ccst council$mee-ng$ccst council$mee-ng$ susan$hackwood$ ccst$execu-ve$director$ $ october$10,$2012$...

CCST Council Mee-ng Susan Hackwood CCST Execu-ve Director October 10, 2012

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Page 1: CCST Council$Mee-ng$CCST Council$Mee-ng$ Susan$Hackwood$ CCST$Execu-ve$Director$ $ October$10,$2012$ $

CCST    Council  Mee-ng  

Susan  Hackwood  CCST  Execu-ve  Director    October  10,  2012  


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²  Sustainability  plans  underway  ²  2012-­‐13  S&T  Policy  Fellows  chosen  

²  Water  Ac-on  Team    

²  CEF  reports  almost  complete  

²  Cell  phone  report  delivered    

Summary  of  CCST  Ac-vi-es  

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²  Target:  bring  CCST  budget  to  $2M/year  and  provide  5  years  addi-onal  funding  ($1M/year)  for  S&T  Policy  Fellows  

²  Support  sought  from  Board  &  Council  members,  Senior  Fellows,  sustaining  ins-tu-ons,  individuals,  founda-ons,  public  and  private  research  ins-tu-ons,  private  sector,  professional  socie-es,  state  government  


Board  review  of  CCST  


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²  Five  placed  in  Assembly,  five  in  Senate  

²  Ac-vi-es  this  year  include  everything  from  water  issues,  DNA  tes-ng  to  hydraulic  fracturing  



Le#  to  Right:  Ben  Rubin,  Erika  Bustamante,  Dharia  McGrew,  Le  Ondra  Clark,  Stephen  Francis,    Alena  Pribyl,  MaF  Holland,  Rebecca  Newhouse,  Mandy  Arens  and  Larry  BaskeF    

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²  Good  pool  of  recruits  for  2012-­‐13  class  

²  10  have  accepted  (Ph.D.’s  from  UCD,  UCSB,  UCI,  UCB,  Cornell,  and  Brandeis  in  fields  spanning  plant  biology  to  civil  engineering  and  neuroscience)  

²  Developing  alumni  program  to  keep  former  fellows  engaged  

²  Sustainability  plan  –  fundraising  effort  underway  to  con-nue  program  past  5  years  


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Year  3  

²  73  Assembly  Bills    

²  37  Senate  Bills    ²  8  Resolu-ons    ²  6  Reports  for  SOR    



²  Yr  1  –  71  Assembly  Bills,  42  Senate  Bills,  18  Resolu-ons  

²  Yr  2  –  51  Assembly  Bills,  23  Senate  Bills,  6  Resolu-ons,  3  Reports  to  SOR  



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“The Senate’s standing committees and Chairs have uniformly expressed deep

satisfaction with the many contributions of these highly-qualified Fellows to the

policymaking work of the state Senate.” - Darrell Steinberg, President Pro Tempore, California State

Senate, August 2011  

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Major  Successes  

Speaker  of  the  Assembly  John  Pérez  recognizing:  Mai  Holland,  Stephen  Francis,  Dharia  McGrew,  and  Erika  Bustamante.    Not  pictured:  Mandy  Arens.  

Senator  Joe  Simi-an  recognizing:  Larry  Baskei,  Ben  Rubin,  Alena  Pribyl,  and  Rebecca  Newhouse  Not  pictured:  Le  Ondra  Clark.    

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²  1  Hired  by  host  office  

²  1  Hired  by  Food  Safety  Ins-tute,  UC  Davis  

²  Now  interviewing  with:  ²  A  posi-on  working  on  State  budget  

²  Private  founda-ons  

²  Posi-ons  within  the  State  Legislature  

²  Non-­‐profit,  science-­‐related  organiza-ons  

²  Monterey  Bay  Aquarium  



Year  3  Fellows  Update  

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i2i  Water  Phase  II  Report  Recommenda-ons  

²  Develop  a  California  Water  Future  S&T  Roadmap  –  a  10/25/50  year  plan  –  and  integrate  it  with  the  State’s  ongoing  long-­‐term  water  planning  efforts  

²  Collaborate  with  Department  of  Water  Resources  as  part  of  the  CWP  2013  update  to  (focused  thru  the  Water  Technology  Caucus)  to  iden-fy  and  expand  informa-on  associated  with  statewide  and  regional  needs,  opportuni-es,  and  challenges  for  developing  and  implemen-ng  new  water  technologies  in  California  

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²  Project  team:  

²  Jude  Laspa  (Chair)  

²  Bryan  Hannegan  (EPRI)  ²  Soroosh  Sorooshian  (UCI)  ²  Bob  Wilkinson  (UCSB)  

²  David  Zoldoske  (CSU  Fresno)    

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²  Iden-fy  technology  innova-on  and/or  systems  approaches  that  can  be  used  in  CA,  on  a  statewide,  regional,  local,  or  project  basis,  within  the  next  five  to  ten  years.    U-lize  a  survey  tool  supplemented  by  interviews  and  focus  groups  to  collect  input  data  and  map  technologies.  

²  Iden-fy  agents  responsible  for  adop-on  of  recommenda-ons  and  inform  technology  planning,  ac-ons,  pilot  projects  and  investments:  

²  Federal  and  State,  regional,  local  governments  &  agencies  ²  Tribal  groups  and  Non-­‐governmental  organiza-ons  ²  Others  

 ²  Make  specific  recommenda-ons  on  policy  and  process  changes  needed  to  

incorporate  iden-fied  innova-ons  


i2i  Phase  III  Water  Technology  Project  Goals      

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²  S.D.  Bechtel,  Jr.  Founda-on  has  provided  $173K  in  funding.  

²  Project  is  on  second  of  three  phases:  

²  Phase  1:  Scope  –  Iden-fy  innova-ve  technology  and/or  system  approaches  that  can  be  used  to  address  state  priori-es  

²  Phase  2:  Scan  –  Develop  an  inventory  of  innova-ve  technology  (online  database),  map  technologies  by  feasibility  

²  Phase  3:  Summarize  –  Develop  key  findings  

²  List  of  recipient  agencies/organiza-ons  prepared,  online  survey  instrument  being  developed  



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²  Over  100  responses  received  from  wide  range  of  experts  in  water  management  and  technologies,  from  UC,  CSU,  federal  funded  labs,  state,  local,  and  federal  agencies,  other  universi-es,  and  private  sector  


Online  survey  

²  Web-­‐based  interac-ve  database  created  for  project  team  

²  Preparing  for  follow  up  focus  groups  and  individual  interviews  

Timeframe  for  overall  project  adjusted  –  survey  kept  acNve  through  end  of  

September,  DWR  schedule  pushed  back  to  2014  


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California  STEM  Task  Force    ² Susan  Hackwood  co-­‐chairing  with  Herb  Brunkhorst  

² Exploring  status  of  STEM  educa-on  in  curriculum  

² Develop  blueprint  to  provide  guidance  on  ways  to  include  career  technical  educa-on  and  newly  developed  Common  Core  Standards  in  K-­‐12  

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²  Fall  mee-ng  on  Oct.  9  

²  Leier  of  inquiry  to  Stuart  Founda-on,  Hewlei  Founda-on,  S.J.  Bechtel  Jr.  Founda-on  


²  Funding  year  coming  to  a  close  –  main  outcomes  generated  by  workshops  and  symposia  


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     ² “Transporta-on  Energy  Use”  –-­‐  released  

² “Possibili-es,  Problems,  and  Poten-al  Envisioned  for  Nuclear-­‐Powered  California  in  2050”  –  released  

² “Electricity  from  Renewable  Energy  and  Fossil  Fuels  with  Carbon  Capture  and  Sequestra-on”    -­‐  released    

California’s  Energy  Future  

² “Portraits  of  Energy  Systems  for  Mee-ng  GHG  Reduc-on    Requirements”  –-­‐  released  

² S-ll  to  come:  Building  and  Industrial  Efficiency,  Biofuels  

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     ² Next  CEF  Policy  commiiee  mee-ng  October  12  

² Looking  at  cross-­‐cut  of  policies  to  support  CEF  technology  goals  for  80%  emission  cuts  by  2050  

² Groups  will  look  at  transporta-on  policies;  examine  pricing  policies  to  support  electrifica-on  and  efficiency  


Follow  up  

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²  In  July  2011  CCST  received  a  leier  reques-ng  help  in  evalua-ng  cell  phone  signal  blocking  technologies  that  the  California  Dept.  of  Correc-ons  is  proposing  to  install  

²  Cell  phones  possessed  by  inmates  pose  a  serious  threat  to  safety  and  security  in  prisons.  In  2011,  nearly  15,000  cell  phones  were  confiscated.  

²  CCST  asked  to  undertake  independent,  scien-fic  evalua-on  to  inform  both  policymakers  and  the  public  about  the  managed  access  technologies  being  considered  


Contraband  cell  phones  in  prisons  

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Project  Team  Chair  •  Charles  Harper,  Execu-ve  Chairman,  

 Semtech  (CCST  Board  Member)  

Team  Par-cipants  •  Patrick  Diamond,  Re-red  Senior  

 Director  of  Systems  Engineering    Advanced  Communica-ons  &    Sensing,  Semtech  Corp    

•  Patrick  Mantey,  UC  Center  for    Informa-on  Technology  Research    in  the  Interest  of  Society  (CITRIS)    

•  David  Goldstein,  Draper  Labs  

NASA  Technical  Advisors  •  Pete  Worden,  Director  of  NASA  Ames  

 Research  Center  (CCST  Council    Member)    

•  Deb  Feng,  Deputy  Center  Director    (ac-ng)  

•  James  Williams,  IT  Director  and  ARC    Chief  Technology  Officer  

•  Bill  Notley,  ARC  RF  Spectrum  Manager  •  Bill  Hunt,  RF/IT  Technician  •  Bobby  Cates,  External  Interface  

 Network  Engineer  



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²  On  August  1-­‐2,  report  presented  to  Capitol  Hill;  CCST  team  joined  by  David  Goldstein,  Pat  Diamond,  Kathleen  Granchelli,  Draper  Labs  

²  11  mee-ngs  on  the  Hill  held,  as  well  as  mee-ng  with  staff  at  Federal  Bureau  of  Prisons  



Follow  up:  

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²  Senator  Diane  Feinstein  is  very  much  interested  

²  Interest  from  House  Judiciary  Commiiee  (Intellectual  Property/Technology  Issues),  House  Appropria-ons  Commiiee  (Commerce,  Jus-ce,  Science  Subcommiiee),  House  Commiiee  on  Science,  Space  &  Technology  

²  Sam  Farr  &  John  Garamendi  spoke  at  luncheon  

²  FBOP  very  interested  though  very  few  staff  focusing  on  issue    


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February  11  and  12,  2013  Sacramento    For  more  informaNon:    hip://  

Next  dinner  and    Council  mee-ng: