celebrations 08-29-10

Mason City, Iowa Sunday, August 29, 2010 90th Birthday Imogene Larson, of Mason City, will celebrate her 90th birthday at a reception and dance from 6 p.m. to midnight Saturday, Sept. 4, at the Moose Lodge, 226 Fourth St. N.W., Mason City. Engaged Together with their families, Stephanie Christine Voyles and Daniel Reno Schaefer are pleased to announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. The couple will be married Oct. 16, 2010, at Riverside United Methodist Church in Moline, Ill. Happy Birthday Maddie Madelyn Lincicum celebrated her second birthday on Aug. 22 in Heidelberg, Germany, with parents Adam and Julie. Love, Grandpa Randy and Grandma Vivian Treacy Simmons and Fisk Shogren will be married Nov. 20, 2010, at The Thursday Club in San Diego, Calif. Engaged

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Globe Gazette Celebrations


Page 1: Celebrations 08-29-10

Mason City, Iowa ✦ Sunday, August 29, 2010

9900tthh BBiirrtthhddaayy

Imogene Larson,

of Mason City, willcelebrate

her 90th birthdayat a reception

and dance from 6 p.m.to midnight

Saturday, Sept. 4,at the Moose

Lodge, 226 Fourth St.

N.W., Mason City.


Together withtheir families,Stephanie

Christine Voylesand

Daniel RenoSchaefer

are pleased toannounce theirengagement

and upcomingwedding.

The couple will be married

Oct. 16, 2010, atRiverside UnitedMethodist Church

in Moline, Ill.

HHaappppyy BBiirrtthhddaayy MMaaddddiiee

Madelyn Lincicum

celebrated hersecond birthday

on Aug. 22 in Heidelberg,

Germany, with parents

Adam and Julie.

Love, Grandpa Randyand Grandma


Treacy Simmons


Fisk Shogren

will be marriedNov. 20, 2010,

at The ThursdayClub

in San Diego,Calif.


Page 2: Celebrations 08-29-10


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To be printed in the Sunday’s Celebrationssection and Online, items must be in the GlobeGazette office no later than 5 pm Monday priorto publication. We can’t take the informationover the phone, and we ask that announcementsbe printed or typed. It would also be helpful ifyou include a daytime phone number in casethere are any questions.

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CELEBRATIONSE2 ✦ SUNDAY, AUG. 29, 2010 Theresa Amos, Section Designer

Hejlik, 60 YearsSSHHEEFFFFIIEELLDD —— Bill and

Recca (Schober) Hejlikwere married Sept. 1, 1950,in Algona.

The couple will cele-brate their 60th weddinganniversary with theirfamily.

Their family includessons: Brick (Janell) Hejlik;Steve Hejlik; Craig(LuAnn) Hejlik; anddaughter: Becky (John)Carstens, grandchildrenand great-grandchildren

Cards may be sent to1675 240th St., Sheffield,Iowa 50475.


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Page 3: Celebrations 08-29-10


of Clear Lake,will be 65

on September 5.

Marcia Latham

We love you — Mila, William Mom,

Candy and Holly


Open HouseKKaarrii KKeerrcchhnneerr

and RRoobbeerrtt OO’’NNeeaall were married

April 24, 2010,in Albany, Mo.

Friends and family areinvited to an open house

from 2 to 4 p.m.on Saturday, Sept. 4, 2010,at the Community Center

in Colwell, Iowa.

Beech, 50 yearsBBRRIITTTT —— David Beech

and Neva (Mackeben) Beechof Britt were married Aug.28, 1960, at Grace LutheranChurch in Fairmont, Minn.

The couple will celebratetheir 50th weddinganniversary with a familyvacation in Hawaii.

The couple’s children andtheir spouses are Douglas(Nanette) of Ankeny, Patri-cia Beech (Jeff Brown) ofDuluth, Minn., and Jennifer(Nick Smith) of Audubon.They also have seven grand-children.

They request no gifts,please.


Stoyles, 50 yearsMMAASSOONN CCIITTYY —

William Floyd Stoyles andShirley (Moore) Stoyles ofMason City were marriedSept. 4, 1960, at the FirstCongregational Church inMason City.

They will celebrate their50th wedding anniversaryon Sept. 4, 2010.

Congratulations may besent to them at 1640Eighth St. S.W., MasonCity, Iowa 50401.

The couple’s childrenand their spouses are Holly(Lance) Schilmoeller ofOmaha, Neb., Noelle(Heather) Stoyles of St.Paul, Minn., and NicoleStoyles of Overland Park,Kan. They also have fourgrandchildren, Hannah,Sam and Ally Schilmoellerand Maya Gallagher.


Northwestern College Dean’s ListSSTT.. PPAAUULL,, MMiinnnn.. — The following North Iowa stu-

dents were named to the 2010 spring semester Dean’sList at Northwestern College.

The Dean’s List includes full-time students with agrade point average during the semester of 3.65 (out of4.0) or higher.

BRITT — Sydney M. Larson.CLEAR LAKE — Anthony W. Miller.KLEMME — Peter R. Guth.MASON CITY — Rachel A. Polzin.

Missouri State Dean’s ListSSPPRRIINNGGFFIIEELLDD,, MMoo.. —— Mary Joleen A. Ramos, of

Mason City, Iowa, was named to the 2010 spring semes-ter Dean’s List at Missouri State University.

Undergraduate students who hold at least a 3.50 gradepoint average, on a 4.00 scale, are named to the Dean’sList.



of San Diego, Calif., is thedaughter of Eric andMonica Simmons of San-tee, Calif. Treacy gradu-ated from Santana HighSchool and UCLA withdegrees in history andeducation. She isemployed by the SanDiego Unified SchoolDistrict in San Diego.

FFIISSKK SSHHOOGGRREENN,, ofSan Diego, is the son ofDavid and CherryShogren of Urbandale,and the grandson ofLeonard and Helen Rootof Mason City. Fisk is agraduate of Mason CityHigh School, served fouryears in the MarineCorps, and is currently astudent at GrossmontCollege in San Diego. Heis employed by CareFu-sion in San Diego.

The couple will bemarried Nov. 20, 2010, atThe Thursday Club in SanDiego, Calif.



Thank youWe would like to thank

our children, their spousesand our 14 grandchildrenand one great-grandchildfor making our 50th wed-ding anniversary so veryspecial. Thanks also to ourfamily members andfriends who sent us cardsand gifts.

— Paul and SharonBamrick

Edwards, MairsNNIICCHHOOLLEE EEDDWWAARRDDSS, of Tucson, Ariz., is the

daughter of Mark and Janine Lynch of Barnum, Iowa,and Craig and Sara Edwards of St. Louis Park, Minn.She is a graduate of Manson Northwest Webster HighSchool. Nichole earned her B.S. degree in biologyfrom Loras College and a DDS degree from the Col-lege of Dentistry at the University of Iowa.

DDAARREENN MMAAIIRRSS, of Tucson, Ariz., is the son ofDavid and Leanne Mairs of Mason City. He is a grad-uate of Mason City High School, received a B.S.degree in biology from the University of Iowa and aDDS degree from the College of Dentistry at the Uni-versity of Iowa.

The couple will be married Nov. 6, 2010, in Tuc-son, Ariz.



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Page 4: Celebrations 08-29-10



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Krause to serve onhealthcare network

LLAA CCRROOSSSSEE,, WWiiss.. —Gundersen LutheranHealth System chiefquality officer JJeeaannKKrraauussee, daughter ofMarge and Jim Bahnsen,of Mason City, Iowa, hasbeen invited by the Insti-tute for HealthcareImprovement (IHI), tojoin a new network ofhealthcare quality leadersfrom around the country.The invitation wasextended to only a selectgroup of leaders andpractitioners. The net-work was established thisspring, with their firstface-to-face meeting inJuly.

This new network —the Executive QualityLeader Network — isdescribed as a “criticalgroup of executive lead-ers who are responsiblefor driving the qualityand safety agendas atprominent healthcareinstitutions; a think tankfor new ideas, and a testbed for new concepts,designs and solutions.”Members of the networkwill organize around for-mal and informal oppor-tunities for exchange,collaboration and con-nection with like-mindedleaders.

Against the backdropof the national discussionon health insurancereform, the IHI has been

looking for ways to bringabout needed changes atthe frontlines of care.“We believe that effectiveleadership may be themost important lever forchange,” says the IHI.The Executive QualityLeader Network unitesefforts on a nationallevel.

“It is certainly anhonor for me and forGundersen Lutheran,”says Jean. “The amazingwork occurring acrossour organization hasreceived national atten-tion. I am so proud to be apart of this new network,personally, and as aspokesperson for Gun-dersen Lutheran.”

Jean has worked closely

with the IHI over theyears, including beingpart of the faculty for thefirst waits and delays col-laborative in healthcarein the mid 1990s, and shehas led several nationalIHI collaborative efforts.

Jean is a 1970 graduateof Newman High School,Mason City, Iowa, and isa graduate of ViterboUniversity, La Crosse,Wis. She lives in Stod-dard, Wis., with her hus-band, Norm.

Northwest IowaCollege graduates

SSHHEELLDDOONN — Ninety-four students graduatedfrom Northwest Iowa

Community College, July23, during commence-ment ceremonies.

North Iowa studentsreceiving diplomas anddegrees are:

BRITT — Tyler DanielKahlstorf, powerlinediploma; Bret JosephSwanson, powerlinediploma; Jacob JohnWeiland, powerlinediploma.

BUFFALO CENTER —Robb Ree, diesel technol-ogy degree.

MASON CITY —Chase Robert Nelson,powerline diploma.

NORTHWOOD —Isaac Louis Hovey, pow-erline technologydegree.

Page 5: Celebrations 08-29-10


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Uhlenhopp, 50 yearsKen and Carryl Uhlenhopp are celebrating 50 years of

marriage.Ken Uhlenhopp and Carryl Jurgena were married

Sept. 2, 1960, at the Methodist Church in Dumont.Their family consists of two children, Kirk and Renee

Uhlenhopp, of Belmond, and Kent and Kelly Johnson, ofCedar Falls. They also have four grand children.



Dodd, 50 yearsCCLLEEAARR LLAAKKEE —— Please

join us to celebrate the50th wedding anniver-sary of Dennis and JuneDodd of Clear Lake,Iowa.

They will be honoredat a reception open housefrom 2 to 5 p.m. Satur-day, Sept. 4, 2010, at theRock Falls CommunityCenter in Rock Falls.

The couple was mar-ried Nov. 5, 1960.

They have five chil-dren: Amy and DanielSmith of Clarks Grove,Minn., Michael Dodd ofWaterloo, Tim Dodd ofRock Falls, Troy andAngie Dodd of ClearLake, and Randy andLaura Dodd of Rock Falls.They have 12 grandchil-dren.

Dennis retired in 1998from Interstate PowerCompany after 35 1/2years of service.

June worked for NS-RFschool system for 12years and Marriott foodservice for eight years.

No GIFTS, please.


News, sports, opinion, celebrations, the latest forecast, classified ads,... It’s all available,

all the time, at www.globegazette.com.

Thank youSaying thank you is such a small thing but it is from

our hearts. Thanks to all of our family and friends for themany phone calls and visits to the hospital and care cen-ter. Thanks for the good job in keeping Lloyd’s chin up.He got so many cards and calls since we have beenhome. Six months is a long time for a guy that has neverbeen down. As of now, he is walking with a slight limpbut that will pass. It has been six months with prayersand God’s love. God has been good to us.

Thank you all!— Lloyd and Bev

Page 6: Celebrations 08-29-10


Harris, LappAANNNN HHAARRRRIISS,, of Ankeny, is the daughter of Melvin

and Marcia Harris, of Mason City. Ann graduated fromRockwell-Swaledale Community High School in 1996,and Iowa State University in 2000 with a B.S. degree inagronomy. She is a Senior IM Systems Associate withPioneer Hi-Bred in Johnston.

JJOOSSHH LLAAPPPP,, of Ankeny, is the son of Roger and KathyLapp, of Freeport, Ill. Josh graduated from FreeportCommunity High School in 1997, and Luther College in2001 with a B.A. degree in management informationsystems. He is the IT Director with NuTech Seed inNevada.

The couple will be married Oct. 30, 2010, at AnkenyFirst United Methodist Church, Ankeny, IA.



We’ve had quite a ridesince 2005.

The road was long and winding,

rough and roadblocks too!With your strength

and advice“Do what you gotta do,”

We’ll do it!

We miss you and love you,

In Memory of John SchaerJJuunnee 1111,, 11994477 -- AAuugg.. 3300,, 22000055

Carren, Robin, David and JJ

Bell, 50 yearsGGAARRNNEERR — Don and Bette (Buchanan) Bell, of Gar-

ner, will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversarywith an open house from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 5, atthe VFW in Garner. They request no gifts, please.

Don and Bette were married Sept. 10, 1960, at St.Patrick’s Catholic Church in Britt.

Their children and spouses are Vicky of Mason City,Blaine (Jennifer) of Fitchburg, Wis., Scott, of Garner, andBoyd (Andrea), of Erie, Col0. They also have six grand-children: Kenny, Carson, Grant, Libby, Allison and Sam.


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Thank youMany heartfelt thanks

goes out to everyone whohelped share in the cele-bration of life of Paul E.Dempsey.

The cards, memorialsand thoughts and prayersthat were sent our waywere greatly appreciated. Aspecial thanks goes out toall family and friends whomade the journey to be atour side during this sadtime.

— The family of Paul E. Dempsey

Page 7: Celebrations 08-29-10


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John E. Tesene, 90MMAANNLLYY — John E. Tesene, of Manly, will celebrate his

90th birthday with a card shower and family dinner.He was born Sept. 2, 1920 in Clear Lake.

Cards may be sent to John at the following address:623 S. Broadway, Manly, Iowa 50456.

Happy 90th Birthday!You are the best dad, grandpa and great-grandpa.



Snell, of Mason City, willcelebrate her 90th birth-day at a family dinner,Sunday, Sept. 5, at thePrime and Wine, MasonCity.

She was born Sept. 1,1920 in Hanlontown.

Cards may be sent to

Leola at the followingaddress: 2060 S. KentuckyAve., Apt. 322, MasonCity, Iowa, 50401. Sherequests no gifts, please.



Winona Stategraduates

WWIINNOONNAA,, MMiinnnn.. —TwoNorth Iowa students areamong the 2010 springgraduates at Winona StateUniversity.

AAmmaannddaa SShhrrooppsshhiirree, ofFertile, received a bachelorof science degree in ele-mentary education (teach-ing). She graduated magnacum laude (grade pointaverage 3.75-3.89).

JJoosseepphh WWooeellffeell, ofLeland, received a bachelorof science degree in biology.

Butler, 50 yearsMMAASSOONN CCIITTYY — Lowell

L. and Ellamae (Oswald)Butler, of Mason City, weremarried on Aug. 27, 1960,at the Fertile LutheranChurch in Fertile.

They will celebrate their50th wedding anniversarywith their family. Greet-ings may be sent to them at1513 Emerald Court, MasonCity, Iowa 50401.

The couple’s childrenand their spouses are Perryand Danette Butler ofSouthlake, Texas, and Janand Bob Schmall of CedarRapids. The have fivegrandchildren: Mitchelland Kelly Butler, Ankeny;Astyn and Josh Davis, Irv-ing, Texas; Benjamin But-


ler, Southlake, Texas; JacobSchmall, Cedar Rapids,and Noah Schmall, CedarRapids. They also have onegreat-grandson, BrodyButler, Ankeny.

Wyborny, 60 yearsRROOCCKK FFAALLLLSS — Roger

and Shirley (Hansen)Wyborny of Rock Fallswere married Sept. 2,1950, at The Old StoneMethodist Church inRock Falls.

Greetings may be sentto the couple at P.O. Box94, Rock Falls, Iowa,50467.

The couple’s childrenand their spouses areVicki (Brian) Pederson ofNora Springs and Mark(Lucia) Wyborny ofAlameda, Calif. Theyhave seven grandchildren:Brodie Pederson, Vic-torville, Calif.; EmilyPederson, Nora Springs;Callie Pederson, NorthLiberty; Elizabeth,


Joseph, Roger andStephen Wyborny,Alameda, Calif. They alsohave one great-grandson,Colin Meyer, NoraSprings.

Page 8: Celebrations 08-29-10


Merriam, one yearBBRRIITTTT — JT and Jaime (Veldhouse) Merriam of Britt

were married Aug. 29, 2009, in Britt at St. Patrick’sCatholic Church. A reception was held at Duncan Com-munity Hall. Matron of honor was Nicole Volk and bestman was Travis Birkey.

Parents of the bride are Dan and Deb Veldhouse. Par-ents of the groom are Tom and Colleen Merriam andMaDonna Merriam.

HHaappppyy 11sstt aannnniivveerrssaarryy JJTT Love, Jaime


Green, 70 yearsMMAASSOONN CCIITTYY — Wendell (Pat) Green and Ruby (Wal-

ters) Green of Mason City, were married Aug. 31, 1940,in Unionville, Mo.

The couple will celebrate 70 years of marriage on Aug.31, 2010.

Cards and congratulations may be sent to them at 501S. Kentucky Ave., Mason City, Iowa 50401.


Weber, 50 yearsCCHHAARRLLEESS CCIITTYY — Larry and Maggie (Theis) Weber

of Charles City were married Sept. 10, 1960, at St.Peter’s Catholic Church in New Haven, Iowa.

Larry and Maggie will celebrate their 50th anniver-sary with a reception and dance from noon to 4 p.m.Sept. 5 at the Moose Lodge, 1116 S. Grand, Charles City.

Greetings may be sent to the couple at 210 Oliver St.,Charles City, Iowa 50616.

The couple’s children and their spouses are RonWeber of Greene, Ken and Robin Weber of Charles City,Mike and Dalia Weber of Charles City, Joe and PamWeber of Jacksonville, Fla., Teresa and Steve Perrin ofOsage, and Corrine and Todd Thompson of Greene.They also have 14 grandchildren and 14 great-grand-children.




Thank youWe want to thank our family and friends for all the

cards, gifts, hugs and best wishes at our 50th anniver-sary open house. God has truly blessed us.

— Marlen and Karen Hanson

Thank youThank you all for making my 95th birthday so special.

So many nice cards, gifts, calls, visits, parties and prettyflowers. Thank you Scott, Kathy, Kelly and family forthe all day trip and weekend camping.

God bless you all as He has blessed me.Thank you,— Frieda Feldt

Thank youDick Geary and family would like to thank all the

friends and family who helped us celebrate Dick’s 90thbirthday. Your support and love is greatly appreciated.Thank you!

Thank youThank you so much for all the gifts, cards and calls I

received on my 75th birthday. It was so nice to hear fromso many people. It made my birthday very special.

Thank You— Dixie Harris

Thank youI want to thank all of my friends and family for help-

ing me celebrate my 80th birthday on Sunday, Aug. 22.It was much appreciated.

Thanks again!— Marjorie Sturges

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LLoorrrraaiinnee and BBiillll SScchhnneetttteerr are each turning 80 this year.

Lorraine’s birthday is Sept. 4, and Bill’s is Dec. 27.In addition to all of that excitement,

their 55th wedding anniversary is Sept. 2.They are celebrating these milestones with their fami-

ly. They have three children; Joan (Steve) Cory, Dale(Sandi) Schnetter and Joleen (Bryan) Fleming.

They also have three grandchildren: Drew Schnetter,Justin Fleming and Molly Schnetter.

Happy Birthday! Happy Anniversary!

Great-great grandmother, Bernice Bohning of Charles City;

Great-grandmother, Nyle Jenison of Fort Walton Beach, Fla.;

Grandmother, Nyla Schaefer of Belmond,and Father, Chris Shepherd, and Son, Timothy

of Fort Walton Beach, Fla.

Five GenerationsCCoollbbyy SSccoott HHaakkeess,,

Our second grandson,Was named after Dustin,

Who said,“Get-‘er-done!”

A handsome little boy,Just the right size,

With soft, fuzzy hair,And pretty blue eyes.

For twenty-three months,We shared his love,

’Til God called his name,Colby was needed above.

We shed some tearsAnd said good-bye,

’Til we see him again,Beyond the blue sky.

In Memory of Colby Hakes

We think about you everyday.

We love you and miss youdearly.

Grandma and GrandpaHakes


The Deadline for Celebrations is each

Monday by 5PM


Rockwell, is the daughterof Paul and Diane Martin,of Rockwell. Rachel gradu-ated from NorthwesternCollege, Orange City, witha bachelor’s degree insocial work, and fromCreighton UniversitySchool of Law with a jurisdoctorate. She is employedby the law offices of AaronW. Rodenburg in CouncilBluffs.

SSHHAANNNNOONN GGIINNBBEEYY,, ofBellevue, Neb., is the sonof Al and Eileen Ginbey ofLaVista, Neb. He isemployed by Paxton-Vier-ling Steel in Carter Lake,Iowa.


The couple will be mar-ried at 5 p.m. Sept. 25,2010, at Bayliss Park Hallin Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Imogene Larson, 90MMAASSOONN CCIITTYY — Imo-

gene Larson, of MasonCity, will celebrate her90th birthday at a recep-tion and dance from 6 p.m.to midnight Saturday,Sept. 4, at the MooseLodge, 226 Fourth St.N.W., Mason City.

She was born Sept. 3,1920 on a farm nearDougherty.

A card shower is alsoplanned. Cards may besent to Imogene at the fol-


lowing address: 2045Hunter’s Ridge Ste. 101,Mason City, Iowa 50401.She requests no gifts,please, just memories.

Enjoy Celebrations online at www.globegazette.com.

Page 10: Celebrations 08-29-10


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Our hearts still ache with sadness

And secret tears still flow.What it meant to lose you,

No one can ever know.

We love you and miss you so much.

Mom, Paula, Mark, Adam & Trevor

Bonnie & Brenda.

In Memory ofMichael Bartz

Aug. 26, 1960Died Aug. 28, 1990

Happy BirthdayThe Big 50th

With all my love,Big Sis Sharon

Harold Schultz

Voyles, SchaeferTogether with their

families, SStteepphhaanniiee CChhrriiss--ttiinnee VVooyylleess and DDaanniieellRReennoo SScchhaaeeffeerr are pleasedto announce their engage-ment and upcoming wed-ding.

Stephanie is the daugh-ter of Michael and SueVoyles of Davenport andKen and Christine Kaul ofLeClaire, Iowa. Dan is theson of Paul and JanetSchaefer of Mason City,Iowa.

Stephanie graduatedfrom Davenport NorthHigh School in 1998, IowaState University in 2002and Nova SoutheasternCollege of Optometry in2006. She is currently anoptometrist at the EyeCare Pavilion in Daven-


port, Iowa.Dan graduated from

Plymouth Road ChristianAcademy in 1999 and TheUniversity of Iowa in 2003.Dan is an accountant atACT in Iowa City, Iowa.

The couple will be mar-ried Oct. 16, 2010, atRiverside UnitedMethodist Church inMoline, Ill., with a recep-tion to follow at the I wire-less center.

Kade TabbertMMAANNLLYY — Troy and

Lora Tabbert, of Manly, areparents of a son, KadeRobert Tabbert, born at8:21 p.m. June 30, 2010 atMercy Medical Center —North Iowa, Mason City.

He weighed 7 lbs., 13oz., and was 20¾ incheslong.

Grandparents are Duaneand Robin Tabbert, ofGrafton, and Shelley She-langoski and the late Glen





Shelangoski, of Fairfield.Great-grandparents are

Kathryn Tabbert, of Osage,and Maxine Vernon, ofFairfield.

Thank youWe wish to say thank you for all the cards and best

wishes for our 60th wedding anniversary.— Marge and Jim Bahnsen

University of Nebraska graduateLLIINNCCOOLLNN,, NNeebb.. — Justin James Burt, of Mason City,

Iowa, received a bachelor of science degree in businessadministration, Aug. 14, at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Dannen named‘Student of Month’

MMAASSOONN CCIITTYY — BryanDannen, a 2010 graduateof Mason City HighSchool, was selected as theMason City Noon Rotary

Club’s“Student ofthe Month”last May.Bryan is theson of Jasonand KatiDannen,Mason City.

Bryanparticipated in AcademicDecathlon, the Architec-ture, Construction andEngineering program, theMason City Public LibraryReferendum Committee,Science Bowl, summerchurch mission trip toSouth Dakota, and servedas the president of theMason City Public LibraryTeen Advisory Board.

His awards and honorsinclude National HonorSociety, the Governor’sScholar Award, HonorRoll, the Silver Cord Pro-gram, and Mason CityHigh School AcademicHall of Fame.

Bryan is attending IowaState University to pursuea degree in engineeringand Spanish.


Miss Kossuth-WinnebagoScholarship Contest

BBUURRTT — The Miss Kos-suth-Winnebago Scholar-ship Program announcedits 2010 titleholders:

— Miss Kossuth-Win-nebago 2010 — HHaaiilleeyyHHuueeyy, 18, daughter ofDustin and ShannonHuey, of Clear Lake. Inaddition to being crownedMiss Kossuth-Winneba-go, Hailey received thePhotogenic Award and

tied for the top SwimsuitAward. Miss Kossuth-Winnebago was awarded a$750 scholarship from theMiss Kossuth-WinnebagoScholarship Board and a$50 scholarship donatedby Cliff and Phyllis VanBerkum, of Swea City.

— First Runner-Up forMiss Kossuth-Winnebago— KKoouurrttnneeyy WWaacckkeerr, 18,daughter of Mark and DebWacker, of Clear Lake.Wacker also tied for thetop Swimsuit Award. Shewas awarded a $300scholarship. JJaaLLiissaa BBooww--mmaann, 20, daughter ofBrian Bowman and Mikeand Vicky Hall, of Burt,was awarded PeopleChoice. All Miss contes-tants were awarded a $500scholarship through IowaLakes Community Col-lege.

First Runner-Up forOutstanding Teen wasBBeettssyy BBaallll, 14, daughter ofScott and Jodi Ball, ofMason City. She was alsoawarded Miss Congeniali-ty.

Jr. Miss Kossuth-Win-nebago 2010 is MMiicckkyyHHaallll, 11, daughter of Mikeand Vicky Hall, of Burt.She was also awardedPeople’s Choice.

The Miss Kossuth-Winnebago ScholarshipProgram is a local prelimi-nary pageant to the MissIowa Scholarship Programand Miss America Organi-zation.

ISU ScholarshipAAMMEESS — Melanie Folk-

ers, a senior in kinesiologyat Iowa State University,was awarded the V. Everettand Grace Miller DonelsonMemorial Scholarshipfrom the College of HumanSciences.

Folkers, of Swaledale, isthe daughter of Chad andCindy Folkers.

Fitzpatrick named‘Student of Month’

MMAASSOONN CCIITTYY — KatieFitzpatrick, daughter ofJames and Ellen Fitz-Patrick, was namedMason City Noon Rotary

Club’s Stu-dent of theMonth, lastMay.

Fitz-Patrick wasvice presi-dent of theMason CityHigh School

Student Senate, presidentof Mason City High SchoolConcert Choir, and partic-ipated in orchestra andBest Buddies.

She was a member ofthe District SchoolImprovement Team andwas selected to perform atIowa All-State Speech, andIowa All-State Choir forthree years.

She is a YIELD graduate,member of the NationalHonor Society, on thePrincipal’s List, HonorRoll, and was chosen toattend the 2009 Iowa GirlsState conference. Fitz-patrick was named MasonCity High School home-coming queen.

She is a leader for theMiddle School Youth forChrist and is active in theFirst Covenant WorshipTeam.

She plans to attendAzusa Pacific Universitythis fall, and pursue adegree in music.


U of M graduateCCRROOOOKKSSTTOONN,, MMiinnnn.. —

Brent Steven Swanson, ofMason City, Iowa, isamong the 2010 summergraduates at the Universityof Minnesota, Crookston.Swanson received a bache-lor’s degree in communi-cations.

Page 11: Celebrations 08-29-10



Party & Event Planning

BRIDAL SHOPSThe Bridal Theatre139 W. 4th St., St. Ansgar, IA 50472641.713.2303www.bridaltheatre.comOur First Priority is YOU-Everything for your Special Occasion...from gowns and tuxes to all of the accessories; add to that exceptional personal service, and you have the wedding you’ve dreamed of! Stay close to home-where it doesn’t cost more, it’s just nicer- at The Bridal Theatre in St. Ansgar. 641-713-2303 www.bridaltheatre.comStore Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-5pm; Sat 10am-3pm

The Bridal Garden641.585.9333www.bridalgardeniowa.comMiller Photography641.590.0659306 South Clark, Forest CityThe Bridal Garden celebrating our 10th Anniversary. We carry gowns, tiaras, dresses & more. We can assist you with outfitting your entire wedding party (dresses to tuxes). Come experience the personal touch from the Bridal Garden. Weddings made easy.

Formalities641.423-612421 2nd St NE, Mason Cityformalitiesbridalwear.comformalitiesbridalwear@yahoo.comFormalities has been serving the North Iowa area for over 50 years. Formalities carries bridal gowns, bridesmaids, flowergirls, mothers gowns, prom gowns and all the accessories needed for your special day. Formalities has an elite group of seamstresses that can create that perfect fit! Formalities carries gowns in all sizes from infant to plus sizes. We have hundreds of gowns to choose from - buy right off the rack or place a special order - we’ll help you through the whole process. Formalities also carries fashion handbags/purses! Formalities was awarded the North Iowa Readers Choice once again! Shop Formalities!

Sweet Things, etc.641.822.4918114 3rd Street, RockwellTues. & Thurs. Noon-8pm; Wed. & Fri. Noon-6pm; Sat. 10am-2pm; Sun. By Appointmentwww.sweetthingsetc.comSweet Things, etc. is your full service bridal shop offering everything you need for you and your special day. We offer hundreds of gowns in stock in all sizes for you to choose from, and of course in-house alterations. We require appointments for bridal consultations so we can spend one-on-one time helping you choose the perfect gown! Sweet Things, etc... making beautiful weddings, one bride at a time! Check our website for upcoming events!!

Sew Heavenly Creations LLC641.892.4111209 W. Gilman St. Sheffield, IAOpen M, W, F 12 Noon-5pm; Tu, Th 12 Noon-7pm;

Sat 10am-2pm: Appointments welcome.www.sewheavenlycreations.netEmail: [email protected] us help you make your wedding day special. We have a variety of bridal gowns, bridesmaid dresses, mother and grandmother gowns. We provide in-house alterations to ensure the perfect fit. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, our seamstresses will help you design your perfect dress. We also have a great selection of accessories. Tux rental is available. Sew Heavenly Creations is your “Bridal Store & Sew Much More!”

CATERINGWhiskey Creek Wood Fire Grill 1519 4th Street SW, Mason City641.423.4000Catering for all occasions including weddings, birthdays, retirements, holiday gatherings, reunions and anniversaries. Also available for business meetings. Call for our catering menu.

DJ SERVICESKirk’s Custom DJ 641.423.1126 or 800.496.1126www.kirkscustomdj.comMake your wedding reception dreams a reality and your dance truly fun, unique & memorable.

INVITATIONSUncorked312 Main Avenue,Clear Lake641.357.1120www.uncorkedclearlake.comUncorked proudly offers all of the hottest trends in save the date cards, invitations, enclosure cards, programs, thank you notes, and bridal essentials. Call today to schedule your private consultation.

PRINTINGPSI - Printing Services, Inc.641.424.35381915 4th St. SW, Mason CityPrinting for all of your special occasion needs: Weddings, Graduation, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Reunions, Baby & More!

PostNet641.423.1980451 Indian Head Dr., Mason CityBetween Wal-Mart & Kohl’sFeaturing the finest in personalized wedding and social stationery Whether it’s an invitation for a wedding, an anniversary or graduation, depend on PostNet to deliver the perfect message.

RECEPTIONSMason City Country Club641.424.30143331 19th St. SW, Mason CityMembership not required! Sit down dinners. Multiple style buffets. Appetizer buffet. Dance floor and more! Call today for more information.

RECEPTIONSMacNider Art Museum641.421.3666303 Second Street SE, Mason [email protected] weddings, distinguished receptions. An elegant setting to make lasting memories.

Duncan Community Ballroom641.843.33534 miles west of Garnerwww.duncanballroom.comSeating for 500, 40x70 dance floor. Serve your own food/caterers welcome. Meeting room available.

Knights of Columbus641.424.5300551 S. Taft, Mason CityBeautiful facility to host your wedding, anniversary or meetings. Max capacity of 300. Please call for additional information.

REHEARSAL DINNERSDecker House Bed & Breakfast / Sour Grapes Bistro641.423.4700 or 888.363.4700119 2nd street SE, Mason Citywww.masoncityia.com/deckerhouse/Elegant surroundings in this Neoclassical 1890’s home. Perfect for intimate weddings, rehearsal dinners, luncheons and cozy receptions. Conveniently located behind Music Man Square.

TRAVELAllen Travel Agency & Cruise Quest641.357.5223 or 800.475.5223300 1st Ave. N., Clear LakeWe are your full time professional travel planners and cruise vacation specialist, in service since 1951.

TUXEDOSMoorman Clothiers641.423.5222 / 2 South Federal, Mason [email protected] Tuxedo Professionals

Sir Knight Formalwear641.424.601819 2nd Street NE, Mason Citywww.andersonformalwear.comFormalwear is our specialty. Detailed individualized service.

WEDDING SITE AND RECEPTIONPM Park15297 Rainy Drive South Shore, Clear Lake641.357.1991 or 641.529.2222www.pmpark.netWedding site, reception and lodging available all on beautiful Clear Lake.

North Iowa Powerliftingteam competed at theUnited Power LiftingBench Press Nationals inDubuque, Iowa, on July30th. A big thank you toour sponsors!

DDiivviissiioonn,, LLbbss..,, PPllaaccee Jordan Lentz: Teen Raw,

254 lbs., 1st Don Elsbury: Masters 4

Raw, 215 lbs., 1st

Mario Ochoa: Sub Mas-ter Equipped, 551 lbs., 1st

Dan Grauerholz: OpenEquipped, 600 lbs., 1st

John Berding: Masters 1Equipped, 737 lbs., 1st

Jake Prazak: OpenEquipped, 854 lbs., 1st

North Iowa Powerlifting

MMaaddeellyynn LLiinncciiccuumm cele-brated her second birthdayon Aug. 22 in Heidelberg,Germany, with parentsAdam and Julie. CaptainAdam Lincicum is an Armydentist assigned to PatrickHenry Village Dental Clinicin Heidelberg, providingdental care to U.S. Armymembers, family, andretirees in central Germany.

Love, Grandpa Randy and

Grandma Vivian

Happy BirthdayMaddie

Page 12: Celebrations 08-29-10



Call Today 641-423-2274



Ads placed by Aug. 27th receive a Free box & attention getter.



Fri. Sept 17 & Sat. Sept 18, 2010




Wildlife postercontest results

DDEESS MMOOIINNEESS — TwoNorth Iowa students werenamed winners in a postercontest, sponsored by theIowa Wildlife Federation,and received trophies.

Katie Teepe, a student atCorwith-Wesley-LuVerneCommunity School, was a

winner in the sixth-gradedivision. Tyler Orman, astudent in the Waverly-Shell Rock ElementarySchool was named a win-ner in the first-grade divi-sion.

The theme of the con-test was, “When I’m Out-side I ...”, and was open tostudents in grades 1-6.

Iowa WesleyanDean’s List

MMOOUUNNTT PPLLEEAASSAANNTT —Sarah Martin, of Rockwell,was named to the 2010spring semester Dean’s Listat Iowa Wesleyan College.

To qualify for the Dean’sList, a student must attain agrade point average of 3.50or better on a 4.00 scale.