can dogs feel our emotions


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Can Dogs Feel Our Emotions? Yawn Study Suggests Yes

Scientists say dogs yawn in response to their owners' yawns—monkey see, monkey do.

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• Dog owners who claim their pets know their feelings may be on to something: A new study shows that canines yawn more in response to their owners' yawns than they do to strangers' yawns.

• That suggests dogs are "emotionally connected" to people, study leader Teresa Romero of the University of Tokyo said in a statement.

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• Scientists already knew that dogs sometimes yawn when they see people yawn, but it was unclear if that was considered a form of empathy or mild stress, as yawning can be caused by anxiety.

• team set up an experiment in which 25 pet dogs watched both their owners and strangers yawn or pretend to yawn.

• The team ruled out stress when researchers saw no significant differences in the dogs' heartbeats during the experiments

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• Not only did the dogs in the study yawn more in response to their owners' yawns, they also yawned less when they saw fake yawns from their owners or from strangers, suggesting they were exhibiting true contagious yawning.

• Contagious yawning occurs in humans, chimpanzees, baboons, and dogs .

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Dogs Sensing our Emotions

• Almost every dog owner has found out that when they are really sad, their dog acts differently toward them. A dog may approach its disturbed owner with a concerned look and, quite out of character, hunker down next to them as if to provide some emotional support.

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Can Dogs Smell Cancer?

• The interesting part about this is that cancer absolutely has a smell. Most oncologists will tell you that humans can actually smell cancer in latter stages through the patients breath.

• If we can smell it at stage 3-4, then of course a dog would be able to detect the scent much earlier, in stage 0, 1 or 2. There are many published studies that prove dogs can detect cancer through breath samples, and scientists and doctors are trying to come up with a breathalyzer test that works as good as the dogs nose. So far, the only ones that can smell cancer in early stages, are the dogs

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Recent Fact About Dogs

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Some stray Russian dogs have figured out how to use the subway system in order to travel to more populated areas in search of food.

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funny quotes about dogs

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