cc issue no. 72-aug 12

NCR Consultants Limited Associates with Importance of failure in success Page. 04 Rekha Murali Chaos no more.. Page. 03 Volume 5 | Number 72 | Aug 2012 | Page 110 Consultants’ Corner

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Page 1: CC Issue No. 72-Aug 12

NCR Consultants Limited

Associates with

Importance of failure in success

Page. 04

Rekha Murali

Chaos no more..

Page. 03

Volume 5 | Number 72 | Aug 2012 | Page 1– 10

Consultants’ Corner

Page 2: CC Issue No. 72-Aug 12

3 Message from Dr. RSM

4 Importance of failure in suc-cess

5 Income Tax Website Navi-gation-Part 2

6 Fearlessness

6 What’s up at NCRCL?

7 An Exclusive Talk

8 Parichay

9 Knowledge Snippet

9 Birthday Greetings

9 Just for Laughs

9 Round Table


Our Mission is to apply our professional capabilities with a holistic approach for the happiness of clients,

through values and social commitment.

Importance of failure in success Have all successful people reached their pinnacle only through success? Or was it

the failures along the way that motivated them to excel in their chosen field? The

answer is simple as it is a well known fact that failure is an inevitable part of


-read 4

An exclusive talk with Krithiga


Fearlessness connotes freedom from all external fear, fear

of disease, bodily injury and death, of dispossession, of

losing one‘s nearest and dearest, of losing reputation and

so on. One who overcomes the fear of death does not

surmount all other fears, as is commonly but erroneously

supposed. Some of us do not fear death…...

read 6

see 7


McMillan Woods

see 8


Income Tax Website Navigation-Part 2

This feature has been a recent addition in the Income

Tax website and was initiated by the Government as part

of increasing transparency in its functions. This facility

helps assesses to monitor their tax refund process and in

turn helps them to track their refund money with their


read 5

see 6

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Last month we discussed ―chaos‖ and how chaos begins and ends with us. ―Chaos originates in our day to day work primarily due to: lack of knowledge, not organizing ourselves, not using appropriate approach/methodology in what/how we do, and the way we react/interact with others‖.

After discussing these aspects we came to some important aspects of internal development that are required to keep chaos at bay. We need to prepare not only our

body but also our soul! Good exercise, positive food and meditation are the key areas of our discussion now.

Whenever we feel tired i.e. the body feels tired – when the legs are feeling weak after a long walk under the midday sun – who actually ‗feels‘ the tiredness? The pain from the leg is understood by the brain but there is something behind these instruments which feel the pain. We get back home with pain and we receive some good news about having stood first in the examination. The tiredness goes away! The pain, though present, is not felt that much. The pain now takes a back seat and the pleasant thoughts and happiness pours in. Now, who is the one who is experiencing this pleasure overpowering the pain. These are experienced not by the instruments of the body but by the ―soul‖. This soul is the focus of our discussion now.

We need to understand that the mind which has the software to run the body cannot live without the body. When the body dies, the mind dies. This mind has an interesting role to play. It is the base for our pride, our ego, our helplessness, our emotions, etc. The mind always tries to see that it dictates even to the ‗soul‘. Normal people who do not understand this get carried away and become slaves of the mind. This mind is the one that prevents man from achieving greater heights.

While there are enough literature and discussions about ‗controlling the mind‘, actually this does not work. We need to manage the mind. We need to be smart enough to make the mind do what we want. This requires structured steps and persistent action. The soul has to take over from the mind. In order to manage the mind, we need: good exercise, posi-tive food and meditation.

Good exercise: Any exercise that makes us feel tired is no good. When a child is born, it‘s body is flexible and when it dies as an old person, the body is stiff. During the entire life span, we are moving towards stiffness. The more stiff our body becomes, we are going towards death; the more flexible our body, we are living healthy! We need to do those exercises that make our body supple, and flexible. Such exercises are nothing but Yoga. In various forms of Yoga there are several ‗asanas‘ or postures that will help us develop flexibility in our body. The asanas focus on ‗breathing‘ and ‗flexing the muscles and nerves‘. A well performed Surya Namaskar routine each day is good enough. This will take just about 10 minutes every day. Unwanted toxins get out of the body; the mind gets peace. This is what good exercise is about.

Positive food: Can there be positive and negative food? Yes. The food that provides right type of minerals, vitamins and energy in a balanced manner so that the body-mind combine works perfectly well is called ‗positive food‘. In Bhagvat Gita—Chapter 14, the three gunas: sattva, rajas and thamas are discussed. We need to increase the sattva in us by eating positive food. The food that is not heavy, that is not spicy, that is not high on fat are examples of sattvic food. The food needs to be fresh (not carryovers or packed food). We need to eat maximum as breakfast (as the time lag between dinner and breakfast is the maximum), have a moderate lunch and a brief dinner. Eat at least two hours before you go to bed. We have to eat fresh vegetables (as salads), fruits and nuts daily.

This combination of good exercise and positive food will make the body supple, flexible and light. The Yoga, apart from eradicating the toxins will create adequate hunger for you to consume good food as breakfast. Maximum calories are burnt in the morning. It will make us feel light. We will be able to think well in office. There will be no lethargy. By having this type of food and the routine of getting up early in the morning for Yoga, slowly sends a message to the mind that it is being brought under custody. It is the mind that justifies our getting up late in the morning or going for a tempting fill of spicy food. Now very subtly, we get to manage our mind without too much of resistance. This is the way to slowly bring chaos under control.

We are still to address meditation. We will, soon….

Chaos no more.. Dr. R. S. Murali

[email protected]

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Consultants’ Corner

Importance of failure in success Rekha Murali

[email protected]

(As published in ‗The Hindu—opportunities‘ dated July 11, 2012)

If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

- Mary Engelbreit

Have all successful people reached their pinnacle only

through success? Or was it the failures along the way

that motivated them to excel in their chosen field? The

answer is simple as it is a well known fact that failure is

an inevitable part of success.

There are two sides to failure. One group would view

failure as just a stumbling block, learn from the mistakes

and move forward with vigour to achieve the goal. The

other group would, however, look at it as a setback and

out of fear never attempt to change considering

themselves as failures in life! It is how you handle failure

that determines the success rate of your endeavours.

The fastest way towards success would be to learn from

failure and not analyse what went wrong or regret the

initiative. As Bill Cosby says, ―In order to succeed, your

desire for success should be greater than your fear of


Living in an era where there is immense pressure to

succeed, what better way is there to succeed than to

think out of the box, experiment, and take risks! A

positive approach is the only way to rise above failures,

accept that it is human to fail, learn from the experience,

circumnavigate to the road to success.

Human beings are their own worst critics. Fear of failure,

fear of the opinion of others, fear and lack of self

confidence, fear of one‘s shortcomings, fear of the

consequences of an initiative or action, are some of the

invisible blocks you set up as barriers in success. How

do you get out of this rut?

It is alright to make mistakes: You learn by falling, so

acknowledging mistakes is a sure fire way to success.

Instead of being on the defensive when a mistake is

pointed out by others, gracefully accepting the mistake

and owning responsibility for it not only helps you but

also helps you gain the respect of others.

Avoid the blame game: Avoid blaming the external

circumstances or people for the mistakes and look for

causes that can be rectified. Once you learn from the

mistake, it is a guarantee that the mistake or failure can

be avoided again in the future. But not learning from the

failure and making the same mistakes again and again

is like digging one‘s own grave.

Think things through: Instead of rushing headlong into

a fire fighting mode to rectify the issue, take time off to

think. Just jumping in to sort things out would only

pile on the mistakes leading to a defeat. The issue may

be constantly on the mind but letting things settle and

taking time off may help in arriving at a good alternative


Try, try and try: You should not regret or repent for

what could have been in your golden years. So, do not

give up easily due to failures but try to achieve the

success which you so much desire and deserve!

Plan well: Plan in

such a way that there

is room for failure,

expecting it as a part

of the journey to

success. Hav ing

alternate plans or op-

tions is recommended

for overcoming the

shortcomings of an

initial plan.

Seek help: Brainstorming with your team, or discussion

with your peer group, friends and other acquaintances

would bring clarity in thinking and overcome the

inhibitions, barriers in your mind towards the problem.

Inner transformation: The inner critic or the inner voice

may inhibit progress with niggling doubts and feelings of

not deserving the success. Being too hard on yourself

with criticism and being strongly aware of your

weaknesses and the ‗if only‘ attitude restricts you from

experimenting or venturing out of the ordinary towards

innovativeness. Overcome this by living in the present,

the moment. Thich Nhat Hanh – a Buddhist monk,

teacher and author recommends the Buddhist

philosophy of practising mindfulness in all thoughts,

words and actions where the focus is in the present

action, or thought for a successful life and living.

There are two philosophical attitudes towards failure.

One way is to treat it as a stepping stone to success and

the other way is to realise the strengths and

weaknesses and identify skill sets that would help you

forge ahead. Bear in mind that it is human to fail. You

are never too old or never too young to try anything new.

Failure should not deter you in your path to gaining new

skills or succeeding in life! Failure enhances the sense

of achievement when you finally taste success. Life is

not a bed of roses and it is in your hands how successful

or purposeful you make it!

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Status of Tax Refund

The second instalment of the Income Tax Website Navigation series is here. This edition focuses on viewing the

status of tax refund using the Income Tax website.

Brief: This feature has been a recent addition in the Income Tax website and was initiated by the Government as part of

increasing transparency in its functions. This facility helps assesses to monitor their tax refund process and in turn helps

them to track their refund money with their bank.

Refund of tax paid is faster these days when compared to last few years when there was absolutely no clarity to the

assessee of the refund processing done at the Income Tax department. The improved efficiency has increased the faith

in the Income Tax department and further improvements in the refund processing viz., showing the date of refund, shall

definitely put the income tax department in good stead in the coming days.

The pictorial explanation on how to check Refund Status online is given in the below.

5 Simple Steps and you are there!!

1. Go to the website

Consultants’ Corner

Income Tax Website Navigation-Part 2 Karthik M V

[email protected]

2. Select view tax refund status

3. Leads to the NSDL website

4. Key in your PAN & relevant Assessment Year

5. Status of refund processing is displayed



4. Key in your PAN & Assessment Year

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Consultants’ Corner

What’s up at NCRCL?

Our colleagues Kishore and Bhavana participated in the CA day conducted by ICAI in which they

performed a duet after a solo by Bhavana! Keep the flag flying Bhavana and Kishore!

Sathya Narayana has passed an online examination and obtained a Certificate in IFRS (CertIFR) awarded by the ACCA

Institute, UK. Congratulations Sathya!

RSM and Ashok attended a special meeting of the Committee on Accounting Standards for Local Bodies of the ICAI

where they interacted with Prof. (Dr.) Andreas Bergmann, Chair of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards

Board of the IFAC.

Fearlessness connotes freedom from all external fear, fear of disease, bodily injury and death, of dispossession, of

losing one‘s nearest and dearest, of losing reputation and so on. One who overcomes the fear of death does not

surmount all other fears, as is commonly but erroneously supposed. Some of us do not fear death, but flee from the

minor ills of life. Some are ready to die themselves, but cannot bear their loved ones being taken away from them. Some

misers will put up with all this, will part even with their lives, but not their property; others will do any number of black

deeds in order to uphold their supposed prestige.

The seekers after truth must conquer all these fears. He should be ready to sacrifice his all in the quest of Truth, even as

Harishchandra did. Perfect fearlessness can be attained only by him who has realized the supreme, as it implies

freedom from delusions. One can always progress towards this goal by determined and constant endeavor, and by

cultivating self-confidence.

As we have already discussed, we must give up all external fears. But the internal foes we must always fear. We are

rightly afraid of animal passion, anger, and the like. External fears cease of their own accord, when once we have

conquered these traitors within the camp. All such fears revolve round the body as the centre, and will therefore

disappear, as soon as we get rid of attachment for the body. We thus find that all external fear is the baseless fabric of

our own vision. Fear has no place in our hearts, when we have shaken off attachment for wealth, for family and for the

body. ‗Enjoy the things of the earth by renouncing them‘ is a noble precept. Wealth, family and body will be there, just

the same; we have only to change our attitude towards them. All these are not ours, but God‘s. Nothing whatever in this

world is ours. Even we ourselves are His. The Upanishad directs us to give up attachment for things, while we enjoy

them. That is to say we must be interested in them, not as proprietors, but only as trustees. He, on whose behalf we hold

them, will give us the strength and the weapons requisite for defending them against all usurpers. When we thus cease

to be masters, and reduce ourselves to the rank of servants, humbler than the very dust under our feet, all fears will roll

away like mists; we shall attain ineffable peace.

(Source : ‗From Yeravda Mandir‘ by M.K. Gandhi.)

Fearlessness R Krithiga Priyadharsini

[email protected]

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An Exclusive Talk with Krithiga Priyadharsini

Krithiga Priyadharsini B.Com, CA Working as Consultant Born on 02nd October Email: [email protected] Mob No: +91 9940137376

CC. The meaning of your name.

Krithiga: Krithiga - Name of a star , Priyadharsini – ap-pears lovable and affectionate

CC. Nickname.

Krithiga: Krithi

CC. Your dream job.

Krithiga: The current one.

CC Your first impression of NCRCL.

Krithiga: Organization which is built on values

CC. What personal/emotional characteristic of yours do you want to change?

Krithiga: I am little sensitive on which I am working on.

CC. Money or job satisfaction?

Krithiga: Job satisfaction

CC. Your Stress buster.

Krithiga: Music, good sleep and walk amidst nature

CC. Do you have a small circle of close friends, rather than a large number of friends?

Krithiga: I have both.

CC. What do you most like about a person?

Krithiga: Knowledge and simplicity

CC. What do you most hate in a person?

Krithiga: Ego and hypocrisy

CC. Team work vs Individual work – your comments.

Krithiga: Team work with clearly defined roles and responsibilities produces better results.

CC. Do you make efforts to get others to laugh and smile?

Krithiga: I do

CC. Your heart rules your head or your head rules your heart?

Krithiga: I wish my head rules my heart always, but sometimes heart wins.

CC. What kind of special talent do you have?

Krithiga: Searching for one

CC. What are your hobbies?

Krithiga: Listening to music, reading books, cooking

Consultants’ Corner

Be yourself. The world worships the


- Ingrid Bergman

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Parichay Know our Associates!

McMillan Woods

McMillan Woods Global (MCMWG) is a global network or association of independent local and

regional firms of recognised qualified accountants and professional advisors. It was established for the

purpose of providing members and their clients with the capability of furnishing a broader spectrum of

accounting, auditing, advisory and management services at a cutting edge cost effective basis. Its

network is spread across the globe with offices in over 28 countries at present.

McMillan Woods is a provider of audit assurance, tax advisory and consultancy to include financial

advisory services. McMillan Woods responds to clients' complex business challenges across industry

sectors and national boundaries. For instance, the audit assurance practice helps clients manage risks

so they can focus on their core business activities. By personally understanding each client's business,

McMWG translate information into insights to uncover hidden opportunities to improve client

efficiency and performance and deliver the highest quality professional services with a modern,

dynamic and fresh methodology.

NCRCL is proud to be an associate of MCMWG and are currently working towards establishing a

name in Mauritius for IFRS and ACCA courses.

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Answer To last month’s Knowledge Snippet question:

Which is the largest coffee growing country in the world?

Answer: Brazil

Ha Ha Ha !!!

Knowledge Snippet

The right answer was given by

R Krithiga Priyadarsini & R Bhavana

!!! Congratulations !!!

Happy Birthday!

In which unit is the speed of computer mouse measured?

Send in your answers to the editor at [email protected]

Consultants Corner

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in

nature. - Helen Keller

For feedback

If you have any comment/suggestion for the editors, please write to us at [email protected]! Your views and comments on

articles featured here are also welcome!

Vikas R - 08th Aug Mamtha.D.A - 05th Aug

Never, never give-up

One day, a teacher was teaching a lesson to the class about never giving up and how

history will remember those who never gave up. She asked the students: "Did Abraham

Lincoln ever give up?" All the students replied, "No". She asked them again, "Did Edison ever give

up?" Again the students replied, "No". After mentioning couple of great heroes' names, she finally

asked them, "Did Joe Doe give up?" On that, all the students replied, "Who is Joe Doe?" She said, "You

don't know his name because he gave up." Before we think there is nothing we can achieve that is

useful, let's think twice, may be ten times, even a hundred or a thousand times and let's always

remember this:-"NEVER, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP."

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Our Business Associates

NCR & Co

Chartered Accountants

Karnataka Institute of

Public Auditors

Registered Office:

2nd Floor, New No. 4, Old No. 23, C P Ramasamy Road, Alwarpet,

Chennai - 600 018

Ph: +91 44 2466 0955

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Email: [email protected]

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Ph/Fax: +91 80 23560265

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