cela 2015 conference program


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Monday, March 23rdAll Day CELA Executive Committee Alumni Center Tadtman Board Room 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CELA Executive Committee Lunch Alumni Center Tadtman Board Room 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Student Volunteer Training Alumni Center Tointon Great Room

Tuesday, March 24Th8:00 am - 12:00 pm CELA Executive Committee Alumni Center Tadtman Board Room 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CELA Executive Committee Lunch Alumni Center Tadtman Board Room 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm Registration Alumni Center Lobby1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Track Chair Meeting Alumni Center Jordan Conference Room 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm Administrator’s Meeting Alumni Center Tadtman Board Room 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Sigma Lambda Alpha Board Meeting Alumni Center Jordan Conference Room

Tuesday, March 24Th Pre-conFerence WorKshoPs and PresenTaTIon (see Page 3)1:30 pm - 5:00 pm Rain Gardens and Green Roofs Workshop Alumni Center Lecture Room1:30 pm - 5:00 pm Landscape Book Publishing Workshop Alumni Center Purple Pride1:30 pm - 5:00 pm David Abram: Language, Landscape,

Beach Art Museum and the Ecology of Sensory Experience Workshop

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm David Abram: Climate, Culture, and the Commonwealth of Breath Alumni Center Banquet Rooms ABCD

Free and open to the public

Wednesday, March 25Th8:00 am - 8:30 am Continental Breakfast Alumni Center8:00 am - 5:00 pm Registration Alumni Center Lobby 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Information Table KSU Student Union - 2nd Floor Foyer 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Exhibits Alumni Center Lobby9:00 am - 10:30 am Welcome and Keynote - Lauren Bon Alumni Center Banquet Rooms ABCD 10:40 am - 12:00 pm Concurrent Sessions #1 Alumni Center and KSU Student Union12:00 pm - 1:30 pm LAF Grant Recipient Meet and Greet KSU Student Union Room 20312:00 pm - 1:30 pm Lunch On Your Own12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Vectorworks Workshop: Sustainable Site Seaton Hall 111 Modeling Using Design Technology (Lunch Provided) 1:30 pm - 2:50 pm Concurrent Sessions #2 Alumni Center and KSU Student Union2:50 pm - 3:40 pm Break and Poster Session A Alumni Center Banquet Rooms A3:40 pm - 5:00 pm Concurrent Sessions #3 Alumni Center and KSU Student Union 5:15 pm - 6:30 pm CELA Fellows Keynote Panel KSU Student Union Forum Hall6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Welcome Reception KSU Student Union Courtyard

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Thursday, March 26Th8:00 am - 8:30 am Continental Breakfast Alumni Center8:00 am - 5:00 pm Registration Alumni Center Lobby8:00 am - 12:00 pm Information Table KSU Student Union 2nd Floor 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Exhibits Alumni Center Lobby8:30 am - 9:50 am Concurrent Session #4 Alumni Center and KSU Student Union 9:50 am - 10:40 am Break and Poster Session B Alumni Center Banquet Room A 10:40 am - 12:00 pm Concurrent Session #5 Alumni Center and KSU Student Union12:00 pm - 5:00 pm Boxed Lunch, Field Trips and SketchCrawls6:00 pm - 7:00 pm SketchCrawl Exhibit Wareham Theatre7:00 pm - 10:00 pm Changing Frames: Film Screening Wareham Theatre

FrIday, March 27Th8:00 am - 8:30 am Continental Breakfast Alumni Center8:00 am - 12:00 pm Registration Alumni Center8:00 am - 12:00 pm Information Table KSU Student Union 2nd Floor 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Exhibits Alumni Center Lobby8:30 am - 9:50 am Concurrent Session #6 Alumni Center and Seaton Hall10:00 am - 10:40 am Changing Frames: Film Panel #7 Alumni Center Banquet ABCD10:50 am - 12:10 pm Concurrent Session #8 Alumni Center and Seaton Hall12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Business Lunch and Awards Alumni Center2:15 pm - 3:35 pm Concurrent Session #9 Alumni Center and Seaton Hall 3:45 pm - 5:05 pm Concurrent Session #10 Alumni Center and Seaton Hall6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Closing Celebration Flint Hills Discovery Center

Speaker Preparation Location: Hagans Library, 2nd Floor Alumni Center

LA CES™Continuing professional education credits are available for selected presentations at the 2015 CELA conference. Conference attendees who would like to earn LA CES™ (Landscape Architecture Continuing Education System) credits, may do so in three CELA presentation tracks: Design Implementation, Landscape Planning & Ecology, and Sustainability. A total of fifteen (15) LA CES™ sessions are offered this year. These sessions are designated in this conference program. To receive credit, individuals must (1) sign-in on a sheet that will be made available at the beginning of each designated seventy-minute session; and, (2) sign-out at conclusion of session. Sign-in and sign-out will be done on different sheets of paper. People seeking credit may not leave the room during the session. At the end of the conference, attendance will be verified and entered into the LA CES™ system so that certificates may be issued.

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Green Roof WorkshopGreen roof construction and research will be presented by three experts in the field. They will address fundamentals of green roof design, installation and maintenance as well as specific design considerations for green roofs to be used in research. Jeffrey L. Bruce is chairman of Green Roofs for Healthy Cities and one of the first accredited Green Roof professionals in North America. He is a leading green roof practitioner and educator. Professor Lee R. Skabelund has designed, installed and monitored two green roofs at Kansas State University. Dr. Richard Sutton researches low input extensive green roofs and is editor of Green Roof Ecosystems in review by Springer Science.

Cost – $100

Landscape Book Publishing WorkshopEditorial representatives from Routledge/Taylor and Francis will present the basics of academic book publishing through an interactive discussion. Topics to be covered include: the publishing process, how to start a publishing career, what makes a good proposal, identifying your topic and your market, looking at the competition, choosing a publisher, the external reviewing of proposals, what makes a good book, contracts, permissions, ebooks, after publication, introduction to journal publishing. Along with presentations, there will be group tasks to prompt participants to think about how to frame proposals. Both good and bad examples will be offered for discussion. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions throughout, and contact the organizers in advance with specific queries.

Cost – $100

David AbramPre-Conference Workshop and Presentation

David Abram is a cultural ecologist and geophilosopher and author of Becoming Animal: An Earthly Cosmology and The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-than-Human World. Hailed as “revolutionary” by the Los Angeles Times, as “daring” and “truly original” by Science, David’s work has helped catalyze the emergence of several new disciplines, including the burgeoning field of ecopsychology. His essays on the cultural causes and consequences of environmental disarray are published in numerous magazines, scholarly journals, and anthologies. He has been the recipient of many awards, including the Lannan Literary Award for Nonfiction, and fellowships from Rockefeller and Watson Foundations. In 2014, David holds the honorary Arne Naess Chair in Global Justice and Ecology at the University of Oslo, Norway.

Language, Landscape, and the Ecology of Sensory Experience WorkshopDavid Abram will present a workshop exploring the forgotten intimacy between language and the landscape. We will first ponder some ecological dimensions of sensory experience — the manner in which perception binds our separate nervous systems into the wider ecosystem. Then, drawing insights from phenomenology, and from several traditional, indigenous cultures, we’ll explore some of the ways in which language — the ways we speak — can either enhance, or inhibit, the ancestral rapport between the human senses and the earthly sensuous. (We’ll also pay heed to the way that specific communication technologies, like the alphabet, have influenced the experienced relation between humans and the more-than-human terrain).

Cost – $75 (limited to 10 participants)

Pre-Conference PresentationClimate, Culture, and the Commonwealth of BreathTuesday, March 24th // 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm // Alumni Center Banquet Rooms ABCD

This presentation is free and open to the public.

David Abram workshop and presentation co-sponsored by the Beach Museum of Art, the Prairie Studies Initiative, the Academic Excellence Fund, KSU Department of English, and K-State Libraries.

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Lauren BonKeynoTe sPeaKer and PaneLIsT

artist and founderthe metabolic studio

The Intermountain West and BeyondA ten year project in reconnecting Los Angeles with the water that feeds began with Not a Cornfield, 2005-2006 and culminates with her current work, Bending the River Back into the City. Ms. Bon’s practice looks at the Inter Mountain West—the vast landscape whose peaks and valleys include the Great Basin and three major rivers the Columbia, Colorado and Rio Grande River. Her talk will include both a description of her realized works and the context that her studio works within to create a sustainable, prophetic landscape in the Inter Mountain West.

Lauren Bon’s CELA 2015 keynote address is co-sponsored by the Beach Museum of Art, the Prairie Studies Initiative, the Academic Excellence Fund, and the KSU Department of Art.

This presentation is free and open to the public.

rIchard ForMan, Phd


research professor: advanced environmental studies in the field of landscape ecologyharvard university

Richard T. T. Forman is a Research Professor at Harvard University where he teaches ecology in the Graduate School of Design, and formerly also taught in Harvard College. His primary scholarly interest is linking science with spatial pattern to interweave nature and people on the land. Often considered to be a “father” of landscape ecology and of road ecology, he also helped spearhead urban ecology. Other research interests include changing land mosaics, conservation and land-use planning, towns, and a netway system for transportation. Internationally, he deciphers widespread spatial patterns of nature and people, and catalyzes the flow of ideas in ecological science and related fields for society.

Professor Forman has authored numerous articles; his books include Landscape Ecology (1986), the award-winning Land Mosaics (1995), Landscape Ecology Principles in Landscape Architecture and Land-Use Planning (1996), Road Ecology (2003), Mosaico territorial para la region metropolitana de Barcelona (2004), Urban Regions: Ecology and Planning Beyond the City (2008), and Urban Ecology: Science of Cities (2014).

Wednesday, March 25th // 9:00 am - 10:30 amAlumni Center Banquet ABCD

Wednesday, March 25th // 5:15 pm - 6:30 pmK-State Student Union Forum Hall

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KrIsTIna hILL, Phd PaneL ModeraTor

associate professor: landscape architecture & environmental planning university of california at berkeley

Hill is an associate professor at the University of California at Berkeley, and is currently focused on developing proposals for urban adaptation to climate change in the San Francisco Bay area, by learning from international examples. She co-edited and authored the book Ecology and Design: Frameworks for Learning (Island Press, 2002), and has published numerous book chapters and articles in scientific and professional journals. Hill lectures internationally on ecology and design, and is currently working on a book about urban adaptation to sea level rise and flooding. She has been recognized as a Fellow of the Institute for Urban Design, and as a Fulbright Scholar. Her research and consulting work has been funded by the US National Science Foundation and clients in the US and abroad. Her most recent professional project was the Water Management Strategy for Greater New Orleans, where she advised a team of designers and engineers on water-based site and system design.

The CELA 2015 keynote panel is sponsored by the CELA Fellows.

Wednesday, March 25th // 5:15 pm - 6:30 pmK-State Student Union Forum Hall

Wes JacKson, Phd PaneLIsT

president and founderthe land institute

Wes Jackson, President of The Land Institute, was born in 1936 on a farm near Topeka, Kansas. After attending Kansas Wesleyan (B.A Biology, 1958), he studied botany (M.A. University of Kansas, 1960) and genetics (Ph.D. North Carolina State University, 1967). He was a professor of biology at Kansas Wesleyan and later established the Environmental Studies department at California State University, Sacramento, where he became a tenured full professor. He resigned that position in 1976 and returned to Kansas to found The Land Institute.

Dr. Jackson’s writings include both papers and books. His most recent works, Nature as Measure (2011) and Consulting the Genius of the Place: An Ecological Approach to a New Agriculture (2010), were both published by Counterpoint Press. The Virtues of Ignorance: Complexity, Sustainability, and the Limits of Knowledge (2008) and Rooted in the Land: Essays on Community and Place (1996), were co-edited with William Vitek. Becoming Native to This Place, 1994, sketches his vision for the resettlement of America’s rural communities. New Roots for Agriculture, 1980, outlines the basis for the agricultural research at The Land Institute.

Wes Jackson is a recipient of the Pew Conservation Scholars Award (1990), a MacArthur Fellowship (1992), Right Livelihood Award (Stockholm) known as “Alternative Nobel Prize” (2000), and the Louis Bromfield Award (2010). Garden Clubs of America awarded him the Elizabeth Craig Weaver Proctor Medal in 2012. In addition to lecturing nationwide and abroad, Dr. Jackson is involved outside The Land Institute with a variety of projects including being a Post Carbon Institute Fellow.

Wednesday, March 25th // 5:15 pm - 6:30 pmK-State Student Union Forum Hall

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TWO CONFERENCE THEME TRACKS :: CELA 2015incite Change | Change insight Special Conference Theme Publication TrackThe Conference Theme Publication Track accepted papers presenting research, scholarship and creative activity that incites change and changes insight. Authors were required to submit a paper that was reviewed for a special peer-reviewed conference theme publication, available at the time of the conference. All authors submitting to this track were expected to submit papers for review.

incite Change | Change insight Film TrackThe conference theme film track accepted digital films pertinent to landscape architecture; research, scholarship, and creative activity; teaching; practice; or outreach. Presenters might present a short film in its entirety; or present pedagogical or research outcomes from film making with screening of clips. Authors submitting to this track present all or part of a film at the conference during the evening film session. Authors had the option of submitting a full paper for review to either the conference theme publication track or one of the eleven standard CELA tracks.

ELEVEN STANDARD CELA TRACKSCommunication and VisualizationCommunication and Visualization Track accepts papers, panels or posters that propose or explore new approaches or innovative advancements in the teaching or application of design communication methods.

Design Education and PedagogyDesign Education and Pedagogy Track accepts papers, panels or posters that illuminate and help improve understanding of the purposes of design education and the uses of curriculum and pedagogy as strategies for serving these purposes. Papers should refer to and build on literature on education, teaching, learning and design. Reflective accounts or evaluations of educational practice, critiques of contemporary educational practices and proposals for more focused and influential educational practices are welcome.

Design Implementation (LA CES track)Design Implementation Track (LA CES track) accepts papers, panels or posters that discuss innovative construction technologies and materials, development of new standards and best management practices. Topics such as stormwater management, low impact development techniques, stream restoration, wetlands, etc., are welcome.

History, Theory, and CultureHistory, Theory and Culture Track accepts papers, panels or posters that discuss land use, planning and design from prehistory to the present. Papers are typically presented as a theoretical discourse in areas such as urban theory, social and cultural theory, environmental philosophy, environmental ethics and historical narrative.

Landscape Performance (LA CES track)Landscape Performance Track (LA CES track) accepts papers, panels or posters that explore the impact of landscape projects of various types and scales through the observation and measurement of environmental, economic and social benefits. Paper topics might include case studies, methods of observation or measurement, predictive models of benefits, new research on the benefits of landscape, and theoretical frameworks for landscape performance.

Landscape Planning and Ecology (LA CES track)Landscape Planning and Ecology Track (LA CES track) accepts papers, panels or posters that discuss landscape form and function, landscape ecology, natural drainage systems and constructed wetlands, sustainable coastal margins, urban forestry, wildlife habitat conservation, greenways and other topics related to planning and characterizing the environment. Topics related to environmentally friendly development codes are also covered.

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People-Environment RelationshipsPeople-Environment Relationships Track accepts papers, panels or posters that explore the human experience of place and the human dimensions of design. In this approach, the environment is conceived broadly, encompassing not only the natural and the built environment but also the way that social, cultural, political and economic forces influence the appearance, meanings and uses of space. Topics within this track include psychological responses to the environmental, the behavioral impacts of the environment, attitudes, behavior and socio-cultural factors related to the design of human spaces, and the effect of public policies and regulation on quality of life.

Research and MethodsResearch and Methods Track accepts papers, panels or posters that discuss quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods for landscape design and planning; case studies, GIS mapping, spatial analysis and design support system; statistical and computational modeling of landscapes; information technologies and design.

Service-Learning and Community EngagementService-Learning and Community Engagement Track accepts papers, panels or posters that discuss teaching and research-based scholarship resulting from collaborations between university and community partners. This track seeks papers that deepen and promote dialogue and understanding of such things as the theory and practice of interrelating community service and engagement with teaching, learning, evaluation and research, and the pedagogy of service-learning and participatory action research, to name a few.

Sustainability (LA CES track)Sustainability Track (LA CES track) accepts papers, panels or posters that discuss innovative ways to design, build, and/or restore, urban, suburban and rural environments that address ecological, social, ethical, and economic issues associated with sustainability. The track encourages papers that illustrate methods for reducing environmental impacts, regenerating used and degraded landscapes and promoting change as a means to an end.

Urban DesignUrban Design Track accepts papers, panels or posters that discuss issues such as the design of pedestrian space and alternative transportation, sustainable urbanism, active living by design and the arrangement of urban space and place.

CONCURRENT SESSION SCHEDULE The CELA 2015 concurrent session schedule starts on page 9. Any theme track shown above which does not appear in the first column during a concurrent session table is not being presented during that time.

1:30 pm - 2:50 pm

Design Education and PedagogyAlumni Center Banquet A

Author #1; Author #2 Session Abstract #1 [24]

Author #1 Session Abstract #2 [10]

Author #1, Author #2; Author #3 Session Abstract #3 [143]

Author #1 Session Abstract #4 [96]

theme track presentation location

theme track authors

abstract title abstract number

session start+end time

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10:40 am - 12:00 pm

Design Implementation (LA CES™ TRACK) + Design Education and PedagogyAlumni Center Lecture Room

Sohn, W.; Kim, J.-H.; Li, M.-H. Low Impact Development for Impervious Surface Connectivity Mitigation: Assessment of Directly Connected Impervious Area (DCIA) in the Energy Corridor District, Houston [30]

Dvorak, B.; Laminack, K. Living Walls in Hot Climates: lessons learned from three student led installations [147]

Coffman, R.; Graves, D.; Vogel, J.; Brown, G. Vegetation in dryland bioretention [206]

History, Theory, and CultureKSU Student Union 226

Langhorst, J. Present Pasts: Memorials, Meaning and Discourse in Public Urban Space [167]

Holland, M. I.M. Pei & Timothy McVeigh: A Brief History of Urban Redevelopment in Oklahoma City [318]

Serrano, N. Transatlantic ideas of ecological design: Lewis Clarke and modern landscape architecture North Carolina [305]

Landscape Planning and Ecology(LA CES™ TRACK)KSU Student Union Flint Hills Room

Shearer, A. Scenarios in Geodesign [15]

Holmes, R. The Lake and the Lagoon: Roles for Landscape Architecture along the C-44 Canal [248]

Sinha, A. Ghats on the Ganga in Varanasi: Contingency and Complexity in the Cultural Landscape [9]

Curl, K. Reshaping Post-Mined Land for Future Use [58]

People-Environment RelationshipsKSU Student Union Big 12 Room

Mathew, S. Representing Time and Dynamic Space in the Public Realm [45]

Yildirim, Y.; Li, C.; Soundscape Investigation on Mississippi State University Campus[165]

McSherry, L. Letters in Landscape Narrative [250]

Colwell, E.; Ryan, R.; Coffman, R. Rain Water Harvesting Practitioners Most Influenced by Environmental Ethic [56]

Research and Methods Alumni Center Purple Pride Room

Perron, P. R. Nature discourses: meta-paradigms in landscape architecture [53]

Chamberlain, B.; Gergel, S.; Tomscha, S. Mapping Cultural Ecosystem Services and Aesthetics to Inform Landscape Planning Decisions [142]

Wright, R. Sense of Place and Community Reconstitution in the Context of Natural Disaster [143]

Burke, K. Understanding Gully Erosion in Heavily-Used Midwestern Landscapes [173]

Sustainability (LA CES™ TRACK)Alumni Center Banquet Room A

Napawan, N. C.; Snyder, B. City Sink / Sync City: A Multi-scalar Approach to Addressing Waste Water Infrastructure [17]

Bathaei, B.; Roudbardeh, M. S. Change Is of The Essence, Regenerating of Brown Fileds [21]

Allen, D.J. Rethinking the Ravine, Jacmel, Haiti: Examining Inclusionary Infrastructure Planning Strategies [43]

Straub, D. The Journey of Water on a Chessboard [133]

Urban Design Alumni Center Tadtman Board Room

VanWieren, R. The Student Farm Design Project: a design framework for student farm landscapes on public university campuses [203]

Layton, R. City vs. Suburbs: A comparison of public greenspace availability at differing residential densities [79]

Myers, M. Campus landscapes: an opportunity to educate students and administrators on performance metrics [175]

McGory, E. Design Education and the Brain: Examining the Design Studio through the Lens of Neuroscience [96]

incite CHANGE | CHANGE insightAlumni Center Banquet Room B

Smith, C. Studies in Denser Living: Changing Student Insight and Inciting Change in Student Residential Aspirations [2]

Stubbs, L.; Thompson, K. Is Change Needed? : Why do the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals sound so familiar? [50]

Wasserman, J. Incite Change Through Writing and Action: Lawrence Halprin and the Ethical Construct for Landscape Architectural Practice [174]

Raxworthy, J. The Miller Garden: a growing architecture of trees [253]

Wednesday, March 25Th - sessIon #1MornIng sessIons


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Wednesday, March 25Th - sessIon #2aFTernoon sessIons


1:30 pm - 2:50 pm

Design Education and PedagogyAlumni Center Lecture Room

Ribe, R.; Chan, L. A Rubric of Indicators for Assessing the Performance of Landscape Architecture Faculty [54]

Cairns, M.; Rotar, S. Landscape Architecture is a STEM Discipline [61]

Zhang, B.; Chen, D. Defining Creative Project in MLA Education [124]

Design Education and PedagogyAlumni Center Tadtman Board Room

Douglas, K. Building Collaboration and Communication Skills in Design Studios [38]

Sawhill, R.; Calabria, J. Virtual Teams: explorations in online studio collaboration [150]

Rotar, S.; Barbarash, D. Integrated Project Experiences and Student Perception [169]

Kyber, A.; Butler, P. Change Insight: Creating Community Capacity in Appalachia in the Wake of Mine Disaster “An Artist’s Reflection on Community-Design Build Projects in Two Northern West Virginia Mining Communities” [298]

History, Theory, and CultureKSU Student Union 226

Baird, T. LANDSCAPE MATERIALITY: Innovation and Convention from Modernism to the Present [68]

Thoren, R. Dutch Landscapes of Change [322]

Holmes, R.; Holzman, J. Material Failure and Entropy in the Salton Sink [219]

People-Environment RelationshipsKSU Student Union Big 12 Room

Challenger, N. The landscape is several places; design and the culturally shared landscape [290]

Alisan, A.; Clements, T. Documenting Changes in The Traditional Cultural Landscapes of Findikli, Rize/Turkey [313]

Park, S. A Preliminary Case Study on Landscape Preference and Ecological Quality in Urban and Exurban Communities [314]

Chang, H. The Urban Aesthetics of Continuity [308]

Service-Learning and Community EngagementKSU Student Union 227

Watts, D. Examining Long Term Impacts of Short Term Service Learning Engagement [55]

Calabria, J.; Wilder, S.; Matthews, P. Vicissitudes of Service-learning in Ecological Restoration Projects in the Southeastern US [259]

Bartlett, M. Participatory Landscape Design and Community Based Participatory Research: A Natural Partnership [340]

Urban DesignAlumni Center Purple Pride Room

Miller, K. Urban Design and Health Equity [93]

Bass, B.; Livingston, M. Parking Retrofits within Historic City Centers and the Potential Effects on Their Walkability: A Comparison of San Luis Obispo and Davis, CA [32]

Schauwecker, T.; Brzuszek, R. Incorporating Time: The Necessity of Adaptive Approaches for Successional Ecological Design [252]

Nassar, H.; Hewitt, R. Cairo, Dubai, Muscat; Effects of Globalization and Modernization on Urban Landscape Change in the Middle East [214]

incite CHANGE | CHANGE insightAlumni Center Banquet Room B

Clouse, C. Considering Climate-Adaptive Design: Artificial Glaciers in Ladakh and Zanskar [123]

Beck, J. Radicalizing land suitability studies for urban agriculture [10]

de la Peña, D. Edible Sacramento: Soil Born Farms and the Coordination of Urban Agriculture Initiatives [127]

Cerra, J.; Wien, H. C.; Skelly, S. Making Change: Designing a New Model for Climate Change Interpretation and Experimentation [287]

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Wednesday, March 25Th

aLuMnI cenTer BanqueT rooM a


2:50 pm - 3:40 pm

Communication and Visualization Hwangbo, E.; Summerlin, P. The Exploration of Vue as a tool for Digital Representation in Landscape Architecture [65]

Design Education and Pedagogy Rotar, S. Enrollment Trends and our Professional Future [263]

Williams, S. Mobile Exterior Lighting Lab [281]

Torres-Bustamante, C. Writing and Designing [302]

Faruque, O. Design is Design is Design: Towards an Integrated Paradigm of Teaching Design [332]

Westort, C. Using Landscape Parametrics to Teach Computer Programming Fundamentals to Site Designers [346]

Challenger, N.; Rangelrooy, B.; Murphy, C. "Space Holder":challenging students to design urban spaces in a broken and ugly city [125]

Klondike, T.; Maloney, M.; Hargrove, R. The Value of Intrinsic Motivation: A Student Perspective [90]

Design Implementation Thurmayr, A. Field Test "Gravel Lawn" on Manitoba's Clay-Rich Soils [159]

History, Theory, and Culture Sini, R. From Nature Portrayed to Nature Re-Constructed in Singapore Public Parks: a Paradigm Shift [126]

Landscape Planning and Ecology Wright, N.; Coggeshall, B.; Sass, C. Geomorphic changes in Inner-Bluegrass Streams, Lexington, KY [215]

Britton, J.; Boyd, E.; Hoch, W. A. The State of Heritage Tree Programs in the Rocky Mountain/Interior Plain Province [12]

People-Environment Relationships Jiang, S. Therapeutic Landscapes and Healing Gardens: A Comparative Review of Studies in China and Western Societies [7]

Macdonald, I.; Brown, B. How Does Education Happen? Examining Physical Engagement and Programmed Study in Constructed Wetlands [70]

Mahadin, Y. The High Line Park: How does nature become an integrated element in urban park design to promote social interaction? [102]

Research and Methods Loring, M.; Brody, J. Spaces [227]

Luo, T.; Li, W.; Chen, R.; Xia, L. Deviating from Landscape Architecture: A review and comparison study on urban park literature published in recent three decades [315]

Service-Learning and Community Engagement

Straub, D. Vagrant Places Between the Everyday and the Adventerous: Design Spontaneity and Freedom for Children and Butterflies [134]

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Wednesday, March 25Th - sessIon #3aFTernoon sessIons


3:40 pm - 5:00 pmCommunication and VisualizationAlumni Center Banquet Rooms B/C

Panel: Newman, G.; Perkl, R.; Li, W.; Smith, A. Applications of Geodesign [62]

Design Education and PedagogyAlumni Center Tadtman Board Room

Panel: Dooling, S.; Yocom, K.; Vanucci, J. Novel Systems and Design Education: Pedagogical Perspectives on Applied Research, Experiential Learning, and Studio [233]

Design Education and Pedagogy + Communication and VisualizationAlumni Center Banquet Room A

Fu, J.; Rice, A. Assessing the Impact of a Study Abroad Experience on the Creative Abilities of Design Students [151]

Merrill, J. Creativity Exercise Round-Up [224]

Summerlin, P.; Cellucci, V. Visualizing Contours: Translating Physical Terrain Models to Contours through 3D Scanning [195]

Landscape Performance (LA CES™ TRACK)Alumni Center Lecture Room

Koudounas, A.; Whitlow, H. Accelerating the Adoption of Landscape Performance in Design Education [262]

Brooks, K. Integrating Landscape Performance Strategies into Design [225]

Ackerman, A.; Bellalta, M. Analysis to Site Design: Landscape Performance and the Design Studio [320]

Austin, G.; Burgess, K. Dissemination of Sustainability Education Resources Across Universities: Promoting Landscape Performance [1]

Landscape Planning and Ecology(LA CES™ TRACK)KSU Student Union Flint Hills Room

Sass, C. Monitoring Urban Bluegrass Streams [218]

Serrano, N. Constructing Identity to Incite Change: Landscape Ideology of the Research Triangle Park [217]

Austin, G. The Geometry of Urban Biodiversity [300]

Cerra, J. The YardWorks Project: Developing Urban Ecological Design Strategies for Residential Private Property [92]

People-Environment RelationshipsKSU Student Union Big 12 Room

Billig, N. Environmental legacies and social-spatial adaptations of a Marshallese diaspora [179]

Lawson, L. The Crucian Provision Ground: From Enforced Self-Reliance to New Models of Culturally Grounded Sustainable Practice [89]

Sleipness, O. R.; George, B. H. Beyond the Sagebrush Rebellion: Envisioning the role of landscape architects in alternative futures of land ownership in the Intermountain West [273]

Yuill, C.; Butler, P.; Strager, M. The Concept of the Anthropocene: Considerations for the Environmental Resources, Communities and Cultural Heritage of the Central Appalachians [83]

Research and Methods Alumni Center Purple Pride Room

Davey, C. Urban Farming: are we making more parks, or more parking lots? The urban economic effects of urban agriculture in Minneapolis. [149]

Carr, S. J. Human ecologies: Measures of landscape infrastructure for healthy neighborhoods [42]

Seeger, C.; Badenhope, J. Improving Walkability with Communities [196]

Sharma, A. Decoding the Genotype of an Urban Greenway [8]

Service-Learning and Community EngagementKSU Student Union 227

Panel: Hester, R.; Hou, J.; Allen, D. J.; Lawson, L.; de la Peña, D. Together We Design: Landscape Architects Offer Their Single Best Techniques for Truly Transactive Form Making [323]

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Thursday, March 26Th - sessIon #4MornIng sessIons


8:30 am - 9:50 am

Design Education and PedagogyAlumni Center Lecture Room

Panel: Woodfin, T.; Boyer, M.; Dvorak, B.; Skabelund, L.; Sutton, R. Out of the classroom, onto the roof: a panel discussion of five LA programs’ use of green roofs for research and teaching [57]

Design Education and PedagogyAlumni Center Tadtman Board Room

Choi, J.; Carman, S. The LENSES Framework: A Pedagogy for Regenerative Urban Design [119]

Baird, T. HYBRID LANDSCAPES: Transforming Philadelphia’s Urban Vacancies [139]

Kelley, K.; Hargrove, A. Studio Synecdoche: A Multi-scalar Collaborative Approach to Design Education [251]

Torres-Bustamante, C. Beyond project description: writing in design studios [303]

History, Theory, and CultureKSU Student Union Room 226

Owens, P. E.; McHenry, J.; La Rochelle, M. Finding Culture in Agricultural Communities [293]

Orr, E. Country Cemeteries and Churchyards: Enduring Cultural Landscapes in Appalachia [190]

Li, C. Heritage and Ethnic Identity: Preserving Chinese Cemeteries in the United States [135]

Butler, P.; Yuill, C. US Steel and Gary WV- a Cultural Landscape Study in Corporate Paternalism [243]

Landscape Performance (LA CES™ TRACK)Alumni Center Banquet Rooms A

Panel: Salazar, J.; Chanse, V.; Koudounas, A.; Graffam, S.; Miller, M. Measuring and Evaluating Social Performance through Practice-Based Research [260]

Landscape Planning and Ecology(LA CES™ TRACK)KSU Student Union Flint Hills Room

Kil, S.-H.; Kim, J.-H.; Newman, G.; Lee, D.-K. Effects of Green Space Size on Land Surface Temperature (LST) in Seoul, Korea [311]

Moma, L. R.; Brzsuszek, R. F.; Schauwecker, T.J. Applying a biodiversity index to small town planning [205]

Choi, S.-H.; Cho, W.; Kim, J.-H.; Thomas, M. Natural Resource Monitoring and Comprehensive Management Plan of Protected Areas in Baekdudaegan Mountains, Korea [72]

Park, S.; Shim, Y.-J.; Cho, D.-G.; Ko, S.-B. Development of Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) for Habitat Restoration of Narrow-mouth Frog (Kaloula borealis) [39]

People-Environment RelationshipsKSU Student Union Big 12 Room

Bardenhagen, E.; Rodiek, S.; Nejati, A. Applying the Seniors’ Outdoor Survey (SOS) in Practice: An Observational Tool for Assessing Outdoor Environments at Long-Term Care Settings [333]

Jiang, S. Using Transparent Spaces to Encourage Patients’ Engagement with Therapeutic Landscapes and Optimize Stress Reduction in Urban Health Facilities: A Pilot Study [6]

Hadavi, S. Direct and indirect effects on mental wellbeing: A designer’s perspective [339]

Lee, C.; Xu, M., Zhu, X.; Saginor, J.; Bardenhagen, E. Perceived Economic Values of Walkable Communities: Built and natural amenities for walking [222]

Research and Methods Alumni Center Purple Pride Room

Chamberlain, B.; Meitner, M. Landscape Planning and the Human Perspective: A visual quality analysis method [261]

Haddox, B.; Belanger, B. Playing along: A mixed-methods approach to investigating urban play and place [276]

Klein, C. Understanding How Students Approach Design; a Qualitative Inquiry [106]

Service-Learning and Community EngagementKSU Student Union 227

Walker, J. Educational Success through Civic Engagement: Transforming A Dangerous by Design Street [136]

Napawan, N. C.; Simpson, S.-A.; Snyder, B. Our Changing Climate: Community Partnerships for Resilience [226]

Trobman, H.; Ellis, C. Engaging Children in Haiti: Growing food on rooftops with recycled waste materials [341]

Sustainability (LA CES™ TRACK)Alumni Center Banquet Rooms B

Winslow, J. F. Signature Projects and Health Promotion: Meeting the Goals for Physical Activity [23]

Hopman, D. Finding Recombinant Urban Corollaries for Regional Ecological Communities [74]

Topal, H. V.; Lawson, L. Potential of Community Gardens for Sustainable Urban Development in Izmir, Turkey [145]

Thurmayr, A. PLANTING HOPE _ Meeting Canopy Targets [160]

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Thursday, March 26Th

aLuMnI cenTer BanqueT rooM a


9:50 am - 10:40 am

Communication and Visualization Yildirim, Y.; Li, C. Visualized Soundscape on Mississippi State University Campus [165]

Faruque, O. Teaching Design to Teach Design Communication: An Experiment in Contextual Learning [330]

Design Education and Pedagogy Casanova, C. Transformative Learning: The use of simple post-design reflection to illustrate learning and inform instruction [182]

Ömek, M.; Özer, E. Use of 3-D Virtual Worlds in Landscape Grading Education [193]

Mihalko, C. Defining DESIGN ELEMENTS and PRINCIPLES in Landscape Architecture A First Year Studio problem [194]

Anderson, J.; Ortega, D.; Lopez, A.; Mitchell, J. This Place Matters: Opportunities to Incite Change [197]

Fischer, D.; Kost, J. Analyzing and Integrating the Landscape Architecture Body of Knowledge Study data into professional Landscape Architecture curriculums. [108]

Delcambre, C.; Harmon, B.; Layton, R. Sandbox to TanGeoMS [180]

Design Implementation Sohn, W.; Kim, J.-H.; Newman, G. Groundwater Infiltration as a Smartwater Use Strategy: Performance Evaluation of Low Impact Development in Conroe, Texas [29]

History, Theory, and Culture Edwards, L.; Kingery-Page, K. History, Identity, Art: visually expressing Nicodemus, Kansas' identity [170]

Landscape Performance Wang, J.; Zhu, J.; Michael, S. Fēngbào Huāyuán: A Case Study of Storm Gardens for China’s Urban Landscape [230]

Landscape Planning and Ecology Lindquist, M. Change(in)Sight: Towards a Multisensory Design and Planning Framework for Wicked Environmental Problems [291]

Farr, J.; Rice, A. Evolving and Adapting to Shifting Land at Discovery Park, Seattle, WA: A Case Study in Proactive Design and Planning for Public-Use in Landslide-Prone Areas [209]

People-Environment Relationships Hou, X.; LeBleu, C. Threshold [307]

Harris, J.; McCall, M.; Sieweke, J. Extraction, Cultivation and Tourism: Competing Land Use in Germany’s Ammerland [184]

Kim, E. J.; Miller, P.; Kim, M. Brownfield Landscape Typology Based on Community’s Attitudes and Perception [239]

Research and Methods Lee, B.; Jantz, C.; Claggett, P. A Subwatershed Based Early Warning System of Water Resource Vulnerability Assessment for Stakeholder Action [189]

Service-Learning and Community Engagement

Watson, B. Planning and Making [105] Hempel, C.; Brooks, E. Everyone Loves a Park [132]

Sustainability Counterman, A.; Shauwecker, T.; Counterman, B. Green Roof Gardens and Urban Wildlife Habitat [345]

Urban Design Challenger, N.; Rangelrooy, B.; Murphy, C. “Space Holder”: challenging students to design urban spaces in a broken and ugly city [228]

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Thursday, March 26Th - sessIon #5MornIng sessIons

10:40 am - 12:00 pm

Design Education and PedagogyAlumni Center Tadtman Board Room

Seymour, M.; Powers, M. How Did They Get Here? A National Survey on Student Recruitment [75]

Hargrove, R.; Crankshaw, N. Can student success in a landscape architecture curriculum be effectively predicted? [87]

Marlow, C. Made for LA: Games to Create Difference [223]

Green, W. A Green Design Academy? What is it and what can be achieved in a one week non-residential summer program for high school students? [258]

Design Education and PedagogyAlumni Center Banquet Rooms A

Traucht, M. The Value of Precision: Research and documentation of cultural landscapes [157]

Mihalko, C. The Roots of Planting Design; Biomes, and Ecoregions [199]

Brittenum, J. Same Song, Third Verse: Academic planting design surveys and professional interviews provide insight for change [256]

History, Theory, and CultureAlumni Center Classroom

Artunc, S. Leading a Change to Conserve the Cultural and Natural Heritage: A case study of international workshops for Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) Program of UNESCO [138]

Hu, J.; Yang, Y. Exploring a Sustainable Urban Design Approach with Chinese Characteristics - the Shan-Shui City Theory [82]

Nawre, A. Water Landscapes as Laminates [347]

Bennett, K. E. Denaturing the Korean DMZ: Representations and uses of “The Environment” [88]

Landscape Performance (LA CES™ TRACK)Alumni Center Banquet Rooms B

Ozer, E. Quantification of the Benefits of the Lincoln Road Streetscape Revitalization Project [24]

Ozdil, T. R.; Richards, J.; Earl, J. The Social Life of Cool Urban Spaces: Learning from Sundance Square Plaza, Fort Worth & AT&T Performing Arts Center’s Elaine and Charles Sammons Park, Dallas [100]

Luo, Y.; Li, M.-H. Performance Measurement: Cross disciplinary comparison on definition, framework, metric and method in landscape architecture, architecture, urban planning, and transportation [35]

Landscape Planning and Ecology(LA CES™ TRACK)KSU Student Union Flint Hills Room

Roark, R.; Henson, J. Infrastructure 15 years Out: Setting strategic and resilient design priorities for the next generation of infrastructure [245]

Cengiz, B. Strategies for Urban Ecological Greenway Planning in the Bartın River, Turkey [202]

Kim, G.; Miller, P.; Nowak, D. Green Infrastructure Values of Vacant and Residential Land Some preliminary results [181]

Nordenson, C. Structures of Coastal Resilience: Jamaica Bay, New York [117]

People-Environment RelationshipsKSU Student Union Big 12 Room

Lee, S.; Lee, C. Public Safety and Built Environment: Mapping hotspots of outdoor crime [25]

Orthel, B. Patterns of Living and History: Cultural landscapes in a New Urbanist and an Historic Neighborhood [66]

Kim, J.-H.; Park, S.-Y.; Li, W.; Rodiek, S. The Influence of Urban Landscape Spatial Patterns on Single Family Home Property Value [91]

Research and Methods Alumni Center Purple Pride Room

Panel: Lehrman, B.; Phinney, L.; Lassiter, A.; Cantrell, B. SensorScapes: Deploying DIY sensors to create poetic and interactive landscapes [31]

Service-Learning and Community EngagementKSU Student Union 227

Neppl, T.; Bates, L.; Erickson, S. Lessons from the Field: Enhancing community engagement [77]

Lee, J.-H.; Matarrita, D.; Shafer, S.; Wyrem, M. Examining a Service-learning Design Project and Participatory Process to Enhance Small Urban Spaces in Downtown Waco [168]

Koo, J.; Loughrin, K.; Lee, E. M.; McClure, H.; Roach, B. R. Creating Community Ties via a Greenway

Lee, S.; Lawson, L. Service Learning By Tapping into Virtual Studio [306]


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FIELD TRIPSThursday, March 26Th

All conference attendees will receive a boxed lunch to be enjoyed on campus or on your field trip. Please note that there will not be time to go back to the hotel at the conclusion of the morning sessions.

Bleeding KansasKansas history is a battle ground for the civil rights movement. From the Beecher Bible and Rifle Church to the Brown v. Board of Education historic site this coach tour brings participants in touch with historians and community members with deep knowledge of Kansas Civil Rights history. This tour will link the events of Kansas’ Free State heritage starting with the Abolition Movement through the Civil Rights movement across key sites in northeastern Kansas.

Departs Alumni Center at 12:30 pm, returns to K-State campus around 5:00 pm. Price – $40.00

Led by: Associate Professor La Barbara Wigfall and Associate Professor Lorn Clement. Wigfall's research acknowledges the dynamic role and service cultural landscapes have performed in our nation’s history. Wigfall’s ongoing engagement with Nicodemus, Kansas contributed to the town’s recognition as a national historic site, the only remaining African-American settlement west of the Mississippi established after the Civil War. Clement’s scholarship focuses on design language, including formal and metaphorical ideas of landscape, landscape analysis and visualization. He lives within the Kansas prairie on a farmstead located near signficant Abolitionist history sites.

Cowboy CultureThe Flint Hills of Kansas hold two thirds of the remaining tallgrass prairie on earth. Since the late 1800’s this has been ranch country with cowboys working the pastures and open range. Experience this unique landscape and its Cowboy Culture, past and present, on a 10,000 acre working cattle ranch; listen to stories from an English Professor who is a third-generation Flint Hills Cowboy; and ponder it all over a chuck wagon dinner while surrounded by the beautiful ridges and open pastures of the tallgrass prairie.

Departs Alumni Center at 12:30 pm, returns to K-State campus around 7:30 pm. Price – $60.00Led by: Professor Tim Keane’s research deals with stream morphology and process, as well as urban stormwater management. Keane is the 2014 recipient of the Cowboy Poetry Governor’s Buckle, making him one of two champions in the statewide cowboy poetry competition.

Visionary AgricultureCome explore the Land Institute, a living laboratory of people, ideas and prairie landscape which have been brought together to change the face of agriculture. The Land Institute is aiming to develop an agricultural system with the ecological stability of the prairie that can produce grain yield comparable to traditional annual crops. Since 1976 staff have been working to ensure food security by replacing the current extractive and chemically intensive model for agriculture with a sustainable model inspired by nature. Learn more about The Land Institute.

Departs Alumni Center at 12:30 pm, returns to K-State campus around 5:00 pm. Price – $40.00

Led by: Assistant Professor Brent Chamberlain’s research spans a variety of topics, focusing mainly on developing geospatial and geovisualization tools and information to improve environmental landscape planning through more informed knowledge. Chamberlain’s research, teaching and passion converge in sustainable landscape planning.

Tallgrass EcologyJoin us for a guided hike focused on the ecology of the tallgrass prairie, arguably the most endangered ecosystem on the planet. The Konza prairie is an 8600 acre Long Term Ecological Research site owned by the Nature Conservancy and managed by Kansas State University. These upland prairies have never been tilled and this tour will offer a glimpse of the unique ecological relationships of the tallgrass prairie and the research that is being conducted to further our understanding of place.

Departs Alumni Center at 12:30 pm, returns to K-State campus before 5:00 pm. Price – $20.00

Led by: Konza Prairie Biological Station Docents are trained to interpret the geology, vegetation, fauna, and cultural history of the prairie.

WALKING TOURSGreening CampusK-State’s landscape architecture faculty and students are engaged in research and creative activities on campus. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore projects led by our program’s faculty including green roofs, a rain garden, campus creek and the Meadow.Departs Alumni Center at 1:00 pm and will end around 4:00 pm. Price – $10.00Led by: Associate Professor Lee Skabelund leads community service-learning projects focused upon the construction of sustainable stormwater management demonstration sites. Manhattan, Kansas is home to many of Skabelund’s design-build projects including sites at the Sunset Zoo and K-State campus. Skabelund’s current research focuses upon the monitoring of green roofs planted with native species.

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FIELD TRIPSThursday, March 26Th

SKETCH CRAWLSCrawl the TallgrassTake a walking tour of the Konza Prairie. Sketchbooks will be provided; bring your own pens or pencils and spend a few hours exploring the walkable Tallgrass Prairie, with plenty of opportunities to draw/stop to capture the staging of the landscape, which is comprised of the layers that build, one upon another, to express a complete physical, temporal, sensual, and emotive landscape. An exhibit of sketchbooks is planned at the Wareham theater downtown prior to (and during) the film screening.Departs Alumni Center at 12:30 pm, returns to K-State Campus before 5:00 pm. Price – $20.00Led by: Associate Professor Jon Hunt is the 2013-2014 Mary K. Jarvis Scholar of Distinction recipient. With financial and research assistance support from this award, he is creating a body of work “Poetics of the Konza Prairie: Bound Images and Writings.” Hunt’s artistic practice includes printmaking and drawing.

Crawl ManhattanTake an urban walking tour with stops at the K-State Meadow, Beach Museum of Art, Aggieville Pubs and Downtown Manhattan. Sketchbooks will be provided; bring your own pens and pencils. Spend a few hours exploring the walkable community of Manhattan, with plenty of opportunities to draw/stop at sidewalk cafes and beer gardens. An exhibit of sketchbooks is planned at the Wareham theater downtown prior to (and during) the film screening.Departs Alumni Center at 1:00 pm, returns to K-State Campus before 5:00 pm. Price – $10.00Led by: Associate Professor Katie Kingery-Page’s scholarly work focuses upon art and humanities knowledge applied through design outreach with learning and restorative landscapes. Currently, she is collaborating with K-State’s Beach Museum of Art on the Meadow, a project bridging art and science research occurring at the university. Kingery-Page’s artistic practice includes drawing and site sculpture.

Thursday, March 26Th


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Sketch Crawl Exhibit

7:00 pm - 10:00 pm Changing Frames: Film Screening Session

Wareham Theater 410 Poyntz Avenue Downtown Manhattan

Cash Bar

Katya Crawford, Phoebe Lickwar Looking Down: Rediscovering Urban Ground

Anne Whiston Spirn When Learning is Real

Anne Whiston Spirn Fatima’s Story

Austin Allen Claiming Open Spaces

Austin Allen The Necessity for Gathering

Christopher Baas The Prairie Club + Redefined

Jon Hunt Animating Poetics of the Konza Prairie

Matthew James, Cable Hardin Animation Outreach: A Cross-disciplinary, Experiential Approach to Promote Landscape Architecture

Brian Cook Alternative Images and Cartographic Cinema

Jocelyn Zanzot, Daniel Neil Macon A Moveable Feast: LA Videography + Community Activism in Alabama

Richard Roark, Sahar Coston-Hardy Documenting Hunts Point: A South Bronx Community in a Changing Climate

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Photo Courtesy of Michael Haddock

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DRAFT8:30 am - 9:50 am

Design Education and PedagogySeaton Hall 106C

Sun, J.; Liu, J.; Robertson, I. M.; Tasker, T. A Case Study of Changing Paradigms in Chinese and American Design Studio Pedagogy [76]

Zamani, Z. Increasing the Availability of Natural Loose Elements for Young Children’s Cognitive Play Behavior Stimulation and Enjoyment in Outdoor Preschool Environments [109]

Li, W. Inciting Changes to Geodesign Education in Landscape Architecture – An Ongoing Case at Cal Poly Pomona [49]

Design Education and PedagogySeaton Hall 104

Johnson, J.; Yocom, K. [processing] Resilience: Shifting orientations in design studio pedagogy [46]

George, B.; Bussiere, S. Factors Impacting Students’ Decisions to Stay or Leave the Design Studio: A national study [71]

Mattson, M. P.; Canfield, J. Design Competition Pedagogy: Approaches and outcomes from the EPA Campus Rainworks Challenge [97]

History, Theory, and CultureAlumni Center Lecture Room

Heavers, N. Arboretum on the National Mall: A Study of Tree Labeling [183]

John-Alder, K. Reconstructing Paradise: The early design history of Pardisan Park [37]

Nordenson, C. S. Roberto Burle Marx and the Conservation of the Brazilian Forest [115]

King, M. A. The Hot Air of Geysers [67]

Landscape Performance (LA CES™ TRACK)Alumni Banquet Rooms B

Russell, P.; Putman, B. Rhizosphere Performance Modeling: A synergistic research approach addressing construction variables, extended performance and materials interface [129]

Skabelund, L. R.; DiGiovanni, K.; Starry, K. Relevance of Hydrologic and Micro-Meteorological Monitoring for Green Roof Planning, Design, and Management [178]

Yang, B.; Horsburgh, J.; Blackmore, P.; Dragonetti, L.; Wall, H. Green Infrastructure Performance in Stormwater Quality: Two-Year assessment of a landscape architecture foundation case study [16]

Winslow, W. Documenting Campus Ecosystem Services: Technological advances in collecting data and producing tree inventories [99]

People-Environment RelationshipsAlumni Center Tadtman Board Room

Lehrman, B. DisplayScapes: Landscape displays of infrastructural flows to enhance conservation [4]

Kim, H.-J.; Chae, B.; Min, B. How can Twitter help public space design?: A big data analysis on the relationship between design and use [319]

Carr, S. J. Living by Measure: The quantification of the landscape and idealization of the everyday [41]

Service-Learning and Community EngagementAlumni Center Purple Pride Room

Montemayor, G. D. El Norte Studios: Inciting Change in a Foreign Land and in Foreign Students [155]

Mills, L. Developing a Black History, Arts and Cultural Park in West Texas [304]

Russell, P.; Harding, D. Eight Bridges Road: An interdisciplinary approach to critical service learning through design + build [317]

Urban Design Seaton Hall McGraw Room

Kim, E.-J.; Miller, P.; Kim, M. Who Cares What It Looks Like If It Can Kill You? (Can Landscape Assessment Play a Role in Dealing with Local Brownfield Planning?) [236]

Langhorst, J. Making New Natures: Constructed and Transgressive Ecologies in Urban Renewal [216]

McCown, K; Zawarus, P.; Anderson, J.; Vermillion, J. Inciting Change from the Ground Up: Using digital fabrication and university design center partnership to innovate trail design for low-income communities, a Las Vegas case study [286]

FrIday, March 27Th - sessIon #6MornIng sessIons


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10:50 am - 12:10 pm

Communication and Visualization + Landscape Performance Alumni Center Purple Pride Room

Britton, J. Perceiving Place through Illustration Narratives [18]Ackerman, A.; Garver, B. L. Social Media as a Visualization Tool: Mapping the Urban Landscape [327]

Ewan, R. F. Writing matters: inciting inspiring insight [237]

Zhao, Y.; Li, M.-H. Quantification of Landscape Performance for Rural Landscape——Case studies of five typical villages in Nanjing [40]

Design Education and PedagogySeaton Hall 106C

George, B. H. Barriers to adoption and the constraints of distributed design education in landscape architecture [14]

Bussiere, S.; James, M.; George, B. H.; Parker, P. The whys, dos, and don’ts of social media in design education [69]

Cengiz, B.; Cengiz, C. Landscape Architecture Education in Turkey [121]

History, Theory, and CultureAlumni Center Lecture Room

Clements, T. Enduring Imprints and Fading Traces: the CCC’s Legacy in Virginia State Parks [321]

Burows, S. Indiana State Parks and the Exhibitionary Complex [154]

Katen, B. Libby Hill and Richmond’s Sense of Place: A Virginia Narrative [242]

Landscape Planning and Ecology(LA CES™ TRACK)Seaton Hall 104

LeBleu, C.; Retzlaff, R. Integrating Marine Spatial Planning and Land Use Planning: Lessons Learned from The Peninsula in Mobile, Alabama [44]

Newman, G.; Bardenhagen, E. The Ike Dike: Design Strategies for Integrating Surge Protection Infrastructure and Resilient Communities [63]

Holland, M. Natural disasters as a catalyst for change: The recovery and redevelopment of Greensburg, Kansas [207]

Milburn, L.-A.; Li, W.; Webb, E.; Emery, S.; Tucci, E.; Nguyen, H.; Gonzalez, J.; Yuan, K. ReImagining Garden Grove: Integrating Multiple Modes and Methods of Public Participation to Reach Diverse Audiences [47]

People-Environment RelationshipsAlumni Center Tadtman Board Room

Im, J.; Bork, D.; Miller, P. Can Green Streets Promote a Livable Community? [240]

Lindquist, M.; Kang, J.; Lange, E. Sound impact on greenspace ratings: Comparing psychoacoustic and physical characteristics of urban greenspace to user preference data [292]

Kweon, B.-K.; Marans, R. Parks and Quality of Life: Differences among African American and White Residents [338]

Skabelund, L. R. Revealing green roof and rain-garden changes over time: coupling frequent observations and photography with monitoring and management [211]

Research and MethodsSeaton Hall 208

Ju, Y.; Radke, J. Mapping sea level rise and storm inundation using 3Di hydrodynamic model in San Francisco Bay Area [208]

Davis, B. Study [231]

Lassiter, A. Landscapes of Water Consumption [284]

Urban DesignSeaton Hall McGraw Room

Wasserman, J. Beyond Walkability: Activating Urban Delight Along the Tennessee River [187]

Chen, D.; Zhang, B. Investigating commercial pedestrian spaces based on Form-based codes [78]

Henderson, R.; Kelley, T. Long and Narrow: City Walk Providence [112]

Vogler, E.; Vogler, J. Ditch Urbanism: Water infrastructure in the Middle Rio Grande Valley [229]

10:00 am - 10:40 am Incite CHANGE | CHANGE Insight Changing Frames: Film PanelAlumni Center Banquet Rooms ABCD

Panel: Lickwar, P.; Crawford, K.; Allen, A.; Spirn, A. W. Film as Inquity in Landscape Architecture


FrIday, March 27Th - sessIon #8MornIng sessIons

FrIday, March 27Th - sessIon #7MornIng sessIons

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2:15 pm - 3:35 pm

Design Education and PedagogySeaton Hall 106C

Licon, C.; Gottfredson, J. A Learning Framework for Design Process in Landscape Architecture [191]

Ortega, D.; Andersonl, J. Drawing as a Method of Inquiry:Initiating New Competencies [234]

Belanger, B.; Brody, J.; Hahn, H. Critical Mapping in Design Studio [249]

Kavousi, S.; Miller, P. The Design Lab as a Learning Community [328]

History, Theory, and CultureAlumni Center Lecture Room

Ferro, L. D. A Sacred Landscape: the "Cubas" from the South of Portugal [5]

Gottfried, H. Inciting touristic change and changing landscape insight [11]

Bakshi, A. Landscape Architecture History and Design in the Anthropocene [27]

People-Environment RelationshipsAlumni Center Purple Pride Room

Stevens, J.; Bounds, T. Employing Design and Implementation of a Native Prairie Garden to Enhance Well Being for Incarcerated Women [344]

Siepl-Coates, S. Embracing Green: The Healing Gardens at the Palliative Care Center in Göttingen, Germany [146]

Rogers, J.; Tofte, E. P. Inciting Change to Reduce Stress in Public Housing using Healing Gardens. [326]

Anderson, C. Community Garden Landscapes of Influence [271]

Research and MethodsAlumni Center Tadtman Board Room

Panel: Taylor, P. D.; Albizo, J.; Deutsch, B.; Pritchard, K.; LeGault, M.; Somerville, N.; Rainaldi, R. Data and Information Affecting Preparation and Practice in Landscape Architecture [81]

Service-Learning and Community EngagementSeaton Hall 104

Hester, R. How the 1960s Incite and Limit Collaborative Design Today [104]

Bohannon, C. L. Engaged Pedagogy in Design Education: Faculty Perceptions of Community Engagement in Landscape Architecture [116]

Spirn, A. W.; Lawson, L.; Orland, B.; Johnston, D. Longitudinal, Place-Based, Action Research: Lessons from WPLP and ESLARP [60]

Urban DesignSeaton Hall McGraw Room

McCown, K. Interstate 11 Supercorridor: Changing Infrastructure Design Processes and Products - A Case Study [289]

Godshalk, A.; Zencey, E. Bio-centers: Ecological Sanitation and Renewable Energy Harvesting in Informal Settlements [272]

Montemayor, G. D. Upstream from the USA: A Study on Shared Solutions for Infrastructure and Public Space in Mexican Border Cities [325]

Stilgenbauer, J. Designing for the Inevitable :: Amphibious Honolulu Waterfronts [331]

incite CHANGE | CHANGE insightSeaton Hall 208

Shirtcliff, B. Surfing the YouTube: how social media is changing landscape research [28]

Milburn, L.-A.; Brown, R. Inciting Change in our Culture: Tracking the Changing Vector of Research in Landscape Architecture [52]

FrIday, March 27Th - sessIon #9aFTernoon sessIons


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4:15 pm - 5:35 pm

Communication and VisualizationAlumni Center Purple Pride Room

Britton, J. Perceiving Place through Illustration Narrative [18]

Davis, B. Event-Specific High Resolution Aerial Photography: Visualizing Landscape Change [130]

Yui, L. Sensual Landshapes: Shaping new designers for haptic landscape projections [171]

Sini, R. De-Coding Temporary Gardens [131]

Design Education and PedagogySeaton Hall 106C

Cross, D. Teaching Technology through Integrated Technical Modules [266]

George, B. H. Barriers to adoption and the constraints of distributed design education in landscape architecture. [14]

Green, W. A model for summer: internships emphasizing collaboration, communication, and professional service [280]

History, Theory, and CultureAlumni Center Lecture Room

Zhang, B. A Desire to Overlook: Pagodas in U.S. parks during City Beautiful Movement period [128]

Seymour, M.; Summerlin, P. Data or Art? A Proposed Method for Analysis of Historic Landscape Photos [85]

Engler, M. Primetime Landscapes = Image Making + Mass Media + Visual Marketing [84]

Landscape Performance (LA CES™ TRACK)Alumni Center Banquet Rooms B

Myers, M.; Smith, D. Keeping it Real: striving for accurate and appropriate use of tools to measure landscape performance [337]

Luo, Y.; Li, M.-H. Landscape Performance of Built Projects: Comparing Landscape Architecture Foundation’s Published Metrics and Methods [34]

Canfield, J. L.; Yang, B.; Leise, K.; Binder, C. Landscape Performance Metrics and Methods: A discussion of what to measure and how [98]

Whitlow, H.; Deutsch, B. Evaluating Performance: A Guidebook for Metric and Method Selection [255]

People-Environment RelationshipsAlumni Center Tadtman Board Room

Lee, C.; Lee, W. S.; Kim, J.-H. Characteristics of and Facilities in Parks That Promote Children’s Park Use [80]

Zamani, Z. Young children’s preference for natural or manufactured behavior settings in outdoor preschool settings: Combining photo preference, drawings and interviews [113]

Kim, Y.-J.; Lee, C.; Lu, W.; Mendoza, J. Correlates of Child and Parent Self-Efficacy in Walking to School [278]

Service-Learning and Community EngagementSeaton Hall 104

Richards, J.; Ozdil, T. R.; Manandhar, N.; Tracz, A. Community Partnership through Collaborative Outreach Research: Envisioning a Multi-use Intercity Trail in North Texas [101]

Kingery-Page, K.; Duke, L.; Janke, R. The Meadow: Building a Model for STEM Outreach through Landscape and Art [316]

Stevens, J. Caught in a Crux? Lessons Learned from a Long-Term Service-Learning Partnership [329]

Sustainability (LA CES™ TRACK)Seaton Hall McGraw Room

Yates, N.; Heyda, P.; Yogiaman, C. Activating Energy Capacity of Vacant Urban Land [275]

Licon, C.; Byrne, B. Alternative Energy Scenarios: Planning Opportunities for Western US [342]

Appold, M. Integrating SITES V2 Into Design Studio Curriculum [336]

FrIday, March 27Th - sessIon #10aFTernoon sessIons


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To Hwy-18 andManhattan RegionalAirport (MHK)

To I-70 Eastand Kansas City International Airport (MCI)

To Konza Prairie

10 m



5 m



10 minutes

5 minutes

City Park

Southeast Park

Fairmont Park



an A



Anderson Ave







s R








th S


Pierre St


th S



e A


Moro St


th S



on A


Fort Riley Blvd

Fremont St

Bluemont Ave

Jardine Dr

Pillsbury Dr

Houston St

Humboldt St

Leavenworth StM


an A








Holiday Dr

Poyntz Ave











0 0.5 10.25Miles ¯

ApproximateWalk Time fromHolday Inn and

Hilton Garden Inn

5 minutes

10 minutes


Alumni Center


KSU Student Union

Holiday Inn



Discovery Center

Fairfi eld Inn

Hilton Garden Inn

Suggested Walking Routes


Walking/Hiking Trails

Trail Access

Conference VenuesK-State Alumni Center1720 Alumni Center, Manhattan, KS 66506Conference Headquarters

K-State Student UnionConcurrent Sessions

K-State Seaton HallCollege of Architecture, Planning, and DesignFriday concurrent sessions

Wareham Theater410 Poyntz Avenue, Manhattan, KS 66502SketchCrawl exhibit and Changing Frames: Film Screening

Flint Hills Discovery Center315 South 3rd Street, Manhattan, KS 66502Friday night closing collaboration

Conference HotelsHoliday Inn1641 Anderson Avenue, Manhattan, KS 66502

Bluemont Hotel1212 Bluemont Avenue, Manhattan, KS 66502

Fairfi eld Inn300 Colorado Street, Manhattan, KS 66502

Hilton Garden Inn410 South 3rd Street, Manhattan, KS 66502

Marianna Kistler Beach Art Museum701 Beach Road, Manhattan, KS 66506

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To Hwy-18 andManhattan RegionalAirport (MHK)

To I-70 Eastand Kansas City International Airport (MCI)

To Konza Prairie

10 m



5 m



10 minutes

5 minutes

City Park

Southeast Park

Fairmont Park



an A



Anderson Ave







s R








th S


Pierre St


th S



e A


Moro St


th S



on A


Fort Riley Blvd

Fremont St

Bluemont Ave

Jardine Dr

Pillsbury Dr

Houston St

Humboldt St

Leavenworth St


an A








Holiday Dr

Poyntz Ave











0 0.5 10.25Miles ¯

ApproximateWalk Time fromHolday Inn and

Hilton Garden Inn

5 minutes

10 minutes


Alumni Center


KSU Student Union

Holiday Inn



Discovery Center

Fairfi eld Inn

Hilton Garden Inn

Suggested Walking Routes


Walking/Hiking Trails

Trail Access

Conference VenuesK-State Alumni Center1720 Alumni Center, Manhattan, KS 66506Conference Headquarters

K-State Student UnionConcurrent Sessions

K-State Seaton HallCollege of Architecture, Planning, and DesignFriday concurrent sessions

Wareham Theater410 Poyntz Avenue, Manhattan, KS 66502SketchCrawl exhibit and Changing Frames: Film Screening

Flint Hills Discovery Center315 South 3rd Street, Manhattan, KS 66502Friday night closing collaboration

Conference HotelsHoliday Inn1641 Anderson Avenue, Manhattan, KS 66502

Bluemont Hotel1212 Bluemont Avenue, Manhattan, KS 66502

Fairfi eld Inn300 Colorado Street, Manhattan, KS 66502

Hilton Garden Inn410 South 3rd Street, Manhattan, KS 66502

Marianna Kistler Beach Art Museum701 Beach Road, Manhattan, KS 66506

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Banquet Room A Banquet Room B

Banquet Room D Banquet Room C

TointonGreat Room




Jordan ConferenceRoom

Tadtman Board Room

PowercatConference Room

Truitt ConferenceRoom

Purple PrideConference




First Floor

Second Floor

Third Floor





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Flint Hills Room

Big 12 Room



235 234 233 232 231








216 217


214 212



































223A 240


238237 236 235









208 McGraw Room





205 201





First Floor Second Floor

Second Floor


Forum Hall


Salsarita’sFresh Cantina

K-StateCampus Store

Ground Floor

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CELA 2015 Contributors:Confluence | Landscape Architecture & Urban DesignIsland Press University of Minnesota Press

CELA 2015 Exhibitors: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group

CELA 2015 Sponsors: CELA Fellows Manhattan Convention and Visitor's Bureau

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PRAIRIE STUDIESinitiativeDescriptionThe Prairie Studies Initiative is a collaborative venture of K-State faculty, staff, and students to explore the cultural and ecological dimensions of the prairie, challenges to sustaining grassland ecosystems, and envisioning new futures for these unique and important landscapes. The initiative explores themes of wilderness, managed landscapes, human culture, and creativity.

MissionThe Prairie Studies Initiative aims to strengthen dialogue and inspire creative scholarship among those engaged in understanding the natural ecosystems, history, culture, and livelihoods of the prairie, and to employ the arts to make this research meaningful to a wide public.

ActivitiesThe Initiative organizes both professional and public events that pair leaders in the arts with leaders in natural, physical, technical, and social sciences, and the humanities to stimulate communication and creative research among scholars. Broadly, the Initiative fosters both new research projects and greater understanding on the part of the public of complex issues central to the health of the prairie.

ImpactThe Prairie Studies Initiative aspires to catalyze diverse modes of inquiry and cross-disciplinary perspectives in place-based research by faculty, staff, and students at K-State. Through actively engaging the arts with science, the Initiative aims to reveal both shared modes of inquiry and the value of the differences that shape these perspectives.

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Sean MichaelPast President

Ming-Han LiFirst Vice-President / President-Elect

Charlene M. LeBleuVice-President for Research

Gary AustinSecond Vice-President

Judith WassermanSecretary

Katya CrawfordTreasurer

Pat D. TaylorInterim Executive Director

Dee SolcoInterim Business Manager

Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional & Community PlanningCollege of Architecture, Planning & Design

Kansas State University115 Seaton HallManhattan KS 66506-29019

CONFERENCE COMMITTEE:Stephanie RolleyProfessor & Department Head

Blake BelangerAssociate Professor

Tim KeaneProfessor

Katie Kingery-PageAssociate Professor

Jonathan Knight Graduate Assistant

Beth KrehbielGraduate Assistant

CONFERENCE ADMINISTRATIONTony BallardK-State Global Campus Conference Services

VENUEThe primary conference venue for the 2015 Annual Meeting is the K-State Alumni Center, located on the K-State Campus.

1720 Alumni Center(785) 532-6260

CELA REGIONAL DIRECTORSLinda Ashby Region 1Lauri M. Johnson Region 2Ju-Hyun Kim Region 3Matthew J. Kirkwood Region 4Ryan Hargrove Region 5Hala Nassar Region 6Elizabeth Brabec Region 7Linda Corkery Region 8

CONFERENCE OVERVIEWConference sessions will take place in the Alumni Center, the K-State Student Union, and Seaton Hall, home of the Col-lege of Architecture, Planning, and Design. The Changing Frames: Film Screening session will take place in the historic Wareham Theater. The closing celebration will be held at the Flint Hills Discovery Center.

Shuttle service will be provided to and from the Manhattan Regional Airport and from downtown Manhattan at the begin-ning and end of each day’s sessions. Bus service to and from the closing celebration will be provided.