celeste 20 questions

1. How does your Character appear? How would you describe your character? Are they fat, thin, tall, short, average? What color are their eyes? How do they carry themselves? Are they overbearing, quiet, observant? Are they insensitive? Do they cry at the drop of a hat? How do others perceive them? How tall or short are they? Are they human? Petite, pretty, female. Long black hair. One green eye, one red eye. Pale skin. Pointy ears. I carry myself in whatever manner fits my need. Does that make sense? I play the game. If I need to seem meek, I'm meek. If I need to seem strong, I'm strong. It's not difficult. 2. How does your character live? What lifestyle does your character enjoy? Do they live on the streets or in a penthouse apartment? Do they live in a nice area of a bad neighborhood or a bad area of nice neighborhood? Do they live in the slums? The ritz? Did they rise or fall to their current station or were they born there? I was kinda living with my parents, or staying over at Johnny's place up until a couple days ago. We lived in Puyallup. That hell-hole of metahuman filth and industrial waste. I've been on the move for a couple days, and have worked my way up to downtown Seattle. I guess you could say that I'm homeless, but I've never had any trouble finding someone to stay with for a night. It's not ideal, but it'll have to work until I can make a big score. 3. Is your character educated? Did your character ever go to school? High school? College/university? Did they graduate? Were they good students? Did they know a lot? Were they the nerd of their class? The class clown? The cool kid? Where did they go to school? Were they from an educated family or were they the first? Schools in Puyallup are just a place to find and join a gang. So yeah, I went to school. I quit going as soon as I found a gang. I was 13. Mom & Dad home schooled me, though. The gang leadership even encouraged me to listen to my parents and learn what I could. I

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Page 1: Celeste 20 Questions

1. How does your Character appear? How would you describe your character? Are they fat, thin, tall, short, average? What color are their eyes? How do they carry themselves? Are they overbearing, quiet, observant? Are they insensitive? Do they cry at the drop of a hat? How do others perceive them? How tall or short are they? Are they human?

Petite, pretty, female. Long black hair. One green eye, one red eye. Pale skin. Pointy ears. I carry myself in whatever manner fits my need. Does that make sense? I play the game. If I need to seem meek, I'm meek. If I need to seem strong, I'm strong. It's not difficult.

2. How does your character live? What lifestyle does your character enjoy? Do they live on the streets or in a penthouse apartment? Do they live in a nice area of a bad neighborhood or a bad area of nice neighborhood? Do they live in the slums? The ritz? Did they rise or fall to their current station or were they born there? 

I was kinda living with my parents, or staying over at Johnny's place up until a couple days ago. We lived in Puyallup. That hell-hole of metahuman filth and industrial waste. I've been on the move for a couple days, and have worked my way up to downtown Seattle. I guess you could say that I'm homeless, but I've never had any trouble finding someone to stay with for a night. It's not ideal, but it'll have to work until I can make a big score.

3. Is your character educated? Did your character ever go to school? High school? College/university? Did they graduate? Were they good students? Did they know a lot? Were they the nerd of their class? The class clown? The cool kid? Where did they go to school? Were they from an educated family or were they the first? 

Schools in Puyallup are just a place to find and join a gang. So yeah, I went to school. I quit going as soon as I found a gang. I was 13. Mom & Dad home schooled me, though. The gang leadership even encouraged me to listen to my parents and learn what I could. I got literature, history, and political science from them. I got some magical education from Mom, but she was never that talented herself, so a lot of that was self-taught, or matrix-taught.

4. Why is your character running the shadows? This is the big one. Why is your character choosing a life of crime? While they're breaking the law, why are they doing it? Is it the adrenaline? The money? The fame? The lifestyle? To torque off the corps? Would they kill people? When would they are wouldn't they kill someone? 

Choosing a life of crime? People choose this? I haven't known anything else since I got my first pube! If you're asking specifically about leaving gang life and going pro, well, I have my reasons. I need to make a big score, so I can move out to the country somewhere, away from all this filth. I wouldn't mind taking down a few evil, polluting,

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corps while I'm at it, though. Would I kill? I haven't done it before, but I have left people in a position to die real easy.

5. Where is your character's family? A character without a family is a bit unrealistic. Who are your parents and what did they do? Were you close to them? Were they divorced or separated? Did you have siblings, cousins, uncles, and/or grandparents that lived with you? Did you get along with them? Where are they now and what do they do now? Do you keep in touch? When and how? 

Mom & Dad still live in Puyallup. Dad works in a factory there. Dad used to be part of the Tir military brass, but some politician ruined him and had him exiled. Mom is just a homemaker, but Dad says she spends most of her time keeping an eye on him. No brothers or sisters, thankfully. I've got cousins in the Tir that I've never met.

6. Who are your character's friends? Who does your character hang out with when they aren't running? What do you do to wind down? Why do you hang out with those guys? Do your friends know that you run? What do they do for a living? 

My friends were my gang. Johnny and the rest of the crew. I lost all of that just days ago. I can't go back. Not yet, anyway.

7. What is your character's interests outside of running? What does your character do when they aren't blowing things up? Do they collect art? Go to museums? Build weapons? Go to truck expos? Buy clothing or upgrade their cars? Maintain relationships with friends/family/contacts? Gamble? Paint?

Environmental activism is probably my biggest passion. We really need to stop the corps from raping Mother Earth. Other than that, spending as much time with my birds as I can manage.

8. What does your character like? What does your character desire? Will running somehow achieve their likes? Do they like something tangible (cars, beaches, etc), or something that can't be bought (love, family, etc)? Are the things they like completely different from what would be assumed? 

I like being surrounded with nature. Any time I can spend in a nice park is amazing. I've really never even been outside the sprawl. I can only imagine how wonderful that must be! Fortunately, there's enough ravens in town to keep me feeling connected & happy.

9. What scares your character? What is your character afraid of? Is it an idea? A type of character? An action? A critter or animal? Losing their status? Why does that particular thing scare your character? 

Spirits of nature that have been corrupted so deeply that they've become toxic to everything around them, so twisted that they forget their noble origins and try to destroy anything in their path. I've only seen two in my life, and I ran like hell.

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10.What is your character's biggest dream? What is the pinnicle of your character's existance? What is the one thing they want to do/have/achieve before they die? Is the dream obtainable? 

Transform the world into a magical agrarian utopia that worships Gaia universally. Haha! No, it's not achievable.

11. Where is your character from? More than just a name, where was your character born? Was it a rich area or poor area? Where do they consider themselves to be from and what are their values? Are they from far away or nearby? If they live in Seattle, which neighborhood? 

Like I said, Puyallup. It's a slum. Mom & Dad are from The Tir, but I've never been there.

12.What is your character's name? What name were they born with and what are they called now? Why are they called that? Was the name a joke, something serious, something meaningful, something intelligent? Is their family name known?

I'm going by Pandora now. My real name is Celeste. Parents named me after some magical college in The Tir. I decided on Pandora because it sounds cool & people who try to get in my box usually get into a lot of trouble.

13.Has your character ever been married? Are they in a serious relationship? Have they ever been? Are they divorced, separated, or estranged? What kind of relationship is it? Is this someone they care about? A support structure? An advisor? An anchor? Or someone that holds them back? Does the significant other know that the character runs? If they do, what do they think about it? If they don't, how does your character hide this fact? 

Johnny was my main squeeze, but we were off & on for a long time. He's gone now, so I guess I'll never know if we would've gotten married. I do miss him horribly. He was my lieutenant in the gang, and he handled all our tech for us. We had known each other for as long as either of us could remember. Grew up together, joined the gang together, rose to power within it together. He was my partner in everything. I can't believe I threw his life away on a stupid crusade against the corps dumping waste in Puyallup.

14.How old is your character? Why is your character running at this age? What have they lived through that influenced them? Do they see themselves as teachers, students, or outsiders? 

I'm 22. I'm running now because I'm out of options. I lost control of my gang, and they told me to leave my home and not come back.

15.Does your character have a "real" job? How does the character balance their "real" life and that of a shadowrunner? What is their real job? Does it bring in

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money? How many hours do they work in their real job? What would happen if their secret life was ever discovered? Who are the character's coworkers and how well do they know your character? 

The closest thing I ever had to a “real” job was teaching 12 year olds how to sell Betameth & Cram on the corner, without getting in trouble or getting ganked. I led a gang from age 16 'til now. It wasn't always glamourous. They all know I had to leave. They made me leave. They said I could take my love of nature with me.

16.What are your character's beliefs? Is your character religious? Which religion, if any? Why do they believe that way? How do they see the world around them and how do they perceive the other races? 

I am a Shaman of The Raven, a Worshipper of Gaia. The world is pretty black and white. There's natural and unnatural. Created and Fabricated. I'm not saying unnatural things are inherently bad, but they're not inherently good, either. They are what we make them, but they're also how we make them. A life saving medical device that causes millions of tons of carbon to be pumped into the Atmo may not be worth it. I'm fine with all the races, they're all children of Gaia.

17.What are your character's morals? Where does your character "draw the line?" Who does your character defend and why? Who do they hate? What are they willing to do on a run? What would they do for money? Under what situations would they kill someone or let them live? Do they try to avoid death and destruction or do they thrive on it? 

What are my morals? Same as anyone elses, I guess: Whatever level of nobility I can afford at that moment. That's a bit jaded. I've been in bad situations before, and I've done bad things to people, but only if they were really asking for it. What would I do for money? I just told you I taught 12 year olds to sell drugs. I'm not sure how far down from there you can go.

18.Would your character ever stop running? Would it take some horrific event? Would they need a certain amount of money? Accomplish some task? Take out a person or raise them to power? Do they have a higher purpose or will they always run? 

Maybe. If I made a big enough score to buy a nice place in the country, and set up me & my parents for life, yeah, I might retire. Then again, I might become a full-blown eco-terrorist, or worse, government lobbyist.

19.Who would play your character in the “Shadowrun Movie?” Take into consideration awesome makeup and special effects to make your character look just right.

A pale Mila Kunis with pointy ears.

20.Why should other Shadowrunners want to run with you?

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Because I asked them to nicely, or because I told them to, meanly. Hopefully the former rather than the later. I'm very persuasive. Failing that, they might choose me because they need information & actionable intelligence. Or just because I'm a mage.