canada's role in afghanistan

Canada in Afghanistan – What Should Canada’s Role Be? 2009/02/10/f-afghanistan.html 2009/02/10/f-afghanistan.html files/images/TF%201-08%20019-REDUCED.jpg

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Humanities 20, slide notes on Afghanistan Mission.


Page 1: Canada's role in afghanistan

Canada in Afghanistan – What Should Canada’s Role Be?

Page 2: Canada's role in afghanistan

Instructions for Part One: Canada’s Mission Goals - Afghanistan

• For part one of this assignment use the Canadian Government Website:– Canada In Afghanistan

Fill in the slides provided with the information requested in your own words. This is at most a partner (1 or 2 person) assignment!

• Each slide will also contain a picture of Canada’s war/mission in Afghanistan which you will provide a link to. – See the example on the

title page of this presentation and then ask for help if you do not know how to create links.

– You pictures cannot all be from the same site.

Page 3: Canada's role in afghanistan

Priority One: Security• How is Canada Providing Help?

– Helping to establish the federal police and military as a more effective protective force

– Improving organization and structure – Reinforcing the national police with incentive


• What are two goals that Canada has for this part of the mission by 2011?

• Achieve an 85% ANA approval rating in major areas

• Give initial and advanced training to all ANP units


Page 4: Canada's role in afghanistan

Priority Two: Basic Services• How is Canada Providing Help?

– Building useable, modern roads– Creating new jobs and ensuring innovative

businessmen will have access to borrowable money

– Increasing availability of water for agriculture and drinking

– What are two goals that Canada has for this part of the mission by 2011?• Create 10000 seasonable jobs• Improve water management in

30000 hectares of agricultural land

Page 5: Canada's role in afghanistan

Priority Three: Humanitarian Aid• How is Canada Providing Help?

– Removing unexploded landmines– Vaccinating people against diseases– Offering food to citizens in danger or poverty

– What are two goals that Canada has for this part of the mission by 2011?• Train 500 health care workers• Educate 200,000 individuals

about landmine awareness

Page 6: Canada's role in afghanistan

Priority Four: Afghan/Pakistani Border

• How is Canada Providing Help?– Encouraging communications between

Afghanistan and Pakistan– Installing workers to maintain the border– Offering important pieces of construction and


– What are two goals that Canada has for this part of the mission by 2011?• Build the Joint district

Coordination Center• New systems established to

allow for frequent conversation between border workers


Page 7: Canada's role in afghanistan

Priority Five: National Institutions• How is Canada Providing Help?

– Help make elections possible with money and expertise

– Help the international elections commission in tandem with other countries

– Offer education and resources to certain public organizations

– What are two goals that Canada has for this part of the mission by 2011?• Bring government spending to

within a 5% error margin of projections

• Reach an election turnout of 70% of men, 40% of women


Page 8: Canada's role in afghanistan

Priority Six: Political Reconciliation• How is Canada Providing Help?

– Create government organizations to promote open discussion– Greater freedom of information and discussion between the government and people– Ensure that any peace is sustainable and protected by a stable government

– What are two goals that Canada has for this part of the mission by 2011?• To have an organization capable of taking a leading role to pursue these goals• Information will flow freely between the various districts and areas of the government

Page 9: Canada's role in afghanistan

Part 1A: Signature Projects – Canadian Efforts in Afghanistan

• Instructions:Use this link to learn about 3 signature projects that we as the Canadian people have identified as critical for the people of Afghanistan.

- Fill in the following slides with information in your own words about these projects.

Page 10: Canada's role in afghanistan

Signature Project 1 – Dahla Dam and Irrigation System

• Why is this an important project for the people of Afghanistan?– Serve as a water delivery system to

most people in Kandahar– Will employ thousands of people to

complete– Encourage farming by offering easy

access to irrigation

• What is Canada doing to help? – Modernizing farming and water

management practices– Repairing the dam itself, and its

water valves

Page 11: Canada's role in afghanistan

Signature Project 2 – Education• Why is this an important project

for the people of Afghanistan?– Without sufficient education

opportunities, many doors are closed to citizens

– Strengthening this system will be a direct, tangible benefit that will increase government confidence

• What is Canada doing to help? – Improve existing schools or create

new ones (totalling 50)– Make the Ministry of Education more

capable of quality and consistency

Page 12: Canada's role in afghanistan

Signature Project 3 – Polio Eradication

• Why is this an important project for the people of Afghanistan?– Polio remains a major epidemic in

the country– It has been eliminated from most

other countries in the world

• What is Canada doing to help? – Creating immunization stations and

marking them for travelers– Vaccinating children all across
