caput tertium decimum derivatives

Caput Tertium Decimim Derivatives

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Post on 13-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Caput TertiumDecimim

2. Consular: having to do with a chief government official of ancient Rome.
Consulship: the office of a consul.
Consulate: the position, powers, etc. of a consul.
Consul: consul
3. Deign: to condescend.
Dignify: to exalt.
Dignitary: a person holding a high position.
Indignant:expressing anger especially at an unjust action.
Indignation:righteous anger.
Dignitas: esteem, reputation
4. Honest:truthful.
Honesty: truth.
Honorific:conferring honor.(an honorific title.)
Honorable:worthy of respect.
Honorary:given as an honor without service or pay.
Honorarium:payment to a professional for services for which no fee is set.
Dishonest:not to be trusted.
Dishonorable:not worthy of respect.
Honor: honor
5. Empire:supreme rule.
Emperor: supreme ruler.
Imperium: governmental authority
6. Just:right or fair.
Justify:to show to be just or right.
Justifiable:able to be proven right.
Justice:fairness; rightfulness.
Iustitia: justice
7. Magistrate:a civil officer empowered to administer the law.
Magistratus: magistrate
8. Militant: ready to fight.
Militarism:policy of aggressive military preparedness.
Militarize:to equip and prepare for war.
Military:of, for, or done by soldiers.
Militate:to operate or work (against).
Militia:an army composed of citizens called on in time of emergency.
Miles: soldier
9. Potent:having authority or power.
Potential:possible; that which can come into being.
Potentiate:to increase the effect of (a drug or toxin) by giving another drug or toxin simultaneously.
Potentate:a person having great power.
Impotent:lacking physical strength; powerless.
Potestas: power
10. Appetite:a desire for food; any
strong desire or craving.
Appetizer:a tasty food that stimulates the appetite.
Competent:capable; fit.
Compete:to be in rivalry; contend.
Impetus:driving force or motive.
Petition:a solemn, earnest request.
Petulant:impatient or irritable.
Peto: to beg or ask for
11. Invincible:unable to be overcome.
Convict:to prove or find a person guilty.
Convince:to persuade by argument or evidence.
Evince:to show plainly; to make clear.
Vinco: to conquer