processing and use across the levels of language proficiency.

Level 1Entering

Level 2Beginning

Level 3Developing

Level 4Expanding

Level 5Bridging

Level 6Reaching




• Labelcontent-relateddiagrams, pictures from word/phrasebanks

• Providepersonalinformation on forms read orally

• Produceshortanswerresponses to oral questions with visual support

• Supplymissingwordsinshort sentences

• Makecontent-relatedlists of words, phrases, or expressions

• Takenotesusinggraphicorganizers or models

• Formulateyes/no,choiceandWH-questions from models

• Correspondforsocialpurposes (e.g., memos, e-mails,notes)

• Completereportsfromtemplates

• Composeshortnarrativeand expository pieces

• Outlineideasanddetailsusing graphic organizers

• Compareandreflecton performance against criteria (e.g., rubrics)

• Summarizecontent-related notes from lectures or text

• Reviseworkbasedon narrative or oral feedback

• Composenarrativeandexpository text for a variety of purposes

• Justifyordefendideasand opinions

• Producecontent-relatedreports

• Produceresearchreportsfrom multiple sources

• Createoriginalpiecesthat represent the use of a variety of genres and discourses

• Critique,peer-editandmake recommendations on others’ writing from rubrics

• Explain,withdetails,phenomena, processes, procedures

Writeingrade-levelWriting expectations below: