care news summer 2013

care news Summer 2013 ih Isabel Hospice Local Care for Local People since 1982 The eaSTer FamiLy Day waS full of fun aCTiviTieS To CreaTe SPeCiaL memorieS For FamiLieS To CheriSh – See Page 15 Search ‘Isabel Hospice’ on Facebook Follow us on Twitter

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The Isabel Hospice supporters newsletter full of fundraising ideas and stories about patients and their families.


Page 1: Care News Summer 2013

care newsSummer 2013

ih Isabel HospiceLocal Care for Local People since 1982

The eaSTer FamiLy Day waS

full of fun aCTiviTieS To CreaTe SPeCiaL

memorieS For FamiLieS To CheriSh – See Page 15

Search ‘Isabel Hospice’ on FacebookFollow us on Twitter

Page 2: Care News Summer 2013


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Bigger, Better, earlier!

10km from Ware to Hertford return, Starting at

Sign up on-line at

The 2013/14 budget has just been approved by the Board of Trustees. Two key points stand out:

Firstly, to maintain our services at their current level our costs will have to rise by about 1.5% (£63,000) to £4.2m. This is the cost of charitable activity, i.e the care we provide to patients. Our core grant from the NHS will rise by just £5,500 (a decline in real terms) and contributes to about one third of our costs. This means that for the most of the remaining £2.7m or so, we are dependant on our many supporters and sponsors.

Secondly, that year after year, you and the community of eastern Hertfordshire, contribute so much. This is a source of constant amazement, and encouragement for me and all my colleagues for which we are hugely grateful. Whether it is through shopping in our stores, playing the Lottery, supporting one of our many events, donating from your current resources or through a legacy; without

your support our many patients, carers and family members would cease to receive the very special care that our staff and volunteers provide day in day out.

The budget projects a shortfall of some £150,000 over the coming year, which is just about manageable in the short term, but clearly we would all be a lot more comfortable if we could close that gap and achieve a balanced budget.

Please do therefore continue your magnificent support – you’ll see on the pages of this Care News many ways in which you can help. Every contribution, large or small, is gratefully received; please be assured that the money raised will be spent wisely (85p in the £1 goes on patient care, the rest on fundraising and fulfilling statutory duties).

Thank you again for your support in the past, and thank you for your continuing support in the future.

Message from our Chief Executive – Nigel Furlong

Supported by

Page 3: Care News Summer 2013

Our mother passed away at the Hospice on 29 December 2011. She

volunteered at the Hospice and probably never expected to end her days there, but the service and care that she received were outstanding and she knew that she was in the right place. The staff and volunteers were all so gentle and kind and the atmosphere at the Hospice was one of calm for everyone.As a family, we spent Christmas there, trying to hold onto the little time we had left with her. The staff brought in chairs and blankets and never made us feel like we were in the way, even though I’m sure we were.

Their dedication to making Mum’s last days as comfortable as she could be, was amazing. It can’t be easy working in an environment where you know that whatever you do will not affect the inevitable outcome. However, what the staff and volunteers do does make a difference. As a family, we felt like it was our home for the time we were there – the kids felt free

to play and make noise and we adults made enough teas and coffee to sink a few hundred ships… But we did it in an environment which is conducive to the hardest things one ever has to go through, which is losing a parent/loved one.

Mum volunteered because she wanted to give something back. A nurse before us 4 children and 7 grandchildren arrived, she was never able to return to her vocation due to the demands of family and a dodgy back … but Isabel Hospice gave her an avenue to offer her time to others in need of support and in need of a cup of tea or a little chat.

We often forget coming from a big family that some people suffer alone and their last days on the planet are not surrounded by the love and support that our mother had in her last days.

However at the Hospice the staff are there for those people, as are the volunteers, and as we all know it’s the little things that sometimes make all the difference - someone going out

of their way to ask questions about you and care about the answers, someone sitting and listening to you is often what everyone needs.

So thank you Isabel Hospice for all you did for our Mother and us.


In this issue of Care News you will find a book of Grand Draw tickets. Each ticket is £1 (books of 10) and you could win our top prize of £1,000. Why not sell a ticket or two to family and friends or maybe treat yourself to a book for £10. The winner will be announced at our Annual Meeting on 12th September, 7.30pm at Van Hage, Great Amwell. All are welcome to attend.

if you require additional tickets, please ring Fundraising on 01707 382500

Sign up on-line at

My Mum, Beryl – a mother, grandmother, nurse and Hospice volunteer – by Sarah Ferguson

Beryl’s son Gary, his wife Emma and their children Jack age 9 and Harry age 7 did a 13 mile bike ride in her memory from Standon to Hoddesdon and then presented the money raised to the nurses at the In-Patient Unit.

Page 4: Care News Summer 2013


Our Day ServicesDoris, Don and Tom - why we love the Day Care at isabel hospiceThe Day Services that are provided by Isabel Hospice are seen by many of our patients as a lifeline in very difficult and emotional times. The time that they spend there is time where they can meet up with newly made friends and take part in arts and craft activities which can take their mind off their troubles.

To enable our patients to be able to access our Day Services in a place close to where they live, we have sessions at Stockwell Lodge in Cheshunt, Douglas Tilbe House in Welwyn Garden City and The St Barnabas Centre in Thorley, near Bishop’s Stortford.

Here is what some of our patients say about why they go along.

Doris Atkins from Welwyn Garden City I was really low before I started coming here but now I look forward to my Tuesdays. I love the craft activities, drawing, hand printing, silk scarf making…. I use my time here to not only talk to the medical staff about any concerns I have, but also chat to the other patients. I come along in the morning, we all have some soup and a sandwich at lunch time and I go home again at 3pm. My husband is also supported by the Hospice, and comes along to a Carers Group once a month. We feel very well looked after by the Hospice.

Don Johnson from Brookmans Park When I was first referred here, I really was pretty unwell but the comfort and attention I get here has made a big difference to me. A volunteer driver brings me and takes me home each week. There is so much patience and understanding from the staff and volunteers, I find it so comforting. My wife has Alzheimers and is in a care home so I live alone. She was an artist with a real natural talent, so I enjoy doing the art here as it reminds me of her. Everyone here really gives themselves 100% to the patients. It’s not just words, it’s true love.

Tom Watson from Hertford Meeting the people and the staff here really gets you out of yourself every week. You get motivated to get yourself up and out and sometimes I put on my Highland dress. Although I do get out and about a lot when I am at home, coming here is a highlight of my week. There are so many different art and craft activities to do and different people to talk to.

Page 5: Care News Summer 2013

Entries for our Christmas card competition are now open! Get your pictures/designs in now. Send to Jenny Burke at [email protected] by 25th May and you could see your design on sale in our shops in October.

A new shop which specialises in furniture opened in Welwyn Garden City in March. The shop in Fretherne Road complements the existing shop in Stonehills. Thanks to Terry Mitchinson, editor of Welwyn Hatfield Times and Isabel Hospice patron for snipping the ribbon at the opening. Could you spare a few hours a week to volunteer in the shop? If you would like to volunteer, call Anna Boatman on 01707 382500 to find out more.

Picture: Opening day at Fretherne Road Photo courtesy of Welwyn Hatfield Times

When Amanda Witt sat down to browse doll’s houses on eBay, she had no intention of buying one then and there. She was doing what so many of us do when we have a spare five minutes, she was just having a little look!

When she came upon this beautiful mansion style house (complete with Victorian furnishings, people and working lights) and saw the blue charity ribbon next to the house details, she clicked on it to investigate further and saw it was being sold by Isabel Hospice.

“That was so weird” said Amanda. “My niece Samantha Bruzon from Hertford was cared for by the Hospice for 7 weeks last year. She had breast cancer, and was only 40 when she died. In fact, she celebrated her 40th birthday in the Hospice. I travelled from London, and my sister travelled from Cambridge to see her at their In-Patient Unit and I saw what wonderful work they did there. I felt this doll’s house was meant to be for me.

I knew the Hospice had the conventional charity shops in towns, but I didn’t realise they also did eBay.

I phoned up the Hospice and talked to Lee, the Hospice’s eBay Manager, who had listed the doll’s house. I said as I didn’t

drive, if I won it, could I come in a taxi from London to collect it. He agreed and when I won it, I was so delighted.

Lee said “The doll’s house was donated by one of our volunteers Pam Thomas, who works in our Bishop’s Stortford shop. She is moving and didn’t have the space for it. She had built it from a shell. She papered the walls, built all the staircases and the inside rooms. She collected the furniture over 20 years and is delighted it has gone to a good home.”

Amanda said “It’s such a beautiful thing. My daughters are 2, 3 and 16 so at the moment it is set up in my bedroom rather than out for them to play with. They have more child friendly doll’s houses! They can play with this when they are a bit older. It’s more of an heirloom rather than a toy. I feel in a way I was meant to have it and I think of Samantha when I see it.”

Sneak a peek at what we are selling on ebay today by going to

Charity Shops

The doll’s house to remind me of my niece


Page 6: Care News Summer 2013


Everest Base Camp UpdateSixteen intrepid trekkers have signed up for the challenge in November! Nuffield Health & Fitness in Hertford are sponsoring their fitness and Julia Clark from is providing weekly training sessions, ensuring the team are at similar levels of fitness. Dave Burke, News Editor of the Welwyn Hatfield Times, will be blogging en route where possible! Follow their progress on their website

Megaman Recycling WeekendAs well as sponsoring the Hanbury Manor Golf Day (see page 17), Megaman have donated hundreds of light bulbs for sale in our 12 shops. They also held a re-cycling weekend.

Ashbourne InsuranceThank you to Ashbourne Insurance who have adopted us as their charity of the year. We look forward to working with their team in the future.

Networking with HeartOur twice monthly networking lunches, The 1st Thursday held at Lussmanns in Hertford, and The 3rd Thursday held at Grill 55 in Bishop’s Stortford, are a great way to meet new business people and have a delicious lunch. Every event is sponsored by a local company, who give a 10 minute presentation. If you are interested in signing up to sponsor or join the lunches, go to: or

Austin’s Charitable FundClaire Austin, Managing Director of Austin’s Family Funeral Directors, visited the In-Patient Unit with Jonathan Aves and Caroline Langdell from Hertfordshire Community Foundation to present a donation of £5,600. The Austin Fund issues grants annually and is made up of donations from Austin’s and from local bereaved people.

Emma said “Each year Austin’s choose which charity they will make the donation of funds to, and we are very grateful to have benefitted once again.”

Claire Austin added “We are always delighted to support the work of the Hospice and the care they provide to local families. However, this year it has been wonderful to have them as our annual charity for the Austin’s Charitable Fund.”

Bang to rights! Jail & Bail makes a mintPublic curiosity turned to delight when shoppers realised that the 8 people in jail in the Howard Centre, Welwyn Garden City were being kept there until they raised £1,000 each. “What a great idea” said one man, “I’ll give a few quid just to keep a few of them in there longer!” The event raised a whopping £7,493!

The convicts were Terry Mitchinson (Editor of Welwyn Hatfield Times and Hospice Patron), Paul Winspear (Editor of Herts & Essex Observer), Chris Lane (Crane & Staples Solicitors ) Nigel Adams (Big Black Hen estate agents), Mary Sykes (representing Hertfordshire Chamber of Commerce, Athena – Ware, Ashbourne Insurance, and DSCO Chartered Accountants), Richard Taylor (Simpsons Creative), Monique Chandler (Howard Centre) and Cllr Janice Elliott (Deputy Mayor of Bishop’s Stortford).

The jailbirds spent hours on their mobile phones and laptops, coercing, bribing and pleading, spreading their tale of woe on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Emma said “All the prisoners were fantastic sports. Thanks also to Chief Inspector of East Herts Police, Gerry McDonald for his support, and the Howard Centre for lending us the venue.”

• Emma, Claire & Caroline

Corporate Care NewsEmma Lippiatt Corporate Relationship Manager

e: [email protected]

t: 01707 382547

Page 7: Care News Summer 2013




sUNdAy 11TH AUgUsT 2013


APPlICATIoN FoRM - Please sign me up for ‘Bark in the Park’ dog walk

Title: First Name: Surname:


Postcode: Email: r I give Isabel Hospice permission to contact me by email.

Telephone: Mobile:

entry fee: £10 per adult and £5 per Child DogS go Free Family Ticket - 2 adults, 2 Children £27

individual r Team r There are




Team Name: Dog Name:

Please write your team member’s names and addresses on a separate sheet and enclose with this application.

r CHEqUE I enclose a cheque for £ made payable to Isabel Hospice

r CREdIT / dEBIT CARd I authorise payment for £ Card: VISA / MASTERCARD / SWITCH / MAESTRO

Card no.

Expiry Date: Security Code:

Signed: Date:

Please treat as Gift Aid donations qualifying gifts of money made today in the past 4 years in the future please tick all boxes that apply

I confirm that I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Tax for each year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give on or after 6 April 2008

r I am unable to attend but please accept the enclosed donation of £.................... made payable to Isabel Hospice.

DiSCLaimer: i understand that i enter this walk at my own risk and that the organisers and sponsors will not be held responsible for any accident, injury, loss or damage sustained, resulting from this event

Signed: Date:

Please return to: Fundraising, isabel hospice head office, 61 Bridge road east, welwyn garden City, herts aL7 1Jr Tel 01707 382500 email: [email protected]

the perfect doggy day out!

dog sHoWsign up on the day £2 per dogEnter your dog in the Prettiest Female, Most Handsome Male, or Perfect Pup Competition.Midday start time (after the walk)

helping to provide care with each cup you sharePlease support Isabel Hospice by holding a fundraising care4acuppa this year. With over 165 million cups of tea and 70 million cups of coffee drunk every day in the UK why not put yours to work for us by holding a fundraising tea party or coffee morning where you could have a bake sale, hold a raffle, organise a bring & buy! See leaflet enclosed to register your events, which can take place wherever and whenever you like.

Page 8: Care News Summer 2013

Should Dad go into the hospice? i felt so guilty…..

Maybe we were ‘lucky’ as my Dad’s illness only impacted on him and us for a relatively short time. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2011, aged 88, and was under the care of Mr Khan and hospital specialist nurse Anne Bradley. As he responded well to treatment he mainly saw Anne for checkups. However she always made it clear that she and the Isabel Hospice team were part of our support network.As Dad, Cecil Hudson, was well throughout 2011 and early 2012 we had no reason to make contact with anyone. However when he became poorly, and came to stay in our home in late April 2012, we were again reminded that support was there at the end of a phone.

I made contact with Anne as a safeguard... Dad was with us 24/7 and becoming more dependent on our help... and she asked if we needed to put his Hospice referral into operation. I was very loath to do so, I felt I was letting him down knowing his hatred of hospitals. He had also told the doctor he wanted to stay with us at home.

By August I was beginning to find looking after someone you love who is changing from the person you know quite challenging. I felt helpless – he wouldn’t eat. What could I do to tempt him? Frustrated – he wasn’t in pain but couldn’t walk or move easily. What could I do to support him? Sad – he had lost his great zest for life and was just sitting quietly. How could I engage him? Cross – he didn’t seem to care how he looked or behaved, when that had always been a priority. How could I give him back his pride? Frightened – what would I do if he fell, was in pain or died?

My dear, proud, independent, supportive, wise and loving Dad was there and I wanted to wrap him in cotton wool and keep him in a safe, loving place, but could we cope with the challenge? My family were all supportive and would take turns to sit with him after work, and his partner spent time with him each week and so I did have a break, but I was totally out of my comfort zone.

I spoke to Anne Bradley who spoke again of the Hospice. I made that crucial call, the one which was to change Dad’s last month and open up a different world to us as carers. We had a visit from a Hospice Clinical Nurse Specialist Diane Spencer*, and she chatted to me and assessed Dad’s needs. Knowing his fear of hospitals she spoke to him with carefully chosen words and was supportive of my feelings. Her visit impacted immediately... equipment was delivered to help him be more independent,

carers started to visit daily, to wash and dress him, which gave us quality time together, attendance allowance started to go into his bank account which made him smile (he had never claimed benefits in his life).

Over the next month we, as a family, were amazed by how much support was given to us via GP visits, District Nurses, daily carers as well as Isabel Hospice Clinical Nurse Specialists, Marie Curie nurses and carers who arrived at 10.00pm and left at 7.00am caring for Dad and allowing us to sleep without worry.

Tina Croft (Isabel Hospice Cinical Nurse Specialist), someone I had spoken to and who had been encouraging and supportive during my self doubt, arrived one lunchtime early in September. We sat talking and I told her how I couldn’t cope with Dad dying here but he wanted to be here. He never talked about death; always positive; he wasn’t an old person who welcomes it! I felt Tina was completely non-judgemental, she reassured me, highlighted what we had done and was both professional and caring.

“Do you still want your Dad to come to the Hospice?” she asked. My head said yes, my heart screamed NO. “You mustn’t feel guilty; you have done everything you can. Have a think while I go in and see him.”

When she returned she acknowledged a marked deterioration, felt more support was needed as well as an assessment of his medication (he could no longer swallow tablets easily). She felt we needed some respite. She offered to see if there might be a place in the Hospice early in the following week. Meanwhile she suggested that we had some support from the Hospice volunteer service. A retired nurse who was now a Hospice volunteer could come and sit with Dad for a few hours at the weekend to give us some free time!

On Saturday Judith, a volunteer, drove a considerable distance to our home to spend six hours with Dad. I was working on a photography assignment of long standing and couldn’t let the clients down. Judith...warm, friendly and composed... instilled confidence and calm in us all and I, already on a guilt trip, was reassured by her presence. She spent the time with Dad and his partner providing company, care and calm. We felt a great deal of gratitude to her and marvelled at her selfless work in providing such a lifeline and support when things aren’t easy.

Dad was allocated a place at the Hospice In-Patient Unit in Welwyn Garden City on the following Tuesday. With some misgivings I accepted it. The paramedics were gentle and kind

By Pam Wright

By August I was beginning to find looking after someone you love

who is changing from the person you know quite challenging

Do you still want your Dad to come to the Hospice?” she asked.

My head said yes, my heart screamed NO.


Page 9: Care News Summer 2013

getting him to the ambulance and during the journey. The carers stayed at home to tidy Dad’s room, something else which was unexpected. On our arrival he was taken to a bright, airy room and made comfortable. It was obvious from the minute he arrived that he felt calm, he became instantly more settled. I was given coffee, biscuits and a friendly ear to chat to by another Hospice volunteer. I was made to feel welcome.

Sadly Dad died that evening... quietly and comfortably with us holding his hands and a lovely nurse sitting with us answering our questions and unobtrusively providing support. In death he was treated with enormous respect and care – a yellow gerbera left on his pillow and a white bow tied on his door. We were given as much time as we needed to say our goodbyes.

We can only be grateful for the many illustrations of human care, kindness and support given to us by people who are part of the Isabel Hospice team. Those employed provide an incredible service (they still phone us individually to ask how we are coping with our loss and remind us of the counselling service). Those who volunteer, in all their capacities, are caring and selfless.

I feel privileged, humbled and immensely grateful to have had all of this support...the hospice and the entire team allowed both my Dad and me to have what we wanted, he stayed at home for all of his illness but died in a comfortable environment with us beside him. *There are no Macmillan nurses working in patients homes in eastern Hertfordshire.

The carers and paramedics were gentle and kind getting

him to the ambulance and during the journey.

On our arrival he was taken to a bright, airy room and made comfortable.

It was obvious from the minute he arrived that he felt calm

Isabel Hospice Clinical Nurse Specialist, Tina Croft

Pam and Cecil


Page 10: Care News Summer 2013

Sponsored Cycle Ride

Set in the glorious Meadow Marquee, with all the atmosphere & excitement of The Wimbledon


Live coverage of the Men’s Final with all its gripping moments.

Tickets £40 per head Tables of 10 or join a mixed table

To include; • Drinks on Arrival & Full Buffet Lunch

• Bar open all afternoon • Teas available • Raffle & Auction

all enquiries to maria alexander:

01707 [email protected]

Sunday 19th may

Starting from Bishop’s Stortford

rugby Club, hadham road,

Cm23 2Qe9:00am, 9:15am & 9:30am start

Chain WalkChain Walk15th September These Sunday morning walks (17 routes to choose from), all take place simultaneously across our catchment area of eastern Herts. Each walk is circular ranging in distance from 5 to just over 12 miles, as well as our 20 mile Chain Walk Challenge route!

With this choice you are bound to find one to suit you. Walks start at approximately 9.30am with a stop for lunch at a local pub.

We would love to sign up as many walkers as possible, and are also looking for volunteer walk leaders who will lead the groups (maps will be provided for walk leaders ahead of time for pre-walk preparation)

If you are interested in walking, in leading a walk or would like some more information please let me know.Maria Alexander – 01707 382500 [email protected]



Tewin Bury Farm, Welwyn, Herts

Sunday 7th July 2013 12.30 for 1.00pm

No ticket for the final? Then join us on Wimbledon Finals Day for this fabulous event.

For a ticket application Contact:Sue Coleman

email [email protected] Tel: 01438 717 406

or barbara doherty email [email protected] Tel 01279 842140

This event is organised by The Hospice Special Events Committee.

£20 per adult • £5 per child (under 14)

New 100km route to add to our existing

25km and 50km routes

sign up on the day!


Page 11: Care News Summer 2013

Chain Walk




when my daughter alyson was diagnosed with breast cancer, aged 40, her doctors said she didn’t fit the profile for that type of cancer. She was tall; she was athletic and didn’t drink or smoke. But cancer it was, and it took her life aged just 42, leaving behind a daughter aged 9, two sisters, two nieces, a nephew and my husband Fred and myself.Whilst Alyson was at the In-Patient Unit in her last days, I was told many times by nurses and volunteers what an inspiration she was to all those she met. This gave me a great deal of comfort. Alyson worked as the Head of Paediatric Speech and Language therapy and touched many children’s lives. She was a positive person and didn’t want to be defined by her illness. Up until it became really impossible, even when she was so ill, she got up every day, showered, did her make up, got dressed, put on her earrings and was ready for the day.

When she knew she was dying, she came back to live with me and Fred in Ware. She cleared as much of her own house as she could to try and relieve the burden from us of having to do that after she died. She started a book and a file for Jessica, her daughter, writing everything down that she thought we would need after her death. She put together a beautiful memory box for Jessica filled with photos and mementoes of the fun and loving time they had spent together. One time in the early hours when I went in to her room, she was busy wrapping presents and writing letters for family and friends to be given after she had gone. She wrote a a few things down she really wanted at her funeral, a poem specially for Jessica and a song she and Jessica liked. Other than that, she was happy for us to do what we felt, and this took the pressure off me knowing whatever we arranged she would be happy with.

She went into the Hospice on Tuesday by ambulance. She just wanted to be there in the end, and felt safe and secure once she had arrived. She rallied a little once she was admitted and texted university friends from her room, asking them to visit. The chef was amazing, and did a meal for them all. However, on the Sunday she died, with Fred, me, and family, at her side. A nurse, Tina, who was due to go off duty, sat with us all until the end, a real testament to the kind of staff the Hospice has,

always ready to go the extra mile for patients and family members.

After Alyson’s death on 27th September 2009, there was a big hole left in our lives. After a few weeks, it became clear my husband Fred was not quite himself. 11 years before, doctors at Mount Vernon had told him “go away and live your life” when they diagnosed him with terminal kidney cancer with a year to live. Sadly, after all those years of beating the odds, on 3rd January 2010 he was diagnosed with multiple brain tumours.

For the second time in the space of a year, Isabel Hospice looked after us. Fred decided he wanted to be at home, and not go to the Hospice’s In- Patient Unit as Alyson had done.

We had a bed put downstairs and I slept in the living room with him. It was hard; I was his main carer,

although I had support from the district nurses as well as the Hospice nurses.

He was restless, hard to settle and on reflection, maybe it would have been

better for both of us if he had gone to the Hospice. He died on 1st October 2010 and again our family was devastated.

The Hospice was there to support us once again. I was offered the chance to go to a coffee morning to meet other bereaved relatives. And as part of the support the

Hospice even offered to send a volunteer to come and pick me up

to take me there. I felt it was all a bit of a fuss and didn’t want to take them

up on the offer. However, now I have and I find it so helpful. The receptionists always

have a smiling face. Nothing is too much trouble for anyone. I couldn’t have done without them.

Pam Firth, who was Head of Family Support at the time, was amazing during Alyson and Fred’s illness and continued to support us after their deaths.

Jessica attended the CATS (Children And Teenage Support) meeting with my daughter Elizabeth, with whom she now lives along with her husband. Jessica had a few sessions of art therapy. All of these events were handled with professionalism and empathy.

I still find it very hard to talk about our loss as a family, but if it makes one person want to help by donating money or volunteering it will be worth it.

Losing a daughter and a husband was so hard ... but with isabel hospice you are never alone - by Jo Portch

Jo and Fred

Page 12: Care News Summer 2013

gifts in wills

Charity Warnes,

Deputy Director of Fundraising

If you would like to find out more about leaving Isabel Hospice a gift in your Will, you can email Charity Warnes on

[email protected] or call her on 01707 382544

make a will weekOnce again Make A Will Week was a resounding success, with many of the participating solicitors being fully booked well in advance of the week. To date we have received £13,000 in donations, with more still to come. Thank you to everyone who chose to support us in this way, and particular thanks to the following firms who gave their time free of charge to support the promotion and help raise vital funds: Bernard Pearce & Co, Betteridges, Braddon & Snow, Breeze & Wyles, Crane & Staples, Curwens, Duffield Harrison, Ewart Price, Garden House, Gisby Harrison, HRJ Law, Lever & Co, Longmores, Maddersons, MLC Solicitors, Pellys RJP, The Probate Bureau, R A Savage & Co, Stanley de Leon, Tees Solicitors and Whiskers LLP.

For those of you who didn’t get round to taking part this year, keep an eye out early next year for details of Make A Will Week 2014!

gifts in wills At Isabel Hospice we appreciate how important it is to get the details of your Will right, and in particular to ensure that your family and loved ones are provided for. Once you have done this, you may also be in a position to benefit good causes which are close to your heart. If you are considering leaving charitable gifts in your Will and want to know if Isabel Hospice is the right charity for you, you are very welcome to visit us for a tour of our facilities and a chat about the work that we do, with absolutely no obligation.

Supporters “Clean Up” for the hospiceWe have recently completed a major refurbishment of a bathroom at our In- Patient Unit, thanks to the Musgrave Family Charity and The Rotary Clubs of Stevenage & Hatfield. The work involved purchasing a new specialist side opening bath and replacing the wall tiles and flooring using specialist materials for infection control, as well as replacing the shower unit with one that could accommodate a wheelchair. The bulk of the cost of the bath was funded by the Musgrave Family Charity who donated €10,000, with Rotary funding the remaining £12,416 to complete the refurbishment.

The official opening of the bathroom was held in March and we were honoured to be joined by John Minhinick, President of Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland. Also in attendance was Debbie Hodge, Rotary District Governor, along with members of Stevenage and Hatfield Rotary clubs, and Lynn and Graham Penny who worked as volunteers at the Olympics last year, helping to raise funds which were then multiplied through the Rotary matching grant scheme.

Whilst most of us take bathing for granted, it is often a luxury for our patients who may not be able to access their bath at home, and is hugely therapeutic in relieving pressure and discomfort. We are enormously grateful to everyone who was involved in making the project happen, with particular thanks going to Frank Taylor of the Rotary Club of Hatfield for the many hours he devoted to this. The first bath was given within an hour of the work being completed, and the bathroom seems to have been in almost constant use since!

John Minhinick, President of Rotary International, Great Britain & Ireland cuts the ribbon!


Page 13: Care News Summer 2013

The Boars Heads Got Talent in Bishop’s Stortford raised an amazing £575.60, not the figure we stated in our last issue. Apologies and thank you for your continuing support.

Sworders Fine Art Auctioneers held a two day Asian Art Evaluation event with BBC Antiques Roadshow expert Lars Tharp offering expert advice. Thank you to Sworders for their continuing support.

Thanks to The Entertainer shop in The Howard Centre for donating 60 soft toys which will be given to our bereaved and pre-bereaved children. Pictured here are the shop manager Lou Bridgway and Anthony Oliver from our Warehouse.

Thanks to florist Margaret

Kay based in Coopers, Bishop’s Stortford for the donations made for every hand-tied Mothers Day special bouquet purchased.

Sunday Cycle Ride – at the time of Care News going to press, this great event was just about to take place. Thanks in advance to all the cyclists who took part and the volunteers who made the day possible. Thanks also to organiser Carol Newland, for putting together yet again, a great fundraiser for the Hospice!

you made it happen‘There have been so many people and businesses that help the Hospice throughout the year; we are grateful for each and every one. Here is a snapshot of some fundraising events that have taken place since the last issue of the Care News that we hope will inspire you. We would like to thank everyone that has helped us.’

Lisa Seccombe - Director of Fundraising & Public Relations

A great night of ‘Promises’ was auctioned by Shirley Storey and the Ladies After 8s at Wodson Park, raising an amazing £8,469.38. Thanks to auctioneer Stuart Storey who made the most of every lot, and everyone who donated a promise, both large and small.

Abigail Victoria headlined ‘Some Enchanted Evening’, with Richard Arundel and Julian Barber as part of Annie Thomas’s year of fundraising. Annie Thomas said “It really was a truly enchanting evening with Haileybury Chapel providing the perfect setting for Abbie, Richard and Julian to perform at their very best. With an audience of close to 300, ticket sales amounted to over £4,000 and the amazing generosity of all present on the night raised the final total to £4,800 - stunning! “

They made a splash and raised some cash! 60+ swimmers took part in the Hospice’s Sunset Swim which we hope will raise over £5,000. Thanks to Affinity Water for sponsoring the evening, and to everyone who took part.

March and April were Quizzical months thanks to Paul Winspear (Editor of the Herts & Essex Observer) holding one, as well as our North Mymms Fundraising Support Group and Sue Purkiss-Webb. Thanks to all you quizmasters and supporters.

The Rotary Walk - Run by Rotary Clubs of Hatfield and Welwyn Garden City and Supported by Welwyn Hatfield Times, Ramblers Worldwide Holidays, Quadrant Design and Print Solutions, Roche Products UK, Jouns and Kelynack and Citrus Designs.

Virgin London Marathon – thank you so much to all our runners who took on this epic challenge to raise money for the Hospice. We really appreciate all your dedication and the hours of training you put in.

Nine members of the Digswell Park Sports Association put together a performance of show tunes. Gary Smith, Chairman of the Association said, “Isabel Hospice is a charity close to the hearts of many of our members. We wanted to support a local cause and were delighted to present £955 to the Hospice. The cast spent the best part of 12 months compiling different songs from shows and Gary would like to say thanks to the club and to all the Members and guests who were in attendance on the night.

‘we would like to thank everyone who has sent a donation to isabel hospice. if you would like a receipt or acknowledgement, please remember to give us your name and address’

Thank you to all those who attended our 8 Lights Of Love Ceremonies and all those who took part. Your continuing support for the Hospice is much appreciated. ‘Grief is not forever, but love is’ (Anon) and this love shines through as every tree is lit. The ceremonies raised around £35,000.

The annual Jingle Bells & Bows Fun Run & Walk saw 249 people run and walk around Stanborough Lakes in a variety of festive costumes. Thanks to our sponsor John Lewis Welwyn and everyone who helped us raise nearly £6,000.

The Chadwell After 8’s finished off their year of fundraising with a donation of £1,000. Thanks to Shirley Storey and all her group for their continuing support. Their next event is an Auction of Promises on 15th March, see page 19.

Bishop’s Stortford health and beauty salon and spa, Urban Spa & Elements hair held Christmas Shopping Evening at the Water Lounge. Thanks to Jackie Colman and her staff for all their fundraising over the years.

Thanks to all our amazing trekkers who took part in our Sahara Challenge in October. Please see page 7.

“There are so many people and businesses that help the Hospice throughout the year; we are grateful fo each and every one. Here is a snapshot of some fundraising events that have taken place since the last issue of Care News that we hope will inspire you. We would like to thank everyone that has helped us.”Lisa Seccombe Director of Fundraising & Public Relations

You made it happen

Lindsey Peters from Rosemary Conley Diet and Fitness is our very own Duracell Bunny! She does warm ups for our events and led our Midnight Walk and The Kardy-O-Fun Party has been organised in aid of Isabel Hospice and Rosemary Conley’s charity and was led by the man who created Kardy-O-Fun, the charismatic international fitness instructor Kardy Laguda.

Bells & Bows – Thanks to Martin Vella and the directors of Pexhurst for the £2,000 donation to cover our Bells & Bows promotion. Thanks also to all our collectors who stood in freezing weather around our area and those members of the public who gave so generously!

Thanks to Gary Collier who raised over £5,000 when he Ran To The Beat for the Hospice. Thanks also to everyone who has put on a pair of trainers and run to raise money for the Hospice in various capacities throughout 2012!

55 members of staff from the Concerto Group took part in The Major Series in October, running through smelly mud, smoke, and water logged fields before finally having to climb a huge slippery slope, only to slide down the other side! Thanks guys, your stamina was amazing! They raised £15,703.14. To take part in this event in March, see page 5.

A host of musical events over the last few months have raised lots of money for us. Thanks to Ware Choral, Welwyn Garden City Band, Roselands School Choir from Hoddesdon, the Salvation Army for their carol concert, the Radlett Light Operatic Society, Three Valleys Male Voice Choir.


Care New February 2013.indd 16 22/01/2013 11:38


Page 14: Care News Summer 2013

Hospice Volunteer Bags £1,000 top prize on our weekly lottery!isabel hospice volunteer, Sue Flin from ware was a lucky Lottery winner in January, scooping the £1,000 prize. She received the phone call from our Lottery manager Lisa archer whilst shopping with her granddaughter. Sue first joined the Lottery in 1995 and buys one ticket a week.

“My husband Terry was diagnosed with cancer 16 years ago in the November and he died on Christmas Eve. Isabel Hospice Clinical Nurse Specialists came and visited him and also provided me with support. After his death I came along to the evening bereavement socials the Hospice ran at the time, and attended for a year before feeling it was time for me to ‘move on’. I worked as a secretary for a local firm in Hoddesdon, and then when I retired I looked after my grandchildren.

When they started school I decided it was time to do something for myself. I had volunteering in the back of my mind for a while, and when the Hospice newsletter Care News popped onto my mat, and I saw the plea for volunteer drivers, I signed up.

In the last 3 ½ years I have volunteered in a variety of roles for the Hospice. I still drive patients from their homes to the Hospice’s different services, but I also spent some time in the Lottery Office helping out with admin, before re-training and becoming a nurse helper at the Hospice’s Day Care Service in Welwyn Garden City.

I am trained to help with personal care. My bereavement is long enough ago that I am able to cope with the nature of volunteering at a Hospice but at the same time have the empathy and compassion to be able to be a help to both the patients and their carers. I really enjoy my time with them all, and like the fact that at the Day Services there is a lovely atmosphere and a wide range of people to be able to help the patients, carers and the nurses!”

Jane Hollowday, Volunteer Co-ordinator for the Hospice said “Volunteers like Sue, with flexibility and a willingness to help, very much fit into the ethos of the Hospice. We care for the whole person, not simply their illness, and so to be able to do this, we need volunteers who understand that we don’t have a one-size-fits-all approach. Each person they are helping is an individual. Sue is a much valued member of our volunteer team and we are delighted that she won the £1,000 Lottery prize.”


Volunteers Needed If you would like to volunteer in any capacity for the Hospice, call 01707 382500.

“Volunteers like Sue with flexibility and a willingness to help, very much fit into the

ethos of the Hospice”

Lisa Archer, Lottery Manager added “If you would like to be in with the chance to win our weekly prize of £1,000 (or one of the other 27 cash prizes each week), then fill in the application form and return it to us. You have to be in it to win it!”

Lisa and Sue at our Day Service in welwyn garden City


Page 15: Care News Summer 2013

Isabel Hospice Lottery Application FormPlease use capitals and delete as appropriate.

Name __________________________________________ Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms

Address __________________________________________________


Post code ________________________________________________

Tel ______________________________________________________

Each chance costs £1 per week

Cheque / P.O. (made payable to Isabel Hospice Lottery)

I wish to buy _______ chance/s each week for ________ weeks

and remit £__________________________

Credit CardI wish to buy _______ chance/s each week for ________ weeksand authorise payment of £__________________________

Card No.

Card: VISA / MASTERCARD Expiry date


Standing Order FormQuarterly £13 x _______ weekly chance(s) = £ ______________Half yearly £26 x _______ weekly chance(s) = £ ______________Annual £52 x _______ weekly chance(s) = £ ______________

To ________________________________________________ Bank plc

Branch Address____________________________________________


Account No Sort code

Please debit the account and credit:

Isabel Hospice Trading Ltd, Co-operative Bank,4th Floor, 9 Prescot Street, London E1 8BEAccount No. 68111135 Sort Code: 08-02-28

First payment of £ __________ asap and thereafter the sameamount *quarterly/half yearly/annually until further notice.

Name of Account holder: __________________________________

Signed __________________________________________________PLEASE DO NOT SEND TO YOUR BANK

� I would not like to receive information about Isabel Hospice.

Isabel Hospice is registered under the Data Protection Act 1988.Your details will not be disclosed to any third party.

Please Return to Isabel Hospice, Head Office, 61 BridgeRoad East, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL7 1JR

If you have any queries please telephone: 01707 382 500.

Isabel Hospice started in 1982 with the first ofour Community Nurses caring for patients intheir own homes. Our Day Hospice opened in1986, followed in 1990 by the original In-PatientUnit.

Our aim is to enhance the quality of life of thepatients by ensuring that they are as free from painand discomfort as possible, and to supportemotionally, spiritually and practically. By addressing these needs we help patients toremain in their own homes.We now support almost 2,700 patients, carers andfamily members each year through our integratedrange of services.The Community Nursing Team comprisesspecialist nurses and staff nurses who make almost10,000 visits each year to patients, their familiesand to primary health care teams. They providesymptom control and also advise and help patientsmake informed choices about their treatment andcare.The Hospice at Home Team provides a highlevel of care and support in patients' homes for upto 24 hours a day. The aim is to help those whoneed specialist palliative care in a crisis situation,or who would like to be at home for the last fewdays of their lives.Each year over 300 patients regularly visit ourDay Hospice in Welwyn Garden City and ourSatellite facilities in Bishop’s Stortford, WalthamCross and Hoddesdon last year. A comprehensiveservice is offered including information, support,creative art and art therapy, counselling andvarious relaxation therapies.

Isabel Hospice Cares for Local People Living with Cancer and other

Life-limiting Illness

An In-Patient Hospice (IPU) in the grounds ofthe QEII Hospital, Welwyn Garden City, providescare through a full team of health careprofessionals. Patients are admitted to IPU forsymptom control and end of life care. About 260patients are admitted to our IPU each year.The Family Support Team consists ofspecialists including social workers, counsellors,pastoral carers, an Art Therapist, and a WelfareBenefits Adviser who provide care and support forpatients and their families both before and after thebereavement.These services cost nearly £5 million each year, ofwhich we have to raise over £3.5 million.Please join the Lottery to support your localHospice and enjoy the chance to win £1,000.This map shows the area covered by the Hospiceand comprises the Boroughs of Broxbourne andWelwyn Hatfield and the District of EastHertfordshire. All Hospice services are free.


lottery leaflet 2011:lotteryv2.qxd 16/03/2011 14:37 Page 4


Isabel Hospice Lottery Application FormPlease use capitals and delete as appropriate.

Name __________________________________________ Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms

Address __________________________________________________


Post code ________________________________________________

Tel ______________________________________________________

Each chance costs £1 per week

Cheque / P.O. (made payable to Isabel Hospice Lottery)

I wish to buy _______ chance/s each week for ________ weeks

and remit £__________________________

Credit CardI wish to buy _______ chance/s each week for ________ weeksand authorise payment of £__________________________

Card No.

Card: VISA / MASTERCARD Expiry date


Standing Order FormQuarterly £13 x _______ weekly chance(s) = £ ______________Half yearly £26 x _______ weekly chance(s) = £ ______________Annual £52 x _______ weekly chance(s) = £ ______________

To ________________________________________________ Bank plc

Branch Address____________________________________________


Account No Sort code

Please debit the account and credit:

Isabel Hospice Trading Ltd, Co-operative Bank,4th Floor, 9 Prescot Street, London E1 8BEAccount No. 68111135 Sort Code: 08-02-28

First payment of £ __________ asap and thereafter the sameamount *quarterly/half yearly/annually until further notice.

Name of Account holder: __________________________________

Signed __________________________________________________PLEASE DO NOT SEND TO YOUR BANK

� I would not like to receive information about Isabel Hospice.

Isabel Hospice is registered under the Data Protection Act 1988.Your details will not be disclosed to any third party.

Please Return to Isabel Hospice, Head Office, 61 BridgeRoad East, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL7 1JR

If you have any queries please telephone: 01707 382 500.

Isabel Hospice started in 1982 with the first ofour Community Nurses caring for patients intheir own homes. Our Day Hospice opened in1986, followed in 1990 by the original In-PatientUnit.

Our aim is to enhance the quality of life of thepatients by ensuring that they are as free from painand discomfort as possible, and to supportemotionally, spiritually and practically. By addressing these needs we help patients toremain in their own homes.We now support almost 2,700 patients, carers andfamily members each year through our integratedrange of services.The Community Nursing Team comprisesspecialist nurses and staff nurses who make almost10,000 visits each year to patients, their familiesand to primary health care teams. They providesymptom control and also advise and help patientsmake informed choices about their treatment andcare.The Hospice at Home Team provides a highlevel of care and support in patients' homes for upto 24 hours a day. The aim is to help those whoneed specialist palliative care in a crisis situation,or who would like to be at home for the last fewdays of their lives.Each year over 300 patients regularly visit ourDay Hospice in Welwyn Garden City and ourSatellite facilities in Bishop’s Stortford, WalthamCross and Hoddesdon last year. A comprehensiveservice is offered including information, support,creative art and art therapy, counselling andvarious relaxation therapies.

Isabel Hospice Cares for Local People Living with Cancer and other

Life-limiting Illness

An In-Patient Hospice (IPU) in the grounds ofthe QEII Hospital, Welwyn Garden City, providescare through a full team of health careprofessionals. Patients are admitted to IPU forsymptom control and end of life care. About 260patients are admitted to our IPU each year.The Family Support Team consists ofspecialists including social workers, counsellors,pastoral carers, an Art Therapist, and a WelfareBenefits Adviser who provide care and support forpatients and their families both before and after thebereavement.These services cost nearly £5 million each year, ofwhich we have to raise over £3.5 million.Please join the Lottery to support your localHospice and enjoy the chance to win £1,000.This map shows the area covered by the Hospiceand comprises the Boroughs of Broxbourne andWelwyn Hatfield and the District of EastHertfordshire. All Hospice services are free.


lottery leaflet 2011:lotteryv2.qxd 16/03/2011 14:37 Page 4

Every member has the chance to win one of 28 cash prizes each week!

£100 £100o£25£10 Georgina Brown, a proactive maths teacher from Queenswood

School, Brookmans Park, was looking for projects for their Community Action Day. For many years a number of the sixth form girls had given up an hour a week to do local projects such as visit homes for the elderly and local churches. She contacted Isabel Hospice and came in for a meeting with the Family Support Team where we explained that what we would really like is something that families could do together – the idea of our first ever Easter Family Fun Day was hatched!

Tracie Slade, Isabel Hospice Children’s Service Co-ordinator explained “It was organised and run by a group of year 10 and 11 girls from Queenswood, and we very much hope that we can make this an annual event. They came up with some fun things for the families to do including ‘egg slinging’, and art and craft Easter themed activities, all finished off with a Sunday roast also donated by Queenswood School.

Part of the ethos of the Fun Day is for families who are struggling with illness or bereavement to come together and share some fun activities with their children, hopefully giving special memories for the family to cherish. It is also especially important for the children to engage with other children that have been or are going through similar issues, as children tend to feel very isolated and alone. This gives a sense of understanding and empathy.”

We would like to thank Queenswood for all their support and also Lessiters who donated some fabulous chocolate teddies.

Easter Family Fun


To join the Isabel Hospice Lottery complete the application form below


Page 16: Care News Summer 2013

Name: Keith Ames

Position within the hospice: Driver (transporting goods between our Warehouse and our 12 shops and making collections of goods and furniture that have been donated for sale).

Date when joined isabel hospice: 25 Feb 2013

where do you live: Welwyn Garden City.

Last book read: A Street Cat Named Bob by James Bowen. Its about how a man who lives on the street found hope.

Favourite Journey: Anywhere at sea, I love cruises.

where in the world is your favourite place to visit: Las Vegas

happiest when: In the company of family and good friends.

Favourite Food: Any fish dishes or Greek food.

most memorable day: I should say my wedding, but it was being at the birth of my daughters.

Favourite ever film: Rollerball.

what would be your desert island luxury: A laptop.

what is the most surprising thing that has ever happened to you: Getting married!

Name one ambition you would like to realise before you retire: To stay healthy.

what is the proudest achievement in your working life; Designing and assembling a computer system for a severely disabled person. Giving them a wider social circle, where judgements were not made on appearance.

Sweet or Savoury: Savoury.

if you weren’t in your present job, what would you like to have been: Travel writer or explorer.

what are your hobbies: Bowls, DIY and keeping tropical fish.

getting to knowyoU

we are asking for any unwanted jewellery, good condition or broken, even those single earrings and odd backs.

we need any of the following no matter how small or the condition CoSTUme JeweLLery: Beads/bangles/necklaces/earrings/watches/bracelets/rings

PreCioUS meTaLS aND SToNeS: gold/silver/gemstones iNTaCT or BrokeN JeweLLery: Snapped chains/broken watches/odd earrings

How it worksgive us a ring and we can put a heart of gold envelope in the post to you•

Fill the envelope with any items of jewellery and seal it• Post it back to us in the secure delivery envelope provided (free postage)•

Do you Have olD or broken jewellery & a Heart of GolD?

yoU CaN reaLLy heLP US - PLeaSe DoNaTe iT

we sell the items and every penny goes to our hospice Call 01707 382500


Page 17: Care News Summer 2013

This great day of golf is being held at the prestigious 5 Star Golf & Country Club just outside Ware. The day has kindly been sponsored by Megaman (a leading manufacturer of low energy light bulbs). To book a team, call Emma Lippiatt on 01707 382500.

Itinerary 8am - Registration with tea, coffee and bacon rolls in the Zodiac Room

9am - Marshals briefing

9.15am - Shotgun start - Team Stableford competition - Best 2 from 4 to count - 3/4 Handicaps

2pm approx - Golfers return to the Clubhouse

3.45pm - Lunch is served in Poles Hall

5pm - Prize Giving and Auction

Monday 1st July 2013 10.30am ~ 4.00pmThis marquee event will be held in the beautiful surroundings

of Standon Lordship, in the heart of the rolling countryside between Standon & Barwick, by kind permission of The High Sheriff of Hertfordshire, Viscountess Trenchard & Viscount


Standon Lordship was the Tudor house built by Ralf Sadlier, Privy Councillor to Henry V111. Ralph Sadlier features in Wolf Hall &

Bring up the Bodies by Booker Prize Winner Hilary Mantel.

Bring your friends and family for a wonderful day out. Browse the exciting stalls, displaying food, fashion, plants and

accessories. A percentage of their day’s takings will be donated to Isabel Hospice.

Delicious refreshments will be available throughout the day.

Entrance £3.00 − Free car parking − RaffleFor further details please contact Barbara Doherty

Email: [email protected] Tel: 01279 842140

To book a stall call Brenda Childs 01992 550 924

This event is organised by the Hospice Special Events Committee

Summer Fair

Team entry is £600 and

includes a fantastic 3 course lunch

served in Poles Hall

Tea iN The garDeNyou are invited to come and take afternoon tea in a variety of beautiful gardens in hertfordshire throughout this spring and summer and raise funds for isabel hospice. For more information please contact renee Friend on 01279 755320Sunday 2 June 2pm – 5pm CANCELLED Once again the garden of Great Munden House, Great Munden, Nr Ware, Herts SG11 3HU will be open to the public by the kind invitation of Bridget Wentworth Stanley. All proceeds from this open garden will go to Isabel Hospice.Sunday 16 June 2pm – 5.30pm The garden of Bromley Hall, Standon, Nr Ware SG11 1NY will be open to the public as part of the National Gardens Scheme. Proceeds from the teas will come to the Hospice.This stunning garden is set in 4 acres surrounding a 16th century farmhouse. Some elements are traditional - formal hedging, Irish yews, and mixed borders, vegetables, mown paths through long grass. Others are modern; a grove of white poplars and a modern formal garden on the site of the old tennis court. Everywhere there are places to sit, view and contemplate.Sunday 30 June 2pm – 5pm The Gardens of Mackeyre End House, Harpenden, Herts AL5 5DR will be open to the public as part of the NGS. Proceeds from the teas will come to the Hospice. This beautiful garden is set in 15 acres of formal gardens, parkland and woodland. The front garden is set in a framework of formal yew hedges. There is a Victorian walled garden with extensive box hedging and a box maze, a cutting garden, kitchen garden and lily pond. The Courtyard garden has extensive yew and box borders and the west garden is enclosed by a pergola walk of old English roses.Sunday 14 July 1.30pm – 5pm The garden of Dassels Bury House, Dassels, Ware SG11 2RW will be open to the public as part of the NGS. Proceeds from the teas will come to the Hospice. Dassels Bury is not just a garden! Walk through wild flower meadows and woodland with alpacas and rare breed chickens. The terracing creates stunning views and visitors can see the double herbaceous border with inspired planting and fountain; kitchen garden with raised beds, soft fruit and asparagus, the wildlife pond, fine glass house, croquet lawn and borders.


Page 18: Care News Summer 2013


Networking with heart Lunches – monthlyThe 1st Thursday and The 3rd Thursday – held in Hertford and Bishop’s Stortford. See page 6. Tick the box if you would like more information

Our Allied Health Professional (AHP) team is made up of Paula Bavetta, Senior Physiotherapist; Katie Margetts, Occupational Therapist; Ola Klimaszewska, Physiotherapy Assistant and Paul Riley, Lymphoedema Therapist.

Paula has experience in neurological and amputee rehabilitation along with general physiotherapy experience. Paula moved into palliative care 3 years ago following a career break to care for her family and study horticulture. Paula is keen to provide a service to all our patients and their families that assesses the individual’s physical and functional needs and then provides a programme of therapies that aims to maximise the quality of life, thus restoring control and confidence in their abilities. Outside work, Paula likes to garden, walk and sing in the Adoramus choir.

Katie, an OT is the newest member of the AHP team, coming to the Hospice from the NHS. Katie will be starting and running groups and offering one-to-one sessions. She will be helping with anxiety management and dealing with improving daily living skills and interests. Outside work, Katie’s love and passion is her dogs.

Ola has been with the AHP team for 4 years and works closely with Paula and Katie. Ola works at the In-Patient Unit as well as seeing patients at home and at our Day services.

Paul, the Lymphoedema Therapist, has been at the Hospice the longest and started as a volunteer over 10 years ago. His role is in the care and management of patients known to the Hospice with lymphoedema.

The team aims to offer a patient centred holistic approach to care. The ethos of the team is to work together to improve the lives of our patients.

June’s Story June Green had coped very well with her disease for some years, and was referred to the Hospice following a particularly bad spell of complications. The AHP team worked closely with June, who was willing and enthusiastic about therapies offered. As June had lymphodema (swelling) in both legs, this affected her mobility and caused great discomfort in her legs. A programme of care and management was put in place to reduce the swelling. Paul said “It was a pleasure to work with June as, whilst we worked to treat the oedema, we would have long chats.”

As the oedema volume reduced, Paula and Ola started working with June to develop a progressive exercise programme aimed at regaining the strength needed to achieve June’s goal of being able to independently stand and walk. As well as exercise, June was encouraged to set herself smaller sub-goals that the team felt were achievable. In the first instance just being hoisted into a chair was to be celebrated!

As June improved she was able to practice sessions of “sit to stand” with two people attending. With her tenacious attitude she was soon able to get herself out of bed on her own. Aided by Paula and Ola, June progressed from standing to being able to walk from her room to the reception area. Although a short distance for able bodied people, this was a great achievement for June.

Katie helped June develop the skills that would be needed for her daily living; to be confident and safe in the day to day activities that we take for granted. To June, her appearance was very important and being able to manage her hair and make up gave her dignity and some control of her life. June’s care has been a complete team effort.

June’s care demonstrates how the AHP team provides an individualised and seamless approach to the rehabilitation needs of a patient.

Allied Health Professionals – Spotlight on our team

Paula, Katie, Ola & Paul

Old and new, there’s an event for you!There are a number of exciting fundraising events taking place in 2013. Tear out this page and return it to us, indicating which events you are interested in, or visit for information.

First Name: Surname:



Telephone: Mobile:

Email:r I give Isabel Hospice permission to contact me by email.

Starlight walk – 29th JuneIt’s back with an earlier 10pm start time but the same amount of fun! See page 2. Please tick the box for an entry form or sign up on-line

Chain walk – 15th SeptemberLots of walks to choose from with a stop for a pub lunch. See page 10. Please tick the box for an entry form.

Furneux Pelham walk - 9th JuneAn enjoyable village walk, followed by a hog roast. Please tick the box for more information.

annual meeting – 12th SeptemberHeld at Van Hage Garden Centre, Great Amwell. All welcome. Please tick the box if you would like to attend.

Brocket hall Charity golf Day - 31st october A great day of golf on the Palmerston course. Please tick the box for more information.

June Green

Page 19: Care News Summer 2013

Forthcoming Events For further information on any of these events listed below, log on to or call Fundraising on 01707 382500

May12th may Sunday Cycle Ride The event will once again start and finish at Woolmer Green Village Hall SG3 6XA. You can choose from a 10, 25 or 50 mile route followed by a cash BBQ and refreshments. You can sign up on the day. Enquiries: 01707 382500

Pimms O’Clock A great afternoon with Pimms and a hog roast with all the trimmings. £15pp. Live music. High Fields, Park Green, Berden, CM23 1BA. Ticktets: 01279 778973.

14th may Coffee Morning Markwell Pavillion in Bishop’s Stortford. 10.30am – noon. All welcome. Enquiries: 01279 755320

16th may The 3rd Thursday networking lunch – at Grill 55 in Bishop’s Stortford. Call Emma Lippiatt on 01707 382500 to sign up. £15 per person.

19th may On Your Bike see page 8 for details.

23rd may Isabel Hospice Charity Golf Day at Hanbury Manor. See page 17 for details.

25th – 26th may Isabel Hospice is an affiliated charity to the London2Brighton Challenge. Participants book directly with the organisers at paying an entry fee of £75. Participants are expected to raise a minimum of £400. For more information please call Maria Alexander on 01707 382500.

June1st June Jumble Sale Thundridge Village Hall. 2.30pm. 20p entry. Come and grab some bargains. Enquiries: 01920 462992

2nd June CaNCeLLeD Open Garden with teas in aid of Isabel Hospice at Great Munden House. See page 17

6th June The 1st Thursday networking lunch – at Lussmanns in Hertford. Call Emma Lippiatt on 01707 382500 to sign up. £15 per person.

9th June Stortford Singing with Stortford Young Voices - Guest singers, The Herts and Soul Choir along with many primary schools will be participating in this event. Organised by Cllr Janice Elliott, Mayor of Bishop’s Stortford. Tel.01279 755 320

Furneux Pelham Walk This is a very enjoyable annual walk. Starting at The Brewery Tap. There will be a Hog Roast available to purchase afterwards in the pub garden. For more information and a sponsor form contact Mary Gethin on 01279 777610.

11th June Coffee Morning Markwell Pavillion in Bishop’s Stortford. 10.30am – noon. All welcome. Enquiries: 01279 755320

16th June Teas in Gardens Bromley Hall – see page 17

19th – 22nd June The Greenwood Players present ‘Calendar Girls’. Raising funds for the Hospice and other charities. 8pm Cuffley Hall, EN6 4JA. Tickets £12.00 (includes a £2.00 charity donation) Box office 0790 202 9115

20th June The 3rd Thursday networking lunch – at Grill 55 in Bishop’s Stortford. Call Emma Lippiatt on 01707 382500 to sign up. £15 per person.

21st June Madrigals will be performed at 9pm in the beautiful setting of Amwell Pool, Nr. Ware by Haileybury Madrigal Society. There will be a collection for Isabel Hospice.

29th June Starlight Walk 10pm start. See page 2 for details.

30th June Teas in Gardens Mackeyre End House, Harpenden, see page 17.

July1st July Summer Fair in the grounds of Standon Lordship. See page 17.

4th July The 1st Thursday networking lunch – at Lussmanns in Hertford. Call Emma Lippiatt on 01707 382500 to sign up. £15 per person.

7th July Wimbledon Finals Event see page 10

9th July Coffee Morning Markwell Pavillion in Bishop’s Stortford. 10.30am – noon. All welcome. Enquiries: 01279 75532014th July Teas in Gardens Dassels Bury House see page 1718th July The 3rd Thursday networking lunch – at Grill 55 in Bishop’s Stortford. Call Emma Lippiatt on 01707 382500 to sign up. £15 per person.27th July Jumble Sale Thundridge Village Hall. 2.30pm. 20p entry. Come and grab some bargains. Enquiries: 01920 462992

August1st august The 1st Thursday networking lunch – at Lussmanns in Hertford. Call Emma Lippiatt on 01707 382500 to sign up. £15 per person.

10th august Coopers of Stortford Country Show – a great family afternoon (midday to 3pm) • Longest Runner Bean • Best Tasting Victoria Sponge Cake • Best Tasting Jam • Biggest Onion • The Dog The Judge Would Most Like to Take Home • Judging of the Longest Slug Photo Competition • Isabel Hospice Cake Stall

11th august Bark in the Park see page 7.

13th august Coffee Morning Markwell Pavillion in Bishop’s Stortford. 10.30am – noon. All welcome. Enquiries: 01279 755320

15th august The 3rd Thursday networking lunch – at Grill 55 in Bishop’s Stortford. Call Emma Lippiatt on 01707 382500 to sign up. £15 per person.

22nd august Ladies Golf Day Why not join us for this great day of golf and fundraising. At Brocket Hall Golf Club (Welwyn, Herts AL8 7XG). For more information contact: Jan Leggetter 01438 716079.

24th & 25th august Goatfest Live Music Festival, The Goat Inn, Codicote A wonderful weekend of live music in aid of the Hospice and supported by Runwood Homes. Contact Rowan Patel from Ace of Herts Entertainment for tickets: 07961791556.

September5th September The 1st Thursday networking lunch – at Lussmanns in Hertford. Call Emma Lippiatt on 01707 382500 to sign up. £15 per person. 8th September Run to the Beat powered by Nike+ 2013 - This is London’s half marathon, set to music. Isabel Hospice has 8 places left. The event has been relocated to start/finish at Greenwich Park. The entry fee is £45, and we ask runners to raise a minimum of £300. Places are allocated on a first come first served basis. Please contact Maria Alexander on 01707 382500. Entry deadline 12th July.

10th September Coffee Morning Markwell Pavillion in Bishop’s Stortford. 10.30am – noon. All welcome. Enquiries: 01279 755320

12th September Isabel Hospice Annual Meeting will take place at Van Hage Garden Centre. 7.30pm. All welcome. Call Susan Warren for more information 01707 382500.

14th September Jumble Sale Thundridge Village Hall. 2.30pm. 20p entry. Come and grab some bargains. Enquiries: 01920 462992

School Disco Thanks to Anita Smith for organising this event at the QEII Hospital Club. Contact her on 07854 765744.

15th September Chain Walk Annual fundraising series of walks. See page 10

BUPA Great North Run One of the most popular races in the UK, The Great North Run is the biggest half marathon in the world, starting in Newcastle City Centre and finishing 13.1 miles later in South Shields. If you have secured your own place and would like to run for Isabel Hospice call Maria Alexander in Fundraising on 01707 382500 for a fundraising pack.

19th September The 3rd Thursday networking lunch – at Grill 55 in Bishop’s Stortford. Call Emma Lippiatt on 01707 382500 to sign up. £15 per person.


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Isabel Hospice contact detailsISABEL HOSPICE - HEAD OFFICE61 Bridge Road East, Welwyn Garden City, Herts. AL7 1JRTel: 01707 382500 Fax: 01707 382598

IN-PATIENT UNITHowlands, Welwyn Garden City, Herts. AL7 4HQ Tel: 01707 382500

DAY CARE SERVICESHall Grove, Welwyn Garden City, Herts. AL7 4PHTel: 01707 382500Day Care Hospice facilities at Thorley, Hoddesdon & Waltham Cross.

ISABEL HOSPICE TRADING LTD61 Bridge Road East, Welwyn Garden City, Herts. AL7 1JR Tel: 01707 382500

CHARITY SHOPSCheshunt - 92 Turners Hill, EN8 8LQ. Tel: 01992 630545Bishops Stortford - 6 Bridge Street, CM23 2JY. Tel: 01279 659551Buntingford - 34a High Street, SG9 9AQ. Tel: 01763 274904Cuffley - 3 Station Road, EN6 4HU. Tel: 01707 873346Hoddesdon - 124a High Street, EN11 8HD. Tel: 01992 467539Galleria Hatfield - 94 The Galleria, Comet Way, AL10 0YB Tel: 01707 272870Hertford - 37 Railway Street, SG14 1BA. Tel: 01992 504401Hatfield - 72 Town Centre, AL10 0JW. Tel: 01707 258602Welwyn Garden City - 29 Stonehills, AL8 6NA. Tel: 01707 334638Waltham Cross - 125 High Street, EN8 7AN. Tel: 01992 623291.Ware - 44 High Street, SG12 9BY. Tel: 01920 463959.

Website: Charity No. 1046826

your contact detailsIf you would like to change your contact

details, please amend and return the preprinted address sheet that was at the

front this issue of Care News

WAYS TO HELPBy making a donation or regular donations to Isabel Hospice (if appropriate a Gift Aid Donation. This enables us to benefit by an extra 25% at no extra cost to you).

By making a gift in your Will to ensure our service will be here for future generations.By volunteering a few hours of your time each week or a few times a year. We can utilise your skills, whatever they are.

By joining the Lottery.

By donating goods to our shops.

Please call Lisa Seccombe for a chat if you would like to become involved in any way, on 01707 382500

Regular Giving is precious to usEvery day of every week of the year, Isabel Hospice provides specialist care for patients and their families living with cancer and other illnesses.To provide this service annually costs £4.2 million, of which we plan to raise £2.6 million from fundraising and trading, with £1.6 million coming from the NHS. To achieve this we rely heavily on the generosity of our supporters.By making a regular donation you can help us to be there for more people who need our care and support. This also means we can plan for the future with greater confidence. Ensuring the security of the Hospice means we will be there for future generations.Your Regular Gift will enable us to continue to help those living with cancer and other life-limiting illnesses.

A regular giftPlease enter your full name and HOME* addressTitle: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Other (circle relevant title)

First Name



Post code




If you would like us to contact you via email please tick here *By entering your HOME address you enable us to claim Gift Aid, we CANNOT claim Gift Aid with any other address.

STANDING ORDER FORMPlease cut out and return to: Fundraising, Isabel Hospice, 61 Bridge Road East, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL7 1JRPlease pay Isabel Hospice £ monthly/quarterly/yearlyuntil further notice and debit my Account No: Bank sort code: / / Starting on**: / / **(please allow one month from today)

To the manager (bank name and address): Post code:

Signed: Date: Recipient Bank Details: Pay Co-operative Bank (08-02-28) for the credit of Isabel Hospice Account No. 65424870.

GIFT AID DECLARATIONPlease treat as Gift Aid donations all qualifying gifts of money made

today in the past 4 years in the future Please tick all boxes you wish to apply.I confirm that I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give on or after 6 April 2008.Signed:

Please print name in full:


To the bank: If this standing order is rejected, please return it to Isabel Hospice, 61 Bridge Road East, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL7 1JR.

I would like to receive information about Isabel Hospice.Isabel Hospice is registered under the Data Protection Act 1988. Your details will not be disclosed to any third part. ‘Thank you’


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