catalogue and price-list of f.g. otto & sons


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The Geaplvu Co lath. 39 & 41P*rkPUce^.V


(tcoUI Imitation*.

Me-MPils'McKesson & roisins.I

Processsad Maehlnsry Patented.

We request Physician* to specify McKESSON & ROBBINS' on theirprescription*.

‘•Our Doctors have used some of Your Gel«tlne-Co*te>l Compound Cathartic, Ph<»ph*>rusand Quinine Pills, whi.hl purchased of you when last In New York,and arevery muchpleased,

“SounuutY During a session of a Pennsylvania County Medical 8oclety this summer, jn discussion on ready-made PUle was Introduced, and several eminent practitioners assertedtheir want of faith In the aolublllty of sugar-coated and oom pressed pills, on account of notyielding ready effect after administration, and stated that under personal observationthey hadknown thesugar-coated pills to pass through thefbowels undissolvcd. Sums of these gentltnniihcul used our Gelatine-Cooled pill* and during eonsbleraVtc ej-pericnes hod always/bund then toproduce the most prompt and positire action.

“PifOSPHOHCb Pills".—A prominent physician of Ohio lately showed oue of our repre-

wfth him). Tpon cutting one of them open they found the phosphorus asfre-h as the moment

The Golallno we usenot being porous, all nihrtnikm ph/ne to oiidtre t, utehly,like the Iodide j“Qcisink Pii.M ".—A well-known ilnd eminent physician of. Ohio related to u» thefollowingcase: Ho had been In Iho habit of prescribing the 8. C. Quinine Pills for fastidious patient*,

though by experience, he doubted theirreliability. Having seen and tried McKesson Sc Bobbins'Gelatine-Coated Pills, he was pleased with their ready solubility and the careful manner In whichthey are prepared, and prescribed some of our Quinine Pills for a patient, for whombe hadpreviously prescribed theSugar-Coated; the next day the patient hastened to the Doctor atul,In a very agitated niauner, asserted that some mistake must have been made by the druggist

never experienced with the Sugar-Coated Pills. His excited manner created much concern Inthe Doctor's mind, who Inquired as to what action he had ol*erred. Ho stated that shortlyafter taking ho had experienced a fearful buzzing sensation In Idscars, and that these symptomsfollowed each doseof the pill*. The physician laughed heartily and told the patient to continue

Quality tcili always be maintained,all Ingredienta and preparations, which we usefa.sture, being carefully tested by 3 competent analytical chemist, employed by us for this

The unreliability of many of thg granules of MorphlH, Strychnia, Corrosiveother Important poisonous substances, having been the source of much concern toand danger to their patients, tee would state that tee have, In our laboratory, asystem ofchcckURffland witnessing the weights ef ad poisons used, and registering in a book, kept for that purpose,the names (f witness (always a competent person) and operator. Our machines for division ofthe substances are so cart/ully and correctly constructed, as to insure an exactness. In even thesmallest granules, never before arrived at in thi9 class of preparations, and this precisionapplies as well to the larger pills. 'NYe can, therefore, atTord assurance to the physician of

Your*, respectfully,










































indicated. LACTOPEPTINE,aswellasallother






























‘ScsaSvSSC«Mtwen., j

use* * cijunisr. »r»r«i. j

1st.—Itwill digestfrom three to fourtimesmore coagulatedalbumen than anypreparation ofPepsin in the market.24.-It will emiiisioniie and prepare foe aeaimilationtheoily and fattyportionsof food, Pepsinbaring no mo-tion upon this important alimentary article.

3d.—It will chauge theeutrckp portion* of vegetable foodinto theassimilableformof Glucose.4Lit.—It contain* the naturalacidssecretedby thestomach( Lacticand Hydrochloric), withoutwhich Pepsin andPancreatinewill not change the character of coagu.

5th^--Experiments will readily show that the digeetiropower of the ingredientsofLactopeptine, when twoor more arecombined, is much greater thaa when sepa-rated. Thu*. 4 grs.of Pepsinaud 4 gen.of Pancreatinemixed, will dissolve one-third more albumen chan thecombined digestive power of each agent separately insame length of time.

dth.—lTIBMPCHLESa*XP»?SmiTOPR*8CWBR. Itdissolvesnearly four timesas muchcoagulatedalbumen as Pep-sin, besides digeating all other food takenby the hu-man stomach. An ounce of Lactopeptineis, therefore,fully equal in digestive power to seven ounces oj Pepsin,yet U is furnished atabout the same price.

UCTOPEPTI.VC lad moat »t **r InMaf mfarailaurai bo •kulnetr from


Jalj 1st ISIS.BsSdfo* PMCK and DISCOUNTS.

REED & CARNRICK, Manufacturing Pharmacists,108 Fulton «tree£ New York.

LACTOPEPTINErThemost important Remedial Agent ever presented to the MedicalProfessionforall Diseasesarisingfrom Imperfect Nutrition,.

LACTOPKPTJNE contains all th« agents of digestion that tci upon iood, from maati cation to lta

FORMULA OF LACTOPEPTINE.Sugarof Milk, • - 20 Ounces.Pepsin, ... iPancreatine, - 3

Veg. Ptyalin orDiastase, 1 Drachm.Lactic Acid. 2}fl. Drachma.Hydrochloric Acid, 2$ fl. “


Reportof the Chemical Analysis made by Professor H. C.Bartlett, Ph. D., F. C. S.

Laboratory, 7, South Square, Gray’s Inn, London, W, C>22ndFebruary, 18^6.

I have examined with great care the sample of LACTOPEPTIHE submitted to me,and in the investigationI havenot merely tested the various digestive principles qf which it iscomposed, buthave made the most careful estimateof the accuracyof theproportions in whichthey should exist as aids to digestion. I have not rested satisfied with any mere chemicalanalysis, but have, submitted the samples of LAOTOPEPTIHE <o the practical- tests qfascertaining the amount ofdigestion they w illperform upon variouskinds offood, vihich wereartificiallymaintainedat a temperature as nearly as possible that qf the body. I havealsoendeavouredtocorroborate thesebya great numberqf direct applications in cases qfDyspepsia.The result qf the entire investigation may be condensedin afew words. I fir'd, thatfifteengrainsof LAOTOPEPTIHE «<* sufficient quantity to digest as much hardenedfibrin aswouldbe. likely to form part of any ordinary meal. With 1he more easily digestible Albumen,and the softer fibrousportions of mixedfood, the work doneis equally satisfactory. Theemulsifyingpower of LAOTOPEPTIHE prevents any free fat from appearing on thesurfaceof the digestedfood, whichpresence of a pellicle ofundigested fat cannot be preventedby taking any qf the ordinary pteparations of Pepsin. The additionof Diastaseis also qfgreat value, as an indisposition to digeststarchy foodsis one which is mor.e frequently recog-nisable than is. generally believed. Taken in combination, therefore, the. variousprincipalscontained in LAOTOPEPTINE hfln safely be relied on to assist impaired digestion, so asto enable a sufficiency offood substance tobe assimilated inall cases when the naturalsecretionsofdigestive, principles have,been, as isso frequently the case, inadequate to accomplish thisessentialfunction of life.

The efficacy of LAOTOPEPTINE appears to me, to some extent, to depend uponthe dilutionof the active principles by a considerableproportion qfsoluble substance. On thisaccount an apparently larger dose may be prescribed,but in this dilutedform itsaction ismoreevenly carried out throughout the whole of thefood-mass inthe stomach, insteadof concentrat-ing itsaction, or rapidly dissolving thefirstportion, and leaving ike rest altogetherundigested.

I therefore lay greater emphasis upon the resultofmy investigations, inasmuch asI havefound, that the preparation of LAOTOPEPTINE contains unthin itselfall the principlesrequired to promote a healthy digestion.

Iam, dear sir,faithfully yours,H. C. BARTLETT, Fh. D„ F.C.S.


The nnderaig&ed, having testedRtti' & Cabhbicc a preparation of Pepsin, Pan-creatine, Diastase, Lactic Acidand Hydrochloric Acid, madeaccording to publishedformulae, and called LACTOPEPTINE, find thatin those diseases of the Btomaehwhere theabove remedies aro indicated, it has proven itself a desirable, usefulandwell adapted addition to the usualpharmaceuticalpreparations, and therefore recom-mend it to the profession.

Nxw You*, April 6th, 1875.

J.?.. LEAMINO, M. D.,Attending Physician at St Luke’s


EDWARD 0. JANEWAY, M. D.,ProfessorPathologicaland Practical

Anatomy, and Lecturer on MateriaMedics and Therapeutics andClinical Medicine, Bellevue Hos-pital MedicalCollege.ALFRED L LOOMIS. M D..

Professorof Pathology and Practiceof Medicine, University of theCity of NewYork.

SAMUEL R. PEButf, M D„Professor Materia Medics, New York



BellevueHospitalMedical College.

J. H. TYNDALL, M. D,Physieisn atSt Francis' Hospital.

F. LE ROY SATTERLEE. M. D Ph.D.,Prof, of Chem, Mat. Med., andTherap. in the N. Y. Collegeof Dent.;Prof. Chem. and Hygiene in the Am.Yet College, to., Ac.

LEWIS A. 8AYRE, A1 D.,Professor of Orthopcsdio Surgery

and Clinical Surgery, BellevueHospital Medical College.

Kotos Comm Hospital, Fuatsusb, L. I, May 15th, 1876.Messrs. Reed A Cxarraicx.Dear Sirs :- T amhappy to state that I have givenyour samples of LACTOPEPTINE

a fair trial and I do not hesitate to speak of itin the highest terms. It is an admirablepreparation and I have found itin everyrespect, whatyou claimforit. [ amconvincedthatfor the treatmentof Dyspepsia there is nothing to surpass it. I have also givenit when the stomach was in such an irritable condition that food couldnot be re-tained, and with verybeneficial results. I can rscommend it to my professionalbrethren as a most valuable preparation Yours, cfcc.,

C. E. FRITIS, M. D., Resident Physician, Kings Co. Hospital. New Tom, March 25th, 1876.“I have carefully watched theeffects of LACTOPEPTINE, asexhibited in this in-

stitution, forabontsix months, especially in the treatmentof Gastritis, and it givesms pleasure to be able to say that I have found thobest results from it supplying asit does an abnormal voidof nature in thesecretionsof thestomach.”


Bkaitoon, Vt., March 31st, 1875.“I deaire to say that I hare used LACTOPEPTINE for a year, not only on myfriends, but also u. my own case, and I have found it one of themost valuable aide

to digestion that 1 hare ever us^d." A. T. WOODWARD. M. D .lateProfeaaor ofObatolrloa and .h»Nnea of Women andChildren,

Fort Scott, Kanbas, February 3, 1876,“ To-day I have heard from my patient, a case of violentvomiting inpregnancy

of several months standing, and which has resisted ail remediea unman ingenuitycouldproscribe. The LACTOPEPTINE haa proved a charming success, she beingmuchrelieved, and in fact the vomiting has ceased.”

LOUIS GRA3MCCK. M. D.Conroooox, N. H., November 25th, 1874.

“ After a thorough trial, I believe LACTOPEPTINE to be one of the most im-portant of the new remediesthat have been brought to the attentionof physiciansduring the last ten years. I have used itin several cases of vomiting of food fromdyspepsia, and in the vomiting from pregnancy,with thebest success. Therelief


Mt. Morp.cj, N. Y., November 4, 1875.“ I havebeen usingLACTOPEPTINE in my practice among children, and this is

the first summer ina practice of 25years, that I have passed without losing a case ofCholera Infantum.” B. G. STEPHEN8, M. D.

EtLioTSTOw.v, EftoohakCo., Inr*. August 96, 1875.“The sample of LACTOPEPTINE I received, and can nowgive evidence that

you have filled a vacancyin the Materia lledicato the perfect satisfactionofthe Pro-fession. Diseases of infants and children are my specialty. I have founda greatfriend in you* preparation in all cases of Cholera Infantum.”

CLSCHMIDT. M.D.LocDoxvrixE, AsautSD Co.. Ohio.

“I havebeen using LACTOPEPTINE for the past year, with most satisfactoryresults, and nave cured many cases of Cholera Infantum, and that too after otherphysicians had utterly failed to relieve WM. H.WIRT, M D.

Ebuxx, EssexCo., N. Y. June21 st, 1875.“ Accept thanksfor thespecimen of LACTOPEPTINE you sent last week. It is

a preparation that I am certain from its composition will be very useful to me. Ihave used Pepsin for a few yearspast, which has rendered me efficient service, but

your preparation contains important additionalelements, which will give it a widerfieldof application and in a more desirable form.'’ E. R. CHASE, M. D.

• DtiM, Vt., Sept. #th. 1876.“I hare used the LACTOPEPTINE as prepared by you for a yearand a half. In

several cases where Pepsin failed me. the LACTOPEPTINE: acted like I

later supercede it. physician can afford to be without it ” J.H. PECK, M. D.Sunwro* Bparsoe, Ho?uk» Co., TxxaS. November 13, 1875.

“My wife haa been suffering rery mnchwith Dyspepsia for sir years. I haronsed Pepsin with some benefit, bat nothing has ever given relief like LACTO-PEPTINE." E. G. PATTON, M D.

Chuxicothe, Mo., September 4, 1874.*• Ihare used LACTOPEPTINE this summer with good effect in sll casesof weak,

and imperfect digestion, especially in children during the period of dentition,Cholera Infantum, Ao. I regard it. decidedly, as being the best combination con-taining Pepsin that I hare everused.” J.A. MUNK, M. D.


F. G. OTTO & SONS@4 qelaweam mwmm,




instruments;TRUSSES, BANDAGES, &c.

The Graphic Co.Tath.39 & 41 ParkPI ace.NY


DlBSKCTING AND POST MORTEM INSTRUMENTS 1Dissecting Casks 1—2Post Mortem Cases 4Pocket Cases 4—8Minor Operating Instruments 8—9Minor Operating Cases 9—10Amputating and Trephining Instruments 11Amputating Cases. 11—12Operating Cases 12-16Obstetrical. Instruments 16—17Obstetrical Cases. 18Uterine Instruments 19—22Pessaries 23UterineCases 24Instruments for the Urethra and Bladder 26—28Lithotomy and Lithotritt Instruments 29—30Dental Instruments 30Eye Instruments 30-36Ear Instruments 35—36Throat Instruments 37—40Nasal Instruments 40—41Necrosis and Exsectino Instruments 41—42Aneurism Instruments 42Rectum Instruments 42—43Miscellaneous 43—53Elastic Stockings 47Apparatus fob Deformities 54—59Human Osteology 60—63


In presenting to the profession our new

price list and. catalogue, we desire to return

thanks for past favors and trust that we maymerit a continuance of the same. Any articleor Instruments not mentioned in this catalogue

we will be pleased to'quote price on in writing,and any new Instruments will be carefullymadeaccording to directions received fromphysiciansar surgeons.

'Pocket and Operating Cases will be madeup in any combination required.

Inordering Instruments we would respect-fully submit the following directions which ifcompliedwith, will insure promptness as well as

correctness in filling orders.State shipping directions whetherby Freight,

Express or Mail.Ordersfrom parties not known to us will be

sent by Express C. 0. ©. with return charges tobe added if the amount is less than $20. (Byremitting with the order the charges for return-ing money by express can by saved. If requestedgoods will be forwarded by mail, at the risk ofthe purchaser.

(Remittances should be made either by (Draft

on JJew York or (Post Office ordersClaims for overcharges must be made on

receipt of invoice and goods.Ordersfor Instruments not mentioned incur

Catalogue will be tilled a! lowest market prices.Catalogue prices are subject to change with-

out notice.Goods after being carefully packed and

shipped are at the risk of the purchaser.

$. <£. ©tto & jSons.


Catalogue and Price-List.

Dissecting and Post Mortem Instruments.Back.

Plain Scalpel, small medium and large, Ebony handle $0 60Tenaculxuu, Ebony handle 0 70Cartilage Knife, Steel handle 0 75

“ “ extra large, Ebony handle 1 75Rib Shear 4 50Brain Knife, Ebony handle 2 —

Anenrism Needle, Ebony handle 1Saw Chisel and Reamer in one handle 4 50Saw, Moveableback $1 75 to 4 —

Steel Hammer 2 50Bone Chisel $050 to 1 50Grooved Director 0 76Enterotome 2 25Scissors $0 75 to 1 50Needles 0 10 to 0 ‘i0AnatomicalSyringes $10 — to 25 —

Set Chain Hooks 0 75Forceps $0 70 to 1 —

Rachitome 1 50 to 2 50Blowpipe 0 30

Prof. Darling’s Dissecting Case,3 Scalpels, aw’d, Ebony handles,

1 pair Carved Scissors,1 pair Forceps,1 set Chain Hooks.

In neat Mahogany Case $5 50


Small Mahogany Dissecting Case.2 Scalpels,1 pair Scissors,1 pair Forceps.1 Cartilage Knife,1 Tenaculum,1 set Chaip Hooks.

Ebony handles $4 00Ivory “ 4 50

Medium Mahogany Dissecting Case.Contains in addition to foregoing case:

2 Scalpels,1 Blowpipe.

Ebony handles $5 50Ivory “ i. 6 25

Large Mahogany Dissecting Case.With Lock.

Contains:1 more Scalpel.

Ebony handles $6 75Ivory •* 7 50

Rosewood Dissecting Cose.With Lock.

5 Scalpels assorted.1 pair Scissors,1 pair Forceps,1 Cartilage Knife,1 Tenacululn,1 Blowpipe,1 Set Chain Hooks.

Ebony handles $7 25Ivory ■*' 8 —


Dr. FinnelN Post Mortem Case.Mahogany Case with Lock.

1 large Blade and Saw in one handle,1 Cartilage Knife,3 Scalpels assorted,1 AneurismNeedle,1 pair Forceps,1 pair Scissors,1 set Chain Hooks,1 Blowpipe,1 PostMortem Needle,1 Chisel.

Ebony handles. $11 25[vory “ 12 —

Compact Post Mortem Case.RosewoodCase with Lock

3 Scalpels assorted,1 Tenaculum,1 pair .Scissors,1pair Forceps,1 Chisel,1 large Bladeand Saw in one handle,1 Hammer,1 Cartilage Knife,1 Blowpipe,1 Rachitome,1 Enterotome,1 set Chain Hooks,

Ebonyhandles $25 —

Ivory u 26 —

Complete Post Mortem Case.1 Brain Knife,

1 heavy CartilageKnife,1 small “ “ Steel handle,

3 Scalpelsassorted,1 Tenaculum,1 pair DissectingForceps,1 pair “ “ long.


Complete Post Mortem Case.—(Continued.)1 Rac hitonic,

1 Saw.1 Reamer,1 Chisel,

in one handle,

1 Blowpipe, '

1 Enterotome,1 pair Scissors,1 Steel Hammer,1 pair Rib Shears.1 set Chain Hooks,1 Needle and Thread.

Mahogany Case velvet lining $40 —

Pocket Case Instruments.1 Bladewith catch, shell handle.

Curved probe pointed Bistoury $1 75sharp “ “ 1 75

Hernia Knife. . 1 75Scalpel 1 75Finger Knife 1 75

“ Saw 2 -

Gum Lancet 1 75Tenaculum 1 75Tenotome 1 75

Theabove in shell handle withoutcatch $1 00 each.Bullet probe, Nelaton’s . 0 75Scissors Angular ...

1 25Scissors, carved on flat 1 50

“ straight. 1 —

Forceps, plain Artery 0 80“ Hamilton’s Artery 2 25“ Spring Catch 1 50“ Slide “ (May be used as needleholder) $2 — to 2 50“ Smali Polypus 1 50

Grooved Director, Silver 1 25“ “ plated or steel 0 75

Parker’s Catheter, male, female & Caustic holder combined.Silver... .$4 50; plated . 2 5C

Catheter, male, female and combined.Silver... .$3 00; pi&ted.. 2


Pocket Case Instruments. (Continued.)

Exploring Needle SO 75“ Ebonycase to unscrew 0 60

* Trocar 1 50Seaton Needle 1 25Hypodermic Syringe 2 25Clinical Thermometers $2 00 to 3 50

“ Slide Case 5Casella’s $7 00 to 8

2 Blade with catch. Shell handles.Scalpel and Tenatomyknife *2 75Sharp and probe pointBistoury 2 75Gum lancet and Tenaculum 2 75Straight Bistoury and Exploring Needle 2 75

The above in shell handle without catch 1 75

The above can behad in all other combinations desired.

l>r. 1.. A. Sayre's Pocket Case.I Sharp and probe pointTenatomy Knife,1 Tenaculumand sharppointed Bistoury.

1 Scalpel and probe pointedBistoury,1 FingerKnife, single,

1 DissectingForceps, 4A inches,1 Straight Scissors,1 Director,2 probes, silver,1 maleand female catheter combined.1 Silver porte caustic.

Marocco or Russia leather case $20 —

Dr. Hamilton’s Pocket Case.

1 Scalpeland Eye needle,1 “ “ Exploring Eye needle,1 Sharp and probe point Tenatomy Knife,1 Tenaculum and Aneurism Needle,1 Finger Saw.

1 pairScissors.1 pair Hamilton's Artery Forceps.


Dr. Hamilton’s Pocket Case. (Continued).

1 pair Plain Mouse teeth Forceps,1 set Screw Director probes, Silver,2 Whalebone probes,1 maleand femaleCatheter with Caustic holder combined, Silver.

Marocco or Russia Leather Case $26 —

With plated Catheter 24 —

Prof. S. D. (irons* Pocket Case.1 Scalpel and straight Bistoury,1 Sharp aud probe pointed Bistoury,1 Tenaculumand Tenotome,1 pair Artery Forceps and Needleholdercombined,1 pair Scissors,

1 pair Polypusand DressingForceps,1 pair Plain ArteryForceps,1 Exploring Needle,1 male and female Catheter combined,1 Porte Caostic,1 Gross’Fat Scoop,1 Grooved Director,1 pair probes,6 Needles.

Maroccoor Russia leather case $22 -

Dr. Van Huron's Pocket Case.

1 Scalpel and TenatomyKnife,1 Sharp and probe pointed Bistoury,1 Gum Lancet, and Tenaculum,1 male and femaleCatheter with Caustic holder combined, Silver,1 pair Scissors,1 pair plain Artery forceps,1 pair Screw probes,4 Needles and Silk.

Marooco or Russia leather case $18 —

Bistouries withoutcatch and plated Catheter 14 —


Dr. Parker’s Pocket Case.1 Scalpel and Tenatomy Knife,1 Sharpand probepoint Bistoury,1 Gum Lancetand Tenaculum,1 Parker’sCatheter, Silvev,1 pair Scissors,1 pair plain Artery Forceps.1 Grooved Director,1 Spatula,1 pairProbes,1 Exploring Needle,1 pair PloypusDressing Forceps,1 Lancet,4 Neeedles and Silk.

Marocco or Russia leather Case $21 -“ “ “

“ with plated Catheter... 18 50Bistouries withoutCatch and plated Catheter 16 -

l>r. J. Little’s Pocket Case.1 Scalpel and sharp pointed Bistoury,1 Probe pointed Bistoury and Tenaculum,1 Gum Lancet, and Tenotome,1 pair Scissors,1 pair Polypus dressing Forceps,1 pair plain Artery Forceps,1 Vaccine Comb Lancet,1 pair Probes, needleeyed.1 Steel Directorwith Aneurism needle,1 Exploring needle,1 maleand female Catheter pith Porte Caustic combined, Silver,1 Spatula with Tongue Tie,4 Needles, Silk and Wax.

Marocco or Russia leather case $24 50“ “ * “ “with plated instead of

Silver Catheter 23 —


Or. Crosby’s Pocket Case.L Probepointed Bistouryand Scalpel1 Tenotome and Exploring Needle,1 Sharp pointed Bistouryand Tenaculum,1 pair plain Artery Forceps,1 pair Fenestrated Forceps Spring Catch,

1 Thermometer in German Silver Case,1 Sharp pointed Scissors,2 Probes,1 Director with Aneurism Needle,4 Needlesand Silk.

Marocco or Russia leather case $20 50“ '• “ “ less Thermometer .... 17 25

Three Fold Pocket Case.1 Blade Instrumentswith Catch.

1 Scalpel,1 Straight Bistoury,1 Sharp pointed Bistoury Curved,1 Probe1 Tenaculum,1 Gum Lancet,1 pair Polypus Dressing Forceps,1 pair Scissors straight,1 pair Artery Forceps, Spring Catch, feuestrated,1 pairplainArtery Foreeps,1 grooved Director,1 maleand female Catheter combined, plated,1 Porte Caustic,1 Exploring Needle,6 Needles and Silk.

Marocco or Russia leather case S20Bistourieswithout Catch 15 —

Minor Operating Instruments.Riveted Ivory Handles.

Scalpels, 4 differentsizes each $0 80Curved Bistouries sharp efr probepointed 1 -

Hernia Knife 1 -

Straight Bistoury 1 —

Tenotome 1AneurismNeedle 1Tenaculum 0 80

The above with ferruled handle $1 25 each.


Minor Operating Instruments. (Continued.)Bello«iue Canula, silver $4 —

“ “ plated 2 —

Seaton Needle, shell handle 1 26Ashton’s Perineum Needle 1 26Peaslee'sNeedles, 3 in set 3 —

Instrumeutfor grasping deepseated Arteries $2 — to 3 —

Suture Needles, assorted per doz. 1 00MetacarpalSaw ...

each $1 60 to 2 —

Saws, movable back 1 76 to 4 00Gross' NasalPolypus Forceps 2 —

Straight Polypus Forceps. . 2 —

Large Curved Polypus Forceps 2 60Bullet Forceps .... $2 — to 2 60Volsella Forceps 1 60 to 2 50Listou’s Artery Forceps. . . . .’ 1 50Fricke'g *• slide catch 2 50SelfClosing Artery Forceps 1 75Fenestrated BullDog Forceps, Spring Catch 2 00

“ “ “ Slide Catch 2 50Small Tumor Forceps 1 25Plaiu Artery Forceps 0 80

Langeubeck’s,Fricke’s, etc.German Silver ArteryForceps, slide catch 2 50

Plain Minor Operating Case.3 Assorted Scalpels,1 Curved Bistoury, sharp,1 “ probepointed,1 Hernia Bistocry,1 Tenotome,1 Tenaculum,1 Aneurism Needle,1 pair Polypus Foroeps,1 pair Bone Forceps,1 pair Plain Artery Forceps,1 pair Volsella Forceps.1 pair Spring Catch Artery Forceps, plain,1 pair Straight Scissors,

1 pair Curved1 Director.6 Needles and Silk.

Mahogany Case $25 —

10 F. G. OTTO & SONS’

Dr. Conant’s Dispensary Case.Very Compact.1 Bone Forceps,

1 Amputating Blade,1-Chisel,1 Saw.

in one Ivory Handle,

1 pair Plain Mouse ToothForceps,1pair Fenestrated Slide Forceps,1 maleand female Catheter with Child’s part, silver,1 Exploring Needle,1 Tenatomy Knife,1 Sharp pointedBistoury,1 Probe “ “

1 Hernia Knife,2 Scalpels,1 Aneurism Needle,1Long Double Hook,1 Sims’ Hook,1 “ Scalpel,1pair Scissors, Straight,1Steel Director with scoop,6 Needles and Silk.

Neat Rosewood Case $40

Small Minor Operating Case.1 FingerKnife,1 Scalpel,1 Sharp Pointed Bistoury,1 Probe1 Tenaculum,1 Small Trocar,1 Director,1 pair StraightScissors,1 pair Polypus DressingForceps,1 pair Artery Forceps, Spring catch,2 Probes,4 Needlesand Silk.

"Rosewood Case, velvet lining, riveted handles $17 —

“ “ *• “ ferruled “ 19 —


Amputating and Trephining Instruments.Liston's Long Amputating Knife $3 — to $4 —

Medium ““ 2 50 to 3 50

“ Small “ “ 2 — to 3 —

Long Catlin 3 50 to 4 50Short “ 1 75 to 2 50Wood's Circular Knife 3 —

Finger Knife $1 00 to 1 76AmputatingScalpel 1 00 to 1 76Capital Saw 5 —

“ “ Parker* 5 —

French BowSaw $6 — to 8 —

Saw, moveableback 1 76 to 4 —

Metacarpel Saw 1 60 to 2 —

Chain Saw. 8 — to 10 —

Tourniquets $1 — to 2 —

Bone Forceps 2 60 to 6 —

Artery Forceps, plain. 080tol60“ “ fenestrated. 2— to 2 50

Tenaculum 1 — to 1 50Gaits Trephine 4 50Bone “ small 4 —

Smooth “ large 4 —

Hey’s Skull Saw $1 75 to 2 —

Elevator 1 —

“ with Easpitor“ French Pattern 1 50

Sayre’s Pereoateotome 2 —

Lenticular Knife 2 —

Scraper 2 —

Scalpel withRaspitor 1 75Bone Nipper 2 50Brush 0 25

Compact Amputating Case.1 Medium Amputating Knife,1 Small1 Medium Catlin,1 Plain Scalpel,1 Tenaculum,1 plainMetacarpel Saw,


Compact Amputating Case. (Continued/)1 Saw, moveaVdpbuck,1 pair Bone Forceps,1 pair Artery Forceps, Spring Catch.1 Tourniquet,6 Needles and Silk.

Mahogany Case lined with velvet $27

Plain Amputating Case.1 Large Amputating Knife,1 Medium “ “

1 Small Catlin,1 Strong Scalpel,1 Tenaculum or Aneurism Needle,1 Artery Forceps,Spring Catch,1 Capital Saw,1 Metacarpel Saw,1 Bone Forceps1 Tourniquet,6 Needles and Silk.

MahoganyCase lined with velvet $32

Amputating and Trephining Case.Contents same as PlainAmputating Case with following additions:2 Trephines with one handle,1 Trephine F.levatorwith Raapitory,1 Hey’s Skull Saw,1 Trephine Brush.

Mahogany Case lined with velvet $44

Plain General Operating Case.1 Capital Saw,l pair Bone Forceps,1 Galt’s Trephine,1 Brush,1 Director,1 Japaned Tongue Spatula.,1 Tenatomy Knife,


Plain General Operating: Case. -(Continued.)3 AssortedScalpels,1 Aneurism Needle,1 Finger Knife,1 Bistoury, Sharp pointed,1 BistouryProbe point,1 Tourniquet,1 Trocar,1 Elevator,l pair Spring Catch Forceps,

1 pair plain Artery1 Tenaculum,l Large Scalpel,l Long Amputatiug Knife,1 Medium “ “

1 Catlin,1 Silver Catheter,1 Metal Bougie,1 Probang,l DoubleTonsil Hook,1 Tonsil Bistoury,1 Metacarpel Saw,1 Hey’s Saw,1 pair Scissors, Straight,1 pair Polypus Forceps,

6 Needles and Silk.MahoganyCase, velvet lining 460 —

Same Case with finest finished Instruments. 66 —

Ur. Valentine Mott’s General Operating Case.1 Trephine,J Capital Saw,1 pair BoneForceps,1 Double Tonsil Hook,l Tenatomy Knife,1 Sharp Pointed Bistoury,1 Probe “ “

3 Scalpels assorted,1 Tourniquet,1 Trocar and Canula,


Dr. Valentine Mott’s General Operating Case.- (Continued.)1 pair Scissors, straight,1 pair “ curved,1 set Mott’s Needles,1 pair Polypus Forceps,1 Director,1 Bru.h,1 Hey's Saw.1 Metacarpel Saw,2 Silver Probes,1 Large Amputating Knife,1 Medium1 Catlin, Small,

1 Finger Knife,1 Tenaculum,1 Elevator,t pair Artery Forceps,Spring Catch,1 pair " “ plain,2 German Silver Retractors,12 Neelesand Silk.

Rosewood Case, brass bound, velvetlining $70

Dr. Jas. R. Wood’s General Operating Case.1 Long Amputating Knife,1 Circular Knife,1 Catlin,1 Metacarpel Saw,1 Scalpel with Raspitory,1 pair Liston’s Bone Forceps,1 Capital Saw,1 Tourniquet,1 Tenaculum,1 pair Artery Forceps, Spring Catch,1 Galt’s Trephine,1 Elevator,1 Key’s Saw,1 Brush,

.2 Scalpels,1 Bistoury, sharp pointed,1 “ probe “

1 Aneurism Needle,


Dr. Jas. R. Wood’s Generai Operating Case.- (Continued. ;2 Eye Needles,1 Strabism Hook,1 Beer’s Knife,1 pair Strabism Forceps,1 pair Eye Scissors,1 pair Straight Scissors,

2 Steel Sounds,2 English Gum Elastic Bougies,1 Catheter, plated,2 Silver Probes,1 Director,12 Needlesand Silk.

RosewoodCase, brass hound, velvet lining $70 —

Hr. W. Parker’s General Operating Case.1 Large Amputating Knife1 Medium to screw iD handle,

1 Small Catlin,1 Capital Saw,1 Metacarpel Saw,1 Hey’* Saw,1 Galt’s Trephineand handle,1 Elevator and Raspitory,1 Brush,

3 Scalpels, assorted,1 Sharp pointed Bistoury,1 Probe ** *•

1 Fipger Knife,1 'Hernia1 Tenotome,1 pair Artery Forceps, plain,1 pair “ “ spring catch,1 ExploringTrocar,

1 Straight1 Curved

1 set Mott's Needles,1 Steel Director,1 pair Silver Probes,

1 pairLithotomy Forceps,1 pair Bone “

16 F. G OTTO k SONS’

Ilr. W. Parker’s General Operating Case. —(Continued.)

1 Lithotomy Bistoury,2 “ Staffs,

1 Steel Sound,2 Catheters, Silver,1 pair Bullet Forceps,1pair Polypus 44

1 pair Eye Scissors curved,1 pairStrabism Forceps,1 Cataract Knife,1 Lachrymal Needle,1 Eye Needle, curved,1Eye Speculum, German Silver.1 pair Parker’s Retractors,1 Tourniquet,12 Needlesand Silk.

RosewoodCase, brassIxmnd, lined with Silk Velvet. $100 —

With Patent Leather Cover 104 —

Obstetrical instruments./Elliot's Forceps, Nickel Plated . $9 50Bedford’s “ “ “ . 8 60Budd’s “ “ “

.....9 —

Taylor's “ “

• “ .• 11 50White's “ “ 44 8 50Hodge’s “

“ “ 8 50Simpson's 44 “ “ 8 50

“ “ short “ 44 7 50Wallace’s 8 50Davis’ " “ * 7 50Brickeil’s " “ “ 9 60Knight’s '* “ 44 8 —

Horton’s “ 44 44 9 50McLean’s 44 44 " 8 50Trueheart’s 44 44 44


VectisDouble, Nickel Plated, 2 sixes. $2 50 to 3 —

44 Nickel Plated 2 50 to 3Budd’s PlacentaForceps, Nickel Plated 2 50Loomis’ 44 44 44 44

...5 50

Double’CrossingPlaoenta Forceps, Nickel Plated 3 50


Obstetrical Instnimanta.—(Continued.)French PlacentaForceps, Nickel Plated $4 00Carey’s Ovum “ “ “ , 4 00Placenta Hook, Nickel Plated $1 — to i 60Screw Perforator 5 —

Thomas’ Perforator, Nickel Plated 8 —

“ “ crown, Nickel Plated 10Holmes’ “ Nickel Plated .. 6 —

Blot's “ ** “ 6 —

Branu’s “ “ “

..20 —

Smelly’s “ “ “ 3 —

Simpson's •• “ “ 3 —

Hodge's Scissors, ** “ 5 —

Naegeli’s Perforator, “ “ 4 —

Brickell's “ “ “ 5 —

Trueheart’s Crown Perforator 10 —

BluntHook and Crotchet 2 —

“ “ “ “ in handle 2 50Crotchet in handle 2 60Decapitating Hook 3 60Gardiner’s Crotchet, gnarded 6 60Bedford’s •• and Blunt Hook, guarded 6 —

Briokell’s “ guarded 5 —

“ Blunt Hook, guarded 6 —

Gordon’s Hook and Crotchet 3 60Taylor’s BluntHook 3 —

Meig’sCraniotomy Forceps, curved 3 50“ “ ‘ straight 3 50

Heavy “ " plain 9 —

Thomas’ “ “ with articulated joint 5 60Holmes’ *• “ 7 —

Elliot’s Cranioclast 16 —

Trueheart’s “ 18 —

8impson’s “ 7 —

Hodge’s Cephalottibe 20 —

Braun’s “

, 24 —

Braxton Hicks’Cephalotribe 20 —

Scanzoni’s Cephalotribe 18—

Simpson’s “ * 18 —

Female Catheters $0 50 to 1 —

Umbilical Scissors 1 - to 1 60Pelvimeter . 7 50 to 12 —

F. G. OTTO & SONS'18

Hr. Bedford’s Obstetrical Case.1 Bedford's Forceps,1 •' Perforator,1 PlacentaForceps,1 BluntHook and Crotchet combined.

In a leather pouch. . $20 —

Hr. Elliot’s Obstetrical Case.1 Elliot’s Forceps,1 Blot’sPerforator.1 PlacentaForceps,1 Hook and Crotchet combined,1 Craniotomy Forceps, ♦1pair Scissors.

InMorrocco Pouch $30 —

InPatent leathercase 36 —

Hr. Hodge’s Obstetrical Case.3 Hodge’s Forceps,1 Smelly’s Perforator,1 Blunt Hookand Crotchet, combined.

Ina leather pouch $16 50

Dr. BrickelTs Obstetrical Case.1 Briokell's Forceps,1 Craniotomy “

1 Guarded Hook.1 “ Crotchet,1 Vectis “

1 Perforator.In leather pouch $37 —

Uterine Instruments.Sims' Specula* - ... $4 — to $5 —

'* “ folding 5 50“ “ Hard Qnbbar 2 50

Thomas' “ Modification of Sims. 9 —

“ “ Telescopio 8 —

Bozeman's “

>$16 — tc 18 —

“ Elevator .’ 8 50Buttles’ 3 Valve Speculum . 9 —

“ Glass “ $1 —to 2 —


Uterine Instruments.—(Continued.)Blakeley’sSpeculum $3 —

Nott’s “ 3 sizes $5 —. *6 — & 7 — '

Cusco’s “ folding handle 6 50“ plain 5 50^

Storer’s “ 6 50Meadow's “ 12 —

Ricord’s “ 4 Blade... 9 —

- Metal “ Cylindric 2 50Hard Rubber “ in sets of 4 .... t 4 50Wire «• 2 —

Byrne’s “ 10 —

Taylor’s “ 7 50Hough’s “ 10 —

French “ 2 Bladed, open end... 4 50“ “ “ closed “ 5 —

Elliot’sIntra Uterine Speculum 10—

Brewer’s Speculum 7 —

Emmett’s “ 9 —

Ferguson’sMirror Speculum, American 0 75“ “ “ English 1 50

Milk Glass Speculum 0 60Glass VaginalDilator $0 30 to 0 50Ellinger s UterineDilator 10 —

Miller’s “ “ 10 —

Atlee’s “ “ 3 50Nott’s “ “ 4 —

Vanderveer’s “ “ 6 —

Peaslee’s “ “ Hard Rubber, per set 3 50“ “ •* Nickleplated, in case, per set.*.. 8 —

Priestley's “ “ 12 —

Sims’ “ “

» 6 —

Barnes’ “ “ per set ' 6 —

Bozeman’s. “ “ set of 6 with slide 7 —

Kammerer’s “ “ per set in case 10 —

Greenhalgh’s “ “ 2 Dilators and 1 handle 4 50Michalini’s “ '* 12 —

South's “ “ ’ 4 50Palmers’ “ “ * 5 —

Plain Uterine Forceps $1 50 to 2 25{Joteeman's “ “ double curve 2 50 to 3 —

Emmett’s “ “ r. 3 —


Uterine Instruments.—(Continued.Cotton Holding UterineForceps $2 —, $2 50ParvinsPolypotome 15 —

HaywoodSmith’s Uterine Scissors with moveableBlades... 18 —

Haywood Smith's Uterine Scissorswith moveable Blades.Dr. Parvins Polypotome.


Uterine Instruments.- (Continued.)Nott’s Tf naculum Forceps $3 —

Buttles’UterineForceps $3 50, 4 50Straight “ Polypus Forceps with Catch 3 —

McClintock's “ “ 5 —

VolseilaForceps .... $2 50 to 4 —

“ Hook 2 —

Greenhalgh’s Volseila Forceps 8 —

Emruett’s UterineScissors 4 25Sims’ “ Straight $2. Curved $2 50, Angular 2 50Woodbury’s “ “ 1 25

Sims’ Needle Forceps ....2 75

Latest NeedleForceps 10“ “ VolseilaHook 2 —

“ “ Universal Kuife, 4 Blade 12“ “ Tortion Forceps 6 —

“ “ Enucleation Hook. 4 —

“ Uterine Scalpels, assorted, each 1 75“ •* “ angular , 1 75“ “ Tenaculum 1 50“ " Blunt Hook 1 50“ “ Wire Adjuster 1 50“ “ “ Carrier 1 50“ Curette. Blunt 1 50“ Depressor $2 —, 2 50

Nott’s “

. 2 50Bozeman’R Depressor 2 50

“ SpatulaHook 2 50Buttles self holding Tenaculum 1 75Simpson’s Uterine Sound $1 25, 1 75Kammerer’s *• with slide. 3 —

Uterine Sound, folding 3 —

Sims Uterine probes, silver 1 25Emmett’s “ “ 41 1 25Thomas’ 4 ‘ “ “ flat 1 25Bozeman’s Uterine Probes, 4 in set, with slides 7 —

Buttles *•“ Hard Rubber 0 40

Simpsod's '* “ “ “ 0 75Buttles Probe, Sponge holderand Sound, in one handle ...

4 50

Thomas’ Applicator 1 25

Emmett’s “ 2 —

Reoamier’s “ 1 —


Uterine Instruments.—(Continued.)Sponge holders. $1 — to $2Edward’s Sponge tent carriers 2 —

Lente’g Caustic probe $2 50, 2 75“ PlatinaCrucible 3 50

Uterine Caustic holders $1 - to 4 —

Butties’ Scarifier 1 50Sims “ plain 1 50

“ “ moveable 6 —

Simpson's Uterotome 7 —

Peaslee’s “ 5 —

American *! 6 50Thomas’ UterineCupping Pump, Hard Rubber $1 50, 2 —

Sims’ Porte Tompon, plated 5 —

“ “ “ screw $0 76 to 1 50Small Wire Ecraseur 4 50 to 7 —

Chassaignac’s “ 15 — to 28 —

Sims’ “ with porte Chain 40 —

Trueheart’s “

...25 —

Lente’s Uterine Syringe 6 50Buttles’ “ “ 3 26Hard Rubber UterineSyringe 1 25Sims Uterine Scraper 3 —»Recamiers “ “ 2 —

Peaslee’s “ “ 3 25Simmons’ “ “ 3 —

Emmett’s “ Elevater 7 50Sims' “ “ 7 50Gardner’s “ “ 8 50

v - Snonge tents, each $0 25 to 0 50“ “ per doz 2 — to 3 —

J Sea tangle tents, solid, each 0 25“ “ “ “ per doz.. 2 —

| “ ““ hollow, each 0 30

j “ “ “ “ per doz 2 75Atlee's Ovarian Clamps 6 —

Spencer Wells’ Ovarian Clamps 6 —

“ “ “ “ 3 inset, straight 19 —

“ “ “ “ “ “ circular *... . 42 —

adjustable handles 16 —

“ “ “ “ Forceps 4 —

“ “ “ Tu#car 10 —*

“ 20 —


Pessaries.French Gum Pessaries $0 40 to 0 50Inflating Pessaries 0 75 to 1 25Garriel’s Pessaries with inflator 2 50Pure Gum Ring Pessaries 1 —

Tin Ring Pessaries... 0 30Meig’s “ “ 0 50Peaslee’s Whale Bone Pessaries, Rubber covered 0 50Copper Ring Pessaries, Rubber oovered 0 50Hard Rubber Ring Pessaries 0 50Hodge’s Double S Pessaries, Hard Rubber $75 to 1 —

Bow Pessaries. Hard Rubber 0 65Albert Smith’s Pessaries, Hard Rubber 0 80Thomas AlbertSmith’s Pessaries, Hard Rubber, convex or

concave top 1 25Noeggerath’s Bow Pessaries, Hard Rubber 1 —

“ Tapering 44 “ “ 1 —

“ Pessaries with Ring on top 2 25Cuttles' 4 Hard Rubber 0 75Thomas’ Ante-version Pessaries, Hard Rubber . 2 —

44 Retro “ “ “ “ 1 50GraileyHewitt’s Pessaries, HardRubber 1 60Cutter’s “ with Bandage 2 50Thomas’ Cutter’s Pessaries 3 —

O'Leary’s Pessaries 5 —

Scansoni’s “ 5 —

Scattergood’sPessaries 4 —

Babcook's 44 Silver Cap 16 —

Hoffman’s “ 1 50Peaslee's IntraUterinePessaries 1 50bims’ “ “ “ 0 65Noeggerath’s Galvanio Stem Pessary 1 50Zwanck’s Hysterophore $1 50 to 2 —

Conant's WingPessaries 2 50Edwards' " “ 3 —

Coxeter’s Modificationof Zwanck’s Pessary 2 50Glass Pessaries 0 25


Dr. Buttles’ Uterine Case.1 Set Speculums of 3,

1 Scarificator,1 Uterine Syringe,

1 Pair Cotton Probes,1 Set Buttles’ Sounds in handle.

In Leather Case $ig __

Dr, Rmld’s Uterine Case.1Set English Glass Speculums of 3,1 Large Sims’ Speculum,1 Uterine Caustic Case.2 Cotton probes, Hard Rubber,1 Uterine “ “ “

1 “ Syringe, “ “

1Pair Cotton Forceps,1 PairThornes’Long Forceps, Slide Catch,1 Simpson's Sound,1 Silver probe,1Lente’s probe,1 Sims’ Hook.

InPatent Leather Case lined with velvet $40

Butties’ Large Uterine Case.1 Sot Buttles’Speculums of 3,1 Nott’s Speculum,1 Uterine Syringe,2 Cotton Probes, Hard Rubber,1 Pair Small Uterine Polypus Forceps,1 pair Long Forceps, Slide Catch,1Set Butties’ Probes, in handle,1 Scarificatorand Tenaculum, combined.

In Leather Case, velvet lining $36


Instruments for the Urethra and Bladder.French and English Flexible Boogies, Cylindric . 1040 to 10 60

“ “ “ “ “ per doz. 3 — to 5 —

“ “ “ “ Conical 0 75“ “ “ •* " per doz, 7 —

“ “ *« “ Olive point.. .$0 75 to 0 90“ “ “ “ “ “ ..per doz. 7 —

“ “ “ '•* a boole 1 —“ *• “ “ “ per doz. 9 —

“ “ “ “ fine conical and fili-form $050 to 0 75

“ “ “ •* “ per doz. 6 50“ “ “ “ finewhalebonegoide

/ $0 50 to 0 75/Wax and Cat Gut Bougies 0 25 to 0 38/

V/Laniinaria Bougies 0 70Metal “ flexible 0 50Steel “ Nickelplated, Otis’, Van Buren’s. Thomp-

son’s, Gonley’s. Sayre’s. Beniqne’s curve. No. 1-18, $1 25 to 1 50Larger size? made to order.

Steel Bougies S form $1 25 to 2 00Dr. Otis’ Bulbous Bougies, No. 8 -40. .. 0 75 to 1 —

Van Buren'sCupped Sounds 2 —

French and English Flexible Catheters, Cylindric .. $0 40 to 0 60“ *• “ •* '* per doz.$3 to 5 —

“ “ “ “ Conical $0 75 to 0 90“ “ “ “ perdoz. 7 50

“ “ “ “ Olive point. $0 75 to 1 —

“ “ “ “ “ “ perdoz. 7 50Nelaton’s soft Catheters 1 —

Prostatic Catheters 0 75Double Catheters 1 25Merciers “ ' 1 —

Open end “ 0 75Silver or Nickle plated Catheters 1 —

Thompson’sSilver Catheters 3 50Silver Catheters, Nos. 1—12 $1 75 to 2 25Metal “ flexible.... 0 60Silver ‘‘ Prostatic $3 — to 3 50

“ “ Double Current 5 — to 6—

“ or Nickle plated Catheters, double Current 3 —

“ “ “ “ Prostatic 2 50


Instruments for the Urethra and Bladder. (Continued.)Otis’Bougies and Cathofcer Gauges Nos. 1 40. $4Otis Dilating Urethrometer 18 —

“ “ straight Urethrotome, No. 2 $25 to 30“

‘ latest “ 3 30 -“ “ “ “ straight* No. 4 25 —








Instruments for the Urethra and Bladder. -(Continued.








Instruments for theUrethra aud Bladder.—(Continued.)Squire’s vertebrated Catheters, plated $5 60Catheter for drawing oft* Blood and Mucus, plated. 2 —

Gouley’s grooved catheter $3 50 A. 4 —

Hard Rubber Catheter, DoubleCurrent. 2 50**" “ “ mole 1 —

“ “ “ female...

0 7CPlain Bougies and Catheter Gauges 1 75Gouley’8 “ “ “ “ 2 25VanBuren's“ “ “ “ 4 —

Tompon tubes each $2 to 2 50Gdoley's Dilating Urethrotome 15 —

Civiales “ “ *10 — * 15 —

Bumsteads “ “ per set 45 —

Mai8onneuveV‘ “ 14 —

Gross’ “ “ straight or curved . 6 —

Squire's Urethrotome 6 50Holts Dilator .. 18 —

“ “ with 2 Ayre’s Blades 22 —

Rigoud’s Dilator $10 — to 15 —

Thompson’s“ 12 — to 15 —

Wackley’s “ 20 —

Richardson's “ 16 —

Corradi’s Dilators per set 85 —

Berkley Hills Dilator “ 30 —

Otis Meatus Knife, plain 1 75“ “ Bistourycache 7 50

Gouley “ “ “ 3 50“ “ Knife 1 50

Gross’ porte caustic 4 00Lallemaud’sporte caustic 4 50Dixon’s “ “ 2 25Bumstead’s Syringe 5 50Ferguson’s “ 3 60Acton's “ Catheter, silver 4 —

Curved trocar $2 50 <t 3 —

Gross’ Urethra forceps 2 50Civialo’s articulated eanula 3 50Wales' Endoscope 35 —

Weir’s “ tube, hard rubber 2 —

De8moreaux’“ 42 —










Lithotomy and Lithotrity Instrument*.Steel Sounds -SI 25 to $1 50 j

*• Sti.flk , . 1 75 to 2 50 !Otis’Stone Searcher 4 50 iOiviale’s Lithrotite 30 |

“ •* and pinion with rack 25 — JThompson's “ 35 —

slidingCatheter with stop cock 12 — !


Lithotomy andLithotrity Instruments.—(Continued.)Scoop and Director $2 50LithotomyBistoury, straight and convex, sharp and probe

pointed $1 50 to 2 —

Nott’s back flow catheter, male 4 —

“ “ “ “ female 4 —

Doublebladed Bistoury cache 25 —

Wood’s Bisector 3 50Perinneal Canula 1 50Lithotomy Forceps, straight and ourved 3 —

Clovers Calculus SyringeCiviale’s Calculus Instrument 10 —

Dental Instruments.Tooth Forceps, roundjoint plain, straight and curved $1 — to 1 75“ “ octagon joint,fine finish, straight and curved 2 50

Stump Forceps $1 50 to 2 50Elevators, Scalers and Pluggers 0 75 to 1 50Gum Ijaneet 1 —

TurnKeys $2 — to 3 —

Eye Instruments.Beer’sCornea Knife $1 50Graefe’s Cataract Knife ... 1 50Agnew’s “ “ 1 75Noyea’ “ “ ! 1 75Knapp's “ “

5 1 75Roundpointed Cornea Knife, straight and curved 1 50Weber’s Cornea Knife 3 50“ Canalicula “ 1 50

Agnew’s “ “ flexible shank 1 50Noyes’ “ “ “ “ 175

“ “ “ moveable blade 5 —

Stilling’s “ “ flexible shank 1 50Bowman's. “

“ “ “ . . 1 50Greenslade’s concealed Canalicula Knife 6 —

Girard Teulon Canalicula Knife 8 —

Liebreich’sCataract Instrument, Scoop,Cvstotome and Knifecombined 9 50

IridectomyKnife, straight 1 50“ “ angular .. 1 75

Eyelid Scalpels 1 50


Eye Instruments.—(Continued.)Curved Bistoury $1 50Scarificator for conjunctiva 1 50Section Knife, straight 1 50

“ “ angular 1 76Iris Knife 1 50“ “ with stop 1 75

Cataract Needles, straight and curved 1 25“ “ Haye’s, Beer’s, Scarpa’s, Pancoast’s, Ac. i 25

Bowman’s Stop Needle, straightand curved 1 25Knife Needle J 25Broad “ 1 25Parasentesis Needlewith stop 1 75Baader’sTatooing Needle 2 —

Agnews “ “ 2 —

Cystotome 1 50Lens Hook 1 25Double 44 1 50

Tyrrell’sHook 1 26Graefe’s 4 4 with stop. 1 50Strabismus 44 1 25Knapps “ 1 75Noyes’Ophthalmostate 2 —

Althofs Spatula, gilt 1 5044 “ Hard Rubber 1 —

Hard Rubber Spoon 1 —

Shell 14 Ivory handle 2 —

Noyes’ 44 Silver 2 —

Fenestrated Scoop 1 76Critchet’s Spoon 1 75Daviel’s Curette 1 50Gouge ,1 50Spud 1 25

2 instruments in one handle, any combination. $2 — to 2 60Desmarre’sEyelid Elevatorin handle 1 76

““ double with joint 1 76

Bye Lid Elevator.


Eye Iuatramenta.—(Continued.)

Jaeger’s Retractor with Eye Spatula $2 —

“ “ wire, double . ... 1 —;

Hard RubberRyolid Spatula 0 50Noyes’ Improved Eye Speculum 4 50Knapp’sEye Speculum per pair 3 50Graefe’a “ “ * ‘* 5 00Lawrence’sEye “ $1 50 to 3 00Hart's “ '* 1 29Liebold’s “ “ 2 50'Liebreioh’s “ “ 2 50Oritchet's “ “ 3 -,

Front's “ “ 4 50Plain “ “ $0 76 to l 00Straight Scissors.* 1 - to 1 5(t

Curved 44 1 50 to 2 —

McClure's Iris Scissors 5 —

Weoker’s Iridectomy Scissors 9 60Canalieula Scissors $1 50 to 2 —*

Strabismus '• straight $1 and ourved 1 50Enucleation “ 1 50Iris Forceps, straight 1 60“ 44 curved 1 50

Liebold’sIris Forceps 4 50Liebreioh’s “ “ short 1 50

44 44 “ doublejoint, rotating ..$5 — to 6 50Graefe s *• “ very fine 1 76Cilia Forceps 1 —-Fixation “ 1 60

“ 44 Spring catch 2 —

14 “ with slide 2 75Noyes’ Fixation Forceps .* .' 4 50Desiuarre’eEntropium Forceps 3Snellen's “ “ light and left each 2 75

SnMm'it Entropium Forceps.


Eye Instrumente.—(Continued.)Strabimus Forceps $1 LBKnapp's Entropium Forceps 4 —

Self closing “ “ 2 25

Bowman’sProbe, set of 8 • • 3 56•• • Hard Rubber, per set 2 —

Director 0 70Weber s Probe, graduated 1 —




Eye Instruments.—(Continued.;Entropium Forceps with slide .... 2 75baud’s Needle Holder 4 50Prout’s “ “ 3 60Plain “ “ 2 50Anel's Probe, silver 0 50Williams “ setof 8

...4 —

Laminaria “ per set... ' 1 50

Gale/.owsky’s Canal icula Dilator 2 50Wecker’s Lachrymal Canula 1 30

Fittings for same 0 75Anel’s LacbrymilSyringe, Hard Rubber with Gold point.. 5 —

“ “ “ Glass with Gold point.... *6 — &7 —

Exhausting Syringe forsoft Cataract 7 —

Bowman'sSuction tube forsoft Cataract 4 50Agnew’s Lachrymal Syringe 5 —

McFarlan’s “ . “ 3 —

Liebold’s Subpalpebral Syringe 1 25Prop Glasses 0 20Str.ibometer 1 50Grutfe’s Optometer, Binocular 22 —

Pupillometer 5 00Stenopaic Cylinders, Circular perforation 3 50

“ “ slit $1 — to 3 —

Eye hades 0 40 to 1 —

“ Ice Bags 0 65Test drums for trying pointsof Instruments 0 75Allen'sOphthalmoscope 3 50Liebreich’s “ $4 50 to C 75Nachet’s “ Vtst pocket...i 6 —

Loring's $15— to 28—

Knapp’s “ 20— to 35—Gale/owsky’s 22 —

“ “ pocket .... 7 —

Stell wag’s “ 15 —

MmrayA Heath’s•• Binocular 30 —

Girod-Teulon “ “ 35 -

Cocciui*’ “ 7 60Desmurre’a “ 8 —

French case trialGlasses,with spheiical, concave, convex, cylindricaland pris-matic Glasses, eio 115 —


Eye Instruments. (Continued.)Case trialGlasses,

withspherical convex concave and prismatic Glasses.plain .. .$40 - , trained 50 —

, Set cylindrical Glases in Case J40 —

Test Types, Snellen8 and Jaeger's, German orEnglish 2 —

Ophthalmic Phantoms* . .<$0 — to 12 —

“ “ Hard Rubber . 15 —

Steel Spectacles, white convex Glasses, No. 5 to6\ . .$2 — to 3 —

“ “ azur blue, “ No. 5 to 40... 2 50 to 3 00“ HookSpectacles, white biconcave and periscopic con-

cave Glasses No. 5 to 40.. $250 to 4 —

“ HookSpectacles, azur blue periscopic concave GlassesNo.6 to 36 . $3 - to 5 —

“ Spectacles, plain prismatic Glasses 2^—6^.. 5 — to 6 —

0°—12°. 6 — to 7 —

u “ prismatic combined convex and coucaveGlasses 8 —

“ bpectatlos, plain cylindricGlasses convex and concave$6 — to 7 —

“ “ combined convex and concave CylindricGlasses $9 — to 12 00

“ Spectacles, azur blue plain Glasses 1 50 to 2 —

“ *• “ “ coqnille Glasses 2 50V “ London smoke coqniile Glasses *... 3 —

Ear Instruments.Kramer's Bivalve Speculum $2 25Wilde’sEar Speculum, 3 inset. Silver $4 50, German Silver 2 50

“ “ “ 3 in set.<. Hard Rubber 150Gruber’s “ “ 4 in set Germau Silver 3 t>0

•• “ “ 4 in set Hard Rubber 2 —

Toynbee’s Ear “ 3 in set . .Silver 5 50Knapp’s “ “ 3 in set Silver 5 —

Simrock’s Bivalve Ear Speculum with tense 5 —

Speir’s seif-retaining Ear Speculum. 4 —

Siegel’spneumatic “ “ 6 —

Clark’s Otoscope 12 —

Brunt* »n’s “ 8 —

Hassenst.inV‘ 6 —

Weber’s “ 12 —

Toynbee’s diagnostic tube $1 — to 1 50“ Explorer to fit on eustachian catheter 1 25

36 F. G. OTTO \ SONS’

Ear lastruio&ts.—(Continued.)Eustachian Catheter Hard Rubber 51 Silver $1 50

“ German Silvet 1 —

Politzer’s Air bag $3 — to 3 —

“ “ “ with Roosa'sattachments for treating themiddle ear 4 —

if “ “ with Butties' attachment $4 — to 4 60Fullgraffs eastschian spray 6 —

Tuning fork C sharp 3 50“ B flat 2 50

Blake’sTuning i<<rk . . 9 —

Troeltsok’s Ear Mirror $3 — to 4 —

Koosa’s Ear Mirrorwith head band 5 —

Toynbee's artitbal tympanums each 0 35Hard Rubber liar6yringe 10 76 to 3Metal Ear Syringe, 3 Bings ..

3 -- to 4 —

Gross’ Ear epoon and Hook 1 —

Hard Rubber double Si»oon $0 60 to 1 —

Bumstead's Ear Forceps 4 50•' “ “ with spring catoh 5 50

Hinton’s Polypus “ with joints 4 —

lioosft’s “ “ 1 75Politzer’s “ “ 2 25Wilde’s “ “

: 1 75“ “ “ self closing . 2 —

Toynbee's “ “ 2 —

Pomery’n ““ 2 —

Eoosa’s Caustic “ 2 25North’s “ for removing foreign bodies 2 25Wilde’s Snare 3 60Blake’s “ per set incase $7 50 to 8 50Weber’s Rotating tenotome 12 —

“ “ “ with Blake'sMirrors 16 -

Gruber’s, tenotome, adjusting, with snare in ease 14 —*Angular Ear Probe . .v • 0 76Cotton Carriers.... : 0 30Tympanum Perforator $0 75 to 1 50Buck’s set of 3 curettes, ! perforator, 1 tenotome, 1 silver

probe, 2 cotton carriers in case 7 —

Simrock’s Ear Scissors 4 50EarPolypus Scissors 2 50


Throat Instruments.Sponge Prcbaog $0 25Bristle “ $1 50 to 3

. Basket “ . 2 50 to 3 —

Sponge holder with si de catch, nickel plated, stiaight orcurved 1 —

Sponge bolder, Br.youet catch 2—

EUberg’a Finger Sp< nge holder 1 50Oesophagus Dilntois, Gum clastic 1 25

*' *• assorted sizes, whalebone with bardrubber bulbs t 1 50

Set of Llsberg’sThroat Instalments consistingof:Concealed caustic Judder,Brush holder,Prolong.


One handle for above 8 —

Concealed Throat lancet 4 —

Forceps 4—• “ Brush 4 20

Throat Scarifier . . 1 76Tobold's Throat Bistoui y 1 75Mackenzie’*Throat Cun ala Forceps, rotating 1$ —

Scliroetter’s ForcepR and i»orte caustic combined, rotating.. 14 —

Instrument for applying caustic to lire t* n-il 5 —

Turk’s Instruments each 6 —

Handlewith slide for do .. 7 —

Burge’s Oesophagus Forceps 4 SOSimrook’s Laiyngeal Foiceps 4 50La Borde’s Forceps for lemovingforeign bodies 4 —

Elaberg’s Sponge holding Forceps 4 50Simrock's Laryngeal Forceps. 4 50Brun’s EpiglottisForce s 4 £0(Musseux’sFoiceps $2 50 to 3 50Lange!ibeck'8 “ 3 —

Du i ham’sseizing Forceps 4 50Whitehead s “ “ 4 60Buck’s Threat Forceps .. 3 —

Fauvel’s Laryngeal PolypusForceps 4 —

Matthieu’3 Throat Forceps 6 —

. Trousseau's Trachea Forceps 4 —

JUniversal Forceps 2 50


Throat Instruments.—(Continued.)Trousseau's Dilatorfor introductionof Tracheatubes 2 50

“ “ “ 3 —

Von Roth’s “ “ “ 1 75La Borde’s “ “ “ 5 —

Leffert’s 44 “ “ ..'.. 2 75Trachea Canulas, single, silver 3 50

“ “ double, 4fc 5 — to 8 —

14 “ “ Hard Rubber 3 — to 3 50Elsberg’s Tongue Depressor 4 50Green's “ “ folding, nickel plated 2 50Steel “ “ “ “ “ 2 —

Turk’s “ 44 set of 3 in one handle 4 50Hard Rubber Tongue Depressor,.plain, aud folding . $2 — to 3 —

Steel Tongue Depressor, Japanned 1 —

44 “44 horn handle 1 50

Straight 44 44 1 —

Speculum Oris, forceps handles 5 —

Horu Screw for lock jaw 1 50Goodwillie’s Speculum Oris 8 —

Westmorelands’ 44 44 6 —

Gross’ 44 “ 6 —

Heister's 44 44 6 —

WhiUheads Mouth gag 12 —

MusKeux’s 44 44 : 7 —

Smith's 44 “ 23 50Tonsil hook, single 1 25

44 44 double with slide 2 —

Green’s Tonsil Forceps. 2 2544 “ Bistoury 1 75

Mackenzie’s Tonsilotome 7 50Fahnenstock's 44 8 —

Mathien’s 44 10 —

HaywoodSmith’s Tonsil Scissors with movea'jle blades 12 —

“ “ “ 44 44 44 44 keyand pinion. 19 —

ITvula Scissors, plain 2 —

“ 44 44 with claws .. 5 —

Sayre’s Uvulatome 8 —

Leffvrt s Laryngeul Powder Blower 2 75Segnitz’s Hard Kubber Powder Blower, double 1 25Powder Insufflator 2 25


Throat Instruments.- (Continued.)

Powder Blower with elastic tube and mouth piece $2 25FailgraflTs GlU'S Powder Blowers f««r Posterior Naiis 0 35

“ fiatbill Laryngeal hurd rubber, spray 5 —

F>Jigrnff's Flat Bill Laryngeal, Hard Rubber, Spray.

Glass Laryngeal Syringe, Silver tnbe 3 —

Fullgraffs flat bill Laryngeal Spray, German Silver, nickleplaed 6 —

Fullgr.ifFs Pasterior Nans Doucbe 3 —

Gibb's Pulverizer $3 60 and 7 —

Stork’s Diop Apparatus 2 50Wi liamsons Post. Nari tube 1 25Pomeroy a “ “ “ 1 25

“ “ “ “ with stop cock 1 75Narie Powder Blowing tube to fit on Bag Syringe 1 75Turk s and Tobold’sLaryngealSyringes $3 50 to 7 —

/Richardson’s Spray Apparatus 5 —''Sass “ “ $1 — to 6 —

Newmann’s ““ 3 tubes 7 —

Steam Inhalers $3 50 to G —

Extra Glass Tubes for do . 0 30 to 0 40Hunter’s Inhalers 2 —

CroupKettle 0 —

Respitators- $2 — to 3 —

Reflectors 5 £0 to 9 —

Throat Mirrors. 1 — to 1 25MackenziesCondensor 9 —

Elsberg’s Pocket Laryngosoopes 6 —

Ricords Pocket Illuminator 2 —


Throat Insl foments.—(Continued.)Tobolds large Laryngoscopo $20 —

“ small “...

14 —

Toboi ■'s Lai ynyoscupc.Student’s Lamrs forLaryngoscopy 6 50Stand for Gas 7 50Dr. Scihroetter’s and Turk’s Cases of Laryngeal Iustruments.

$50 —and 58 —

Laryngeal cases SiO — and upwards.

Noft&l Instruments.Frenkel’s Speonlum *1 —

Folsom's “ 1 75Tndiohum’s “ per pair 1 50

FrcunktTs Speculum.


asai 1nsirumentH.—(Continued.)

GoodWillie’s Speculum, 3 Blade $1 50 *

Robert & Collin’* Speculum, Hard Rubber 2 —

Elsberg’s “ : 5 —

Biivalve “ German Silver 2 50Porcelain “ 0 30Elsberg’s Polypus Forceps. 2 50Simrock’s “ “ 2 75Gross “ “ 2 25Double Silver Canola forPolypus $i 50 to 2 50Belloqne's Canute, Silver 3 —

Powder Insufflator with mouthpiece. 1 50Knapp’s Powder Insuiflator 1 26Scbroet.ter’s Porte Caustic, fineSilver. .. 9 —

Simrock’s Rliinoscope 8 50FullgrafTs Nasal Douche 3 50Tudichnm *• ‘ . ...

150Syphon “ “ $2 — to 2 50Politzer’sBag 2 — to 3 50Pomeroy’s Inhaler, Glass 0 50Bottle’s •• “ with Gum Bag 3 60Weir’s Douche 4 25Hard Rubber Euetaohean tubes .. / 1 —

German .-diver “ “ 1 —

Silver *• “ 1 50

Necrasig and Exacting Instrument*.Galt's Trephine, conical $4 50Cone “ small 4 —

Smooth “ large. 4 —

Hey's Skull Saw 1 75Chain Saw . $7 50 to 10 —

MLetaoarpel Saw. differentpatterns 1 50 to 2 —

Mott’s AmputatingSaw 6 —

Liston’s " “ 5 —

Lifting back Saws. $1 50 to 4—

Trepan Elevator. 1 —

Elevator with ’■aspitor, French pattern ...1 50

Sayre’s Pereostootome 2 —

Lenticular Knife 2 —

Bore Forceps, straight and curved. $2 50 to 5 50Gnawing “ “ 2 50


Necrosis and Exsecting Instruments.—(Continued.)Sequestrum Forceps, straight $2 — to $4 —

Ferguson’sLion jaw Forceps 3 —

Hoffmann’s Bone Gouging Forceps.... 6 —

Brainard's Drills per set 3 —

Burr headed Drills each 1 76Buck’sAntrum Drills per set 4 50Plain BoneChisel $0 75 to 1 50

“ “ Gouges 1 — to 2 50Charriere’s “ 2 26Linhardt’s Chisels 2 50Prince’s Bone Staff 3 50

Aneurism Instruments.Field Tourniquets $1 — to 2 50May’s Horseshoe Tourniquets 15 —

Mott’sAneurism Needles per Set 3 —

Plain “ “ $0 76 A 1 —

PerineumNeedle 1 50Peaslee’s Perineum Needle, 3 in set 3 —

“ Hollow Perineum Needle 1 60Speir’s Artery Constrictor. . . $3 — to 4 50

Rectum Instruments.Ashton’s3 blade Speculum 10 —

Lane’s 3 “ “ 10 —

Bodenhammer’s2 blade Speculum 5 —

Frenchopen end 2 “ “

. 3 50“ closed 2 “ “ 3 75

Nott’s 3 “ “ 6 -

English Glass Mirror, fenestrated Speculum 1 76American “ “ “ “ 1 —

Hard Rubber fenestratedSpeculum. 1 —

Gorgeret 1 —

Sponge tents, large $0 50 to 0 76Laminaria “ 0 76Return Bougies Cylindric 1 25

“ “ olive point 1 50“ “ French 0 50“ Dilators, 4 in set 4 —

“ “ 3 in set 3 —


Rectum Instruments.—(Continued.;

Pile Bougie, hard rubber assorted sizes $1 — to $2 —

“ “ cupped . *• “ 1— to 2 —

/" Pipe for applying ointments 1 60 v'“ Supporters $5 — to 10—

• Suppositories, BardRubber $050tol50Bodenhaxnmer’sFistula Needle 3 —

“ Bistoury Cache 10 —

Ashton’s Pile Forceps 4 60Dupuitren’s PileScissors 3 60Langenbeck's Pile Clamp 5 50Cantering Irons 1 5CCanteringIrons, set of 6 and one handle. 6 60Self BlowingLamp $2 — to 9 —

Miscellaneous.Stethoscopes, Cedar Ebony, Hard Rubber, Ac $0 75 to 1 50

“ witu pleximeter 2 —

“ “ and hammer combined 3 50Cammau's Double Stethoscope. $5 50 to 7 —

Pleximeter<>f Hard Rubber . . 0 40“ of Ivory 0 75

Fliut’s percussion Hammer 1 50Metcalfs “ . 44 $0 75 A 1 —

Scarificators $4 — to 5 50Spring Lancets .. 1 — to 2 —

Lancets . 0 50 to 1 —

Vaccin Lancets 0 50 to 1 —

Army Vaccin Instruments 1 50Cupping Pump with 3 Stop Cocks and 3 Cups 5 —

*Breast Pumps, Hard Rubber 2 50Nipple Shields $020 to 0 30Cupping Glass with Elastic Ball. . 0 80

r Plain CnppingCups per dozen 1 —

Valentine’s double Knife... $5 — to 9 —

MicroscopicRazor 1 25“ Scalpels 0 75“ Needles in handle 0 75“ Pin holder. 1 —

44 Forceps,curved $1 — to 1 25*• Scissors, straight. 1 —

44 44 curved 1 25


Miscellaneous. Continued.)

Microscopic Syringes, Hard Rubber, with stop cockand 3nozzles in case $4 60

“ do. do. metal, nickle plated 7 50 !Fever Thermometers, self-registering. Celsius or Fahrenheit


$2 50 to 4Seguin’s Surface Thermometers 2 26 j

“ , Tbermosoope * 1 50 jEnglish Thermometers 4 — jSalt’s Pencil case “ 7 50 jAmerican “ “

* 5 50 iCaselii’s “ best 7 50

“ hospital “ 5 — jAiken’s “ 3 60 jMaisonneuve’s EciHseur $6 to 7 50 Iv. Graefrs “ 6 to 7 50 !Chassaignach

“ with ratchet ... .. $18 — to 26 iCharriere’s • 16

“ straight and curvedcombined, 2 chains 25Truehcarfc’s “ 25 —

Langeubeck's Needle holder . —

— ]Set of 6 curvedcan dated Needles for Staphyloraphv with

one handle 18-Hot water Baths for arm 12“ “ “ “ foot 14 -

Portable Hotair Baths 6 50Croup Kettle, with lamp 5Bmnstead’s Calomel Bath 3 —

Seif Blowinglamps $2 - to 9 —

Actual Cautury Irpns assorted 1 50“ “ “ in sets for one handle 6 50

Metal Syringes, all sizes SO 25 to l -

Hard Rubber Syringes, allsizes 0 50 to 3Elastic Bulb Syringes 1 25 to 2 50Bag ■* a- l 25 to 2

“ “ with stop cock SiHypodermic “ with 1 Needle in wooden case . y 75

•' 2 Needles in neat marocco case /82 50 to 4

“ •* ** 2 gold needlesin hardrubber case 4 50“ “ ‘ 1 “ '3 50


Miscellaneous. -(Continued, j

Hypodermic Syringe,hard rubber, Leiter’s patent, 2 platinumlined needles, hard m'ober case $4 50

“ " glass cylinder. Leiter’s patent, 2 plati-num lined needles, bard rubber case 5

Letters Patent llt/poder-r.iicSyrirtge, Hard Rubber.

The advantages thesesy ringespoeessover others,may be briefly scmmoncdas follows:

1. Tbe needles beinglined with platinum andnickel plated, will not cor-rode.

2. Thereare no threadsand screws on the cylinderand fittings, which facili-tates putting the parts to-gether more easily. Thefittings are ground eon:cto fit the cylinder makingit air tight,and at thesametime very convenient incleaningthesyringe.

A full and descriptivecircular Accompanieseachsyringe and wili also besent onapplication to anyaddress.


Miscellaneous. (Continued.)

Fountain Syringes $2 50 to $4 —

Universal M with maleand female silver catheter, Ut l inetube, Pharingeal tube, Ear tip and stop cock 12

Stomach Pumps $0 to 15 —

Air Cushions 2 50 to 4 50Water beds $20 to 50 —

IceBags. 1 to 7Electro Magnetic Machiues, rotary lu -

Gaiffe’s Electric Machines, verycompact $9 50, $13 , 16 50

Gaiffe's Electric Machine.

Galvano Faradic Batteries $15 - and upStoehrers Batteries, 16and 32 cells .. 30 — A50 —

Coro Knives $0 65 to $1 50“ Files and Rasps 0 75

Nail “ 0 30“ Scissors, straight and curved $0 60 to 1 —“ Nippors 0 75 to 2 50“ extracting Forceps 0 75 to 2 50

Circumcision Knives 150 to 2 50“ Spatulas 0 75

Medicine chests ofevery description $7 — aud upwardsSaddle Bags of every description $10 aud upwardsPookot Vial Cases $1 — to 4 —


Elastic Stockings.


















Larger sizes than No.8 50 cts. inaddition toabove prices.

Extra sizes made to order.


Corded i Best fine Stont Fino I StoatBilk. | Silk. Silk. Thread, j Thread.

Below knee to 0 . $3 75 $1 50 $4 50 $2 50 | $3 25Above knee to 1} 6 50 ! 7 — 7 — 5 — 1 5 75Leg and thigh to .S 8 .50 1 10 10 7 - 7 50Calf pieces i 2 75 2 75 2 25 2 50Knee Caps i 2 75 2 75 2 — I 2 25Anklets ! 2 50 2 50 2 — 2 25


Miscellaneous. (Continned.)

French Trusses, single $2 50 to £4 —

German “ single 2 50 to 4 —

French double 4 -- to 7 —

German “ “ - 4 — to 7 —,Truss with Hard Rubber pads, veryflue, single 5 50

“ “ “ 41 “ ** “ double 9 —,

Chase’s hardpad Trusses 2 50Reversible Trusses S3 50 to 5 —

Hood’s Truss 6 —>UmbilicalTrusseswith springs orelasticfor Children.$1 75 to 2 50

do foradults...

$3 — to 10 —

SuspensoryBandages cotton and linen 0 50 tc 1 —

do silk 1 25 to 1 50MilianocompressionSuspensory for varicocele 2 — ■IndiaRubber Urinals, maleand female $2 50 to 8 —

London Supporters 4 —

Phelp’s “ 5 — 1Fitch’s “ 6 —.

Nceggeraths Uterine Supporter 6 —

Thomas’Supporter 6 —

Abdominal Belts. $5 _ to 7 —

Uterine Abdominal Belts with perineal straps 6 — to 8 —

Riding Beits 3 — to 5« —

Shoulder Braces, with steel spring 3 — to 5Shoulder Brace Suspenders ...

1 50 to 2 50Bandage for dislocatedShoulderArm Slings of patent leather $3 — to 6 —

Henry's Shears for removing heavybandages 6 —

Sueton’s *•

• bandages 5 50,Buck’sExtension Pulley adjustableto Bedsteads 3 —

Double inclined plane $7 —, $8 - A 9 —•Curved wooden arm and hand splints 1 50,Curved wooden Splints for legand ankle 2 50


Misceilaneons.—(Continued.)Elbow Splints, plain 1 50

“ “ jointed 2 50Lined “ $0 25 to 0 50Bond’sSplint for fractured radius 1 50Hewitt’s *J “ “ “ 7 —

Shrady’s “ “ “ “ . . 2 —

Smith’s anteriorSplint with pulley 3 -

•buck’s ExtensionApparatus 6 50Lewis’ Apparatus for fractureof the pattella 6 —

Hartshorn's “ “ “ “ *• 7 —

Hamilton’s ““ ** •* “ 10-r

Elastic Knee Cap with PatellaCnp adjusted 5 —

Hamilton's Bandage for Fractureof the lower Maxillary... 5 —

Richardson’s Splint forFractures of the Clavicle, Scapulaand Humerus 3 50

Dislocation Pulleys.... per set 5 —

Levi’s Splint fotreducing dislocation of the phalanges ....1 40

Forceps for dislocationof Phanlauges . . 5 —

Whittemora's Patent Crutches: Laneewood per pair 12 —

“ “ “ Maple “ 11 —

Plain Maple Crutches with rubber bottoms “ 7 —

Hickory Crutches 1• $3 to 5 —

Roller Bandages Linen .. per lb 2 —

“ 44 Cotton .“ 1 —

Moleskinadhesive plaster ..“ 1 26

Swansdown " ‘ “ 0 75Marinelint per pack. 0 76Complete Steam Atomizer*C & S 6 —

Improved “ “ L db G 4 501Mathieu’s Pump “ 20 —

Dieulafoy’s Aspirators $40 - - to 6044 “ small, modifiedby Dr. E. R. Peaslee $14 to 22 —

Potain’s 14 18 to 40 —

Leiter’s 44 28 to 60 —

F. G. OTTO & SONt’

Dieulafoy'a Small Aspirator, nul lified by Dr. E. R. Peaslee.Pat. Jnn. ft, 1969. 4. _

ImprovedSteam Atomizer L <fc Q.


Dieulafoy's Aspirator.

(JompleieSteam Atomizer C& S.


JPofain's Aspirators.

tfathieu'sPump Atomizer.

Letter's Aspirator.



Measurement required for Apparatus for Deformities.

Weak Ankle LengthBtoO.Circumferi uceatO ,Ankle Extension


“ A to B. B to O, “ 0

Club Foot Shoes A to B, B to 0, “ T K B L 0

Bowleg Apparatus “ Bio F, Fto Q. “ M X 0FP QKnock Knee “ “ B to F, F to V, •* XFQVKnee Extension “ L to Q, “ L QHip JointExtension, long “ B to F, F to V, •• F V“ “ “ short “ P to U. “

/’ ( r

SpinalBrace, angular cut ve • G to D,'G to Center ©f Cur?stare V XV C

•• “ Lateral “ “ 0 to C, G to I), “ VWC%od orentteu if .-anstore is right ar left.Wry Neck •• GtoC.G to 1),DtoY '• Y

Shoulder Braces “ Q to D, “ V

For Weak Ankle, KnockKnee and Bow Leg Applian-ces please send well fitting shoes to lace.

For Apparatusfor Pott’s Disease send outline of Cur-vature taken with a pieceof lead wire and trans-ferred on paper.

For Trusses circumferencesat T

Please mention ifDouble, also if Iuguinal, or FemoralHernia, Right orLeft and if lightor strong is required.

Abdominal, Uterine and Umbilical Supporter* circumferenceatTJJ V.

Crutches Length from B to C.


Apparatng for Deformities.

Dr. Sayre’sShort ExtensionApparatusfor hip.

Dr. Sayre’sLong Extension Apparatus for hip.

Dr. Sayre'sExtensionApparatus for Kneejoint.

Dr. Sayre'sEdens.ApparatusforAnkle joint.


Apparatus for Deformities.— (Continued.;Dr. Sayre'sshort Extension apparatus for hip.. . 15 to 18

“ long *• “ “ “ 20 to 35 —

“ Extension Apparatus forKnee joint . 18 — to 20 —

“ “ “ “ Ankle “ . 20 - to 25 —

Dr. Sayre s improved Club Foot Shoe 10— to 14 —

Dr. Sayre’s improved ('tub Fool 8hoe.

New York, Sept. 16th, 1875.

Messrs. F. G. OTTO Sf SONS, Successors to Otto SrKey rulers, are nyxlcing my lnsbruments ofsuperiorstyle and finish and to my entire satisfaction. Iheartily recommend them to the profession andmy patients.



Dr. DetmoUi's Club Foot Shoe. Apparatus for Knock Knee.

Washburn's Spinal Brace.


Apparatus fur Deformities.- (Continued.)Weak Ankle Supporters $450 to 10 —

Dr. Detmold’s Club Foot Shoe 6 — to 8 —

Apparatus for Knock Knee 20 — to 36 —

Anchylosis Apparatusfor Arm or Leg $18 — to 25do do with key and ratchet joint.. 25 — to 40 —

Dr. Sayre’sWire Breeches (cuirass). , . 20 — to 35 —

Taylor’s Hip joint splint 20 —

Extension for short leg 6 — to 9 —

“ “ “ •* with Ankle Spring 10— to 15Walking Apparatus for AnehylosedKnee joint. . 20 to 36 —

Apparatusfor Week Ankle and contracted tendon . 7 — to 10 —

“ “ Talipes calcaneus 8 — to 12 —

Scarpa’s Apparatus for Talipes calcaneus 6 — to 8 —

“ “ “ “ “ with jointedsole 8 — to 10 —

Apparatus to evert theFeet .. 6 — to 10 —

“ for Bow legs 15 — to 20 —

" ParalyzedLegs 25 — to 40 —

“ “ the Support of Weak Legs 20— to 30 —

Sayre’s-Barwell’s Brace for Lateral Curvature pftheSpine 8 — to 10 —

Dr. Sayre’s Spiral Spring Corset 20 — to 30 —

Dr. Taylor’s Spinal Br ice * . 20 — to 30 —

Washburn's Spinal Brace 15 — to 20 —

Davis’Apparatus for Caries 20 —

Spinal Brace with Axilla Supporter $20 — to 30 —

Davis’and Sayre’s Apparatusfor Torticollis 25 — to 35 —-Taylor’s Apparatus for Torticollis 30 — to 40 —

Wry Neck Apparatus, plain 6 — to 10 —

WeakAnkle Supporter.






Human Osteology.ArticulatedSkeletons (male or female) $36 — to 50 —

Skeletons articulated according to (Beauchene)with supportof copper, pedestal ofpolishedoak(imported toorderonly

HalfSkeleton consistingof Skull, Spinal column, band andfoot strung on catgut. 12 Bibs, pelvis, 1 Arm, 1 Leg,scapula, sternum <fco 21 —

DisarticulatedSkeleton $25 -- to 35 —

Disarticulated Skull, in boxes divided intoCompartments 14 -

Skulls, plain 6 50 to 8 —

1 Section (horizontal). 9 502 “ (1 horizontal and 1 vertical) •. 12 00

“ 5 showing, nasal fossaeand sinus 18 —

“ 7 “ *• thesinus, thesemicircular canals,middle and internal ear. 27 50

“ disarticulated, bones mounted after Beauchene’g

method, the bones of the face separate from thebonesof thecranium,the maxillaeseparate to showthe nasal fossae,the cranium tipsback tg facilitatethestudy of the base. Under glass shade from 60 —

and cross bones(for Societies) 9 50Internal ear showing semicircular canals, cochleaAc 8 —

Spinal Column 8 —

FemalePelvis without ligaments. ’. 10 —

Foot strung on catgut 3 50Hand strung on catgut. 3 50Femur , 2 —

Any bone can be supplied separate.

Obstetrics.Female Pelvis with ligaments $14 —

“ “ “ “ and foetel head 16 50Foetal head ... 2 50Manikin, with foetus and Placenta $32 - to 50 —

Female figure, 4 feet 9 inch high, thoratic and AbdominalCavity tobe laidopen, eachorgan can be removed andstudiedseparately (Importedtoorder only)

Skeleton of foetus with ligaments 12 —


Prof. Bock’s Anatomical Models.The same can be obtained separate, at the price opposite each,

or in sets; material—Plaster Paris. The appear in their naturalcolors.

MagnifiedModels.Unman Heart, front part tobe taken off, showing the four

Chambers of the Heart, together with their respec-tiveopenings and valves $8

“ Eye, theupperpart of.the Pupil (with a microscopicillustration of the Retina) to be taken off, so as toshow theCornea, Iris, theVitreousBody andChry-8tallineLense 6 50

“ Ear, showing Membrana Tympani the Ossicles,Labyrinth, and theCochlea, halfopen 8 —

“ Skin, vertical section, showing the SudoriparousGlands, the Organism of the Hair, the PigmentGranules, and theOrgans of Feeling 4 —

“ Teeth, showing a section of the Lett Lower Jaw,developmentand structure of the Teeth 4 -

Models, NaturalSize.Unman Brain, 4 Models,

Upper View $3 50Under View 3 50Vertical Section from front toback 3 50Horizontal Section, showingthe Cavities 3 50

Skull, the brain to bo taken into sections 12 —

Human Head, 3 Models, with partof theneck, varioussections:Outer View, showing the Muscles, Blood-Vessels

and Nerves. 6 —

Inner View, showing the muscles of the face remov-ed,position of the Eye, theUpperSc Lower Jaw 6 —

Section showing the Brainand Cavity of the Nose,Mouth, Larynx and Pharynx 6 —

“ Lungs, Heart and Larynx, (Heart can be openedand both Lungs can be removed) 12

Lungs and Heart, 2 Models, Anteriorview, thePeri-cardiumbeing laid open: the auterior portion oftheLeftLung is removed inorder to show theBronchial Ramifications 4 —

Lungs and Heart, Posterior View with a repre-sentation of the Bronchial Ramideations, Air-cells and Blood-vessels 4 —


Prof. Bock’s Anatomical Models.Model?, NaturalSize.—(Continued.)

Human Larynx. 4 Models:Front view, with the Hyoid Bone and Thyroid $2 50

Back view, showing the Glottis and Ligaments 2 50Larynx, in connection with theTongue and Pha?

rynx, the latteropened behind 3 50Mask, mouthopened showing the vocal cords Ac.

(Very useful for experimenting with the laryn-goscope) .. 10 —

Joints, 7 Models, laid open, with Bones and Liga-ments:

Shoulder 2 50Elbow, front view 2 —

Elbow, side view 2 —

Wristand Hand 3 —

Hip, open. 2 50Knee open 2 50Foot. 4 —

Trank (Torso) with theViscera of theThorax andAbdomen(Lungs, Liver and Stomach to be re-moved) 30 —

Dr. Anzoui’ Models imported to order.

Skeletons of Animals imported to order.


Hunter'sPortable Long Forceps $10.00.

Border's Fulcrum Speculum $7.00.

Hunter'sflexionStraigfdener and Dilator $14.00.

I, FOUGBBA & ۩.,

finjwrtftig ghxrouKtefe,30 NORTH WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK.

Invite' the attention of



Dietetic Preparations,IMPORTED BY THEM.

A full description ofthese will be found in their DescriptiveCatalogue . which is sent to physicians when requested, freeby mail.


Correspondence Solicited.





The Volume oommenoee January.Tim Jnnroal, now .n Ha Seventh lolrnn*. lapsbUohed on Saturday of aachweek; a number conejata of ilxtaea rape*-royal .,-in> v i-mc*. doubt*culamn,. making one lanw, hanUaome velum* of 838 pagen every year.

of AntnafM rimed, and notftvu . *a aeeoantof th* fYot/m* ef IfooiuU Borneo throughout the«or'd ; EditorialAru-lo, .«» Cuo-mtl Tiyneje of lelortet, KetHui, and Xvtieee of Bowen, CorrtepoAdenoe, .Vue fnetrumenU, Medical

The Kdhor I* R«-Uu»'. by a large and able atafT of uaiatanta.Tint Mkdical ttscoan !» li,t«tel»d tohe tbnronghl? CoentafWtttn In Ha character,rrprexadnt the tr.txeaU of the

. pn,fm*.l<m in al! i«rtn ef our country. It b etUireie independentof nil lartlmoc eUqiu-e. It* object it to preaaatto thel>rofew<li>ii a Inlihfut resord of the existing atat* of medical scionoe In ail lla .le|iartinent*; and a*it lo more tapedoUy

n ten. tod to matt the weal* of tfta genera- imudUoMr. it* arttoiea pnbliabad In Ha culumnaare thoroughly ptnetioal

KTEW REMEDIES,A Hentui Trade Journal of Materia Hedica, Pharmacy, aad Ttapeotics.

F. A. CA8TLB, M.D., Editor. CHAS. RICE, Associate Editor.



Edited by PAUL F. MUNDE, M.D.The Jnrnnu. U imbtiabfO Quarterly (January, April, J;U)?ond October., aud mion ui«»n ua NINTH

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