catalyst feb 17


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February 2017

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111, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Kent BR2 7HU

Sunday Services. 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.

We are a member of the United Reformed Church. We believe in Justice and Peace.

Contents :

Church Secretary’s Letter 1 Biblical People 9

Sunday Services 2 Final Reflections on 10

Church Notices 3-5 Christmas

Bible Reading Notes 5 Editor’s Letter 12

Fairtrade Fortnight 7 Bromley Food Bank 14

Lent Course 7 Stop Press! 14

Womens’ World Day of Antiques Fair 15

Prayer 8 Monthly Calendar 16

HFC Organisations inside back cover Final Thought on the back cover --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Copy for the March 2017 edition needs to be handed in by Sunday, the 12th of February.

Please submit items in good time

You can leave copy in the "R" Pigeon Hole for Christine to collect, or hand it directly to her on a Sunday morning. You can also e-mail copy to [email protected]

Thank you.

Editor’s note: throughout this magazine, the following abbreviations are standardly used:

URC (United Reformed Church) and HFC (Hayes Free Church).

Principal Contacts

Interim Moderator: Rev. Dr Peter Stevenson

Church Secretary: Mrs Mavis Righini Tel: 020 8462 1168

Treasurer: Mr. Simon Narracott Tel: 020 8462 2004

Lettings Secretary: Mrs Undine Connolly Tel: 020 8776 0108

Church Website


Editor: Miss Christine Rees

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Letter from the Church Secretary

Dear all,

Here we are with a new year stretching before us with new beginnings but looking back I have to make comment on the success of another Christmas Tree Festival, thanks to Christine and her helpers. Now as I say thanks to Richard for all the years he was Editor of Catalyst, I welcome Christine, with a different hat on as she becomes our new Editor.

So how is 2017 going to unfold? It's up to each one of us to do our best with new beginnings but also continuing with what is good. On the cover you see that God's Love Never Ends, so not a new beginning but something for each of us to strive for, showing God's Love.

So let us go forth with confidence that God is always with us. God has plans for each one of us and we need to be ready to hear what they are. He also gives us strength for the tasks He has lined up for us. So have faith in God, for His future for us.

With Christian love to you all



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Sunday Services


All of the evening services will take place in the Elders Vestry which is accessed from the side door in Hilldown Road.


Notes on Visiting Preachers

Judy Davies is a Synod Recognized Lay Preacher from Bromley URC, where she is also Church Secretary

John Cox is a Reader at St Mary’s Church, College Road, Bromley (Diocese of Rochester)

Alan Kienlan is a Synod Recognized Lay Preacher from Emmanuel URC, where he is also a Serving Elder

Rev Fiona Thomas is the Secretary for Education and Learning at the URC

Editor’s note: Apologies that there are some gaps in the list above. These notes are currently being revised and will become more complete as the months go by.

February 2017

5th 10.30 am - Morning Service – Rev.Geoff Larcombe

6.30 pm - Holy Communion – Judy Davies

12th 10.30 am - Morning Service – John Cox

6.30 pm - Evening Service – Alan Kienlan

19th 10.30 am - Morning Service – Mike Tinson

6.30 pm - Evening Service – TBA

26th 10.30 am - Holy Communion – Rev Fiona Thomas

6.30 pm - Evening Service – Keith Nye

March 2017

5th 10.30 am - Morning Service - TBA

6.30 pm – Holy Communion – Judy Davies


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News of the Church Family

Please contact the Editor if you have information

for inclusion about births, marriages, deaths,

changes of address, etc, or if you have a

prayer request.

Church Meetings

The next two Elders' meetings will be at 7.00 pm in the small hall on Tuesday 7th February and Tuesday 7th March.

The next two Church meetings will be in the Church after the morning service at 12.00 noon on Sunday 26th February and Sunday 26th March.

Saturday Fellowship

We usually meet on the first Saturday of each month. This month we will meet on 4th February at 2.30 pm. The leader is Martin Nunn and you are welcome to join us.

Men's Group

The Men's Group will be meeting this month on Thursday 16th February at 8pm in the large hall for a Music Night, organised by Malcolm Cheyne. Each person is asked to bring one piece of music in CD or cassette format.

Women's Fellowship

Meetings are in the small hall at 2.00 pm, unless otherwise stated. They are held on Tuesdays and finish at about 3.30 pm.

In February the programme is:

7th Gentle exercises with Pat Marshall.

14th Ken and Mavis Baker.

21st Kent Air Ambulance.

28th Beetle drive.

Members who use the Mini-Ambulance service are asked to phone Sylvia Mack on 8462 1938 by 9.00 am on any Tuesday that they are unable to come to a meeting.

As always, we welcome all ladies to our meetings. Please come along for a pleasant afternoon. We do have a very varied programme with plenty to interest everyone.

Marion Swanborough


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Women's Contact Group

We will be meeting for our monthly meal at the Warren Sports Ground, Hayes, at 12.30 pm on Monday 6th February. The Warren is accessed by car from Croydon Road (address: Croydon Road, Hayes, BR2 7AL) or on foot from the junction of Warren Road and Holland Way. All ladies are welcome.

Sylvia Mack

Hayes Mothers' & Toddlers' Club

We welcome all babies and children under school age, accompanied by their parents, grandparents or carers, to our club on Friday afternoons between 2 and 4pm during term time. The fee is £1 per family - tea, squash and biscuits are provided. This is a time when adults can meet up, while the children in their care are busy playing with toys and activities in the company of other children. We will meet each Friday during February except for Friday 17th (half term).

Wendy Smith

Messy Church

This meets on the 4th Wednesday of every month in the church from 3.30 - 4.30 pm, and children from 2 to 12 years are welcome.

Book Club

We meet on the first Wednesday of every month at 2.00pm in the Small Hall. This month’s meeting will be on Wednesday 1st February.

Ministry of Flowers

Thank you to those who will be providing flowers in February.

5 - TBA 12 – Jan Moren: in memory of Dad

19 – David & Judith Stoner: Wedding Anniversary 26 – Win Browne

A big thank you to those who kindly arrange the flowers when needed.

After the Sunday morning services, the flowers are distributed to members and friends, bringing joy to the recipients. Mavis Righini

The Fairtrade Sunday Stall

We hold a fair trade stall after the morning service on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of

each month. The stall will be held on the 12th and 26th of February. Do pop by and

check what we have for sale. There are some appetising snacks, along with the

usual food and non-food lines. Richard and Barbara


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Notice Sheets

If you have an item for inclusion on the Notice Sheet on a particular Sunday, please contact the relevant person below, by the date shown (the first Sunday of the month is usually in the previous month’s magazine):

By Tuesday 7th Feb for Sunday 12th: Brenda Cordingley 8462 3867

By Tuesday 14th Feb for Sunday 19th: Joan Smith 8462 3920

By Tuesday 21st Feb for Sunday 26th: Joan Smith 8462 3920

By Tuesday 28th Feb for Sunday 5th March: Pamela Collison 8658 0748

February events

Each year February (or early March) sees the start of Lent: this year Ash Wednesday falls on 1st March. And the same period also brings a number of special seasonal events, which are listed below, with some further information about each one:

Sunday 5th February: deadline for ordering Bible Reading Fellowship notes for the coming year

Monday 27th February: start of Fairtrade Fortnight

Friday 3rd March: Women’s World Day of Prayer

Wednesday 8th March: start of the Lent Course

In more detail:

The Bible Reading Fellowship (BRF)

The BRF produces booklets of Bible notes for daily reading. We have a church subscription, updated in February each year, and if you order through the church you will not have to pay postage.

There are different types of notes (see below). Samples are usually available at the back of the church, and you can also get information from the website at

Each set of notes is published in three booklets to cover the year: May – August; September – December; January - April. We order in February each year, to start with the May-August booklet.


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Below is a list of the different options available with a brief description of each. The price quoted is the price for the full year:

New Daylight £16.50

New Daylight “De Luxe” (ie large print) £20.85

A varied selection of Old and New Testament readings, with a short Bible passage each day, set out in full in the booklet, and usually following the same theme for about a fortnight.

Guidelines £16.50

Set out in weekly units (each of six sections, so not quite daily). You will need to refer to a Bible alongside.

Day by Day with God £16.50

A daily suggested Bible reading, with comment, explained and applied especially for women.

The Upper Room £16.50

A series of Bible-based meditations, all written by readers (there are three million of them and they are worldwide!) so there is a variety of approaches and styles. Again you will need to refer to a Bible.

Quiet Spaces £16.50

A series of nine different themes, each with Bible readings, prayer, meditation, historical reflection, creative activity, and varying insights from different Christian traditions

And the new kid on the block...

(though perhaps that is not the most fitting description!):

Bible Reflections for Older People £18.75

This was published for the first time last autumn and there is only one issue currently available to provide guidance on the likely content. It is described as “written by older people for older people” and the first issue deals with these themes: Changing times; Joy for the Journey; Decisions, decisions; Rhythm of remembrance. It is said to contain 40 reflections, so there seems to be no daily pattern. It is instead a guide to keep nearby and refer to as needed.


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If you have ordered in the past, you will be contacted, but if you would like

to order them for the first time, please speak to me in person or ring me on

07989 192928 by Sunday 5th February 2017.

Thank you,


Fairtrade Fortnight

This will be taking place from Monday, 27th February until Sunday, 12th

March, focussing on the plight of farmers trapped in a system that is unfair,

one that rips them off. However hard they work to provide the things we

depend on, they still aren’t paid what they deserve. And every time people

buy products produced in this way, they become part of the problem.

We will be supporting the cause. See a note from Barbara below.

Richard & Barbara

Big Brew

I will be holding a coffee morning on Saturday March 11th to raise money to help change families’ futures in some of the world’s poorest communities. It will be held in the small hall at Church from 10-12. Come and enjoy coffee and cake and do bring a friend. There will be homemade goodies to buy as well.


Don’t feed exploitation. Choose Fairtrade.

The Lent Course

The Lent Course of Churches Together in Hayes will run on Wednesday evenings, starting on Wednesday 8th March at 7.30pm. It will be held in the meetings room at St.Mary's (Hayes Parish Church in Hayes Street, BR2 7LH). All are welcome. At time of printing there are no more details about the course but further information is expected soon and will be avail-able from Sylvia Mack.


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Women’s World Day of Prayer

Hayes will mark the Women’s World Day of Prayer with a service on Friday 3rd March at 2pm in the Rosary Church (West Common Road, BR2 7BX). This year the Service is prepared by the Christian Women of the Philippines, and is titled “Am I Being Unfair To You?”

All are welcome to the Service – both men and women – and refreshments will be served afterwards.

Sylvia Mack

What is The Women’s World Day of Prayer?

In its modern form, this Day of Prayer can trace its origins to the nineteenth century and to the women of Canada and the United States. At that time, of course, areas of responsibility tended to be controlled by men, and the work of mission, both at home and overseas, was no different. Nonetheless from 1861 women in these countries began to set up their own separate boards for mission, working particularly with women and children. And from much earlier, back in the 1820s, they were already encouraging each other in prayer to support their mission work.

Sometimes this led to days or weeks of communal prayer. In the 1890s different denominations - Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, the Anglicans of Canada - all made their own arrangements. But there was also a vision of a united day of prayer, and in 1897 women of six denominations came together to try to bring this about.

Through the early 20th century, the idea developed, but still within Canada and the United States. But then in 1922 the two countries fixed on a common date (the first Friday of Lent), and in 1926 the service was distributed to mission partners in other countries, very quickly becoming known worldwide. In the 1930s the first services in Britain were held; and in the 1960s Roman Catholic women were allowed to play a full part for the first time (following the second Vatican Council).

Nowadays, the service theme is developed by the women of a different country each year, and there have been some significant choices of countries: in 1981the native women of America worked on the theme of “The Earth is the Lord’s”; in 1982, the women of Ireland, north and south, planned the service together; in 1990 the women of Czechoslovakia were responsible for it, shortly before their country experienced its “Velvet Divorce”; in 2014, at a troubled time, it was Egypt, and in 2016, again at a significant time for the country concerned, it was Cuba. The full list is available at www.wwdp.orguk and makes interesting reading.


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Although the development of the theme is the responsibility of a single country each year, certain aspects of the service, particularly the choice of hymns, are left to the relevant national committee, which will probably try to keep as closely as possible to the hymns suggested by the country which writes the service. Themes are chosen some way ahead; they are suggested by different countries and approved by an international committee, which will allocate a theme to a “writing” country (the country which plans the service, therefore, does not itself choose its theme).

As stated above, men are welcome to the service and interestingly, in many parts of the world, it is often known simply as the World Day of Prayer, no longer keeping a link with Women in the title, as is still done in the UK. It is retained here as a support for women in countries or in religious denominations where they do not have equal status with men.

The national office (for England, Wales and Northern Ireland – Scotland is separate) is quite near to us; it is in Tunbridge Wells. This information is derived from the website mentioned above. It has more, if you are interested - or see me if you do not have access to the Internet. Christine

BIBLICAL PEOPLE – can you spot them?

Each of the clues below leads you to a name. If you put these names together, which group of Biblical people emerges? (Please note they are not listed in the same order in which you might usually expect to find them).This is not a quiz, there are no prizes or even placings so there is no need to write in. But you might just like to have a go. The answers will appear next month:

A boy with a fruit, as described by Roald Dahl

His body “lies a mouldering in the grave”

That boy with the fruit again

He captains one of the teams in the BBC’s “Question of Sport”

He captains the other team

A tiny little chap, really miniscule

A tongue-twister

A Beatles song (the name isn’t quite the same)

He endowed a concert hall in New York, not to mention thousands of libraries and yet more thousands of church organs

Success in a children’s game depends on paying attention to what he “says”

One of the twins in the Sherlock Holmes story “The Sign of the Four”

The other twin


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Christmas Tree Festival 2016

They came.... And they went....

And in between times, a total of £4,200.00 was raised for Carers Bromley, and a lot of activity, and I hope enjoyment, took place along the way. It is of course a great deal of work, and there are so many different tasks to be done between us that there is something to suit almost everyone’s talents. We in the church provided the backbone of the event, from the initial handing out of leaflets, and then the installation of the trees, to decorating those trees which reflected church organisations, to welcoming people in (stewarding and providing refreshments), to the vital task of collecting the money, and the more mundane but necessary ones of furniture moving and sweeping up! But of course there was also great support from the tree sponsors, the performers and (also vital!) the audiences and the donors. I don’t want to name names in the context of this great general enterprise but I will just say that there was a small number of people who provided particularly crucial and often time-consuming help and particular thanks are due to them. They know who they are! But many many thanks are due to everyone for contributing to this wonderful result.

Meanwhile, I would very much like to know what you thought. Were there things that could have been arranged differently, or better? Were there things you particularly liked? There seemed to be particularly appreciative comments about the tree decorations this year, and also about the trees themselves. As you can see from the right-hand picture above, they survived quite well (after all, they were in the church for 5 weeks and 2 days!).

Do please let me know.

Thank you, Christine


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Message from Karen Waldron of Carers Bromley

Dear Christine

Thank you so much for personally taking the trouble to deliver the magnifi-cent cheque totalling £4,125 bringing the total raised from the Christmas Tree Festival to £4,200. *

I am writing to officially thank you and the Hayes Free Church for choos-ing us as your charity for this year’s appeal. It has been a pleasure work-ing with you and we are delighted with the amount raised as this will make a real difference to the carers we support. It is only with the help and sup-port of groups and individuals such as yourselves that we are able to help families and friends of people who are ill, disabled or frail to continue to live together, supported, at home. You can rest assured that the donation you have made will be well spent.

May I thank you on behalf of all the staff at Carers Bromley and ask you to pass our sincerest thanks to everyone who supported the charity appeal.

With kind regards

Karen Waldron

Karen Waldron | Resources Manager

Carers Bromley | Anglesea Place | 1 Kent Road | St Mary Cray | Orpington | Kent | BR5 4AD

*Editor’s Note: £75 was supplied to us in cheques made out directly to the charity and already passed on to them – hence the reference to two figures.

News of the Christmas Fair and the Charity Card Fair.

We can now update you with the final total raised by the Christmas Fair held in our halls on 12th November last. The sum was still rising as the last Catalyst went to press, but eventually it comfortably exceeded £2,000. Congratulations to Daphne and to everyone who helped.

Meanwhile, and literally alongside, HFC played host through Pamela’s good offices to a number of local charities, enabling them to raise about £1500 through the sale of Christmas cards and other items at the sepa-rate Card Fair held in the church.

Obviously a good day’s work all round!


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Letter from the Editor:

Dear Reader,

This will most certainly not be a regular feature, but at the start of a new Editorship it seems a good idea to make personal contact with you. As you know, in Richard Brown I am succeeding an extremely hardworking and long-serving Editor, and the first thing I want to say is – Thank you, Richard, for all the interest, information and enjoyment you have given your readers over the last nine years. Richard’s lively and informative issues will not be an easy act to follow, and you will no doubt see differences as we travel through the months.

I thought quite a bit about Catalyst before committing to the Editorship and it seemed to me that a church magazine has three main functions:

To publicise basic practical information about the church’s activities, so that everyone is properly informed about the times and (when they occasionally vary) the locations of services; who is preaching; all the different weekday activities we undertake with the contact details of the various leaders; and any particular ongoing projects on which help is needed in the next month (or further ahead). Alongside these practical details, there is also an introductory letter from the Minister, or currently the Church Secretary, together with any letter or information from Synod that may be sent from time to time. All of this will obviously continue unchanged.

This is where you come in! The next component, as I see it, is contributions from members, and sometimes from people outside the church. These might include reports of trips, outings etc or events run by the church. There might also be information about secular activities, such as upcoming concerts – and not to be forgotten is information from the police or neighbourhood watch about the latest things we need to be looking out for to protect both ourselves and any vulnerable neighbours. I am afraid you will find in this edition there is quite a lot of “me”. This is partly haphazard – it is the time of year when I have to report on the Christmas Tree Festival and also notify you of the Bible Reading notes deadline – but, apart from that, the remedy to this is of course in your own hands –and I look forward to receiving information from you for publication in March (see deadline on inside front cover). This would also include any reflections or prayers which you have come across and would like to share. I would just add here that we need to be aware of copyright issues and also the proper procedure for photographs, especially since Catalyst is placed on the church’s website. I am not up to speed on these issues yet and so I apologize in advance if this means I have to hold over anything you give me for publication until the position has been properly checked out. But anything you have written yourself is of course perfectly safe for me to include, provided you are willing!


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Lastly, there are the things which, so to speak, oil the wheels. These are all the jokes and anecdotes and recipes etc which make up the rest of the magazine and which may not be essential but which contribute to a sense of fun and fellowship within the church as a whole. I will do my best here but I am afraid in the early editions at least you are bound to miss Richard’s assured hand.

Those are my thoughts about Catalyst, but I have one more. I can remember a time, long ago, when the magazine was not called Catalyst, but something more along the lines of “Hayes Free Church Magazine”. A catalyst, according to my dictionary, produces a chemical change in other substances while not undergoing any change itself – and I wonder why that particular model was chosen? I presume that the idea was that the magazine represented HFC as a Catalyst in Hayes, and whilst the idea of promoting change in our local community is fine, I am not sure about undergoing no change itself – never learning, never developing? I am not in any way seeking to change the name, but just to understand it a bit more. Do any church members have memories of the time the name was introduced, and what was intended by it? Perhaps a lively discussion could develop in these columns (I hope so!).

With best wishes,

Your Editor,


Charitable Help & Recycling Services

Catalyst recently introduced the idea of publishing every few months a list of opportunities to recycle items, or give vouchers and tokens to worthy causes, using connections within HFC. This included David Connolly’s offer to take old clothes for the Whitechapel Mission. At the moment, however, they have enough clothes (except for men’s underpants, which always seem to be wanted) and since the list is otherwise very short its publication will be delayed for the moment. I would like to publish it soon, however, so please give me any information you have – and that can include options available through local shops and organisations, so long as they do not duplicate any collections by members and friends of HFC. Meanwhile, some information about Bromley Food Bank follows instead.


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Bromley Food Bank

Bromley Food Bank has been operating since 2010, distributing food and some other essential items (toiletries, nappies, washing powder etc) to those who are referred to it as needing its help. Although food banks of course benefit from donations of money, a high percentage of the food given out by food banks (generally over 90%) is donated directly by the public. You can help by adding to our permanent collection point (just by the church entrance on the left) but it is important to be guided by what the Food Banks say they need. Mavis as Church Secretary is regularly updated and passes on the information, which is currently (late January) that the urgent need is for toiletries, rather than food. Please note however that things can change quite quickly, so it is as well to check the latest information at church or, if you have access, on the website. And another thing to remember is the need to make sure that donated items are all well within the sell-by date (if they have one).

Besides donating through the church, you can also donate at certain supermarkets as you buy, saving you from having to carry items back home and then to church. According to the website, there are donation points at Waitrose (Green St Green); Sainsbury’s (Station Road, West Wickham – not the store in the High Street); Tesco (Homesdale Road) and Tesco Extra (Orpington). I believe Waitrose in Bromley also has a collection point but have not been there recently to check. If you know of any other places, please let me know for a later Catalyst.



At the church meeting of 22nd January, members agreed that everyone should be encouraged to sit well forward during services. This helps the preacher, who is otherwise faced with a sporadic scattering of people with whom it is hard to interact, and it is helpful to us too, encouraging better singing, and more feeling of “togetherness”, besides making it easier to hear.


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Rotary Club of Langley Park & Deaf Plus/Access


10.00 a.m. — 3.00.p.m. AT




Interested table holders — tables available David Connolly.

Tel: 020 8776 0108 Visit antique activites





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February 2017

Wed 1 2.00 pm Book Club (p4)

Fri 3 2.00 pm Mothers and Toddlers (p4)

Sat 4 2.30 pm Saturday Fellowship (p3)

Sun 5 10.30 am

6.30 pm

Morning Service – Rev.Geoff Larcombe

Deadline, Bible Reading Fellowship booklets (p5)

Holy Communion – Judy Davies

Mon 6 12.30 pm Women’s Contact Group (p4)

Tue 7 2.00 pm


Women’s Fellowship (p3)

Elders’ Meeting (p3)

Fri 10 2.00 pm Mothers and Toddlers (p4)

Sun 12 10.30 am

6.30 pm

Morning Service – John Cox Followed by Fair Trade Stall (p4)

Evening Service – Alan Kienlan

Tue 14 2.00 pm Women’s Fellowship (p3)

Thu 16 8.00 pm Men’s Group (p3)

Sun 19 10.30 am

6.30 pm

Morning Service – Mike Tinson

Evening Service – TBA

Tue 21 2.00 pm Women’s Fellowship (p3)

Wed 22 3.30 pm Messy Church (p4)

Fri 24 2.00 pm Mothers and Toddlers (p4)

Sun 26

10.30 am

6.30 pm

Holy Communion – Rev Fiona ThomaS Followed by Fair Trade Stall (p4)

Followed by Church Meeting (p3)

Evening Service – Keith Nye

Mon 27 Start of Fair Trade Fortnight (p7)

Tue 28 2.00 pm Women’s Fellowship (p3) Shrove Tuesday

March 2017 (key dates for your diary)

Wed 1 2.00 pm Ash Wednesday: Start of Lent

Fri 3 2.00 pm Women’s World Day of Prayer service (p8)

Sun 5 6.30 pm Holy Communion - Judy Davies

Tue 7 7.00 pm Elders’ Meeting (p3)

Wed 8 7.30 pm Start of Lent Course (p7)

Sat 11 10.00 am Barbara’s BIG BREW for Fair Trade Fortnight (p7)

Sat 18 10.00 am Antiques Fair (p15)

Sun 26 12.00noon Church Meeting (p3)


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Day Organisation Contact Phone



9.15 -12.15pm Pre School Group Jayne Carvell 07913 299773

12.15 -12.45pm P/School lunch club


5.45pm Brownies Sarah Humphrey 020 3539 8113

6.30pm Cubs Brenda Petts 020 8325 3956

12.30pm - 1st Mon only

Women's Contact Group Sylvia Mack 020 8462 1938


2.00pm Women's Fellowship Marion Swanborough 020 8462 3981

7.15pm Scouts - 1st troop Paul Hasling 020 3236 0083


2.00pm - 1st Weds only

HFC Book Club Wendy Smith 020 8462 1779

3.30pm - 4th Weds only

Messy Church Mavis Righini 020 8462 1168

5.30pm Rainbows Jenny Longman 07730 574962

6.00pm Beavers Brenda Petts 020 8325 3956

6.30pm Guides – 4th Hayes Teresa Cheyne 020 8777 6042

8.00pm Explorers Tom Strachan 07745 813 295


5.30pm Brownies Stevie Blair. 020 8325 3469

7.15 - 8.45pm Rangers TBA

7.15pm Scouts - 2nd troop Julia Hart 07518 361038

8.00pm - 3rd Thurs only

Men's Group Bruce Tannock 020 8325 6264


2.00pm Mothers & Toddlers Wendy Smith 020 8462 1779

6.30pm Guides – 3rd Hayes Teresa Cheyne 020 8777 6042


2.30pm - 1st Sat only Saturday Fellowship Martin Nunn 020 8462 5918

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Final Thought

I implore you, good Jesus,

that as in your mercy

you have given me

to drink in with delight

the words of your knowledge,

so of your loving kindness

you will also grant me

one day to come to you,

the fountain of all wisdom,

and to stand forever

before your face.


A prayer of the Venerable Bede