captain anthony lloyd, commanding officer cg imat 101 .pdf · cg-imat provided jic, docl, psc,...

A world class incident management assistance team capable of responding to all threats and all hazardsCaptain Anthony Lloyd, Commanding Officer CG IMAT 17 Aug 2014 Revised 17 Aug 2015

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  • “A world class incident management assistance team capable of responding to all threats and all hazards”

    Captain Anthony Lloyd, Commanding Officer – CG IMAT

    17 Aug 2014

    Revised 17 Aug 2015

  • CG-IMAT Vision

    A world class incident management assistance unit

    capable of responding to all threats and all hazards.

    Revised 17 Aug 2015

  • CG-IMAT Mission

    The mission of the U.S. Coast Guard Incident

    Management Assistance Team (CG-IMAT) is to

    deploy and assist Coast Guard Incident

    Commanders responding to, recovering from, and

    mitigating the effects of all hazard incidents and

    events within the Maritime Environment.

    Revised 17 Aug 2015

  • Mission Focus

    •Incident Management Support

    •Exercise Support

    •SME / Training Support / ICS 320

    Mount Carbon Train Derailment FDNY Exercise

    Revised 28 Aug 2015

    Texas City “Y”

  • CG-IMAT Details

    • National lever Incident Management Team supporting Incident

    Commanders in PACAREA & LANTAREA

    • All-HAZARDS Incident Management (Planned & Emergent)

    • Interoperable with other local, state, & national response assets

    • Personnel with Operational & Support backgrounds

    • Aviation, Cutter, Operations Afloat/Ashore, Marine Safety,

    Strike Team, Maritime Security, PSU, Logistics, Finance,

    Procurement, Public Affairs, and DoD.

    • Co-located with FDCC in Norfolk, Virginia

    • Strategically located by Norfolk International Airport for

    commercial and military airlifts

    • See ALCOAST 344-13 for more details

    Revised 17 Aug 2015

  • CG-IMAT OrganizationCommanding Officer CAPT

    Deputy Director GS-14

    Command Staff elementsSenior Reserve Officer•SRO LCDR

    Safety Officer•Safety GS-13

    External Affairs•PIO GS-13•External Affairs LT•Reserve LT


    Operations DepartmentCDR

    Ops Support Division•Ops LCDR•Ops LCDR

    Air Ops Division •Air Ops LCDR•Air Ops GS-13

    Surface Ops Division •Surface Ops LCDR•Surface Ops LT

    Planning DepartmentCDR

    Situation Division•Planning LT•Situation GS-12•Situation MSTC•Reserve MSTC

    Resources Division•Planning LCDR•Resources LT•Resources MSTC•Reserve MST1

    Logistics/Finance DepartmentLCDR

    Support Division•YNC (Off Mgr) •COML GS-11

    Supply Division•Logs GS-13•Reserve LT•Supply SKC•Supply SK2•Reserve SK3

    Finance Division•F&S4•F&S4•PROC GS-10•Finance SKCS

    Revised 17Aug 2015

  • CG-IMAT Readiness

    CG-IMAT support available for Type 1, Type 2, and complex Type 3 Incidents

    Deployment Time Team Component

    Individual augmentation

    in 6 hours

    An ICS specific position as requested.

    Ready 6 members in 6


    Ready 6 will typically consist of 6 team members qualified to

    assist with Operations, Logistics and Planning. Modifications

    can be made, if needed, to meet the needs of an operational

    commander’s request.

    Ready 12 members in 12


    Ready 12 consists of the Ready 6 + 6 additional team


    Command Team up to 18

    members in 24 hours

    Command Team consists of the Ready 12 + 6 additional team


    Revised 17 Aug 2015

  • CG-IMAT Qualifications


    Incident Commander (IC)

    Command Staff

    Safety Officer (SOFR)

    Liaison Officer (LOFR)

    Public Information Officer (PIO)

    Agency Representative (AREP)

    Planning Section

    Planning Section Chief (PSC)

    Situation Unit Leader (SITL)

    Resource Unit Leader (RESL)

    Finance Admin Section

    Finance Section Chief (FSC)

    Operations Section

    Operations Section Chief (OSC)

    Branch Director (Afloat/Ashore)

    Air Operations Branch Director


    Logistics Section

    Logistic Section Chief (LSC)

    Support Branch Director (SUBD)

    Supply Unit Leader (SPUL)

    Communications Unit Leader


    Revised 17 Aug 2015

  • CG-IMAT Customer Service Standards

    Awareness – IMAT personnel must understand the customer’s situation, needs, and goals.

    Duty – IMAT members will always stay humble to the task at hand.

    Values – People are our top priority, the Coast Guard is a humanitarian service.

    Humility – Our customers are our focus, not ourselves.

    Results Matter – Find a way to accomplish the mission.

    Revised 17 Aug 2015

  • CG-IMAT Deliverables


    • Fill ICS positions

    • Serve as Deputy or Assistant

    • Relief during 24-hour operations

    • Coach or mentor

    • Public Information Assist Team (PIAT)

    ICS Support

    • ICS PQS Verifying Officer

    • Regional Response Team

    • Exercise Support

    • Area Committees

    • ICS 320 Workshop

    What can the CG-IMAT do for you and your unit?

    Revised 17 Aug 2015

  • ICS Training Support as SubjectMatter Experts (SMEs)

    • Unit Level ICS PQS Support

    • ICS-351 (Logistics Section and Finance Section)

    • ICS-430/440 (Planning/Operations)

    • ICS-404 (Safety Officer)

    • ICS-410 (Advanced Incident Commander)

    • USCG International Training Team ICS Support

    • DOD/OGA ICS Training Support as requested

    Revised 17 Aug 2015

  • Exercise Support

    • Support national, regional, and local exercises

    • Able to provide:

    • Subject Matter Experts – ICS Unit Level PQS Support

    • Evaluators / Controllers

    • Participants – Coaching or fill positions

    • Planners – We can help with the design of an exercise

    • ICS Review / PQS Sign Offs

    Revised 17 Aug 2015

  • Public Information Assist Team (PIAT)

    PIAT is an element of the CG-IMAT available to help Federal On-Scene Commanders (FOSCs) meet their communication needs during an incident.

    • Four-person team that provides crisis communications expertise during:

    • Oil Spills

    • Hazardous Material Releases

    • Marine Accidents

    • Natural Disasters

    • Terrorism or WMD Incidents

    Revised 04Aug 2015

  • First Two Years Employment Statistics

    • 1,495 Response Days• the number of days that the CG-IMAT supported Coast Guard Operational Commanders and

    Other Government Agencies (OGAs) in managing disasters and National Special Security Events (NSSEs).

    • 1,877 Preparedness Days• Services provided to Coast Guard Operational Commanders through participation as subject

    matter experts, evaluators, coaches, instructors, verifying officers, and qualification board members.

    • 3,492 Internal Training & Readiness Days• Internal Training and Readiness mission area is focused on ensuring that the team and

    individual members are trained, qualified, certified and equipped to support incident managers response and preparedness needs.

    Recent Noteworthy Deployments

    • CSX Train Derailment, Bakken Crude Release/Fire, Mount Carbon, WV

    • Sector Mobile Heavy Weather SAR Response

    • Refugio Beach Pipeline Crude Oil Spill, Santa Barbara, CA

    Revised 17 Aug 2015

  • CSX Train Derailment, Bakken Crude

    Release/Fire, Mount Carbon, WV

    Revised 04Aug 2015

    Bakken crude oil release resulting from a train derailment just outside of Montgomery, WV.

    27 Tank Cars involved, potential of 500,000 gallons, 9 thermal tears and intense fire hampered initial response

    Provided IC, PSC, LOFR, COST, SOFR, & Joint Information Center support.

    Severe winter weather presented logistical challenges , CG C-130 transport of the CG-IMAT team.

  • Sector Mobile Heavy Weather

    SAR Response

    Supported Sector Mobile’s response to a Mass Rescue event in Mobile Bay when a fast moving & powerful severe weather system resulted in 32 request for assistance.

    Initial response rescued 48 mariners with an unknown number of vessels swamped, capsized, or sunk and an unknown number of mariners missing.

    CG-IMAT provided Operation Section Chief, Planning Section Chief, Liaison Officer, and Safety Officer support.

    Revised 04Aug 2015

  • Refugio Spill, Santa Barbara, CA

    A crude oil pipe line rupture released approximately 21, 000 gallons into the coastal environment.

    CG-IMAT provided JIC, DOCL, PSC, SITL, & LSC support.

    Significant challenges

    High Public concern / Low trust

    Natural seepage

    Environmental conditions

    Cultural considerations

    Fishery impacts

    Revised 04Aug 2015

  • Request For Forces (RFF) Process for CG-IMAT

    Emergent - LANTAREA units thru the LANTAREA Command Center at (757) 398-6700 or CG-IMAT CDO (757) 448-5572. PACAREA units through PACAREA Command Center then LANTAREA Command Center. Request can be made during initial Critical Incident Communications (CIC) call followed with RFF message.

    Non-Emergent - follow standard RFF process for AREA & Districts.Unique requests for support require no RFF or unit funding and CG-IMAT assists operational commanders with meeting their preparedness and ICS program requirements.

    Revised 17 Aug 2015

  • Request For Forces (RFF) Support

    All RFFs for Emergent and Non-Emergent CG-IMAT support should include:

    • Incident/Event Specifics

    • Capability Required: ICS Position Specific, Individual or 3-6 Person Away Team consisting of (IC, PSC, SITL, OSC, PIO), or 11-17 person Deployable Element

    • Estimated Duration of Incident

    • Funding String Associated with Incident/Event as appropriate

    • Local Unit Point of Contact for IMAT Team Leader with phone number and email address

    • All Emergent & Unscheduled RFFs shall be followed up w/ CGMS as required. MRTT will be used as appropriate.

    • CG-IMAT is available for consultation in the development of an RFF for planned events.

    • See Obtaining Personnel Resources to Meet Surge Requirements COMDTINST 5400.1A for guidance.

    Revised 17 Aug 2015

  • CG-IMAT Outlook

    FY 2016 CG-IMAT will assume responsibility for facilitating Intermediate Incident Management Team Workshops (ICS 320).

    CG-IMAT’s ROC/POE is expected to be finalized in the next two months.

    Demand signal is trending upward

    Currently supporting:

    Typhoon SOUDELOR Response in Saipan

    CYBERCOM Crisis Action Team at CGHQ. applying ICS (Management By Objectives) concepts and deliberate crisis

    action planning

    provided similar support to EBOLA CAC

    Revised 17 Aug 2015

  • Questions?

    Commanding Officer

    CAPT Anthony Lloyd

    (757) 852-3400 (office)

    (757) 448-7759 (cell)

    [email protected]

    CG-IMAT CDO (757) 448-5572

    Revised 17 Aug 2015

    mailto:[email protected]