cdos renewal 2015 minutes

1/36 CDOS Renewal 2015 Report 14-16 August 2015, Mercado Retreat Center National Council of Churches of the Philippines, North EDSA, Quezon City (This record and report of the proceedings, the minutes as it were, are for the diocesan file, for members, NOT FOR PUBLIC distribution.) (Note: “script” quotes in the agenda ascribed to various people were only guidelines for the flow. The person was free to use his own words. Report comments by Richard and Robert and Pete. Photos courtesy of Pete.) Attendance: Fr. Richard R. Mickley (Fr. RRM), Fr. JP, Ryan, Robert and Argel on the operating committee and Mark, Van, and Pete also participating. Day 1, Friday August 14 8:00 pm Arrive at NCCP on EDSA Fr. RRM: “Good evening, Welcome. Let’s have some evening merienda as we spend a little time getting to know each other.” In addition Ryan and JP had Shakey’s Pizza delivered. Robert: “I am going to ask the old timers first to tell us who they are, their life, their school, their work, their ministry. Polite questions are welcome…

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CDOS Renewal 2015 Minutes


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CDOS Renewal 2015 Report

14-16 August 2015, Mercado Retreat Center National Council of Churches of the Philippines, North EDSA, Quezon City

(This record and report of the proceedings, the minutes as it were, are for the diocesan file, for members, NOT FOR PUBLIC distribution.) (Note: “script” quotes in the agenda ascribed to various people were only guidelines for the flow. The person was free to use his own words. Report comments by Richard and Robert and Pete. Photos courtesy of Pete.) Attendance: Fr. Richard R. Mickley (Fr. RRM), Fr. JP, Ryan, Robert and Argel on the operating committee and Mark, Van, and Pete also participating.

Day 1, Friday August 14 8:00 pm Arrive at NCCP on EDSA Fr. RRM: “Good evening, Welcome. Let’s have some evening merienda as we spend a little time getting to know each other.” In addition Ryan and JP had Shakey’s Pizza delivered. Robert: “I am going to ask the old timers first to tell us who they are, their life, their school, their work, their ministry. Polite questions are welcome…

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Then, the last item of your sharing will be: “How do I feel right now? Mad, Sad, Glad, Scared? “When they are finished, we would like for the first timers to do the same…” Social sharing. (Each has been invited to bring snacks for one or two persons for sharing merienda.) “Thank you. Now you know who you are rubbing elbows with for a couple days – and I hope for a long time afterwards. Report: We had a very meaningful get acquainted sharing, using our “feelings” for sharing to go beyond “business” to who we are as persons. In addition to the 8, a PLHIV, invited by Richard, was present for the first evening (had to go home, but gave work as the reason for not coming back). [After introductions…] Fr. RRM: “It’s an overwhelming joy to see us all together. I promised Ryan we would have a light opening night. So we are not going to have a heavy class on anything. “I have asked our friend Argel from the World Community for Christian Meditation to tell us a little about what Meditation really is before he sets us up for our night prayer meditation. Argel Tuason.

Meditation Reflection and practice,

Led by Argel Fr. RRM: Closing prayer, compline: “Let us pray.” NIGHT PRAYERS

ALL: God of greatness, God of love,

I come to you tonight Thankful for all your great blessings and favors.

You have loved me from all eternity.

You called me to be your very own child, An heir of your eternal realm.

You have given me an opportunity to work To build a better world.

Give me also enthusiasm and courage To work as you call me to work.

I look back with thanksgiving for the blessings

And challenges of this day. I beg your forgiveness for my failure to use your gifts fully and faithfully.

Jesus My Friend,

I love you, I adore you. I thank you for being with me today,

For all the blessings of this day. I offer you now my sleep

And I pray that I may have my rest in you. Let your holy angles stand about me.

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Keep me in peace and refreshing sleep, And let your blessing be upon me.

O God, before I sleep I remember before you

All the people I love and care for. You know my petitions. You know their needs.

For these, O God, I pray tonight [pause]

[Here silently name your prayer intentions].

Leader: Let us Pray: All:

I remember before you all those who are sad and lonely, Old and forgotten, poor,

with the pains of hunger, heat, or cold., With distress of body or mind.

Bless all who especially need your blessing and your strength.

Bless me, too, and make this a good night for me. Amen

Ryan: “We can retire to sleep whenever we choose, but if we want to talk, let’s do it outside the sleeping room so as not to disturb those who choose to sleep.”

Day 2, Saturday, August 15 Arise Breakfast Robert: Assemble the community for the first exercise. 8AM Robert: “Good morning. In our wholistic wellness program, we teach that good sleep is as important as good eating. “So now that we have had a good sleep, and a good breakfast, there is another element to getting the day off to a good start. Fr. RRM. Let us begin the day, as we ended the day last night with an awareness of God Within. Later we will take a look at the concepts of contemporary theology called “Creation theology,” a vital element of our charism. We are happy to know that that includes meditation. Argel would you please lead us in a morning meditation.”

Scripture reflection and meditation by Argel.

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Argel: Last night and this morning Argel introduced and led us in meditation according to the method of John Main, OSB. Fr. RRM. “As our closing morning prayer and as an introduction to the next exercise, let us pray a CDOS Charism Prayer. Alternating, Right side, left side: [Robert: designate L and R.] Let us pray:


God of the Universe, the whole world reveals your presence in your


L: “I see the stars,

I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power

throughout the universe displayed. “I look down

from lofty mountain grandeur, And hear the brook

and feel the gentle breeze.”

R: In all that is we see you.

But even more, you came among us

as one of us. In Jesus we see your love, your caring, your healing,

yourself in humanity. Through him,

you share your divinity with us.

L: In him-- we participate

in your divinity. From him --we learn

that the way of service is the best work of life.

R: We see you in Jesus,

our model for the way, the truth, and the life you have given us,

a share in the divine life.

L: Thus we recognize

the wondrous presence of Jesus with us –

with every heartbeat, with every breath we breathe.


Jesus, you gave your beloved disciple the privilege of lying

with his head on your heart, but I can’t complain;

you are right here with me all the time. I know because St. Paul tells me so,

“I live now not I, but Christ lives in me,” and that is so awesome

that I even forget it sometimes.

L: Nudge me, Jesus,

shake me, whisper to me, awaken me to your presence with me.

What a privilege! And help me remember

that with you all things are possible.

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R: Again St. Paul reminds me, “I can do all things in Christ

who strengthens me.” Jesus I always want

to rely on your strength for my work for you,

for the duties of my state of life, for the success of my efforts to maintain wholistic health, wellness, and well-being, --

not only for myself but with all my spiritual friends.


And I want to keep in mind that St. Paul also said,

not to worry, the Spirit will take over

when I am weak -- when I forget you are with me

with your power and your love -- and will even pray the prayers for me.


Jesus, what more could I want? What more could there be,

if you are with me, with your presence, your power, your Spirit?


Jesus, thank you. Thank you for running with me, Jesus. Help me keep up with you – always.


Make me attentive to your voice With every breath I breathe

While I strive to live daily With you.


Jesus, my Ruler, and my God, my Savior, and my Friend,

my constant companion, Model of all perfection.


This day I want to put you first every minute

because you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.


I resolve this day to follow you, to be like you,

Just and kind, meek and humble, loving and caring.


I will double my efforts to see you

in all the people I meet today so that I may be an instrument

of your peace and healing, To accomplish

your will and your work today.

L: I will say with confidence in the words of St. Paul,

“I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me.”

And again, “I live now not I, but Christ lives in me.”

ALL: Thus, God of the Universe, who revealed

yourself in Jesus, who invited us

to share in your divine life, you who display your presence

in all you have made, I rejoice in the charism of CDOS which always keeps me aware

of your message, “I am with you. Remember me.

Bring your friends to me.”

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Robert: “Fr. Richard has an announcement.”

RRM: “Thank you. Allow me to make a quick procedural announcement. “The technical leadership staff of these days of renewal will consist of me, exercising some kind of episcopal responsibility; Fr. JP, exercising as always his charming training skills; Ryan will see to it that we eat and sleep. Robert, demonstrating again his charming teaching skills, serving as Master of Ceremonies, and wielding the heavy hand of the clock watcher. You remember we had clock problems at our last gathering because we had the unique opportunity to entertain an internationally known theologian, my friend, Fr. Dermot O’Murchu from Ireland. But to keep on schedule this time, Robert will watch the clock and give the discussion leader, or all of us 5 minute notices and cut offs.

Robert: (something like this]: “Now, our first discussion of the Renewal this morning will be led by Fr. Richard. Robert: “It is a discussion of the Charism of the Catholic Diocese of One Spirit Philippines. “Of course, the study of our awesome charism would take more than a talk, more than a weekend; it’s a lifetime endeavor. Robert” “We remember the definition of ‘charism.’ [Note: among the many definitions of “charism,” the following definition is intended here: The charism of a religious congregation refers to the distinct spirit that animates a religious community; e.g. “Our charism is defined by the following characteristics…:” Our charism, as we live it, shows and tells ‘who we are.’] Robert: “We can think of this first presentation as the ‘Keynote’ talk of this time of Renewal. It sets the stage, as it were, for what our bishop hopes we will accomplish in this time of Renewal, and afterwards as a Diocese. Fr. Richard.” 8:30 Discussion 1. Essentials of CDOS Charism Keynote Presentation: “CDOS Charism as seen by Fr. RRM” by Fr. RRM Fr. RRM: presented a reflection on the highlights of the CDOS charism, based on the three key theme words: To pray, to love, to serve. (The file is available on request.) We explored how we perceive we really had found the Way, the Truth, and the Life of Jesus.

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‘Let’s take a quick look at these three awesome marks of authentic Christian living: to pray, TO LOVE, to serve which are central to our charism. TO PRAY I began to realize that in our charism “to pray” is far more, far more intimate, even far more awesome than getting on one’s knees and asking God for favors. I had learned over the years through association and prayer and service with such international spiritual giants as Ralph Martin and Steve Clark that God in Jesus is always with us, always within us, in me, with me. I came to experience what that means to me when I traveled and prayed and put on workshops with Ralph and Steve across the United States and beyond. Their biographies are too much for this talk, but Google their names. Even now I frequently see Ralph teaching on prayer and spiritual life on EWTN, the International Catholic Television Network. I was with Ralph and Steve on the team when they started the world-wide Catholic Charismatic movement and its Life in the Spirit Seminar. My experience, through high school, college and beyond, of living and praying in a religious community set the aptitude and pattern of my life. My experience praying and learning in a Christian Rehab center in the mountains of upstate New York not only taught me the Twelve Steps from the author’s mouth, but taught me to live moment by

moment in the wonderful awareness of the presence of God-within. My heart aches for the type of spiritual joy with the prayer partners and prayer communities God gave me over the years. When God gave me Bob Langbauer as an astounding prayer partner in a small Protestant college (Hillsdale. Where the Catholic Diocese hired me to serve as campus minister) in Michigan, my heart almost burst with joy when our prayer partnership blossomed into an awesome prayer community every Thursday evening 30 or more praising God in communion with God and each other in The Well

where we met Jesus as the woman at the well did. Today that is significant as one element of my hope and prayer that the Catholic Diocese of One Spirit Philippines will be a community of Prayer, a praying community as well as a loving and serving community. Before anything else in our charism, “to pray” is to be in communion with, to be in communication with Jesus who is right in our heart, right here with us.

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Can you imagine having the God of the Universe for lunch – and not talking to the very God who gave you your life? But it’s not only for lunch. Jesus is with us all the time. I want to be aware of Him, talk with Him. You know, even human partners delight in frequently hearing “I love you.” I have asked Fr. JP to tell us some tips on constant awareness, perpetually being in communication with Jesus within. (I learned that the method he will teach us is the beautiful method we both discovered oceans apart years ago.) TO LOVE Of course, we love each other. We are friends. St. Aelred says, “If God is love, God is friendship.” And that is true. Much of what we can say about love applies to friendship. Those of us who are inducted as team members of The Well know that being friends is the key characteristic of the work of The Well. We don’t have patients; we don’t have clients. We have friends. I discovered that same characteristic explained in Bishop Burch’s discussion of “who we are” in CDOS. Again, the foundational characteristic is friendship. We were fortunate to have discovered the key to “friendship spirituality” in the writings of St. Aelred. Our starting point in community and in service is friendship. I am convinced that Starbucks training consists of practice drills in “smiling.” Their employees do it, and do it well. For us perhaps good smiling would be nice, but our friendship has to go deeper than smiles – to the characteristics described by St. Aelred. One of the things that drew Robert and me into collaboration in friendship was that when we met several years ago, he already had an admiration for St. Aelred and his teachings on love and friendship. It so happens these writings were written from a perspective we can identify with. They were books written not for mothers and fathers out there, but for the all-male friends in the monastery where he was abbot for 20 years. In our last retreat we studied St. Aelred’s Friendship. We will continue our study. Our community, the community of CDOS Philippines, will be a community of love and friendship. Friendship with God, friendship with each other, that is, love expressed in friendship and the service to which we are called.

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My friends, in every neighborhood in the Philippines there are barkada, buddies, pals, friends who get together regularly to drink. Thus within our barkada culture, is it not fitting for us to get together as spiritual barkada, friends who get together regularly to pray? TO SERVE The third element of our One Spirit Charism is “to serve.” When Argel and I had prayed together more than three years joyfully, we realized that the culmination, the life-stream of our prayer must be expressed in serving as Jesus served, as Jesus himself said, “I came to serve, not to be served.” Out of that prayer came The Well – a fruition, a bearing fruit of prayer and love in serving. We set up The Well as a result of prayer. We set up The Well as a means of expressing love in serving God and God’s people.

I have asked Argel to help me later describe the joy of prayer and meditation together as prayer partners. Conclusion “A more academic approach to the rationale of our CDOS charism could look something like the following. Incidentally, Bishop Burch says, “If we consider ourselves ‘more of the same, we can consider ourselves a failure.’” So these are some elements that, if lived, would snap us out of “more of the same.”

### After presentation:

The Charism of CDOS is TO BE with One Spirit authentic followers of the Way, the Truth, and the Life of Jesus, characterized by recognizing God in all creation, seeing divinity in all persons, and TO LIVE by the message of love, embracing in friendship, and service, caring in all the works of life.


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Robert: “Now I am going to ask all the CDOS members who have been to our previous retreat to line up here. Let’s make groups of two for discussion. Now that we have several groups of two, let us place one first timer in each group. Robert: “Good. Find a comfortable arrangement for your group to hold a discussion of Fr. Richard’s keynote presentation. Robert: “You have a notebook. Make notes. Discuss the questions. Choose a reporter to report your answers to all of us after 20 minutes or so.” Fr. RRM: The questions: 1.“How do we show (to ourselves) our passion for the CDOS charism?” 2.“How can we, CDOS Philippines, be a praying, loving, serving community?” 3.“How can we tread together an authentic path to ‘who we are’ as the Catholic Diocese of One Spirit Philippines” Robert: bring to conclusion in time to have a plenary presentation of reports from the groups and a plenary discussion completed by 10:00. JPH: Discussion in pairs. Questions to be discussed. Summaries to be reported to plenary. Presentation of answers and Summaries in plenary. Plenary discussion [This discussion was postponed until tomorrow.] Ryan: “Our cooks have kindly put out morning merienda for us. Enjoy.” 10:00 Merienda 10:15 Robert: Assemble the people for the next presentation. Fr. RRM: “At the suggestion of Fr. Regen and Ryan that we have a SWOT analysis, I have asked Robert to lead us in a SWOT analysis of the present management procedures of the Diocese. I know Robert is qualified to lead this because he teaches the SWOT method in his work.” 10:15 Discussion: What's good or missing, from our management, from our program? What’s good or missing in our objectives? What’s good or lacking In the organization and management of CDOS Phils?

SWOT Analysis, led by Robert Key points: [Full discussion was postponed for tomorrow]

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STRENGTHS: 1) Unique charism to serve as authentic Christian community to those who have been disenfranchised by organized religion • divorced • women • LGBTs And those who have been marginalized for disagreeing with their pastors on theology, or holding non-traditional beliefs or a non-literal interpretation of scripture. 2) Not bound to Vatican or RCAM hierarchy, Canon Law or denominational control. 3) Able to use technology to spread our message quickly and relate more directly and personally. 4) Very personal, transparent, amenable, forward-thinking, and open-minded leadership. 5) Rich diversity in religious background, cultural heritage, native talents, sexualities, etc 6) Existing networks and acknowledged status of ordinary/metropolitan bishop as spiritual leader of the Gay Right movement in the Philippines. WEAKNESSES: 1) "Spoke and hub" paradigm with the Bishop at the center and everyone else interacting with him as individuals, largely independent and without coordination or cooperation. Sequencing of appointments instead of meeting together. 2) Lack of Structure. No clear delegation of responsibility. Lack of accountability. No organizational drive behind our programs and specific policy positions. Few regular meetings or scheduled activities. 3) Lack of place. No dedicated spiritual "home" for the diocese. Nowhere to invite people on Sunday mornings or weekend evenings. No choice but to conduct private counselling sessions in public, often noisy areas. 4) Some leaders do not speak the language (Filipino) or are not 100% attuned to more subtle cultural nuances despite the diocese location in the Philippines (say what one will about the friars, they spoke Tagalog when need be). 5) Lack of commitment, members often want to quit or become embroiled in interpersonal conflicts with one another. Personal concerns take priority over those of the community. Probably due in part to the above concerns, and 6) Lack of support. Members need outside jobs to survive. Some leaders have to rely on staff for financial assistance rather than being able to offer it to others outside the group. No visible means of support for ordained ministers, parish ministry, The Well, etc. Complete lack of funding for CDOS seminarians, retired priests and religious. OPPORTUNITIES: 1) Filipinos are very open to religion (to a fault) but this can be channeled toward a more open, inclusive, and mystical Christ-centered faith. 2) High concentration of our target reach out: LGBTs, people in unhappy relationships, Catholics and former Catholics, people disenchanted w/ their churches, "stifled" intellectuals. 3) Time, Talent, and Treasure of generous local people willing to work in concert with us. 4) A historical stream of non-Roman/non-fundamentalist churches-- churches such as the Anglican Communion, Lutheran, Orthodox, etc with w/c we share Apostolic Succession, and altar and pulpit

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fellowship that can serve as models of organization, service, and with whom we can seek full communion. 5) Regional ecumenical organizations such as the National Council of Churches who continue to be generous with us and have shown a keen interest in a working relationship. 6) Organizations with which we have historic and personal ties like the Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) with whom we can have a reciprocal agreement--we provide advocacy and Wellness, they provide pastoral ministries, etc. THREATS: 1) Other new religious groups co-opting our message and our "brand" for their own publicity, proselytizing, or financial gain. This is why Jim Burch copyrighted the name CDOS in the US. 2) Losing our own way--getting off message. We risk losing our credibility, ascendancy and prestige of the historic Body of Christ, and (worst case) trading it for "cult" like status. 3) Intellectual Incest. If we don't get new blood and fresh ideas from time to time, we risk stagnation. 4) Schism. If we cannot put personal and factional differences behind us and work in ONE SPIRIT we risk cannibalizing our already small group. In short we need to focus less on ourselves--as Matthew Fox would say--and focus outward on the world as Christ sees it. It is not an easy task but by no means an impossible one. We can muster our strengths, deal with our weaknesses, explore our opportunities, and guard against our threats to truly be a Faith Community that is Universal, and of One Spirit. Br Robert Joseph P. Kleist, OSAe Fr. RRM: Robert’s expertise in organizational analysis was quickly recognized. His insightful observations were valued as a starting point for our discussion and action on ”where we go from here in growth.” [Full discussion was postponed for tomorrow] Ryan 12:00 Lunch 12.30 Robert: Assemble the participants for the next exercise. “ In our effort to come to a fuller appreciation of what it means for us to be a “praying community, Fr. Richard has asked Fr. JP to share with us some focused thoughts of just what is the essence of prayer. Fr. JP.” 12:30 Discussion 3: The essence of Prayer Presentation: JP. Jesus Prayer… Fr. RRM (report): a beautiful presentation of the historic approaches to prayer and contemplation. Fr. JP did not use a script but shared with us his personal learning and experience. 1:30 Robert “All of the old timers know that Bp Burch, our founding bishop, has gently tried to lead us to at least a beginning grasp of what could be called contemporary theology.

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“For us that includes a realization that Jesus did not teach all the NO rules that we hear in so many churches. Fr. RRM: “All of us know the world-wide experience Fr. JP has – as pastor, as teacher-trainer, as administrator. “We could do no better than have him as our teacher, guide, spiritual director for our whole renewal, and for day in and day out, but while we have him with us, I have asked Fr. JP to do an impossible task in a short time of giving us a general idea of what sensible contemporary theology consists of. Robert: “He’s going to lead us through some theological reflections on a book I have been reading lately. The book is Original Blessing by Matthew Fox. Argel shared: “I understand we will take a look at the concepts of contemporary theology called “Creation theology.” Part of the Method includes meditation. Robert: “It’s valuable for all of us, and of course it’s part of the studies of those of us who are studying for ordination to the priesthood in CDOS. Fr. JP.” PRESENTATION Fr. JP presented a very professorial and understanding discussion of theology, the origins of theology and how this book brings the paradigm of theology into synch with scripture and God’s plan. Fr. Richard had earlier sent all participants some preparatory thoughts for learning the message of this new paradigm (mindset, framework for thinking and looking at things)) for theology. It is the cornerstone of CDOS theology and the sex-positive theology we have long taught.

(The author’s words:) The author poses two questions for the “journey,” as he describes the experience (of the book).

1. In our quest for wisdom and approval, does the human race require a new religious paradigm? (-- THAT IS, a new way of looking at religion…? rrm)

By now we all know that the book is about “creation theology.” Thus the second question he poses and, of course proposes to answer (prove) is: 2. Does the creation-centered spiritual tradition offer such a paradigm? (Such as a new way of

looking at (the Christian) religion? rrm)

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HOW DOES THE BOOK DO THIS? In the preface he tells us with admirable clarity how he is going to do this. “Original Blessing represents the essence of my effort to deconstruct and reconstruct our inherited religious tradition of the West:

“To deconstruct the woefully anthropocentric and pessimistic Fall/Redemption religion that begins with “original sin”; [Note: anthropocentric = considering human beings the most important entities in the universe. rrm]

“To reconstruct religion with the most ancient and empowering tradition of creation spirituality that begins with original goodness…”

FOLLOWING THE HEART AND MINDSET OF JESUS Then he comments that the prevailing anthropocentric mind-set is quite distant from the heart and mindset of Jesus. He says, “Since blessing is the theological word for goodness, original blessing is about original good-ness. The forces of fear and pessimism in society and religion need to be countered by an increased awareness of awe and goodness. This goodness is inherent in the beauty, wisdom, and wonder of creation. Goodness and creation go together, as do goodness and God…” This is another way of looking at “alienation is alien to the very concept of God.” Thus, if a person begins the experience of the book with a view of this objective (mindset) of the author, then every sentence and every paragraph can be understood in relation to how it answers this question, explains this mindset, leads toward this new paradigm which is so central and vital to the charism of CDOS. 1:30 Discussion: Original Blessing and JP’s agenda Presentation: JP theological introduction JP essence and JP method of Studying the Book Activity The members agreed to meet at Robert Kleist’s home two Saturdays a month at 8pm to study Original Blessing. Father JP will facilitate their discussion on Skype. Ryan Afternoon snack: meantime In an interlude, Fr. Richard introduced a method which is explained more fully in the Handbook. It is a method for introducing an inquiring friend to Jesus. It was a follow-up to the message and mindset of Original Blessing.

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In many parts of the Christian world “The Four Spiritual Laws” of Bill Bright and the Campus Crusade for Christ have been used far and wide to make an introductory approach to a person who willing and extends a “welcome,” to learn about Jesus and the Christian message. (I myself, Fr. RRM, was sent by Ralph Martin and Steve Clark to a two week workshop with Bill Bright for training in the Four Spiritual Laws for use as a team member in the Life in the Spirit Seminar of the Catholic Charismatic Movement.) In view of what we have learned in contemporary theology in Fr. JP’s introductory discussion of Original Blessing with us, we see that The Four Spiritual Laws of Bill Bright are steeped in the sin talk and negativity of the only paradigm for Christian theology that was popular world-wide (basically the only one we knew). Therefore a new approach to telling people about Jesus is needed in line with the theology of goodness instead of the fall-redemption approach so strongly taught in the Four Spiritual Laws. Fr. Richard presented a new set of “truths” for the members to use when a person makes an inquiry. How do we tell others the awesome message of God’s love for us? Of course, service to humanity is the best work of life, and we don’t make a person’s faith, or lack of it, a test for needed and requested service. (It’s their immediate need we tend to.) In addition, however, in our ministry, if we are living the Christ message of communion with God-within, loving as Jesus loves, serving as Jesus serves, some of those whom we serve as Jesus serves and love as Jesus loves will want to know about this Jesus who is our Way, our Truth, and our Life. We can start with four basic truths. These truths will open up the possibility of a whole universe of questions and interest from the person inquiring. Sample scenario: Inquirer: “I have been so bruised, yes, kicked around by religion that I don’t believe any more. I never saw anything wrong with Jesus, but churches I’ve seen don’t say what I thought Jesus said, or would say. They just tell me all the things I should not do, and to do things I don’t want to do.” CDOS member: “You have experienced what a lot of people have experienced, I am sad to say. That’s why I try to stick to the simple message of Jesus. You are right. It would be hard for anybody to find anything they would not like about Jesus as his life and message is told in the Gospels. “I just like start out by thinking about four beautiful basic facts. I call them “Four Basic Universal Blessings.” Would you like to hear the Four Basic Universal Blessings?” Inquirer: “Yes, of course. I’ve heard a lot of stuff I did not want to hear about sin and condemnations. It would be good to hear about blessings.”

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CDOS Member: “That’s what I like to hear too – about blessings. Ok, the first blessing of The Four Basic Universal Blessings.

1. The First Basic Universal Blessing: God created the whole universe and all the things and

people in it, and said it is all good. God is goodness and lives in all things and people God

made. (Discuss)

2. The Second Basic Universal Blessing: God came to live as Jesus among us to show us the Way,

the Truth, and the Life, how to love and be loved, and to serve people in friendship and show

us that God is Love and loves us unconditionally, and we are to be love also. (Discuss)

3. The Third Basic Universal Blessing: God in Jesus lives in me, walks with me, talks with me, is

my friend, companion and power for fulfilled living. (Discuss)

4. The Fourth Basic Universal Blessing: Jesus is with us when we are together as a community of

his friends, strengthening us to pray, love, and serve as he prayed, loved, and served. (Discuss)

“My friends and I have found these four simple truths, these blessings help us to understand what God is really like, as a loving God, and what God really wants.” “Do you have any questions?” (Discuss) “Do you feel the presence of God-within you?”(Discuss along the following lines.) “How do you feel about knowing that Jesus is within you” (Discuss) “He has always been there. He’s always waiting for you to talk with him” (Discuss) “You don’t have to go to a church, or kneel down. He is wherever you are. You can say, ‘hi’ anytime, anywhere.” (Discuss) “Can you imagine the Person who made all the stars in the heavens comes to lunch with you? Do you welcome the Maker and Lover of all that is to lunch with you?” (Discuss) “Guess what? Jesus is not there just for Lunch; He’s with you every moment of every day, loving you and hoping to talk with you.” (Discuss) “Do you want to take a minute to officially welcome him as your companion? “(Discuss) Inquirer: “Yeah, sure, but how?” CDOS member: “To make it easy this time, you can repeat after me, but in the future you can just talk to Jesus anytime in your own words.”

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“Jesus” (Repeat) “Welcome.” (Repeat) “I’m glad to know you are here.” (Repeat) “I hope we can talk all the time.” (Repeat) “It’s wonderful to have you as my companion.” (Repeat) “Help me always to remember you are with me.” (Repeat) CDOS Member: “You can just talk with Jesus anytime. Some people call Him King of Kings, but he loves you and he’s your closest friend.” Note: Only the Four Basic Universal Blessings remain constant in words, but they can be discussed in many other wordings. Note: The sample explanatory scripts are just that: SAMPLE explanatory scripts. The CDOS member will always use his or her own words as called for in the situation. We should add an appropriate Scripture text for each Blessing for use when appropriate. [Fr. RRM: Personal note: On an airplane high over America, Steve Clark and I were coming back from leading a retreat in the Caribbean Islands. Steve turned to me and asked, “Dick, have you ever heard of the Four Spiritual Laws”? I said I had not, and he asked if I would like to hear them. Steve shared the Four Spiritual Laws with me, and it changed my life, and I became the team member for teaching the Four Spiritual Laws in the Life in the Spirit Seminar he and Ralph Martin instigated. The Four Spiritual Laws were based on the fall-redemption model, the only model we knew then, but they impressively introduced me to Jesus as I had never known Him before. Now The Four Basic Universal Blessings are intended to do that on a blessing model -- as opposed to a sin model: [as in “I’m a sinner I need Jesus.”] Report: Following the presentation of the proposed Four Basic Universal Blessings, the members had an enthusiastic and spirited discussion of the pertinence and value of having an instrument such as this for the initial discussion with an interested person. “I was thrilled at the zeal and dedication each and every member showed in this lively discussion,” Fr. RRM. Robert: “Now that we have talked theology for awhile, let’s talk about prayer again. Fr. Richard and Argel were Prayer Partners for more than four years, and they would like to share what that experience is like.” 4:30 Discussion 5 Prayer Partners Presentation: Fr. RRM and Argel Fr. RRM: Argel and I had such an inspiring long time experience as prayer partners that we want you to know about it.

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Argel, do you remember how it all started? You know I have been pastor in three countries. Many people came for counseling. They did not come and beg, ‘Pastor teach me how to pray.” Invariably they came for psychological counseling – from depression to schizophrenia to relationship problems. So I dashed off to university and got a masters in psychological counseling and a doctorate in Clinical Psychology. Lo and behold in my next parish a man came to me and asked, “Pastor teach me how to pray.” I scheduled a number of Sunday homilies and a series of weekday seminars on prayer. And we began having weekday prayer nights. The second exciting non psychological counseling request was when Argel came to see me. Argel, what happened? Argel: RRM: When I moved to Kapitolyo, the little food court at EDSA Central became our weekly meeting place although I remember we dropped in to their beautiful chapel once, and attended Mass once at Henry Sy’s chapel in Mega Mall. What were the highlights you remember? Argel: RRM: I don’t remember when it was that we were meditating on the Parable of the Good Samaritan, and it hit us between the eyes. Yes, Jesus did tell us -- love everybody, and part of the loving is to serve the needs of the needy. I remember you expressed your concern for the poor. Argel: RRM Our first major conclusion was that we should have a “coffee house ministry,” Churches use that method to reach people. Serve them coffee and talk with them. Show genuine care and concern for their problems and needs, and when they ask, tell them about Jesus. Argel: RRM: The Well you went with me to MVP’s (the richest gay man in the country) office (and others). Nobody we contacted would donate a space. We realized we did not have a place, but we had people in need. So we started seeing where they were, in any place we could. Argel: We prayed for one more. God sent Mark, then Ryan, and more, and we had recovery groups for various kinds of serious life difficulties. Argel: RRM: so we invented the Well Method which is basically, 1) Make a wellness plan 2) And then follow it and 3} sit down regularly with people (wellness barkada) and share how well you are doing at staying well, following your wellness plan, and support and strengthen each other in staying well.

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So it’s obvious, we did not spend out whole prayer partner meetings in continuously singing to God “How Great Thou Art.” How would you sum it up then? Argel RRM: So basically PP is a simple time of prayer and sharing to encourage each other to maintain our efforts to pray, to love, and to serve. Argel Fr. RRM: The basic outline of a simple PP meeting is 1. Come together. Reflect that we are in the company of Jesus. 2. Each one shares: “How do I feel right now or this week? 3. Support each other with prayer regarding the experiences shared. 4. Do I remember the moment this week when I felt closest to Jesus? 5. Prayers of praise and thanksgiving from the heart. 6. Prayers of petition for personal, family, community intentions. 7. Closing prayer 8. Abrazo RRM: Of course we would want to encourage each of you to have one or more prayer partners and meet weekly for prayer along these lines. Robert: [after presentation] Fr. Richard and Argel would like to give all of us an opportunity to experience the joy of a prayer partner sharing. This time we will have two groups, one led by Fr. Richard, one led by Argel. Robert: “Let’s count off 1-2, 1-2 to make the groups.” As he places all in one of the groups. 5:00 Item 6 Sample PP (two groups), Led by Argel and RRM A simplified “PP” Agenda will be followed. (sample above)

(The agenda is displayed on the screen.)

Report: Both groups reported a spiritually

exhilarating experience. The highlight of my

group (Fr. RRM) was that each person brought

for prayer and spiritual support some very

important, relevant, and in some cases

emotional current life happenings. All

reported that the experience was very

uplifting following the agenda outlined above.

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6:00 Dinner Ryan: “We are grateful to the NCCP, for providing us with fine nourishment. “ 7:00 pm Robert rings bell and assembles community. Robert: “Fr. Richard will lead our final discussion for today. Over the last year he has compiled a 250 page Handbook of the diocesan spiritual and academic processes, as well as other diocesan procedures. He explains that in a religious order, most procedures are determined by the Superior, who even tells the community when to pray and what to pray. “Here, as a diocesan community, we submit our proposed diocesan procedures to the members of the diocese for approval. Our challenge is how to become familiar enough with the proposed Handbook procedures in order to “vote” approval or change. “We cannot approve the Handbook today, but we should decide how and when to do that.” “Fr. Richard will introduce us to the draft version of the Handbook for our initial discussion. Fr. Richard.” 7:00 Discussion 7: ESSENCE of CDOS Handbook Presentation: Fr. RRM CDOS Handbook of the Spirituality and Operating Procedures for members and Candidates of the Catholic Diocese of One Spirit Philippines. This Handbook is the property of the Diocese for the members and candidates. It is published on a private website. The public CDOS Website is available to all. (This version, prepared by Bishop Richard Mickley in March 2015 and thereafter, is to be presented to the Diocesan General Assembly for ratification, with full rights of editing and revision by two thirds vote of a quorum. This proposed version is in effect until a version with ratification date and names of members voting is published for the members.) Initial proposed Handbook Outline (Table of Contents as of April 2015) Introduction to the Handbook Purpose of Handbook Use of Handbook Introductory History of CDOS Organizational structure of CDOS: world, Diocese

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In this we are mindful of the basic “structural” guideline: CDOS does not assign ministries to its clergy or lay people. CDOS recognizes ministries that are carried out within the charism of its “one spirit.” Diocesan General Assembly (all voting members, clergy and lay) Chapter 1 Who we are: objective of all we do CDOS Charism Acceptance of charism CDOS International Charism CDOS Philippines Charism (interpolated) Charism (short form) Chapter 2 Candidates for membership Acceptance of Ordained persons Assessment of Candidates for Ordination Questions for Assessment Scoring Profile Interview Admission to candidacy Formation Chapter 3 Learning requirements for ordination Bishop Burch requirements Seminary options Tutorial study Results of assessment Tutorial Method Study Plan Prior learning Basic learning – subjects in each area Study Plan (form) Steps in Proceeding to Ordination Chapter 4 Induction as member Lay person, deacon, priest, bishop Induction Ritual (Acceptance of Charism) Induction ritual Chapter 5 Formation CDOS Philippines Wholistic Method, Spirituality, Prayer, Meditation, Scripture

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Robert: ”Let us form groups of 2 or three, always with two members, and then including a first-timer.” Fr. RRM: (on screen) Discussion in Pairs: questions:

1. Is a handbook of spiritual and operating procedures essential or helpful? 2. Do we have any questions or issues about having a Handbook? 3. How do we study it?

How will the members become familiar with it? JPH: Presentation of pair discussions in plenary. Plenary Discussion Report: There was some initial discussion of whether it is a Manual or a Handbook, or a Standard Operating Procedures, a Constitution or By-laws. The only comment Fr. Richard added was that he felt it better to have only the “international” bylaws and use some other term to designate our local procedures. Fr. JP led in a discussion of whether the members want “standard operating procedures.” They agreed it is valuable for consistency and efficiency. The other point is that our system of government is collegial. The bishop or commissions can propose, but the community approves (edits, finalizes). The body temporarily adopted the Handbook as the operating manual of CDOS Phils pending general dissemination and reading by the members. If there are no objections after 30 August 2015 it will automatically be in force until the next diocesan assembly when amendments may be made. 8:00 pm Robert “We have worked hard today. We have one more day tomorrow. We will close our work for the day with prayer and meditation. 8:00 pm meditation, led by Argel Fr. RRM: Let us pray (our compline) Robert: assign R and L

ALL: I embrace the tradition

of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church

Founded and intended by Jesus As an instrument for

Bringing to the people

the way, truth, and life of Jesus.

R: I believe the Charism

of our worldwide community is a direct path

to living the message of Jesus.

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Thus I dare to believe always in a new and better world Where justice will grow,

peace will reign, love and friendship will flourish.

L: That I may have a deep

and sincere longing for union with God within me.

That all I think, all I say, and all I do

Will foster, maintain, and keep that union in attention.


That I may have a truthful knowledge of my separation

from you, my God, Of those things which build barriers

between me and you, my God, Between me

and my brothers and sisters; That I may understand the disorder

they bring into my relationships with you, my God

and my brothers and sisters.

L: That I may not close my ears

to the call which comes from you, my God;

That I may be diligent to pray, study, and work

within our charism; That I may be a wholehearted and fervent disciple of Jesus.


That I may be filled with gratitude for the many blessings

I have received from you, my God --the love of you, my God,

the call of Jesus, the opportunity to serve You, God in this diocese with this charism,

That I may grow in awareness that it is your call

That has brought me together with this community,

Who are called by Jesus to live with him,

be conformed to his life, And carry out his work

in our own lives and among others.

L: That the love of Jesus, the one spirit of love, may bind me closely

in true friendship With my brothers and sisters

in our world-wide Community; That in our community

we may experience the happiness of being Your friends

and always in union with Jesus and one another.


That we may give ourselves wholeheartedly to the way of Jesus And the Method

of our given and chosen charism. That all may receive acceptance,

understanding, and love from one another, Without exception, for our happiness

And the spiritual good of us all;

L: That I may realize that in some way

every member of the community Is entrusted to my care

so that I may be a pillar of strength

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In our common journey in the pursuit of holiness together

Through friendship and service, That I may be mindful of all who have been benefactors

of our community, Who support our ministry

with their generosity; That I may be motivated,

inspired and driven to work, Not only because of my poverty,

but because of my calling, To work as Christ worked, To carry out the ministry

to which I am called, assigned, and dedicated.


That I will always support and bless

the work and ministry Of each other member,

without jealousy or envy, That I will be ready, willing,

and eager to pursue wholistic health Intellectually, physically,

spiritually, and emotionally, for harmony and balance in my life,

For the good of my soul, for the up-building of our community.


That the life I lead, the faith I truly believe in,

And my personal relationship with Jesus

May have at its heart and center My unswerving dedication

to live in union with Jesus within, with my brothers and sisters,

and pursue justice according to the charism

of our community.

ALL: Thus, I maintain

an ever conscious awareness of the divine life within me,

With an effective ministry of bringing more and more people

To know, love, and serve as Jesus served,

to follow the way, truth, and life of Jesus,

according to his life and teachings.

Blessing: Fr. JP Announcement: Ryan: (After prayer,) “You are free to retire or talk with your friends as long as you choose away from the sleeping area, but please respect your roommates, by not disturbing their sleep.”

Day 3, Sunday August 16 Arise Breakfast 8:00 am The Renewal Mass Robert (assembles community): (after breakfast) : “Good morning… At 8:00 am we will have our Renewal Mass. Fr. JP will be the celebrant.

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[Robert will serve as deacon-sacristan along with others rehearsed by Fr. JP.] Robert will arrange the participants in a dignified arrangement for the Mass in consultation with Fr. JP and Ryan. A beautiful chapel setting was arranged with Fr. JP, Bp. Richard (silently concelebrating) and Deacon Robert sitting behind the altar facing the members seated in a semi-circle. Fr. JP led us in a beautiful liturgy he authored and for his sermon spoke about the Woman at the Well. Comments centered on such words as: “One of the most beautiful, edifying Masses I ever prayed with.” “The homily was so relevant, meaningful, and motivating.” After the final blessing Bishop Richard asked the members to draw their chairs a bit closer and announced. “After that inspiring Mass I am moved to do something I had planned to do sometime during this time of Renewal. I have consulted with Fr. JP, Bishop Burch, and some of you as I could. I have asked Fr. JP’s permission to nominate him as an auxiliary Bishop in our Diocese. His prayerful answer came that among his considerations as he prays for discernment would be to know the will of the community. I therefore call a Diocesan Assembly. Is every person here of one spirit with CDOS? (All hands went up.) I declare you voting members of CDOS Philippines.

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I move and nominate Fr. JP Heath, CDOS, as auxiliary bishop of this Diocese and International Ambassador in service with Bishop Jim Burch. Is there a second? Pete Rahon seconded the motion. Fr. JP asked to be excused. They couldn’t wait any longer for the vote. Every hand went up and signifying a unanimous “yes” vote. Fr. JP was called back in to the tune of “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow,” followed by applause. Fr. JP said he was humbled and honored. But, he said, since was in a committed relationship with Ryan, he had to consult Ryan before he could give an answer. Ryan 9:30 Morning snacks 9:45 Robert: assemble community After the snack, Fr. JP and Ryan came into the meeting room after their private discussion. Fr. JP said, “I have an announcement. Ryan has agreed with my discernment that this calling from you is a calling from God. Therefore I accept. I still need to consult with my employer, the Church of Sweden.” Of course there were many expressions of joy and thanksgiving to Ryan also. Robert: “Let us call upon Argel, a member of the World Community for Christian Meditation to share with us how meditation fits into daily life. Argel.” 9:45 Discussion: The role of meditation in daily life and daily spiritual exercises. Argel 10:15 Robert: “Now for the next exercise for our second day of the time of Renewal, Fr. Richard will give us some pointers on how to strengthen our spiritual life and progress. Fr. Richard.” 10:15 Discussion 8: Making a Personal Christian Living Plan, PCLP Presentation: Fr. RRM Reflection: (No small group discussion,) Robert will facilitate (after a few introductory words by Fr. RRM) each having a worksheet form and pen/pencil for each person to reflect and write their PCLP.

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Personal Reflection of Fr. RRM: *What is my final analysis about the role of community in my spiritual life? *I list some elements of my participation in spiritual barkada activity. *Now because of the fundamental essential necessary function of “community” in Christian living, how do I see myself as a Christian, living and interacting in authentic Christian community (as emphasized so often and so strongly by St. Paul)? *If our motto is Orare, Amare et Servire (to pray, to love and to serve), how do we do that? How Do we do that together? *Is my spiritual, Christian life enhanced by my participation in a community that prays and serves in friendship together? *Objective:

to gather as one, a Christian Community, consciously aware of the presence of Jesus,

to become like him in our love for each other and f0r those with whom

we interact with in our life. In the long run to become an authentic Christian community,

a family of friends. Ultimately

the praying, loving, serving community will be characterized by

prayer, study, and action. Initially the action may appropriately be coming together to grow in friendship

and serving together in prayer and study.

Activity: Complete PCLP Worksheet (a short form in hard copy will be distributed. The same form can be used for the agenda for a Spiritual Support Group. A more detailed copy will be emailed for your further contemplation and completion.) CDOS Worksheet for Personal Christian Living Plan My Personal Christian Living Plan for wholistic Christian living in The CDOS Community Note: The key concept is “wholistic.” If any element is lacking or inadequate, IT MAY RENDER THE ENTIRE EFFORT VIRTUALLY WORTHLESS. 1. Choice. Do I choose to live a Christian life in The Community? If I do, it is because:

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2. Commitment. Do I have a firm commitment to live a balanced Christian life in the Community? If I do, it is because: 3. Plan. Do I have a personal plan for living a Christian life in the spirituality of the CDOS Community? If I do not, am I ready to make my personal plan? If I am ready, it is because: Fr. RRM: Continue discussion of worksheet. Report: Fr. Richard reviewed and explained the elements of the PCLP and distributed the Support Group Agenda, and asked the members to begin contemplating their personal commitments to jot down for their written plan (on the outline of the support group agenda. We were running late and excited about our meeting with Bishop Burch in a few minutes. Because of the time zones, it was already nearing midnight in the Virginia area, so we adjusted the schedule to have the Induction Riual with Bishop Burch at 12 instead of 1:00. We had a quick lunch before 12 to be ready. 11:15 Discussion 9: Holding Christian Living Support Groups Robert: Count off 1-2 1-2 for two groups, led by Fr. Richard and Fr. JP. We wanted to discuss this later. 12:00 Lunch CDOS Commitment Ritual 1:00 Robert assemble community. 1:00 pm RRM: “Some of us have been inducted as leaders, or Servant Leader Friends, of The Well Wellness Method. “Today we will give those SLF who feel called an opportunity to be officially inducted as Members, Clergy or Lay members, of the CDOS Philippines, and the Catholic Dioceses of One Spirit community world-wide. That includes all who so full-heartedly participated in this hardworking time of renewal. In addition we will welcome those who are prepared from this Renewal. (Fr, Richard had worked with Pete for years and welcomed him to membership along with the SLF of The Well.)) “What that means, no more, no less

1) These people ARE the CDOS Philippines community. 2) These people ARE the ones who make the decisions. 3) These people are the ones who live and give real life realness to the charism of the CDOS. That is the only requirement after induction, giving example of the CDOS charism.(Betrayal of that solemn trust is a reason for the same members to decide on the continuation of membership of any person, clergy or lay.)

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Fr. RRM: “This incorporation ritual will then be the defining step for the incorporation of all future members of the community. Robert: “We will begin with a short period of personal private prayer to know God’s will. During this time, if any member desires a consultation with Fr. Richard or Fr. JP, please feel welcome to approach him. Robert, JP, Ryan, if Skype with Bp Burch is possible, the necessary set up will be in place. Robert: arranges the people in a dignified setting for the ritual. 1:00 The Rite of Membership. Fr. RRM Introduces Bishop Burch. Induction script. (Bishop Jim had a copy and the ritual was viewed on the screen by the others.) Skype was possible and we had the honor and joy and inspiration of having Bishop Burch, not only with us, but leading the entire induction of all of us for our very first official induction ritual in the Philippines.

Bishop Richard Mickley Bishop-elect Fr. Johannes Petrus Heath Deacon Robert Joseph Kleist Deacon John Ryan Mendoza Deacon Mark Lester Rodriguez August Van Dofitas (Lay member) Pete Erlano Rahon (Lay member) Argel Tuason (Lay member)

Bishop Jim was introduced personally one by one to each of the members who were surprised that he already knew many of them from correspondence and reports we had sent. He briefly expressed the CDOS charism in leading the Induction, spoke warm words of praise, and imparted a very inspiring and emotional final blessing. Bishop Jim can be seen on

Each member was presented a beautiful CDOS One Spirit button designed and produced by new member Pete, using the logo which was designed by Deacon Mark Rodriguez and the “of one spirit” of Bishop Burch.

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2:00 PM Work session: prepare recommendations for CDOS Philippines How to implement CDOS spiritual support “program” JPH: Introduces community self reflection with objective of getting consensus on some community procedures following up Fr. RRM’s keynote presentation (challenge) and Robert’s helpful and thought-provoking SWOT Process. Fr. RRM Questions: 1) What issues, ideas, persons, methods, and procedures would you like to have the community vote on? How, when, where, 2) How often will the community have Prayer Partners? When, where, who, how often? 3) How often Community spiritual exercises? Eucharist in community? Meditation? 4) How often community Renewal, retreats? 5) Other issues? Vocations to clergy?

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Fr. JP led the community in a very focused and directed discussion which was so comprehensive and far reaching and wonderful that it could not be finished (probably never would be anyway, as Bishop Burch says, such things we never set in concrete). A complete matrix for discussion was developed by Fr. JP on the white board. It became obvious that it could not be completed in the time remaining. It was decided that it provided a lot of

food for reflection and would be carried over. Some volunteers were accepted – and the work will continue with work by commissions for further development in the future. Robert: Some concrete items that WERE discussed included: 1. Regular Sunday services in Metro Manila and other locations—the La Union and Cavite location already have these. 2. Procurement of facilities for the diocese. 3. Inclusion of small-group, youth, and especially music ministries. 4. Establish a school. 5. Equip CDOS Philippines ministers to serve in the field and be “on a level with their peers”. 6. Continue with the weekly meditation, support group, study of the Bible and other books—like Original Blessing. 7. Strengthen the Reach out of the Well Philippines, find a physical location for the Wellness Centre. 8. Heighten the advocacy efforts of Bahaghari especially in terms of the Anti-Discrimination Bill. 9. Expand the Reach Out of CDOS Philippines beyond the LGBT community with a special emphasis on women. 10. Secure funding for the CDOS, its priority projects, the upkeep of its properties, and the support of its full-time ministers. Plenary discussion, voting. Committees? Elections? 3:30 Fr. RRM: “I invited all CDOS members to offer any presentation they felt called to share regarding our community priorities with the community. I believe advocacy is an important element of our ministry I asked Robert to share some thoughts with us on this topic. Robert.”

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3:30 Discussion: Advocacy and the Knights of St. Sebastian Presented and led by Robert Report: Robert presented a Project that he proposed as a contributory solution to many of the aspects of our current limitation. His concept of an auxiliary organization was a very innovative approach to finding solutions to some of our limitations. Volunteers will work with him to bring the dream to reality.

Robert: “The Knights of Saint Sebastian will be an inclusive, and affirming, fraternal Order kind of like the K of C but more ecumenical and not as politically conservative. It will give committed members a chance to serve the church without necessarily becoming priests or pastors. Specifically they will aid and defend those who are less able to defend themselves, and protect church members and property. They will not be a private army but rather an army of volunteers, prayer warriors. They will be the “strong right arm” of our militant church, bringing to bear the influence of their respective professional spheres on public policy and social justice. They will include male Knights, female Dames, and Squires and Pages from the youth.” Robert will arrange in a circle or some appropriate arrangement for the closing exercise.

JPH 4:30 Closing of Renewal with testimonies (To include each person invited to offer testimony of what the Renewal has meant, will mean, for him or her). Report: The closing testimonies were very exuberant and moving. Fr. JP praised the members not only for outstanding participation in the Renewal but for their fidelity and service to the Diocese. Fr. Richard reminded everybody that when Fr. JP praises them, they are being praised by one who has worked with teams, commissions, churches all over the world and can well compare them with people everywhere and find them worthy of praise. Fr. Richard said he had new hope, new joy, new enthusiasm himself for the outstanding contribution each and every person had shared with us during the renewal – with sincere expressions of commitment.

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Bishop Richard: “In my nearly 87 years I’ve been to a lot of Renewals, attended and conducted many retreats. These days we see the word “upgrade” every time we turn on a gadget, but for me this Renewal of our Diocese was the top up up up upgrade of my career. “Such enthusiasm, such joy, such a sharing of commitment to prayer, friendship, and service. I praise God for the inspiration, and I praise Bishop-elect JP and every member of the Diocesan Executive Committee for the great joy they give me in their servant leadership. We all pray that God will bless us, bless our ministry by sending to us women similarly dedicated to this unique charism. ” Report: (Bishop Richard apologized for his negative attitude brought on by the sickness, obstacles, work circumstances of us all. He said the commitments of this renewal gave him renewed hope and joy.” Bishop: We are pleased to present membership and attendance certificates. (rather unceremoniously in envelopes;] Report: However the printing was delayed, so they will be presented at a future time. Fr. RRM and JPH present (separate) certificates to all 1) INDUCTED AS MEMBERS 2) WHO ATTENDED THE RENEWAL? Bishop: Let us close our time of renewal with prayer: Bishop: Let us all pray together:

God of the Universe, the whole world reveals your presence

in your handiwork. In all that is -- we see you.

But even more, you came among us to reveal yourself in humanity.

In Jesus we see your love, your caring, your healing, yourself in humanity.

Through him,

you share your divinity with us. In him

we who are participating in divinity through him,

also learn from him that the way of service is the best work of life.

We see you in Jesus,

our model for the way, the truth, and the life

you have given us, a share in the divine life.

Thus we recognize

the wondrous presence of Jesus with us,

as St. Paul tells us, “I live now not I,

but Christ lives in me,” and thank you, God,

for that awesome privilege. And help me remember

that with you all things are possible. As St. Paul again reminds me,

“I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me.”

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Jesus, I always want to rely on your strength

for my work for you, for the duties of my state of life,

for the success of my efforts to maintain

wholistic health, wellness and well-being,

not only for myself but in support

with all my spiritual friends, following our

Personal Christian Living Plan as prayer partners

and spiritual barkada.

Jesus, what more could I want? What more could there be?

You are with me, with your presence, your power, your Spirit.

Jesus, thank you.

Thank you for running with me, Jesus. Help me keep up with you – always.

I rejoice in the charism of CDOS which always keeps me aware of your message,

“I am with you.

Remember me. Bring your friends to me.”


Bishop Burch’s Benediction after Commitment Ritual

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Bishop Mickley’s Benediction at the Conclusion of the Renewal

Informal Abrazo, everybody hugged and kissed everybody.

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From left Deacon Robert Kleist, Deacon Ryan Mendoza, Fr. Jape Heath, Bishop Richard, Argel Tuazon, Van Dofitas, Deacon Mark Lester Rodriguez and Pete Rahon.

Link of additional photos: