manley report on canada's mission in afghanistan

Independent Panel on Canada’s Future Role in Afghanistan Groupe d’experts indépendant sur le rôle futur du Canada en Afghanistan Independent Panel on Canada’s Future Role in Afghanistan

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Page 1: Manley Report on Canada's Mission in Afghanistan

Independent Panel onCanada’s Future Role in


Groupe d’experts indépendantsur le rôle futur du Canada enAfghanistan

Independent Panel

on Canada’s Future Role

in Afghanistan

Page 2: Manley Report on Canada's Mission in Afghanistan

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented bythe Minister of Public Works and Government Services, 2008

Cat. No: FR5-20/1-2008ISBN: 978-0-662-05444-3

Printed in Canada

Page 3: Manley Report on Canada's Mission in Afghanistan

Independent Panel onCanada’s Future Role in


Groupe d’experts indépendantsur le rôle futur du Canada enAfghanistan

Independent Panel

on Canada’s Future Role

in Afghanistan

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January 2008


To/À : The Right Honourable Stephen Harper

From/De : The Independent Panel on Canada’s Future Role in Afghanistan

Subject/Objet : Final Report


1 report/1 rapport


Dear Prime Minister,

Please find attached the report of the Independent Panel on Canada’s

Future Role in Afghanistan. This report represents the consensus views of

all Panel members.

It is our sincere hope that our report will be of value to your government

and to all Parliamentarians as they consider these important issues.

The Panel has been ably supported in its work by a talented secretariat led

by Mr. David Mulroney. We are very grateful to the many Canadians and

others who offered us their time and opinions as we considered our report.


The Honourable John Manley, P.C. (Chair)

Derek H. Burney, O.C.

The Honourable Jake Epp, P.C.

The Honourable Paul Tellier, P.C., C.C., Q.C.

Pamela Wallin, O.C., S.O.M.

Independent Panel onCanada’s Future Role in


Groupe d’experts indépendantsur le rôle futur du Canada enAfghanistan

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Table of Contents

CHAIR’S FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

PART I: INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7A Decision for Canadians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

PART II: ASSESSING CONDITIONS IN AFGHANISTAN . . . . . . . . . 10Setting the Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Governance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18


Canadian Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22


What Next? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

PART V: CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

MAPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41Afghanistan Provinces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Ethnic Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Afghanistan Regional Commands and PRT Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Afghanistan and Neighbouring Countries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

GLOSSARY OF KEY TERMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

APPENDIX 1: TERMS OF REFERENCE AND PANEL BIOGRAPHIES . 53Terms of Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Panel Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

APPENDIX 2: CONSULTATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60


Independent Panel on Canada’s Future Role in Afghanistan

Table of Contents 1

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APPENDIX 4: RELEVANT UNITED NATIONS ANDNATO DOCUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

United Nations Security Council Resolutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

APPENDIX 5: AFGHANISTAN COMPACT BENCHMARKSAND TIMELINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

APPENDIX 6: CHRONOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

APPENDIX 7: MILITARY TERMINOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

APPENDIX 8: PROVINCIAL RECONSTRUCTION TEAM(PRT) LEADS IN AFGHANISTAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85


APPENDIX 10: COMPARATIVE POLLS OF AFGHAN VIEWS . . . . . 87Overall Direction of the Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Presence of Foreign Countries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

Reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

Views on the Taliban . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

APPENDIX 11: INDEPENDENT PANEL SECRETARIAT ANDEXTERNAL ADVISORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

Secretariat to the Independent Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

External Advisors to the Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90


Figure 1: Projected Afghan National Army Growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Figure 2: Canadian Military Deployments (2002 - 2007) . . . . . . . . . . 23

Figure 3: Growth of the Afghan National Army (ANA) and Attached Canadian Trainers in Kandahar Province . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Figure 4: Government of Canada international assistance toAfghanistan - by channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Figure 5: Government of Canada Civilian Deployments (2002 - 2007) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Figure 6: Views on overall direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

2 Table of Contents

Independent Panel on Canada’s Future Role in Afghanistan

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Chair’s Foreword

If I learned one thing from this enquiry, it is that there is no obvious answer tothe question of Canada’s future role in Afghanistan. But our presence in thatdistant land does matter.

Canada’s commitment in Afghanistan matters because it concerns global andCanadian security, Canada’s international reputation, and the well-being of someof the world’s most impoverished and vulnerable people. Our commitment isimportant because it has already involved the sacrifice of Canadian lives.

At the same time, I realize many Canadians are uneasy about Canada’s mission inAfghanistan. They wonder what it’s all for, whether success is achievable, and inthe end, whether the results will justify the human and other costs. The mostdifficult decision a country can make is to send its young men and women intoharm’s way, particularly when the outcome may appear less than certain. I canassure Canadians that each of us on the Panel wrestled with this questionthroughout our enquiry.

We find ourselves, with our allies, in a situation of conflict in a land that is farfrom us, little known by us and where our interests do not seem self-evident. Weare trying to help a country whose recent history has been one long, unendingtragedy, and whose prospects still appear bleak.

The question of Canada’s future role defies a simple answer. It is complicated bythe challenging nature of the mission and by the difficult neighborhood in whichAfghanistan is situated, made even more volatile by the recent assassination ofBenazir Bhutto. It is made more complex because we assumed responsibility forfighting an insurgency in a dangerous province of the country and we did so withlittle political debate and not much public engagement. And that insurgency is farfrom defeated.

Our Panel consulted very broadly – both here at home and abroad. We traveledthrough four provinces in Afghanistan. We tried to assess progress made to dateand the requirements for improved prospects. And we sought to answer thequestion of Canada’s appropriate role in the future.

Our assessment of the situation recognizes the enormity of the challenge: regionalinstability; slow progress on reconstruction and development; mounting insecurityand violence; corruption, criminality and increasing poppy production. But therecan be no doubt that compared to the starting point in 2001, living conditions inAfghanistan have seen measurable, even significant improvement.

3Chair’s Foreword

Independent Panel on Canada’s Future Role in Afghanistan

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Whenever we asked Afghans what they thought ISAF or Canada should do, therewas never any hesitation: “We want you to stay; we need you to stay.” Without thepresence of the international security forces, they said, chaos would surely ensue.

The Panel learned early that we must be careful to define our expectations forsuccess. Afghanistan is a deeply divided tribal society. It has been wracked bydecades of war and is one of the poorest countries on Earth. There should be nothought that after five or even ten years of western military presence and aid,Afghanistan will resemble Europe or North America. But we came to theconviction that with patience, commitment, financial and other forms ofassistance, there is a reasonable prospect that its people will be able to livetogether in relative peace and security, while living standards slowly improve.

The essential questions for Canada are: how do we move from a military role to acivilian one, and how do we oversee a shift in responsibility for Afghanistan’ssecurity from the international community to Afghans themselves?

To achieve these objectives, much still needs to be done.

Institutions that are respected need to be built and the Afghan National Armyand Police need to be further recruited and trained.

Agricultural districts need to be reclaimed from land mines and poppy fields, sothat traditional crops can once again flourish where they have in the past.

Both the reality and the perception of corruption in the Government ofAfghanistan must be rooted out. They are undermining not only the hope for anAfghan solution but also support for the Western forces sacrificing their lives tohelp secure the situation.

Roads, bridges and electrification must be enhanced, so that ordinary Afghanscan see progress.

With all that needs to be done, no end date makes sense at this point.

Afghanistan presents an opportunity for Canada. For the first time in many years,we have brought a level of commitment to an international problem that gives usreal weight and credibility. For once, our 3Ds (defense, diplomacy anddevelopment assistance) are all pointed at the same problem, and officials fromthree departments are beginning to work together.

But the cost is real, and it is high.

4 Chair’s Foreword

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Canadians don’t need any lessons in sacrifice. Our history is replete withexamples of courage and fortitude in conflict against difficult odds when thecause was just and the determination to prevail was present. But our Panelconcluded that the sacrifice of Canadian lives could only be justified if we and ourallies and the Afghans share a coherent, comprehensive plan that can lead tosuccess, and if our allies are willing to stand with us with the resources andcommitment that are necessary to make success possible.

We like to talk about Canada’s role in the world. Well, we have a meaningful onein Afghanistan. As our report states, it should not be faint-hearted nor should itbe open-ended. Above all, we must not abandon it prematurely.

Rather, we should use our hard-earned influence to ensure the job gets done andgets done properly.

Honourable John Manley, P.C.

Ottawa, January, 2008

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Independent Panel on Canada’s Future Role in Afghanistan

Part I: Introduction - A Decision for Canadians 7

Part I: Introduction


Afghanistan is at war, and Canadians are combatants. It is a war foughtbetween an elected, democratic government and a zealous insurgency of provenbrutality. The war has already exacted a terrible cost in Canadian lives—asacrifice to be mourned and honoured by every Canadian. But Canadians arenot alone in the conflict. Canada is one of some 39 countries (including mostof the great democracies we know as our friends and allies) with troopsdeployed in Afghanistan. These forces are in Afghanistan at the request of theAfghan government, under the express authority of the United Nations.

This is a conflict of ferocious complexity in a region of violent instability.History proves how readily Afghanistan can fall victim to regional rivalries andforeign invasion. The present crisis in Pakistan, which shares a lawlessborderland with Afghanistan, adds new danger and new confusion toAfghanistan’s future. For Canadians, moreover, the news from Kabul andKandahar in the past two years has been more often bad than good. It isnatural for Canadians to reconsider the wisdom and rightness of Canada’sinvolvement in a war that has been so difficult and inconclusive.

The war in Afghanistan is a fact, but it is not the only fact about Afghanistanthat concerns Canada. Afghanistan is a developing country, one of the world’spoorest. (Afghan per-capita gross domestic product is about half that of Haiti,the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.) But despite the violence anddestruction of conflict, Afghans are achieving substantial developmentprogress. The Afghan economy has been growing by about 10 per cent annuallyfor the past five years, and per-capita incomes have doubled. More than fivemillion refugees have returned to Afghanistan since 2002, a telling indicator ofnew hope for the future. Some six million children are in school, a third ofthem girls; school enrolment has tripled in six years. Child mortality rates areimproving. Roads are being built, and power lines restored. In short, theevidence of real development is there to see.

After 30 years of strife—in Soviet occupation, civil war and the coerciverepression of Taliban rule—Afghan men and women are building a governmentcommitted to the democratic rule of law and the full exercise of human rights.To preserve and pursue the progress made, Afghanistan relies on others forsupport. Canada is one of 51 countries committed to the 2006 AfghanistanCompact, a comprehensive international program of aid to Afghanistan’ssecurity, governance and development. For the years 2002-2011, Canada has

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authorized $1.2 billion in international assistance to Afghanistan. Thatcountry now receives more Canadian aid than any other, about three per centof all Canadian aid during this period.

Warfare and reconstruction, bloodshed and progress—these are the contraryand complicated realities of conflict and development in Afghanistan. Theydefy easy answers. But to every member of our Panel, this much is clear: Tomake a difference in Afghanistan—to contribute to a more stable and peaceful,better governed and developing Afghanistan—Canadians will require sustainedresolve and determined realism about what can be achieved. Furthermore,events in Afghanistan, and Canada’s participation in the outcomes, willdirectly affect Canada’s security, our reputation in the world, and our futureability to engage the international community in achieving objectives of peace,security and shared prosperity. Informed and fair-minded Canadians can differon the policy choices before us. None need doubt that the future ofAfghanistan matters to Canada.

Canadians have a decision to make.The Government has affirmed thatParliament will decide whetherCanada will extend its militarydeployment in Afghanistan afterFebruary 2009. Reaching thatdecision requires a realisticassessment of conditions inAfghanistan, along with a pragmaticassessment of Canada’s engagementthere. Just as importantly, itdemands consideration of Canada’sown interests, our values, and ourwillingness and capacity to make adifference to Afghanistan’s future.

8 Introduction - A Decision for Canadians

Independent Panel on Canada’s Future Role in Afghanistan


Between October 12 and December 14,2007, Panel members held face–to-facediscussions in Ottawa, New York,Brussels and Washington, in addition totheir trip to Afghanistan. They also metwith individuals from elsewhere inCanada, the United States and Europevia video-conference.

While in Afghanistan, the Panel travelledacross four provinces – Kabul, Balkh,Bamiyan and Kandahar. They heldmeetings in Kabul, Bamiyan, Mazar-e-Sharif, Kandahar Airfield, Panjwai, Zhari,and Kandahar City. While in Kandaharprovince, the Panel met with theProvincial Reconstruction Team at CampNathan Smith, and personnel at twoforward operating bases, a police sub-station, and other military facilities.

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The Panel’s purpose in this Report is to explore these questions, to encouragean informed and constructive public deliberation, and to recommend effectiveactions to the Government and Parliament. Fully informed public involvementhas the best chance of producing well-founded, sustainable policy. For onething, it improves the likelihood of finding good answers to hard problems.And for another, full information can strengthen popular understanding andsupport of a policy when it is later put to the test of hard experience.

Our own immersion in this subject has been both intensive and exhaustive. We invited submissions from Canadians, and received more than 200. Weconsulted Canadian scholars, activists, government officials and militaryofficers with first-hand knowledge of Afghanistan, its history and its people.We spoke with diplomats, cabinet members and senior public servants at theUnited Nations, and in London, Brussels and Washington. Most movingly, wewitnessed compelling examples of courage and accomplishment inAfghanistan. During our visit to Kabul and to Kandahar and other provinces,we were profoundly impressed by the professionalism and commitment of theCanadian soldiers and civilians serving there—and by the tenacity andoptimism of the Afghans we met there. Among Afghans, we spoke togovernment officials, national assembly representatives, academics, members ofcommunity development councils, health-care workers, teachers and others.We have been greatly informed by the experience.

In the following pages, we assess current conditions with respect toAfghanistan’s security, governance and development. We assess Canada’smilitary and civilian engagement in Afghanistan, and examine the strongestreasons for that engagement. And we propose a coherent set of initiatives thatcan, when complemented with practical standards for measuring performance,achieve progress in Afghanistan. We are recommending a Canadiancommitment to Afghanistan that is neither open-ended nor faint-hearted—acommitment that reflects Canadian interests, gives faithful expression to ourvalues, and corresponds to our national capacity.

9Part I: Introduction - A Decision for Canadians

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Part II: Assessing Conditions in Afghanistan10

Part II: Assessing Conditions in Afghanistan

Living conditions in Afghanistan are grim, reflecting the violence anddeprivations suffered by Afghans for more than a quarter-century of foreignoccupation and domestic misrule. Measured against the hardships and repressionsof the past, however, the people of Afghanistan are making notable progress.Their progress and present challenges are best understood against the backdrop ofAfghanistan’s recent history.


By 2001, Afghanistan in large part was ruled by the Taliban, a radical Islamistregime of exceptional violence. Al Qaeda had found shelter in Taliban territory. Itwas from Afghanistan that Al Qaeda leaders planned and directed the terrorist

acts of September 11, 2001, againsttargets in the United States (andinspired later terrorism in Spain,Britain and elsewhere).

The day after 9/11, the UN SecurityCouncil formally recognized the rightof individual and collective self-defence and called on all memberstates to cooperate in Afghanistan “tobring to justice the perpetrators,organizers and sponsors of theseterrorist attacks”—attacks that wereunderstood to represent a threat toglobal peace and security. At the sametime, governments in NATO (theNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization)invoked the collective-defenceprovisions of the NATO treaty anddeclared the attack against the UnitedStates as an attack against all NATOmembers. Within weeks, members ofthe NATO coalition and Afghanforces were engaged in military actionagainst Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. As aconsequence of that action, theTaliban regime collapsed inNovember 2001; it withdrew, deposedbut not defeated, into the hinterland


Afghanistan is a land-locked, arid nation.Its terrain is characterized by ruggedmountains, valleys, and expansive desertsto the South. The capital city is Kabuland the country is divided into 34provinces. It is located in Southern Asia,north and west of Pakistan and east ofIran (with borders also adjacent toUzbekistan, Tajikistan, China andTurkmenistan). Afghanistan has anapproximate population of 32 millionpeople (July 2007 estimate). Pashtuns(42%) and Tajiks (27%) are the twodominant ethnic groups in Afghanistan(along with significant Hazara and Uzbekpopulations). While there is a strongnational identity, most Afghans alsoassociate themselves closely with tribalaffiliations, Pashtuns being the largest.The official languages are Dari andPashto. The vast majority of thepopulation are Sunni Muslims (80%),with Shia Muslims (19%) representingmost of the remaining population.

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Part II: Assessing Conditions in Afghanistan 11

of Afghanistan’s East and South and neighbouring Pakistan. And it was replacedby an interim authority led by Hamid Karzai. In December, the United Nationsauthorized a new International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) to prosecute thecampaign and help the interim authority secure Kabul and surrounding areas. (In2003, again under UN authority, NATO assumed command of ISAF.) The firstISAF troops arrived in Kabul in January 2002.

In February 2002, 850 Canadian troops deployed to Kandahar as part of the U.S.-led Operation Enduring Freedom. That battalion was withdrawn at thecompletion of its mission in July 2002. From 2002 to 2005, various Canadianmilitary units served in Kabul under ISAF command; those deployments peakedat more than 1,700 troops in 2004. In 2005, as we relate in Part III of this Report,Canada began to redeploy forces from Kabul back to Kandahar to complementCanada’s growing civilian aid presence in the province. This redeployment wascompleted in February 2006. Canadian troops have been fighting in Kandahar forabout two years.

In recalling events since 2002, and assessing present conditions, twodistinguishing facts are worth repeating. First, the international military anddevelopment presence in Afghanistan has been explicitly and repeatedlyauthorized by the UN Security Council—most recently in a Security Councilresolution in September 2007; it has also been approved collectively by the 26member countries of NATO. ISAF, which includes 13 countries along with allNATO members, is thereby defending and enforcing international law. In thisdefining way, and in others, the international presence in Afghanistan differsfrom the later invasion and occupation of Iraq by the United States and itscoalition partners in that war. The second distinguishing fact is that ISAF forcesare in Afghanistan at the request, and with the approval, of Afghanistan’s ownelected government. (President Karzai was elected in 2004 to a five-year term.Afghanistan’s national assembly was elected in 2005.) The ISAF presence inAfghanistan has the consent of the Afghan government and the support of theAfghan people.

In that historical context, the Panel assessed prevailing conditions in threeconnected dimensions: security, governance and development. Each dimension,of course, affects the others in dynamic interaction. Security enables development;effective governance enhances security; development creates opportunities, andmultiplies the rewards, of improved security and good governance. In this virtuouscircle of cause and effect, security is an essential condition of good governanceand lasting development.

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Part II: Assessing Conditions in Afghanistan12

SECURITYBy many knowledgeable accounts, security generally has deteriorated in the Southand East of Afghanistan, including Kandahar province where Canadian Forces arebased, through 2006 and 2007. The Taliban insurgency to some degree hasregrouped during the past 18 months; the frequency of its small attacks and thenumbers of civilian fatalities it has inflicted were higher in 2007 than in 2006.The insurgency has continued to benefit from easy resort to safe havens insidePakistan, where it is refinanced, rearmed and replenished with new recruits,including those from other countries. Pakistan’s own political disarray magnifiesthe destabilizing threat of the insurgency both to Pakistan and Afghanistan.


The Taliban are a Sunni Muslim and ethnic Pashtun movement that ruledAfghanistan from 1996 until 2001, when they were removed from power by acooperative military effort involving Afghan and international forces, includingCanadians. Originating in the Frontier Tribal Areas of Pakistan, the Taliban isheaded by Mullah Mohammad Omar, and is composed primarily of ethnicPashtuns from southern Afghanistan and western Pakistan who adhere to a strictand extremely conservative combination of Sharia law and Pashtun tribal codes.Their mistreatment of women is particularly notorious.

From 2002 to 2007, the Taliban centre of government-in-exile has shifted to thePashtun areas of Quetta, Pakistan, and today Taliban commanders who areresponsible for the violence in Afghanistan are directing it primarily fromsanctuaries in Pakistan. That said, in many respects the conflict in Afghanistan is acontinuation of almost three decades of war involving many of the same players,not all of which are Taliban, resulting in a combination of anti-governmentinsurgents and self-interested "spoilers" who, for reasons of personal power oreconomic interests, have no desire to see rule of law or central authority spread.

The insurgency receives external support and financial assistance from a numberof global actors, including private sources originating in the Gulf states, as well assupport from alienated local tribes, opium producers and other criminal elementswithin Afghanistan. Combined with material stockpiled over the past decades ofconflict, most of the insurgents possess sufficient resources to purchase weaponryand other essentials through a regional black market awash in illicit material.

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Part II: Assessing Conditions in Afghanistan 13

At the same time, Canadian and other ISAF forces report significant successes in their strategy of “clear, hold and develop,” pointing to communities wherepeople are safer from violence and where reconstruction and development areunder way. And there is no indication of popular Afghan enthusiasm for a returnto Taliban rule.

What these mixed judgments demonstrate is a striking and troubling absence ofreliable benchmarks for measuring progress in improving security for the people of Afghanistan. Without systematic performance standards, accounts of securitysuccesses or failures are mainly anecdotal (and predictably contentious). The Panelstrongly believes that the Afghan and ISAF governments need first to craft a muchmore unified and coherent security strategy, and then to impose practical,verifiable criteria for gauging and analyzing the course of that strategy.

The insurgency has increasingly exploited “asymmetric” tactics against larger ISAFand Afghan forces. Improvised explosive devices, suicide bombings, kidnappingsand other small-scale attacks against civilians and soldiers, all intended toterrorize, are prominent. Insurgents rarely mass for battles against ISAF or theAfghan National Army (ANA). They never win in such encounters, but for theirpurposes the insurgents do not need to win many battles. Their objectives are tounsettle the population, shake popular confidence in the safety that can beprovided by the government, and discourage the populations of ISAF countriesenough to cause the withdrawal of their forces from the fight.

In the face of a serious and potentially strengthening Taliban insurgency, thePanel observed harmful shortcomings in the NATO/ISAF counterinsurgencycampaign. The most damaging shortfalls include an insufficiency of forces in thefield, especially in high-risk zones in the South; a top-heavy command structure atISAF headquarters in Kabul; an absence of a comprehensive strategy directing allISAF forces in collaboration with the Afghan government; limitations placed bysome NATO governments on the operations of their units, which effectively keepthose forces out of the conflict; and inadequate coordination between militaryand civilian programs for security, stabilization, reconstruction and development.One source of ISAF inefficiencies, cited by senior NATO officers, is the too-frequent rotation of ISAF commanders at its Kabul headquarters and in theregional commands. These and other deficiencies reflect serious failures ofstrategic direction, and persistent fragmentation in the efforts of ISAF and NATOgovernments and between them and the Afghan government. Collaborationbetween ISAF and Afghan National Army operations would be improved by closerintegration of ANA officers into ISAF command decisions. Most multinationalcommands are by nature inefficient. ISAF commanders must work around theseinevitable obstacles, often using skills that are more diplomatic than military.Nonetheless, these deficiencies need correcting. Stronger strategy, and morecohesive strategic direction, are essential.

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Part II: Assessing Conditions in Afghanistan14

The Panel heard in many of its interviews, including those with NATOcommanders, that NATO and ISAF have simply not deployed enough troopsagainst the insurgency. Improving Afghan security requires more ISAF soldiers. Toomany NATO governments have failed to contribute significant numbers of troops inthe regions of Afghanistan most vulnerable to insurgent attack and destabilization.Others have placed caveats on their military activities—prohibiting night fighting, forinstance, or refusing to authorize helicopter flights that might expose pilots tocombat. As a result some countries, notably the United States, Britain and Canada,have borne more than a proportionate share of war-fighting in Afghanistan.

In the end, the counterinsurgency war in Afghanistan will have to be won byAfghans. (Few counterinsurgencies in history have been won by foreign armies,particularly where the indigenous insurgents enjoy convenient sanctuary in abordering country.) The Afghan National Army has shown measurableimprovements. It is becoming larger, with a strength now of about 47,000 troopsand a plan to reach at least 70,000 by the end of 2010. It is becoming better trainedand better disciplined. And where it is present on the ground it generates supportand confidence among Afghans. As Afghans themselves insist, the ANA needs togrow bigger and better still. Accelerating the training and equipping of the ANA isan increasingly urgent mission for Canadian and other ISAF forces in Afghanistan.



Total Force Size

Dec 07 Mar 08 Dec 08

47000 Strength


70000 Strength

(Target identified in

Afghan Compact)

Mar 09





May 10

Projected End State:

Source: Afghan Ministry of Defence; Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan


66000 Strength


55000 Strength

80000 Strength

(subject to

formal approval)

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For governments fighting any insurgency, attracting and holding popular supportand reinforcing local confidence are core objectives. Afghan public opinion,insofar as it can be measured by polls and other means, remains overwhelminglyhostile to any return of Taliban rule. To that important extent, the insurgency is afailure. But the Afghan government must demonstrate improving capacity toprotect and provide services to its citizens. Many Afghans, having suffered in thepast and now experiencing the uncertainties of daily life, are hedging their betsagainst the future—not investing any wholehearted loyalty either in thegovernment or in the Taliban.

For these reasons, ISAF and Afghan commanders must take every precaution torespect local culture, and to prevent civilian casualties in military operations.These unintended civilian casualties cause deplorable suffering among innocentvictims while undercutting the essential objective of securing public support. Thenumbers of Afghan civilians killed in conflict have doubled since 2005. Whetherthey die from suicide bombers, improvised explosives or ISAF bombing, the effecton public sentiment is inevitably demoralizing. In addition, insurgents exploitdeaths caused by ISAF operations in Taliban propaganda.

Some polling suggests that popular confidence in the capacity of ISAF or Afghanauthorities to protect the security of citizens has declined between 2005 and 2007.Arresting and reversing such a decline, not least by reasserting ISAFdetermination and effectiveness and improving Afghan government capacity, mustbe accepted as a pressing priority for every country engaged in Afghanistan.

The opium trade is a complicating factor in Afghan security, and it is both aresult of violent instability and a contributor to it. According to the UN Officeon Drugs and Crime, opium production in 2007 was 34 per cent higher than in2006. (This increase was partly attributable to weather that favoured poppycrops, and may not indicate a continuing trend.) Fully 90 per cent of the world’sillicit opium supply originates in Afghanistan. Opium profits flow to theTaliban, to criminal elements and to corrupt provincial and central-governmentofficials. The Panel found that different and in some cases contradictory Afghangovernment and foreign counter-narcotics policies and practices have beenworking at cross-purposes. Coherent counter-narcotics strategies need to beadopted by all relevant authorities. These approaches must include justice-sectorreforms to tighten the prosecution of traffickers. And they must offer effectiveeconomic provisions to induce would-be poppy farmers and middlemen toprefer and find alternative lines of work. As one possibility, a limited poppy-for-medicine project might be worth pursuing. Any good strategy will take time toyield results.

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More fundamentally, military victories will count for little unless the Afghangovernment, with the help of others, can improve governance and provide betterliving conditions for the Afghan people. Again, success here requires strongercoordination among donor governments, and between those donors andAfghan authorities.


Afghans have elected a president and parliament—no small accomplishment for apoor country in the midst of conflict. The popularity of President Karzai (whoseterm ends in 2009) is greater in some regions than others, and is no doubt subjectto public perceptions of his government’s performance. New national institutionshave been created and traditional local governance mechanisms are being re-established, allowing Afghans to take part personally in the management of theirown communities.

Understandably (after decades of political, economic and social ruin)institutional capacity in the Afghan government is still very weak. The Panelmet remarkably talented and dedicated public servants and political leaders inAfghanistan, but we also found a debilitating lack of experienced people withprofessional competence across the Afghan government. Some of Afghanistan’sablest people fled the country during the Soviet and Taliban eras and have notreturned. Corruption is widespread, characterized by cronyism, bribery and avariety of shakedown enterprises managed by government officials. Parts of theAfghan National Police (ANP) remain notoriously corrupt and ill-disciplined—perceived by many Afghans to be more a threat to public security than a sourceof protection. The judiciary is reportedly subject to interference fromgovernment officials and militia commanders; judges, lawyers and police arepoorly paid and generally under-trained. The security and justice sectorsoverall—police, courts and prisons—display persisting inadequacies. The rightsand security of ordinary Afghans are thereby undermined. In some districts,militias in the pay of chieftain-warlords menace local populations withprotection rackets and other crime. Strengthening the justice and securitysectors, especially the ANP, compels a coordinated and sustained internationalcommitment. This commitment must recognize the reality that, in some cases,assisting Afghans to improve governance will not mean instituting Westernconcepts of law and justice. Often enough it will mean blending familiarinternational procedures with the best of traditional Afghan approaches to thepeaceful settlement of community disputes and private differences.

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Canadians have heard and expressed specific concerns about the handling byAfghan officials of prisoners turned over to them by Canadian soldiers. Theseconcerns (shared in other ISAF countries) raise issues currently before Canadiancourts. Two questions stand out. First, are detainees treated humanely, as requiredby treaties and other international law? And second, do ISAF countries retainobligations with regard to the safety and welfare of detainees after their transfer toAfghan custody? Our discussions with Canadian Forces officers in Afghanistanpersuaded us that their procedures for handling and transferring detaineesconform fully with international standards and with Canada’s own internationallegal obligations. However, the Panel did not have the opportunity to evaluateAfghan practices. As in other areas of governance, Canada and ISAF partnersshould continue working to enhance Afghan government capacity andperformance in protecting the rights of detainees. The Afghan government mustbe held accountable for providing prisoners with due process and humanetreatment. It must also be held to the terms of its formal agreements with theCanadian and other governments on detainee transfers.

Eventually, achieving a genuine and stable peace in Afghanistan will necessitate amore thoroughgoing political and social reconciliation among Afghansthemselves—citizens who have been divided for generations on differences oftribal, regional and political identity. With time, better governance will involve anegotiated coming-to-terms between the present Afghan political leadership andsome adherents of the former Taliban regime who renounce terror andrepression and adopt the norms and practices of democracy. Members of the oldTaliban regime guilty of the grossest violations of human rights—and responsiblefor the deaths of uncounted thousands of innocent Afghans—should be broughtto justice. Others, who do not carry that guilt and who accept the provisions ofthe Afghan constitution, can be engaged in the long work of rebuildingAfghanistan’s unity. With that objective, Afghan authorities need to set groundrules to guide preparations for those negotiations. Canada should contribute toAfghanistan’s better governance by facilitating, where possible, the difficultprocess of reconciliation.

Improving governance is essential to improving security in Afghanistan. Asmany Afghans told the Panel, the weakness of the existing elected Afghangovernment compounds the threat of a Taliban return. Indeed, speeding theestablishment of sustainable institutions of governance counts among the mostvaluable and urgent contributions that Canadians and others can make to thewell-being of Afghans and their families. Afghan authorities—in the centralgovernment and in Afghanistan’s 34 provinces—will only earn legitimacy andpublic confidence by demonstrating an improved capacity for accountable,honest and effective governance.

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Here again, the many UN agencies working in Afghanistan, and governments (likeCanada’s) committing aid to Afghanistan, can do a far better job of coordinatinggood-governance activities for earlier and stronger effect. To achieve these betterresults, foreign organizations in Afghanistan must reduce the number ofinconsistent and sometimes contradictory demands they place on slender Afghaninstitutions struggling to build their own capacity. The appointment of a newlyempowered special civilian representative, to coordinate and consolidate theseinternational activities in Afghanistan, can greatly enhance their effectiveness.Canada can apply its own diplomatic resources much more powerfully to thosepurposes of coordination and rationalization.


Notwithstanding all these difficulties, Afghanistan’s economy has recordedimpressive growth rates since the removal of the Taliban from power in 2001.Incomes, investment, currency reform, inflation control, government revenues,cross-border trade, access to health care and schooling—all these and othermeasures give evidence of real and widely-shared development. Still, Afghanistanremains a shockingly poor and dangerous place for too many Afghans.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in 2007 rankedAfghanistan 174th out of 178 countries on its global Human Development Index(a composite of education, health and economic indicators). Why the low score?UNDP says 6.6 million Afghans do not meet minimum food requirements.Gender discrimination remains pervasive; the illiteracy rate among women hasbeen put at 87 per cent, as against 57 per cent among men. And Afghanistanreports one of the world’s highest rates of tuberculosis infection, anothercommon marker of severe poverty.

That being said, Afghanistan displays great development potential: stores ofunexploited natural resources, agricultural prospects, opportunities for lightindustry in several sectors, and (most of all, perhaps) a lively and resiliententrepreneurial spirit. Even the enormous Afghan diaspora abroad—severalmillion people—represents development potential. Remittances back toAfghanistan, from Afghans living abroad, have totalled an estimated $5 billionsince 2001.

The Afghanistan Compact of 2006, in which Canada is a partner, spells outpriorities for Afghanistan’s development and for aid donors to Afghanistan. Itidentified the three critical areas of activity as security; governance (including ruleof law and human rights); and economic and social development. The Compact

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(which runs until 2011) also set out targets and timelines, all to be overseen by aJoint Coordination and Monitoring Board comprising representatives of theAfghan and donor governments and the UN. In all, the Afghanistan Compactconstitutes a critically important plan for concerted action by Afghans and theinternational community. But its targets have proved more formal than real, andperformance assessments have been flimsy. Progress actually felt by Afghans hasbeen slow and uncertain, in some areas due to the insurgency and generallybecause of the limited capacity of Afghan institutions to absorb the aid available.Positive action and coordination have been inadequate.

Fulfilling those Compact objectives and meeting the deadlines will require newcommitments by Afghan and donor authorities—with fresh leadership anddetermination to execute effective development programming and build thecapacity of Afghan institutions. More than that, progress demands systematicmeasures of effectiveness. Canada can help muster international action to putthose measures in place—and to reinvest the multinational development presencein Afghanistan with high-level political direction. Canada’s own Afghan aidprogram also needs strengthening, a subject the Panel addresses in Parts III andIV below.

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Part III: Assessing Canadian Engagement: Origins,Experience and Achievements

Canada’s military and civilian engagement in Afghanistan has been difficult anddangerous. Has it been effective and worthwhile?

An answer to that question, along with any assessment of Canadian performancein Afghanistan, must start with a clear sense of Canadian objectives there.Countering the terrorist threat, by foreclosing the regression of Afghanistan as ahaven again for terrorists, is plainly one objective. To achieve that imperative, andto protect regional and international stability, most people (Canadians andAfghans alike) can agree on a larger and overarching purpose—to help build astable and developing country in which the rights of all citizens are respected andtheir security is protected by their own government. This remains an ambitiouspurpose. Afghanistan is still, after all, a very poor country in a very hazardousregion. But it is a purpose consistent with Canada’s history of internationalengagement, and with principles that Canadians recognize as just and reasonable.

In the turmoil of events in Afghanistan during the six years since 9/11, the natureand logic of Canadian engagement have not been well understood by Canadians.While public support for Canadian troops is strong, Canadians have beenuncertain about Canada’s evolving mission in Afghanistan. To put things bluntly,Governments from the start of Canada’s Afghan involvement have failed tocommunicate with Canadians with balance and candour about the reasons forCanadian involvement, or about the risks, difficulties and expected results of thatinvolvement. Almost the only Government accounts that Canadians have receivedhave come from the Department of National Defence. Important issues ofCanadian diplomacy and aid in Afghanistan have scarcely been acknowledged andseldom asserted in public by ministers or officials responsible. Canada’sambassadors in Kabul, NATO and other capitals have had limited authority toexplain Canadian policy. The Panel believes that this information deficit needs tobe redressed immediately in a comprehensive and more balanced communicationstrategy of open and continuous engagement with Canadians.

For our part, Panel members are persuaded by four strong reasons for Canada’sinvolvement in Afghanistan:

First, Canada has sent soldiers, diplomats and aid workers to Afghanistan as partof an international response to the threat to peace and security inherent in AlQaeda’s terrorist attacks. The world had largely abandoned Afghanistan after theSoviet withdrawal in 1989; civil war and state failure followed. The haven that theTaliban gave to Al Qaeda before the 9/11 attacks showed how disorder andrepressive extremism there could create a threat to the security of other countries—

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including Canada—far distant from Afghanistan’s borders. A primary Canadianobjective, while helping Afghans, has been to help ensure that Afghanistan itselfdoes not again revert to the status of sanctuary and head office for global terrorism.Countries as fortunately endowed as Canada—and as interdependent with the restof the world—owe obligations to the international community. Participating in theinternational intervention in Afghanistan, at the request of the Afghangovernment, has been one of those obligations. The consequences of internationalfailure in Afghanistan—for Afghans and for the world—would be disastrous.

Second, Canadians are in Afghanistan in support of the United Nations,contributing to the UN’s capacity to respond to threats to peace and security andto foster better futures in the world’s developing countries. This is not the sameUN peacekeeping that Canadians have known and supported in the past; inAfghanistan there is not yet a peace to keep, no truce to supervise or “green line”to watch. This is a peace-enforcement operation, as provided for under ChapterVII of the United Nations Charter. It is a collective use of force, underinternational law, to address a threat to international peace and security posed bycontinuing disorder in Afghanistan. It reflects as well the changing nature of UN-mandated peace missions, which have become more robust in the use of force toprotect civilians since the harsh lessons learned in the murderous disasters ofBosnia and Rwanda. Similarly-authorized enforcement missions have served inHaiti, Côte d’Ivoire and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In fact, these arethe kinds of force the UN might be called upon to apply more often in future,where the human rights and human security of ordinary people are threatened.When the UN and its members authorize such a mission, Canadians have achoice: Canada can participate where Canadian capabilities allow, or we can leavethe mission to others.

A third reason for Canada’s engagement is that the military mission inAfghanistan is chiefly, though not exclusively, a NATO endeavour (26 of the 39ISAF partners are NATO members). NATO is the UN’s instrument for stabilizinga durable peace in Afghanistan, enabling that country’s development and theimprovement of its governance. Canada’s political and security interests for almost60 years have been advanced by Canadian membership in the NATO alliance, ahistory reaching from the early years of the Cold War to life-saving NATOinterventions in the Balkans. More often than not, Canadian interests are wellserved by active membership in an organization of democracies that gives everymember country a voice in protecting our shared security. Afghanistan representsa challenge to NATO’s credibility; to meet that challenge, NATO partners willhave to assign more forces to Afghanistan and execute a more effectivecounterinsurgency strategy. NATO’s success in that conflict will serve Canada’sown security interests.

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There is a fourth and equally powerful reason for Canadian engagement: thepromotion and protection of human security in fragile states. Results inAfghanistan can influence the willingness of Canadians, and of others, to act infuture to protect the lives and rights of people who cannot count on theprotection of their own government. Rwanda’s genocide in 1994 proved what canhappen when the world ignores impending catastrophe. Time and again, failedand fragile states—and governments that betray responsibilities to protect theirown citizens—jeopardize international order and test the strength of ourconvictions. These are times for capable countries to take a stand. Far frombreaching its responsibility to its citizens, the Afghan government has invitedinternational help. An effective international response can serve Canadianinterests and give practical force to our shared values. Reasserting Canada’sinternational reputation for reliability in Afghanistan can enhance Canada’s own influence in resolving crises in the future.

The Panel finds these reasons all the more persuasive because they are commonlyreiterated by Canadians with deep professional experience in Afghanistan.Canadian soldiers and civilians have been articulate about their mission, andconfident that they are making serious contributions to the well-being of Afghansand to the security of Canadians.

These are inescapable considerations that belong in any true assessment of theCanadian engagement in Afghanistan. They have informed the Panel’s analysis ofCanada’s military and civilian activities in Afghanistan so far, and they have shapedthe recommendations that flow from the facts we have found on the ground.


Canada’s military and civilian engagement in Afghanistan has become the mostexpansive expression of Canadian foreign policy since the Korean War more than50 years ago. In size and complexity the Afghan mission has grown rapidly, and itscharacter has changed significantly since those first interventions in Afghanistanafter 9/11.

As soon as the UN Security Council authorized member states to take actionagainst the “perpetrators, organizers and sponsors” of the 9/11 attacks, Canadadeployed four warships and a tactical airlift detachment to the Persian Gulf andArabian Sea. In February 2002, Canadian troops landed in Afghanistan. (Therehave also been unheralded deployments of Canadian Special Forces.) By the endof 2002, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) had signed itsfirst post-9/11 aid agreement for Afghanistan. Also in 2002, Canada andAfghanistan restored their diplomatic relations, severed by Canada in 1979 whenthe Soviet Union invaded and occupied Afghanistan. The Canadian Embassy inKabul opened in September 2003.

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From 2002 to 2005 Canadian Forces personnel served in Afghanistan first inKandahar and then providing security for large areas of Kabul. During the sameperiod, NATO assumed command of ISAF, and the UN Security Councilextended ISAF’s authority from the Kabul area throughout Afghanistan. FromFebruary to August 2004, Canadian General Rick Hillier (now Chief of theDefence Staff) served a rotation as ISAF’s commander in its Kabul headquarters.CIDA funding for Afghanistan was meanwhile gathering momentum.

In 2005 Canada chose, for whatever reason, to assume leadership of a ProvincialReconstruction Team (PRT) in Kandahar City and the security obligations thatwent with it. Canada took command of the Kandahar PRT in August 2005, and ithas since become a centrepiece of Canada’s engagement in Afghanistan. As thelead country in the PRT, Canada helps facilitate and extend the Afghangovernment’s ability to protect and deliver services to the people of the province.The Kandahar PRT, one of 26 PRTs across Afghanistan, consists of about 335people. Of these, 315 are drawn from the Canadian Forces and the rest fromForeign Affairs, CIDA, RCMP and municipal police, and Correctional ServiceCanada (working on reforms to Afghanistan’s prison system). One U.S. StateDepartment official, one U.S. development officer and several U.S. policementors also participate in the Kandahar PRT.

Along with Canada’s commitment to the Kandahar PRT, the Canadian Forcesundertook a redeployment from Kabul to Kandahar, completed in February 2006.In July 2006, ISAF formally assumed command in Kandahar province and the restof southern Afghanistan—a large region formerly patrolled by U.S. forces underOperation Enduring Freedom. (That operation, still led by the United States,remains in Afghanistan with a particular emphasis on counterterrorism.)




Source: Department of National Defence






2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

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The Canadian Forces in Afghanistan now number about 2,500 soldiers, most in a battalion group and support elements in Kandahar. By comparison, all ISAFforces in Afghanistan, from 39 countries, now total about 41,700 personnel. The Canadian Forces are now responsible under ISAF for security in Kandaharprovince, and provide the predominant non-Afghan military presence there.Forces of several other countries lend support, both for day-to-day operations and special needs as required.

Critical to the Canadian Forces mission in Afghanistan is their contribution totraining the Afghan National Army. Organized in Operational Mentor and LiaisonTeams (OMLTs), small groups of Forces personnel attached to ANA units arehelping to develop the ANA’s own capacity to plan, lead and sustain operations indefence of security in the province. Canadian soldiers in these teams are currentlyworking with 2,400 ANA soldiers in Kandahar province. Other Canadians insimilar teams are mentoring in Afghan National Police detachments. Acceleratingthis training of Afghanistan’s security forces is an urgent Canadian and ISAF goal.Transferring responsibility for security to Afghan authorities is the ultimateobjective. (Afghans as much as anyone else want this transfer to occur as soon aspossible.) In Kabul, a smaller number of Canadian Forces personnel areparticipating in a multinational effort known as the Combined Security TransitionCommand-Afghanistan, building a security infrastructure in Afghanistan thatincludes the ANA and the Afghan National Police.




Source: Department of National Defence; Government of Afghanistan




1300 ANA

61 Cdns


2400 ANA

153 Cdns


300 ANA

64 Cdns

Aug 06 Feb 07 Aug 07

Force Size


Projected Approx.

2900 ANA


185 Cdns

Feb 08

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Canada’s civilian aid spending in Afghanistan, mainly through CIDA and theDepartment of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT), now averagesmore than $100 million annually. A principal stated objective of Canadian aid has been, whenever possible, to help build the capacity, legitimacy and popularsupport of Afghan government and non-governmental institutions. Canadianassistance has aimed at a wide range of activities, including repair andconstruction of roads, irrigation and other infrastructure; microfinance topromote the start of small businesses (especially by women); education; ruraldevelopment; and support of community development councils, which areproving themselves as valuable vehicles of local democracy and villagedevelopment. In clinics and schoolrooms, villages and neighbourhoods, the Panel witnessed encouraging examples of development aid having strong effect.

However, the Canadian aid program in Afghanistan has been impeded not onlyby the dangerous security environment in Kandahar but by CIDA’s ownadministrative constraints. More than half of CIDA funding in Afghanistan flowsthrough multilateral agencies, and another 35 per cent is chanelled throughnational programs administered by the central government in Kabul. This leaveslittle for locally managed quick-action projects that bring immediate



($ Millions)




Source: Canadian International Development Agency, Department of

Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Department of National Defence

Total international assistance over fiscal

years 2001-02 to 2006-07: $741m





2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07

Other partners (e.g., NGO)

Multilateral (e.g., UN)

Afghan national programsmultilateral oversight

Afghan national programs

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improvements to everyday life for Afghans, or for “signature” projects readilyidentifiable as supported by Canada. Funding allocations aside, CIDA staffers inKandahar do not often venture beyond their base, in part, we were told, becauseof restrictive security regulations maintained by CIDA’s headquarters in Canada.While it is undeniably difficult to place civilians in a conflict zone, CIDA shoulddelegate decisions about security of movement to civilian and military officials onthe ground who are best placed to make such assessments. It makes little sense topost brave and talented professional staff to Kandahar only to restrict them frommaking regular contact with the people they are expected to help.

While we acknowledge the courage and professionalism of the civilians posted toKandahar, the Canadian-led PRT in Kandahar also displays signs of thefragmentation and uncoordinated effort that prevail throughout the programmingof international development aid in Afghanistan. Effectiveness would be enhancedby aligning national and departmental priorities and operations more closely—andmore collaboratively. We also believe that the Provincial Reconstruction Team,sooner rather than later, should be placed under civilian leadership.

The South of Afghanistan in general, and Kandahar in particular, have been moredangerous, and more exposed to insurgent violence, than most other parts ofAfghanistan. (Kandahar PRT units do not move “outside the wire” without amilitary convoy including at least three armoured vehicles and 20 Canadiansoldiers.) The intensity of insurgency in the South, and the relatively large numberof Canadian soldiers active there, together help to explain why Canadians havesuffered high casualty rates (the highest in ISAF as a proportion of troopsdeployed). But the Panel could elicit no conclusive explanation for thedisproportionately high casualty rates suffered by Canadians in Afghanistan. Thisissue warrants closer scrutiny by the Government.

Many of these Canadian casualties occurred in late 2006. In September that year,the Canadian Forces led ISAF’s Operation Medusa, a major offensive against theinsurgents in Kandahar province. Since then, Canadian casualty numbersdeclined through 2007.

In spite of successes in these operations, there is anecdotal evidence that theinsurgency has since regained some ground. Canadian and other NATO/ISAFcommanders attribute current security conditions in part at least to insufficientavailable forces both from the Afghan National Army and from NATO members.The Panel is aware that NATO commanders and defence ministers, includingCanada’s, have pressed ISAF and NATO partners to contribute more troops tothe Afghan mission, and to minimize the effects of “caveats” that limit the utilityof deployed forces. This needs coherent and sustained diplomacy by Canada, ledby the Prime Minister and specifically including interventions on the subject inhis bilateral conversations with foreign leaders.

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The Panel recognizes, however, that Afghans themselves must ultimately acquirethe forces needed to defend their own security. The ISAF presence inAfghanistan, including Canada’s, can only be temporary.

The Panel has also heard that the safety and effectiveness of Canadian Forces inKandahar would be markedly increased by the acquisition and deployment of newequipment. In particular, added helicopter airlift capacity and advancedunmanned aerial surveillance vehicles are needed now. No equipment canperfectly protect Canadian soldiers against improvised explosive devices. Buthelicopters can save lives by reducing reliance on transporting troops by road, andaerial surveillance can more effectively track insurgent movements.

Beyond its own borders, Afghanistan is surrounded by a violence-prone region.The mountainous western reaches of Pakistan, along the boundary withAfghanistan, harbour Afghan insurgents who are reinforced by recruits fromcountries around the Gulf and further abroad. Pakistan’s own domestic politicalupheavals and recurring crises—and its concerns about India’s growing economicand political presence in Afghanistan—complicate the region’s geopolitics. Iran, toAfghanistan’s West, has been a source of arms trafficking into Afghanistan. Theactions of regional powers require focused consideration as policy-makingproceeds. Canada, in concert with key allies, should adopt a coherent diplomaticstrategy that addresses regional risks and engages all the region’s actors, inparticular Pakistan, to establish a more stable security environment.

The Panel understands, moreover, that the U.S. government—heretoforepreoccupied with the war in Iraq—has lately reconcentrated its attention on theurgency of establishing security in Afghanistan. This development seems to havebipartisan approval in Washington, and appears likely to withstand the U.S.elections this year. The recently reported U.S. plan to deploy 3,000 more Marinesto ISAF’s southern region is welcome but not, by itself, sufficient. The Panelremains convinced that more ISAF troops are needed, specifically in Kandahar, toexpand ISAF’s ability to hold territory and to help train Afghan security forces.Additionally, Britain has increased deployments in Helmand province next toKandahar, and France has deployed fighter aircraft to Kandahar.

All of these circumstances argue for a redoubled and reorganized Canadiandiplomatic effort—led by the Prime Minister—to improve prospects for security,governance and development in Afghanistan. The objective of this diplomaticeffort should be to raise Canada’s voice, commensurate with the Canadiancontribution in Afghanistan, to establish a comprehensive political-military ISAFstrategy; to press for improvements in NATO/ISAF force structure, commandorganization and operational effectiveness; and to advocate the deployment ofmore forces to Afghanistan by other NATO partners. This Canadian diplomacymust also focus particularly on fast-changing developments in Pakistan.

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No insurgency—and certainly not the Afghan insurgency—can be defeated bymilitary force alone. The Panel holds strongly that it is urgent to completepractical, significant development projects of immediate value to Afghans, whileat the same time contributing to the capacity and legitimacy of Afghangovernment institutions. Further, Panel members believe that Canada’s civilianprograms have not achieved the scale or depth of engagement necessary to make asignificant impact. (Currently, there are 47 Canadian government civilians inAfghanistan, divided between the embassy in Kabul, Kandahar Airfield and theProvincial Reconstruction Team in Kandahar, and about 2,500 soldiers.) It isessential to adjust funding and staffing imbalances between the heavy Canadianmilitary commitment in Afghanistan and the comparatively lighter civiliancommitment to reconstruction, development and governance.

Similarly, the Canadian government needs to elevate coordination in Ottawaamong Canadian departments and agencies engaged in Afghanistan for betterefficiency and effectiveness, and to enhance the civilian content of KandaharPRT activity.

In Ottawa, interdepartmental coordination is currently led by an associate deputyminister of foreign affairs working with representatives from National Defence,DFAIT, CIDA, Correctional Service Canada and the RCMP. CIDA has its ownAfghan task force, and some other departments have parallel units responsible foractivities in Afghanistan. Separate departmental task forces are not the answer toinadequate coordination of Canadian activities. These coordinating efforts wouldhave stronger effect, and achieve greater cross-government coherence, if they wereled by the Prime Minister, supported by a cabinet committee and staffed by asingle full-time task force. Fulfilling Canada’s commitment in Afghanistanrequires the political energy only a Prime Minister can impart.


Source: Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade







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Enhancing the civilian content of the Kandahar PRT would reflect the prioritiesof Canadians and the needs of Afghans. Completing “signature” reconstructionand development projects soon, and creating conditions in which Afghans takeon more responsibilities for their own security and development, will requiremeaningful new investments in Canada’s civilian engagement.

Finally, Canada can significantly strengthen its diplomatic activity to bring aboutstronger international coordination of civilian and military efforts in Afghanistan.The international appointment of a high-level civilian, who can bring coherenceto international security, governance and reconstruction programs, ought to be apriority objective. This special representative, armed with the right mandate andwith explicit political support from the UN Secretary-General, the Afghangovernment and the countries most active in rebuilding Afghanistan, cancoordinate intergovernmental cooperation across the civilian-military divide, andpromote more effective action by Afghan authorities. Canada should help ensurethe special representative has the resources and authority (including authority overUN agencies in Afghanistan) to perform this vital task. No less pressing is therededication of a more productive international diplomacy, with a stronger andbetter organized Canadian participation, to address surrounding regional threatsto Afghan security. Both objectives would be well served by a more vigorousCanadian participation proportionate to Canada’s contribution to Afghansecurity. These points are addressed in our Recommendations.

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Part IV: Canada’s Future in Afghanistan: Considerationsand Recommendations

In May 2006 the House of Commons resolved to support the Government’sextension of Canada’s military and civilian deployments in Afghanistan toFebruary 2009. The Government has since undertaken that it would submit toParliament the decision on any Canadian military commitment after 2009. So itwill be for Canadians to decide, through Parliament, what Canada should do—and what it can do—in Afghanistan’s future.

No simple solutions present themselves. Conditions in Afghanistan arecomplicated; its future is in large measure unpredictable, and will be determinedto some extent by the conduct of other governments with interests in Afghanistan.In the context of these uncertainties, reconciling diverse Canadian interests—including interests in helping people of other countries in dire peril—is not easy.But it is necessary.

In any event, the Panel could find no operational logic for choosing February2009 as the end date for Canada’s military mission in Kandahar—and nothing toestablish February 2009 as the date by which the mission would be completed.

At its core, the aim of Canadian policy is to leave Afghanistan to Afghans, in acountry better governed, more peaceful and more secure. How can Canada, withothers, best contribute to accomplishing that result within the limits of Canadiancapacity and influence?

The Panel’s own Terms of Reference, set out by the Government, identified fouroptions for consideration (without excluding others the Panel might contemplate).In general, the Panel concluded that all four are deficient. Specifically:

Option 1 would have Canada continue training the Afghan army and police andbegin withdrawing Canadian troops in February 2009. This option falsely impliesa clear line between the training role and combat activity; in reality, training andmentoring Afghan forces means sometimes conducting combat operations withthem. It is also silent on important diplomatic and development issues andoptions, including Canadian interests in fostering better governance inAfghanistan, strengthening institutions for international development andsecurity, and reducing regional tensions. Because the Afghan National Armycannot by 2009 assume full security responsibilities in Kandahar, an abruptdeparture of Canadian troops, without new ISAF forces to take their place, wouldtrigger a security collapse in the province.

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Option 2 would have Canada focus on development and governance, and rely onother countries to take charge of security in Kandahar province. This optionomits mention of the Canadian Forces’ activities throughout Afghanistan, andpresumes the capacity and willingness of another country to deploy more forces inKandahar if Canada were to depart now. It also assumes that if another countrywere inserted into Kandahar, security, governance and development work wouldproceed together just as successfully. Fostering development, and improvinggovernance, cannot proceed without security. Canada’s civilian and militaryefforts in Kandahar, after just two years of close collaboration, are now starting toachieve some real operational synergy that would be difficult to replicate quicklywith the forces of another country. Furthermore, any precipitate Canadianmilitary withdrawal from Kandahar would place an immediate and irresponsibledemand on Canadian allies: Either they move troops to Kandahar to replacedeparting Canadians, or ISAF and Afghans face an imminent security crisis in theprovince. At the very least, such a demand would damage Canada’s standing as atrustworthy ally. Canada chose to deploy forces in Kandahar. To abandon anuncompleted commitment to allies and partners in this way would threaten theachievability of a secure peace in Afghanistan.

Option 3 would have Canada move its existing security, governance anddevelopment programs to another Afghan region. This option raises some of thesame issues addressed in Option 2. In addition, it fails to acknowledge that theexperience Canadian soldiers and civilians have acquired in Kandahar makesCanadians uniquely qualified to pursue progress there. Knowledge of localconditions and prospects, personal contacts in communities and among localofficials, a feel for the dangers and opportunities that only time on the groundcan develop—these are vital assets that are not easily transferable to another armyor another aid team. Having chosen to lead ISAF operations in Kandahar, tojettison these assets, and relocate a Canadian presence to some other area ofAfghanistan, would inevitably waste a large part of Canada’s human and financialinvestment in Kandahar. Worse still, it would mean taking troops out ofKandahar at precisely the time when more troops need to be deployed there.

Option 4 would have Canada withdraw all its military forces from Afghanistanafter February 2009, leaving only enough to protect aid workers and diplomats.Again, the Panel found no operational justification for setting February 2009 asthe date to end the military mission. Still, several versions of this immediate-withdrawal option have attracted considerable attention among Canadians, andthis option deserves a fuller discussion.

One variant would have Canada end its combat mission completely in February2009. The Panel did not judge this to be a viable option. Bringing the Canadiancombat mission to an end is the objective we all share, but the issue here is timing.

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The Canadian combat mission should conclude when the Afghan National Armyis ready to provide security in Kandahar province. Progress to that end willaccelerate as training of the ANA intensifies; and without doubt, more militaryresources from other ISAF countries must be forthcoming. Ending Canada’smilitary contribution in Kandahar is therefore not a matter of setting artificialdeadlines in time. It is a matter of making real progress in the context of events onthe ground.

Still another variant of the withdrawal option would have Canadian troops adoptwhat is described as a “traditional peacekeeping” role in Kandahar—using forceonly in self-defence. As we have earlier pointed out, however, there is not yet apeace to keep in Afghanistan. ISAF is conducting a UN-mandated peace-enforcement operation, using military force to suppress a very violent insurgencythat threatens international peace and the survival of an elected Afghangovernment. It is the kind of mission that the UN must authorize on occasion ifthe international community is to prevent future Rwandas, future Bosnias.

But there are other arguments raised by advocates of quick military withdrawal.Some say that the financial cost of Canada’s military engagement ($6.1 billionfrom fiscal years 2000-01 to 2006-07) is excessive, or could be better spentelsewhere—in Afghan reconstruction and development, for instance, or in Darfur.They argue that the overall Canadian engagement in Afghanistan is misplaced andhas failed to make progress, and that progress is unlikely. They argue that Canada,deliberately or not, has become part of a misdirected U.S. “war on terror,”damaging Canada’s international reputation and endangering Canadian security.

These arguments raise serious issues, and they require a serious response.

Truth be told, conditions have changed over the years in Afghanistan, and theCanadian military mission has changed as a consequence. The strongestimpression formed by the Panel was that the Canadian Forces are doing a highlycommendable job in a more violent and hazardous mission than was envisagedwhen they were first deployed to Afghanistan. The extent and character of thecurrent Canadian commitment reflect this unpredicted flow of events, and thepowerful effect of past decisions.

Canadian interests and values, and Canadian lives, are now invested inAfghanistan. The sacrifices made there, by Canadians and their families, must berespected. What we do there (or stop doing) affects the Afghan people. It canaffect Canadian security. It can affect Canada’s reputation in the world. It canaffect our influence in international affairs, particularly with respect to futureinternational responses to the dangers and deprivations of failed and fragile states.Canada is a wealthy G8 country; our good fortune and standing impose on usboth authority and obligations in global affairs.

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The Panel is convinced that Canadian objectives in Afghanistan are bothhonourable and achievable. The aim there is not to create some fanciful model ofprosperous democracy. Canadian objectives are more realistic: to contribute, withothers, to a better governed, stable and developing Afghanistan whosegovernment can protect the security of the country and its people. This is why webelieve that Canada should press diplomatically, at the highest level, for acomprehensive political-military strategy and for more coherent leadership ofinternational commitments to Afghanistan, combined with the strongest possibleefforts of Afghan authorities.

A premature military withdrawal from Afghanistan, whether full or partial, wouldimperil Canadian interests and values. It would diminish the effectiveness ofCanadian aid in Afghanistan, by further constraining the ability of Canadian aidworkers to move among Afghans. It could encourage insurgents. It could weakenthe confidence of some Afghans living in Kandahar in their own future and intheir own government, increasing their susceptibility to the Taliban insurgency. Itwould undermine Canada’s influence in the UN and in NATO capitals,including Washington. It could curtail Canada’s capacity (and raise questionsabroad about our future willingness) to act, and persuade others to act, inenforcing peace and restoring security where peace and security are threatened. Insum, an immediate military withdrawal from Afghanistan would cause more harmthan good. Even an ill-prepared partial withdrawal would risk undercuttinginternational confidence in Canadian commitments and impose new burdens onothers obliged to take our place in Kandahar.

Canadians are not (as the Panel was reminded by an acknowledged expert inAfghan affairs) obliged to do the impossible. But to view the Canadian mission inAfghanistan as impossible is a belief the Panel does not share. Indeed, towithdraw now would make futility certain, and failure inescapable. Neither do weaccept any parallel between the Afghanistan mission and the U.S.-led war in Iraq.To confuse the two is to overlook the authority of the UN, the collective decisionsof NATO and the legitimacy of the Afghan government that has sought Canada’sengagement. What is evident is that the commitment to Afghanistan made bysuccessive Canadian Governments has not yet been completed.

WHAT NEXT?The Panel proposes a new and more comprehensive Canadian strategy forAfghanistan—a strategy that honours the sacrifices Canadians have already madein Afghanistan, serves Canadian interests, gives expression to Canadian values,and corresponds realistically to Canada’s capacity. These Recommendations arerooted in the logic of our preceding observations and assessments. The adoption

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of these Recommendations would commit Canada to a more coherent diplomaticengagement in the international partnership working for Afghanistan’s security,better governance and development. It would reorient Canada’s military missionin Afghanistan more systematically from combat to the intensified training of theAfghan army and police. And it would improve the impact of Canada’s civilianaid to the Afghan people.

It bears re-emphasis that Canadian resources, and Canadians’ patience, are notlimitless. To return to an observation we made in our Introduction, thecommitment to Afghanistan we propose here is not faint-hearted—but nor is itopen-ended. To achieve realizable results in Afghanistan, at realistic costs andwithin a practical period of time, the new Canadian policy approach shouldinclude the following elements:

First, the Government should take concerted diplomatic action to establishclearer, more comprehensive strategies and better coordination of the overall effortin Afghanistan by the international community, Afghan authorities and othergovernments in the region. To ensure systematic and sustained political oversightand more effective implementation, a better integrated and more consistentCanadian policy approach should be led by the Prime Minister, supported by aspecial cabinet committee and a single full-time task force involving all keydepartments and agencies. The NATO summit meeting this April in Bucharest,where the elaboration of a comprehensive alliance strategy for Afghanistan is to bediscussed, presents an opportunity for Canada to address these issues at the highestlevel. Parliament might wish to defer judgment on Canada’s future in Afghanistanuntil the NATO summit is concluded. The UN, having delegated securityresponsibilities in Afghanistan to NATO, needs to reactivate its own role there inpartnership with NATO. UN agency operations in Afghanistan have suffered froma lack of leadership, direction and effective coordination from UN headquarters inNew York. The appointment of a high-level representative to lead and coordinateboth the UN and NATO commitments in Afghanistan can help achieve moreproductive UN-NATO collaboration. Canada can act with other governmentsparticipating in Afghanistan to see that the special representative’s mandate is fullyand effectively exercised. Canadian diplomacy should work to ensure that Canada’sinvolvement in this new management and oversight matches the magnitude ofCanada’s contributions to Afghanistan.

The situation in Pakistan is most difficult to assess, and it is evolving quickly. TheGovernment will have to monitor events there very closely, and adjust itsAfghanistan strategy as events warrant.

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Second, the most damaging and obvious deficiency in the ISAF mission inAfghanistan is the insufficiency of military forces deployed against the insurgents.Therefore, Canada’s military mission in Kandahar should be conditionallyextended beyond February 2009—the extension to be expressly contingent on thedeployment of additional troops by one or more ISAF countries to Kandaharprovince. This added deployment should consist of a battle group (about 1,000soldiers) to reinforce ISAF’s “clear, hold and develop” strategy in Kandahar and toaccelerate training of Afghan army and police units. These additional troops wouldserve to expand ISAF’s security coverage in Kandahar, and reinforce ISAF’scapacity to prevent incursions from Pakistan and facilitate Afghan training. Torepeat: A successful counterinsurgency campaign in Afghanistan requires moreISAF forces. Despite recent indicators of imminent reinforcements, the entire ISAFmission is threatened by the current inadequacy of deployed military resources. Aswell, to improve the safety and operational effectiveness of the Canadian Forces inKandahar, the Government should secure for them, no later than February 2009,new medium-lift helicopters and high-performance unmanned aerial vehicles.Canadian soldiers currently must rely too much on allied forces for both of thesenecessary assets. If no undertakings on the battle group are received from ISAFpartner countries by February 2009, or if the necessary equipment is not procured,the Government should give appropriate notice to the Afghan and alliedgovernments of its intention to transfer responsibility for security in Kandahar.

Many would have preferred us to find a basis on which to recommend an end tothe Canadian military role by a certain date, but the timing of that withdrawaldepends largely on increasing capacities of the Afghan army and police. There wasno clear consensus among military officers or civilian experts as to when Afghansecurity forces will achieve sufficient size and competence for the withdrawal ofISAF forces in general, or from Kandahar in particular. The buildup of Afghansecurity forces will take time. Training, especially of the officer corps, requires bothtime and direct field experience. Indications of progress to date, especially from theAfghan National Army, are encouraging but modest. The hard truth is that anISAF retreat from Afghanistan, before that country’s own forces can defend itssecurity, would most likely condemn the Afghan people to a new and bloody cycleof civil war and misrule—and raise new threats to global peace and security.

The period between now and 2011 (when the terms of the Afghanistan Compactconclude) will see a gradual transition of lead responsibility for security from ISAFto Afghan security forces. This transition must be guided by objective, practicalassessments of the capabilities of Afghan security forces and ISAF forces, withprecise timelines, and should be conducted in consultation with the Afghangovernment and Canada’s allies. These assessments must be continuous, and theAfghan security forces should be able to assume the lead responsibility for somesecurity operations in Kandahar well before 2011. The commitment of an

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additional battle group would certainly promote the speedy progress of thetransition. And it is the success of the transition that will allow for a rapidreduction of Canada’s military contribution. The quicker the transition occurs,the faster the Canadian Forces can reduce their combat activity in Kandahar.

Third, Canada’s civilian reconstruction and development engagement inAfghanistan should concentrate more on aid that will directly benefit the Afghanpeople. This calls for more emphasis on project assistance, including at least one“signature” project (a hospital, for example, or a major irrigation project) identifiedwith Canada and led by Canadians. Projects of this sort should address urgentneeds as defined by Afghan community leaders, generating local employment andother benefits. This project assistance should be intensified alongside longer-termprojects to build the capacity of Afghan communities and institutions. CIDA’sinternal procedures should be altered as necessary to facilitate this shift inemphasis. The Government should conduct a full-scale review of the performanceof the Canadian civilian aid program. The findings of that overall review should bea basis for determining future aid allocations to Afghanistan, recognizing thatdevelopment aid is inherently a multi-year commitment.

Fourth, the effectiveness of Canada’s military and civilian activities inAfghanistan, along with the progress of Afghan security, governance anddevelopment, must be tracked and assessed more thoroughly and systematically.Only by measuring the practical effects of policy, and understanding changingrealities on the ground, can current or future Canadian commitments beproductively deliberated or decided. The Afghanistan Compact lays outbenchmarks and timelines for Afghan government and internationalprogramming. Required now are more practical standards for judgingperformance and actual results.

The Panel expects the parties to the Compact to conduct a full-scale review of theeffectiveness of the security, governance and development effort as a whole in2011. That multinational review should provide inform decisions on futureCanadian commitments to Afghanistan.

Fifth, this new Canadian policy approach should include a rebalancing of theGovernment’s communications with Canadians about our activities inAfghanistan—providing more information and analysis on the diplomatic andreconstruction-development dimensions. The Government must engageCanadians in a continuous, frank and constructive dialogue about conditions inAfghanistan and the extent to which Canadian objectives are being achieved.

On the basis of our observations, and to meet the requirements of the new policyapproach we propose, our Recommendations follow.

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Our panel’s objective is to proffer our best advice to Parliament on the manner inwhich Canada can best contribute to stability in Afghanistan, and to arrange for atimely handover of lead responsibility for security and economic development tothe Afghan authorities.

We believe that Canada’s role in Afghanistan should give greater emphasis todiplomacy, reconstruction and governance and that the military mission shouldshift increasingly towards the training of the Afghan National Security Forces.

These efforts should be led by the Prime Minister, supported by a special cabinetcommittee and by a single task force directing the activities of all departments andagencies. The objective is to ensure better balance, tighter coordination and moresystematic evaluation of Canada’s contributions.

We recommend that:

1. Canada should assert a stronger and more disciplined diplomatic positionregarding Afghanistan and the regional players. Specifically, Canada, in concertwith key allies, should press for:

a. Early appointment of a high-level civilian representative of the UNSecretary-General to ensure greater coherence in the civilian and militaryeffort in Afghanistan;

b. Early adoption by NATO of a comprehensive political-military plan toaddress security concerns and imbalances, especially the need for moretroops to bolster security and expedite training and equipment for theAfghan National Security Forces;

c. Forceful representations with Afghanistan’s neighbours, in particular withPakistan, to reduce the risks posed to regional stability and security byrecent developments in that country; and

d. Concerted efforts by the Afghan government to improve governance bytackling corruption and ensuring basic services to the Afghan people, andpursuing some degree of political reconciliation in Afghanistan.

2. Canada should continue with its responsibility for security in Kandaharbeyond February 2009, in a manner fully consistent with the UN mandate onAfghanistan, including its combat role, but with increasing emphasis ontraining the Afghan National Security Forces expeditiously to take leadresponsibility for security in Kandahar and Afghanistan as a whole. As theAfghan National Security Forces gain capability, Canada’s combat role shouldbe significantly reduced.

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• This commitment is contingent on the assignment of an additional battlegroup (of about 1,000 soldiers) to Kandahar by NATO and/or other alliesbefore February 2009.

• To better ensure the safety and effectiveness of the Canadian contingent,the Government should also secure medium helicopter lift capacity andhigh-performance Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for intelligence,surveillance, and reconnaissance before February 2009.

3. Canada’s contribution to the reconstruction and development of Afghanistanshould be revamped giving higher priority than at present to direct, bilateralproject assistance that addresses the immediate, practical needs of the Afghanpeople, especially in Kandahar province, as well as longer-term capacity-building.

4. The Government should systematically assess the effectiveness of Canadiancontributions and the extent to which the benchmarks and timelines of theAfghanistan Compact have been met. Future commitments should be basedon those assessments.

5. The Government should provide the public with franker and more frequentreporting on events in Afghanistan, offering more assessments of Canada’s roleand giving greater emphasis to the diplomatic and reconstruction efforts as wellas those of the military.

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Part V: Conclusion

Canadians have carried a heavy burden in Afghanistan. The toll in Canadian liveshas been grievous, and it is painfully felt. The financial cost has been significant.The course of the conflict has caused us all to question whether Canada’sinvolvement has been right or effective, and whether it will succeed.

The Panel’s Report and Recommendations present our best answers to those hardquestions. Taken together, the Recommendations would establish a Canadianstrategy that integrates military, diplomatic and development actions for a morecoherent, effective engagement in Afghanistan. We have recommended that someof these actions be contingent on timely actions by other governments, and onmeasurable progress in Afghanistan itself. For best effect, all three components ofthe strategy—military, diplomatic and development—need to reinforce each other.

The importance of Canada’s engagement in Afghanistan has earned Canadiansconsiderable influence among the countries cooperating in Afghanistan’sprogress. Helping to build a more stable, better governed Afghanistan with agrowing economy is, we believe, an achievable Canadian objective. But success isnot a certainty. The war in Afghanistan is complicated. The future there isdangerous and can frustrate the most confident plan or prediction.

After our three months of study, however, it is our conviction that theRecommendations in our Report—with their attached conditions—together carry areasonable probability of success. In the circumstances now prevailing, that is thestrongest assurance that can be credibly given.

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Glossary of Key Terms

Afghanistan Compact

Launched on 31 January 2006 at the London Conference on Afghanistan, theAfghanistan Compact represents a five year framework for co-operation betweenthe Government of Afghanistan, the United Nations and internationalcommunity. It sets out agreed benchmarks so the Afghan people can live in peaceand security under the rule of law, with good governance and human rightsprotection together with sustainable economic and social development.

Afghan National Army (ANA)

The Bonn talks in 2001 called for the establishment by the end of 2010 of a70,000 person national, professional and ethnically balanced Afghan NationalArmy as one of the five pillars of the Government of Afghanistan’s security reformstrategy (this figure may increase upward to 80,000 in 2008 subject to formalapproval). Once fully established, the ANA will be used to ensure nationalsecurity, law enforcement and foreign defense. The ANA operates under theMinistry of National Defense.

Afghanistan National Assembly

Afghanistan’s nascent National Assembly (often referred to as its Parliament) iscomprised of an Upper and Lower house, and has important legislative andoversight functions. In the event that the President rejects legislation approved bythe National Assembly, the draft would still be considered endorsed andenforceable following a two-thirds majority vote in the Lower House. TheNational Assembly can also dismiss Ministers through a non-confidence vote. Inthe interest of national unity, political groups cannot be formed nor operated ontribal, linguistic, parochial, or religious lines.

Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS)

The Afghanistan National Development Strategy lays out the strategic prioritiesand mechanisms to achieve development in three areas: security; governance, ruleof law and human rights; and economic and social development.

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Afghan National Police (ANP)

The Afghan National Police is Afghanistan’s over-arching police institution, whichconsists of Afghan Uniformed Police, Afghan Border Police, Afghan NationalCivil Order Police, and the Counter-Narcotics Police. The ANP operate under theMinistry of Interior. The Afghanistan Compact authorized a police of 62,000,but this was amended to 82,000 in April 2007 by the Joint Coordination andMonitoring Board (JCMB).

Afghanistan National Security Forces (ANSF)

The term “Afghan National Security Forces” broadly refers to all Afghan nationalinstitutions responsible for the provision of security to the people of Afghanistan.In simple terms, the ANSF comprises the Afghan National Army and all AfghanNational Police forces.

Afghanistan’s New Beginnings Program (ANBP)

Afghanistan’s New Beginnings Program is a project of the UN DevelopmentProgram (UNDP). It was created in April 2003 to assist the Government ofAfghanistan to undertake disarmament, demobilization and reintegration offormer combatants. ANBP is involved in two security related projects: the AntiPersonnel Mines and Ammunition Stockpile Destruction Project and theDisbandment of Illegally Armed Groups (DIAG).

Asymmetric Warfare

A conflict between two or more actors whose relative military power differssignificantly, and where one actor adopts tactics or strategy that reflect this variance(e.g. the “weaker” combatant may seek to draw on strategies or tactics that off-settheir deficiencies in quantity or quality of forces such as suicide attacks).

Bonn Agreement

The Bonn Agreement, signed on December 5, 2001 in Bonn, Germany (officiallythe “Agreement on Provisional Arrangements in Afghanistan Pending the Re-Establishment of Permanent Government Institutions”), was organized under theauspices of the United Nations. It set out the initial framework that facilitated ademocratic transition in Afghanistan following the U.S. invasion in response tothe September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. This framework included the adoptionof a constitution, 2004 Presidential elections, 2005 parliamentary and provincialelections, and provisions for the Afghan legal system.

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Combined Security Transition Command Afghanistan (CSTC-A)

CSTC-A is the US-led, multi-national agency that provides equipment andtraining to the Afghan National Army and Afghan National Police.

Community Development Councils (CDCs)

The National Solidarity Program (NSP) gives rural Afghans a voice in theircountry's development through elected Community Development Councils(CDCs). Some 19,200 CDCs have been elected as of December 2007,representing more than two-thirds of rural Afghans. CDCs determinedevelopment priorities and propose reconstruction projects on a local level.

District Development Assemblies (DDAs)

District Development Assemblies (DDAs) are made up of local district membersand provide a participatory and consultative mechanism for local developmentmobilization and decision making. Approximately 41% of Afghanistan isrepresented by DDAs.

Joint Task Force Afghanistan (JTF-A)

JTF-A is the Canadian civil-military task force that provides security, developmentand governance assistance to Afghan authorities and citizens within KandaharProvince. This task force, commanded by a Canadian Brigadier-General andcomprising approximately 2500 military and civilian personnel, has three keymission elements: the Battle Group, the Provincial Reconstruction Team andOperational Mentor and Liason Teams.

Improvised Explosive Device - IED

An Improvised Explosive Device or IED refers to a “homemade” device thatcauses death or injury by using explosives alone or in combination with toxicchemicals, biological toxins, or radiological material. IEDs can be made to vary insize, function, and containment and delivery method. They can be composed ofcommercial or military explosives, makeshift explosives, or military ordnance. Ingeneral, IEDs can be victim-initiated (e.g. by stepping on a pressure plate ortripping a wire); remotely detonated through an attached command detonationsystem; or can be initiated by a suicide attacker. IEDs vary widely insophistication and effect and can be designed to inflict significant personnelcasualties or damage or destroy vehicles. Afghan and Coalition forces inAfghanistan have encountered IEDs comprising hundreds of kilograms ofexplosives, designed to defeat the heaviest of combat vehicles, in addition tosimple devices designed to wound or kill a single soldier.

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International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)

ISAF is the UN-mandated international military force whose core mandate is toassist the Government of Afghanistan to extend its authority and create a secureenvironment in which reconstruction and development can take place. ISAF wasinitially launched in 2001 following the Bonn Conference, and focused on Kabul.At the request of the UN and Government of Afghanistan, NATO tookcommand of ISAF in August 2003 increasingly moving across the country, and in2006, ISAF expanded its responsibility for the provision of security in all regionalcommands in Afghanistan.

Joint Coordination and Monitoring Board (JCMB)

The JCMB provides high-level political support for the Afghanistan Compact. Itsets direction to address significant issues of coordination, implementation,financing, and other obstacles identified by the Afghan government or theinternational community. The JCMB consists of seven representatives of theAfghan government and 21 representatives of the international community,including Canada.

Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan (LOTFA)

The UNDP administered Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan financespriority police activities funded by donors. Under these arrangements, theMinistry of Interior is responsible for supporting the formation of a new policeforce and UNDP is entrusted with the fund management of LOTFA to addressthe priority activities of paying police salaries, procuring non-lethal equipment,rehabilitating police facilities, and training for police and institutionaldevelopment. Canada has been a longstanding contributor to LOTFA, mostrecently allocating $30 million in FY 2006-2007.

London Conference on Afghanistan

The London Conference (31 January - 1 February, 2006) was co-chaired by theGovernment of Afghanistan and the United Nations. Discussions focused on a fiveyear international commitment to support Afghan security, governance,reconstruction and development, and counter-narcotics efforts, as outlined in theAfghanistan Compact, which was formally launched at the Conference. TheGovernment of Afghanistan also presented its Interim National DevelopmentStrategy (which sets out its political and economic plans and priorities for five years).

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Micro-finance institutions (MFIs)

A wide range of organizations dedicated to providing small-scale financial servicessuch as savings and credit to poor and low-income people. It includes non-governmental organizations, credit unions, co-operatives, private commercialbanks, non-bank financial institutions and parts of state-owned banks.

Ministry of Counter Narcotics (MCN) – Government of Afghanistan

The Ministry of Counter Narcotics leads the coordination, policy-development,monitoring and evaluation of all counter-narcotics activities and efforts.

Ministry of Finance (MoF) – Government of Afghanistan

The Ministry of Finance is responsible for the management and execution ofAfghanistan’s budget, the collection of taxes and management of customsrevenues, and the organization and control of public expenditures and payments.

Ministry of the Interior (MoI) – Government of Afghanistan

The Ministry of Interior is responsible for maintaining law and order in thecountry. It also regulates the working of various security forces, including thenational and border police, and corrections services (but not the national armywhich falls under the Ministry of Defense).

Ministry of Justice (MoJ) – Government of Afghanistan

The Ministry of Justice is the central institution in the executive branch ofAfghanistan’s government responsible for legal affairs across the country. It worksclosely with other government ministries and agencies to ensure the rule of lawcan be upheld, including by pursuing reforms or policies to enhance thecredibility and effectiveness of the justice and legal systems. It acts as the centralliaison between individual cabinet ministries, the President’s Office and theCouncil of Ministers with respect to many legal-related issues.

Ministry for Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD) –Government of Afghanistan

The Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD) was establishedto develop and implement programs promoting responsible social and financialgrowth in rural areas, primarily in the non-agricultural sector. It has employees inall 34 provinces of Afghanistan, and delivers a wide range of programs fundedboth by the Ministry itself and the international community.

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National Solidarity Program (NSP)

The National Solidarity Program is the Afghan Government’s primary programfor community development. It aims to reduce poverty by empoweringcommunities to take initiative, improving local governance and increasing social,human and economic capital. Created by the Government of Afghanistan, theNSP gives rural Afghans a voice in their country’s development through theelection of community leaders to community development councils (CDCs). Theprogram supports the Community Development Councils (CDCs) to lead theircommunities through processes to identify, plan, manage, and monitor their owndevelopment projects.

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)

NATO is an alliance of 26 countries from North America and Europe, guided bythe goals of the North Atlantic Treaty signed on 4 April 1949. The fundamentalrole of NATO is to safeguard the freedom and security of its member countries bypolitical and military means.

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF)

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) is the official name used by the U.S.government for its military response to the September 11, 2001 attacks. OEF-Afghanistan is the name of the predominantly US-led coalition military force thatinitially provided security assistance to the Government of Afghanistan followingthe fall of the Taliban regime. In 2006, IASF officially assumed responsibilityfrom OEF for conventional operations. However, OEF does maintain a special-forces counter-terrorist capability within Afghanistan. The Combined SecurityTransition Command-Afghanistan, although working closely with ISAF, fallsunder OEF command and control.

Operational Mentor and Liaison Teams (OMLT)

OMLTs are small teams of coalition personnel assigned to Afghan National Armyunits to provide training assistance and, during operations, access to ISAFresources such as surveillance aircraft and helicopters.

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Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT)

Provincial Reconstruction Teams were introduced and employed by NATO andcoalition members within Afghanistan in 2002-2003. There are currently 25 PRTsacross Afghanistan, with the Czech Republic expected to assume responsibility forLogar Province in spring 2008. Their mandate is to help extend the authority ofthe democratically elected Afghan Government, and further development andgovernance activities. PRTs vary in size depending on the local situation. Theyreceive operational direction and policy guidance from the PRT ExecutiveSteering Committee in Kabul, which is chaired by the Afghan Ministry of Interiorand the ISAF Commander. Canada’s Provincial Reconstruction Team is based inKandahar City, in the southern province of Kandahar. The 335-person CanadianPRT is an integrated group of aid specialists, diplomats, military personnel, policeand corrections officers that directly support development and reconstructionactivities.

Regional Command (South) RC (S)

RC (S) is the ISAF theatre of operations that comprises the six southwesternAfghan provinces of Zabol, Oruzgan, Nimruz, Day Kundi, Helmand andKandahar. Command of RC (S) rotates between Canada, the United Kingdomand the Netherlands. Canada is the ISAF lead nation responsible for coalitionsecurity, development and governance assistance in Kandahar Province while theNetherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States respectively are the leadnations for Oruzgan, Helmand and Zabol Provinces.

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Appendix 1: Terms of Reference and Panel Biographies


Canada is in Afghanistan at the request of the democratically elected Government ofAfghanistan as part of a NATO-led, UN-sanctioned mission. The current mission inAfghanistan includes a significant military role in Kandahar province where Canada isinvolved in establishing the security necessary to allow development, strengthen andenhance governance capacity, and facilitate the delivery of programs and projects thatsupport the economic recovery and rehabilitation of Afghanistan on a sustained basis.

Afghanistan will remain a key engagement for NATO, the United Nations, and anumber of our key Allies for the foreseeable future. Indeed, the AfghanistanCompact, to which Canada is a signatory and key contributor along with 50 othercountries and 10 international organizations, extends until 2011.

The decision to deploy Canada's troops to Kandahar and establish a provincialreconstruction team was announced in May 2005. The first deployment of troopswas in August 2005. In May 2006 Parliament approved the extension of Canada'smilitary commitment in southern Afghanistan to February 2009.

Achieving security in this area is a necessary prerequisite to development for the people of Kandahar. As the former Minister of National Defence said inSeptember 2005: « L'Afghanistan peut encore être considéré comme un Étatfragile (...) Malgré des progrès substantiels à ce jour, ce pays a besoin que lacommunauté internationale poursuive ses efforts pour accéder à la paix, à lastabilité et à la prospérité. Faute d’une action internationale ferme, multiformeet durable, l'Afghanistan risque d’imploser et de se transformer en “narco-État”.Or, ce n'est pas là dans notre intérêt. »

And as Prime Minister Harper said recently: "The stark reality is that there can beno progress in Afghanistan without security - the security provided by the sacrificeand determination of our men and women in uniform... Without security,development workers cannot provide reconstruction or humanitarian assistance;police and corrections officers cannot ensure justice and peace; diplomats cannothelp build democracy and enhance human rights."

Canada's engagement has been guided by clear Canadian priorities with two mainobjectives:

1. Providing the necessary security to allow development to take place in southernAfghanistan; and

2. Supporting the Afghanistan government in establishing good governance andin building a better life for its citizens.

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It is also consistent with the goal of Canada playing a meaningful role in theworld and our tradition of support to collective action decided on by theinternational community.

Decisions will be required in the coming months regarding the nature of ourcommitment beyond that date. The government has been clear that the militarymission would be brought back before Parliament for consideration prior to anyfinal decision.

As the government decides on the way forward, and as Parliament considers thepost-2009 phase of our military commitment in Afghanistan, it is important thatindependent views be sought on the full range of options.

The following options have been identified for consideration, without intendingto exclude others:

Option 1: Train, support and develop the Afghan army and police towards a self-sustaining capacity in Kandahar Province, with a phased withdrawal ofCanadian troops starting in February 2009 consistent with progresstowards this objective.

Option 2: Focus on development and governance in Kandahar, with sufficientmilitary to provide effective protection for our civilians engaged indevelopment and governance efforts. This would require another country(or countries) to provide a military force sufficient to ensure the necessarysecurity in which such efforts can take place in Kandahar province.

Option 3: Shift the focus of Canadian military and civilian security, development andgovernance efforts to another region of Afghanistan.

Option 4: Withdraw all Canadian military forces from Afghanistan after February2009 except those required to provide personal security for any remainingcivilian employees.

Each option carries inherent costs, risks and opportunities. Options are notmutually exclusive and a final decision could include elements of more than one option.

It is also difficult to predict the precise nature of the Afghan political and securitycontext in February 2009. Afghanistan itself is scheduled to have presidentialelections in 2009.

To canvas the range of factors which affect the decision on Canada’s role inAfghanistan post-2009 and to provide analysis, perspectives and recommendationsregarding the way forward, an independent panel of eminent Canadians is beingestablished. The panel will consist of 5 members including the Chair. It will have

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adequate resources and staff support to ensure a full range of expert opinion canbe consulted on these matters, both here and in Afghanistan. The necessaryarrangements will be made to facilitate the Panel's visit to Afghanistan. The Panelwill report before the end of January, 2008, and the report will immediately bemade public.

The following considerations will be taken into account in the Panel’sdeliberations:

• Respect for the sacrifice Canadians have made to date supporting Afghans inachieving a more stable, self-reliant and democratic society and improvingopportunities for their citizens.

• The significant investment of people, resources, effort and infrastructure thatCanada has made in Afghanistan.

• The progress to date, and the potential for deterioration, in security anddevelopment conditions inherent in the various potential paths forward.

• Objectives of the U.N. and NATO that:

– Afghanistan be supported by all NATO countries in its efforts to create thenecessary security conditions for development and building a better life forits citizens; and

– Afghanistan does not again become a base for international terrorism.

• Canada's international reputation.

Any final decision regarding the next phase of Canada's mission will need to beimplemented in a safe and effective manner following appropriate consultationswith the government of Afghanistan, NATO and other partners in Afghanistan.

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The Honourable John Manley, P.C.

The Honourable John Manley is Counsel at McCarthy Tétrault. Mr. Manleyprovides strategic advice in matters relating to public affairs, including trade,telecommunications, security and finance. He is also consulted by clients onmatters concerning foreign governments.

Mr. Manley was first elected to Parliament as a Liberal in 1988, and re-electedthree times. From 1993 to 2000, he served as Minister of Industry and also asMinister for each of three regional economic development departments of thefederal government.

Mr. Manley served as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2000 to 2002. Followingthe terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, he was named Chairman of a newCabinet Committee on Public Security and Anti-terrorism and counterpart toU.S. Homeland Security Chief, Governor Tom Ridge. For the role he playedfollowing 9/11, he was named TIME Canada Magazine's "Newsmaker of the Year"in December 2001.

In January 2002, Mr. Manley was appointed Deputy Prime Minister of Canada,Political Minister for Ontario, Minister of Infrastructure and CrownCorporations, and Chairman of the principal Cabinet committees. He added therole of Finance Minister in June 2002 and presented the Government’s federalbudget in February 2003.

After leaving the federal Cabinet, Mr. Manley advised the Ontario Minister ofEnergy on the future of the provincially owned electrical power generationcompany. He also co-chaired an independent Task Force on the future of NorthAmerica for the Council on Foreign Relations.

He is a Director of Nortel Networks, the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerceand Canadian Pacific Railway. He is Chairman of the Board of Optosecurity Inc.He also sits on a number of advisory Boards and not-for-profit organizationsincluding CARE Canada, MaRS, the University of Waterloo, the National ArtsCentre Foundation, the Conference Board of Canada and the Institute forResearch on Public Policy.

Mr. Manley is a graduate of Carleton University (B.A., 1971) and University ofOttawa (LL.B., 1976) receiving the gold medal of his graduating class. He articledas a law clerk to the Rt. Hon. Bora Laskin, Chief Justice of Canada, and wascalled to the Ontario bar in 1978. He was granted the designation C. Dir.(Chartered Director) by McMaster University in February 2006 and has receivedHonourary Doctorates from the University of Ottawa and Carleton University.

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Derek H. Burney, O.C., LL.D.Senior Strategic Advisor, Ogilvy Renault

As Senior Strategic Advisor to the firm, Mr. Burney assists clients in dealing withcross-border and domestic issues as well as trade and investment policy matters.Prior to joining the firm, Mr. Burney played a central role in Canada’s economicand political development during a career that involved senior positions in boththe Canadian public and private sectors.

Mr. Burney entered the Canadian Foreign Service in 1963. In 1981, following aseven-year posting to Japan and a further three years as Canada’s Ambassador toKorea, he was appointed the Administrator for the first G-7 Summit hosted byCanada and subsequently became Director General of the Bureau of Trade Policyand General Economic Affairs. In that capacity, he directed an extensiveinterdepartmental trade policy review which ultimately provided much of theanalytic underpinnings for the free trade initiative.

In 1987, Mr. Burney became Chief of Staff in the Office of the Prime Minister,where he was directly involved in the negotiation and successful conclusion ofthe Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement. Mr. Burney was appointed Canada’sAmbassador to the United States in 1989. He served as the Prime Minister’spersonal representative in the preparations for the G-7 Summits in 1990, 1991and 1992 and played a central role in the Canada-U.S. Free Trade negotiationsand the negotiations that led to the expansion of the Canada-U.S. tradeagreement into the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and theconclusion of the Acid Rain Treaty.

Mr. Burney’s career in the private sector began in 1993 upon his appointment asChairman and Chief Executive Officer of Bell Canada International (BCI). Heoversaw successful investments by BCI in the United Kingdom, the United States,Asia and Latin America. From 1999 to 2004 Mr. Burney served as President andChief Executive Officer of CAE Inc., now the world’s second largest independentprovider of commercial aviation training.

Mr. Burney is Chairman of the Board of CanWest Global CommunicationsCorp. and a director of TransCanada Pipelines Limited. He is also a Fellow of theCanadian Defence & Foreign Affairs Institute.

In 2004, Mr. Burney became a Visiting Professor and Senior Distinguished Fellowat the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University.

Mr. Burney headed the Conservative Transition Team following the federalelection in early 2006.

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In October 2007, Mr. Burney was appointed by Prime Minister Stephen Harperto be on the newly-created Independent Panel on Canada’s Future Role inAfghanistan.

Mr. Burney’s memoir of government service entitled Getting it Done waspublished in 2005. He has written articles for Canada’s public policy magazinePolicy Options and for several major newspapers. Mr. Burney was awarded thePublic Service of Canada’s Outstanding Achievement Award in 1992 and wasnamed an Officer of the Order of Canada in 1993. He holds honorary doctoratesof law from Lakehead, Queen’s, Wilfrid Laurier and Carleton Universities.

Education M.A. (Queen’s University, 1964) B.A.(Hons.) (Queen’s University, 1962)

The Honourable Jake Epp, P.C., B.A., B.Ed., ICD.D., LL.D. (Hon)

The Honourable Jake Epp has been Chairman of Ontario Power Generation Inc.since 2004 and served as the interim Chairman from December 2003 to April2004.

Mr. Epp was a Member of Parliament for the riding of Provencher, Manitoba1972–1993, holding three cabinet posts: Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources(1989–1993); Minister of National Health and Welfare (1984–1989); and Ministerof Indian Affairs and Northern Development (1979–1980).

Mr. Epp was the Senior Vice President, TransCanada PipeLines and President ofTransCanada International (1993–December 31, 2000).

Mr. Epp also serves as Chairman, Health Partners International Canada,2002–present.

Mr. Epp graduated from the University of Manitoba with a B.A. in 1961 and aB.Ed. in 1965. He was appointed to the Privy Council of Canada in June 1979and received an LL.D. (Honourary) from Western University in 1988. In July2006 he was certified by the Institute of Corporate Directors.

The Honourable Paul Tellier, P.C., C.C., Q.C.

Paul M. Tellier was President and Chief Executive Officer and Director ofBombardier Inc. in 2003 and 2004. Prior to this, Mr. Tellier was President andChief Executive Officer and a Director of the Canadian National RailwayCompany (CN), a position he held for 10 years.

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From August 1985 until he took up his post at CN in 1992, Mr. Tellier was Clerkof the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet of the Government of Canada,the top public servant in the country. Mr. Tellier has received many awardsincluding Canada’s Outstanding CEO of the Year 1998, and Canada’s MostRespected CEO, KPMG/Ipsos-Reid Survey, 2003.

Mr. Tellier has served in many positions in the public sector, including as DeputyMinister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development in 1979 and as DeputyMinister of Energy, Mines and Resources in 1982.

He is a graduate of the universities of Ottawa and Oxford, England, and wasadmitted to the Québec Bar in 1963.

Mr. Tellier is a director of several corporations including Alcan, Bell CanadaEnterprises (BCE), Bell Canada and Telesat Canada, GM Canada and McCainFoods Ltd. He is Chairman of Global Container Terminals Inc. (GCT). He is alsoStrategic Advisor to Société Générale, a global bank headquartered in France.

In 1995, he co-chaired Centraide Campaign of Greater Montreal. Mr. Tellier wasappointed Companion of the Order of Canada in 1993. He joined the McGillDesautels Faculty of Management Advisory Board in September 2006.

Pamela Wallin, O.C., S.O.M.

Pamela Wallin, O.C., S.O.M., is the Senior Advisor on Canada-US relations to thePresident of the Americas Society and the Council of the Americas in New York.

In Canada, she serves on several corporate boards, including CTVglobemedia,Canada’s premier multimedia company with ownership in CTV and The Globeand Mail; Gluskin Sheff & Associates, an investment and wealth managementfirm; Oilsands Quest, an energy development company; and Jade Tower, anindependent antenna site and tower company.

She is the Chancellor of the University of Guelph. Pamela is a member of a specialAdvisory Board for BMO Harris Bank, a co-Chair of the National Strategy Councilfor the Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute and a Board member of the OntarioInstitute for Cancer Research.

Pamela was recently named an Officer of the Order of Canada.

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60 Appendix 2: Consultations

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* Ryda Azimi, Senator, Mishrano Jirga(Upper House of the NationalAssembly), Islamic Republic ofAfghanistan

* Colonel Abdul Bashir, Commander,1st Brigade, 205 Corps, AfghanNational Army

* Sayed Hamed Gailani, First DeputySpeaker of the Mishrano Jirga (UpperHouse of the National Assembly),Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

* His Excellency Hamid Karzai,President, Islamic Republic ofAfghanistan

* Assadullah Khalid, Governor ofKandahar Province

* Tonita Murray, Senior Police andGender Advisor, Ministry of Interior,Government of Afghanistan

* Atta Mohammed Noor, Governor ofBalkh Province

* Jolanie Popal, Director General,Independent Directorate of LocalGovernance, Islamic Republic ofAfghanistan

* Mohammad Younus Qanooni,Speaker of the Wolesi Jirga (LowerHouse of Parliament), Islamic Republicof Afghanistan

* Dr. Zalmai Rassoul, National SecurityAdvisor, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

* Amrullah Saleh, Director General,National Directorate of Security,Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Omar Samad, Ambassador of theIslamic Republic of Afghanistan toCanada

* Brigadier-General Agha Saqib, Chiefof Police, Kandahar Province

* Sabrina Saqib, Member of the WolesiJirga (Lower House of the NationalAssembly), Kabul

* Habiba Sarabi, Governor of BamiyanProvince

* Lieutenant-Colonel Shirh Shah,Commanding Officer, 1st Kandak, 1st Brigade, 205 Corps, AfghanNational Army

* Dr. Rangin Dadfar Spanta, Ministerof Foreign Affairs, Islamic Republic ofAfghanistan

Zahir Tanin, Permanent Representativeof Afghanistan to the United Nations,New York

* Noorulhaq Uloomi, Member ofParliament, Kandahar Province

Appendix 2: Consultations

Government of Afghanistan, Members of Parliament, and ProvincialOfficials

1 List of people with whom the Members of the Independent Panel met with directly. The * refers to meetings that took place in Afghanistan.


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* General Abdurahim Wardak,Minister of Defence, Islamic Republicof Afghanistan

* Qazi Mohamod Yaqoob, ProvincialJudge, Kandahar Province

* Mr. Khaliq Yar, Chief Prosecutor,Balkh Province

* Mohammed Ihsan Zia, Minister ofRural Rehabilitation andDevelopment, Islamic Republic ofAfghanistan

Afghan Civil Society

* Sayeed Ahmad, CommunityDevelopment Council Representative,Bamiyan Province

* Malem Akbar, Tribal Elder, KandaharProvince

* Dr. Muhammed Ali, BamiyanHospital

* Haji Atiq, Kandahar ProvincialCouncil

* Farhad Azimi, Balkh ProvincialCouncil

* Said Fayedzada, Regional Manager,Chamber of Commerce, BalkhProvince

Ashraf Ghani, Chancellor, KabulUniversity

* Abdulleh Ghul (micro-creditbeneficiary), Bamiyan Province

* Nafisa Ghiasi, Principal, GirlsSecondary School, Balkh Province

Aziz Hakimi, Executive Director, TheKillid Group

* Ahmad Wali Karzai, Chair, KandaharProvincial Council

* Qayyum Karzai, Member of theWolesi Jirga, Islamic Republic ofAfghanistan

* Haji Ali Ahmad Khan, Tribal Elder,Kandahar Province

* Semira Manaseki, Midwifery ProgramAdministrator, Bamiyan Hospital

* Ms. Nastura, CommunityDevelopment Council Representative,Bamiyan Province

* Sayed Mobin, AfghanistanInvestment Support Agency, BalkhProvince

* Professor Nurallah Mohsini, Chair,Afghanistan Institute of Democracy

* Abdullah Muhsene, Tribal Elder,Kandahar Province

* Dr. Ghulam Mohammad Nadir,Chief Surgeon, Bamiyan Hospital

* Haji Nazar, Tribal Elder, KandaharProvince

* Qadir Norzai, Kandahar ProvincialCouncil

* Haji Mahmod Ogha, Tribal Elder,Kandahar Province

* Said Zahir Ogha, Tribal Elder,Kandahar Province

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* Haji Pacha, Member of the Amn(peace) Jirga

* Engineer Salam, Tribal Elder,Kandahar Province

Dr. Sima Samar, Chairperson,Afghanistan Independent HumanRights Commission

* Sayed Rahim Sattar, Vice-Chairman,Afghan NGO Coordination Bureau

* Khan Shirin, CommunityDevelopment Council Representative,Bamiyan Province

* Tabardin, Tribal Elder, KandaharProvince

* Karim Talib, Tribal Elder, KandaharProvince

* Ahmad Shah Tarakai, KandaharProvincial Council

* Dr. Harish Vashisthat, Instructor,Public Service School, BamiyanProvince

* Ali Yawar, Tribal Elder, KandaharProvince

* Zalma Younisi, Tribal Elder, BalkhProvince

* Fatima Hassan Zada (micro-creditbeneficiary), Bamiyan Province

Hameed Zarabi, Editor, AshianMagazine

* The Elders of the Zharey DistrictShura, Kandahar Province

*Graduates and Trainees of theMidwifery Program, Bamiyan Hospital

Foreign Government Officials

Munir Akram, PermanentRepresentative of Pakistan to theUnited Nations in New York

Karel de Beer, Ambassador, Embassy ofthe Kingdom of the Netherlands toCanada

Ulrich Brandenburg, PermanentRepresentative of the Federal Republicof Germany to NATO

The Right Honourable Des Browne,Secretary of State for Defence, UnitedKingdom

The Right Honourable The Lord MarkMalloch Brown, Minister of State,Foreign and Commonwealth Office,United Kingdom

Nicholas Burns, Under Secretary ofState for Political Affairs, USDepartment of State

Eliot Cohen, Counsellor, USDepartment of State

Richard Duqué, PermanentRepresentative of the Republic ofFrance to NATO

Vice-Admiral A. K. Dymock, UKMilitary Representative, PermanentMission of the United Kingdom to theNATO

Eric Edelman, Under Secretary ofDefence (Policy), US Department ofDefence

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Stewart Eldon, PermanentRepresentative of the United Kingdomto NATO

Dan Fata, Deputy Assistant Secretaryof Defence (European and NATOPolicy), US Department of Defence

* Colonel Brendon Fraher (NewZealand), PRT ContingentCommander, Bamiyan ProvincialReconstruction Team, BamiyanProvince

Henrietta Fore, Under Secretary ofState and Administrator, US Agencyfor International Development

* Ettore Francesco, Ambassador of Italyto the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Gregory Gottlieb, Deputy AssistantAdministrator (Democracy, Conflict,and Humanitarian Assistance), USAgency for International Development

Stephen Hadley, National SecurityAdvisor (Assistant to the President forNational Security Affairs), US NationalSecurity Council

Per Poulsen-Hansen, PermanentRepresentative of Denmark to NATO

Donald Kerr, Principal DeputyDirector of National Intelligence, USOffice of Director of NationalIntelligence

Zalmay Mamozy Khalizad, PermanentRepresentative of the United States tothe United Nations in New York

* Regis Koetschet, Ambassador of theRepublic of France to the IslamicRepublic of Afghanistan

Peter Kujawinski, Policy Adviser,Permanent Mission of the UnitedStates to the United Nations in NewYork

Lieutenant-General Douglas Lute,Deputy National Security Adviser (forIraq and Afghanistan), US NationalSecurity Council

Victoria Nuland, PermanentRepresentative of the United States toNATO

* Lieutenant-Colonel Per Olsson, Chiefof Staff, Swedish ProvincialReconstruction Team, Balkh Province

* Andrew Patrick, Chargé, Embassy ofthe United Kingdom to the IslamicRepublic of Afghanistan

Alan Pino, US National IntelligenceOfficer (Near East), US Office of theDirector of National Security

Brigadier-General Mark Ramsay,Deputy Director for Politico-MilitaryAffairs (Europe, NATO, Russia andAfrica), Joint Staff, US Department ofDefence

Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State,United States Department of State

Mark Robertson, Deputy NationalIntelligence Officer for South Asia, USOffice of the Director of NationalIntelligence

Herman Schaper, PermanentRepresentative of the Kingdom of theNetherlands to NATO

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Gerhard Schlaudraff, Counsellor,Division Police Reform Afghanistan,German Foreign Office, FederalRepublic of Germany

Nirupam Sen, PermanentRepresentative of India to the UnitedNations in New York

Tom Shannon, Assistant Secretary ofState (Western Hemisphere), USDepartment of State

Igor Shcherbak, First DeputyPermanent Representative of theRussian Federation to the UnitedNations in New York

James Shinn, Acting AssistantSecretary of Defence for Asia, USDepartment of Defence

Mitch Shivers, Deputy AssistantSecretary of Defence for Central Asia,US Department of Defence

* Yvonne Stassen, Chargé, Embassy ofthe Kingdom of the Netherlands to theIslamic Republic of Afghanistan

Mark Strmecki, Political Counsellor,United States Permanent Mission tothe United Nations

Vice-Admiral W. D. Sullivan, USMilitary Representative to the NorthAtlantic Treaty Organisation

* Commander Juha Vauhkonen,Deputy Commander, SwedishProvincial Reconstruction Team, BalkhProvince

Mark Ward, Acting Deputy AssistantAdministrator for Asia and Near East,US Agency for InternationalDevelopment

* Brigadier General Dieter Warnecke,German Commander, RegionalCommand North, Balkh Province

Francesc Vendrell, SpecialRepresentative of the European Unionto Afghanistan

* William Wood, Ambassador of theUnited States to the Islamic Republicof Afghanistan

North Atlantic TreatyOrganization (NATO)

General John Craddock, SupremeAllied Commander, Europe

Lieutenant-General Karl Eikenberry,Deputy Chairman, NATO MilitaryCommittee

Ambassador Daan W. Everts, NATOSenior Civilian Representative inAfghanistan

BGen James Ferron, J2 (Chief ofIntelligence), ISAF HQ

Lieutenant-General P. J. M. Godderij,Director, International Military Staff

Martin Howard, Assistant SecretaryGeneral for NATO Operations

General Dan K. McNeill, Commander,International Security Assistance Force,Afghanistan

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* Major General Jacko Page,Commander, Regional CommandSouth, International SecurityAssistance Force, Afghanistan

Lieutenant-General David Richards,Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC),NATO

* Major-General Garry Robison,Deputy Commander Stability,International Security Assistance Force,Afghanistan

* Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Secretary-General, North Atlantic TreatyOrganisation

* Major-General Robert W. Cone,Commanding General, CombinedSecurity Transition Command –Afghanistan

* Colonel Peter W. Foreman, DeputyCommanding General, PoliceDevelopment, Combined SecurityTransition Command – Afghanistan

* Brigadier-General Jay H. Lindell,Commander, Afghan National ArmyAir Corps Development, CombinedSecurity Transition Command –Afghanistan

*Brigadier-General Dennis C.Tabbenor, Deputy CommandingGeneral – Afghan Army Development,Combined Security TransitionCommand – Afghanistan

*Brigadier-General Andrew Twomey,Deputy Commanding General –Programs, Combined SecurityTransition Command – Afghanistan

United Nations

Salman Ahmed, Executive Assistant tothe UN Under-Secretary General forPeacekeeping (currently visitingresearch scholar, Princeton)

* Chris Alexander, Deputy SpecialRepresentative (Political) of theSecretary General, UN AssistanceMission in Afghanistan

* Bo Asplund, Deputy SpecialRepresentative (Development) of theSecretary General, UN Mission inAfghanistan

* Elizabeth Bayer, Deputy CountryDirector, Afghanistan, UN Office onDrugs and Crime

Andrew Cox, Chief of Office, UNOffice for the Coordination ofHumanitarian Affairs

Ambassador Lakhdar Brahimi, formerSenior Special Advisor to the UNSecretary General

Erica Feller, Assistant HighCommissioner for Protection, UnitedNations High Commissioner forRefugees

Jean-Marie Guéheno, Under Secretary-General for UN PeacekeepingOperations

Sir John Holmes, Under Secretary-General and UN Emergency ReliefCo-ordinator

* Abdul Latif, Political AffairsAssistant, UN Assistance Mission inAfghanistan (Balkh Province)

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Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF)

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* Salvatore Lombardo, AfghanistanCountry Representative, UN HighCommissioner for Refugees

* Catherine Mbengue, AfghanistanCountry Representative, UNChildren’s Fund

Janan Mosazai, Former Political AffairsAdvisor, UN Assistance Mission inAfghanistan

* Anita Nirody, Country Director,Afghanistan, UN DevelopmentProgramme

Hafiz Pasha, Assistant Secretary-General for Asia, UN DevelopmentProgram

* David Wilson, Director, AfghanistanNew Beginnings Program, UNDevelopment Program

Domain and Subject Matter Experts

Sally Armstrong, C.M., Author andhuman rights advocate

Amir Attaran, Associate Professor andCanada Research Chair in Law,Population Health and GlobalDevelopment Policy, University ofOttawa

Frederick D. Barton, Co-Director -Post-conflict Reconstruction Projectand Senior Adviser, InternationalSecurity Program, Center for Strategicand International Studies

Dr. David Bercuson, Director of theCentre for Military and StrategicStudies, University of Calgary

Robert Blackburn, Senior VicePresident, SNC Lavalin International

Honourable Jean-Jacques Blais, formerchief of mission in Afghanistan forElections Canada (and formerCanadian MP and cabinet Minister)

Sarah Chayes, Author, Journalist, andFounder of the Arghand Cooperative

Anthony Cordesman, Arleigh A. BurkeChair in Strategy, Center for Strategicand International Studies

Paul Fishstein, Director, AfghanistanResearch and Evaluation Unit

Louise Fréchette, Senior Fellow, Centrefor International GovernanceInnovation, University of Waterloo

Jack Granatstein, DistinguishedResearch Professor Emeritus of History,York University

Fen Hampson, Director, NormanPatterson School of InternationalAffairs, Carleton University

Peter Harder, Senior Advisor, FraserMilner Casgrain (former DeputyMinister of Foreign Affairs, 2003-2007)

Bob Hathaway, Director of the AsiaProgram, Woodrow WilsonInternational Center for Scholars

Lee Hamilton, President and Directorof the Woodrow Wilson InternationalCenter for Scholars

Paul Heinbecker, Senior Fellow, Centrefor International GovernanceInnovation, University of Waterloo

66 Appendix 2: Consultations

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Seth Jones, Counter-Terrorism Expert,RAND Corporation

Arthur Kent, Journalist

Eugene Lang, Author, Public PolicyWriter and Consultant (former chief ofstaff to two Canadian Ministers ofNational Defense 2002-2006)

David Mansfield, IndependentConsultant and Counter-NarcoticsExpert

* Joanna Nathan, Senior Analyst onAfghanistan, International CrisisGroup

Ambassador Ron Neumann, formerUS Ambassador to the IslamicRepublic Afghanistan (2005-2007)

Keith Newman, Vice President,Environics Research Group Ltd.

Ambassador Manfred von Nostiz(Ret’d), Former Canadian Diplomat

Roland Paris, University ResearchChair in International Security andGovernance, University of Ottawa

Ahmed Rashid, Author and Journalist

Robin Raphel, Senior Vice President,National Defence University

Bruce Reidel, Brookings Institute

Dr. Barnett Rubin, Director of Studiesand Senior Fellow, Center onInternational Cooperation, New YorkUniversity

Cheshmak Farhoumand-Sims,Assistant Professor of Conflict Studies,St. Paul University (and AfghanWomen’s Advocacy Commission ofCanada)

Dr. Janice Stein, Belzberg Professor ofConflict Management and Director ofthe Munk Centre for InternationalStudies, University of Toronto

J. Alexander Thier, Senior Rule of LawAdvisor, United States Institute ofPeace

Non-Governmental Organizations

Almas Bawar Zakhilwal, CountryDirector (Ottawa Office), SenlisCouncil

Aziz Amiri, Canada-AfghanistanBusiness Council

Robina Bangash, Aga KhanFoundation

Gerry Barr, President and CEO,Canadian Council for InternationalCooperation

Steve Cornish, Policy and AdvocacyAdvisor, CARE Canada

* Anja de Beer, Director, AgencyCoordinating Body for Afghan Relief

Isabelle Daoust, Senior Advisor,International Humanitarian Law,Canadian Red Cross

* Ed Epp, Vice-President for ResourceDevelopment, Mennonite EconomicDevelopment Associates

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Lieutenant-General Richard J. Evraire(Ret’d), Conference of DefenceAssociations

Nigel Fisher, President and CEO,UNICEF Canada

Scott Gilmour, Executive Director,Peace Dividend Trust

Ghulan Abass Gupta, Aga KhanFoundation

Sanjeev Gupta, Regional Manager, AgaKhan Foundation

Fazel Rabi Haqbeen, Senior ProgramOfficer, The Asia Foundation

Pawasha Hassan, Country Director,Rights and Democracy

Hilary Homes, Campaigner onInternational Justice, Security andHuman Rights, Amnesty InternationalCanada

Oren Ipp, Head of Programs, NationalDemocratic Institute, Afghanistan

* Lex Kassenberg, Country Director,CARE Afghanistan

His Highness The Aga Khan IV

Paul King, Chief of Party, AfghanistanParliamentary Assistance Project

Pierre Krahenbuhl, Director ofOperations, International Committeefor the Red Cross

Paul Larose Edwards, ExecutiveDirector, CANADEM

Sonia Lebesgue, Program Officer,Development and Peace

Stefan Lehmeier, Coordinator, PeaceOperations Working Group, CanadianPeacebuilding CoordinatingCommittee

Geoff Loane, North AmericanRepresentative, InternationalCommittee of the Red Cross

David Lord, Coordinator, CanadianPeacebuilding CoordinatingCommittee

Norine Macdonald, President andFounder, Senlis Council

General Paul Manson (Ret’d),President, Conference of DefenceAssociations Institute

Shuvaloy Majumbar, AfghanistanResident Country Director,International Republican Institute

Peggy Mason, Chair of the ExecutiveCommittee, Canadian PeacebuildingCo-ordinating Commmittee

* Aly Mawji, Resident Representative,Aga Khan Development Network

Kevin McCort, Interim ChiefExecutive Officer, CARE Canada

Michael Messenger, Vice-PresidentPublic Affairs, World Vision Canada

Joseph Patak, Adam Smith Council

68 Appendix 2: Consultations

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Colonel Alain-Michel Pellerin (Ret’d),Executive Director, Conference ofDefence Associations

* Shirine Pont, Afghanistan CountryDirector, Peace Dividend Trust

Tamin Sediqui, President, Afghan-Canada Council

John Siebert, Executive Director,Project Ploughshares

* Catherine Sobrevega, CountryManager, Mennonite EconomicDevelopment Associates

* Rory Stewart, CEO - TurquoiseMountain Foundation, and Author

Ms. Jamie Terzi, Assistant CountryDirector, CARE Afghanistan

Joanne Trotter, Aga Khan Foundation

Carrie Vandewint, Policy Advisor,Humanitarian Affairs, World VisionCanada

* George Varughese, AfghanistanCountry Representative, The AsiaFoundation

Government of Canada Officials

The Honourable Maxime Bernier,Minister of Foreign Affairs

Sheila Bird, Director General,Afghanistan Task Force, Department ofForeign Affairs and InternationalTrade

Margaret Bloodworth, NationalSecurity Advisor, Privy Council Office

Ian Brodie, Chief of Staff to PrimeMinister Stephen Harper

Kerry Buck, Director General,Afghanistan Task Force, Department ofForeign Affairs and InternationalTrade

Susan Cartwright, Foreign and DefensePolicy Advisor to the Prime Minister,Privy Council Office

* Lieutenant-Colonel BobChamberlain, Commanding Officer,Provincial Reconstruction Team,Kandahar

* Lieutenant-Colonel Jim Davis, JointTask Force – Afghanistan, KandaharProvince

* John Davison, Political Director,Provincial Reconstruction Team,Kandahar Province

Vice-Admiral Davidson, CanadianMilitary Representative, CanadianPermanent Mission to the NorthAtlantic Treaty Organisation

* Major Steve Desjardins,Commanding Officer, All SourceIntelligence Centre, Joint Task Force –Afghanistan, Kandahar Province

Leonard J. Edwards, Deputy Minister,Department of Foreign Affairs andInternational Trade

* Linda Garwood-Filbert, CorrectionalServices Canada, ProvincialReconstruction Team, KandaharProvince

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* Karen Foss, Deputy Political Director,Provincial Reconstruction Team,Kandahar Province

Robert Fonberg, Deputy Minister,Department of National Defence

Robert Greenhill, President, CanadianInternational Development Agency

* Lieutenant-Colonel Pierre Girard,Deputy Commander, OperationalMentoring and Liaison Team, JointTask Force – Afghanistan (KandaharProvince)

Major-General Tim Grant, DeputyCommander, Canadian ExpeditionaryForce Command

General Rick Hillier, Chief of DefenceStaff

* Glen Hodgins, Counsellor (Political),Canadian Embassy, Islamic Republic ofAfghanistan

* Ron Hoffmann, Deputy Head ofMission, Canadian Embassy, IslamicRepublic of Afghanistan

* Ed Jager, Political Advisor toBrigadier-General

Guy Laroche (Kandahar Province),Department of Foreign Affairs andInternational Trade

Jim Judd, Director, Canadian SecurityIntelligence Service

* Colonel Christian Juneau, DeputyCommander, Joint Task Force –Afghanistan, (Kandahar Province)

* Colonel Serge Labbé, Commander,Strategic Advisory Team (Kabul,Afghanistan)

* Arif Lalani, Canadian Ambassador tothe Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

* Major Louis Lapointe, PoliceOperational Mentoring and LiaisonTeam, Joint Task Force – Afghanistan(Kandahar Province)

* Brigadier-General Guy Laroche,Commander, Joint Task Force –Afghanistan (Kandahar Province)

Kevin Lynch, Clerk of the PrivyCouncil

The Honourable Peter GordonMacKay, Minister of National Defenceand Minister of the Atlantic CanadaOpportunities Agency

John McNee, Canadian Ambassadorand Permanent Representative to theUnited Nations in New York

* Colonel Mike McLean, DefenseAttaché, Canadian Embassy, IslamicRepublic of Afghanistan

Robert McRae, Canadian Ambassadorand Permanent Representative to theNorth Atlantic Treaty Organisation

* Major Richard Moffet, Battle Group,Joint Task Force – Afghanistan(Kandahar Province)

* Dave Muirhead, Royal CanadianMounted Police, ProvincialReconstruction Team, KandaharProvince

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The Honourable Beverley J. Oda,Minister of International Cooperation

* George Saibel, Minister(Development), Canadian Embassy,Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

* Ron Schatz, Head of Aid, ProvincialReconstruction Team, KandaharProvince

Stephen Wallace, Vice-President,Afghanistan Task Force, CanadianInternational Development Agency

* Major Michel Zybala, CommandingOfficer, Military Police, Joint TaskForce – Afghanistan, KandaharProvince

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72 Appendix 3: Overview of Public Submissions Process

Independent Panel on Canada’s Future Role in Afghanistan

Submissions from Individuals:

Acker, AlisonAllard, GregAllen, Linda L.Anderson, DorothyArhire, ManuelaArmstrong-Whitworth, PeterArnet, DorothyAssaf, DanyBadeau, NormandBaines, RobertBates, Ronald W.Bavelas, J.Beattie, LianeBeaubien, Paul J.S.Beaudet, NormandBélanger, Monique

Bell, JohnBell, MargaretBell, SidneyBerard, JacquesBerry, Alastair JamesBilodeau, MargueriteBishop, AnnBlais, Jean Jacques, Hon.Borgerson, LarryBorremans, GuyBouchard, AgnesBoutin, MagellaBowler, GerryBrett, JaneCampbell, DonaldCantin, Fernande

Appendix 3: Overview of Public Submissions Process

In addition to its meetings with a wide range of stakeholders and experts inCanada and abroad, the Panel wanted to ensure that the public would have anopportunity to input into their analysis. The public was therefore invited tosubmit briefs for the Panel’s consideration between 1st November and 3rdDecember 2007. The Panel received 219 submissions from individuals andorganizations. All of these submissions have been archived on the Panel’s website.

The submissions reflected the divergent perspectives that exist with respect toCanada’s current mission in Afghanistan. A majority of the briefs indicated thatCanada needed to change the current orientation of its efforts, proposingstrategies to improve Canada’s effectiveness, whether through an augmentation ofinvestments in development and humanitarian aid, greater diplomatic focus, orsome kind of scaling down of Canada’s military presence. Only some 30% of thesubmissions directly addressed one or more of the options included within thepanel’s terms of reference. Those that did either advocated for Option 1 (continuetraining the Afghan Police/Military and pursue a phased withdrawal of Canadiantroops starting in February 2009) or Option 4 (withdraw Canadian troopscompletely after February 2009 except for a small contingent to protect aidworkers/diplomats).

The Panel sincerely appreciates the time taken by individuals and organisations whoshared their views on Canada’s current and future engagement in Afghanistan.

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73Appendix 3: Overview of Public Submissions Process

Independent Panel on Canada’s Future Role in Afghanistan

Submissions from Individuals (cont.)Capstick, Col. (Ret.) MikeCarten, John FrederickCecil, AndrewChan, ColinChartier, BenoitChavarie, BrandonChawla, Attar S.Ciotti, DamienClayton, Jeff; Hislop, David; Hruskoci,Joanna; & Knight, PaulCouture, AnnCrawford, BrettDaigle, DenisDaniel, Edwin E.Davison, Briande Puyjalon, GuyDe Valencia, NicolasDeen, Zobair DavidDemers, JacquesDeschamps, JeanDeslauriers, NicoleDésorcy, JeanDion, EricDobson, HughDratler, NathanDresser, RobertDrouin, Yvon & Doyon, JocelynDuhaime, MarcDupuis, JacquesElliott, JamesErickson, KenFagan, JohnFarago, FrankFarkas, Desiree & EdwardFortin, LineFortin, LouisFoster, JohnFranchomme, JosephFraser, Alan & RobertaFresnais, GillesGagné, RogerGardiner, Graeme

Gardiner, J. GraemeGargoura, ArmandGilbert, NoémieGoldstein, RosaGovindraj, Suman & Vrishank, MasterGoyette, PierreGreene, CarolGuenter, Clarence A. Guindon, JohanneGurr, G.Hanlon, PeterHannesson, ChrisHansen, PaulHarrer, AnthonyHartnagel, Timothy & PatriciaHegyi, SandyHemming, TimothyHennessey, PeterHenri du Vair, PierreHeynen, JanHill, DerekHoeppner, DavidIrving, BillJanzen, Gerhard & MaryJetté, MarcoJohnson, John M.Johnston, WadeKamal, SarahKeeping, JanetKendirgi, MaxKennedy, MichaelKenney, TimKerr, Donald J.Keuk, Boun PongKienholtz, PhillipKilgour, David, Hon.King, DonaldKippen, GrantKnott, FredaKnox, AllyneLabrie, DanielLacombe, Denis

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Submissions from Individuals (cont.)Lafontaine, JacquesLanglois, YvesLavigne, ClaudeLavoie, MarleneLee, RexLeHay, DavidLemieux, SylvieLightwater, JudyLyons, PhilMacLeod, Paul G.Mader, LesMansour, DannyMaranda, MichelMarshall, BeatriceMartens, E.Martin, Paul B.May, MiriamMcDonald, PatrickMcGill, HunterMcMurdo, JeffMeister, DonMelliar, GordonMendes, Errol P.Miles, RobertMills, AlexMills, DonaldMorency, BenoitMugasera, LéonMurray, PatNapier, Edward J.Nicholls, GordonOstofi , GaryOuelette, LouisePache, MarcParis, BrunoParkes, AnnaPerroni, Vic A.Petrolekas, GeorgePoelman, HughesPoisson, GillesPorter, ChristopherRadford, Robert

Reddick, Helen M.Rowswell, JohnRoy, GuyRuel, MarcSelzler, GuySeymour, TimShore, JenniferSimardSimard, Jean-PhillippeSlater, Catherine & Gott, JeanSlavin, RuthSmith, KarenSotas, WilmaSpotton, WilliamSt-Amant, MartinStevenson, AllanTaylor, EdwardTippel, HenryTrembley, V.Turgeon, SergeV, SteveVukovic, JohnWeera, SeddiqWhite, JeffWilson, Robert R.Wilson, SharonYeatman, Tim

Submissions from Organizations and Groups:

Afghanistan Canada Research Group

Afghanistan Reference Group

Afghanistan Working Group of theCentre for Peace Studies, McMasterUniversity

Air Force Association of Canada

Canada-Afghanistan SolidarityCommittee

Canadian Coalition to End GlobalPoverty

74 Appendix 3: Overview of Public Submissions Process

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Submissions from Organizations andGroups (cont.)

Canadian Federation of UniversityWomen

Canadian Friends Service Committee

Canadian Red Cross

Canadian Women for Women inAfghanistan

CARE Canada

Center for Ethics

Christian Reformed Churches inCanada

Conference of Defence Associations

Global Compliance Research Project

Green Party of Canada

Group of citizens from Merritt, B.C.

Joint Submission by Civilian PeaceService, Subsahara Centre, CanadianInstitute for Conflict Resolution, &Canadian Institute for AppliedNegotiation

Les Artistes pour la Paix

Liberal Party of Canada

Newfoundland & Labrador HumanRights Association

Ontario Voice of Women for Peace

Oxfam Canada & Oxfam Québec

Petition signed by concerned citizens ofGuelph, Ontario

Physicians for Global Survivors

Political Science 102 Class, UniversityCanada West

Senlis Council

Society to Promote Departments ofPeace, Hamilton Chapter

Society to Promote Departments ofPeace, Victoria Chapter

Standing Senate Committee onNational Security and Defence

The Canadian Islamic Congress

The Group of 78

The Ruxted Group

Victoria Women in Black

World Federalist Movement

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76 Appendix 4: Relevant United Nations and NATO Documents

Independent Panel on Canada’s Future Role in Afghanistan

Appendix 4: Relevant United Nations and NATODocuments


The situation in Afghanistan has long been a preoccupation of the member statesof the United Nations and its operational agencies. Over the last 30 years effortsto promote peace and security, including through the imposition of sanctions,and to provide humanitarian relief and development aid, have been advancedthrough successive UN Security Council and UN General Assembly resolutionsand special mandates.

Following the 11 September attacks on the United States by the Afghan-basedAl Qaida group, the UN Security Council issued a series of resolutions thathelped pave the way for the international community to provide military,humanitarian, reconstruction and development support to the newly emergingAfghan transitional administration and the subsequent Afghan government ledby Hamid Karzai. This includes the authorization in December 2001(S/RES/1386) of the establishment of an international security force, underChapter VII of the UN Charter. This force was sanctioned to take all necessarymeasures to assist the Afghan Interim Authority to maintain security in Kabuland its surrounding areas. The Council subsequently authorized the renewaland expansion of the International Security Assistance Force’s (ISAF) mandatefrom Kabul across the country beginning in 2003 (S/RES/1510). The Securityhas continued to approve a renewal of the mandate of ISAF on an annual basissince 2003, most recently in September 2007 (S/RES/1776). As part of itsefforts, this latest resolution also encourages ISAF and other partners to sustaintheir training, mentoring and empowerment of Afghan national security forces.The Security Council continues to view the situation in Afghanistan as a threatto international peace and security.

The Security Council was responsible for authorizing the creation of the UNAssistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) in March 2002 (S/RES/1401) andoutlining its mandated activities. The Council has renewed UNAMA’s work on anannual basis, which currently consists of six main elements: political and strategicadvice for the peace process; providing good offices, assisting the Afghangovernment with the implementation of the Afghanistan Compact; promotinghuman rights; providing technical assistance; and continuing to manage all UNhumanitarian relief, recovery, reconstruction and development activities incoordination with Afghan authorities.

1 See

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77Appendix 4: Relevant United Nations and NATO Documents

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NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION (NATO) On September 12, 2001 NATO invoked Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty.Article 5 is the principle of collective self-defence, and provides that an attackagainst one or more of the Alliance partners in Europe or North America should beconsidered an attack against them all. Article 5 authorizes each NATO partner totake any action it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, in support ofthe ally attacked in the exercise of their right of individual or collective self-defence2.Article 5 goes on to state that any actions pursued should be reported to the UNSecurity Council, and that alliance actions should end when the Security Councilhas taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace andsecurity. This was the first time Article 5 had ever been invoked by NATO.

In August 2003, NATO assumed strategic command and coordination of the UNSecurity Council mandated International Security Assistance Force. In October theNorth Atlantic Council agreed to a longer-term strategy for NATO in its ISAF rolein Afghanistan. That strategy3 noted that NATO’s main political objective was towork in cooperation with the UN and European Union to support the AfghanTransition Authority to meet its responsibility to provide security and order.NATO outlined nine key components critical to achieve its desired end state forAfghanistan4, including the election of a representative government to succeed thetransitional authority; satisfactory progress towards the building of an operationallyeffective and multi-ethnic Afghan National Army that can provide security for theAfghan population, UN agencies and NGOs; satisfactory progress towardsstrengthening the central government and internal security related institutionssuch as the police and judiciary; removal or modification of the behaviour ofwarlords, satisfactory evolution of Afghanistan’s relations with its neighbouringcountries, and progress towards the resolution of the terrorist threat from theTaliban, al-Qa’ida and other “extremist groups”. Progress in meeting theseobjectives was intended to be reviewed on an annual basis.

In December 2005, NATO Foreign Ministers endorsed a revised Operations Planto guide ISAF efforts. The Plan outlines the key tasks and challenges ISAF faces asit expanded its operations to the south and east of the country. A key supportingdocument to this revised Operations Plan is the Combined and Joint Statement ofRequirements (C-JSOR) which articulates the nature and size of forces required forthe expanded mission. ISAF nations are expected to then offer forces to fill gaps inthe manning of the C-JSOR. However, significant shortfalls remain, particularly insouthern Afghanistan.

2 Right of individual or collective self-defence as recognized by the United Nations Charter (Article 51).3 See S/RES/970 – See appendix for NATO Plan4 A self-sustaining, moderate and democratic Afghanistan, able to exercise its authority throughout thecountry and without the need for ISAF to help provide security

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78 Appendix 5: Afghanistan Compact Benchmarks and Timelines

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Appendix 5: Afghanistan Compact Benchmarks andTimelines

On 31 January 2006, representatives from 51 countries and 10 organizations1helped launch the Afghanistan Compact in London, at a meeting co-chaired bythe United Nations and the Government of Afghanistan. The Compact sets out aseries of critical goals and timelines for Afghanistan in the areas of security,governance and human rights, and social and economic development for the2006-2011 period. For instance:

• Security: The Compact reiterates the Bonn goal of expanding the AfghanNational Army towards 70,000 by 2010 (may increase upwards to 80,000subject to formal approval in 2008), and proposes the Afghan National andBorder Police achieve a combined force of up to 62,000 by 2010(subsequently amended upwards to 82,000);

• Governance: Appointments to all civil service positions, at all levels ofgovernment should be based on merit, with vetting procedures andperformance-based reviews by the end of 2010;

• Human rights: By 2010 the Government’s capacity to comply with andreport on its human rights treaty obligations is meant to be strengthened,and Government security and law enforcement agencies are meant to adoptcorrective measures including codes of conduct and procedures aimed atpreventing arbitrary arrest and detention, torture, extortion and illegalexpropriation of property;

• Economic development: Electricity should reach at least 65% of householdsand 90% of non-residential establishments in major urban centres by 2010,and at least 25% of households in rural areas.

• Social development: By 2010 net enrolment in primary school for girls andboys should be at least 60% and 75% respectively, the number of femaleteachers should increase by 50%, and the basic Package of Health Servicesshould be extended to cover at least 90% of the population.

The Compact represents a commitment by the international community tosupport Afghanistan as it makes its transition towards stability and sustainabledevelopment. The Compact is intended to be underpinned by the AfghanistanNational Development Strategy.

1 See the Afghanistan Compact document, Annex IV for a full listing of participating countries,participating organizations, and observers.

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Appendix 6: Chronology 79

Appendix 6: Chronology

July 1973 King Zahir Shah overthrown; Republic of Afghanistandeclared, Sardar Mohammad Daoud Khan named as itsfirst President

June 1975 Jamiat Islami party launch insurgency in a failed attempt tooverthrow the Daoud government

27 April 1978 Daoud's government overthrown in a coup by the AfghanArmy; Declaration of the Democratic Republic ofAfghanistan under President Nur Muhammad Taraki

25 December 1979 Soviet Union invades Afghanistan

15 May 1987 Soviet troops begin withdrawal; last troops leave on 15February 1989

March 1989 Civil war commences; conflict intensifies in 1992

1994 Taliban grow in strength and takes control of much ofsouthern and western Afghanistan

27 September 1996 Kabul falls to the Taliban

1997-2000 Fighting continues between the Taliban and the NorthernAlliance; however, by 1998 the Taliban control 90% ofAfghan territory

July 1997 Lahkdar Brahimi serves as UN Secretary-General's SpecialEnvoy for Afghanistan until 1999

15 October 1999 UN Security Council imposes financial sanctions intendedto force Afghanistan to hand over Osama bin Laden(resolution 1267)

19 December 2000 UN Security Council imposes further sanctions onAfghanistan related to Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden andthe Taliban (resolution 1333)

9 March 2001 Destruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas by the Taliban

9 September 2001 Ahmad Shah Masoud, mujahideen rebel leader, isassassinated by the Taliban/Al Qaeda

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Appendix 6: Chronology80

11 September 2001 Terrorist attacks strike at New York City, Washington, DCand Pennsylvania, USA, organised by Al Qaeda based inAfghanistan

12 September 2001 NATO invokes Article 5 of the Washington Treaty whichstates that an attack against one Ally is an attack against allmembers of the Alliance

12 September 2001 UN Security Council reiterates the right of individual orcollective self-defence consistent with the UN Charter, andcalls on all States to cooperate to bring to justice theperpetrators, organizers and sponsors of the September 11attacks, stressing that those harbouring them will be heldaccountable (resolution 1368)

20 September 2001 The US demands that the Afghan government turn over allresident Al Qaeda members and close all terrorist trainingcamps

21 September 2001 The Afghan government refuses the US ultimatum to handover Osama bin Laden

3 October 2001 UN Secretary General appoints a Special Representative(SRSG) for Afghanistan, initially Amb. Lakdar Brahimi ofAlgeria

7 October 2001 US and British forces, working under Operation EnduringFreedom (OEF), begin air strikes on Al Qaeda and Talibantargets in Afghanistan

8 October 2001 Canadian Operation Apollo, under aegis of the US-led OEF,sees deployment of Canadian warships and aircraft to thePersian Gulf/Arabian Sea

9 November 2001 Northern Alliance seizes Mazar-e-Sharif; march on Kabuland other cities

13 November 2001 Northern Alliance enters Kabul and the Talibangovernment falls

14 November 2001 UN Security Council condemns the Taliban, supportsinternational efforts to root out terrorism, and expressesstrong support for efforts to establish a new andtransitional Afghan administration (resolution 1378)

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Appendix 6: Chronology 81

5 December 2001 Bonn Agreement establishes interim Afghan governmentand sets out benchmarks to guide post-conflict democratictransition

7 December 2001 International forces take control of Kandahar Provincefollowing Taliban surrender

20 December 2001 UN Security Council authorizes the creation of anInternational Security Force - ISAF (resolution 1386);subsequently re-authorized every 6 months

22 December 2001 Hamid Karzai sworn in as head of 30-member governingcommittee of Afghan Interim Authority (AIA)

4 January 2002 First ISAF troops deployed as a multinational force,initially under UK command (Lt. Gen. John McColl)

25 January 2002 Canada re-establishes diplomatic relations withAfghanistan; Hon. John Manley, Deputy Prime Minister,visits Kabul

21-22 January 2002 Tokyo donors' conference results in commitments of USD$4.5b towards reconstruction; Canada pledges $100m

February -August 2002 850 Canadian troops deploy to Kandahar under OEF

28 March 2002 UN Security Council establishes the United NationsAssistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) (resolution1401)

13 June 2002 Loya Jirga elects Hamid Karzai as interim head of theAfghan Transitional Authority to serve until 2004

August 2002 Canadian Forces serve in Kabul region (Operation Athena)

17 March 2003 Canada (CIDA) pledges $250m to Afghan reconstructionand development over 2003 and 2004

16 April 2003 NATO, at the request of Canada and others, expands itsrole in ISAF to include the provision of a "composite" HQ,new rotational commanders selected by SACEUR, andstrategic coordination through SHAPE

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Appendix 6: Chronology82

11 August 2003 NATO assumes responsibility for command andcoordination of ISAF

September 2003 Canadian Embassy re-opens in Kabul

13 October 2003 UN Security Council authorises the expansion of ISAF'soperations to include operations anywhere in Afghanistanand extends its mandate to December 2004 (resolution1510)

4 January 2004 Loya Jirga adopts new constitution for Afghanistan

9 February 2004 Canada (Lt. Gen. Rick Hillier) assumes overall commandof ISAF forces for 6 month period

1 April 2004 Berlin donors' conference results in commitments of USD$8.2b towards reconstruction; Canada pledges $250m overthe years 2005 to 2009

7 September 2004 NATO increases military commitments from 6,500 to10,000 troops

17 September 2004 UN Security Council extends the ISAF mandate toOctober 2005 (resolution 1563); subsequently re-authorized every year up to present

7 October 2004 Presidential elections; Hamid Karzai wins with 55% of the vote and is sworn in as President of Afghanistan on7 December 2004

10 February 2005 NATO expands ISAF to the west of Afghanistan

16 August 2005 Canada assumes command of the ProvincialReconstruction Team in Kandahar City

August 2005 Canadian Forces begin process of re-deployment fromKabul to Kandahar

18 September 2005 Parliamentary and Provincial elections held acrossAfghanistan

September 2005 Canadian Strategic Advisory Team (SAT) deployed toadvise Government of Afghanistan ministries (OperationArgus)

19 December 2005 Afghan National Assembly convened for the first time in30 years

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Appendix 6: Chronology 83

31 January 2006 Five year (2006-2011) Afghanistan Compact signed inLondon, UK

1 February 2006 London International donors meeting pledges of $10.5b innew aid to 2011

February 2006 Canadian Forces in Kandahar Province begin operationsunder Operation Archer (OEF) assuming NATO lead forsecurity, development and governance in the province

17 May 2006 Canadian Parliament approves a two year extension ofCanada's deployment of diplomatic, development, civilianpolice and military personnel in Afghanistan and enablesfunding and equipment to cover the extension

17 May 2006 Canada pledges $310m in additional aid and developmentin Afghanistan over the years 2007 to 2011

31 July 2006 ISAF expands its area of operations to six additionalprovinces in the south of Afghanistan, taking overcommand from OEF

July - onward 2006 NATO troops take over leadership of military operationsin the south of Afghanistan

1-20 September 2006 Canada leads ISAF Operation Medusa; attacking Talibanstrongholds in Panjwayi and Zharey districts of KandaharProvince

5 October 2006 NATO assumes responsibility for security acrossAfghanistan, by taking over command of the internationalmilitary forces in eastern Afghanistan from the US-ledOEF Coalition

26 February 2007 Canada pledges an additional $200m to Afghanistan'sreconstruction and development

22 June 2007 The Prime Minister announces that the Government willseek "some degree of consensus among Canadians" onCanada's future role in Afghanistan

12 October 2007 The Prime Minister announces creation of IndependentPanel on Canada's Future Role in Afghanistan

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Appendix 7: Military Terminology

Within the Canadian Forces, the key Army elements include the infantry whichtravel in Light Armoured Vehicles (LAVs) and generally fight dismounted fromtheir vehicles (although the LAV is armed with a light cannon and a machinegun); the armour which employ Leopard tanks and Coyote reconnaissance units;the artillery which provide long-range fire from their 155mm howitzers as well asspecialized target surveillance elements; and the combat engineers which providefor the mobility (e.g. breaching obstacles) and protection (e.g. defusing IEDs) ofother forces. For historical reasons, the Army uses different terms to denote theirsub-units. In essence, the terms troop and platoon are equivalent and identify thesmallest organizations led by a junior officer (normally a lieutenant). The termscompany, squadron and battery identify larger units comprising severaltroops/platoons and are commanded by majors. Finally, battalions and regimentsare equivalent units possessing a number of companies/ squadrons/ batteries andare commanded by lieutenant-colonels.

Although organized as separate units, these forces are routinely task-organizedinto groups of two or more as required for each distinct mission or task. Thesegroupings are called combat teams at the company level and battle groups at thebattalion level.

In simple terms, an infantry section comprises 10 soldiers and one LAV; aninfantry platoon consists of three sections and a headquarters with a strength ofapproximately 36 personnel and four LAVs; and an infantry company has threeplatoons and a headquarters totalling approximately 130 personnel and fifteenLAVs. An infantry battalion has three infantry companies, a headquarters andaddition combat support and logistics elements with a combined strength ofapproximately 850 personnel.

In Afghanistan, the Canadian battle group currently includes two infantrycompanies, a reconnaissance squadron (equivalent to a company), a tanksquadron, an artillery battery (also equivalent to a company), a combat engineersquadron plus additional headquarters and support elements. The Canadianbattle group includes approximately 1200 personnel. In addition, another infantrycompany has been assigned to the PRT to provide for its protection.

The Afghan National Army has stationed the 1st Brigade, 205 (Hero) Corps inKandahar Province. This Brigade, totalling approximately 2900 soldiers, isstructured with a headquarters, three infantry kandaks (battalions), a combatsupport kandak (engineers, reconnaissance and artillery elements) and a logistic kandak.

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Appendix 7: Military Terminology84

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Appendix 8: Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT)Leads in Afghanistan

* There are 26 PRTs throughout Afghanistan with in excess of 200 civilians deployed collectivelyalongside military personnel. The number of civilian personnel deployed to each specific PRT variesdramatically.

85Appendix 8: Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) Leads in Afghanistan

Independent Panel on Canada’s Future Role in Afghanistan

Lead Nation PRT Province PRT City Regional Command

Canada Kandahar Kandahar City RC (South)Hungary Baghlan Pol-e-Khomri RC (North)Italy Herat Herat RC (West)Lithuania Ghor Chaghcharan RC (West)The Netherlands Uruzgan Tarin Kowt RC (South)New Zealand Bamyan Bamyan RC (East)Norway Faryab Meymana RC (North)Spain Badghis Qala-e-Naw RC (West)Sweden Balkh Mazar-e-Sharif RC (North)Turkey Wardak Wardak RC (East)United Kingdom Helmand Lashkar Gah RC (South)Czech Republic Logar Pol-e-Alam RC (East)Germany (2) Badakshan Feyzabad RC (North)

Konduz Konduz RC (North)United States (12) Farah Farah RC (West)

Zabul Qalat RC (South)Khowst Khowst RC (East)Paktika Gardez RC (East)Paktia Sharana RC (East)Ghazni Ghazni RC (East)

Nangahar Jalaabad RC (East)Nuristan Nuristan RC (East)Panjshir Panjshir RC (East)Laghman Mihtarlam RC (East)Parwan Bagram RC (East)Kunar Asadabad RC (East)

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Appendix 9: Estimated International MilitaryDeployments and Fatalities in Afghanistan

Casualties as of January 15, 2008

86 Appendix 9: Estimated International Military Deployments and Fatalities in Afghanistan

Independent Panel on Canada’s Future Role in Afghanistan



FATALITIES (2001 – JAN. 2008)

United States 27 000 479

United Kingdom 7 700 86

Germany 3 100 25

Canada 2 500 77

Italy 2 300 11

France 1 900 12

The Netherlands 1 650 14

Poland 1 200 1

Turkey 1 150 0

Australia 900 4

Spain 750 23

Denmark 650 9

All other troop contributingnations (29)

4 000 17

TOTAL: 54 800 758

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87Appendix 10: Comparative Polls of Afghan Views

Independent Panel on Canada’s Future Role in Afghanistan

Appendix 10: Comparative Polls of Afghan Views

Between 2004 and 20071 a series of polls by entities such as the AsiaFoundation, Charney Research (commissioned by BBC World Service and ABCNews) and Environics (commissioned by the CBC, The Globe and Mail, LaPresse, and the University of Toronto) were undertaken to assess Afghan viewson the overall direction of the country, the presence of foreign forces and theinsurgency, and reconstruction and development circumstances. Theseorganizations have all used similar methodologies and the same pollingorganization in Afghanistan facilitated data collection (each of these has beenfacilitated by the Afghan Centre for Social and Opinion Research based inKabul), but employed different questionnaires. Efforts were made to poll allregions, to gain a representational ethnic sample, and ensure input from menand women.

Public opinion polling is still a relatively new phenomenon in Afghanistan, andgiven the context faces logistical, cultural or political limitations. However,pollsters have increasingly achieved greater reach and sophistication in theirmethodology.


On the whole, Afghans arepositive about the directionof their country and supportthe presence of foreign forceson their territory, althoughthat confidence appears tohave diminished over thecourse of the past three years.The 2007 BBC/ABCcommissioned poll suggeststhat 54% of Afghans believetheir country is headed inthe right direction, comparedwith a high of 77% inOctober 2005.

Mar 04* Oct 05** Jun 06* Nov 06** Sep 07*** Nov 07**









1 See,,, and

* Asia Foundation; ** ABC/BBC; *** Environics


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The Environics poll conducted in September 2007 indicates that 28% of Afghansbelieve the country is moving in the wrong direction (compared with a low of 6% inOctober 20052). Reactions in the north, east and centre of the country tend to bemore optimistic than those in the south-centre and west3. Importantly, those peoplewho have a “mixed” opinion has grown – from 8% in 2004 to 15-17%% in 2007.This figure bears watching, as it suggests a growing number of Afghans are uncertainabout the future.

Afghans who think the country is heading in the right direction believe this is becauseof improved security and peace, reconstruction efforts, better access by women and girlsto work and education, and progress on disarmament, freedom and democracy. Thosewho believe the country is moving in the wrong direction tend to cite a resurgence ofthe Taliban and a lack of security as their main preoccupation followed byunemployment and limited progress on reconstruction, and government corruption.


The Environics poll suggested that a majority of Afghans view the presence ofinternational military forces in Afghanistan as a good thing for the country (61%nationally and 60% in Kandahar province), compared with those who perceive it as abad thing (16% nationally, 23% in Kandahar Province), although 22% view it asneither good nor bad (15% in Kandahar Province). Polls do suggest that concerns withforeign forces increase when discussing issues such as civilian casualties, an issue thathas emerged in particular over the last year. In terms of how long foreign forces shouldremain, according to the December 2007 ABC/BBC poll, some 45% of Afghansbelieve NATO forces should leave in the next two years, while 43% believe they shouldremain until security is restored (the mood of Afghans may be shifting in this respect;according to the ABC/BBC polls, in 2005 65% of Afghans felt US military forcesshould only leave after security was restored, compared to 45% in 2007).


In terms of reconstruction and development aid, according to the December 2007ABC/BBC poll, Afghans believe that reconstruction efforts implemented in theirrespective areas since 2002 have been largely effective (63% indicating veryeffective and somewhat effective). Among those Afghans who know that Canadais contributing to reconstruction efforts, Canada is listed among the fourcountries that stand out as doing a good job according to the September 2007Environics poll (ahead of the UK but behind the USA, Germany and India).

2 See Presentation by Environics to the Independent Panel on Canada’s Future Role in Afghanistan. See

also Asia Foundation polling.

Independent Panel on Canada’s Future Role in Afghanistan

Appendix 10: Comparative Polls of Afghan Views88

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Appendix 10: Comparative Polls of Afghan Views 89


Across the various polls conducted in the last four years, views on the Talibanhave remained uniformly negative. In the autumn of 2003, some 75% of Afghansviewed the Taliban unfavourably (62% very unfavourably), 89% felt that way inOctober 2005 (75% very unfavourably), and 73% in September 2007 (53% verynegative)4. At the same time however, when asked whether President Karzaishould enter into negotiations with the Taliban and allow them to participate inthe political process, some 60% of Afghans currently believe a negotiatedsettlement should be pursued5.

4 Asia Foundation Poll, page 41; ABC/BBC Poll, page 13; Environics Poll, page 6.5 ABC/BBC December 2007 Poll, Page 11. The Environics poll suggested that 74% of Afghans wouldeither strongly support or somewhat support negotiations between the Karzai government and theTaliban (36% and 38% respectively).

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Appendix 11: Independent Panel Secretariat andExternal Advisors


The panel was supported in its work by a Secretariat made up of officials secondedfrom the Government of Canada with expertise on Afghanistan and stabilizationand reconstruction issues. The Secretariat was responsible for providing strategicadvice and analysis in support of panel deliberations, identifying and organizingmeetings with key Canadian and international experts, coordinating the travel ofpanel members, establishing the website, and managing the on-line submissionsprocess. David Mulroney was Secretary to the panel, working with ExecutiveDirector Elissa Golberg, Special Advisors Colonel Michael Cessford, Samuel Millarand Cory Anderson, Chief of Operations Sanjeev Chowdhury, and AdministratorElizabeth Thébaud. Kaitlyn Pritchard provided important research support for theSecretariat. Financial administration and technological support were overseen byGord Bergeron and Patty Goodfellow respectively of the Department of ForeignAffairs and International Trade (DFAIT).


Dr. Fen Hampson and the faculty (Dane Rowlands, Michael Hart, ValeriePercival, Jeremy Littlewood, Jean Daudelin) and students (Zachary Archambault,Andrew Brunatti Jenny Butterfield, Maria Derks Shawn Friele, Roy Fuller,Anthony Ippolito, Joshua Kilberg, Simon Langois-Bertrand, Neil Lenksink DarrylWhitehead) of the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs providedcritical support to the Panel, assisting with the analysis of public submissions(outlined in Annex 3), and by identifying key themes and issues for the Panel toconsider. Mr. John Hay provided essential assistance to the Panel in the draftingof its report. The Panel received communications advice from John Burke andAlvin Cader of Burke and Cader Media Strategies Inc. and St. JosephCommunications provided the design and final editing of the report. The Panel’swebsite was created by the Creatrix Design Group. Finally, there were manypeople who provided thoughtful input and advice to the panel through face-to-face meetings and email exchanges that are too numerous to list individually.

The Panel appreciates the dedication, energy and support it received from all ofthese people.

Independent Panel on Canada’s Future Role in Afghanistan

Appendix 11: Independent Panel Secretariat and External Advisors90

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