care – spring 2009 | college of licensed practical nurses of alberta

VOLUME 23 ISSUE 1 SPRING 2009 Care in the Air LPNs and EMS Future Shock? The Changing Face of Healthcare Job Redesign Study New Alberta Nursing Research Scope of Practice Evolution in Infusion Care

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“Care in the Air” – Nursing practice with emergency services education prepares a multi-skilled provider who can care at a new altitude. “Future Shock? The Changing Face of Healthcare.” Enhancing nursing job effectiveness through job redesign. CARE magazine shares healthcare news for Alberta's Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) such as nursing practice, regulation, indisciplinary teams, provincial and national nursing news. Published quarterly, CARE is distributed to over health professionals in Alberta including LPNs, LPN employers, education facilities, government, stakeholders and Canadian LPN regulators.


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Care in the AirLPNs and EMS

Future Shock?The Changing Face of Healthcare

Job Redesign StudyNew Alberta Nursing Research

Scope of PracticeEvolution in Infusion Care

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CARE is published quarterly and is the official publication of theCollege of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta. Reprint/copy ofany article requires prior consent of the Editor of Care magazine.Editor - T. Bateman

Signed articles represent the views of the author and not neces-sarily those of the CLPNA.

The editor has final discretion regarding the acceptance ofnotices, courses or articles and the right to edit any material.Publication does not constitute CLPNA endorsement of, orassumption of liability for, any claims made in advertisements.

Subscription: Complimentary for CLPNA members. $21.00 fornon-members.

spring 2009VOLUME 23 ISSUE 1

cover story


Care in the AirNursing practice blended with emergency services education prepares a multi-skilled provider who can care at a new altitude.


Future Shock?The Changing Face of HealthcareThe face of healthcare is changing, but the one constant is the great spirits who enter the profession with their heart…and hold it close to their soul.

From the College

Know Your Healthcare TeamProfile: Paramedics

A Sip of SoupEach One Reach One Nurse

The Operations RoomStay Informed with Member Information









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from the college

Two years ago we basked in the warmth of a boom – housing priceswere skyrocketing and jobs were plentiful.

Now Iris Evans, Alberta’s Finance Minister, is forecasting a recession andjob losses of up to 15,000 this year, with spending outpacing revenues inAlberta by $1 billion dollars.

This is a time of great change in Alberta. With change comes greatuncertainty. And uncertainty can lead to fear.

John F. Kennedy once said, “When written in Chinese the word ‘crisis’is composed of two characters - one represents danger and the other rep-resents opportunity.”

Economic downturns can lead to opportunities for innovation. Innovationcan occur by rethinking the way we, as nurses, function in the health sector. Alberta Health Services hasalready set the groundwork for restructuring, based on the focus of quality care, accessibility, and sustain-ability.

Coupled with that, management and government are increasingly aware that the LPN has a vital role onthe health team. Emerging provincial research (see page 6) on Job Redesign has demonstrated that forRNs to work to their full scope LPNs must be part of the team. Based on this realization, new opportuni-

ties will arise for LPNs in areas where managers are open to implementing bestpractices. Increasingly LPNs are assuming new and different roles; demonstrat-ing leadership in new and different ways.

CLPNA sees leadership development as a priority for education of our mem-bership. Leadership training is still earmarked for funding, despite the impact onthe amount of monies available through the Frederickson McGregor EducationFoundation for LPNs. Seize the opportunity to take positions on committees inyour work unit, step up to a formal leadership role in your workplace, in yourCollege, in your community.

Another area the Foundation is supporting is LPN attendance at the 2009Spring Conference. Details are on the website. Consider joining us in Calgary onApril 15 at 6:30 pm for the Annual General Meeting to hear what the CLPNAhas been up to; what we have planned for 2009 and to give us your thoughts!Then stay on for two more days of valuable learning, networking, and fun atthe Conference.

The Honourable Ron Liepert, Minister of Health and Wellness, will be sharingthe vision for health in Alberta, and Paddy Meade, Executive Operating Officer,

Continuum of Care, Alberta Health Services will be providing insights on Alberta Health Services plan tooperationalize this vision. And of course there are host of other motivational and informational presentationsplanned. We hope to see you there!

Finally, some wise words from Anais Nin:There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

Seeking out and trying new and different roles including developing and exercising your skill as leader is away for nurses to blossom. We encourage you to keep pace with current times, accept a new challenge,and show your colleagues and managers what you, as a nurse, are capable of…

Hugh Pedersen, President and Linda Stanger, Executive Director

Be the Change We Wish To See

…new opportunities

will arise for LPNs

in areas where

managers are open

to implementing

best practices…


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The following is a summary of the finalreport of a research project funded bythe Alberta Heritage Foundation forMedical Research (AHFMR) involvingRegistered Nurses, Licensed PracticalNurses, and Health Care Aides. TheCollege of Licensed Practical Nurses ofAlberta was involved on the SteeringCommittee for this project.

There is evidence to suggest that reg-istered nurses spend insufficienttime performing key functions asso-

ciated with their defined role. The currentpractice of registered nurses is largelyfocused on the performance of tasks andactivities related to meeting patients’ bio-medical needs, and implies that insuffi-cient attention is given to enablingpatients and families to attain maximumhealth and well-being, which is theessence of professional nursing practice.The lack of focus on optimal role enact-ment represents an underutilization ofnursing knowledge and skill and poten-tially compromises the quality of care.

The design of work can contribute tounderutilization of professional knowl-edge and skills. The primary objectives inthis research were to optimize enactmentof the roles of registered nurses (RNs)and health care aides (HCAs) through jobredesign and to determine the impact ofjob redesign on patient, provider, andunit outcomes. This study was conductedon two general medical patient care unitsin the Calgary Health Region in Alberta.

Quantitative and qualitative methodswere employed and data were collectedon the “Redesign” and “Control” Unitsprior to and following the implementa-tion of redesign initiatives.

Although some structural and func-tional changes were made to workprocesses over the course of the study, thegoal of achieving optimal enactment ofregistered nurses’ role was not accom-plished. Progress was made in improvingthe utilization of HCAs and enhancing

their perception of being valued as mem-bers of the nursing team. While the studyfailed to accomplish many of the intend-ed goals, much was learned about the fac-tors that are critical to the success of anyinitiative aimed at improving utilizationof the health workforce.

The use of a population needs basedapproach to examine nursing providers’roles (i.e., RNs, licensed practical nurses[LPNs] and HCAs) helped validate thegap that existed between ideal (i.e., opti-mal) and actual nursing practice andenabled staff to better understand howoptimal enactment of their respectiveroles could positively influence patientand family outcomes. This, combinedwith observation data that revealed thatRNs spent a considerable amount of theirtime performing work that could in manyinstances be performed by other membersof the health care team reinforced theinefficiency and ineffectiveness of theservice delivery model (i.e., modified pri-mary nursing) that characterized theRedesign Unit. The conclusion drawn

from this study is that a collaborativepractice model incorporating RNs, LPNs,and HCAs is most likely to optimize theutilization of all members of the nursingteam, at least for the type of patient pop-ulation that was the focus of this study.

A key lesson learned is that engage-ment and commitment of leaders at alllevels of the organization is needed toaddress the current underutilization ofhealth care workers. As the studyevolved, it became clear that significantchange in the utilization of the healthworkforce cannot occur as long as thefocus of the change initiative is a singlepatient care unit or program. A systemsapproach to workforce optimization isneeded, guided by a clear vision that isunderstood and championed by leadersat all levels and a well articulated strate-gic plan. Failure to recognize in advancethe extent of organizational support thatwould be needed to effect any change inrole enactment at the service deliverylevel limited the job redesign approachthat was attempted in this research.

Enhancing Nursing Job Effectiveness through Job Redesign

at issue

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Optimal nursing role enactment requires an understandingof the characteristics and health needs of the patient population receiving care • Nursing providers’ roles in preventing illness and injury

and promoting health and well-being requires elaboration of the profile of patients being served on the patient care unit or in other health care settings. Preventing avoidable complications or injuries requires an understanding of real or potential risk factors associated with particular population groups such as the elderly.

• Provider knowledge, skills, and abilities must be “matched” to the health needs of the population served in order to mitigate real or potential risk factors and prevent avoidable complications and injuries.

• Staffing decisions (i.e., determining the right number and mix of personnel) must be based on an understanding of population health needs.

• An understanding of the health needs of the patient population enables providers to make care decisions that are focused on meeting patient health needs rather than on simply “doing the tasks.”

An all RN staffing model does not promote optimal nursing role enactment • When there is no potential to redistribute to other members

of the health care team regulated work activities such as routine medication administration or treatments, as well asunregulated activities such as personal care, those tasks andactivities must be performed by RNs. Routinely performingtasks and activities that could be done by others takes RNsaway from essential role functions such as comprehensive assessment, patient and family teaching or support, discharge planning, and coordination of care.

Optimal nursing role enactment requires a collaborativepractice approach to care delivery • Optimal nursing role enactment is enhanced in an

environment in which care is provided collaboratively with other providers and with patients and families.

• A collaborative practice approach requires that providers understand each others’ role accountabilities and their respective contribution to the care of patients and families.

• A collaborative practice approach requires that providers have knowledge and skill related to shared decision-making(e.g., providers and patients are involved in decisions aboutthe plan of care), communication (e.g., what information needs to be communicated), conflict resolution, and negotiation skills.

Successful job redesign at the unit or program level is contingent upon a systematic approach to change andexpertise in change management at all levels of leadership• When embarking on job redesign, it is important that

leaders at both the local (unit) and system (organization) levels have a clear vision of the goal to be accomplished andthe outcomes to be achieved.

• Job redesign requires system support and often, redesign ofsystem-wide structures and processes if change is to be implemented and sustained at the unit or program level, as

well as throughout the organization. Substantive change in the utilization of health care providers cannot be achieved from a purely “bottom up” approach. The involvement andcommitment of executive leaders is a critical success factor.

• Job redesign requires a participatory approach involving patients and families, staff, managers, and senior leaders. A network or alliance of providers, managers, and other leaders who share ideas, expertise, experiences, and practicalapproaches is a useful mechanism for engaging providers inthe process of reconsidering how they work together in delivering patient care. Redesign teams can be a powerful structure to help motivate staff and provide knowledge, skills, and support for change initiatives.

• Strategies aimed at optimizing the utilization of health care providers (i.e., optimal role enactment) should incorporate aconcrete and explicit focus on creating opportunities for allproviders to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to engage in collaborative practice.

Deborah White, RN, PhD – Principal InvestigatorKaren Jackson, RN, Med – Co-Investigator, Project ManagerJeanne Besner, RN, PhD – Co-InvestigatorEsther Suter, PhD, MSW – Co-InvestigatorDiane Doran, RN, PhD – Co-InvestigatorLinda McGillis Hall, RN, PhD – Co-InvestigatorKaren Parent, RN, PhD (c) – Co-Investigator

For a listing of references or the full report please

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eairBy Sue Robins




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view is action-packed on the EdmontonMunicipal Airport’s tarmac through the picture windows ofAdvanced Paramedic Limited’s (APL) base – planes takingoff and landing, ambulances driving around, and patientscarefully shuttled between both modes of transport.

Occasionally an incubator is unloaded from a planefrom rural Alberta, followed by a concerned new parent,and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) staff are therewaiting with APL staff to meet up with their young patient.The emergency services staff provides ground support totransport the baby safely to either the Stollery Children’sHospital or the Royal Alexandra Hospital. The view out thewindow gives a clear snapshot to the world of pre-hospitalcare.

APL is the Emergency Medical Services provider forAlberta Health & Wellness’ Air Ambulance Program basedin Peace River. They have a base and staff in Edmonton forair and ground support, and also provide on-site industrialmedical services across western Canada. APL contractsservices throughout Alberta, BC, Saskatchewan, the N.W.T,and the Yukon for both air and ground support for patientsgoing to or from the hospital, with two air ambulance air-craft and three ambulances. They also offer a full range ofprivate medivac services.

The APL team includes EMRs (Emergency MedicalResponders), EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians),EMT-Ps (Paramedics) and LPNs (Licensed Practical Nurses)like Charles Way and Lynn Cole.

LPNs are a fairly new introduction tothe field of pre-hospital care in Alberta.Charles Way’s path to the field of emer-gency services began when he was young.“I used to watch the show Emergencywhen I was a kid. Remember Squad 51?Ever since then, I knew what I wanted todo,” he says.

Charles first became an EMR(Emergency Medical Responder) andmedic for the Army Reserves in 1993.From there he completed his EMT certi-fication and worked for many years forambulance services throughout ruralAlberta. He was one of the first respon-ders to the 2000 Pine Lake tornado dis-aster from his base in Eckville.

He moved steadily from being anEMR to EMT to LPN. “I decided tobecome a nurse because my wife waslooking to become an RCMP officer.EMT certification does not cross provin-cial borders if I was to move, but as anurse I could move more easily,” explainsCharles. He takes a pause, and says,“Plus there’s more job security as an LPNand better money.”

Ironically, his wife is now taking herRN in Medicine Hat. Although she did


LPNs in



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not become an RCMP officer, her path tonursing also led Charles there. Charleswent to NorQuest College in 1995, andloved it. “At NorQuest, the instructorswere so great, and there’s lots of hands-on practical time.

The combination of LPN and EMTqualifications is a rare and in-demandcombination. Charles found that hispractice as an EMT changed once hebecame a nurse.

“Being an LPN has made me a betterEMT. I understand more of the patient’scare, and can monitor chest tubes, suc-tion trachs, and insert catheters – thingsmy EMR/EMT colleagues cannot do.”

Because the knowledge of LPNs isgrounded through the nursing process,they bring added value to emergencyservices. “My training as an LPN drilledinto me that patient care is number one. Ihave a good anatomy and physiologybackground, and I think nurses in emer-gency care are a big benefit to the hospi-tal staff when we bring a patient in. Weunderstand the hospital terminology andcan help out in the EmergencyDepartment.”

Now Charles has his pick of jobs.He’s working in Thorhill, north ofEdmonton, with Associated Ambulance’sground ambulance service, he’s casualwith APL at the base in Edmonton, andhe picks up shifts at the MisericordiaCommunity Hospital’s EmergencyDepartment. Clearly, he is the type of per-son who looks for variety in his work.

Pre-hospital care isn’t for everybody.But those who work in the emergencyfield love it. Charles explains the processof being on call.

“When I’m on call, I carry both aphone and a pager. I get paged by PeaceRiver dispatch and I call back and I’mgiven information about the call – likewhen the plane is coming in, the call signthat identifies the plane, and the condi-tion of the patient.”

He has to make sure he’s within thir-ty minutes of the Municipal Airport, andthere he meets the plane, gets a reportfrom the flight crew, and either acceptsthe transfer of the patient to anEdmonton hospital, or accompanies theflight crew to the facility. Depending onthe condition of the patient, Charles andothers on the APL team may accompanythe patient, or a Paramedic, RespiratoryTechnician or Physician may also beinvolved with the transfer. Dispatch staff

at APL determine which health profes-sionals are involved based on the infor-mation they have about the patient.

Once at the hospital, Charles stayswith the patient, completes the chart, andthen returns to the base. At the base, APLstaff restock and clean equipment to beready for the next call.

“I breathe, eat, and sleep work whenI’m on call. I put on my uniform andremain in it for 24 hours so I’m ready torespond,” Charles confesses. “You don’tmake many plans when you are on call.I’ve been paged when I’m sitting in amovie theatre – I make sure I’m sitting onan aisle so I can make a quick exit.”

When Charles was on call onChristmas Day, he was home for only anhour. The rest of the day was spentaccompanying two flights and sevenground support transports. It is safe to

say that the turkey went cold thatChristmas.

“People have to be flexible and will-ing to use their scope of practice as far asit can go,” explains Carl Damour, who isthe General Manager at APL’s mainoffice in Peace River. “They are veryautonomous and independent practition-ers.”

Up in the air, there is no cell phonecommunication. Decisions have to bemade by the attending staff without anyconsultation.

“The staff have to be very good deci-sion makers - a lot can happen on a ten

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hour plane ride to Halifax. For instance,the plane might have to land in Montrealto refuel and there’s a delay on theground. The nurses need to care for thepatient for hours at a time,” Carl contin-ues.

Lynn Cole is a new recruit to APL.She’s an LPN who started last December,and she sees differences between pre-hos-pital and hospital care.

“In pre-hospital care, you don’t havean eight patient workload, so it is not asphysically demanding. But even thoughyou only have one patient to care for, youhave to be confident and comfortablewith troubleshooting on your own.There’s no ‘go-to’ person in the air likethere is in the hospital.”

Lynn works at Leduc CommunityHospital in the medical-surgical ward,and while she works to her fullest in thissmaller hospital, she was interested ininvestigating a different setting.

“I was hired by APL to accompanypatients on flights, but I also did one dayof ground support training to transport apatient who had a heparin drip. TheEMTs/EMRs could not monitor the drip,but I can as an LPN.”

She has been a nurse for four years,and worked as a nurse’s aide for ten yearsbefore that. The profession of LPNattracted her because she wanted to workin a hospital environment, and to care forthe patient as a whole. Now she’s readyfor the challenge of emergency services.

She didn’t know there were opportu-nities outside of the hospital environmentfor LPNs, until she saw APL’s ad on theCLPNA website. She read the small printthat said although APL’s main office is inPeace River, they were hiring for flightand ground support based out ofEdmonton.

“I was interested in working in emer-gency care because it was out of myeveryday routine. This job gives me extraresponsibility, and I like seeing the otherside of hospital care,” says Lynn.

“You have to be not afraid to fly insmall planes,” she adds. And a goodbladder is important too – some flightsare up to four hours, with no bathroomfacilities on board.

Carl Damour gives the history aboutintroducing LPNs to the pre-hospitalfield.

“Two years ago, we thought – why

are we not using LPNs in our company?I contacted the CLPNA to ask if therewas anything preventing us from hiringLPNs. And no, there wasn’t.”

“LPNs are a perfect fit for longerflights because they are used to treating

patients for longer periods of time. Theyknow to do things like reposition patientsso they don’t get bedsores, while otheremergency staff might just be used to see-ing patients for a few minutes at a time inan ambulance before they get to the hos-pital,” Carl continues.

Charles Way has a clear sense of thetype of nurse who would enjoy emer-gency services. He says the biggest attrib-utes are to be a quick thinker and a goodtroubleshooter. Assessment skills have tobe top notch, too.

He finds the work very rewardingbecause he can see his treatment workingright away. Charles has seen all sorts ofpatients in his career, from minor medicalto major trauma. He’s even assisted indelivering five babies. He likes workingin rural communities because sometimesthere is up to a 45 minute response time

to bring a patient into the hospital, sothere is opportunity to use all his nursingskills to care for a patient.

The advantage to bringing LPN skillsto pre-hospital situations is obvious tothis owner of ground and air ambulancecontracts in Alberta.

Carl from APL says, “We need bothyoung LPN grads with new skills who areeager to learn, and mature LPNs who canuse their knowledge and experience in thehospital when they are doing transitionswith hospital staff. All our LPNs have tobe interested in learning, have some hos-pital experience, and believe in the wholeteam concept – that everybody has a rolein caring for the patient.”

Successful nurses in the emergencyworld have to be both self-starters andteam players. The nature of pre-hospitalcare is that the team works with otheremergency staff, like fire fighters andpolice officers at the scene, other emer-gency personnel in the ambulance, plusthey work with hospital staff when theyarrive at the hospital. But sometimesthese nurses can work virtually alone,and that’s when the creative and criticalthinking skills come into play.

Having some emergency servicestraining can help identify if this is theright field for you. There is the 16 hourInternational Trauma Life SupportCertification to start and Charles feelsthat having an additional EMR certifica-tion on top of being an LPN is invaluable(see sidebar).

“I’d really recommend that if LPNsare interested in emergency work they gettheir EMR training,” Charles says.“There is a very high demand for my typeof skills. I could work whenever andwherever I wanted to.”

The types of learning picked up inpre-hospital training includes stretcherlifting, how to get patients out of theirhomes, and how to use the different typesof equipment that are developed for theambulance environment. Pumps may behand pumps instead of the wall version,and all their equipment is of the portablevariety. Most staff also have their Class 4driver’s licence so they can drive theambulance.

Charles has had some interestingexperiences working on air ambulanceflights.

There’s no ‘go-to’ person in the air like there is in the hospital.


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Emergency Medical EducationA good way to investigate if pre-hospital work isright for you is to enroll in an ITLS (InternationalTrauma Life Support) course. The next step is EMRcertification – the combination of an LPN/EMRprofessional is hotly sought after in the emergencyservices field.

ITLS CoursesThis program teaches skills in rapid assessment,resuscitation, stabilization, and transport of traumapatients. The 16-hour course is designed forproviders who are first to evaluate and stabilize thetrauma patient. Hands-on stations include: basic airway, spine management/rapid extrication, shortback board, helmet management, log roll and longback board, traction splints, patient assessment and management.

There is also an advanced 16-hour course certification available.

For more information, contact the Alberta ITLSChapter Coordinator at 780.733.3675 or SAIT’s Advanced Life Support Coordinator at 403.210.5966.

Alphabet SoupEMR – Emergency Medical Responder.The entry-level position in the Emergency MedicalServices field, EMRs take 160 hours of theory andpractical classes – some of which are available bydistance education.

EMT – Emergency Medical Technician. This is a 10-month course for those with EMR certificates that covers all aspects of pre-hospitalemergency care.

EMT-P – Emergency Medical Technician –Paramedic. This is an intensive two-year full-timeprogram. You must be an EMT to enroll in theEMT-P program.

These programs are offered by a number of privatecolleges, public schools and organizations inAlberta. For more information about EmergencyMedical Professionals view the “Know YourHealthcare Team” Feature in this issue of CARE orvisit the Alberta College of Paramedics website for a list of approvedEMR, EMT and EMT-P programs.

“There is opportunity to see different parts of Canada and theStates. Since the pilots need at least 8 hours sleep time on theground, but we can sleep on the plane on the way back becausewe are flying back empty, there are opportunities for somesightseeing,” he says. Charles has been to Nova Scotia,Newfoundland, and Minnesota. The US trip was to transporta patient in a Lear jet to the world-famous Mayo Clinic inRochester.

He’s realistic about some of the challenges of working in theemergency field. “Being on call can be 95% boredom and 5%excitement. But when you do get a call, there is an adrenalinerush from being under pressure, and things moving so quickly.It can take from 6-8 months for someone new to get comfort-able with this job. Everybody is nervous and scared at firstwhen that pager goes off. But working with veterans will helpcalm you down.”

The team passes the “waiting-for-a-call” time by practicingtheir skills, prepping the ambulance and equipment, and, inCharles’ case, training EMRs and EMTs.

Pre-hospital care doesn’t include the patient’s family asmuch as hospital care, but emergency staff have more time tolisten to the patient, because they are often in the air or on theground with them for hours at a time. LPNs then have the timeto utilize their patient education skills.

As the pre-hospital area snowballs in growth, the demandis high for the unique skills of the LPN professional.

“We’d like to recruit more LPNs,” says Carl. “We need thetype of person who can think outside the box, and work com-fortably to their full scope of practice.”

Nurses like Charles Way and Lynn Cole will not be lackingin work. Every call is different, and as LPNs, they step up to thechallenge with a full complement of essential knowledge andskill and are respected as professionals on the team.

The action on the tarmac has settled down for now. ButCharles’ pager and phone are at the ready for the next call, andhe’s ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice. Such isthe life of a nurse working emergency services, an adrenaline-fueled profession with a great many rewards.

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Workplace violence is an unfortu-nate reality in the lives ofCanadian health care workers,

with evidence suggesting that incidencerates in Canada are significantly higherthan other countries with similar modelsof health care. It is defined by WorldHealth Organization 154 as “the inten-tional use of physical force or power,threatened or actual, against oneself,another person, or against a group orcommunity, that either results in or has ahigh likelihood of resulting in injury,death, psychological harm, maldevelop-ment or deprivation”. Workplace vio-lence is often considered part of the job inthe health sector and has therefore beenmore frequently overlooked than in othersectors until recently. Nurses in particularare at risk of being physically and emo-tionally abused at work.

It is clear that there is an immediate needfor effective programs to reduce work-place violence towards nursing staff inCanada. This study involved a compre-hensive literature review of workplaceviolence prevention programs utilized in

health care and in nursing practice in par-ticular, and an evaluation of the effective-ness of these prevention programs ontheir impact on the incidence of violence.The objectives of the study were to: 1)analyze and synthesize the research liter-ature which proposes or evaluates theimpact of workplace violence preventionprograms, and 2) develop recommenda-tions for a comprehensive approachtowards violence reduction. The report’sfindings will provide the framework forprogram initiative recommendations tobe considered by policy makers.Additionally, areas in need of furtherstudy will be suggested on the basis ofgaps revealed in the literature review.

Study procedures involved conducting aliterature search for articles relating toworkplace violence prevention programs.According to the reviewed literature,patients constituted the main source of alltypes of violence, and co-workers werean important source of non-physical vio-lence. A number of risk factors that havebeen linked to workplace violenceinclude patient characteristics (e.g., sub-stance abuse, mental health conditions),nurse characteristics (e.g., age, level of

A Review &Evaluation ofWorkplaceViolence

PreventionPrograms inthe Health

Sector by Sping Wang,

Laureen Hayes, and Linda O’Brien-Pallas

Nursing Health ServicesResearch Unit, Lawrence S.

Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing,University of Toronto. 2008.

This report is funded by Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC).The report reflects solely theview of the authors, not that

of Ontario MOHLTC.

at issue

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nursing experience), organizational fac-tors (e.g., understaffing, night shifts, cul-ture and climate of work environment),physical design of work environment(e.g., poor security, inaccessibility, crowd-ing), and community and social factors.Understanding contextual factors toworkplace violence incidents is vital tocurb violence against health care workerswhen conducting a risk assessment.

The literature identified two broad cate-gories of workplace violence preventionstrategies:

a) pre-incident strategies, which capturelegislation/management (e.g., zero toler-ance policies, organizational policies,work design), the environmental designof the work environment, education andtraining on the management of work-place violence; and

b) post-incident strategies, which includesome administrative functions (e.g., inci-dent reporting) and psychological inter-vention for affected staff (e.g., CISD,counseling).

The main tenet of a zero-tolerance policyis that workplace violence in any form isunacceptable. It is suggested in the litera-ture that implementation of a zero-toler-ance policy may have a negative impacton the staff’s confidence and skills indealing with aggression.

Individually focused strategies to reduc-ing violence typically involve educatingstaff on recognizing the warning signs ofviolent behaviour, preventing, diffusing,or resolving violent conflicts, familiariz-ing staff with organizational policies andprocedures, as well as their legal rightsand responsibilities. Post-event strategiesalso have a preventative role, given thatappropriate intervention can avert futureincidents. Previous studies have stressedthe importance of continuous monitoringof violent events, seeing this as a neces-sary prerequisite for better understandingthe violence and the establishment of pre-vention programs.

Many of the evaluation studies usedquestionnaires to measure educationalimpact of training sessions directed atprevention of violent or aggressive behav-

iour. Some measured perceptions of con-fidence or feelings of self-efficacy in man-agement of aggressive patients. In thesestudies, participants were mostly smallsamples of nurses (registered and/or prac-tical) and/or nursing aides, at times con-venience samples of staff members whoare exposed to risk of violence. Study set-tings were often hospital acute care psy-chiatry units exhibiting high rates of vio-lent behaviour. Studies were often quasi-experimental with a pre-test/post-testdesign; however, not all of these studiesemployed control subjects in measuringimpact of the intervention.

Studies that measured program impacton managing aggressive behaviour gener-ally found positive changes in test scoresand observed behaviour following train-ing. Increased knowledge test scoresreflect positive learning outcomes includ-ing risk factor identification, informedattitude changes and management ofaggressive behaviour. The evidence sug-gests that relevant training programs alsopromote increased feelings of confidencein managing aggressive clients.

As to training’s impact on incidence ofviolence, most but not all evaluationstudies found a reduction in incidence ofreported violent episodes. It was suggest-ed that training may serve as a form ofencouragement to report violent eventsby creating a more accepting, non-puni-tive attitude regarding violence towardsstaff. Despite its overall positive effect,there were concerns over the over-empha-sis on training in curbing workplace vio-lence as it places the burden of minimiz-ing and managing violence onto theshoulders of individual nurses after train-ing.

Important methodological limitations ofthe evaluation studies were identified.Sample sizes were small and often self-selected. In addition, study settings weretypically small-scale and often involvedonly one or two organizations as studysites. With the additional limitation oflow response rates, generalization outsideassessed groups was usually not possible.


Policy• A clear organizational policy towardsworkplace violence is a necessaryantecedent for a prevention program tobe maximally effective. The presence andpublication/dissemination of a policy letsthe employees know that management iscommitted to reducing violence in theworkplace.• Although zero-tolerance policies havebeen recently adopted by several healthcare organizations, caution should betaken in this approach. There is difficultywith fully implementing the ‘zero toler-ance’ approach as it implies an attitude ofpunishment toward any aggressivebehaviour, thereby negatively impactingaggression management.• The great diversity of health care itselfrequires that the development of a policytowards workplace violence encompassall of employment situations. For exam-ple, policies for community care shouldbe developed to address particular risksassociated with that sector.

Risk Assessment and Environmental Modifications• Prior to the implementation of anyworkplace violence prevention program,a risk assessment should be completed.Integration of effective threat and riskassessments will help to ensure that anyinterventions that are employed will bebest suited to the particular situation.They can also highlight any necessaryenvironmental modifications that maycurb violence, and address how manage-ment and administrative practices canreduce violence.• Frequency of assaults may be associat-ed with a broad range of factors includ-ing staffing levels. Work reassignments,short staffing and temporary staffinghave been associated with increased inci-dents of violence in health units.• A risk assessment highlights theimportance of accurate documentation ofincidents. This documentation is invalu-able to substantiate the need for novelprograms and the identification of actionplans. Some staff members view incidentreporting as an implicit admission of pro-fessional failure. Risk assessment and acommitment from management demon-strate that the antidote to denial and


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resistance to incident reporting is a con-tinual effort to learn from incidents andto provide timely feedback. However,incident tracking and high-risk patientidentification are only part of a largerviolence reduction initiative and requiresorganizational commitment to coordi-nate the components.

Training/Educational Strategies• Nurses need to be empowered to buildconfidence in their ability to managepotentially violent situations. This is bestaccomplished through aggression man-agement programs and frequent refresh-ers that involve several components:

- Methods for recognizing and identifying potentially violent situations- De-escalation strategies and other verbal engagement strategies for defusing potentially violent situations- Where appropriate, physical self defense techniques and patient restraint methods- Incorporation of aspects of risk assessment (i.e., environmental security processes)

• Leadership training needs to be pro-vided to supervisors. This includes train-ing in recognizing conflicts and in conflictresolution skills, the importance of earlyintervention, and supervisory/coachingskills.

Organizational Intervention• Organizations need to take on a moreactive role in organizational changeincluding staffing, workload, work cul-ture and climate. High priority should begiven to organizational intervention inpreventing workplace violence.• Work design modifications includeincreasing autonomy, enhancing commu-nication about job duties and expecta-tions, and clarifying supervisory chains ofcommand.

Horizontal Violence• A comprehensive policy for reducingworkplace violence cannot exclude hori-zontal violence. A number of factors havebeen identified that affect the work cli-mate and that may contribute to bullyingand harassment in the workplace:

- Lack of role clarity- Low job control or autonomy

- Poor social support- Poor communication- Ineffective leadership/supervision- Strained and/or competitive work environments- Impending changes in the workplace have all been associated with higher levels of staff conflict, stress/burnout, turnover, and psychological and physical health complaints

Evaluation Research• There is a need to collect longitudinalmeasures in order to assess the extent towhich training effects may dissipate overtime to identify optimum periods for pro-viding refresher training.• Future research needs to investigateeffects of training on the number, typeand severity of aggressive incidents, thenumber of assaults and injuries to staff aswell as financial costs to organizations asa result of sick leave and overtime toreplace injured staff.• Sophisticated evaluation studies areneeded based on designs employing larg-er samples and control groups, andallowing for the use of advanced statisti-cal techniques so to properly examine theeffectiveness of prevention programs.• A national database should be devel-oped using consistent operational defini-tions of workplace violence events.• The majority of research on workplaceviolence prevention is focused on educa-tion and training program evaluation.Other aspects of violence prevention havenot received the same level of attentionand little is known about their effective-ness in isolation or their impact on theeffectiveness of the training programs.• Evaluation studies should includecomparisons of different programs to seewhich one has the greatest relative utility.

Other RecommendationsSeveral implications that are highlightedin the reviewed studies and that can beconsidered in development of recommen-dations for workplace violence preven-tion programs are as follows:• Human Resources. Positive results ofinterventions should be considered with-in a broader context of human resources.Studies have suggested a relationshipbetween reduction in aggressive incidents

at issue

and human resources policies includingsupport and educative initiatives such asclinical supervision, an increase in regularpermanent staff, and retention of experi-enced staff members, who tend to displaygreater tolerance attitude and better vio-lence management skills.• Faculties of Nursing. The literature has,for the most part, focused on nurses whoare already in the workforce. However,given the high likelihood that studentnurses will be exposed to workplace vio-lence (either during their educational pro-gram or once they graduate), it would beprudent for nursing programs to developawareness training in the identificationand management of workplace violence.• Sector specific interventions.Prevention strategies need to be sectorspecific, especially in sectors such as long-term care home care where workers arenot as prepared as nurses in the hospital.• Violence-type specific interventions.Develop programs that are violence-typespecific so as to prepare health careworkers to handle different types of vio-lence situations ranging from assault,emotional abuse, to sexual harassment.For example, a zero-tolerance policy,inappropriate for external violence, maybe effective in the case of horizontalviolence.

The full report on this study is availableat

Submitted by:Co-Principal InvestigatorsDr. Sping WangNursing Health Services Research UnitUniversity of Toronto

Co-InvestigatorsDr. Laureen HayesNursing Health Services Research UnitUniversity of TorontoDr. Linda O’Brien-PallasNursing Health Services

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T he Alberta College of Paramedics isa self-governing body currentlydesignated under the Health

Disciplines Act. Provincial legislationrequires all active Emergency MedicalResponders (EMRs), Emergency MedicalTechnicians (EMTs), and EmergencyMedical Technologist-Paramedics (EMT-Ps) to be registered with the College. TheCollege’s primary responsibility is toensure its practitioners provide safe, com-petent, and ethical care to the citizens ofAlberta.

Although currently designated under theHealth Disciplines Act, the College willsoon fall under the Health ProfessionsAct (HPA), and so is setting strategicdirection and implementing changes toalign with and ease the transition to thenew legislation.

To fulfill its responsibilities as a regulato-ry body, the College provides directionfor and regulates the practice of para-medic practitioners; establishes, main-tains, and enforces a code of ethics aswell as standards for registration, prac-tice, and continuing competency; andperforms related duties in support of reg-ulating the paramedic profession in thepublic interest.

All registered practitioners with theCollege are bound by the Code of Ethics,which defines ethical behaviour of a reg-istered practitioner, the responsibility of apractitioner to his or her patient, and theresponsibility of a practitioner to the pro-fession. The Code of Ethics serves as anethical compass directing a practitioner’sdecisions regarding patient care and pro-viding expectations by which to review apractitioner’s practice.

EDUCATIONThe College regulates over 7,000 practi-tioners across three levels of practice:EMR, EMT and EMT-P. Each level is

defined by its own scope of practice andhas specific educational requirements.EMRs provide basic medical treatment,such as oxygen and spinal immobiliza-tion, and are qualified to provide care toa level greater than that of an advancedfirst aider. EMTs provide intermediate-level care referred to as Basic LifeSupport, and EMT-Ps provide AdvancedLife Support, administer medications andperform advanced cardiac monitoring aswell as invasive techniques.

Paramedic practitioners work in a varietyof settings throughout the province.From urban to rural settings, hospitals tothe remote oilfields, paramedic practi-tioners fill an essential role in Alberta’shealth care industry.

In order to be eligible for registrationwith the College, applicants must eithercomplete a certificate or diploma pro-gram approved by the College for theappropriate category of the practice of

paramedicine, or receive approvalthrough an equivalency process adminis-tered by the College’s RegistrationCommittee.

The College’s Educational InstitutionsProgram Approval/Audit WorkingSubcommittee provides support and pol-icy advice to the Registration Committee,and ultimately to Council, in regard tothe process and methodology used todetermine if a program of study isdeemed an “approved program” by theCollege for the purpose of registrationof applicants. On an ongoing basis, thesubcommittee conducts audits of previ-ously approved programs and makesrecommendations to the RegistrationCommittee regarding programs retaining“approved program” status. Subcom-mittee work may be accomplished sepa-rately from or in conjunction with theCanadian Medical Association for EMTand EMT-P programs.

know your healthcare team

The following article has been submitted by the Alberta College of Paramedics

Profile: Paramedics


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Programs are available from a variety ofapproved private and public educationalinstitutions located throughout Albertaand British Columbia. Course lengthvaries and depends on the school and thelevel of emergency medical educationbeing completed. Once an applicant hassuccessfully completed an approved pro-gram of study, he or she can then apply towrite the provincial registration examadministered by the College. Exams areadministered in Edmonton a minimum ofthree times per level throughout the year.Upon receiving a passing mark, appli-cants are then eligible for registrationwith the College.

CONTINUING COMPETENCYAs part of the annual registration renew-al process, all practitioners must com-plete continuing competency require-ments. The Continuing Competency pro-gram supports practitioners in buildingtheir knowledge and abilities and ensurespractitioners are competent at the time ofregistration and remain so throughouttheir careers. As a result, the public candepend on a standard level of competencefrom practitioners; this assurance of com-petence bolsters the integrity of the pro-

fession while advancing practitioners’personal and professional development.The program includes completing selfassessments and developing learningplans. Learning plans are made up ofplanned activities such as courses, self-study, or classroom instruction, and areaimed at improving or maintaining apractitioner’s level of competency topractice. An accompanying audit processensures practitioners are using effectivetraining materials to accomplish theircontinuing competency goals.

Continuing competency goals are devel-oped in relation to the scope of practice

for practitioners in Alberta, which isdefined under the HPA by the AlbertaOccupational Competency Profile(AOCP). The AOCP provides a completedescription of the knowledge, skills, atti-tudes and judgments expected of practi-tioners ranging from novice to expert.The AOCP was developed to complywith the requirements of the HPA andcreated through the consensus of practi-tioners registered with the College.

To ease the transition for practitioners

and ensure public safety, the College hasdesigned a Gap Training program toensure that registered practitioners whocompleted the provincial registrationexam prior to 2004 meet the requiredcompetencies outlined by the AOCP.Training received prior to February 2004does not meet the broadened scope ofpractice introduced under the HPA, andtraining modules address each area inwhich additional training is required.

FUTURE OF THE PROFESSIONUnder the HPA, the College’s role as reg-ulatory body is advanced and refined.The HPA requires the College to carryout its activities and govern its regulatedmembers in a manner that protects andserves the public’s interest. To do this, theCollege relies on the involvement of itspractitioners on College council, whichupholds the interests of both the publicand the profession. The Council repre-sents the voices of those in, and thoseimpacted by, the profession, and sets thestrategic direction for the future.

Part of this future includes addressing thegrowing need for emergency medicalservice practitioners and addressinglabour shortages in our health care sys-tem. The College has recently taken alead role in working with counterparts inBritish Columbia to review regulatoryrequirements for practitioners in bothprovinces. The recent Trade, Investmentand Labour Mobility Agreement betweenthe Governments of Alberta and BritishColumbia seeks to enhance labour mobil-ity between the two provinces, and theCollege has the goal of removing any bar-riers that may impede a practitioner fromtransitioning their career between Albertaand B.C. Similarly, the College is alsoworking with counterparts at the nation-al level to discuss labour mobility forparamedic practitioners.

As emergency medical services in Albertacontinue to evolve, the College will con-tinue its focus on governance under theHDA while looking forward to legisla-tion under the HPA.

know your healthcare team

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Health Quality Council ofAlberta releases findings offirst provincial Long Term Care Resident and Family

Experience Surveys

In December 2008 the Health Quality Council of Alberta(HQCA) released the results of two surveys that exam-ined the experience of long term care residents and their

families across Alberta. Overall, 50% of those residentssurveyed rated the care they get from nursing home staff as9 or 10 out of 10. The survey found that from the residents’perspective, items related to communication and respecthad the strongest relationship to the overall care rating.

Overall, nearly half of the family members surveyed (45%)also rated the care at the nursing home as 9 or 10 out of10. The survey found that the items that had the strongestrelationship to family members’ overall care rating wererelated to staffing levels, care of residents’ belongings andthe nursing home environment. In addition, the survey foundthat family members rated smaller nursing homes (thosewith fewer than 100 beds) more positively than largefacilities.

This is the first provincial survey of its kind undertaken inAlberta and it establishes a baseline for measuring theexperience of long term care residents and their families.The results provide Alberta Health Services, long term careoperators and management, direct care providers, healthprofessionals and Alberta Health and Wellness with theinformation they need to improve the quality of resident careand services as well as aspects of residents’ quality of life.

Residents and family members associated with over 170long term care facilities across Alberta participated in thesurveys. For the resident survey, nearly 3,500 face-to-faceinterviews were conducted, covering about 25% of Alberta’slong term care residents. For the family survey, 7,943families completed a mailed survey for a response rate of70.2%. This high response resulted in a low margin of errorof ±1.1%.

The provincial technical reports and a summary of thefindings are at:

For more information about the HQCA’s long term careresident and family experience surveys, please contactPam Brandt at 403.297.4091 or [email protected].

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I Have a NI’m in a nursing home not because I want to be, but because

my daughter, who cared for me for over 28 years, is nolonger able to look after me with the safety that my severely

frail and osteo-arthritic body requires. She nursed me throughtwo cataract and two knee replacement surgeries, seconddegree burns from scalding bath water, a nasty leg ulcer, a frac-tured rotor cuff and pneumonia. And while my family and Iwould prefer me to be home, the simple fact is that my daugh-ter, at almost 70 years, receiving inadequate help to give hermuch respite from taking care of me twenty-four hours a day,365 days a year, was no longer able to lift me without endan-gering her own back and health.

My ailments, all too common for someone of my age, arealso those of many of my fellow residents. I have maculardegeneration, hearing loss, osteoarthritis, peripheral vasculardisease, and I can no longer walk, requiring an uncomfortablemechanical lift to be transferred from bed to wheelchair. I amunable to attend to my personal needs, I cannot get out of thebuilding without assistance and I am, for all intents and pur-poses, a virtual prisoner in my room. Family photographs areconstant reminders of a former, far happier existence. A dirtywindow and partially open shade allow me to see the tree out-side my window. I am fortunate that I do not suffer fromAlzheimer’s or dementia.

The TV and telephone must suffice to bring the outsideworld into my room. I can no longer read a newspaper, but I doknow from the news that the health care system is, once again,

being turned upside down and that there is an acute shortage ofdoctors and nursing staff. I also know that my entire pension-er’s income goes to paying for my residency in this ‘home’.

Aside from my daughter who comes daily for three to fourhours to take me for long walks in my wheelchair, I have fewvisitors.

I am that old lady at the end of the hallway, who has trou-ble adjusting to her new teeth, and who needs help with her per-sonal care. I do not call for help frivolously. But please under-stand that my critical lifeline to your care is my ready access tothe call bell. When you so frequently forget to pin it to my blan-ket, leaving it where I cannot reach it, you deprive me of mycrucial link to obtain help. Your forgetfulness, or is it thought-lessness, subjects me to unnecessary stress and anxiety. Andwhen calling out from my room at the end of the hall, you don’thear me, I am forced to rely on the possibility of another kindresident to hear me and be willing to investigate my cries. I amlucky that I have such a wonderful neighbor. But she should nothave to be in this position.

Some of you have a ‘calling’ for the nursing profession andare, what I consider to be ‘naturals’; whereas for others, yourwork is merely a ‘job’, not a career. It is attitude, thoughtfulness,common sense, along with good training, that make the crucialdifference for all my fellow residents who must rely on yourgoodwill to take care of our frail, handicapped bodies in asstress-free an atmosphere as possible.

Some of you treat me with great kindness, dignity, and

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She happens to be 102 years old, but Emma is more likeyou than you might think. Her room at the extendedcare facility is lovingly decorated with family photos and

greenery. Her bed is positioned so she can keep watch onthe weather outside. She leaves her glasses off when I takeout the camera for pictures. I do the same thing too – this isdefinite proof that a woman’s vanity has no age.

Emma has experienced many of the same things you have inyour own life. She had a career – she was a seamstress insmall town Saskatchewan. She designed figure skatingoutfits and graduation gowns. She created her own patterns,and did all her own sewing – the long seams by machine,and all the hems by hand.

She raised three children, two girls and a boy, and has a boun-ty of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Emma loved toplay the piano, and was an accomplished soloist. She’d playChristmas carols on the piano every Christmas Eve beside acandle-lit tree. Her hands are now fragile with paper thin skin,but they were once strong and skillful tools of her trades.

“I have had a rich life,” Emma says.

She loved scenery all over the world, so she travelled often –across Canada, Hawaii, and all over Europe on annual tripswith her husband. She continued travelling with her daughterwhen her husband passed away, and wintered for almosttwenty years in Arizona. Emma speaks fondly of a trip to Italy,and describes a bus trip from Rome to Naples where shefeared for her life aboard a crazy bus careening its way alongthe high cliffs of the Amalfi Coast.

They say the elderly feel invisible, but Emma is a vibrant,interesting woman who defies her years. She was clearly abeauty in her youth, and her loveliness shines through her softeyes and her mischievous grin. She just needs a gentle touchand encouragement to share her wisdom.

I ask, ‘What advice would you give to younger people abouthappiness?’ Emma pauses, and her pale blue eyes well up.Then she answers.

“Happy to me means being able to dance.” And thoughosteoarthritis has robbed her of waltzing on the dance floor,she clearly is still dancing in her heart.


respect when you take care of my needs. You say my name. Youhelp minimize my acute embarrassment of no longer being ableto take care of myself. You touch me gently and tell me every-thing that you will and need to do so that I can cooperate andhelp you where I’m able. I am not surprised by your actions andwelcome your loving care. You hug me, stroke my hand andhelp me understand with soothing words. And from time totime, you pop cheerfully into my room to ask how I am or if Ineed anything. You make me feel that my isolated existence isstill worthwhile. You call me by my name. You are my periodicsunshine and give me hope that after every shift rotation youwill be reassigned to take care of all the residents in my wing.

Alas, some of you treat me as roughly and coldly as therough towels you use to dry me after my weekly bath. You for-get that my skin is paper-thin and my bones are fragile. You failto realize that what works for your young body, doesn’t workfor mine. And when I’m having a difficult, uncomfortable night,and I had to call you once too often for your liking, you threat-en me with your raised finger. Your words and actions diminishmy being, making me feel useless and a burden to you. Youfrighten me, scare me, and make me wonder why you ever choseyour profession as it seems to give you so little pleasure. I dreadthe nights when you are assigned to our floor.

I have lived through two great wars, have been bombedout, and with my husband and children came to Canada inhopes to rebuild our lives. We succeeded through hard workand frugality, and in the process have contributed to the diversefabric of our Canadian social, economic and cultural mosaic. Ido not whine or ask for much at this stage in my life. However,I do ask that you never leave my room without ensuring that Ihave my call bell in my hand. In the meantime, my thanks mustbe verbal but my gratitude for not being forgotten or ignored,being dealt with gently and kindly, and called by my name, iseternal.

I wish it were in my power to reward you appropriatelyand to insure that your pay is commensurate with the very dif-ficult, frequently back-breaking work that you do. Alas, I fearthat time will only come when our elected officials must placerelatives, or even themselves, into nursing homes. Only then canwe hope that they will come to appreciate the true magnitude ofthe urgent need for adequate health care and nursing homefunding. I doubt that I will live long enough to see that day.

I am just shy of my 102 birthday. Please call me Emma.

Emma’s 102nd Birthday was in January 2009.

About Emma… By Sue Robins

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To improve Alberta’s health system into the future, the provincialgovernment is moving forward on Vision 2020, a report outlininga number of actions to build Alberta’s health system.

There are five goals in Vision 2020:1. Providing the right service, in the right place, and at the right time;2. Enhancing access to high quality services in rural areas; 3. Matching workforce supply to demand for services; 4. Improving co-ordination of care and delivery of care; and 5. Building a strong foundation for public health.

“A major theme of our Health Action Plan released in April was toensure the future sustainability of Alberta’s health system,” saidRon Liepert, Minister of Health and Wellness. “A commitment inthat action plan was to table a long-term health system sustain-ability plan, and phase one of the roadmap for achieving that goalis this Vision 2020 report. By linking the right services, in the rightlocation, and at the right time, patients will get faster treatment.These types of efficiencies will, in turn, ensure our health system issustainable for years to come.”

Actions to be implemented from Vision 2020 include: providingmore health care in community settings - including more careoptions for seniors; integrating the skills of emergency medicaltechnicians more fully into the health-care system; changing reim-bursement incentives for health professionals to align with newways of delivering care; and reviewing the role of small hospitals toensure they meet local needs.

“Vision 2020 is about a stronger, more efficient and sustainablepublicly-funded health system focused on patient needs,” saidLiepert. “The next step will be to develop a joint implementationplan in the new year, complete with timelines and targets, betweenAlberta Health and Wellness and Alberta Health Services in orderto put the report into action.” Vision 2020 was developed follow-ing a provincial health services optimization review, which wasconducted to assess Alberta’s health needs and find opportunities toimprove health service organization and delivery for the next 10 to15 years.

Alberta’s Vision 2020 puts Patients at Center of Sustainable Health System

Next step to develop detailed implementation plan with Alberta Health Services

a healthy approach

Vision 2020 report is available on the Health andWellness website at

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Those who work in the helping pro-fession are more likely than those inother professions to experience inci-

dents that are often described as traumat-ic. As such, it is imperative that organiza-tions develop a process for helping staffcope with incidents that cause distress.

Critical Incident Group Debriefing(CIGD) is one such method. CIGD is ashort-term group intervention processthat focuses on an immediate crisis.CIGD is one method that can be utilizedto lessen the likelihood of participantsexperiencing symptoms of trauma andstress after a critical incident. This groupdebriefing process provides a place forparticipants to talk and share experi-ences, and for the facilitator to teach andprovide information about the impact ofcritical incidents.

While CIGD can be very effective inmany instances, there are times whereCIGD may not be appropriate. Forexample, because of an issue of trust in aparticular group, it may be more appro-priate to utilize individual debriefing thangroup debriefing. It is important to notethat every crisis situation is unique andwill require thoughtful consideration tothe following questions:• Is this a safe environment (is there

trust, is there rank in the room)?• Who is suited to lead this debriefing?

What are pros and cons of having an outside versus inside facilitator?

• How large will the group be? • How soon after the crisis will CIGD

happen?• How many facilitators will be in the

room? If more than one, how will they work together?

• Will attendance be mandatory? • How long of a time should a group

last?• What if participants want to leave?• Where will the debriefing happen?• Should some members of the group be

met with individually ahead of time?

The Crisis & Trauma Resource InstituteInc. (CTRI) is one of several organiza-

tions involved in the training of the groupdebriefing process. At their core, the dif-ferent models of group debriefing havesimilarities and are focused on providinga structured environment for people totalk about their emotions and reactionsto the event, with the purpose of lessen-ing the likelihood of participants experi-encing symptoms of trauma and stressafter a critical incident. While there aresimilarities in the different models ofgroup debriefing, CTRI brings uniqueperspectives driven largely by our back-ground in counselling and therapeuticpractices. We focus on the importance ofproviding a safe environment in naturalgroups to explore thoughts and experi-ences and view the teaching componentas key to the debriefing process.

There is much discussion on whethergroup debriefing has the desired result ofpreventing post-traumatic stress disorderafter traumatic incidents. The premisebehind most of the critiques is that thereis little evidence/research or in some casesinaccurate evidence/research on whetherthese processes work. In fact, on the con-trary, some suggest there is evidence thatthis process has the ability to do moredamage than good.

CTRI’s perspective is to take these cri-tiques seriously and to not become overzealous in our use of this model. It isimportant to have a thoughtful discus-sion about whether to use this process ornot in each situation that arises.Following are some of the problems andbenefits with group debriefing that havebeen identified:

Problems that may be associatedwith group debriefing:• Minimal time for individual help.• Creating a safe environment is diffi-

cult to accomplish in many situations.Also, a false sense of safety can result in self-disclosure that is regretted.

• Vicarious traumatization - some stories expressed may be distressing for others to hear.

• Negative energy (depending on what happens, people may leave the meeting more discouraged than encouraged).

Benefits of group debriefing:• Normalization occurs (one learns that

intense reactions are not just theirs).• Teaching (learning about reactions

and coping skills is usually beneficial).• Time management (sometimes there is

no time or resources to debrief everyone individually in a realistic time frame).

• Provides informal assessment opportunities.

• Additional resources are made directlyavailable.

While CIGD is a very important part ofhelping organizations respond to unfor-tunate events, it is also a process thatrequires much consideration and reflec-tion prior to implementing.

at issue

Critical Incident Group DebriefingISSUES AND CONSIDERATIONS

By Randy Grieser, MSW, RSW, Director-Crisis & Trauma Resources Institute Inc.

About the Crisis & TraumaResource Institute Inc.

CTRI provides professional training andconsulting services for individuals, commu-nities and organizations affected by orinvolved in working with issues of crisisand trauma. CTRI will offer the workshopCritical Incident Group Debriefing inCalgary on May 27, 2009. For moredetails visit their website at The author of this article, RandyGrieser, will also be presenting on thistopic at the 2009 CLPNA SpringConference.

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We nurses have it within our power to end the nursingshortage. With commitment and determination we solve com-plicated problems every day, and we can solve this one too.

Think about it. If each nurse recruits or retains just onenurse, we can end our own shortage in just a few years. We allknow the benefits of that… improved staffing ratios, lessburnout, and most importantly, better patient care.

That’s why, with the release of Chicken Soup for the Nurse’sSoul, Second Dose, I have initiated my Each One Reach OneNurse campaign. Look how simple this can be if we Each OneReach One Nurse:

Endorse nursing as a great career. When someone asks,“Are you a nurse?” do you share your passion and compassion,telling them how wonderful this profession of service is? (or do wecomplain too much?) What other career offers such diverse expe-riences? Part-time, full-time, bedside, boardroom, intensive care,palliative care,schools, clinics, infant to geriatric…the options arelimitless. Remember to suggest nursing to middle-aged people seek-ing a career change.

Advise middle or high schoolers to join. This age groupis deciding what they want to be when they grow up. Go to theschool and/or career day. From Johnson and Johnson’ website, order free posters and videosto excite them about our profession. Suggest it as a career tobabysitters, boyfriends, and baseball teams.

Counsel HCAs to get nursing designations. We’ve allworked with health care aides who have the compassion and capa-bilities to contribute at a higher level. Recognize that in them, andif possible help them find funding and opportunities to get a high-er education.

Help a tired nurse stay in. When you recognize that a col-league is developing achy feet and an achy heart, offer support.Talk to administration about flexible working conditions. Suggesta transfer to a less demanding position. Ask him/her what they needto continue to serve.


Recruit a non-practicing nurse to return. When I askmy audiences, “How many of your know a nurse who is not cur-rently practicing in our profession?” 20-30% of them raise theirhands. Just think if we could increase our workforce by 20%!Invite that nurse to return to work in healthcare. Remind him/herof the many work-place options today. Help them find a refreshercourse to update their skills.

Encourage nurses to be instructors. Last year the USturned away 120,000 nursing students for lack of instructors andschools. Are you or a colleague ready to leave the demands of thebedside to teach? Do you know caring people with a Bachelor’sdegree in another field? Help them explore MSN programs quali-fying them to teach.

Assist and support a new nurse. Were you as appalled asI to learn that 20% of first year nurses quit? What are we doing tothem? Take a new nurse under your wing. Help your facility set upa mentoring program. Ask the new nurse what he/she needs andoffer that supportively.

Care for yourself and model that to others. It’s time tostop bragging or complaining about not taking breaks or eatinglunch or going to the bathroom. Maybe if we role-modeled eatingright and emptying our bladders promptly, our colleagues will too!Maybe if we stop agreeing to work exhausted doing overtime anddouble shifts, other staffing solutions will be found.

Honor and recognize your colleagues. Awards fromadministration are reaffirmingand appreciated. We can reward oneanother too by acknowledging good work and thanking each otherand all departments for the support they give. Write a note. Speakup. Ten seconds of expressed gratitude can provide hundreds ofhours of boosted morale.

ONE NURSEEvery nurse can do every one of the strategies above. And when wedo we will achieve what the government, money, and well-intentionprograms have not. If each one of us reaches out to one – just one-- our ranks will grow and thrive from the grass roots level up.

And who better to do it than us?

a sip of soup

Each One Reach One NurseWe Hold the Solution to the Nursing Shortage

By LeAnn Thieman

Every LPN has a “chicken soup” story,from the heart-warming and funny, to thethought provoking and emotionally pow-erful. Share yours. Stories can be asshort as a few lines or up to 300 words,and may be published in a future issueof CARE magazine. The CLPNA willwork with you to write your story or youcan email it to [email protected],fax to 780-484-9069, or mail toCLPNA, Attention: CARE Magazine.

WANTED: “Soup” Stories

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The Changing Face of


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In 2005, the average age of nursing professionals was the highestit has ever been. Almost 40% of nurses were 50 years or older, out-numbering those aged 34 years and younger by almost two to one.A contributing factor to this aging trend is a general increase in theage of nursing graduates. Among those employed in 2005, 27.1% ofLPNs in Canada were aged 30 or older at the time of graduation(13.2% of RNs).7

In Alberta, the picture is modestly better.8 The average age of anLPN in Alberta is down from 45.3 in 2002. The average age at whichmost plan to retire is 60.5, up from 59.5 in 2002. However, 30% ofthe LPN workforce in Alberta is over 50, and 16.6% are older than56. Given the CLPNA’s Strategic Plan goal to increase LPN registrantsto 12,000 by 2012, the 26% of the LPN workforce aged 19-30will not even be enough to sustain existing LPN numbers withouta significant influx of new LPN immigration or LPN educationenrollment if current trends continue.

It’s not just age that poses a challenge

The number of LPNs in Alberta has been increasing every yearsince 2000, but remains 20% below figures recorded in 1986.

Employment rates are high. In 2005, most nurses (93.0%) wereemployed. 55.4% of LPNs in Canada were employed full-time in2005. While this suggests labour supply could be generated by shift-ing more LPNs to full-time status, part-time status is most likely achoice rather than necessity given the full-time employment rate hasbeen stable for several years.9

In spite of current economic challenges(which will ease… eventual-ly), our rapidly ageing population and labour force will amplify longerterm labour shortages in key sectors including healthcare, and createmore employment choice for workers. Job satisfaction is a tool ofchoice in being able to compete with forces - from aging to labourforce competition with other sectors - that work against the sustain-ability of the numbers of people in the LPN profession.

Etched in a stone in Venice Beach, California are the words, “I ama person who stands against the mountain and thinks of pebbles.”While demographic and workplace issues present challenges to beovercome, the CLPNA is actively working on recruitment andretention initiatives to ensure that the stones of a vibrant future forthe LPN profession are being cast.

# Canadians employed in healthcare

A number of forces are coming together to present a monumental challengefor us as a nation, as healthcare providers, and as healthcare practitioners:

Healthcare is a Big Ticket Item in Canada

We spend a lot on healthcare - $172 billion,10.7% of GDP, or $5200 per person in Canada in2008.1 Approximately four of every 10 provincialbudget dollars in Alberta are spent on healthcare.2

We’re going to spend a lot more on healthcare:

• Our population is aging. The baby boomers (born between 1945 and 1965) are retiring. Between 2005 and 2010 the number of Albertans aged 45 and over will grow more than twice as fast as those under 45 years of age, and the fastest growth will occur in the 55 to 64 age group.3

• It costs more to provide healthcare for an aging population. With today’s per capita health expenditure held constant, health expenditures are expected to increase by 30% in the next 30 years from the effect of aging alone.4

• We’re living longer with chronic conditions. Over the past 20 years, the proportion of Canadians with hypertension has risen by 36%, with diabetes 75%, and with cancer 200%.5

• Our healthcare expectations are rising as our society becomes more prosperous.

The Way We View Healthcare is Changing

Canadians want quality of life – with the bestthat medicine and technology can buy. They wantminimum wait times, and access to care closer to, oreven in, the home as they age. In addition to acutecare, Canadians will demand and require far moreextensive community care (e.g. home care, mentalhealth, primary care, public health, etc.), and longterm care. A public push to decentralize service willstrain many services where there is desire to central-ize for reasons of cost efficiency.

The technological revolution is advancing soquickly it enables consideration of the structuralform and function of healthcare: how disease istreated, where disease is treated, and how healthcarepractitioners interact with technology to providepatient care.

The Healthcare Workforce Challenge

The larger workforce that will be required to meeta significantly increased need is aging, translating toa looming labour shortage.







Nurses (RN, LPN, RPN) as proportion of total healthcare workforce

Average age of nursing professionals

Average age of Alberta LPN s in 2008

In 2007…

1 Canadian Institute for Health Information, National Health Expenditure Trends (1975 -2008)2 Alberta Health and Wellness3 Human Resources and Employment, Alberta Regional Population Outlook, 2005-20104,5 Health Policy Research Bulletin (Vol.1/Iss.1), Health Canada, 20016 Canadian Institute for Health Information; CLPNA (Alberta LPN average age)7,9 Health Canada, Health Policy Research Bulletin, Issue 13, 20078 CLPNA Member Survey, 2007


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hemorrhage, and almost died. I wasbrought to Foothills and met a nurse Ibecame friends with. She took care ofhim. She told me about her impendingtrip to Darfur with Doctors WithoutBorders. More importantly, I saw whatshe was doing for my father. I knew rightthere what I wanted to do… what I hadto do.”

I ask her if he’s proud of her choice. Atear wells up in her eye and she says “Yeshe’s very proud.” She then goes on to talkabout how she was so excited to buyscrubs, and the day she received herHealth Region identification badge.

I ask Kristina about a patient interactionthat stuck with her in her practicumexperience at Bow Valley College. Shereplies, “It was my first patient – awoman with Alzheimer’s disease. I spentsix weeks with her, by many accounts achallenging patient because she wouldrepeat the same phrases over and overagain. She was easily agitated, and therewere general communication challenges.Her ‘light’ was mostly dim, but it would

the (new) face of healthcare

There are just a handful oftimes in life when you meetsomeone who in talking aboutchange and transformation intheir life, change you. Thatperson is Kristina McGuire.Born in Montreal, Kristina isarticulate and engaged in tellingthe story of healthcare throughher eyes. She wears her hearton her sleeve. Her words andher passion inspire.

To understand her perspective, one mustunderstand Kristina’s history. Her parentswere both nurses. Her Dad is an RNtrained in the Philippines. Her Mom is anLPN. Her Dad worked as an O.R. nurseat Calgary General and transferred toPeter Lougheed when the General closed.Her Mom worked in home-care for along time as a nursing coordinator. Hersister is an LPN, completing the course atBow Valley College in 2003, and present-ly working at Peter Lougheed Hospital.

We quickly arrive at her motivation forentering the nursing profession (afterchatting about her husband Drew whoshe describes as her motivational coach) –her Dad. “He’s my hero,” she says withemotion. She says her Dad told her not topursue nursing… it was an overworkedand underpaid profession. “But he lovedit,” she says, affectionately calling him awalking contradiction. “You couldalways see his love for nursing in his face.He was a storyteller about life and timesin healthcare. He would always say edu-cation is the most important thing in life.Someone can take away a house andmoney, but they can’t take away youreducation. I remember family drivingtrips… Dad would quiz me on the namesof the bones in the ears, the function of

the liver, and any other matter of medicalamusement.”

She also notes that her Dad comes from afamily of 18 brothers and sisters – manyof whom are nurses. I ask why that is.Kristina quickly answers, “Nursing is anhonoured profession that plays a centralrole in Philippines life. Service and caringfor fellow human beings is a part of theculture – where there’s no job that’sbelow you.” She adds, “Acts of servicemake you feel good. It’s rewarding to dosomething for someone else.”

We move on to talk about Kristina's life.She says she tried to avoid becoming anurse. She had tested waters elsewherefor years… teacher, working at a bank forfive years, and working with film studios.But she says in retrospect she was waitingfor a catalyst, and it was her Dad.

“In November, 2005, just months after Igot married, Dad was working anevening shift and got a bad headache. Hewas sent to the E.R. as a precaution, andhad a CT scan. He had a subarachnoid

Interview by Chris Fields

Kristina McGuire

Graduate (and Class Valedictorian), Bow Valley College,January, 2009

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I ask Kristina what kind of nursing roleshe wants to take on. She says she wantsto go everywhere. ICU. E.R. She adoreschildren. “As a girl, I would do home vis-its with Mom – mostly kids. I wouldwatch her do tube feedings. The visitswere recurring, so I would get to knowthe kids. So I grew up with kids witheverything from cerebral palsy to seizuredisorders. I saw nothing wrong withthem … they were friends.”

And for the next ten minutes of our inter-view we transition to a world that isdeeply personal… and informs wisdom.

I suggest to Kristina that she might findworking with children too heart-breakingbecause I see her as a deeply empatheticperson. She nods, but thinks she could doa world of good there. She then describesthe details of a rebellious childhood, andit’s so different than who I see sittingacross from me that I facetiously suggestthat she's lying. But she’s not… becausethere’s tears in her eyes. As she describesit, she learned behaviour modification at13 years old, and she struggled for sever-al years. It’s made her who she is.

There’s quiet for a moment – and I twistan analogy around in my mind related tometamorphosis - that a caterpillar is quitean interesting creature with all thosesynchronous legs, but it’s just a steppingstone to something even more beautiful.When time dictates, the caterpillar windsitself into a cocoon and later reveals oneof nature’s great inspirations – a butterfly.Perhaps Princess Diana said it best – “If Iam to care for people in hospital I reallymust know every aspect of their treat-ment and to understand their suffering.”

Suffice it to say that Kristina has learnednursing from the other side, and itgrounds her in her driven nature, and theemotional investment she has in it. “Shegives hope to others,” adds Ann-MarieSimpson, LPN, an Instructor at BowValley College, who is sitting in on the

turn on and off. I was assigned to herbecause a nurse felt I could spend moretime with her. She was a war-time nursewho was shipped to the beaches ofNormandy. There she nursed injuries.After the war, she went on to nursingmanagement at an 80 bed hospital inToronto, followed by work in a largerfacility. She wrote a book and severalarticles.”

Kristina’s ability to connect more deeplywith people reveals itself in what follows.“Her room was full of war-time para-phernalia. Her daughter encouraged visi-tors to write notes in a journal in theroom. I read through those. There is awindow box beside the room doors, andin hers is a wartime nursing uniform andcap. I could picture her life and thesignificance of it. I got to know her fromthe memories in her room, and could seethe world as she saw it through her eyes.It's humbling, and easy to care just alittle more when you can step outsideyourself.”

I ask her what different perspective shebrought to the patient interaction. “I’mpatient,” she says. “We hit it off. I tookher for walks when she became agitated.I got stories out of her. She loved cookiesand tea. I would give those to her whenshe became agitated. I would ask her foradvice – what should I do as a nursingstudent? She would reply – ‘study yourbooks.’ All she wanted was a friend.”

Kristina also talks about “a giant farmerfrom Saskatchewan” with a broken tibia.She says she was lucky to be able tofollow him through surgery and recovery.“He was a nice salt of the earth farmer –big and tough on the exterior. But goinginto surgery I could see the beads ofsweat on his face…and he was shaking. Ihad a rapport with him, and he quietlysaid to me ‘I’m really scared’. I said, ‘I’llbe here when you wake up.’ He said,‘That’s good.’ He humbled me. He hadthe same fears as everyone else.”


Adult - Vascular SurgeryCALGARY

Pediatric - Cardiology, Respiratory and GI CALGARY

It’s humbling, and easy to care just a littlemore when you can step outside yourself.

interview. “She even recently offered meadvice that was both timely and wisebased on her own life experience.”

When Kristina made the decision to pur-sue nursing, she was all in. She paid outof her own pocket to upgrade math andbiology, and obtain a math tutor. Shetook a medical terminology course atBow Valley College. She turned in herlife’s RRSP savings to pay for the LPNcourse. She worked a night shift as aNursing Aide at Foothills Hospital inoncology and sub-acute care whileattending college.

Given her family background, I ask herwhy she pursued LPN as opposed to RNdesignation. “I wanted more than a text-book education… I wanted a hands-oneducation,” she says.

Kristina wants to work to her full scopeof practice, and worries a bit about whatshe feels is a breakable glass ceiling forthe LPN in situations where they’re notused fully. “I don’t want to have someonesay to me I can't do what I'm trained todo because I have different letters. I’dhate to think I can’t provide the best carepossible to the best of my abilities.”

While the vibrancy of people like Kristinawill continue to open the door wider forLPNs to walk through in terms of theambitiousness of the work itself, it’s oneof her last comments that provides a win-dow to the soul of LPNs. “You have tolove this. It's not for the money.”

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The CLPNA hosts their AnnualGeneral Meeting on Wednesday, April15 at 6:30pm at the Calgary MarriottHotel. Presentations include anoverview of the 2008 Annual Reportand the College’s future goals.

Resolutions can be filed until April 14at 4:30pm. For forms and instructions,please contact Executive AssistantSherri McLellan at [email protected],or 780-484-8886 Ext. 243.

the operations

CLPNA seeks Council MembersThe College of LPNs of Alberta seeks LPNs interested in

becoming involved in College affairs. Members residing inthree election Districts are invited to let their name stand

for election to the CLPNA Council by submitting a NominationPackage before May 31. This opportunity allows direct participationin the College’s Mission: “To regulate and lead the profession in amanner that protects and serves the public through excellence inPractical Nursing.” In June, LPNs in the election Districts willselect their representative by mail-in ballot.

The Council is responsible for the overall general direction ofthe College operating on a broad policy and overall planning level.In particular, the Council is responsible for ensuring the Collegeoperates on a sound financial basis. The Council does not manageday to day operations, or the “means” of achieving outcomes.Formally, the Council deals with College business through theExecutive Director. Further information about Council duties isavailable from under “About the CLPNA”.

Council members attend two-day meetings every three monthsto review reports of College business and to plan upcoming goals.


To place a name on the ballot for the Council election, interestedmembers must submit a Nomination Package to the CLPNA beforeMay 31. Nomination Packages and more information is availablefrom or by contacting the CLPNA. The College prepares and distributes ballots by mail to each member of the election District within 14 days following the close of nominations.

Become a part of this dynamic team!

Member Information - College Activity - Best Practices






Districts up for election in 2009 are:

District 2Calgary Health Region

District 4Capital Health Region

District 6Peace Country Health Region

District 7Northern Lakes Health Region

CLPNADistrict Map

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The CLPNA Council recently implemented two changes toscope of practice for Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) inAlberta:

Intravenous (IV) Push Medications Effective immediately, LPNs in appropriate environments, can administermedications via peripheral intravenous push.

BACKGROUNDERThis change is based on the evolving role for LPNs with IV medicationadministration and practice changes making IV push medication adminis-tration more common in a variety of settings. For several months now wehave been engaged in conversation with several health regions examiningthe possibility of allowing LPNs in some acute care environments to administer specific medications via direct push, intravenously (IV).

LPNs in acute care are part of a multidisciplinary health team and manyare now competent in medication administration via a peripheral IV. Somesettings are moving away from the use of mini-bags and buretrols for dilution of medications for intravenous administration and are utilizingdirect push methods for a wide range of IV medications.

The Health Professions Act, LPN Regulation 2003 - 13 (3), authorizesLPNs to administer fluids or medications via intravenous lines. TheCLPNA Competency Profile 2nd Edition (2005) notes parameters around direct peripheral IV push medications (V-2-11). CLPNA currentlyauthorizes the Renal Dialysis Specialty areas to administer direct peripheralIV medications due to the nature of this practice area and the advancedskill and expertise of those LPNs who have obtained the Specialty.

Because of these changes in practice and the fact that there are high levelsof support in practice settings the competency of direct IV push is now considered an “Additional Competency”. This competency must be appropriate and supported within the specific practice setting through policy, procedure, and education (including theory, lab, and clinical supports) to ensure safe practice.

Intravenous Initiation (IV starts) Effective 2010, all graduates of Practical Nurse programs will have achieved competence in IV initiation.

BACKGROUNDERInitiation of a peripheral intravenous (IV) has been part of the LicensedPractical Nurse (LPN) scope of practice since 1997 and has been taughtthrough on the job certification or post basic education. As the LPN rolehas evolved under the Health Professions Act more LPNs are assuming thiscompetency to further compliment their role. Recently several large tertiarycare sites have been providing widespread education for all their LPNs inintramuscular injections, IV medication administration, and IV initiation.

Currently, LPN students in Alberta learn all components related to periph-eral intravenous care with the exception of initiation of the intravenous.Several other LPN jurisdictions in Canada include IV initiation in theirbasic education. Alberta PN programs will be introducing this new competency into curriculum for all 2010 graduates.

IV Push Medications & Intravenous


Scope ofPracticeChange

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The CLPNA recently mailed out 400 CCP Validation packagesto actively practicing LPNs across Alberta through a randomselection process. In these packages, LPNs are expected tocomplete a four-part Validation that includes verification of learning completed in the past two years. This article is intended to clarify Part 1 and Part 2 of the Validation form.

Part 1) Verification of Participation in Learning

In this section, you tell us exactly what you did to complete thelearning. Resources and strategies must be presented forevery learning objective, i.e., course name, website address,journal or magazine name, article title, conference name. To verify the learning, documentation may include; certificates,letter of attendance, transcripts, conference agenda, or a concise Record of Professional Activities, including date oflearning and hours involved.

Part 2) Transfer of Learning

This section is where you tell us how the learning changed theway you think about your practice. Has the learning changedyour attitude, perception, or awareness about the particular competency? Did you acquire new knowledge and skill or justreview areas you were already aware of?

The Validation process examines to what extent your learninghas occurred and how you’ve applied this to your practice. Doyou have a new understanding of the concept or techniquestaught? Are you now looking at practice differently because of anew attitude or enhanced critical thinking? These signs indicateyou successfully transferred your learning.

Watch for the Summer, 2009 issue of CARE for information onPart 3 and Part 4 of the CCP Validation where we examinechanges in professional behavior and the declaration processthat confirms your professional commitment.

NSF FEE INCREASED At the December 2008 meeting of the CLPNA’s Council, the Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) fee wasincreased from $15.00 to $25.00.This fee is applicable if any paymentto the CLPNA becomes NSF.

As per CLPNA Bylaws, Section 16, theCouncil of the CLPNA is responsible toestablish fees, costs, levies or assessments.

Donate to Silent AuctionConsider donating handcrafts or other

quality items to this year’s Silent Auction! TheFredrickson-McGregor Education Foundation forLPNs once again hosts their annual Silent Auction

in conjunction with the CLPNA’s 2009 SpringConference. This is a fun and exciting event whereeveryone can participate, out-bidding your fellow

colleagues and receiving fantastic items! New itemssuch as household goods, home decor, books,

electronics, gift certificates, scrapbooking materials, handcrafted items, etc, are welcome.

Donations can be dropped off or mailed to theCLPNA office: St. Albert Trail Place, 13163 - 146Street, Edmonton, AB, T5L 4S8, or brought to theSpring Conference Registration Desk on April 15

or the morning of April 16.


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Council Meeting of December 4-5, 2008:

• The 2009 Budget was presented and approved. • Intravenous initiation was included into all basic practical nurse

programs in Alberta for graduates completing after January 1, 2010.• Intravenous push was added as an additional competency for Licensed

Practical Nurse practice in Alberta effective immediately.• The Extended Registration fee was eliminated from the fee structure

effective January 1, 2009.• The new fee for Consent to Release was established at $55.00

including GST effective immediately.• The Non-Sufficient Fund (NSF) fee was increased from $15.00 to

$25.00 effective January 1, 2009.• The Diploma Practical Nurse Program offered by Columbia College

was approved for three years effective December 2008 to November 2011 as per the recommendations of the Education Standards AdvisoryCommittee (ESAC).

• Debbie Elliott was appointed as an Employer Representative from Edmonton (4th Term) to the Education Standards Advisory Committee(ESAC) to December 31, 2010.

• Hugh Pedersen, President; Peter Bidlock, Public Member; and Kristina Maidment were appointed to be on the Executive Director Evaluation Committee for 2009.

• Hugh Pedersen, President; Kristen Shardlow and Robert Mitchell were appointed to the Council Appeals Committee to December 31, 2009.

• Peter Brown and Jenette Lappenbush were appointed to the Nominations Committee for Spring Conference 2009.

• Kristina Maidment was appointed to compile Council Annual Evaluation for 2009.

Regulated Committee Re-Appointments

The following members and individuals re-appointed to the designatedcommittees to December 31, 2010.

Hearing Tribunal Chairperson – Sheila Green (2nd Term)

Hearing Tribunal - Tobi French (2nd Term)

Hearing Tribunal – Larry Leduc (2nd Term)

Hearing Tribunal – Deborah Reed (2nd Term)

Hearing Tribunal – Kathryn Kennedy (2nd Term)

Complaint Review Committee Chairperson – Anne Lanz (2nd Term)

Complaint Review Committee – Barry Nesterchuk (2nd Term)

Education Standards Advisory committee (ESAC) – Pat Fox, LPN (3rd Term)

Education Standards Advisory committee (ESAC) – Penny Kwasny,Employer Representative (2nd Term)

Regulated Committee Appointments

The following members and individuals appointed to the designated committees to December 31, 2010.

Hearing Tribunal – Jamie Anderson (1st Term)

Hearing Tribunal – Jill Paton (1st Term)

Hearing Tribunal – Shelley Hendrickson (1st Term)

Complaint Review Committee – Margaret Devlin (1st Term)

Registration & Competence Committee – Ashley Holloway (1st Term)

Registration & Competence Committee – Dorothy Wurst-Thurn (1st Term)

LPNs can expect fewer approvals of Grant Applications, except forcourses leading to specializations suchas Operating Room, Orthopedics, andImmunization.

Due to recent economic downturn, theendowment for the Grant Program of the Fredrickson-McGregor EducationFoundation for LPNs has declined in valueand the interest from which Grant fundsare distributed has diminished. Beginningwith the October 31, 2008 Applicationperiod, the Foundation suspended approvalon courses in the categories of EventFunding (non-credit courses) and LongTerm Funding (Bachelor-degree courses)pending the growth of the endowment.

Members are invited to continue applyingfor Short Term Funding, especially forcourses such as Operating Room,Orthopedics, Leadership, Mental Health,Gerontology, Immunization, IM/ID, InfusionTherapy, Chronic Diseases, and Foot Care.

Funding for the Grant Program wasreceived by the College of LicensedPractical Nurses of Alberta from AlbertaHealth and Wellness to support continuingeducation needs of LPNs, and is distributedby the Selections Committee of theFredrickson-McGregor EducationFoundation for LPNs.



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2007 2008

Alberta Initial Graduates 536 487

Re-Entry LPNs 14 13

Other Canadian Registrants 225 238

Non Canadian Registrants 22 363

Renewals 6467 6758

TOTAL 7264 7859

Out of Province & InternationalRegistrations

LPN Registration Trends







Number of LPNs

Percentage ofLoss/Increase

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


53 34 41 74 90 80 81124



CLPNA Registration Data











[ +1.3% vs 2007 ]

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R3 R2


Age of Active LPNs

19-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65+AGE GROUPS







11.7%919 8.9%

700 7.2%570

Distribution of LPNs by Health Region

2007 2008

R1 Chinook Regional Health Authority 405 425

R2 Palliser Health Region 285 294

R3 Calgary Health Region 1685 1808

R4 David Thompson Regional Health Authority 843 838

R5 East Central Health 377 380

R6 Capital Health 2399 2784

R7 Aspen Regional Health Authority 414 419

R8 Peace Country Health 374 374

R9 Northern Lights Health Region 127 131

Other Canadian 405 406

TOTAL 7264 7859

Average Age: 2006 - 42.4 2007 - 42.2 2008 - 41.2

statisticsYear ending December 31, 2008

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CLPNA CouncilPresident

Hugh Pedersen

Executive Director/RegistrarLinda [email protected]

District 1 (RHA Regions 1, 2)Marie Boczkowski

District 2 (RHA Region 3)Donna Adams

District 3 (RHA Regions 4, 5)Jo-Anne Macdonald-Watson

District 4 (RHA Region 6)Vacant

District 5 (RHA Region 7)Jenette Lappenbush

District 6 (RHA Region 8)Kristina Maidment

District 7 (RHA Region 9)Kristen Shardlow

Public MembersPeter Bidlock / Robert Mitchell

Ted Langford To contact Council members please

call the CLPNA office and your message will be forwarded to them.

CLPNA StaffTamara Richter

Director of [email protected]

Teresa BatemanDirector of Professional Practice

[email protected]

Sharlene Standing Director of Regulatory Services

[email protected]

Linda Findlay Practice Consultant /[email protected]

CLPNA Office Hours

Regular Office HoursMonday to Friday

8:30am to 4:30pm

Closed forStatutory Holidays

the operations room

Log On to

• Regulations and Standards• Practice Statements• CLPNA Publications• Learning Modules• Competency Profile

and more…


To lead and regulate the profession in a manner that protects and serves the public through

excellence in Practical Nursing.


Licensed Practical Nurses are a nurse of choice, trusted partner and a valued professional in the healthcare system.

The CLPNA embraces change that serves the best interestsof the public, the profession and a quality healthcare system.

By 2012 the CLPNA expects:

• To be a full partner in all decisions that affect the profession

• LPNs to embrace and fully exploit their professional scope of practice and positively impact the nursing culture

• LPNs actively involved in planning and decision making within the profession and the healthcare system

• LPNs to assume leadership and management roles provincial, nationally and internationally within the profession and the health care system

• An increase in LPN registrations to 12,000 by 2012• LPNs to actively promote and support the profession• Employers fully utilizing LPNs in every area of practice• The scope of practice to evolve in response to the unique

and changing demands of the healthcare system


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St. Albert Trail Place, 13163 - 146 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5L 4S8Telephone (780) 484-8886 Toll Free 1-800-661-5877 Fax (780) 484-9069

Publications Mail Agreement Number 40050295

Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses To:St. Albert Trail Place, 13163 - 146 Street

Edmonton, Alberta T5L 4S8email: [email protected]