
Candida Candida is the name given to a specific condition when there is an over growth of the yeast Candida albicans in the body. This yeast is normally present in the body as a healthy microorganism of the intestinal tract, but when conditions are out of balance overgrowth can occur. The overgrowth can produce toxic byproducts that damage tissue and impact the immune system. This can cause oral thrush, which is an infection of the mouth and throat, and upset stomach. Fatigue, headaches, joint pain, weight gain, and depression are also associated with Candida. The condition can develop from a variety of factors, including antibiotics use, diet, stress, or alcohol and drug use. What causes the development of Candida albicans infection in the body? Candida albicans is usually a member of the normal flora of the mouth, vaginal tract, intestines, and other organs of the body. When excessive antibiotic treatment is rendered, the bacteria in the mouth, or intestines, disappear, and Candida albicans overgrows the region. A similar condition occurs in the vagina, when antibiotics kill the lactobacilli that normally produce acid in this organ. Without the acid, the Candida albicans flourishes. Candida albicans can also cause infection of the skin called onchyosis. People whose hands are in water for extended periods of time may be susceptible to this disease. Symptoms of Candida yeast infection

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Post on 10-Nov-2015




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CandidaCandida is the name given to a specific condition when there is an over growth of the yeast Candida albicans in the body. This yeast is normally present in the body as a healthy microorganism of the intestinal tract, but when conditions are out of balance overgrowth can occur.The overgrowth can produce toxic byproducts that damage tissue and impact the immune system. This can cause oral thrush, which is an infection of the mouth and throat, and upset stomach. Fatigue, headaches, joint pain, weight gain, and depression are also associated with Candida. The condition can develop from a variety of factors, including antibiotics use, diet, stress, or alcohol and drug use.What causes the development of Candida albicans infection in the body?Candida albicans is usually a member of the normal flora of the mouth, vaginal tract, intestines, and other organs of the body. When excessive antibiotic treatment is rendered, the bacteria in the mouth, or intestines, disappear, and Candida albicans overgrows the region. A similar condition occurs in the vagina, when antibiotics kill the lactobacilli that normally produce acid in this organ. Without the acid, the Candida albicans flourishes. Candida albicans can also cause infection of the skin called onchyosis. People whose hands are in water for extended periods of time may be susceptible to this disease.Symptoms of Candida yeast infectionThe most common symptoms are in the gastro intestinal tract: constipation, diarrhea, colitis, abdominal pain, gas, distension, and heart burn. But Candida can migrate from the rectal area in to the vagina causing a yeast infection there (vaginitis). They can also travel through the bloodstream, generating a wide range of problems from athletes foot to ringworm, jock itch, diaper rash, muscle and joint pain, canker sores, sore throat, tingling sensations, kidney and bladder infections, depression, and even diabetes. These symptoms can co-exist with allergies or aggravate them.Clinical syndromesCandida causes a wide spectrum of clinical illness as follows:1. Cutaneous candidiasis: Candida species in immunocompetent host can cause infection of any parts of the body exposed to environment. It causes infection of the nail, rectum, and other skin folds.2. Mucocutaneous candidiasis: Mucocutaneous candidiasis is the most common manifestation of candidiasis, but usually does not cause any mortality. However, in patients with advanced immunodeficiency due to HIV infection, Candida species can cause severe oropharyngeal and esophageal candidiasis that result in poor intake of food, leading to malnutrition, wasting and early death. These patients are also usually resistant to treatment with antifungal therapy.3. Chronic Mucocutaneous candiasis this is a heterogeneous group of clinical syndromes. This syndrome is characterized by chronic, treatment resistant, superficial Candida infection of the skin, nails, and oropharynx. However, these patients do not show any evidence of disseminated candidiasis.4. Systemic candidiasis: these include endocarditis, gastrointestinal tract candidiasis, respiratory tract candidiasis, genitourinary candidiasis, and hepatosplenic candidiasis. Systemic candidiasis may be candidemia and disseminated candidiasis. In patients with AIDS, oral thrush and Candida esophagitis is are common but not candidemia and disseminated candidiasis. Candida endophathalmitis and central nervous infection due to Candida species are other complications of Candida infection.5. Disseminated candidiasis this is increasingly becoming a problem in patients with serious hematologic malignancies that are treated with immunosuppressive drugs for over a long period of time; severe neutrpenia in these patients is the most important predisposing condition for life threatening infection caused by Candida. In these conditions, Candida usually spreads through the circulation and involves many organs such as lungs, spleen, kidney, liver, heart, and brain.Diagnosis of the Candida yest infectionTo diagnose the Candida overgrowth prior to laboratory testes complete history should be taken from the patient. Laboratory tests for Candida mainly include: Stool examination to diagnose the presence of Candida. Candida immune complex test to detect the antibiotics which fight against Candida in the body, Presence of these antibiotics indicate the Candida overgrowth Candida culture may be done if the patient has oral thrush.Diet management for Candida yeast infection Avoid yeast products in bread, bakery products, nutritional yeast and yeast spreads. Limit fruits like grapes and dried fruits, which contain natural yeast on their skins Check supplements such as B- vitamins and selenium, which can contain yeast Avoid all types of sugar, including honey, molasses and maple sugar, artificial sugars and candy Products contains hidden sugar such as chocolate, canned foods, fruit drinks, juices, ketch up, mustered, processed foods, fruit drinks, juices, supplements, drugs, and alcoholic drinks should be avoided. Avoid mushrooms, cheese, pickles, vinegar, beer and wine.Homeopathic treatment for candida yeast infectionHomeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat candida yeast infection but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies are available to treat candida yeast infection that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensations and modalities of the complaints. For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. There are following remedies which are helpful in the treatment of candida yeast infection:Lycopodium, Thuja, sepia, Pulsatilla, Calcaria Carb, China, Calcaria Phos, Medorrhinum, Helonias, Nitric acid, Natrum Phos, and many other medicines.