certification examination in geriatric pharmacy handbook oct...commission for certification in...

Certification Examination in Geriatric Pharmacy Sponsored by Commission for Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy (CCGP) Candidate Handbook • Candidate Handbook • Candidate Handbook Candidate Handbook • Candidate Handbook • Candidate Handbook October 2012

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Page 1: Certification Examination in Geriatric Pharmacy handbook Oct...Commission for Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy ... The Commission for Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy ... (ASCP)

Certification Examination

in Geriatric Pharmacy

Sponsored by

Commission for Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy (CCGP)

Candidate Handbook • Candidate Handbook • Candidate Handbook

Candidate Handbook • Candidate Handbook • Candidate Handbook

October 2012

Page 2: Certification Examination in Geriatric Pharmacy handbook Oct...Commission for Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy ... The Commission for Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy ... (ASCP)

Vision StatementThe Vision of CCGP is to ensure that all seniors receive high-quality pharmaceutical care from Certified Geriatric Pharmacists; and, that CCGP certified pharmacists are recognized as the preferred providers of pharmaceutical care to seniors.

Mission StatementIn order to achieve our Vision, CCGP commits to the following Mission:

• Protect and serve the public interest through the credentialing of qualified practitioners of geriatricpharmaceutical care.

• Developandadministerclinicallyrelevant,legally-defensible,andpsychometrically-soundcertificationprograms and processes.

• PromotethevalueofCCGPcredentialstothepublic,practitioners,employers,andpayers.• Advance the profession by establishing rigorous standards of care based on themost appropriate

medications, therapies, and technologies, to ensure optimum outcomes.• EnsurethatCCGPproducts,services,organizationalstructure,andcustomerrelationsareviewedasthebenchmarkstandardforcredentialingorganizations.

Throughalong-termcommitmenttoitsMission,CCGPwillbecomeawellrecognizedorganizationknownasthe leader in providing quality credentials in pharmaceutical care.

Chair (and Stakeholder Member)Kenneth W. Tuell, RPh, CGPManager, Medicare Pharmacy Segment SupportHumanaCramerton, NC

Chair-ElectChrisAlderman,BPharm,PhD,CGP,FSHP,BCPPRepatriation General HospitalSchool of Pharmacy and Medical SciencesUniversityofSouthAustraliaDawPark,SouthAustralia

Secretary/Treasurer PronicaJanikowski,RPh,B.Sc.Phm.,CGP,FASCPClinical Consultant PharmacistPicton Clinic PharmacyMedical Pharmacies Group LimitedPicton, Ontario, Canada

Immediate Past ChairJagK.Khatter,PharmD,CDE,CGPExecutiveVicePresidentWalgreens Long-Term CareAurora,CO

Pharmacist MemberRodney Richmond, RPh, MS, CGP, FASCPDirector,CenterforDrugandHealthInformationAssociateProfessor,Dept.ofPharmacy PracticeHarding UniversitySearcy,AR

Pharmacist MemberTobiSnyderConsultant PharmacistHCMS Group, LLCCheyenne, WY

Pharmacist MemberRobertWarnock,DPh,CGP,FASCPSenior Vice President, Pharmacy ServicesGolden LivingPlano, TX

Pharmacist MemberMaryAnnE.Zagaria,PharmD,MS,CGP Senior Care Consultant Pharmacist and PresidentMZAssociates,Inc.Norwich, NY

Public MemberN.LeeRucker,M.S.P.H.SeniorStrategicPolicyAdvisorAARPPublicPolicyInstituteWashington,DC

Stakeholder MemberHollyHolmes,MDAssistantProfessorofMedicineUniversityofTexasM.D.AndersonCancer CenterHouston, TX

ASCP Board LiaisonJoanne S. Hirshfield, CGPOmnicareofNewYorkLLC,dbaPharmacy SolutionsDeansboro,NY

CCGP Executive Director ThomasR.Clark,RPh,MHS,CGPAlexandria,VAEx-Officio

Commission for Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy

Board of Commissioners 2012-2013

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Candidate Handbook • Candidate Handbook • Candidate Handbook • Candidate Handbook 1 Candidate Handbook • Candidate Handbook • Candidate Handbook • Candidate Handbook 1


Copyright©2012.CommissionforCertificationinGeriatricPharmacy(CCGP).Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronicormechanical,includingphotocopyorrecording,oranyinformationandretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromtheCommissionforCertification in Geriatric Pharmacy.


CCGP 1321DukeStreet


E-mail:[email protected] Website:www.ccgp.org


AppliedMeasurementProfessionals,Inc. 18000W.105thStreet Olathe,KS66061-7543 Voice:913/895-4600 Fax:913/895-4651

E-mail:[email protected] Website:www.goAMP.com

ABOUTCCGP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

ABOUTTHISHANDBOOK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2


CERTIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

TESTINGAGENCY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

EXAMINATIONPOLICIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

GENERALINFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

ELIGIBILITYREQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

AUDITPROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

NAMEAND/ORADDRESSCHANGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

FOREIGNTRAINED/FOREIGNLICENSED APPLICANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

APPLICATIONFEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

CERTIFICATIONMAINTENANCEFEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

EXAMINATIONADMINISTRATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

HOLIDAYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3


SCHEDULINGANEXAMINATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

ASSESSMENTCENTERLOCATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

SPECIALARRANGEMENTSFORCANDIDATES WITHDISABILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4




INCLEMENTWEATHER,POWERFAILUREOR EMERGENCY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

PREPARINGFORTHEEXAMINATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

TAKINGTHEEXAMINATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

IDENTIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

SECURITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

PERSONALBELONGINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

EXAMINATIONRESTRICTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

MISCONDUCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5


PRACTICEEXAMINATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

TABLEOFLABORATORYVALUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

TIMEDEXAMINATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

CANDIDATECOMMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

FOLLOWINGTHEEXAMINATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

PASS/FAILSCOREDETERMINATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7


IFYOUPASSTHEEXAMINATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7



CONFIDENTIALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

RECOGNITIONOFCERTIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7


DUPLICATESCOREREPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

REQUESTFORHANDSCORING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

CONTINUATIONOFCERTIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

RECERTIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

RECERTIFICATIONGRACEPERIOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

EXAMINATIONCONTENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

DETAILEDCONTENTOUTLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

SAMPLEQUESTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

SELF-ASSESSMENTEXAMINATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

RECOMMENDEDREFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


REQUESTFORSPECIALEXAMINATION ACCOMMODATIONSFORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17


Rev. 10/10/2012

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Candidate Handbook • Candidate Handbook • Candidate Handbook • Candidate Handbook 2 Candidate Handbook • Candidate Handbook • Candidate Handbook • Candidate Handbook 2

ABOUT CCGP The Commission for Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy (CCGP) is a nonprofit corporation created in February 1997 by theAmerican Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP) Boardof Directors. CCGP was created to oversee the certificationprogramingeriatricpharmacybyestablishingeligibilitycriteriaandotherprogrampolicies.CCGPisaccreditedbytheNationalCommissionforCertifyingAgencies.

The CCGP Board of Commissioners is comprised of sevenpharmacistmembers;onepubliccommissioner;onenonvotingrepresentativeappointedbytheAmericanSocietyofConsultantPharmacistsBoardofDirectors; two individualswhorepresentstakeholderswithaninterestingeriatricpharmacy(e.g.payers,employers, physicians); and theCCGPExecutiveDirector, exofficio. ThemembershipofCCGP is comprisedof individualswho have passed the Certified Geriatric Pharmacist (CGP) examinationandarecurrentlycredentialed.

ChecktheCCGPWebsiteforaccesstoCCGPbylawsandrel-evant policies and procedures, including the disciplinary policy and appeals policy.

ABOUT THIS HANDBOOK This Candidate Handbook is only a guide. The information,procedures and fees detailed in this publication may beamended, revised or otherwise altered at any time and without advance notice by CCGP. The provision of this handbook does not confer any rights upon the applicant. For the most currentversionofthishandbook,pleasevisitwww.ccgp.org or www.goAMP.com.

STATEMENT OF NONDISCRIMINATION POLICYCCGP does not discriminate among applicants on the basisofage,gender, race, religion,nationalorigin,disability,sexualorientation or marital status.

CERTIFICATION The certification program in geriatric pharmacy is intended to recognize those pharmacists who demonstrate knowledgeof geriatric pharmacotherapy and the knowledge and skillsrequired to provide pharmaceutical care to the elderly. These pharmacists may practice in a variety of settings, including hos-pital, community or long-term care.

TESTING AGENCY Applied Measurement Professionals, Inc., (AMP) is the pro-fessional testing agency contractedbyCCGP to assist in thedevelopment, administration, scoring and analysis of the cer-tificationexamination.AMPservicesalsoincludethereportingof scores to candidates who take the examination. AMP is aresearch and development firm that conducts professional competency assessment research and provides examinationservicesforanumberofcredentialingprograms.

EXAMINATION POLICIES CCGP offers the Certification Examination in Geriatric Pharmacy to individuals ingeriatricpharmacypractice. Theexaminationconsistsof150multiple-choicequestions.Youwillbeallowedthree hours to complete the examination. Individuals passingtheCertificationExaminationinGeriatricPharmacyarecreden-tialed as Certified Geriatric Pharmacists (CGP).

CCGP with the advice and assistance of AMP prepares theexaminations. Individualswith expertise in geriatric pharmacypractice write the questions and review them for relevancy, con-sistency, accuracy and appropriateness.

GENERAL INFORMATIONThe office hours for CCGP are Monday through Friday, 9:00a.m.–5:00p.m. (EasternTime).TheofficesareclosedonallFederal holidays. Applicants are encouraged to submit theirapplicationsonlineattheCCGPWebsite(www.ccgp.org).Avalidcreditcardaccountnumberisrequiredforallonlineappli-cations. The online application process uses a secure server.

ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTSTo be eligible for the Certification Examination in GeriatricPharmacy,anapplicantmustcurrentlybea licensedpharma-cistandmusthaveaminimumoftwoyearsofexperienceasalicensedpharmacist.Applicationsmustbeaccompaniedby:1) a photocopy of current state pharmacy registration certifi-

cate/license, and 2) acheck,moneyorderorcreditcardpayment.

For online applications, the pharmacy registration certificate/license may be submitted in electronic form and paymentshouldbebycreditcard.

AUDIT PROCEDURE CCGPreservestherighttoauditanyapplicationsubmittedfortheCertificationExaminationinGeriatricPharmacy.

NAME AND/OR ADDRESS CHANGESYouareresponsiblefornotifyingCCGPofanyaddresschangeor legal name change in a timely manner. Failure to do so may affect admission to the examination, or receipt of impor-tant information fromCCGPaboutmaintenanceor renewal ofcertification. Notification of a change of e-mail address is also encouraged.CCGPmaybecontactedat:[email protected].

FOREIGN TRAINED/FOREIGN LICENSED APPLICANTSPharmacists who are not licensed to practice pharmacy in the UnitedStatesmayapplytotaketheCertificationExaminationinGeriatric Pharmacy. However, the practice analysis upon which theexamination isbasedwasconducted in theUnitedStatesand CCGP certification is oriented primarily toward pharmacists licensed and practicing in the United States. Applicants whoare not licensed to practice pharmacy in the United States must provide notarized documentation of their legal authorization to practice pharmacy in another country. Please note that CCGP certification does not confer the privilege to practice pharmacy in the United States or in any other country.

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APPLICATION FEE TheApplicationFeefortheexaminationis$600.Feesmaybepaidbycheckormoneyorder(madepayabletoCCGP),orbycredit card (VISA,MasterCard,DiscoverorAmericanExpress).DO NOT SUBMIT CASH. Online applications require a validcreditcardaccountnumber.

Application fees are non-refundable. Exceptions to this policywillbedeterminedbytheexecutivecommitteeandappealswillbeconsideredonlyonthebasisofdocumentedhardships.


Returned checks and/or declined credit card transactionswillbe subject to a $25 handling fee. You must send a certifiedcheckormoneyorder for theamountdue, including thehan-dling fee, to CCGP to cover returned check and/or declinedcredit card transactions.

CERTIFICATION MAINTENANCE FEE Candidates who successfully complete the requirements for certificationare responsible topayacertificationmaintenancefee. Two payment options are available. A single paymentof $250 may be paid upon successful completion of therequirements, to cover the full five-year period of certification. Alternatively,thefeemaybepaidinfourannualinstallmentsof$75each,beginningtheyearaftercertification.Thisfeeisusedto provide services to Certified Geriatric Pharmacists, such as The Credential, a quarterly electronic newsletter, and a listing of CertifiedGeriatricPharmacistsontheCCGPWebsite.

EXAMINATION ADMINISTRATIONThe examination is delivered by computer at over 170 AMPAssessment Centers geographically located throughout theUnited States, Canada, Australia, and other countries. Theexaminationisofferedduringfour(4)testingwindows:January/February, April/May, July/August, and October/November.Deadlinesforeachwindowareasfollows:

Testing Window Deadline

January/February December15

April/May March15

July/August June15

October/November September15

Theexamination isadministeredbyappointmentonlyMondaythroughSaturdayat9:00a.m.and1:30p.m.Availabledateswillbeindicatedwhenschedulingyourexamination.Candidatesarescheduledonafirst-come,first-servedbasis.

OnceanApplicationhasbeensubmitted,youwillbepermittedtoscheduleanexaminationdate in twoconsecutivewindows.Forexample,ifyousubmitanapplicationbytheMarch15dead-lineyoucanscheduleanexaminationineithertheApril/MayorJuly/Augustwindow.

FailingtoscheduleandtaketheexaminationinoneofthetwoconsecutivewindowswillresultintheApplicationbeingplacedon “Inactive” status. In order to reactivate the application, you willneedtopaya$100activationfee.Therulesforschedulingandtakingtheexaminationwillapply–missingtwoconsecutivewindowswillagainresultintheapplicationbeingdesignatedas“inactive.”


NewYear’sDayMartinLutherKingJr.DayPresident’sDayGood FridayMemorialDayIndependenceDayLaborDayColumbusDayVeteran’sDayThanksgivingHolidayChristmas HolidayNewYear’sEve

REGISTERING FOR AN EXAMINATIONYoushouldensurethattheCCGPApplicationhasbeenproperlycompleted and that the information provided is accurate. Your careful attention will enable prompt and efficient processing.Candidateswillnotbeabletoscheduleanexaminationappoint-mentwithAMPuntiltheApplicationhasbeenprocessed.AMPwillsendnotificationbymailandemailtoregisteredcandidateswithexaminationschedulingprocedures.

SCHEDULING AN EXAMINATIONAfter youhave receivedconfirmation fromAMP, thereare twowaystoscheduleanappointmentfortheexamination.

1. Online Scheduling: Go to www.goAMP.com at any time and select“Candidates.”Followthesimple,step-by-stepinstruc-tions to select yourexaminationprogramandscheduleanexamination.


2. TelephoneScheduling:CallAMPat888/519-9901tosched-ule an examination appointment. This toll-free number isansweredfrom7:00a.m.to9:00p.m.(CentralTime)Mondaythrough Thursday, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Friday and 8:30a.m.to5:00onSaturday.

Applicants will be assigned a unique identification numberby CCGP when the application has been processed. Whenschedulinganexamination,bepreparedtoconfirma location,a preferred date and time for testing, and to provide your CCGP identification number. When you contact AMP to schedulean examination appointment, you will be notified of the timeto report to theAssessmentCenter. Pleasemake a note of itbecauseyouwillNOTreceiveanadmissionletter.

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Depending on availability, If you contact AMP by 3:00 your examination may be p.m. Central Time on... scheduled beginning...

Monday Wednesday

Tuesday Thursday

Wednesday Friday/Saturday

Thursday Monday

Friday/Saturday Tuesday

ASSESSMENT CENTER LOCATIONSAMP Assessment Centers have been selected to provideaccessibility to the most candidates in all states and majormetropolitan areas. International locations are also offered in Canada and Australia. A current listing of AMP AssessmentCenters, including addresses and driving directions, may beviewedatAMP’swebsitelocatedatwww.goAMP.com. Specific address information will be provided when you schedule anexaminationappointment.

SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR CANDIDATES WITH DISABILITIESCCGPandAMPcomplywiththeAmericanswithDisabilitiesActandstrivetoensurethatnoindividualwithadisabilityisdeprivedof the opportunity to take the examination solelyby reason ofthatdisability.CCGPandAMPwillprovidereasonableaccom-modationsforcandidateswithdisabilities.

Wheelchair access is available at all Assessment Centers.Candidateswithvisual,sensoryorphysicaldisabilitiesthatwouldpreventthemfromtakingtheexaminationunderstandardcondi-tions may request special accommodations and arrangements. Candidates testing with approved special accommodations shouldscheduletheirtestviaAMP’stoll-freenumbertoensuretheiraccommodationsareconfirmed.Besure to informCCGPandAMPofyourneedforspecialaccommodationswhencallingtoscheduleyourexamination.

Candidates who wish to request special accommodations should submitthe“RequestforSpecialExaminationAccommodations”form(seebackofhandbook)withtheirapplication.

TELECOMMUNICATION DEVICES FOR THE DEAFAMP is equipped with Telecommunication Devices for theDeaf (TDD) to assist deaf and hearing-impaired candidates.TDDcalling is available 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Central Time)Monday-Fridayat913/895-4637.ThisTDDphoneoption is forindividualsequippedwithcompatibleTDDmachinery.

EXAMINATION APPOINTMENT CHANGESYoumayrescheduleanexaminationappointmentatnochargeoncebycallingAMPat888/519-9901by3:00p.m.CentralTimeatleasttwofullbusinessdayspriortothescheduledtestingses-sion.(Seefollowingtable.)

You must contact AMP by 3:00 p.m. Central Time to If your examination reschedule the examination is scheduled on... by the previous...

Monday Wednesday

Tuesday Thursday

Wednesday Friday

Thursday Monday

Friday/Saturday Tuesday

MISSED APPOINTMENTS AND CANCELLATIONYouwill forfeit theexamination registrationandall feespaid totaketheexaminationunderthefollowingcircumstances:

•YouwishtorescheduleanexaminationbutfailtocontactAMPat least two fullbusinessdaysprior to thescheduled testingsession;


A complete Application and appropriate fee are required to re-registerfortheexamination.

INCLEMENT WEATHER, POWER FAILURE OR EMERGENCYIn the event of inclement weather or unforeseen emergencies on thedayofanexamination,AMPwilldeterminewhethercircum-stanceswarrantthecancellation,andsubsequentrescheduling,ofanexamination.Theexaminationwillusuallynotberesched-uled if theAssessmentCenterpersonnelareable toopen theAssessmentCenter.

YoumayvisitAMP’swebsiteatwww.goAMP.com prior to the examination to determine if AMP has been advised that anyAssessment Centers are closed. Every attempt is made toadminister the examination as scheduled; however, should anexaminationbecanceledatanAssessmentCenter,allsched-uledcandidateswillreceivenotificationfollowingtheexaminationregarding rescheduling or reapplication procedures.

If power to an Assessment Center is temporarily interruptedduringanadministration,yourexaminationwillberestarted.Theresponsesprovideduptothepointofinterruptionwillbeintact,butforsecurityreasonsthequestionswillbescrambled.

PREPARING FOR THE EXAMINATIONYour primary objective in preparing for the examination is topass. Other objectives such as learning new material andreviewing oldmaterial are critical toward this objective. Beginyourstudybydevelopingyourstrategyforsuccess.

Agoodstudystrategyincludespreparation.Toprepare,deter-mine first what you need to learn, choose your study materials, andselectaquiet,comfortableplacethatallowsyoutofocus.

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Beforeyoubegin,checktomakesureyouhaveeverythingyouneed. Try to avoid interruptions for any reason.

Developingastudyplanwillallowyoutolearnthemostasyoustudy. Include setting goals in your study plan. Review what you have studied as often as possible. Themore you review, themore you will retain.

You may also wish to purchase CCGP’s Self-AssessmentExamination (SAE). TheSAE isdesigned tohelppharmacistsmeasuretheirknowledgeandskillsingeriatricpharmacyprac-tice. It will help identify those areas where additional continuing educationmaybehelpful. Itwillalsoprovideacandidatewitha simulated experience in undertaking the actual certificationexamination.Pleaseseepage14formoreinformationconcern-ingtheSAE.

TAKING THE EXAMINATIONYour examination will be given by computer at an AMPAssessmentCenter.Youdonotneedanycomputerexperienceor typing skills to take your examination. On the day of yourexamination appointment, report to the Assessment Centerno later than your scheduled testing time. Look for the signsindicatingAMPAssessmentCenterCheck-in. IFYOUARRIVEMORETHAN15MINUTESAFTERTHESCHEDULEDTESTINGTIMEYOUWILLNOTBEADMITTED.

IDENTIFICATIONTogainadmissiontotheAssessmentCenter,youmustpresenttwoformsofidentification,onewithacurrentphotograph.Bothforms of identificationmust be valid and include your currentname and signature. Youwill be required to sign a roster forverification of identity.

Acceptable forms of photo identification include a currentdriver’s license with photograph, a current state identification card with photograph, a current passport, or a current military identification card with photograph. Employment ID cards,student IDcardsandany typeof temporary identificationareNOTacceptableastheprimaryformof identification,butmaybeusedassecondary identification if they includeyournameand signature.

You must have proper identification to gain admission to the AssessmentCenter.Failuretoprovideappropriateidentificationatthetimeoftheexaminationisconsideredamissedappoint-ment.Therewillbenorefundofyourexaminationfee.

SECURITYCCGPandAMPmaintainadministrationandsecuritystandardsdesigned to ensure all candidates are provided the same opportunity to demonstrate their abilities. The AssessmentCenter is continuouslymonitored by audio and video surveil-lance equipment for security purposes.


•Examinationsareproprietary.Nocameras,notes,taperecord-ers, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), pagers or cellularphones are allowed in the testing room. Possession of a cellu-larphoneorotherelectronicdevicesisstrictlyprohibitedandwillresultindismissalfromtheexamination.


•Noguests,visitorsorfamilymembersareallowedinthetest-ing room or reception areas.

PERSONAL BELONGINGSNopersonal items, valuables, orweapons shouldbebroughtto the Assessment Center. Only wallets, keys and silent,non-programmable calculators without alpha keys or printingcapabilitiesarepermitted.Coatsmustbeleftoutsidethetestingroom.Youwillbeprovidedasoftlockertostoreyourwalletand/orkeyswithyouinthetestingroom.Youwillnothaveaccesstotheseitemsuntilaftertheexaminationiscompleted.Pleasenotethefollowingitemswillnotbeallowedinthetestingroomexceptsecurelylockedinthesoftlocker.


Onceyouhaveplacedeverything into thesoft locker,youwillbeaskedtopulloutyourpocketstoensuretheyareempty.Ifallpersonalitemswillnotfitinthesoftlockeryouwillnotbeabletotest.Thesitewillnotstoreanypersonalbelongings.


EXAMINATION RESTRICTIONS•Pencilswillbeprovidedduringcheck-in.•Youwillbeprovidedwithonepieceofscratchpaperatatimeto use during the examination, unless noted on the sign-inroster for a particular candidate. You must return the scratch paper to the supervisor at the completion of testing, or you will not receive your score report.



•Eating, drinking or smoking will not be permitted in theAssessmentCenter.


MISCONDUCTIfyouengageinanyofthefollowingconductduringtheexami-nationyoumaybedismissed,yourscoreswillnotbereportedandexaminationfeeswillnotberefunded.Examplesofmiscon-duct are when you:

•createadisturbance,areabusive,orotherwiseuncooperative;•display and/or use electronic communications equipmentsuchaspagers,cellularphones,PDAs;



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noted on the roster.

COPYRIGHTED EXAMINATION QUESTIONSAll examination questions are the copyrighted property ofCCGP.Itisforbiddenunderfederalcopyrightlawtocopy,repro-duce,record,distributeordisplaytheseexaminationquestionsbyanymeans,inwholeorinpart.Doingsomaysubjectyoutosevere civil and criminal penalties.

PRACTICE EXAMINATIONAfteryouridentificationhasbeenconfirmed,youwillbedirectedtoatestingcarrel.Youwillbeinstructedon-screentoenteryourCCGP identification number. You will take your photographwhichwill remainonscreen throughoutyourexaminationses-sion. This photograph will also print on your score report.

Priortoattemptingtheexamination,youwillbegiventheoppor-tunity topractice takinganexaminationon thecomputer.Thetimeyouuse for thispracticeexamination isNOTcountedaspart of your examination time or score. When you are com-fortable with the computer testing process, youmay quit thepracticesessionandbeginthetimedexamination.

TABLE OF LABORATORY VALUESNormal laboratory test values may vary somewhat from onelaboratorytoanother.DuringtheCGPexamination,youwillhaveaccesstoatableofnormallaboratoryvalues.Laboratoryvaluesareprovided inbothU.S.and internationalunits (conventionaland SI units) for convenience of candidates.

TIMED EXAMINATIONFollowing the practice examination, you will begin the timedexamination.Beforebeginning,instructionsfortakingtheexami-nation are provided on-screen.

Which of the following is a common adverse effect of donepezil?








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Thecomputermonitorsthetimeyouspendontheexamination.Theexaminationwill terminate ifyouexceedthe timeallowed.Youmay click on the “Time” box in the lower right portion ofthescreenorselecttheTimekeytomonitoryourtime.Adigi-talclock indicates the time remaining foryou tocomplete theexamination. The Time feature may be turned off during theexamination.

Onlyoneexaminationquestionispresentedatatime.Theques-tion number appears in the lower right portion of the screen.Choicesofanswers to theexaminationquestionare identifiedasA,B,C,orD.Youmustindicateyourchoicebyeithertypingintheletter intheresponseboxinthelowerleftportionofthecomputerscreenorclickingontheoptionusingthemouse.Tochangeyouranswer,enteradifferentoptionbypressingtheA,B,C,orDkeyorbyclickingontheoptionusingthemouse.Youmay change your answer as many times as you wish during the examinationtimelimit.

Tomovetothenextquestion,clickontheforwardarrow(>)inthelowerrightportionofthescreenorselecttheNEXTkey.Thisactionwillmoveyouforwardthroughtheexaminationquestionby question. If youwish to review any question or questions,clickthebackwardarrow(<)orusetheleftarrowkeytomovebackwardthroughtheexamination.

Anexaminationquestionmaybeleftunansweredforreturnlaterintheexaminationsession.QuestionsmayalsobebookmarkedforlaterreviewbyclickingintheblanksquaretotherightoftheTimebutton.ClickonthehandiconorselecttheNEXTkeytoadvance to the next unanswered or bookmarkedquestion onthe examination. To identify all unanswered and bookmarkedquestions, repeatedly click on the hand icon or press theNEXTkey.Whentheexaminationiscompleted,thenumberofexaminationquestionsansweredisreported.Ifnotallquestionshavebeenansweredandthereistimeremaining,returntotheexaminationandanswerthosequestions.Besuretoprovideananswerforeachexaminationquestionbeforeendingtheexami-nation. There is no penalty for guessing.

CANDIDATE COMMENTSDuring the examination, comments may be provided for anyquestion by clicking on the button displaying an exclamationpoint(!)totheleftoftheTimebutton.Thisopensadialogueboxwherecommentsmaybeentered.Commentswillbereviewed,butindividualresponseswillnotbeprovided.

FOLLOWING THE EXAMINATIONAftercompletingtheexamination,youareaskedtocompleteashortevaluationofyourexaminationexperience.Then,youareinstructedtoreporttotheexaminationproctortoreceiveareportthat verifies that youhavecompleted theexamination.ScoresarereportedinprintedformonlybyU.S.mail.Scorereportswillbemailedwithin6weeksafterthecloseofthetestingwindow.Scoresarenotreportedoverthetelephone,byelectronicmail,orbyfacsimile.

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PASS/FAIL SCORE DETERMINATIONYourscorereportwillindicatea“pass”or“fail.”Additionaldetailisprovidedintheformofrawscoresbymajorcontentcategory.Testscoresarereportedasrawscoresandscaledscores.Arawscoreisthenumberofcorrectlyansweredquestions;ascaledscore is statistically derived from the raw score. Your total raw score determines whether you pass or fail; it is converted to and reportedasascaledscorerangingbetween0and99.

The methodology used to set the minimum passing score for each examination is the Angoff method, applied during theperformance of a Passing Point Study by a panel of contentexperts.Theexpertsevaluatedeachquestionontherespectiveexamination to determine how many correct answers arenecessarytodemonstratetheknowledgeandskillsrequiredforthedesignation.Thecandidate’sabilitytopasstheexaminationdepends on the knowledge and skill displayed during theexamination,notontheperformanceofothercandidates.

The minimum scaled score needed to pass the examinationhas been set at 75 scaled score units. The reason forreporting scaled scores is that different forms (or versions) of theexaminationmayvary indifficulty.Asnew formsof theexamination are introduced, a certain number of questions ineach content area are replaced. These changes may cause oneformoftheexaminationtobeslightlyeasierorharderthananother form. To adjust for these differences in difficulty, aprocedure called “equating” is used. The goal of equating is to ensure fairness to all candidates.

Intheequatingprocess,theminimumrawscore(numberofcor-rectly answered questions) required to equal the scaled passing scoreof75 isstatisticallyadjusted (orequated).For instance,if the examination is determined to bemore difficult than thepreviousformoftheexamination,thentheminimumrawpass-ingscorerequiredtopasswillbeslightlylowerthantheoriginalrawpassingscore.Iftheexaminationiseasierthanthepreviousform of the examination, then theminimum raw score will behigher.Equatinghelpstoassurethatthescaledpassingscoreof75representsthesamelevelofcompetencenomatterwhichformoftheexaminationacandidatetakes.

In addition to the candidate’s total scaled score and scaled score required to pass, raw scores (the actual number ofquestions answered correctly) are reported for the majorcategories on the content outline. The number of questionsansweredcorrectlyineachmajorcategoryiscomparedtothetotalnumberofquestionspossibleinthatcategoryonthescorereport (e.g.,15/20).Contentcategorical information isprovidedto assist candidates in identifying areas of relative strength and weakness.

SCORES CANCELLED BY CCGP OR AMPCCGP and AMP are responsible for the validity and integrityof the scores they report. On occasion, occurrences, such as computermalfunction ormisconduct by a candidate,maycauseascoretobesuspect.CCGPandAMPreservetherightto void or withhold examination results if, upon investigation,violation of its regulations is discovered.

IF YOU PASS THE EXAMINATIONIf youpass the examination,CCGPwill request that you signa Declaration on the Appropriate Use of the Credential andremit a five-year certification maintenance fee in the amount of $250.00.Ifyouprefer,youmaychoosetopaythecertificationmaintenance fee in four equal annual payments of $75 each,beginning the year following certification. Following receipt oftheDeclarationandfeepaymentpreference,CCGPwillsendaCertificate, in your name, officially designating you as a Certified Geriatric Pharmacist.

IF YOU DO NOT PASS THE EXAMINATIONThere is no limit to thenumber of times youmayattempt theexamination. If you were unsuccessful in your examinationattempt,youmayreregisteronceevery90daysbycompletinganotherApplicationandsubmittingappropriatefees.Thefeetoretaketheexaminationafteranunsuccessfulattemptis$300,iftheexaminationisretakenwithintwoyears.Aftertwoyears,thefullfee($600)mustbepaid.

FAILING TO REPORT FOR AN EXAMINATIONIfyoufailtoreportforanexamination,youforfeitallfeespaidtotaketheexamination.Acompletedapplicationandexaminationfeearerequiredtoreapplyforexamination.

CONFIDENTIALITYInformation about candidates for testing and their examina-tionresultsareconsideredconfidential. IndividualexaminationscoresarereleasedONLYtotheindividualcandidate.QuestionsconcerningexaminationresultsshouldbereferredtotheCCGPCandidateServicesDepartmentinwriting.

RECOGNITION OF CERTIFICATION Ifyoupassthecertificationexaminationyouareentitledtousethe designation “CGP” for Certified Geriatric Pharmacist. CCGP willprovidecertificantswithacertificateofrecognitionsuitableforframing.Inaddition,certificantswillbeentitledtoadditionalitems, such as lapel pins, that display the logo for Certified Geriatric Pharmacist. Contact CCGP for additional information.

QUESTIONS ABOUT THE EXAMINATIONCandidatesmaynothaveaccesstotheexaminationsortospe-cificquestionsexceptduringadministrationoftheexamination.Candidates may comment on any question, the administration of the examination or the test center facilities on their answersheet on the day of the examination. Individual responses toquestioncommentswillnotbeprovided.

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DUPLICATE SCORE REPORTS You may purchase additional copies of your results at a cost of $25percopy.Requestsmustbesubmitted toAMP inwriting.The request must include your name, identification number,mailing address, telephone number, date of examination andexaminationtaken.SubmitthisinformationwiththerequiredfeepayabletoAMPintheformofamoneyorderorcashier’scheck.Duplicatescorereportswillbemailedwithinapproximatelyfivebusiness days after receipt of the request and fee. Requestsmust be submittedwithin one year of your examination to beprocessed.

REQUEST FOR HANDSCORING Candidates who do not pass the Examination may requesta manual verification of the computer scoring. Requests for manual rescoringmustbesubmitted toAMP,18000W.105thStreet,Olathe,KS66061-7543inwritingwithin100daysoftheExamination.ThefeetohandscoretheExaminationis$15.Therequestshouldinclude:yourname,identificationnumber,mail-ingaddress,Examinationdate,testsite,signatureandacopyofyour score report. Upon receipt of the request and appropriate fee, the candidate’s responses will be inspected and hand-scored.Thisprocesstakesapproximately30days.Candidatesnear a passing score should be aware that to ensure correctreporting of results, the testing agency selects a random sam-plingofExaminationsofcandidateswhoscorewithinoneunitofpassing.TheseExaminationsareautomaticallyhandscoredbeforeresultsaremailedasaqualitycontrolmeasure.Thus,itisextremelydoubtfulthatanyExaminationresultswillchangefrom“fail” to “pass” through handscoring.

CONTINUATION OF CERTIFICATION All Certified Geriatric Pharmacists are required to maintaintheir certification in good standing with the CCGP. To do so, certificantswillberequestedtosubmitanannualquestionnaireand a signedAttestation of a Valid License. Failure to submita signed Attestation may jeopardize the certificant’s goodstanding with CCGP, ultimately resulting in suspension of their certified standing.

RECERTIFICATIONCCGP mandates periodic recertification of an individual who is certified as an assurance to the public and the professionthat certified practitioners undergo periodic evaluation of their specializedknowledgeandskill.Theintentofthisprocessistoensure that the certificant at least maintains, or ideally enhances, hisorherlevelofcompetenceingeriatricpharmacypractice.Acompetentgeriatricpharmacistmustkeeppacewithchangesintechnologyandavailabledrugsfordiagnosisandtreatment.

Recertificationisrequiredeveryfive(5)years,inaccordancewithprocessesestablishedbytheCCGPBoardofCommissioners.The5-yearperiodwasdevelopedandapprovedbytheCCGPBoardwhentheprogramwaslaunchedin1997.Thistimeframewas considered to reflect the rate of change in geriatric phar-macypracticewhilebeingpracticallyattainable.

This process involves:

1)paying the $400 Recertification Application Fee andachieving a passing score on a multiple-choice objectiveexamination,basedonthecontentoutlineoftheCertificationExaminationinGeriatricPharmacy


2)paying the $400 Recertification Application Fee and suc-cessfullycompletingtheProfessionalDevelopmentProgramforCGPRecertification. Please visit theCCGPwebsite forfurther information on this program at www.ccgp.org.

RECERTIFICATION GRACE PERIODIf a CCGP Certified Geriatric Pharmacist (CGP) fails to suc-cessfully complete the recertification process, extension ofcertificationmaybegrantedforsixmonthswhiletheindividualseekstosuccessfullycompletetheprocess.Therecertificationfeemustbepaidbeforethegraceperiodisgranted.IfaCCGPcertified pharmacist does not complete the process within that period, then the individual’s status as a CGP will lapse. Once certificationhaslapsed,reinstatementcanbeachievedonlybysuccessfully completing the entire certification process.

EXAMINATION CONTENTTobeginyourpreparationinaninformedandorganizedmanner,youshouldknowwhattoexpectfromtheactualexaminationinterms of the content. Information regarding the content of the examination is presented in this handbook. The content out-linewillgiveyouageneral impressionoftheexaminationand,withcloserinspection,cangiveyouspecificstudydirectionbyrevealing the relative importance given to each category on the examination.

Note: Medications on the certification examination will bereferred to by the generic name only (USAN or USP name).Medications which are known by the British Approved Nameoutside the United States will have this name in parentheses. For example:albuterol(salbutamol).Laboratoryexaminationresultswill be presented in both conventional and international units.Thecontentfortheexaminationisbasedonajobanalysisandisdescribedinthefollowingdetailedcontentoutline.

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I. PATIENT SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES (56 items, 40%)A. Collect and Evaluate Patient-Specific Information (8 items)

1. Interpretandapplyknowledgeofthefollowingtotheprovisionofpharmaceuticalcareforsenioradults:a. patterns of medication useb. causesofmorbidityandmortality

2. Assessandapplyunderstandingofthefollowingissuestotheprovisionofpharmaceuticalcareforsenioradults:a. continuum of careb. wellnessandhealthpromotionc. end of life issues (advance directives, treatment issues, quality of life choices)d. ethical issuese. physiologicalchangesthataccompanyaging(e.g.,sensory,bodycomposition,organsystemfunction,

pharmacokineticandpharmacodynamicchanges)f. resultsofstandardizedassessmenttools(MMSE,GDS,etc.)

3. Evaluatethesocialaspectsofagingintheprovisionofpharmaceuticalcareforsenioradultsrelatedtothefollowing:a. economic issuesb. availabilityofcommunitybasedservices(referralsandtriage)c. role of caregiverd. cultural

4. Communicatewithseniorpatients,theircaregiversandhealthcareprofessionals:a. recognizecommunicationbarriersincludingage-relatedsensoryandcognitiveimpairments,illiteracy,and

language and cultural differencesb. applystrategiestoovercomecommunicationbarriersc. apply privacy and confidentiality principlesd. ensurepatientunderstandingofprescribedtherapy

5. Interpretandmonitorlaboratoryresultsandproceduresfortheseniorpatient6. Recognizeandassess:

a. altered disease state presentations in seniorsb. alteredpsychologicalstatusinseniors

7. Identify and assess compliance/adherence issues affecting potential treatment plans (e.g., memory loss, sensory changes,hearing,cognition,patientbeliefs,economics,andlearningdisabilities)

8. Obtainandevaluate:a. an accurate drug history including over the counter and alternative/complementary medicationsb. relevantphysicalassessmentinformationc. past medical history

9. Applyprinciplesofpharmacokineticandpharmacodynamicchangesassociatedwithagingtothedesignofthepharmacotherapy regimen

B. Identify, Resolve and Prevent Medication Therapy – Related Problems (12 items)1. Untreated or under-treated conditions2. Improper drug selection3. SubtherapeuticorSupratherapeuticdosage4. Monitorpatient’scompliance/adherencewithmedicationsandapplystrategiestoeducatethepatientand/or

caregiver, and encourage compliance/adherence with therapy5. Adversedrugevents6. Druginteractions7. Drugusewithoutindication8. Treatment failures

C. Determine Patient’s Pharmaceutical and Related Health Care Needs and Integrate into Care Plan (6 items)D. Select Drug Therapy Goals which Focus on Function and Quality of Life (8 items)

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E. Design and Implement a Therapeutic Regimen in Collaboration with the Patient and Other Health Care Professionals (10 items)1. Applyconceptofrisk:benefitforeachdrug2. Recommend non-prescription drugs3. Educateontherapyoptions(e.g.,generics,alternativetherapies,nondrugtherapies,formularyoptions)4. Educateonmedication-relatedproblems(e.g.,sideeffectsofmedication,druginteractions)5. Recognizeneedforreferraltospecializedhealthcareproviderforfurtherevaluation/treatment

F. Patient Monitoring Plan (12 items)1. Designplantomonitorforsafety,effectivenessandachievementoftherapeuticgoals2. Implement plan3. Evaluateitseffectsonqualityoflifeissues4. Documentstepsandoutcomesofpharmaceuticalcareplan

II. DISEASE SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES (63 items, 45%)A. Cardiovascular Disorders – e.g., Hypertension, Heart Failure, Ischemic Heart Disease, Myocardial Infarction,

Cardiac Arrhythmias, Hyperlipidemia, Peripheral Vascular Disease (8 items)1. Recognize common signs and symptoms2. Applydisease-specificknowledgetomanagementofpatients(e.g.,epidemiology,riskfactors,pathogenesisand

pathophysiology,diagnostic/prognosticissues,clinicalcourse,availablepracticeguidelines,pharmacoeconomics,quality of life, patient satisfaction)

3. Designandrecommendpatient-specificpharmacotherapyconsideringcomorbidityandotherfactors4. Evaluatedrugresponseusingeffectivenessandsafetyendpoints,qualityoflifeissuesandrecommendmodifications

in therapy as necessaryB. Dermatologic Disorders – e.g., Drug Induced Skin Disorders, Xerosis, Fungal Rashes, Pressure Ulcers, Other

Common Skin Disorders (2 items)1. Recognize common signs and symptoms2. Applydisease-specificknowledgetomanagementofpatients(e.g.,epidemiology,riskfactors,pathogenesisand

pathophysiology,diagnostic/prognosticissues,clinicalcourse,availablepracticeguidelines,pharmacoeconomics,quality of life, patient satisfaction)

3. Designandrecommendpatient-specificpharmacotherapyconsideringcomorbidityandotherfactors4. Evaluatedrugresponseusingeffectivenessandsafetyendpoints,qualityoflifeissuesandrecommendmodifications

in therapy as necessaryC. Endocrine and Exocrine Disorders – e.g., Thyroid Disorders, Diabetes Mellitus, SIADH, Disorders of the Adrenal

Gland, Paget’s Disease, Hormone Replacement Therapy (7 items)1. Recognize common signs and symptoms2. Applydisease-specificknowledgetomanagementofpatients(e.g.,epidemiology,riskfactors,pathogenesisand

pathophysiology,diagnostic/prognosticissues,clinicalcourse,availablepracticeguidelines,pharmacoeconomics,quality of life, patient satisfaction)

3. Designandrecommendpatient-specificpharmacotherapyconsideringcomorbidityandotherfactors4. Evaluatedrugresponseusingeffectivenessandsafetyendpoints,qualityoflifeissuesandrecommendmodifications

in therapy as necessaryD. Gastrointestinal Disorders – e.g., Peptic Ulcer Disease, Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease, Diarrhea and

Constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Pancreatitis, Cholelithiasis (4 items)1. Recognize common signs and symptoms2. Applydisease-specificknowledgetomanagementofpatients(e.g.,epidemiology,riskfactors,pathogenesisand

pathophysiology,diagnostic/prognosticissues,clinicalcourse,availablepracticeguidelines,pharmacoeconomics,quality of life, patient satisfaction)

3. Designandrecommendpatient-specificpharmacotherapyconsideringcomorbidityandotherfactors4. Evaluatedrugresponseusingeffectivenessandsafetyendpoints,qualityoflifeissuesandrecommendmodifications

in therapy as necessary

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E. Hematologic Disorders – e.g., Anemias, Disorders of Hemostasis, Thrombocytopenia, Disorders of White Blood Cells (3 items)1. Recognize common signs and symptoms2. Applydisease-specificknowledgetomanagementofpatients(e.g.,epidemiology,riskfactors,pathogenesisand

pathophysiology,diagnostic/prognosticissues,clinicalcourse,availablepracticeguidelines,pharmacoeconomics,quality of life, patient satisfaction)

3. Designandrecommendpatient-specificpharmacotherapyconsideringcomorbidityandotherfactors4. Evaluatedrugresponseusingeffectivenessandsafetyendpoints,qualityoflifeissuesandrecommendmodifications

in therapy as necessaryF. Infectious Diseases – e.g., Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Herpes Zoster, AIDS, Skin and Soft Tissue Infections, Bone

and Joint Infections, Gastrointestinal Infections, Genitourinary Tract Infections, Influenza, Ophthalmic Infections, Nosocomial Infections, Drug Resistance, Immunizations (6 items)1. Recognize common signs and symptoms2. Applydisease-specificknowledgetomanagementofpatients(e.g.,epidemiology,riskfactors,pathogenesisand

pathophysiology,diagnostic/prognosticissues,clinicalcourse,availablepracticeguidelines,pharmacoeconomics,quality of life, patient satisfaction)

3. Designandrecommendpatient-specificpharmacotherapyconsideringcomorbidityandotherfactors4. Evaluatedrugresponseusingeffectivenessandsafetyendpoints,qualityoflifeissuesandrecommendmodifications

in therapy as necessaryG. Musculoskeletal Disorders – e.g., Osteoarthritis, Rheumatological Diseases, Osteoporosis, Gout, Acute and

Chronic Pain, Foot Disorders (6 items)1. Recognize common signs and symptoms2. Applydisease-specificknowledgetomanagementofpatients(e.g.,epidemiology,riskfactors,pathogenesisand

pathophysiology,diagnostic/prognosticissues,clinicalcourse,availablepracticeguidelines,pharmacoeconomics,quality of life, patient satisfaction)

3. Designandrecommendpatient-specificpharmacotherapyconsideringcomorbidityandotherfactors4. Evaluatedrugresponseusingeffectivenessandsafetyendpoints,qualityoflifeissuesandrecommendmodifications

in therapy as necessaryH. Neurological Disorders – e.g., Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke, Transient Ischemic Attacks), Movement

Disorders (Parkinson’s Disease, Essential Tremor), Dementias (Alzheimer’s Disease, Lewy Body Disease, Ischemic Vascular Dementia), Delirium, Seizure Disorders, Neuropathies, Acute and Chronic Pain Syndromes, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Restless Leg Syndrome, Headache (7 items)1. Recognize common signs and symptoms2. Applydisease-specificknowledgetomanagementofpatients(e.g.,epidemiology,riskfactors,pathogenesisand

pathophysiology,diagnostic/prognosticissues,clinicalcourse,availablepracticeguidelines,pharmacoeconomics,quality of life, patient satisfaction)

3. Designandrecommendpatient-specificpharmacotherapyconsideringcomorbidityandotherfactors4. Evaluatedrugresponseusingeffectivenessandsafetyendpoints,qualityoflifeissuesandrecommendmodifications

in therapy as necessaryI. Nutrition and Hydration Disorders – e.g., Malnutrition, Weight Loss, Dehydration, Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders

(2 items)1. Recognize common signs and symptoms2. Applydisease-specificknowledgetomanagementofpatients(e.g.,epidemiology,riskfactors,pathogenesisand

pathophysiology,diagnostic/prognosticissues,clinicalcourse,availablepracticeguidelines,pharmacoeconomics,quality of life, patient satisfaction)

3. Designandrecommendpatient-specificpharmacotherapyconsideringcomorbidityandotherfactors4. Evaluatedrugresponseusingeffectivenessandsafetyendpoints,qualityoflifeissuesandrecommendmodifications

in therapy as necessaryJ. Oncology – e.g., Breast Cancer, Skin Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Lung Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Brain Tumors

(1 item)1. Applydisease-specificknowledgetomanagementofpatients(e.g.,epidemiology,riskfactors,pathogenesisand

pathophysiology,diagnostic/prognosticissues,clinicalcourse,availablepracticeguidelines,pharmacoeconomics,quality of life, patient satisfaction)

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K. Ophthalmology – e.g., Glaucoma, Dry Eyes, Blepharitis, Macular Degeneration, Cataracts (1 item)1. Applydisease-specificknowledgetomanagementofpatients(e.g.,epidemiology,riskfactors,pathogenesisand

pathophysiology,diagnostic/prognosticissues,clinicalcourse,availablepracticeguidelines,pharmacoeconomics,quality of life, patient satisfaction)

L. Psychiatric Disorders – e.g., Depression, Bipolar, and Other Mood Disorders, Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders, Sleep Disturbances, Anxiety Disorders, Behavioral Disorders, Substance Abuse (8 items)1. Recognize common signs and symptoms2. Applydisease-specificknowledgetomanagementofpatients(e.g.,epidemiology,riskfactors,pathogenesisand

pathophysiology,diagnostic/prognosticissues,clinicalcourse,availablepracticeguidelines,pharmacoeconomics,quality of life, patient satisfaction)

3. Designandrecommendpatient-specificpharmacotherapyconsideringcomorbidityandotherfactors4. Evaluatedrugresponseusingeffectivenessandsafetyendpoints,qualityoflifeissuesandrecommendmodifications

in therapy as necessaryM. Genitourinary Disorders – e.g., Urinary Incontinence/Retention, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Sexual

Dysfunction, Renal Dysfunction (4 items)1. Recognize common signs and symptoms2. Applydisease-specificknowledgetomanagementofpatients(e.g.,epidemiology,riskfactors,pathogenesisand

pathophysiology,diagnostic/prognosticissues,clinicalcourse,availablepracticeguidelines,pharmacoeconomics,quality of life, patient satisfaction)

3. Designandrecommendpatient-specificpharmacotherapyconsideringcomorbidityandotherfactors4. Evaluatedrugresponseusingeffectivenessandsafetyendpoints,qualityoflifeissuesandrecommendmodifications

in therapy as necessaryN. Respiratory Disorders – e.g., Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Asthma, Sleep Apnea (4 items)

1. Recognize common signs and symptoms2. Applydisease-specificknowledgetomanagementofpatients(e.g.,epidemiology,riskfactors,pathogenesisand

pathophysiology,diagnostic/prognosticissues,clinicalcourse,availablepracticeguidelines,pharmacoeconomics,quality of life, patient satisfaction)

3. Designandrecommendpatient-specificpharmacotherapyconsideringcomorbidityandotherfactors4. Evaluatedrugresponseusingeffectivenessandsafetyendpoints,qualityoflifeissuesandrecommendmodifications

in therapy as necessaryIII. POPULATION SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES (21 items, 15%)

A. Research (8 items)1. Designandconductmedicationuseevaluations(MUE)anddrugusereview(DUR)2. ApplyMUE/DURresultstoimprovethequalityofcare3. Evaluateandapplyqualityimprovementdata(e.g.,patientsafety,medicationutilization/safety,rootcauseanalysis)

B. Economics and Access (3 items)1. InterpretPharmacoeconomicData

C. Health Policy (3 items)1. Communicate with healthcare professionals to improve quality of care2. Ensurethatprivacyandconfidentialitystandardsaremaintained3. Optimize the Continuum of Care process (e.g., reconciliation, medication delivery systems)4. Interpretandapplygeriatricpracticeguidelines5. Developandimplementclinicalprotocols,policyandprocedures,etc.

D. Education (7 items)1. Identify educational needs for target audiences2. Designand/orimplementeducationalactivitiesfortargetaudiences3. Evaluateoutcomeofeducationalactivities

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SAMPLE QUESTIONS 1. Manyolderadultshaveimpairedabsorptionofwhichof

the following nutrients?

A. folateB. ascorbicacidC. nicotinic acid D. cyanocobalamin

2. Thedaughterofa69-year-oldfemalehasnotedchangesinhermother’sbehavioroverthepastyear.Theprimarycare physician recently administered a Mini-Mental State Examination(MMSE)andobtainedascoreof16.Basedon this score, the mother’s cognitive impairment should beconsidered:

A. unimpaired.B. mild.C. moderate. D. severe.

3. Aresidenthasbeenisolatingherselfinherroom.Sheisverysadandcriesfrequently.Herhusbandof53yearspassedaway9monthsago,andshewasplacedontrazodone at that time. Her current drug regimen includes the following:

trazodone 25mgqhsdigoxin 0.25mgdailyphenytoin 300 mg qhs multivitamin daily calciumwithvitaminD daily

Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment recommendation?

A. Decreasedigoxinto0.125mgdaily.B. Changetrazodonetosertraline.C. Addbuspirone5mgbid.D. Checkthephenytoinlevel.

4. Whichofthefollowingmonitoringparametersaremostusefultodetermineifapatientisexperiencingorthostatichypotension?

1. supinebloodpressure2.standingbloodpressure3.systolicbloodpressure4.diastolicbloodpressure

A. 1,2,and3onlyB. 1,2,and4onlyC. 1,3,and4onlyD. 2,3,and4only

5. WhichofthefollowingparametersshouldbemonitoredinPaget’sdiseaseofthebone?

A. ASTB. creatinineC. cholesterol panel D. alkalinephosphatase

6. An82-year-oldfemaleresident,withnourinarysymptoms, has a chronic indwelling catheter. The nursing staff reports cloudy urine and the following urinalysis is obtained:

color amberappearance cloudy specific gravity 1.01 WBC 3RBC 1bacteria fewnitrite negative leukocyteesterase negative


A. Encouragefluidsandbeginnorfloxacin.B. Removecatheterandstartfluconazole.C. Alkalinizeurineandstartmethenamine(hexamine).D. Monitorresidentforurinarysymptoms.

7. Which of the following is a cardinal feature of neuroleptic malignant syndrome?

A. rigidityB. thrombocytosisC. hypothermia D. bradycardia

8. Whichofthefollowingeyedropsismostlikelytoexacerbateglaucoma?

A. gentamicinB. dexamethasoneC. diclofenac D. ciprofloxacin

9. A78-year-oldmanwithdementiawasadmittedtothehospital following increased confusion and a fall. The patient’s history includes angina, HTN, hyperlipidemia, BPH,andvasculardementia.Heiscurrentlyagitatedandattemptingtostrikethenurse.Dailymedicationsuponadmission include the following:

hydrochlorothiazide 25mgatenolol 50mgatorvastatin 10 mg terazosin 5mgaspirin 81 mg haloperidol 1 mg prn agitation

Whichofthefollowinglaboratorytestsshouldberecommended initially?

serum lipid liver electrolytes CBC panel enzymes

A. yes yes no noB. yes no yes noC. no no yes yes D. no yes no yes

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10. In reviewing medication errors for the last quarter, a QualityImprovementCommitteenoticesalargeincreasein errors of similarly named medications. Which of the followingistheMOSTappropriatenextstep?

A. Investigatethesourceoferrorinthemedicationuseprocess.

B. Distributealistofsound-alikemedicationstothenurses.

C. Identify the nursing staff administering the medications.

D. Determinethepharmacystaffdispensingthemedications.

Answer Key:

Correct Content Correct Content Answer Area Answer Area 1. D 1A-2e 6. D 2F-3 2. C 1A-2f 7. A 2H-1 3. B 1B-6 8. B 2K-1 4. A 1F-1 9. A 2L-4 5. D 2C-2 10. A 3A-3

SELF-ASSESSMENT EXAMINATION CCGP offers a Self-Assessment Examination (SAE) to helpcandidatespreparefortheCertificationExaminationinGeriatricPharmacy.TheSAEisavailableinanonline,Web-basedformatandinpaper-and-pencil,bookletformat.

The SAE consists of 150multiple-choice questions based onthecurrentCertificationExaminationcontentoutline.CandidatescompletingtheSAEwillreceivetotalscoresandasummaryofstrengthsandweaknessesbycontentarea.BothversionsoftheSAE (Web-based and paper-and-pencil) contain explanationsfor each correct and incorrect answer, helping you to betterunderstand the reasoning that supports the correct therapy.

FormoreinformationabouttheSAE,pleasevisitwww.ccgp.org andclickonthelink“SelfAssessmentExam.”

RECOMMENDED REFERENCES As a credentialing body, CCGP does not provide education.However, theAmericanSocietyofConsultantPharmacistshasdevelopeda list of resourcematerials and links to informationabout geriatrics and geriatric drug therapy. We mention thisresourcehereincaseitmaybeusefultocandidates.Thelinkis:www.ascp.com/GeriPharm

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Applicant Status



REAPPLICANT:ThelasttimeIattemptedtheCertificationExaminationinGeriatricPharmacywas:_________________________ (mm/dd/yyyy)


ByExamination ByContinuingEducation

Fees: Indicate the appropriate fee(s).

NewApplicantExaminationFee $600

ReapplicantExaminationFee (iftakenwithintwoyears) $300

Recertification Candidates Fee (ExaminationorContinuingEducation) $400

ReactivationFee $100

Method of Payment



Credit Card Type: Please select one: VISA MasterCard Discover AmericanExpress

Account No.


Name as it appears on Card


Certification Examination in Geriatric Pharmacy EXAMINATION APPLICATION

Personal Information

Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (First, Middle Initial, Last, Generation)

Gender: Male Female

FormerName:(ifapplicable) _________________________________________________________________________________

DateofBirth:mm/dd/yy _____________________________________________________________________________________

DaytimePhone: ______________________________________ EveningPhone: ______________________________________

E-mail: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Preferred Mailing Address

Is this address:   Home   Business

Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

City_______________________________________ State_________ Zip_______________ Country _______________________

Special Examination Requests


– over –

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Demographic Information

1. Academic Degrees

Indicate the highest academic degree(s) you have completed: Please select one

BS PharmD BSplusPharmD BSplusadvanceddegreeotherthanPharmD PharmDplusotheradvanceddegree Other – Please Specify_______________________

2. Pharmacy Experience

Indicatethenumberofyearsyouhavepracticedas a pharmacist: Please select one

less than 2 years 2 years 3 years 4–5years 6–10years 11–19years 20–29years 30 or more

3. Geriatric Pharmacy Experience

Indicatethenumberofyearsyouhavepracticedgeriatricpharmacy: Please select one

less than 1 atleast1butlessthan2 2 – 3 4–5 6–10 11 or more

4. Hours Spent in Geriatric Pharmacy

Indicatethenumberofhoursyouspendperweekingeriatric pharmacy practice: Please select one

none 1 – 10 11 – 20 21 – 30 31 or more

5. Type of Pharmacy Practice

Indicate your type of pharmacy practice: Please select one

Academia Community – chain (four or more stores) Community – independent Government(VA,DOD,HHSetc.) Hospital – Community Hospital – University Independent practice Industry Long-term care pharmacy Mail service pharmacy Managed care pharmacy Other – Specify


Computer-Based ExamFollowing processing of this Application, you will receive anemailtomakeanappointmenttoundertaketheComputer-BasedExamination at more than 170 locations throughout the U.S.,Australia,Canadaandothercountries.

Select Test Window: January/FebruaryExam April/MayExam July/AugustExam October/NovemberExam


Signature: _________________________________________________________________Date:_________________________________

Complete this form and submit it to Candidate Services, CCGP, 1321 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-3563 with the required fee and a copy of your pharmacist license.

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CCGP Examination


IfyouhaveadisabilitycoveredbytheAmericanswithDisabilitiesAct,pleasecompletethisformandtheDocumentationofDisability-relatedNeedson the reversesidesoyouraccommodations for testingcanbeprocessedefficiently.Theinformationyouprovideandanydocumentationregardingyourdisabilityandyourneedforaccommodationintestingwillbetreatedwithstrictconfidentiality.

Applicant Information

Test Center ___________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle Name


_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________City State ZipCode

Special Accommodations

I request special accommodations for the ______ / ______ administration of the ________________________________________examination(s). Month Year


______ Reader

______ Extendedtestingtime(timeandahalf)

______ Reduced distraction environment

______ Pleasespecifybelowifotherspecialaccommodationsareneeded.




Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________



PLEASE READ AND SIGN:I give my permission for my diagnosing professional to discuss with AMP staff my records and history as they relate to the requested accommodation.

Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________

Return this form with your examination application to: Candidate Services Department, CCGP, 1321 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-3563.

If you have questions, call the Candidate Services Department at 703/535-3036.

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CCGP Examination



Professional Documentation

Ihaveknown_______________________________________________________since______/______/______inmycapacityasa CandidateName Date

_____________________________________________________________. Professional Title

Theapplicantdiscussedwithmethenatureoftheexaminationadministered.It ismyopinionthatbecauseofthisapplicant’sdisabilitydescribedbelow,he/sheshouldbeaccommodatedbyprovidingthespecialarrangementslistedonthereverseside.

DescriptionofDisability: _________________________________________________________________________________________





Signed: ___________________________________________________________________ Title: _____________________________

Date: _______________________________________________ License # (if applicable): _________________________________

Return this form with your examination application to: Candidate Services Department, CCGP, 1321 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-3563.

If you have questions, call the Candidate Services Department at 703/535-3036.

Page 21: Certification Examination in Geriatric Pharmacy handbook Oct...Commission for Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy ... The Commission for Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy ... (ASCP)

Commission for Certification Applied Measurement in Geriatric Pharmacy (CCGP) Professionals, Inc. (AMP)1321DukeStreet 18000W.105thStreetAlexandria,VA22314-3563 Olathe,KS66061-7543703/535-3036 913/895-4600FAX703/739-1500 FAX913/895-4651