certification of enrollment engrossed substitute house bill...

CERTIFICATION OF ENROLLMENT ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 2322 Chapter 219, Laws of 2020 (partial veto) 66th Legislature 2020 Regular Session TRANSPORTATION BUDGET--SUPPLEMENTAL EFFECTIVE DATE: March 31, 2020 Passed by the House March 11, 2020 Yeas 96 Nays 1 LAURIE JINKINS Speaker of the House of Representatives Passed by the Senate March 11, 2020 Yeas 48 Nays 0 CYRUS HABIB President of the Senate CERTIFICATE I, Bernard Dean, Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL 2322 as passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate on the dates hereon set forth. BERNARD DEAN Chief Clerk Approved March 31, 2020 10:41 AM with the exception of sections 220(16); 301(3); 302, page 70, lines 33-37 and page 71, lines 1-2; 303(2); 305(35); 307(2); 308(11); 309(17); 310(26); 207(15); 208(22); 208(23); 208(24); 208(25); 208(27); and 208(35), which are vetoed. FILED March 31, 2020 JAY INSLEE Governor of the State of Washington Secretary of State State of Washington

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Page 1: CERTIFICATION OF ENROLLMENT ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL …leap.leg.wa.gov/leap/Budget/Detail/2020/2322-S.SL.pdf · 2020-04-08 · 8 Senate Bill No. 5710))), Laws of 2019 (Cooper


Chapter 219, Laws of 2020(partial veto)

66th Legislature2020 Regular Session


EFFECTIVE DATE: March 31, 2020

Passed by the House March 11, 2020 Yeas 96 Nays 1

LAURIE JINKINSSpeaker of the House ofRepresentatives

Passed by the Senate March 11, 2020 Yeas 48 Nays 0

CYRUS HABIBPresident of the Senate


I, Bernard Dean, Chief Clerk of theHouse of Representatives of theState of Washington, do herebycertify that the attached isENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL2322 as passed by the House ofRepresentatives and the Senate onthe dates hereon set forth.


Approved March 31, 2020 10:41 AM withthe exception of sections 220(16);301(3); 302, page 70, lines 33-37 andpage 71, lines 1-2; 303(2); 305(35);307(2); 308(11); 309(17); 310(26);207(15); 208(22); 208(23); 208(24);208(25); 208(27); and 208(35), whichare vetoed.


March 31, 2020

JAY INSLEEGovernor of the State of Washington

Secretary of State State of Washington

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AN ACT Relating to transportation funding and appropriations;1amending RCW 46.68.310, 82.32.385, 47.66.110, 46.68.290, 82.44.135,2and 46.68.395; amending 2019 c 416 ss 103, 105, 108-110, 201-223,3301, 303-311, 313, 401-408, 601, 606, and 701 (uncodified); adding4new sections to 2019 c 416 (uncodified); making appropriations and5authorizing expenditures for capital improvements; and declaring an6emergency.7




Sec. 101. 2019 c 416 s 103 (uncodified) is amended to read as11follows: 12FOR THE OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT13Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . (($1,403,000))14 $1,419,00015Multimodal Transportation Account—State Appropriation. . . . $300,00016Puget Sound Ferry Operations Account—State Appropriation (($116,000))17 $121,00018

TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($1,819,000))19


AS AMENDED BY THE CONFERENCE COMMITTEEPassed Legislature - 2020 Regular Session

State of Washington 66th Legislature 2020 Regular SessionBy House Transportation (originally sponsored by Representatives Feyand Wylie; by request of Office of Financial Management)READ FIRST TIME 02/28/20.

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$1,840,0001The appropriations in this section are subject to the following2

conditions and limitations: $300,000 of the multimodal transportation3account—state appropriation is provided solely for the office of4financial management, in direct coordination with the office of state5treasurer, to evaluate, coordinate, and assist in efforts by state6agencies in developing cost recovery mechanisms for credit card and7other financial transaction fees currently paid from state funds.8This may include disbursing interagency reimbursements for the9implementation costs incurred by the affected agencies. As part of10the first phase of this effort, the office of financial management,11with the assistance of relevant agencies, must develop implementation12plans and take all necessary steps to ensure that the actual cost-13recovery mechanisms will be in place by January 1, 2020, for the14vehicles and drivers programs of the department of licensing. By15November 1, 2019, the office of financial management must provide a16report to the joint transportation committee on the phase 117implementation plan and options to expand similar cost recovery18mechanisms to other state agencies and programs, including the19ferries division.20

Sec. 102. 2019 c 416 s 105 (uncodified) is amended to read as21follows: 22FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE23Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . (($1,357,000))24 $1,359,00025

Sec. 103. 2019 c 416 s 108 (uncodified) is amended to read as26follows: 27FOR THE BOARD OF PILOTAGE COMMISSIONERS28Pilotage Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . . . . (($5,228,000))29 $6,040,00030

The appropriation in this section is subject to the following31conditions and limitations:32

(1) $3,125,000 of the pilotage account—state appropriation is33provided solely for self-insurance liability premium expenditures;34however, this appropriation is contingent upon the board:35

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(a) Annually depositing the first one hundred fifty thousand1dollars collected through Puget Sound pilotage district pilotage2tariffs into the pilotage account; and3

(b) Assessing a self-insurance premium surcharge of sixteen4dollars per pilotage assignment on vessels requiring pilotage in the5Puget Sound pilotage district.6

(2) The board of pilotage commissioners shall file the annual7report to the governor and chairs of the transportation committees8required under RCW 88.16.035(1)(f) by September 1, 2019, and annually9thereafter. The report must include the continuation of policies and10procedures necessary to increase the diversity of pilots, trainees,11and applicants, including a diversity action plan. The diversity12action plan must articulate a comprehensive vision of the board's13diversity goals and the steps it will take to reach those goals.14

Sec. 104. 2019 c 416 s 109 (uncodified) is amended to read as15follows: 16FOR THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES17Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . (($2,861,000))18 $3,082,00019

Sec. 105. 2019 c 416 s 110 (uncodified) is amended to read as20follows:21FOR THE SENATE22Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . (($2,998,000))23 $2,999,00024

NEW SECTION. Sec. 106. A new section is added to 2019 c 41625(uncodified) to read as follows: 26FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON27

Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . . . $250,00028The appropriation in this section is subject to the following29

conditions and limitations: $250,000 of the motor vehicle account—30state appropriation is provided solely for the University of31Washington, Foster School of Business' Consulting and Business32Development Center to conduct an analysis of workforce development33needs of the Washington state ferries. Plan development should34consider the findings from the 2019 Washington state ferries overtime35report, including data trend analysis and insight gathered from36

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discussions with Washington state ferries staff and unions. The1report of the study findings and recommendations is due to the2transportation committees of the legislature by January 11, 2021. The3study must include, but is not limited to, the following:4

(1) A description of the current workforce, including demographic5composition, use of relief and temporary employees, and the numbers6of management and supervisory staff compared to line workers;7

(2) An analysis of vacancies by job class and collective8bargaining unit, the causes of vacancies, and projections of how9these dynamics may change going forward;10

(3) An analysis of current strategies for filling vacancies,11including the use of overtime, relief staff, on-call staff, hiring of12additional or new employees, and a comparison of these strategies to13determine which may be more cost-effective;14

(4) An inventory of mandatory training and certification15requirements as compared to training provided currently to state16ferries employees;17

(5) An analysis of the role of federal requirements and18collective bargaining agreements in determining staffing levels, as19well as current practices in workforce management and development;20

(6) An analysis of barriers to implementing changes in workforce21management or innovative approaches to workforce development; and22

(7) Findings and recommendations regarding recruitment methods23and needs, strategies on how to recruit and conduct outreach to24underrepresented communities throughout the state, management of25overtime and leave usage, ratio of management employees to line26employees as compared to industry and public sector standards, and27adequacy of training budgets to meet workforce development needs.28


Sec. 201. 2019 c 416 s 201 (uncodified) is amended to read as30follows: 31FOR THE WASHINGTON TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION32Highway Safety Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . (($4,588,000))33 $4,675,00034Highway Safety Account—Federal Appropriation . . . . (($27,035,000))35 $27,051,00036Highway Safety Account—Private/Local Appropriation . . . . . $118,00037

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School Zone Safety Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . . $850,0001TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($32,591,000))2

$32,694,0003The appropriations in this section are subject to the following4

conditions and limitations:5(1) $150,000 of the highway safety account—state appropriation is6

provided solely for the implementation of chapter 54 (((Substitute7Senate Bill No. 5710))), Laws of 2019 (Cooper Jones Active8Transportation Safety Council). If chapter 54 (((Substitute Senate9Bill No. 5710))), Laws of 2019 is not enacted by June 30, 2019, the10amount provided in this subsection lapses.11

(2) The Washington traffic safety commission may oversee a pilot12program in up to three cities implementing the use of automated13vehicle noise enforcement cameras in zones that have been designated14by ordinance as "Stay Out of Areas of Racing."15

(a) Any programs authorized by the commission must be authorized16by December 31, ((2019)) 2020.17

(b) If a city has established an authorized automated vehicle18noise enforcement camera pilot program under this section, the19compensation paid to the manufacturer or vendor of the equipment used20must be based upon the value of the equipment and services provided21or rendered in support of the system.22

(c) Any city administering a pilot program overseen by the23traffic safety commission shall use the following guidelines to24administer the program:25

(i) Automated vehicle noise enforcement camera may record26photographs or audio of the vehicle and vehicle license plate only27while a violation is occurring. The picture must not reveal the face28of the driver or of passengers in the vehicle;29

(ii) The law enforcement agency of the city or county government30shall ((plainly mark the locations)) install two signs facing31opposite directions within two hundred feet, or otherwise consistent32with the uniform manual on traffic control devices, where the33automated vehicle noise enforcement camera is used ((by placing signs34on street locations that clearly indicate to a driver that he or she35is entering a zone where traffic laws violations are being detected36by automated vehicle noise enforcement cameras that record both audio37and video)) that state "Street Racing Noise Pilot Program in38Progress";39

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(iii) Cities testing the use of automated vehicle noise1enforcement cameras must ((provide periodic notice by mail to its2residents)) post information on the city web site and notify local3media outlets indicating the zones in which the automated vehicle4noise enforcement cameras will be used;5

(iv) A city may only issue a warning notice with no penalty for a6violation detected by automated vehicle noise enforcement cameras in7a Stay Out of Areas of Racing zone. Warning notices must be mailed to8the registered owner of a vehicle within fourteen days of the9detected violation;10

(v) A violation detected through the use of automated vehicle11noise enforcement cameras is not part of the registered owner's12driving record under RCW 46.52.101 and 46.52.120;13

(vi) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all photographs,14videos, microphotographs, audio recordings, or electronic images15prepared under this section are for the exclusive use of law16enforcement in the discharge of duties under this section and are not17open to the public and may not be used in a court in a pending action18or proceeding. No photograph, microphotograph, audio recording, or19electronic image may be used for any purpose other than the issuance20of warnings for violations under this section or retained longer than21necessary to issue a warning notice as required under this subsection22(2); and23

(vii) By June 30, 2021, the participating cities shall provide a24report to the commission and appropriate committees of the25legislature regarding the use, public acceptance, outcomes, warnings26issued, data retention and use, and other relevant issues regarding27automated vehicle noise enforcement cameras demonstrated by the pilot28projects.29

(3) The Washington traffic safety commission may oversee a30demonstration project in one county, coordinating with a public31transportation benefit area (PTBA) and the department of32transportation, to test the feasibility and accuracy of the use of33automated enforcement technology for high occupancy vehicle (HOV)34lane passenger compliance. All costs associated with the35demonstration project must be borne by the participating public36transportation benefit area. Any photograph, microphotograph, or37electronic images of a driver or passengers are for the exclusive use38of the PTBA in the determination of whether an HOV passenger39violation has occurred to test the feasibility and accuracy of40

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automated enforcement under this subsection and are not open to the1public and may not be used in a court in a pending action or2proceeding. All photographs, microphotographs, and electronic images3must be destroyed after determining a passenger count and no later4than the completion of the demonstration project. No warnings or5notices of infraction may be issued under the demonstration project.6

For purposes of the demonstration project, an automated7enforcement technology device may record an image of a driver and8passenger of a motor vehicle. The county and PTBA must erect signs9marking the locations where the automated enforcement for HOV10passenger requirements is occurring.11

The PTBA, in consultation with the Washington traffic safety12commission, must provide a report to the transportation committees of13the legislature with the number of violations detected during the14demonstration project, whether the technology used was accurate and15any recommendations for future use of automated enforcement16technology for HOV lane enforcement by June 30, 2021.17

(4)(a) The Washington traffic safety commission shall coordinate18with each city that implements a pilot program as authorized in19chapter . . . (Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1793), Laws of202020 (automated traffic safety cameras) or chapter . . . (Substitute21Senate Bill No. 5789), Laws of 2020 (automated traffic safety22cameras) to provide the transportation committees of the legislature23with the following information by June 30, 2021:24

(i) The number of warnings and infractions issued to first-time25violators under the pilot program;26

(ii) The number of warnings and infractions issued to the27registered owners of vehicles that are not registered with an address28located in the city conducting the pilot program; and29

(iii) The frequency with which warnings and infractions are30issued on weekdays versus weekend days.31

(b) If neither chapter . . . (Engrossed Substitute House Bill No.321793), Laws of 2020 nor chapter . . . (Substitute Senate Bill No.335789), Laws of 2020 is enacted by June 30, 2020, the conditions of34this subsection (4) have no force and effect.35

Sec. 202. 2019 c 416 s 202 (uncodified) is amended to read as36follows: 37FOR THE COUNTY ROAD ADMINISTRATION BOARD38Rural Arterial Trust Account—State Appropriation . . . . . $1,137,00039

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Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . (($2,803,000))1 $2,920,0002County Arterial Preservation Account—State3

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,677,0004TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($5,617,000))5

$5,734,0006The appropriations in this section are subject to the following7

conditions and limitations: $58,000 of the motor vehicle account—8state appropriation is provided solely for succession planning and9training.10

Sec. 203. 2019 c 416 s 203 (uncodified) is amended to read as11follows: 12FOR THE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BOARD13Transportation Improvement Account—State14

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($4,526,000))15 $3,854,00016

Sec. 204. 2019 c 416 s 204 (uncodified) is amended to read as17follows: 18FOR THE JOINT TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE19Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . (($1,938,000))20 $2,187,00021Multimodal Transportation Account—State Appropriation. . (($750,000))22 $917,00023Highway Safety Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . . . . $275,00024

TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($2,963,000))25$3,379,00026

The appropriations in this section are subject to the following27conditions and limitations:28

(1) $400,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation and29$50,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state appropriation30is for the joint transportation committee to conduct a comprehensive31assessment of statewide transportation needs and priorities, and32existing and potential transportation funding mechanisms to address33those needs and priorities. The assessment must include: (a)34Recommendations on the critical state and local transportation35projects, programs, and services needed to achieve an efficient,36effective, statewide transportation system over the next ten years;37

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(b) a comprehensive menu of funding options for the legislature to1consider to address the identified transportation system investments;2((and)) (c) recommendations on whether a revision to the statewide3transportation policy goals in RCW 47.04.280 is warranted in light of4the recommendations and options identified in (a) and (b) of this5subsection; and (d) an analysis of the economic impacts of a range of6future transportation investments. The assessment must be submitted7to the transportation committees of the legislature by June 30, 2020.8Starting July 1, 2020, and concluding by December 31, 2020, a9committee-appointed commission or panel shall review the assessment10and make final recommendations to the legislature for consideration11during the 2021 legislative session on a realistic, achievable plan12for funding transportation programs, projects, and services over the13next ten years including a timeline for legislative action on funding14the identified transportation system needs shortfall.15

(2)(a) (($450,000)) $382,000 of the multimodal transportation16account—state appropriation is for the joint transportation committee17to conduct an analysis of the electrification of public fleets in18Washington state. The study must include the following:19

(i) An inventory of existing public fleets for the state of20Washington, counties, a sampling of cities, and public transit21agencies. The inventory must differentiate among battery and fuel22cell electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, gasoline powered vehicles,23and any other functional categories. Three cities from each of the24following population ranges must be selected for the analysis:25

(A) Population up to and including twenty-five thousand;26(B) Population greater than twenty-five thousand and up to and27

including fifty thousand;28(C) Population greater than fifty thousand and up to and29

including one hundred thousand;30(D) Population greater than one hundred thousand;31(ii) A review of currently available battery and fuel cell32

electric vehicle alternatives to the vehicle types most commonly used33by the state, counties, cities, and public transit agencies. The34review must include:35

(A) The average vehicle cost differential among the commercially36available fuel options;37

(B) A cost benefit analysis of the conversion of different38vehicle classes; and39

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(C) Recommendations for the types of vehicles that should be1excluded from consideration due to insufficient alternatives,2unreliable technology, or excessive cost;3

(iii) The projected costs of achieving substantial conversion to4battery and/or fuel cell electric fleets by 2025, 2030, and 2035 for5the state, counties, cities, and public transit agencies. This cost6estimate must include:7

(A) Vehicle acquisition costs, charging and refueling8infrastructure costs, and other associated costs;9

(B) Financial constraints of each type of entity to transition to10an electric vehicle fleet; and11

(C) Any other identified barriers to transitioning to a battery12and/or fuel cell electric vehicle fleet;13

(iv) Identification and analysis of financing mechanisms that14could be used to finance the transition of publicly owned vehicles to15battery and fuel cell electric vehicles. These mechanisms include,16but are not limited to: Energy or carbon savings performance17contracting, utility grants and rebates, revolving loan funds, state18grant programs, private third-party financing, fleet management19services, leasing, vehicle use optimization, and vehicle to grid20technology; and21

(v) The predicted number and location profile of electric vehicle22fueling stations needed statewide to provide fueling for the fleets23of the state, counties, cities, and public transit agencies.24

(b) In developing and implementing the study, the joint25transportation committee must solicit input from representatives of26the department of enterprise services, the department of27transportation, the department of licensing, the department of28commerce, the Washington state association of counties, the29association of Washington cities, the Washington state transit30association, transit agencies, and others as deemed appropriate.31

(c) The joint transportation committee must issue a report of its32findings and recommendations to the transportation committees of the33legislature by September 30, 2020.34

(3)(a) $250,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state35appropriation is for the joint transportation committee to conduct a36study of the feasibility of an east-west intercity passenger rail37system. The study must include the following elements:38

(i) Projections of potential ridership;39(ii) Review of relevant planning studies;40

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(iii) Establishment of an advisory group and associated meetings;1(iv) Development of a Stampede Pass corridor alignment to2

maximize ridership, revenue, and rationale, considering service to3population centers: Auburn, Cle Elum, Yakima, Tri-Cities, Ellensburg,4Toppenish, and Spokane;5

(v) Assessment of current infrastructure conditions, including6station stop locations;7

(vi) Identification of equipment needs; and8(vii) Identification of operator options.9(b) A report of the study findings and recommendations is due to10

the transportation committees of the legislature by June 30, 2020.11(4)(a) $275,000 of the highway safety fund—state appropriation is12

for a study of vehicle subagents in Washington state. The study must13consider and include recommendations, as necessary, on the following:14

(i) The relevant statutes, rules, and/or regulations authorizing15vehicle subagents and any changes made to the relevant statutes,16rules, and/or regulations;17

(ii) The current process of selecting and authorizing a vehicle18subagent, including the change of ownership process and the19identification of any barriers to entry into the vehicle subagent20market;21

(iii) The annual business expenditures borne by each of the22vehicle subagent businesses since fiscal year 2010 and identification23of any materials, including office equipment and supplies, provided24by the department of licensing to each vehicle subagent since fiscal25year 2010. To accomplish this task, each vehicle subagent must26provide expenditure data to the joint transportation committee for27the purposes of this study;28

(iv) The oversight provided by the county auditors and/or the29department of licensing over the vehicle subagent businesses;30

(v) The history of service fees, how increases to the service fee31rate are made, and how the requested fee increase is determined;32

(vi) The online vehicle registration renewal process and any33potential improvements to the online process;34

(vii) The department of licensing's ability to provide more35vehicle licensing services directly, particularly taking into account36the increase in online vehicle renewal transactions;37

(viii) The potential expansion of services that can be performed38by vehicle subagents; and39

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(ix) The process by which the geographic locations of vehicle1subagents are determined.2

(b) In conducting the study, the joint transportation committee3must consult with the department of licensing, a representative of4county auditors, and a representative of vehicle subagents.5

(c) The joint transportation committee may collect any data from6the department of licensing, county auditors, and vehicle subagents7that is necessary to conduct the study.8

(d) The joint transportation committee must issue a report of9its findings and recommendations to the transportation committees of10the legislature by September 30, 2020.11

(5)(a) $235,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state12appropriation is for the joint transportation committee to oversee a13consultant study on rail safety governance best practices, by class14of rail where applicable, and recommendations for the implementation15of these best practices in Washington state. The study must assess16rail safety governance for passenger and freight rail, including rail17transit services, and must consider recommendations made by the18national transportation safety board in its 2017 Amtrak passenger19train 501 derailment accident report that are relevant to rail safety20governance.21

(b) The study must include the following components:22(i)(A) An assessment of rail safety oversight in Washington state23

that includes: (I) The rail safety oversight roles of federal, state,24regional, and local agencies, including the extent to which federal25and state laws govern these roles and the extent to which these roles26would be modified should the suspended federal rules in 49 C.F.R.27Part 270 take effect; (II) federal, state, regional, and local agency28organizational structures and processes utilized to conduct rail29safety oversight; and (III) coordination activities by federal,30state, regional, and local agencies in conducting rail safety31oversight;32

(B) An examination of rail safety governance best practices by33other states for the items identified in (a) of this subsection; and34

(C) Recommendations for the implementation of best practices for35rail safety governance in Washington state.36

(ii) The study must address the extent to which additional safety37oversight of rail project design and construction is used in other38states and would be a recommended best practice for Washington state.39

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(c) The joint transportation committee shall consult with the1Washington state department of transportation, the Washington state2utilities and transportation commission, sound transit, the national3transportation safety board, Amtrak, the federal railroad4administration, BNSF railway company, one or more representatives of5short line railroads, one or more representatives of labor, and other6entities with rail safety expertise as necessary.7

(d) The joint transportation committee must issue a report of its8findings and recommendations on rail safety governance to the9transportation committees of the legislature by January 6, 2021.10

(6)(a) $250,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation11is for the joint transportation committee to conduct a study of the12feasibility of a private auto ferry between the state of Washington13and British Columbia, Canada. The study must include the following14elements:15

(i) Expected impacts to ridership, revenue, and expenditures for16Washington state ferries;17

(ii) Expected impacts to ferry service provided to the San Juan18Islands;19

(iii) Possible terminal locations on Fidalgo Island;20(iv) Economic impacts to the Anacortes area if ferry service21

between the area and Vancouver Island ceases;22(v) Economic impacts to the San Juan Islands if ferry service or23

ferry tourism is reduced;24(vi) Expected impacts to family wage jobs in the marine industry25

for Washingtonians;26(vii) Expected impacts to ferry fares between the state of27

Washington and British Columbia, Canada;28(viii) Legal analysis of all state, federal, or Canadian laws or29

rules, including the Jones act and rules of the board of pilotage30commissioners, that may apply to initiation of private service or31cessation of state service; and32

(ix) Options for encouraging private auto ferry service between33the state of Washington and Vancouver Island, Canada.34

(b) In conducting the study, the joint transportation committee35must consult with the department of transportation, a representative36of San Juan county, a representative of the city of Anacortes, a37representative of the inland boatman's union, a representative of38Puget Sound pilots, a representative of the port of Anacortes, a39

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representative of the economic development alliance of Skagit county,1and interested private ferry operators in Washington state.2

(c) A report of the study findings and options is due to the3transportation committees of the legislature by February 15, 2021.4

Sec. 205. 2019 c 416 s 205 (uncodified) is amended to read as5follows: 6FOR THE TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION7Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . (($2,893,000))8 $2,324,0009((Multimodal Transportation Account—State Appropriation . $112,000))10Interstate 405 and state Route Number 167 Express Toll Lanes11((Operations))12

Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($250,000))13 $410,00014State Route Number 520 Corridor Account—State15

Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $271,00016Tacoma Narrows Toll Bridge Account—State17

Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $158,00018Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Project19

Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $136,00020TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($3,255,000))21

$3,299,00022The appropriations in this section are subject to the following23

conditions and limitations:24(1)(a) The commission shall reconvene the road usage charge25

steering committee, with the same membership described in chapter26297, Laws of 2018, and shall report at least once every three months27to the steering committee with updates on report development for the28completed road usage charge pilot project until the final report is29submitted. The commission shall also report to the steering committee30on any other activities undertaken in accordance with this subsection31(1) as necessary to keep it apprised of new developments and to32obtain input on its efforts. The final report on the road usage33charge pilot project is due to the transportation committees of the34legislature by January 1, 2020, and should include recommendations35for necessary next steps to consider impacts to communities of color,36low-income households, vulnerable populations, and displaced37communities. Any legislative vacancies on the steering committee must38

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be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives for a1house of representatives member vacancy, and by the president of the2senate for a senate member vacancy.3

(b)(i) The commission shall coordinate with the department of4transportation to jointly seek federal funds available through the5federal surface transportation system funding alternatives grant6program, applying toll credits for meeting match requirements. One or7more grant applications ((may)) shall be developed that((, at a8minimum,)) propose to:9

(((i)))(A) ((Update the recommended road usage charge operational10concepts and business case presented to the road usage charge11steering committee to reflect a range of scenarios regarding fleet12electrification and use of shared vehicles. The operational concepts13must include technological or system features necessary to ensure14collection of the road usage charge from electric vehicles and fleets15of shared and/or autonomous vehicles, if applicable. The business16case must assess a range of gross revenue impacts to a road usage17charge and fuel taxes resulting from changes to total vehicle miles18traveled under scenarios with varying degrees of shared, autonomous,19and/or electric vehicle adoption rates;20

(B) Develop a detailed plan for phasing in the implementation of21road usage charges for vehicles operated in Washington, incorporating22any updates to road usage charge policy recommendations made in (a)23and (b)(i)(A) of this subsection and including consideration of24methods for reducing the cost of collections for a road usage charge25system in Washington state; and26

(C) Examine the allocation of current gas tax revenues and27possible frameworks for the allocation of road usage charge revenues28that could be used to evaluate policy choices once road usage charge29revenues comprise a significant share of state revenues for30transportation purposes.)) Create a framework for modeling the31effects of a road usage charge on passenger and light-duty vehicles32including, but not limited to, plug-in electric vehicles, autonomous33vehicles, state fleets, and transportation network companies on a34road usage charge system;35

(B) Identify and measure potential disparate impacts of a road36usage charge on designated populations, including communities of37color, low-income households, vulnerable populations, and displaced38communities;39

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(C) Incorporate emerging approaches to mileage reporting, such as1in-vehicle telematics, improved smartphone apps, and use of private2businesses to provide odometer verification and mileage reporting3services, into a road usage charge system;4

(D) Conduct a series of facilitated work sessions with other5states and private sector firms to identify opportunities to reduce6the cost of collections for a road usage charge;7

(E) Develop a road usage charge phase-in plan that incorporates8findings from (b)(i)(A) through (D) of this subsection;9

(F) Carry out a limited scale demonstration to test new mileage10reporting methods; equity policies; cost reduction techniques; and11collecting a road usage charge from passenger and light-duty vehicles12including, but not limited to, plug-in electric vehicles, autonomous13vehicles, state fleets, transportation network companies, and other14new mobility services; and15

(G) Produce a final report with recommendations and a recommended16roadmap that details how a road usage charge could be appropriately17scaled to fit state circumstances and that includes a framework for18evaluating policy choices related to the use of road usage charge19revenue.20

(ii) A year-end report on the status of any federally-funded21project for which federal funding is secured must be provided to the22governor's office and the transportation committees of the23legislature by January 1, 2020, and by January 1, 2021.24

(c) $150,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation is25provided solely for analysis of potential impacts of a road usage26charge on communities of color, low-income households, vulnerable27populations, and displaced communities. The analysis must include an28assessment of potential mitigation measures to address these29potential impacts. These funds must be held in unallotted status30during the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium, and may only be used after the31commission has provided notice to the office of financial management32that it has exhausted all efforts to secure federal funds from the33federal surface transportation system funding alternatives grant34program under (b) of this subsection without successfully securing35federal funding for the further study of a road usage charge. A year-36end update on the status of this effort, if undertaken prior to the37end of calendar year 2020, must be provided to the governor's office38and the transportation committees of the legislature by January 1,392021.40

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(2)(a) $250,000 of the Interstate 405 and state route number 1671express toll lanes ((operations)) account—state appropriation is2provided solely for the transportation commission to conduct a study,3applicable to the Interstate 405 express toll lanes, of discounted4tolls and other similar programs for low-income drivers that are5provided by other states, countries, or other entities and how such a6program could be implemented in the state of Washington. The7transportation commission may contract with a consultant to conduct8all or a portion of this study.9

(b) In conducting this study, the transportation commission shall10consult with both the department of transportation and the department11of social and health services.12

(c) The transportation commission shall, at a minimum, consider13the following issues when conducting the study of discounted tolls14and other similar programs for low-income drivers:15

(i) The benefits, requirements, and any potential detriments to16the users of a program;17

(ii) The most cost-effective way to implement a program given18existing financial commitments, shared cost requirements across19facilities, and technical requirements to execute and maintain a20program;21

(iii) The implications of a program for tolling policies,22revenues, costs, operations, and enforcement; and23

(iv) Any implications to tolled facilities based on the type of24tolling implemented on a particular facility.25

(d) The transportation commission shall provide a report26detailing the findings of this study and recommendations for27implementing a discounted toll or other appropriate program in the28state of Washington to the transportation committees of the29legislature by June 30, 2021.30

(3) $160,000 of the Interstate 405 and state route number 16731express toll lanes account—state appropriation, $271,000 of the state32route number 520 corridor account—state appropriation, $158,000 of33the Tacoma Narrows toll bridge account—state appropriation, and34$136,000 of the Alaskan Way viaduct replacement project account—state35appropriation are provided solely for the transportation commission's36proportional share of time spent supporting tolling operations for37the respective tolling facilities.38

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(4) The legislature requests that the commission commence1proceedings to name state route number 165 as The Glacier Highway to2commemorate the significance of glaciers to the state of Washington.3

Sec. 206. 2019 c 416 s 206 (uncodified) is amended to read as4follows: 5FOR THE FREIGHT MOBILITY STRATEGIC INVESTMENT BOARD6Freight Mobility Investment Account—State7

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($813,000))8 $772,0009

*Sec. 207. 2019 c 416 s 207 (uncodified) is amended to read as10follows: 11FOR THE WASHINGTON STATE PATROL12State Patrol Highway Account—State Appropriation . . (($508,503,000))13 $501,294,00014State Patrol Highway Account—Federal Appropriation . (($16,069,000))15 $16,081,00016State Patrol Highway Account—Private/Local17

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($4,257,000))18 $4,258,00019Highway Safety Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . . . $1,188,00020Ignition Interlock Device Revolving Account—State21

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,010,00022Multimodal Transportation Account—State23

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $286,00024Interstate 405 and State Route Number 167 Express25

Toll Lanes Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . . . $1,182,00026State Route Number 520 Corridor Account—State27

Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,988,00028Tacoma Narrows Toll Bridge Account—State Appropriation. . $1,158,00029Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Project30

Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $996,00031TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($537,313,000))32

$535,441,00033The appropriations in this section are subject to the following34

conditions and limitations:35(1) Washington state patrol officers engaged in off-duty36

uniformed employment providing traffic control services to the37p. 18 ESHB 2322.SL

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department of transportation or other state agencies may use state1patrol vehicles for the purpose of that employment, subject to2guidelines adopted by the chief of the Washington state patrol. The3Washington state patrol must be reimbursed for the use of the vehicle4at the prevailing state employee rate for mileage and hours of usage,5subject to guidelines developed by the chief of the Washington state6patrol.7

(2) $510,000 of the ignition interlock device revolving account—8state appropriation is provided solely for the ignition interlock9program at the Washington state patrol to provide funding for two10staff to work and provide support for the program in working with11manufacturers, service centers, technicians, and participants in the12program.13

(3) $1,424,000 of the state patrol highway account—state14appropriation is provided solely to enter into an agreement for15upgraded land mobile software, hardware, and equipment.16

(4) $2,582,000 of the state patrol highway account—state17appropriation is provided solely for the replacement of radios and18other related equipment.19

(5) $343,000 of the state patrol highway account—state20appropriation is provided solely for aerial criminal investigation21tools, including software licensing and maintenance, and annual22certification.23

(6) (($514,000)) $2,342,000 of the state patrol highway account—24state appropriation is provided solely ((for additional staff)) to25address the increase in the number of toxicology cases from impaired26driving and death investigations.27

(7) $580,000 of the state patrol highway account—state28appropriation is provided solely for the operation of and29administrative support to the license investigation unit to enforce30vehicle registration laws in southwestern Washington. The Washington31state patrol, in consultation with the department of revenue, shall32maintain a running estimate of the additional vehicle registration33fees, sales and use taxes, and local vehicle fees remitted to the34state pursuant to activity conducted by the license investigation35unit. Beginning October 1, 2019, and quarterly thereafter, the36Washington state patrol shall submit a report detailing the37additional revenue amounts generated since July 1, 2017, to the38director of the office of financial management and the transportation39

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committees of the legislature. At the end of the calendar quarter in1which it is estimated that more than $625,000 in state sales and use2taxes have been remitted to the state since July 1, 2017, the3Washington state patrol shall notify the state treasurer and the4state treasurer shall transfer funds pursuant to section 406 ((of5this act)), chapter 416, Laws of 2019.6

(8) $18,000 of the state patrol highway account—state7appropriation is provided solely for the license investigation unit8to procure an additional license plate reader and related costs.9

(9) The Washington state patrol and the office of financial10management must be consulted by the department of transportation11during the design phase of any improvement or preservation project12that could impact Washington state patrol weigh station operations.13During the design phase of any such project, the department of14transportation must estimate the cost of designing around the15affected weigh station's current operations, as well as the cost of16moving the affected weigh station.17

(10) $4,210,000 of the state patrol highway account—state18appropriation is provided solely for a third arming and a third19trooper basic training class. The cadet class is expected to graduate20in June 2021.21

(11) $65,000 of the state patrol highway account—state22appropriation is provided solely for the implementation of chapter23440 (((Engrossed Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5497))), Laws of242019 (immigrants in the workplace). If chapter 440 (((Engrossed25Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5497))), Laws of 2019 is not26enacted by June 30, 2019, the amount provided in this subsection27lapses.28

(12)(a) The Washington state patrol must report quarterly to the29house and senate transportation committees on the status of30recruitment and retention activities as follows:31

(i) A summary of recruitment and retention strategies;32(ii) The number of transportation funded staff vacancies by major33

category;34(iii) The number of applicants for each of the positions by these35

categories;36(iv) The composition of workforce; and37(v) Other relevant outcome measures with comparative information38

with recent comparable months in prior years.39

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(b) By January 1, 2020, the Washington state patrol must submit1to the transportation committees of the legislature and the governor2a workforce diversity plan. The plan must identify ongoing, and both3short-term and long-term, specific comprehensive outreach and4recruitment strategies to increase populations underrepresented5within both commissioned and noncommissioned employee groups.6

(13) $1,182,000 of the Interstate 405 and state route number 1677express toll lanes account—state appropriation, $1,988,000 of the8state route number 520 corridor account—state appropriation,9$1,158,000 of the Tacoma Narrows toll bridge account—state10appropriation, and $996,000 of the Alaskan Way viaduct replacement11project account—state appropriation are provided solely for the12Washington state patrol's proportional share of time spent supporting13tolling operations and enforcement for the respective tolling14facilities.15

(14) $100,000 of the state patrol highway account—state16appropriation is provided solely for the implementation of Senate17Bill No. 6218, Laws of 2020 (Washington state patrol retirement18definition of salary), which reflects an increase in the Washington19state patrol retirement system pension contribution rate of 0.1520percent for changes to the definition of salary. If Senate Bill No.216218, Laws of 2020 is not enacted by June 30, 2020, the amount22provided in this subsection lapses.23

(15) The Washington state patrol is directed to terminate its24"Agreement for Utility Connection and Reimbursement of Water25Extension Expenses" with the city of Shelton, executed on June 12,262017, subject to the city of Shelton's consent to terminate the27agreement. The legislature finds that the water connection extension28constructed by the Washington state patrol from the city of Shelton's29water facilities to the Washington state patrol academy was necessary30to meet the water supply needs of the academy. The legislature also31finds that the water connection provides an ongoing water supply that32is necessary to the operation of the training facility, that the33state is making use of the water connection for these public34activities, and that any future incidental use of the municipal35infrastructure put in place to support these activities will not36impede the Washington state patrol's ongoing use of the water37connection extension. Therefore, the legislature determines that38under the public policy of this state, reimbursement by any other39

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entity is not required, notwithstanding any prior condition regarding1contributions of other entities that Washington state patrol was2required to satisfy prior to expenditure of the funds for3construction of the extension, and that the Washington state patrol4shall terminate the agreement.5

(16) $975,000 of the state patrol highway account—state6appropriation is provided solely for communications officers at the7King county public safety answering point.8

(17) $830,000 of the state patrol highway account—state9appropriation is provided solely for information technology security10enhancements.11

(18) $150,000 of the state patrol highway account is provided12solely for the Washington state patrol to work with the department of13enterprise services and office of minority and women's business14enterprises to contract for a workforce diversity strategic action15plan. The successful consultant must have demonstrated expertise in16workforce diversity research and an established record of assisting17organizations in implementing diversity initiatives. The plan must18include:19

(a) Current and past employment data on the composition of the20state patrol workforce generally and of its protective service21workers;22

(b) Research into the reasons for underrepresentation of23minorities and women in the state patrol workforce;24

(c) Research on best practices for recruiting across the state25and from communities historically underrepresented in the Washington26state patrol workforce;27

(d) Case studies of law enforcement and other agencies that have28successfully diversified their workforce; and29

(e) A strategic plan with recommendations that will address30disparities in the Washington state patrol employment ranks in both31commissioned and noncommissioned personnel, with a focus on32executive, command, and supervisory employees.33*Sec. 207 is partially vetoed. See message at end of chapter.

*Sec. 208. 2019 c 416 s 208 (uncodified) is amended to read as34follows: 35FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING36Marine Fuel Tax Refund Account—State Appropriation . . . . . $34,00037

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Motorcycle Safety Education Account—State1Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($5,044,000))2

$5,052,0003State Wildlife Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . . (($536,000))4 $511,0005Highway Safety Account—State Appropriation . . . . . (($243,189,000))6 $242,965,0007Highway Safety Account—Federal Appropriation . . . . . . . $1,294,0008Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . (($77,219,000))9 $71,447,00010Motor Vehicle Account—Federal Appropriation. . . . . . . . . $186,00011Motor Vehicle Account—Private/Local Appropriation . . (($2,858,000))12 $10,008,00013Ignition Interlock Device Revolving Account—State14

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($6,143,000))15 $5,779,00016Department of Licensing Services Account—State17

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($8,012,000))18 $7,696,00019License Plate Technology Account—State20

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,250,00021Abandoned Recreational Vehicle Account—State22

Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,925,00023Limousine Carriers Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . . $113,00024Electric Vehicle Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . . . $264,00025DOL Technology Improvement & Data Management26

Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,250,00027Agency Financial Transaction Account—State28

Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,903,00029TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($365,770,000))30

$366,677,00031The appropriations in this section are subject to the following32

conditions and limitations:33(1) $139,000 of the motorcycle safety education account—state34

appropriation is provided solely for the implementation of chapter 6535(((Substitute House Bill No. 1116))), Laws of 2019 (motorcycle36safety). If chapter 65 (((Substitute House Bill No. 1116))), Laws of372019 is not enacted by June 30, 2019, the amount provided in this38subsection lapses.39

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(2) (($404,000 of the highway safety account—state appropriation1is provided solely for a new driver testing system at the department.2Pursuant to RCW 43.135.055 and 46.82.310, the department is3authorized to increase driver training school license application and4renewal fees in fiscal years 2020 and 2021, as necessary to fully5support the cost of activities related to administration of the6driver training school program, including the cost of the new driver7testing system described in this subsection.8

(3))) $25,000 of the motorcycle safety education account—state9appropriation, $4,000 of the state wildlife account—state10appropriation, $1,708,000 of the highway safety account—state11appropriation, $576,000 of the motor vehicle account—state12appropriation, $22,000 of the ignition interlock device revolving13account—state appropriation, and $28,000 of the department of14licensing services account—state appropriation are provided solely15for the department to fund the appropriate staff((, other than data16stewards,)) and necessary equipment and software for data management,17data analytics, and data compliance activities. The department must,18in consultation with the office of the chief information officer,19construct a framework with goals for providing better data20stewardship and a plan to achieve those goals. The department must21provide the framework and plan to the transportation committees of22the legislature by December 31, 2019, and an update by May 1, 2020.23((Appropriations provided for the data stewardship and privacy24project described in this subsection are subject to the conditions,25limitations, and review provided in section 701 of this act.26

(4))) (3) Appropriations provided for the cloud continuity of27operations project in this section are subject to the conditions,28limitations, and review provided in section 701 of this act.29

(((6))) (4) $24,028,000 of the highway safety account—state30appropriation is provided solely for costs necessary to accommodate31increased demand for enhanced drivers' licenses and enhanced32identicards. The department shall report on a quarterly basis on the33use of these funds, associated workload, and information with34comparative information with recent comparable months in prior years.35The report must include detailed statewide and by licensing service36office information on staffing levels, average monthly wait times,37the number of enhanced drivers' licenses and enhanced identicards38issued/renewed, and the number of primary drivers' licenses and39

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identicards issued/renewed. Within the amounts provided in this1subsection, the department shall implement efficiency measures to2reduce the time for licensing transactions and wait times including,3but not limited to, the installation of additional cameras at4licensing service offices that reduce bottlenecks and align with the5"keep your customer" initiative.6

(((8))) (5) $507,000 of the motor vehicle account—state7appropriation is provided solely for the implementation of8chapter . . . (Substitute Senate Bill No. 5419), Laws of 20199(vehicle service fees) or chapter 417 (((Engrossed House Bill No.101789))), Laws of 2019 (vehicle service fees). If neither11chapter . . . (Substitute Senate Bill No. 5419), Laws of 2019 or12chapter 417 (((Engrossed House Bill No. 1789))), Laws of 2019 are13enacted by June 30, 2019, the amount provided in this subsection14lapses.15

(((10))) (6) $25,000 of the motor vehicle account—state16appropriation is provided solely for the implementation of chapter17177 (((Engrossed House Bill No. 1996))), Laws of 2019 (San Juan18Islands license plate). If chapter 177 (((Engrossed House Bill No.191996))), Laws of 2019 is not enacted by June 30, 2019, the amount20provided in this subsection lapses.21

(((11))) (7) $24,000 of the motor vehicle account—state22appropriation is provided solely for the implementation of chapter23384 (((House Bill No. 2062))), Laws of 2019 (Seattle Storm license24plate). If chapter 384 (((House Bill No. 2062))), Laws of 2019 is not25enacted by June 30, 2019, the amount provided in this subsection26lapses.27

(((13))) (8) $65,000 of the highway safety account—state28appropriation is provided solely for the implementation of chapter29440 (((Engrossed Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5497))), Laws of302019 (immigrants in the workplace). If chapter 440 (((Engrossed31Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5497))), Laws of 2019 is not32enacted by June 30, 2019, the amount provided in this subsection33lapses.34

(((14))) (9) The appropriations in this section assume35implementation of additional cost recovery mechanisms to recoup at36least $11,903,000 in credit card and other financial transaction37costs as part of charges imposed for driver and vehicle fee38transactions beginning January 1, 2020. At the direction of the39

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office of financial management, the department must develop a method1of tracking the additional amount of credit card and other financial2cost-recovery revenues. In consultation with the office of financial3management, the department must notify the state treasurer of these4amounts and the state treasurer must deposit these revenues in the5agency financial transaction account created in section 717 ((of this6act)), chapter 416, Laws of 2019 on a quarterly basis.7

(((18))) (10) $1,281,000 of the department of licensing service8account—state appropriation is provided solely for savings from the9implementation of chapter 417 (((Engrossed House Bill No. 1789))),10Laws of 2019 (vehicle service fees). If chapter 417 (((Engrossed11House Bill No. 1789))), Laws of 2019 is enacted by June 30, 2019, the12amount provided in this subsection lapses.13

(((19))) (11) $2,650,000 of the abandoned recreational vehicle14disposal account—state appropriation is provided solely for providing15reimbursements in accordance with the department's abandoned16recreational vehicle disposal reimbursement program. It is the intent17of the legislature that the department prioritize this funding for18allowable and approved reimbursements and not to build a reserve of19funds within the account.20

(((20))) (12) $20,000 of the motor vehicle account—state21appropriation is provided solely for the implementation of chapter22210 (((Substitute House Bill No. 1197))), Laws of 2019 (Gold Star23license plate). If chapter 210 (((Substitute House Bill No. 1197))),24Laws of 2019 is not enacted by June 30, 2019, the amount provided in25this subsection lapses.26

(((21))) (13) $31,000 of the motor vehicle account—state27appropriation is provided solely for the implementation of chapter28262 (((Substitute House Bill No. 1436))), Laws of 2019 (snow bikes).29If chapter 262 (((Substitute House Bill No. 1436))), Laws of 2019 is30not enacted by June 30, 2019, the amount provided in this subsection31lapses.32

(((22))) (14) $24,000 of the motor vehicle account—state33appropriation is provided solely for the implementation of chapter34139 (((House Bill No. 2058))), Laws of 2019 (Purple Heart license35plate). If chapter 139 (((House Bill No. 2058))), Laws of 2019 is not36enacted by June 30, 2019, the amount provided in this subsection37lapses.38

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(((23))) (15) $24,000 of the motor vehicle account—state1appropriation is provided solely for the implementation of chapter2278 (((Engrossed House Bill No. 2067))), Laws of 2019 (vehicle and3vessel owner information). If chapter 278 (((Engrossed House Bill No.42067))), Laws of 2019 is not enacted by June 30, 2019, the amount5provided in this subsection lapses.6

(((25))) (16) $600,000 of the highway safety account—state7appropriation is provided solely for the department to provide an8interagency transfer to the department of social and health services,9children's administration division for the purpose of providing10driver's license support to a larger population of foster youth than11is already served within existing resources. Support services include12reimbursement of driver's license issuance costs, fees for driver13training education, and motor vehicle liability insurance costs.14

(((26))) (17) The department must place personal and company data15elements in separate data fields to allow the department to select16discrete data elements when providing information or data to persons17or entities outside the department. Pursuant to the restrictions in18federal and state law, a person's photo, social security number, or19medical information must not be made available through public20disclosure or data being provided under RCW 46.12.630 or 46.12.635.21

(((30))) (18) $91,000 of the highway safety account—state22appropriation is provided solely for the department's costs related23to the one Washington project.24

(((31) $974,000)) (19) $1,674,000 of the highway safety account—25state appropriation is provided solely for communication and outreach26activities necessary to inform the public of federally acceptable27identification options including, but not limited to, enhanced28drivers' licenses and enhanced identicards. The department shall29continue the outreach plan that includes informational material that30can be effectively communicated to all communities and populations in31Washington. To accomplish this work, the department shall contract32with an external vendor with demonstrated experience and expertise in33outreach and marketing to underrepresented communities in a34culturally-responsive fashion.35

(20) Due to the passage of chapter 1 (Initiative Measure No.36976), Laws of 2020, the department, working with the office of37financial management, shall provide a monthly report on the number of38registrations involved and differences between actual collections and39

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collections if the initiative was not subject to a temporary1injunction as of December 5, 2019.2

(21) The appropriations in this section assume full cost recovery3for the administration and collection of a motor vehicle excise tax4on behalf of any regional transit authority pursuant to section 7065of this act.6

(22) $24,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation is7provided solely for the implementation of chapter . . . (Substitute8House Bill No. 1255), Laws of 2020 (Patches pal special license9plate). If chapter . . . (Substitute House Bill No. 1255), Laws of102020 is not enacted by June 30, 2020, the amount provided in this11subsection lapses.12

(23) $24,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation is13provided solely for the implementation of chapter . . . (Engrossed14Second Substitute House Bill No. 2050), Laws of 2020 (Washington wine15special license plate). If chapter . . . (Engrossed Second Substitute16House Bill No. 2050), Laws of 2020 is not enacted by June 30, 2020,17the amount provided in this subsection lapses.18

(24) $24,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation is19provided solely for the implementation of chapter . . . (Engrossed20Substitute House Bill No. 2085), Laws of 2020 (Mt. St. Helens special21license plate). If chapter . . . (Engrossed Substitute House Bill No.222085), Laws of 2020 is not enacted by June 30, 2020, the amount23provided in this subsection lapses.24

(25) $24,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation is25provided solely for the implementation of chapter . . . (Substitute26House Bill No. 2187), Laws of 2020 (women veterans special license27plate) or chapter . . . (Senate Bill No. 6433), Laws of 2020 (women28veterans special license plate). If neither chapter . . . (Substitute29House Bill No. 2187), Laws of 2020 nor chapter . . . (Senate Bill No.306433), Laws of 2020 is enacted by June 30, 2020, the amount provided31in this subsection lapses.32

(26) $107,000 of the highway safety account—state appropriation33is provided solely for the implementation of chapter . . . (Engrossed34House Bill No. 2188), Laws of 2020 (military veterans commercial35driver's license waivers) or chapter . . . (Second Substitute Senate36Bill No. 5544), Laws of 2020 (military veterans commercial driver's37license waivers). If neither chapter . . . (Engrossed House Bill No.382188), Laws of 2020 nor chapter . . . (Second Substitute Senate Bill39

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No. 5544), Laws of 2020 is enacted by June 30, 2020, the amount1provided in this subsection lapses.2

(27) $50,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation is3provided solely for the implementation of chapter . . . (Substitute4House Bill No. 2353), Laws of 2020 (fire trailer registrations). If5chapter . . . (Substitute House Bill No. 2353), Laws of 2020 is not6enacted by June 30, 2020, the amount provided in this subsection7lapses.8

(28) $114,000 of the highway safety account—state appropriation9is provided solely for the implementation of chapter . . .10(Substitute House Bill No. 2607), Laws of 2020 (homeless youth11identicards) or chapter . . . (Senate Bill No. 6304), Laws of 202012(homeless youth identicards). If neither chapter . . . (Substitute13House Bill No. 2607), Laws of 2020 nor chapter . . . (Senate Bill No.146304), Laws of 2020 is enacted by June 30, 2020, the amount provided15in this subsection lapses.16

(29) $24,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation is17provided solely for the implementation of chapter . . . (House Bill18No. 2669), Laws of 2020 (Seattle national hockey league special19license plate) or chapter . . . (Senate Bill No. 6562), Laws of 202020(Seattle national hockey league special license plate). If neither21chapter . . . (House Bill No. 2669), Laws of 2020 nor chapter . . .22(Senate Bill No. 6562), Laws of 2020 is enacted by June 30, 2020, the23amount provided in this subsection lapses.24

(30) $14,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation is25provided solely for the implementation of chapter . . . (Engrossed26Substitute House Bill No. 2723), Laws of 2020 (off-road vehicle27enforcement) or chapter . . . (Senate Bill No. 6115), Laws of 202028(off-road vehicle enforcement). If neither chapter . . . (Engrossed29Substitute House Bill No. 2723), Laws of 2020 nor chapter . . .30(Senate Bill No. 6115), Laws of 2020 is enacted by June 30, 2020, the31amount provided in this subsection lapses.32

(31) $105,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation is33provided solely for the implementation of chapter . . . (House Bill34No. 2491), Laws of 2020 (tribal vehicles compact) or chapter . . .35(Senate Bill No. 6251), Laws of 2020 (tribal vehicles compact). If36neither chapter . . . (House Bill No. 2491), Laws of 2020 nor37chapter . . . (Senate Bill No. 6251), Laws of 2020 (tribal vehicles38

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compact) is enacted by June 30, 2020, the amount provided in this1subsection lapses.2

(32) $57,000 of the state wildlife account—state appropriation is3provided solely for the implementation of chapter . . . (Substitute4Senate Bill No. 6072), Laws of 2020 (state wildlife account). If5chapter . . . (Substitute Senate Bill No. 6072), Laws of 2020 is not6enacted by June 30, 2020, the amount provided in this subsection7lapses.8

(33) $19,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation is9provided solely for the implementation of chapter . . . (Engrossed10Senate Bill No. 6032), Laws of 2020 (apples special license plate).11If chapter . . . (Engrossed Senate Bill No. 6032), Laws of 2020 is12not enacted by June 30, 2020, the amount provided in this subsection13lapses.14

(34) $19,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation is15provided solely for the implementation of chapter . . . (Engrossed16Substitute Senate Bill No. 5591), Laws of 2020 (stolen vehicle17check). If chapter . . . (Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5591),18Laws of 2020 is not enacted by June 30, 2020, the amount provided in19this subsection lapses.20

(35) Within the amounts appropriated in this section, the21department shall relocate, or finish relocating, the licensing22service offices in Lacey, Tacoma, and Bellevue-Redmond and make23emergency repairs to the licensing service office in Vancouver.24

(36) $40,000 of the department of licensing services account—25state appropriation is provided solely for the department to report26to the governor and chairs of the transportation committees of the27legislature by December 1, 2020, with a proposed plan to allow the28registered owner of a vehicle, or the registered owner's authorized29representative, to voluntarily enter into either a quarterly or30monthly payment plan with the department to pay vehicle fees or taxes31due at the time of application for renewal vehicle registration. The32plan must include: (a) An analysis of the administrative costs33associated with allowing the payment plans; (b) the estimated revenue34impact by fund or account, including impacts to local governments;35and (c) the recommended method to achieve the greatest level of36customer payment compliance.37

(37)(a) Within available resources, and in collaboration with the38department of revenue, the department of licensing shall evaluate the39

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effectiveness of chapter 218, Laws of 2017, in improving compliance1with state laws relating to the registration of off-road vehicles,2including the payment of retail sales and use tax. The department of3licensing shall recommend any statutory, administrative, or other4changes needed to optimize and further strengthen the compliance,5including an implementation timeline and corresponding resource6requirements. Among its recommendations, the department of licensing7must address potential changes to the process under RCW 46.93.210 by8which the department notifies persons whose vehicles may not be9properly registered in the state. The department shall submit a10report to the governor and the transportation committees of the11legislature by December 15, 2020.12

(b) If chapter . . . (Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2723),13Laws of 2020 is enacted by June 30, 2020, this subsection has no14force and effect.15*Sec. 208 is partially vetoed. See message at end of chapter.

Sec. 209. 2019 c 416 s 209 (uncodified) is amended to read as16follows: 17FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—TOLL OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE18—PROGRAM B19((High Occupancy Toll Lanes Operations Account—State20

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,774,00021Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . . . $513,000))22State Route Number 520 Corridor Account—State23

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($43,773,000))24 $59,059,00025State Route Number 520 Civil Penalties Account—State26

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,145,00027Tacoma Narrows Toll Bridge Account—State28

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($27,807,000))29 $33,806,00030Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Project Account—State31

Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($20,061,000))32 $21,616,00033Interstate 405 and State Route Number 167 Express34

Toll Lanes ((Operations)) Account—State35Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($18,329,000))36


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TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($118,402,000))1 $146,083,0002

The appropriations in this section are subject to the following3conditions and limitations:4

(1) $1,300,000 of the Tacoma Narrows toll bridge account—state5appropriation and $11,034,000 of the state route number 520 corridor6account—state appropriation are provided solely for the purposes of7addressing unforeseen operations and maintenance costs on the Tacoma8Narrows bridge and the state route number 520 bridge, respectively.9The office of financial management shall place the amounts provided10in this subsection, which represent a portion of the required minimum11fund balance under the policy of the state treasurer, in unallotted12status. The office may release the funds only when it determines that13all other funds designated for operations and maintenance purposes14have been exhausted.15

(2) As long as the facility is tolled, the department must16provide quarterly reports to the transportation committees of the17legislature on the Interstate 405 express toll lane project18performance measures listed in RCW 47.56.880(4). These reports must19include:20

(a) Information on the travel times and travel time reliability21(at a minimum, average and 90th percentile travel times) maintained22during peak and nonpeak periods in the express toll lanes and general23purpose lanes for both the entire corridor and commonly made trips in24the corridor including, but not limited to, northbound from Bellevue25to Rose Hill, state route number 520 at NE 148th to Interstate 405 at26state route number 522, Bellevue to Bothell (both NE 8th to state27route number 522 and NE 8th to state route number 527), and a trip28internal to the corridor (such as NE 85th to NE 160th) and similar29southbound trips;30

(b) A month-to-month comparison of travel times and travel time31reliability for the entire corridor and commonly made trips in the32corridor as specified in (a) of this subsection since implementation33of the express toll lanes and, to the extent available, a comparison34to the travel times and travel time reliability prior to35implementation of the express toll lanes;36

(c) Total express toll lane and total general purpose lane37traffic volumes, as well as per lane traffic volumes for each type of38lane (i) compared to total express toll lane and total general39

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purpose lane traffic volumes, as well as per lane traffic volumes for1each type of lane, on this segment of Interstate 405 prior to2implementation of the express toll lanes and (ii) compared to total3express toll lane and total general purpose lane traffic volumes, as4well as per lane traffic volumes for each type of lane, from month to5month since implementation of the express toll lanes; and6

(d) Underlying congestion measurements, that is, speeds, that are7being used to generate the summary graphs provided, to be made8available in a digital file format.9

(3)(a) (($71,000)) $2,114,000 of the ((high occupancy))10Interstate 405 and state route number 167 express toll lanes11((operations)) account—state appropriation, (($1,238,000)) $4,920,00012of the state route number 520 corridor account—state appropriation,13(($532,000)) $2,116,000 of the Tacoma Narrows toll bridge account—14state appropriation, (($460,000 of the Interstate 405 express toll15lanes operations account—state appropriation,)) and (($699,000))16$2,776,000 of the Alaskan Way viaduct replacement project account—17state appropriation are provided solely for the department to finish18implementing a new tolling customer service toll collection system,19and are subject to the conditions, limitations, and review provided20in section 701 of this act.21

(b) The department shall continue to work with the office of22financial management, office of the chief information officer, and23the transportation committees of the legislature on the project24management plan that includes a provision for independent25verification and validation of contract deliverables from the26successful bidder and a provision for quality assurance that includes27reporting independently to the office of the chief information28officer on an ongoing basis during system implementation.29

(4) The department shall make detailed quarterly reports to the30transportation committees of the legislature and the public on the31department's web site on the following:32

(a) The use of consultants in the tolling program, including the33name of the contractor, the scope of work, the type of contract,34timelines, deliverables, any new task orders, and any extensions to35existing consultant contracts;36

(b) The nonvendor costs of administering toll operations,37including the costs of staffing the division, consultants, and other38personal service contracts required for technical oversight and39

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management assistance, insurance, payments related to credit card1processing, transponder purchases and inventory management, facility2operations and maintenance, and other miscellaneous nonvendor costs;3

(c) The vendor-related costs of operating tolled facilities,4including the costs of the customer service center, cash collections5on the Tacoma Narrows bridge, electronic payment processing, and toll6collection equipment maintenance, renewal, and replacement;7

(d) The toll adjudication process, including a summary table for8each toll facility that includes:9

(i) The number of notices of civil penalty issued;10(ii) The number of recipients who pay before the notice becomes a11

penalty;12(iii) The number of recipients who request a hearing and the13

number who do not respond;14(iv) Workload costs related to hearings;15(v) The cost and effectiveness of debt collection activities; and16(vi) Revenues generated from notices of civil penalty; and17(e) A summary of toll revenue by facility on all operating toll18

facilities and ((high occupancy)) express toll lane systems, and an19itemized depiction of the use of that revenue.20

(5) (($17,517,000)) $24,735,000 of the Interstate 405 and state21route number 167 express toll lanes ((operations)) account—state22appropriation is provided solely for operational costs related to the23express toll lane facility.24

(6) In calendar year 2021, toll equipment on the Tacoma Narrows25Bridge will have reached the end of its operational life. During the262019-2021 fiscal biennium, the department plans to issue a request27for proposals as the first stage of a competitive procurement process28that will replace the toll equipment and select a new tolling29operator for the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. The request for proposals and30subsequent competitive procurement must incorporate elements that31prioritize the overall goal of lowering costs per transaction for the32facility, such as incentives for innovative approaches which result33in lower transactional costs, requests for efficiencies on the part34of the bidder that lower operational costs, and incorporation of35technologies such as self-serve credit card machines or other point-36of-payment technologies that lower costs or improve operational37efficiencies.38

(7) (($19,362,000)) $18,840,000 of the Alaskan Way viaduct39replacement project account—state appropriation is provided solely40

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for the new state route number 99 tunnel toll facility's expected1share of collecting toll revenues, operating customer services, and2maintaining toll collection systems. The legislature expects to see3appropriate reductions to the other toll facility accounts once4tolling on the new state route number 99 tunnel toll facility5commences and any previously incurred costs for start-up of the new6facility are charged back to the Alaskan Way viaduct replacement7project account. The office of financial management shall closely8monitor the application of the cost allocation model and ensure that9the new state route number 99 tunnel toll facility is adequately10sharing costs and the other toll facility accounts are not being11overspent or subsidizing the new state route number 99 tunnel toll12facility.13

(8) (($256,000)) $608,000 of the ((high occupancy toll lanes14operations account—state appropriation and $352,000 of the))15Interstate 405 and state route number 167 express toll lanes16((operations)) account—state appropriation are provided solely for17increased levels of service from the Washington state patrol for18enforcement of toll lane violations on the ((state route number 16719high occupancy toll lanes and the)) Interstate 405 and state route20number 167 express toll lanes. The department shall compile monthly21data on the number of Washington state patrol enforcement hours on22each facility and the percentage of time during peak hours that23speeds are at or above forty-five miles per hour on each facility.24The department shall provide this data in a report to the25transportation committees of the legislature on at least a calendar26quarterly basis.27

(9) The department shall develop an ongoing cost allocation28method to assign appropriate costs to each of the toll funds for29services provided by each Washington state department of30transportation program and all relevant transportation agencies,31including the Washington state patrol and the transportation32commission. This method should update the toll cost allocation method33used in the 2020 supplemental transportation appropriations act. By34December 1, 2020, a report with the recommended method and any35changes or potential impacts to toll rates shall be submitted to the36transportation committees of the legislature and the office of37financial management.38

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Sec. 210. 2019 c 416 s 210 (uncodified) is amended to read as1follows: 2FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY—PROGRAM3C4Transportation Partnership Account—State Appropriation . . $1,460,0005Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . (($94,993,000))6 $96,331,0007Puget Sound Ferry Operations Account—State8

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $263,0009Multimodal Transportation Account—State10

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,878,00011Transportation 2003 Account (Nickel Account)—State12

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,460,00013TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($101,054,000))14

$102,392,00015The appropriations in this section are subject to the following16

conditions and limitations:17(1) $8,114,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation18

is provided solely for the development of the labor system19replacement project and is subject to the conditions, limitations,20and review provided in section 701 of this act. It is the intent of21the legislature that if any portion of the labor system replacement22project is leveraged in the future for the time, leave, and labor23distribution of any other agencies, the motor vehicle account will be24reimbursed proportionally for the development of the system since25amounts expended from the motor vehicle account must be used26exclusively for highway purposes in conformance with Article II,27section 40 of the state Constitution. This must be accomplished28through a loan arrangement with the current interest rate under the29terms set by the office of the state treasurer at the time the system30is deployed to additional agencies. If the motor vehicle account is31not reimbursed for future use of the system, it is further the intent32of the legislature that reductions will be made to central service33agency charges accordingly. The department shall provide a report to34the transportation committees of the legislature by December 31,352019, detailing the project timeline as of July 1, 2019, an updated36project timeline if necessary, expenditures made to date for the37purposes of this project, and expenditures projected through the38remainder of the project timeline.39

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(2) (($198,000)) $1,375,000 of the motor vehicle account—state1appropriation is provided solely for the department's cost related to2the one Washington project.3

(3) $21,500,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation4is provided solely for the activities of the information technology5program in developing and maintaining information systems that6support the operations and program delivery of the department,7ensuring compliance with section 701 of this act, and the8requirements of the office of the chief information officer under RCW943.88.092 to evaluate and prioritize any new financial and capital10systems replacement or modernization project and any other11information technology project. During the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium,12the department ((is prohibited from using)) may use the distributed13direct program support or ((any)) other cost allocation method to14fund ((any)) a new ((financial and)) capital systems replacement or15modernization project ((without having the project evaluated and16prioritized by the office of the chief information officer and17submitting)). The department shall submit a decision package for18implementation of a new capital systems replacement project to the19governor and the transportation committees of the legislature as part20of the normal budget process for the 2021-2023 biennium.21

Sec. 211. 2019 c 416 s 211 (uncodified) is amended to read as22follows: 23FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—FACILITY MAINTENANCE,24OPERATIONS, AND CONSTRUCTION—PROGRAM D—OPERATING25Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . (($33,149,000))26 $34,807,00027State Route Number 520 Corridor Account—State28

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34,00029TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($33,183,000))30


Sec. 212. 2019 c 416 s 212 (uncodified) is amended to read as32follows: 33FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—AVIATION—PROGRAM F34Aeronautics Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . . (($7,635,000))35 $7,743,00036Aeronautics Account—Federal Appropriation . . . . . . (($2,542,000))37

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$3,043,0001Aeronautics Account—Private/Local Appropriation . . . . . . . $60,0002

TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($10,237,000))3 $10,846,0004

The appropriations in this section are subject to the following5conditions and limitations:6

(1) (($2,751,000)) $2,862,000 of the aeronautics account—state7appropriation is provided solely for the airport aid grant program,8which provides competitive grants to public use airports for9pavement, safety, maintenance, planning, and security.10

(2) (($468,000)) $268,000 of the aeronautics account—state11appropriation is provided solely for one FTE dedicated to planning12aviation emergency services and addressing emerging aeronautics13requirements((, and for the implementation of chapter . . . (House14Bill No. 1397), Laws of 2019 (electric aircraft work group), which15extends the electric aircraft work group past its current expiration16and allows WSDOT to employ a consultant to assist with the work17group. If chapter . . . (House Bill No. 1397), Laws of 2019 is not18enacted by June 30, 2019, $200,000 of the amount in this subsection19lapses)).20

(3) $200,000 of the aeronautics account—state appropriation is21provided solely for the department to convene an electric aircraft22work group to study the state of the electrically powered aircraft23industry and assess infrastructure needs related to the deployment of24electric or hybrid-electric aircraft for commercial air travel in25Washington state.26

(a) The chair of the work group may be a consultant specializing27in aeronautics. The work group must include, but is not limited to,28representation from the electric aircraft industry, the aircraft29manufacturing industry, electric utility districts, the battery30industry, the department of commerce, the department of31transportation aviation division, the airline pilots association, a32primary airport representing an airport association, and the airline33industry.34

(b) The study must include, but is not limited to:35(i) Infrastructure requirements necessary to facilitate electric36

aircraft operations at airports;37(ii) Potential economic and public benefits including, but not38

limited to, the direct and indirect impact on the number of39

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manufacturing and service jobs and the wages from those jobs in1Washington state;2

(iii) Potential incentives for industry in the manufacturing and3operation of electric aircraft for regional air travel;4

(iv) Educational and workforce requirements for manufacturing and5maintaining electric aircraft;6

(v) Demand and forecast for electric aircraft use to include7expected timeline of the aircraft entering the market given federal8aviation administration certification requirements;9

(vi) Identification of up to six airports in Washington state10that may benefit from a pilot program once an electrically propelled11aircraft for commercial use becomes available; and12

(vii) Recommendations to further the advancement of the13electrification of aircraft for regional commercial use within14Washington state, including specific, ((measureable)) measurable15goals for the years 2030, 2040, and 2050 that reflect progressive and16substantial increases in the utilization of electric and hybrid-17electric commercial aircraft.18

(c) The work group must submit a report and accompanying19recommendations to the transportation committees of the legislature20by November 15, 2020.21

(((d) If chapter . . . (House Bill No. 1397), Laws of 2019 is22enacted by June 30, 2019, the amount provided in this subsection (3)23lapses.))24

(4) (($150,000)) $350,000 of the aeronautics account—state25appropriation is provided solely for the implementation of chapter26396 (((Substitute Senate Bill No. 5370))), Laws of 2019 (aviation27coordinating commission). ((If chapter 396 (Substitute Senate Bill28No. 5370), Laws of 2019 is not enacted by June 30, 2019, the amount29provided in this subsection lapses.))30

(5) Within amounts appropriated in this section, the aviation31division of the department shall assist and consult with the32department of revenue in their efforts to update the document titled33"Washington Action Plan - FAA Policy Concerning Airport Revenue" to34reflect changes to Washington tax code regarding hazardous35substances. The department of revenue, in consultation with the36aviation division of the Washington state department of37transportation, is tasked with developing and recommending a38methodology to segregate and track actual amounts collected from the39hazardous substance tax under chapter 82.21 RCW and the petroleum40

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products tax under chapter 82.23A RCW as imposed on aviation fuel.1The department of revenue is directed to submit a report, including2the recommended methodology, to the fiscal committees of the house of3representatives and the senate by January 11, 2021.4

Sec. 213. 2019 c 416 s 213 (uncodified) is amended to read as5follows: 6FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—PROGRAM DELIVERY MANAGEMENT AND7SUPPORT—PROGRAM H8Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . (($59,801,000))9 $59,788,00010Motor Vehicle Account—Federal Appropriation . . . . . . . . $500,00011Multimodal Transportation Account—State Appropriation . . . $258,00012

TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($60,559,000))13 $60,546,00014

The appropriations in this section are subject to the following15conditions and limitations:16

(1) The legislature recognizes that the trail known as the Rocky17Reach Trail, and its extensions, serve to separate motor vehicle18traffic from pedestrians and bicyclists, increasing motor vehicle19safety on state route number 2 and the coincident section of state20route number 97. Consistent with chapter 47.30 RCW and pursuant to21RCW 47.12.080, the legislature declares that transferring portions of22WSDOT Inventory Control (IC) No. 2-09-04686 containing the trail and23associated buffer areas to the Washington state parks and recreation24commission is consistent with the public interest. The legislature25directs the department to transfer the property to the Washington26state parks and recreation commission.27

(a) The department must be paid fair market value for any28portions of the transferred real property that is later abandoned,29vacated, or ceases to be publicly maintained for trail purposes.30

(b) Prior to completing the transfer in this subsection (1), the31department must ensure that provisions are made to accommodate32private and public utilities and any facilities that predate the33department's acquisition of the property, at no cost to those34entities. Prior to completing the transfer, the department shall also35ensure that provisions, by fair market assessment, are made to36accommodate other private and public utilities and any facilities37that have been legally allowed by permit or other instrument.38

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(c) The department may sell any adjoining property that is not1necessary to support the Rocky Reach Trail and adjacent buffer areas2only after the transfer of trail-related property to the Washington3state parks and recreation commission is complete. Adjoining property4owners must be given the first opportunity to acquire such property5that abuts their property, and applicable boundary line or other6adjustments must be made to the legal descriptions for recording7purposes.8

(2) With respect to Parcel 12 of the real property conveyed by9the state of Washington to the city of Mercer Island under that10certain quitclaim deed, dated April 19, 2000, recorded in King county11under recording no. 20000425001234, the requirement in the deed that12the property be used for road/street purposes only will be deemed13satisfied by the department of transportation so long as commuter14parking, as part of the vertical development of the property, is one15of the significant uses of the property.16

(3) $1,600,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation17is provided solely for real estate services activities. Consistent18with RCW 47.12.120 and during the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium, when19initiating, extending, or renewing any rent or lease agreements with20a regional transit authority, consideration of value must be21equivalent to one hundred percent of economic or market rent.22

(4)(a) $100,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation23is provided solely for the department to:24

(i) Determine the real property owned by the state of Washington25and under the jurisdiction of the department in King county that is26surplus property located in an area encompassing south of Dearborn27Street in Seattle, south of Newcastle, west of SR 515, and north of28South 216th to SR 515; and29

(ii) Use any remaining funds after (a)(i) of this subsection is30completed to identify additional real property across the state owned31by the state of Washington and under the jurisdiction of the32department that is surplus property.33

(b) The department shall provide a report to the transportation34committees of the legislature describing the properties it has35identified as surplus property under (a) of this subsection by36October 1, 2020.37

Sec. 214. 2019 c 416 s 214 (uncodified) is amended to read as38follows: 39

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FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS—1PROGRAM K2Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . . . . $670,0003Electric Vehicle Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . . $2,000,0004Multimodal Transportation Account—State Appropriation. . . $1,634,0005

TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,304,0006The appropriations in this section are subject to the following7

conditions and limitations:8(1) The economic partnerships program must continue to explore9

retail partnerships at state-owned park and ride facilities, as10authorized in RCW

(2) $350,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state12appropriation is provided solely for the department to execute a13transit oriented development pilot project at Kingsgate park and ride14in Kirkland intended to be completed by December 31, 2023. The15purpose of the pilot project is to demonstrate how appropriate16department properties may be used to provide multiple public benefits17such as affordable and market rate housing, commercial development,18and institutional facilities in addition to transportation purposes.19To accomplish the pilot project, the department is authorized to20exercise all legal and administrative powers authorized in statute21that may include, but is not limited to, the transfer, lease, or sale22of some or all of the property to another governmental agency, public23development authority, or nonprofit developer approved by the24department and partner agencies. The department may also partner with25sound transit, King county, the city of Kirkland, and any other26federal, regional, or local jurisdiction on any policy changes27necessary from those jurisdictions to facilitate the pilot project.28By December 1, 2019, the department must report to the legislature on29any legislative actions necessary to facilitate the pilot project and30future transit oriented development projects.31

(3) $2,000,000 of the electric vehicle account—state32appropriation is provided solely for the clean alternative fuel33vehicle charging and refueling infrastructure program in chapter 28734(((Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill No. 2042))), Laws of 201935(advancing green transportation adoption). ((If chapter 28736(Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill No. 2042), Laws of 2019 is37not enacted by June 30, 2019, the amount provided in this subsection38lapses.))39

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(4) $1,200,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state1appropriation is provided solely for the pilot program established2under chapter 287 (((Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill No.32042))), Laws of 2019 (advancing green transportation adoption) to4provide clean alternative fuel vehicle use opportunities to5underserved communities and low to moderate income members of the6workforce not readily served by transit or located in transportation7corridors with emissions that exceed federal or state emissions8standards. ((If chapter 287 (Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill9No. 2042), Laws of 2019 is not enacted by June 30, 2019, the amount10provided in this subsection lapses.))11

(5) $84,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state12appropriation is provided solely for an interagency transfer to the13department of commerce for the purpose of conducting a study as14described in chapter 287 (((Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill15No. 2042))), Laws of 2019 (advancing green transportation adoption)16to identify opportunities to reduce barriers to electric vehicle17adoption by lower income residents of the state through the use of18vehicle and infrastructure financing assistance. ((If chapter 28719(Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill No. 2042), Laws of 2019 is20not enacted by June 30, 2019, the amount provided in this subsection21lapses.))22

(6) Building on the information and experience gained from the23transit oriented development project at the Kingsgate park and ride,24the department must identify a pilot park and ride with future25public-private partnership development potential in Pierce county and26report back to the transportation committees of the legislature by27June 30, 2021, with a proposal for moving forward with a pilot28project.29

Sec. 215. 2019 c 416 s 215 (uncodified) is amended to read as30follows: 31FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE—PROGRAM M32Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . (($495,228,000))33 $486,514,00034Motor Vehicle Account—Federal Appropriation . . . . . . . $7,000,00035State Route Number 520 Corridor Account—State36

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,447,00037Tacoma Narrows Toll Bridge Account—State38

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Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,549,0001Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Project2

Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . (($9,533,000))3 $9,537,0004Interstate 405 and State Route Number 167 Express5

Toll Lanes ((Operations)) Account—State6Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($1,370,000))7

$4,528,0008TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($519,127,000))9

$513,575,00010The appropriations in this section are subject to the following11

conditions and limitations:12(1)(a) $6,170,000 of the motor vehicle account—state13

appropriation is provided solely for utility fees assessed by local14governments as authorized under RCW 90.03.525 for the mitigation of15stormwater runoff from state highways. Plan and reporting16requirements as required in chapter 435 (((Senate Bill No. 5505))),17Laws of 2019 (Local Stormwater Charges) shall be consistent with the18January 2012 findings of the Joint Transportation Committee Report19for Effective Cost Recovery Structure for WSDOT, Jurisdictions, and20Efficiencies in Stormwater Management.21

(b) Pursuant to RCW 90.03.525(3), the department and the22utilities imposing charges to the department shall negotiate with the23goal of agreeing to rates such that the total charges to the24department for the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium do not exceed the amount25provided in this subsection. The department shall report to the26transportation committees of the legislature on the amount of funds27requested, the funds granted, and the strategies used to keep costs28down, by January 17, 2021. If chapter 435 (((Senate Bill No. 5505))),29Laws of 2019 (local stormwater charges) is enacted by June 30, 2019,30this subsection (1)(b) does not take effect.31

(2) $4,447,000 of the state route number 520 corridor account—32state appropriation is provided solely to maintain the state route33number 520 floating bridge. These funds must be used in accordance34with RCW 47.56.830(3).35

(3) $1,549,000 of the Tacoma Narrows toll bridge account—state36appropriation is provided solely to maintain the new Tacoma Narrows37bridge. These funds must be used in accordance with RCW 47.56.830(3).38

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(4) (($1,370,000)) $2,050,000 of the Interstate 405 and state1route number 167 express toll lanes ((operations)) account—state2appropriation is provided solely to maintain the Interstate 405 and3state route number 167 express toll lanes between Lynnwood and4Bellevue, and Renton and the southernmost point of the express toll5lanes. These funds must be used in accordance with RCW 47.56.830(3).6

(5) $2,478,000 of the Interstate 405 and state route number 1677express toll lanes account—state appropriation is provided solely for8maintenance for the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium only on the Interstate9405 roadway between Renton and Bellevue.10

(6) $5,000,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation11is provided solely for a contingency pool for snow and ice removal.12The department must notify the office of financial management and the13transportation committees of the legislature when they have spent the14base budget for snow and ice removal and will begin using the15contingency pool funding.16

(((6))) (7) $1,025,000 of the motor vehicle account—state17appropriation is provided solely for the department to implement18safety improvements and debris clean up on department-owned rights-19of-way in the city of Seattle at levels above that being implemented20as of January 1, 2019. The department must contract out or hire a21crew dedicated solely to collecting and disposing of garbage,22clearing debris or hazardous material, and implementing safety23improvements where hazards exist to the traveling public, department24employees, or people encamped upon department-owned rights-of-way.25The department may request assistance from the Washington state26patrol as necessary in order for both agencies to provide enhanced27safety-related activities regarding the emergency hazards along state28highway rights-of-way in the Seattle area.29

(((7))) (8) $1,015,000 of the motor vehicle account—state30appropriation is provided solely for a partnership program between31the department and the city of Tacoma. The program shall address the32safety and public health problems created by homeless encampments on33the department's property along state highways within the city34limits. $570,000 is for dedicated department maintenance staff and35associated clean-up costs. The department and the city of Tacoma36shall enter into a reimbursable agreement to cover up to $445,000 of37the city's expenses for clean-up crews and landfill costs.38

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(((8))) (9) The department must commence a pilot program for the12019-2021 fiscal biennium at the four highest demand safety rest2areas to create and maintain an online calendar for volunteer groups3to check availability of weekends for the free coffee program. The4calendar must be updated at least weekly and show dates and times5that are, or are not, available to participate in the free coffee6program. The department must submit a report to the legislature on7the ongoing pilot by December 1, 2020, outlining the costs and8benefits of the online calendar pilot, and including surveys from the9volunteer groups and agency staff to determine its effectiveness.10

Sec. 216. 2019 c 416 s 216 (uncodified) is amended to read as11follows: 12FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—TRAFFIC OPERATIONS—PROGRAM Q—13OPERATING14Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . (($70,681,000))15 $76,211,00016Motor Vehicle Account—Federal Appropriation . . . . . . . $2,050,00017Motor Vehicle Account—Private/Local Appropriation . . . . . $250,00018State Route Number 520 Corridor Account—State19

Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $53,00020Tacoma Narrows Toll Bridge Account—State Appropriation. . . . $31,00021Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Project Account—22

State Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $26,00023Interstate 405 and State Route Number 167 Express24

Toll Lanes Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . $32,00025TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($72,981,000))26

$78,653,00027The appropriations in this section are subject to the following28

conditions and limitations:29(1) $6,000,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation30

is provided solely for low-cost enhancements. The department shall31give priority to low-cost enhancement projects that improve safety or32provide congestion relief. By December 15th of each odd-numbered33year, the department shall provide a report to the legislature34listing all low-cost enhancement projects completed in the prior35fiscal biennium.36

(2)(a) During the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium, the department shall37continue a pilot program that expands private transportation38

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providers' access to high occupancy vehicle lanes. Under the pilot1program, when the department reserves a portion of a highway based on2the number of passengers in a vehicle, the following vehicles must be3authorized to use the reserved portion of the highway if the vehicle4has the capacity to carry eight or more passengers, regardless of the5number of passengers in the vehicle: (i) Auto transportation company6vehicles regulated under chapter 81.68 RCW; (ii) passenger charter7carrier vehicles regulated under chapter 81.70 RCW, except marked or8unmarked stretch limousines and stretch sport utility vehicles as9defined under department of licensing rules; (iii) private nonprofit10transportation provider vehicles regulated under chapter 81.66 RCW;11and (iv) private employer transportation service vehicles. For12purposes of this subsection, "private employer transportation13service" means regularly scheduled, fixed-route transportation14service that is offered by an employer for the benefit of its15employees. Nothing in this subsection is intended to authorize the16conversion of public infrastructure to private, for-profit purposes17or to otherwise create an entitlement or other claim by private users18to public infrastructure.19

(b) The department shall expand the high occupancy vehicle lane20access pilot program to vehicles that deliver or collect blood,21tissue, or blood components for a blood-collecting or distributing22establishment regulated under chapter 70.335 RCW. Under the pilot23program, when the department reserves a portion of a highway based on24the number of passengers in a vehicle, blood-collecting or25distributing establishment vehicles that are clearly and identifiably26marked as such on all sides of the vehicle are considered emergency27vehicles and must be authorized to use the reserved portion of the28highway.29

(c) The department shall expand the high occupancy vehicle lane30access pilot program to organ transport vehicles transporting a time31urgent organ for an organ procurement organization as defined in RCW3268.64.010. Under the pilot program, when the department reserves a33portion of a highway based on the number of passengers in a vehicle,34organ transport vehicles that are clearly and identifiably marked as35such on all sides of the vehicle are considered emergency vehicles36and must be authorized to use the reserved portion of the highway.37

(d) The department shall expand the high occupancy vehicle lane38access pilot program to private, for hire vehicles regulated under39chapter 81.72 RCW that have been specially manufactured, designed, or40

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modified for the transportation of a person who has a mobility1disability and uses a wheelchair or other assistive device. Under the2pilot program, when the department reserves a portion of a highway3based on the number of passengers in a vehicle, wheelchair-accessible4taxicabs that are clearly and identifiably marked as such on all5sides of the vehicle are considered public transportation vehicles6and must be authorized to use the reserved portion of the highway.7

(((d))) (e) Nothing in this subsection (2) is intended to exempt8these vehicles from paying tolls when they do not meet the occupancy9requirements established by the department for ((high occupancy))10express toll lanes.11

(3) When regional transit authority construction activities are12visible from a state highway, the department shall allow the regional13transit authority to place safe and appropriate signage informing the14public of the purpose of the construction activity.15

(4) The department must make signage for low-height bridges a16high priority.17

(5) $32,000 of the Interstate 405 and state route number 16718express toll lanes account—state appropriation, $53,000 of the state19route number 520 corridor account—state appropriation, $31,000 of the20Tacoma Narrows toll bridge account—state appropriation, and $26,00021of the Alaskan Way viaduct replacement project account—state22appropriation are provided solely for the traffic operations23program's proportional share of time spent supporting tolling24operations for the respective tolling facilities.25

Sec. 217. 2019 c 416 s 217 (uncodified) is amended to read as26follows: 27FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT AND28SUPPORT—PROGRAM S29Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . (($38,782,000))30 $38,251,00031Motor Vehicle Account—Federal Appropriation . . . . . . . $1,380,00032Motor Vehicle Account—Private/Local Appropriation . . . . . $500,00033Multimodal Transportation Account—State34

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,129,00035State Route Number 520 Corridor Account—State36

Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $199,00037Tacoma Narrows Toll Bridge Account—State Appropriation. . . $116,00038

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Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Project Account—1State Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100,0002

Interstate 405 and State Route Number 167 Express3Toll Lanes Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . . . . $119,0004

TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($41,791,000))5 $41,794,0006

The appropriations in this section are subject to the following7conditions and limitations:8

(1) $2,000,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation9is provided solely for a grant program that makes awards for the10following: (a) Support for nonprofit agencies, churches, and other11entities to help provide outreach to populations underrepresented in12the current apprenticeship programs; (b) preapprenticeship training;13and (c) child care, transportation, and other supports that are14needed to help women, veterans, and minorities enter and succeed in15apprenticeship. The department must report on grants that have been16awarded and the amount of funds disbursed by December 1st each year.17If moneys are provided in the omnibus operating appropriations act18for a career connected learning grant program, defined in19chapter . . . (Substitute House Bill No. 1336), Laws of 2019, or20otherwise, the amount provided in this subsection lapses.21

(2) $150,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation is22provided solely for a user-centered and mobile-compatible web site23redesign using estimated web site ad revenues.24

(3) From the revenues generated by the five dollar per studded25tire fee under RCW 46.37.427, $250,000 of the motor vehicle account—26state appropriation is provided solely for the department, in27consultation with the appropriate local jurisdictions and relevant28stakeholder groups, to establish a pilot media-based public29information campaign regarding the damage of studded tire use on30state and local roadways in Whatcom county, and to continue the31existing pilot information campaign in Spokane county. The reason for32the geographic selection of Spokane and Whatcom counties is based on33the high utilization of studded tires in these jurisdictions. The34public information campaigns must primarily focus on making the35consumer aware of the safety implications for other drivers, road36deterioration, financial impact for taxpayers, and, secondarily, the37alternatives to studded tires. The Whatcom county pilot media-based38public information campaign must begin by September 1, 2020. By39

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January 14, 2021, the department must provide the transportation1committees of the legislature an update on the Spokane and Whatcom2county pilot media-based public information campaigns.3

(4) (($138,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation4is provided solely for the implementation of chapter . . . (Second5Substitute Senate Bill No. 5489), Laws of 2019 (concerning6environmental health disparities). If chapter . . . (Second7Substitute Senate Bill No. 5489), Laws of 2019 is not enacted by June830, 2019, the amount provided in this subsection lapses)) $119,000 of9the Interstate 405 and state route number 167 express toll lanes10account—state appropriation, $199,000 of the state route number 52011corridor account—state appropriation, $116,000 of the Tacoma Narrows12toll bridge account—state appropriation, and $100,000 of the Alaskan13Way viaduct replacement project account—state appropriation are14provided solely for the transportation management and support15program's proportional share of time spent supporting tolling16operations for the respective tolling facilities.17

Sec. 218. 2019 c 416 s 218 (uncodified) is amended to read as18follows: 19FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—TRANSPORTATION PLANNING, DATA,20AND RESEARCH—PROGRAM T21((High Occupancy)) Interstate 405 and State Route22

Number 167 Express Toll Lanes ((Operations))23Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . (($3,000,000))24

$3,123,00025Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . (($29,403,000))26 $26,587,00027Motor Vehicle Account—Federal Appropriation . . . . . (($29,485,000))28 $35,385,00029Motor Vehicle Account—Private/Local Appropriation. . . . (($800,000))30 $1,200,00031Multimodal Transportation Account—State Appropriation . . . $710,00032Multimodal Transportation Account—Federal33

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,809,00034Multimodal Transportation Account—Private/Local35

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100,00036State Route Number 520 Corridor Account—State37

Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $763,00038

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Tacoma Narrows Toll Bridge Account—State Appropriation. . . $121,0001Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Project Account—2

State Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $104,0003TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($66,307,000))4

$70,902,0005The appropriations in this section are subject to the following6

conditions and limitations:7(1) $130,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation is8

provided solely for completion of a corridor study to identify9potential improvements between exit 116 and exit 99 of Interstate 5.10The study should further develop mid- and long-term strategies from11the corridor sketch, and identify potential US 101/I-5 interchange12improvements, a strategic plan for the Nisqually River bridges,13regional congestion relief options, and ecosystem benefits to the14Nisqually River estuary for salmon productivity and flood control.15

(2) The study on state route number 518 referenced in section16218(5), chapter 297, Laws of 2018 must be submitted to the17transportation committees of the legislature by November 30, 2019.18

(3) $100,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation is19provided solely to complete the Tacoma mall direct access feasibility20study.21

(4) $4,600,000 of the motor vehicle account—federal appropriation22is provided solely to complete the road usage charge pilot project23overseen by the transportation commission using the remaining unspent24amount of the federal grant award. The purpose of the road usage25charge pilot project is to explore the viability of a road usage26charge as a possible replacement for the gas tax.27

(5) $3,000,000 of the ((high occupancy)) Interstate 405 and state28route number 167 express toll lanes ((operations)) account—state29appropriation is provided solely for updating the state route number30167 master plan. If ((neither)) chapter 421 (((Engrossed Substitute31Senate Bill No. 5825))), Laws of 2019 (addressing tolling) ((nor32chapter . . . (House Bill No. 2132), Laws of 2019 (addressing33tolling))) is not enacted by June 30, 2019, the amount provided in34this subsection lapses.35

(6) $123,000 of the Interstate 405 and state route number 16736express toll lanes account—state appropriation, $207,000 of the state37route number 520 corridor account—state appropriation, $121,000 of38the Tacoma Narrows toll bridge account—state appropriation, and39

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$104,000 of the Alaskan Way viaduct replacement project account—state1appropriation are provided solely for the transportation planning,2data, and research program's proportional share of time spent3supporting tolling operations for the respective tolling facilities.4

(7) By December 31, 2020, the department shall provide to the5governor and the transportation committees of the legislature a6report examining the feasibility of doing performance-based7evaluations for projects. The department must incorporate feedback8from stakeholder groups, including traditionally underserved and9historically disadvantaged populations, and the report shall include10the project evaluation procedures that would be used for the11performance-based evaluation.12

(8) $556,000 of the state route number 520 corridor account—state13appropriation is provided solely for the department to contract with14the University of Washington department of mechanical engineering, to15study measures to reduce noise impacts from the state route number16520 bridge expansion joints. The field testing shall be scheduled17during existing construction, maintenance, or other scheduled18closures to minimize impacts. The testing must also ensure safety of19the traveling public. The study shall examine testing methodologies20and project timelines and costs. A final report must be submitted to21the transportation committees of the legislature and the governor by22December 1, 2021.23

(9) $5,900,000 of the motor vehicle account—federal appropriation24and $400,000 of the motor vehicle account—private/local appropriation25are provided solely for delivery of the department's state planning26and research work program and pooled fund research projects, provided27that the department may not expend any amounts provided in this28section on a long-range plan or corridor scenario analysis for I-529from Tumwater to Marysville. This is not intended to reference or30impact: The existing I-5 corridor from Mounts road to Tumwater design31and operations alternatives analysis; design studies related to HOV32lanes or operations; or where it is necessary to continue design and33operations analysis related to projects already under development.34

Sec. 219. 2019 c 416 s 219 (uncodified) is amended to read as35follows: 36FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—CHARGES FROM OTHER AGENCIES—37PROGRAM U38

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Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . (($71,996,000))1 $79,474,0002Multimodal Transportation Account—State3

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($2,491,000))4 $2,833,0005Interstate 405 and State Route Number 167 Express6

Toll Lanes Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . . . . $122,0007State Route Number 520 Corridor Account—State8

Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $205,0009Tacoma Narrows Toll Bridge Account—State10

Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120,00011Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Project Account—State12

Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $102,00013TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($74,487,000))14

$82,856,00015The appropriations in this section are subject to the following16

conditions and limitations:17(1) ((Prior to entering into)) Consistent with existing protocol18

and practices, for any negotiated settlement of a claim against the19state for the department that exceeds five million dollars, the20department, in conjunction with the attorney general and the21department of enterprise services, shall notify the director of the22office of financial management and the transportation committees of23the legislature.24

(2) Beginning October 1, 2019, and quarterly thereafter, the25department, in conjunction with the attorney general and the26department of enterprise services, shall provide a report with27judgments and settlements dealing with the Washington state ferry28system to the director of the office of financial management and the29transportation committees of the legislature. The report must include30information on: (a) The number of claims and settlements by type; (b)31the average claim and settlement by type; (c) defense costs32associated with those claims and settlements; and (d) information on33the impacts of moving legal costs associated with the Washington34state ferry system into the statewide self-insurance pool.35

(3) Beginning October 1, 2019, and quarterly thereafter, the36department, in conjunction with the attorney general and the37department of enterprise services, shall provide a report with38judgments and settlements dealing with the nonferry operations of the39

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department to the director of the office of financial management and1the transportation committees of the legislature. The report must2include information on: (a) The number of claims and settlements by3type; (b) the average claim and settlement by type; and (c) defense4costs associated with those claims and settlements.5

(4) $122,000 of the Interstate 405 and state route number 1676express toll lanes account—state appropriation, $205,000 of the state7route number 520 corridor account—state appropriation, $120,000 of8the Tacoma Narrows toll bridge account—state appropriation, and9$102,000 of the Alaskan Way viaduct replacement project account—state10appropriation are provided solely for the charges from other11agencies' program's proportional share of supporting tolling12operations for the respective tolling facilities.13

(5) When the department identifies significant legal issues that14have potential transportation budget implications, the department15must initiate a briefing for appropriate legislative members or staff16through the office of the attorney general and its legislative17briefing protocol.18

*Sec. 220. 2019 c 416 s 220 (uncodified) is amended to read as19follows: 20FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION—PROGRAM V21State Vehicle Parking Account—State Appropriation . . . . . $784,00022Regional Mobility Grant Program Account—State23

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($96,630,000))24 $88,698,00025Rural Mobility Grant Program Account—State26

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32,223,00027Multimodal Transportation Account—State28

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($128,554,000))29 $122,355,00030Multimodal Transportation Account—Federal31

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,574,00032Multimodal Transportation Account—Local33

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100,00034TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($261,865,000))35

$247,734,00036The appropriations in this section are subject to the following37

conditions and limitations:38p. 54 ESHB 2322.SL

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(1) (($62,679,000)) $62,698,000 of the multimodal transportation1account—state appropriation is provided solely for a grant program2for special needs transportation provided by transit agencies and3nonprofit providers of transportation. ((If chapter 287 (Engrossed4Second Substitute House Bill No. 2042), Laws of 2019 (advancing green5transportation adoption) is not enacted by June 30, 2019, $10,000,0006of the amount in this subsection lapses.)) Of this amount:7

(a) (($14,278,000)) $14,297,000 of the multimodal transportation8account—state appropriation is provided solely for grants to9nonprofit providers of special needs transportation. Grants for10nonprofit providers must be based on need, including the availability11of other providers of service in the area, efforts to coordinate12trips among providers and riders, and the cost effectiveness of trips13provided. ((If chapter 287 (Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill14No. 2042), Laws of 2019 (advancing green transportation adoption) is15not enacted by June 30, 2019, $2,278,000 of the amount in this16subsection lapses.))17

(b) $48,401,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state18appropriation is provided solely for grants to transit agencies to19transport persons with special transportation needs. To receive a20grant, the transit agency must, to the greatest extent practicable,21have a maintenance of effort for special needs transportation that is22no less than the previous year's maintenance of effort for special23needs transportation. Grants for transit agencies must be prorated24based on the amount expended for demand response service and route25deviated service in calendar year 2017 as reported in the "Summary of26Public Transportation - 2017" published by the department of27transportation. No transit agency may receive more than thirty28percent of these distributions. ((If chapter 287 (Engrossed Second29Substitute House Bill No. 2042), Laws of 2019 (advancing green30transportation adoption) is not enacted by June 30, 2019, $7,722,00031of the amount in this subsection lapses.))32

(2) $32,223,000 of the rural mobility grant program account—state33appropriation is provided solely for grants to aid small cities in34rural areas as prescribed in RCW

(3)(a) (($10,290,000)) $10,539,000 of the multimodal36transportation account—state appropriation is provided solely for a37vanpool grant program for: (i) Public transit agencies to add38vanpools or replace vans; and (ii) incentives for employers to39

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increase employee vanpool use. The grant program for public transit1agencies will cover capital costs only; operating costs for public2transit agencies are not eligible for funding under this grant3program. Additional employees may not be hired from the funds4provided in this section for the vanpool grant program, and5supplanting of transit funds currently funding vanpools is not6allowed. The department shall encourage grant applicants and7recipients to leverage funds other than state funds.8

(b) At least $1,600,000 of the amount provided in this subsection9must be used for vanpool grants in congested corridors.10

(4) (($18,951,000)) $27,483,000 of the regional mobility grant11program account—state appropriation is reappropriated and provided12solely for the regional mobility grant projects identified in LEAP13Transportation Document ((2019-2)) 2020-2 ALL PROJECTS as developed14((April 27, 2019)) March 11, 2020, Program - Public Transportation15Program (V).16

(5)(a) (($77,679,000)) $61,215,000 of the regional mobility grant17program account—state appropriation is provided solely for the18regional mobility grant projects identified in LEAP Transportation19Document ((2019-2)) 2020-2 ALL PROJECTS as developed ((April 27,202019)) March 11, 2020, Program - Public Transportation Program (V).21The department shall review all projects receiving grant awards under22this program at least semiannually to determine whether the projects23are making satisfactory progress. Any project that has been awarded24funds, but does not report activity on the project within one year of25the grant award, must be reviewed by the department to determine26whether the grant should be terminated. The department shall promptly27close out grants when projects have been completed, and any remaining28funds must be used only to fund projects identified in the LEAP29transportation document referenced in this subsection. The department30shall provide annual status reports on December 15, 2019, and31December 15, 2020, to the office of financial management and the32transportation committees of the legislature regarding the projects33receiving the grants. It is the intent of the legislature to34appropriate funds through the regional mobility grant program only35for projects that will be completed on schedule. A grantee may not36receive more than twenty-five percent of the amount appropriated in37this subsection. Additionally, when allocating funding for the382021-2023 biennium, no more than thirty percent of the total grant39program may directly benefit or support one grantee. The department40

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shall not approve any increases or changes to the scope of a project1for the purpose of a grantee expending remaining funds on an awarded2grant.3

(b) In order to be eligible to receive a grant under (a) of this4subsection during the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium, a transit agency5must establish a process for private transportation providers to6apply for the use of park and ride facilities. For purposes of this7subsection, (i) "private transportation provider" means: An auto8transportation company regulated under chapter 81.68 RCW; a passenger9charter carrier regulated under chapter 81.70 RCW, except marked or10unmarked stretch limousines and stretch sport utility vehicles as11defined under department of licensing rules; a private nonprofit12transportation provider regulated under chapter 81.66 RCW; or a13private employer transportation service provider; and (ii) "private14employer transportation service" means regularly scheduled, fixed-15route transportation service that is offered by an employer for the16benefit of its employees.17

(6) Funds provided for the commute trip reduction (CTR) program18may also be used for the growth and transportation efficiency center19program.20

(7) $7,670,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state21appropriation and $784,000 of the state vehicle parking account—state22appropriation are provided solely for CTR grants and activities. Of23this amount:24

(a) $1,000,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state25appropriation is provided solely for the department to continue a26pilot transit pass incentive program. Businesses and nonprofit27organizations located in a county adjacent to Puget Sound with a28population of more than seven hundred thousand that have never29offered transit subsidies to employees are eligible to apply to the30program for a fifty percent rebate on the cost of employee transit31subsidies provided through the regional ORCA fare collection system.32No single business or nonprofit organization may receive more than33ten thousand dollars from the program.34

(i) Businesses and nonprofit organizations may apply and be35awarded funds prior to purchasing a transit subsidy, but the36department may not provide reimbursement until proof of purchase or a37contract has been provided to the department.38

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(ii) The department shall update the transportation committees of1the legislature on the impact of the program by January 31, 2020, and2may adopt rules to administer the program.3

(b) $30,000 of the state vehicle parking account—state4appropriation is provided solely for the STAR pass program for state5employees residing in Mason and Grays Harbor Counties. Use of the6pass is for public transportation between Mason County and Thurston7County, and Grays Harbor and Thurston County. The pass may also be8used within Grays Harbor County. The STAR pass commute trip reduction9program is open to any state employee who expresses intent to commute10to his or her assigned state worksite using a public transit system11currently participating in the STAR pass program.12

(c) $1,000,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state13appropriation is provided solely for a first mile/last mile14connections grant program. Eligible grant recipients include cities,15businesses, nonprofits, and transportation network companies with16first mile/last mile solution proposals. Transit agencies are not17eligible. The commute trip reduction board shall develop grant18parameters, evaluation criteria, and evaluate grant proposals. The19commute trip reduction board shall provide the transportation20committees of the legislature a report on the effectiveness of this21grant program and best practices for continuing the program.22

(8) Except as provided otherwise in this subsection,23(($28,048,000)) $33,370,000 of the multimodal transportation account—24state appropriation is provided solely for connecting Washington25transit projects identified in LEAP Transportation Document26((2019-2)) 2020-2 ALL PROJECTS as developed ((April 27, 2019)) March2711, 2020. It is the intent of the legislature that entities28identified to receive funding in the LEAP document referenced in this29subsection receive the amounts specified in the time frame specified30in that LEAP document. If an entity has already completed a project31in the LEAP document referenced in this subsection before the time32frame identified, the entity may substitute another transit project33or projects that cost a similar or lesser amount.34

(9) (($2,000,000)) $1,000,000 of the multimodal transportation35account—state appropriation is provided solely for transit36coordination grants.37

(10) The department shall not require more than a ten percent38match from nonprofit transportation providers for state grants.39

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(11)(a) For projects funded as part of the 2015 connecting1Washington transportation package listed on the LEAP transportation2document identified in subsection (4) of this section, if the3department expects to have substantial reappropriations for the42021-2023 fiscal biennium, the department may, on a pilot basis,5apply funding from a project with an appropriation that cannot be6used for the current fiscal biennium to advance one or more of the7following projects:8

(i) King County Metro - RapidRide Expansion, Burien-Delridge9(G2000031);10

(ii) King County Metro - Route 40 Northgate to Downtown11(G2000032);12

(iii) Mason Transit Park & Ride Development (G2000042); or13(iv) Pierce Transit - SR 7 Express Service (((G2000046)))14

(G2000045).15(b) At least ten business days before advancing a project16

pursuant to this subsection, the department must notify the office of17financial management and the transportation committees of the18legislature. The advancement of a project may not hinder the delivery19of the projects for which the reappropriations are necessary for the202021-2023 fiscal biennium.21

(c) To the extent practicable, the department shall use the22flexibility and authority granted in this section to minimize the23amount of reappropriations needed each biennium.24

(12) $750,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state25appropriation is provided solely for Intercity Transit for the Dash26shuttle program.27

(13)(a) $485,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state28appropriation is provided solely for King county for:29

(i) An expanded pilot program to provide certain students in the30Highline, Tukwila, and Lake Washington school districts with an ORCA31card during these school districts' summer vacations. In order to be32eligible for an ORCA card under this program, a student must also be33in high school, be eligible for free and reduced-price lunches, and34have a job or other responsibility during the summer; and35

(ii) Providing administrative support to other interested school36districts in King county to prepare for implementing similar programs37for their students.38

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(b) King county must provide a report to the department and the1transportation committees of the legislature by December 15, 2021,2regarding:3

(i) The annual student usage of the pilot program;4(ii) Available ridership data;5(iii) A cost estimate, including a detailed description of the6

various expenses leading to the cost estimate, and any other factors7relevant to expanding the program to other King county school8districts;9

(iv) A cost estimate, including a detailed description of the10various expenses leading to the cost estimate, and any other factors11relevant to expanding the program to student populations other than12high school or eligible for free and reduced-price lunches;13

(v) Opportunities for subsidized ORCA cards or local grant or14matching funds; and15

(vi) Any additional information that would help determine if the16pilot program should be extended or expanded.17

(14) $12,000,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state18appropriation is provided solely for the green transportation capital19grant program established in chapter 287 (((Engrossed Second20Substitute House Bill No. 2042))), Laws of 2019 (advancing green21transportation adoption). ((If chapter 287 (Engrossed Second22Substitute House Bill No. 2042), Laws of 2019 is not enacted by June2330, 2019, the amount provided in this subsection lapses.))24

(15) $555,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state25appropriation is provided solely for an interagency transfer to the26Washington State University extension energy program to establish and27administer a technical assistance and education program for public28agencies on the use of alternative fuel vehicles. ((If chapter 28729(Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill No. 2042), Laws of 201930(advancing green transportation adoption) is not enacted by June 30,312019, $375,000 of the amount provided in this subsection lapses.))32

(16) As a short-term solution, appropriation authority for the33public transportation program in this section is reduced to reflect34anticipated underruns in this program, based on historical35reappropriation levels. It is the intent of the legislature that no36public transportation grants or projects be eliminated or37substantially delayed as a result of revenue reductions.38

(17) The appropriations in this section include savings due to39anticipated project underruns; however, it is unknown which projects40

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will provide savings. The legislature intends to provide sufficient1flexibility for the department to manage to this savings target. To2provide this flexibility, the office of financial management may3authorize, through an allotment modification, reductions in the4appropriated amounts that are provided solely for a particular5purpose within this section subject to the following conditions and6limitations:7

(a) No allotment modifications may be made to amounts provided8solely for the special needs transportation grant program;9

(b) The department must confirm that any modification requested10under this subsection of amounts provided solely for a specific11purpose are not expected to be used for that purpose in this12biennium;13

(c) Allotment modifications authorized under this subsection may14not result in increased funding for any project beyond the amount15provided for that project in the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium in LEAP16Transportation Document 2020-2 ALL PROJECTS as developed March 11,172020;18

(d) Allotment modifications authorized under this subsection19apply only to amounts appropriated in this section from the20multimodal transportation account—state; and21

(e) By December 1, 2020, the department must submit a report to22the transportation committees of the legislature regarding the23actions taken under this subsection.24

(18)(a) The Washington state department of transportation public25transportation division, working with the Thurston regional planning26council, shall provide state agency management, the office of27financial management, and the transportation committees of the28legislature with results of their regional mobility grant program29demonstration project I-5/US 101 Practical Solutions: State Capitol30Campus Transportation Demand Management – Mobile Work. This includes31reporting after the 2020 legislative session on the measurable32results of an early pilot initiative, "Telework Tuesday," beginning33in January 2020.34

(b) Capitol campus state agency management is directed to fully35participate in this work, which aims to reduce greenhouse gases,36require less office space and parking investments; provide low cost37congestion relief on I-5 during peak periods, US 101, and the local38transportation network; and improve retention and recruitment of39public employees. The agencies should actively: Encourage employees40

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qualified to telework to participate in this program and increase the1number of employees who qualify for mobile work and schedule shifts.2

(c) If measurable success is achieved, the capitol campus state3agencies shall provide options to expand the project to other4jurisdictions concentrated with large employers. Expansion and5encouragement of telework will help reduce demand on the6transportation system, reduce traffic during peak hours, and reduce7greenhouse gas emissions.8*Sec. 220 is partially vetoed. See message at end of chapter.

Sec. 221. 2019 c 416 s 221 (uncodified) is amended to read as9follows: 10FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—MARINE—PROGRAM X11Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . $250,00012Puget Sound Ferry Operations Account—State13

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($540,746,000))14 $545,997,00015Puget Sound Ferry Operations Account—Federal16

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,932,00017Puget Sound Ferry Operations Account—Private/Local18

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $121,00019TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($549,049,000))20

$554,300,00021The appropriations in this section are subject to the following22

conditions and limitations:23(1) The office of financial management budget instructions24

require agencies to recast enacted budgets into activities. The25Washington state ferries shall include a greater level of detail in26its 2019-2021 supplemental and 2021-2023 omnibus transportation27appropriations act requests, as determined jointly by the office of28financial management, the Washington state ferries, and the29transportation committees of the legislature. This level of detail30must include the administrative functions in the operating as well as31capital programs.32

(2) For the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium, the department may enter33into a distributor controlled fuel hedging program and other methods34of hedging approved by the fuel hedging committee, which must include35a representative of the department of enterprise services.36

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(3) (($76,261,000)) $73,161,000 of the Puget Sound ferry1operations account—state appropriation is provided solely for auto2ferry vessel operating fuel in the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium, which3reflect cost savings from a reduced biodiesel fuel requirement and,4therefore, is contingent upon the enactment of section 703 ((of this5act)), chapter 416, Laws of 2019. The amount provided in this6subsection represents the fuel budget for the purposes of calculating7any ferry fare fuel surcharge. The department shall review future use8of alternative fuels and dual fuel configurations, including9hydrogen.10

(4) $650,000 of the Puget sound ferry operations account—state11appropriation is provided solely for increased staffing at Washington12ferry terminals to meet increased workload and customer expectations.13Within the amount provided in this subsection, the department shall14contract with uniformed officers for additional traffic control15assistance at the Kingston ferry terminal during peak ferry travel16times, with a particular focus on Sundays and holiday weekends.17Traffic control methods should include, but not be limited to,18holding traffic on the shoulder at Lindvog Road until space opens for19cars at the tollbooths and dock, and management of traffic on Highway20104 in order to ensure Kingston residents and business owners have21access to businesses, roads, and driveways.22

(5) $254,000 of the Puget Sound ferry operations account—state23appropriation is provided solely for a dedicated inventory logistics24manager on a one-time basis.25

(6) $500,000 of the Puget Sound ferry operations account—state26appropriation is provided solely for operating costs related to27moving vessels for emergency capital repairs. Funds may only be spent28after approval by the office of financial management.29

(7) By January 1, 2020, the ferries division must submit a30workforce plan for reducing overtime due to shortages of staff31available to fill vacant crew positions. The plan must include32numbers of crew positions being filled by staff working overtime,33strategies for filling these positions with straight time employees,34progress toward implementing those strategies, and a forecast for35when overtime expenditures will return to historical averages.36

(8) $160,000 of the Puget Sound ferry operations account—state37appropriation is provided solely for a ferry fleet baseline noise38study, conducted by a consultant, for the purpose of establishing39

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plans and data-driven goals to reduce ferry noise when Southern1resident orca whales are present. In addition, the study must2establish prioritized strategies to address vessels serving routes3with the greatest exposure to orca whale movements.4

(9)(a) $250,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation5is provided solely for the department, in consultation with the6Washington state transportation center, to develop a plan for service7on the triangle route with a goal of providing maximum sailings8moving the most passengers to all stops in the least travel time,9including waits between sailings, within budget and resource10constraints.11

(b) The Washington state transportation center must use new12traffic management models and scheduling tools to examine proposed13improvements for the triangle route. The department shall report to14the standing transportation committees of the legislature by January1515, 2021. The report must include:16

(i) Implementation and status of data collection, modeling,17scheduling, capital investments, and procedural improvements to allow18Washington state ferries to schedule more sailings to and from all19stops on the triangle route with minimum time between sailings;20

(ii) Recommendations for emergency boat allocations, regular21schedule policies, and emergency schedule policies based on all22customers alternative travel options to ensure that any dock with no23road access is prioritized in scheduling and scheduled service is24provided based on population size, demographics, and local medical25services;26

(iii) Triangle route pilot economic analysis of Washington state27ferries fare revenue and fuel cost impact of offering additional,28better spaced sailings;29

(iv) Results of an economic analysis of the return on investment30of potentially acquiring and using traffic control infrastructure,31technology, walk on loading bridges, and Good-to-Go and ORCA32replacement of current fare sales, validation, collections,33accounting, and all associated labor and benefits costs that can be34saved via those capital investments; and35

(v) Recommendation on policies, procedures, or agency36interpretations of statute that may be adopted to mitigate any delays37or disruptions to scheduled sailings.38

(((c) If at least $50,000,000 is not made available, by means of39transfer, deposit, appropriation, or other similar conveyance, to the40

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motor vehicle account for stormwater-related activities through the1enactment of chapter 422 (Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5993),2Laws of 2019 (model toxics control program reform) by June 30, 2019,3the amount provided in this subsection (9) lapses.))4

(10) $15,139,000 of the Puget Sound ferry operations account—5state appropriation is provided solely for training. Of the amount6provided in this subsection:7

(a) $2,500,000 is for training for new employees.8(b) $160,000 is for electronic chart display and information9

system training.10(c) $379,000 is for marine evacuation slide training.11(11) $1,600,000 of the Puget Sound ferry operations account—state12

appropriation is provided solely for naval architecture staff support13for the marine maintenance program.14

(12) $336,000 of the Puget Sound ferry operations account—state15appropriation is provided solely for inspections of fall restraint16systems.17

(13) $4,361,000 of the Puget Sound ferry operations account—state18appropriation is provided solely for overtime expenses incurred by19engine and deck crew members.20

(14) $1,200,000 of the Puget Sound ferry operations account—state21appropriation is provided solely for familiarization for new22assignments of engine crew and terminal staff.23

(15) $100,000 of the Puget Sound ferry operations account—state24appropriation is provided solely to develop a plan for upgrading a25second vessel to meet the international convention for the safety of26life at sea standards. The plan must identify the option with the27lowest impacts to sailing schedules.28

Sec. 222. 2019 c 416 s 222 (uncodified) is amended to read as29follows: 30FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—RAIL—PROGRAM Y—OPERATING31Multimodal Transportation Account—State32

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($75,576,000))33 $70,244,00034Multimodal Transportation Account—Private/Local35

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $717,00036Multimodal Transportation Account—Federal37

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500,00038

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TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($76,793,000))1 $71,461,0002

The appropriations in this section are subject to the following3conditions and limitations:4

(1)(a)(i) $224,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state5appropriation and $671,000 of the multimodal transportation account—6private/local appropriation are provided solely for continued7analysis of the ultra high-speed ground transportation corridor in a8new study, with participation from Washington, Oregon, and British9Columbia. No funds may be expended until the department is in receipt10of $671,000 in private/local funding provided solely for this11purpose.12

(ii) The ultra high-speed ground transportation corridor advisory13group must include legislative membership.14

(iii) "Ultra high-speed" means a maximum testing speed of at15least two hundred fifty miles per hour.16

(b) The study must consist of the following:17(i) Development of proposed corridor governance, general powers,18

operating structure, legal instruments, and contracting requirements,19in the context of the roles of relevant jurisdictions, including20federal, state, provincial, and local governments;21

(ii) ((An assessment of current laws in state and provincial22jurisdictions and identification of any proposed changes to laws,23regulations, and/or agreements that are needed to proceed with24development)) Development of a long-term funding and financing25strategy for project initiation, development, construction, and26program administration of the high-speed corridor, building on the27funding and financing chapter of the 2019 business case analysis and28aligned with the recommendations of (b)(i) of this subsection; and29

(iii) Development of ((general recommendations for the30authorization needed to advance the development of the corridor))31recommendations for a department-led ultra-high speed corridor32engagement plan for policy leadership from elected officials.33

(c) This study must build on the results of the 2018 Washington34state ultra high-speed ground transportation business case analysis35and the 2019 Washington state ultra high-speed ground transportation36study findings report. The department shall consult with the37transportation committees of the legislature regarding all issues38related to proposed corridor governance.39

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(((c))) (d) The development work referenced in (b) of this1subsection is intended to identify and make recommendations related2to specific entities, including interjurisdictional entities,3policies, and processes required for the purposes of furthering4preliminary analysis efforts for the ultra high-speed ground5transportation corridor. This development work is not intended to6authorize one or more entities to assume decision making authority7for the design, construction, or operation of an ultra high-speed8rail corridor.9

(((d))) (e) By December 1, 2020, the department shall provide to10the governor and the transportation committees of the legislature a11report of the study's findings regarding the three elements noted in12this subsection. As applicable, the report should also be sent to the13executive and legislative branches of government in the state of14Oregon and appropriate government bodies in the province of British15Columbia.16

(2) The department is directed to continue to pursue efforts to17reduce costs, increase ridership, and review Amtrak Cascades fares18and fare schedules. Within thirty days of each annual cost/revenue19reconciliation under the Amtrak service contract, the department20shall report annual credits to the office of financial management and21the legislative transportation committees. Annual credits from Amtrak22to the department including, but not limited to, credits due to23higher ridership, reduced level of service, and fare or fare schedule24adjustments, must be used to offset corresponding amounts of the25multimodal transportation account—state appropriation, which must be26placed in reserve.27

Sec. 223. 2019 c 416 s 223 (uncodified) is amended to read as28follows: 29FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—LOCAL PROGRAMS—PROGRAM Z—30OPERATING31Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . (($12,190,000))32 $12,187,00033Motor Vehicle Account—Federal Appropriation . . . . . . . $2,567,00034Multiuse Roadway Safety Account—State Appropriation . . (($132,000))35 $450,00036Multimodal Transportation Account—State37

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $350,00038

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TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($15,239,000))1 $15,554,0002

The appropriations in this section are subject to the following3conditions and limitations:4

(1) $350,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state5appropriation is provided solely for a study by the Puget Sound6regional council of new passenger ferry service to better connect7communities throughout the twelve county Puget Sound region. The8study must assess potential new routes, identify future terminal9locations, and provide recommendations to accelerate the10electrification of the ferry fleet. The study must identify future11passenger only demand throughout Western Washington, analyze12potential routes and terminal locations on Puget Sound, Lake13Washington, and Lake Union with an emphasis on preserving waterfront14opportunities in public ownership and opportunities for partnership.15The study must determine whether and when the passenger ferry service16achieves a net reduction in carbon emissions including an analysis of17the emissions of modes that passengers would otherwise have used. The18study must estimate capital and operating costs for routes and19terminals. The study must include early and continuous outreach with20all interested stakeholders and a report to the legislature and all21interested parties by January 31, 2021.22

(2) $1,142,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation23is provided solely for the department, from amounts set aside out of24statewide fuel taxes distributed to counties according to RCW2546.68.120(3), to contract with the Washington state association of26counties to:27

(a) In coordination with stakeholders, identify county-owned fish28passage barriers, with priority given to barriers that share the same29stream system as state-owned fish passage barriers. The study must30identify, map, and provide a preliminary assessment of county-owned31barriers that need correction, and provide, where possible,32preliminary costs estimates for each barrier correction. The study33must provide recommendations on:34

(i) How to prioritize county-owned barriers within the same35stream system of state-owned barriers in the current six-year36construction plan to maximize state investment; and37

(ii) How future state six-year construction plans should38incorporate county-owned barriers;39

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(b) Update the local agency guidelines manual, including1exploring alternatives within the local agency guidelines manual on2county priorities;3

(c) Study the current state of county transportation funding,4identify emerging issues, and identify potential future alternative5transportation fuel funding sources to meet current and future needs.6

(3) The entire multiuse roadway safety account—state7appropriation is provided solely for grants under RCW 46.09.540,8subject to the following limitations:9

(a) Twenty-five percent of the amounts provided are reserved for10counties that each have a population of fifteen thousand persons or11less;12

(b)(i) Seventy-five percent of the amounts provided are reserved13for counties that each have a population exceeding fifteen thousand14persons; and15

(ii) No county that receives a grant or grants under (b) of this16subsection may receive more than sixty thousand dollars in total17grants.18


*Sec. 301. 2019 c 416 s 301 (uncodified) is amended to read as20follows: 21FOR THE FREIGHT MOBILITY STRATEGIC INVESTMENT BOARD22Freight Mobility Investment Account—State23

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($18,094,000))24 $23,015,00025Highway Safety Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . $81,00026Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . . . . $4,907,00027Freight Mobility Multimodal Account—State28

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($21,220,000))29 $4,992,00030Motor Vehicle Account—Federal Appropriation . . . . . (($2,250,000))31 $1,899,00032Freight Mobility Multimodal Account—Private/Local33

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($1,320,000))34 $1,250,00035

TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($42,884,000))36$36,144,00037

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The appropriations in this section are subject to the following1conditions and limitations:2

(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the entire3appropriations in this section are provided solely for the projects4by amount, as listed in the LEAP Transportation Document ((2019-3 as5developed April 27, 2019,)) 2020-3 as developed March 11, 2020,6Conference FMSIB Project List.7

(2) Until directed by the legislature, the board may not initiate8a new call for projects. By January 1, 2020, the board must report to9the legislature on alternative proposals to revise its project award10and obligation process, which result in lower reappropriations.11

(3) It is the intent of the legislature that no capital projects12be eliminated or substantially delayed as a result of revenue13reductions, but that as a short-term solution appropriation authority14for the freight mobility strategic investment board's capital grant15programs is reduced to reflect anticipated underruns in this program,16based on historical reappropriation levels.17

(4) It is the intent of the legislature to continue to make18strategic investments in a statewide freight mobility transportation19system with the help of the freight mobility strategic investment20board, including projects that mitigate the impact of freight21movement on local communities.22*Sec. 301 is partially vetoed. See message at end of chapter.

*Sec. 302. 2019 c 416 s 303 (uncodified) is amended to read as23follows: 24FOR THE COUNTY ROAD ADMINISTRATION BOARD25Rural Arterial Trust Account—State Appropriation . . (($65,996,000))26 $62,884,00027Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . . . $1,456,00028County Arterial Preservation Account—State29

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,590,00030TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($107,042,000))31

$103,930,00032The appropriations in this section are subject to the following33

conditions and limitations: It is the intent of the legislature that34no capital projects be eliminated or substantially delayed as a35result of revenue reductions, but that as a short-term solution36appropriation authority for the county road administration board's37

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capital grant programs is reduced to reflect anticipated underruns in1this program, based on historical reappropriation levels.2*Sec. 302 is partially vetoed. See message at end of chapter.

*Sec. 303. 2019 c 416 s 304 (uncodified) is amended to read as3follows: 4FOR THE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BOARD5Small City Pavement and Sidewalk Account—State6

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,890,0007Transportation Improvement Account—State8

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($228,510,000))9 $224,568,00010Complete Streets Grant Program Account—State11

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($14,670,000))12 $10,200,00013

TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($249,070,000))14$240,658,00015

The appropriations in this section are subject to the following16conditions and limitations:17

(1) $9,315,000 of the transportation improvement account—state18appropriation is provided solely for the Relight Washington Program.19The transportation improvement board shall conduct a survey of all20cities that are not currently eligible for the Relight Washington21Program to determine demand for the program regardless of the current22eligibility criteria. The transportation improvement board shall23report the results of the survey to the governor and the24transportation committees of the legislature by August 1, 2020.25

(2) It is the intent of the legislature that no capital projects26be eliminated or substantially delayed as a result of revenue27reductions, but that as a short-term solution appropriation authority28for the transportation improvement board's capital grant programs is29reduced to reflect anticipated underruns in this program, based on30historical reappropriation levels.31*Sec. 303 is partially vetoed. See message at end of chapter.


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Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . (($50,990,000))1 $51,187,0002Connecting Washington Account—State Appropriation . . (($42,497,000))3 $51,523,0004

TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($93,487,000))5$102,710,0006

The appropriations in this section are subject to the following7conditions and limitations:8

(1) (($42,497,000)) $51,523,000 of the connecting Washington9account—state appropriation is provided solely for a new Olympic10region maintenance and administration facility to be located on the11department-owned site at the intersection of Marvin Road and 32nd12Avenue in Lacey, Washington.13

(2)(a) (($43,100,000)) $43,297,000 of the motor vehicle account—14state appropriation is provided solely for the department facility15located at 15700 Dayton Ave N in Shoreline. This appropriation is16contingent upon the department of ecology signing a not less than17twenty-year agreement to pay a share of any financing contract issued18pursuant to chapter 39.94 RCW.19

(b) Payments from the department of ecology as described in this20subsection shall be deposited into the motor vehicle account.21

(c) Total project costs are not to exceed $46,500,000.22(3) $1,565,000 from the motor vehicle account—state appropriation23

is provided solely for furniture for the renovated Northwest Region24Headquarters at Dayton Avenue. The department must efficiently25furnish the renovated building. ((The amount provided in this26subsection is the maximum the department may spend on furniture for27this facility.))28

*Sec. 305. 2019 c 416 s 306 (uncodified) is amended to read as29follows: 30FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—IMPROVEMENTS—PROGRAM I31((High Occupancy Toll Lanes Operations32

Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,000,000))33Transportation Partnership Account—State34

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($325,275,000))35 $385,619,00036Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . (($92,504,000))37 $102,543,00038

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Motor Vehicle Account—Federal Appropriation . . . . (($154,337,000))1 $151,857,0002Motor Vehicle Account—Private/Local Appropriation . . (($26,839,000))3 $70,404,0004Connecting Washington Account—State5

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($2,137,381,000))6 $2,355,205,0007Special Category C Account—State Appropriation . . . (($81,000,000))8 $36,134,0009Multimodal Transportation Account—State10

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($5,408,000))11 $3,853,00012Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Project Account—State13

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $77,956,00014Transportation 2003 Account (Nickel Account)—State15

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($21,819,000))16 $10,429,00017Interstate 405 and State Route Number 167 Express18

Toll Lanes ((Operations)) Account—State19Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($48,036,000))20

$90,027,00021TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . (($2,977,555,000))22

$3,284,027,00023The appropriations in this section are subject to the following24

conditions and limitations:25(1) Except as provided otherwise in this section, the entire26

connecting Washington account—state appropriation and the entire27transportation partnership account—state appropriation are provided28solely for the projects and activities as listed by fund, project,29and amount in LEAP Transportation Document ((2019-1)) 2020-1 as30developed ((April 27, 2019)) March 11, 2020, Program - Highway31Improvements Program (I). However, limited transfers of specific32line-item project appropriations may occur between projects for those33amounts listed subject to the conditions and limitations in section34601 of this act.35

(2) Except as provided otherwise in this section, the entire36motor vehicle account—state appropriation and motor vehicle account—37federal appropriation are provided solely for the projects and38activities listed in LEAP Transportation Document ((2019-2)) 2020-239

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ALL PROJECTS as developed ((April 27, 2019)) March 11, 2020, Program1- Highway Improvements Program (I). Any federal funds gained through2efficiencies, adjustments to the federal funds forecast, additional3congressional action not related to a specific project or purpose, or4the federal funds redistribution process must then be applied to5highway and bridge preservation activities or fish passage barrier6corrections (0BI4001).7

(3) Within the motor vehicle account—state appropriation and8motor vehicle account—federal appropriation, the department may9transfer funds between programs I and P, except for funds that are10otherwise restricted in this act. Ten days prior to any transfer, the11department must submit its request to the office of financial12management and the transportation committees of the legislature and13consider any concerns raised. The department shall submit a report on14fiscal year funds transferred in the prior fiscal year using this15subsection as part of the department's annual budget submittal.16

(4) The connecting Washington account—state appropriation17includes up to (($1,519,899,000)) $1,835,325,000 in proceeds from the18sale of bonds authorized in RCW 47.10.889.19

(5) The special category C account—state appropriation includes20up to (($75,274,000)) $24,910,000 in proceeds from the sale of bonds21authorized in RCW ((47.10.861)) 47.10.812.22

(6) The transportation partnership account—state appropriation23includes up to (($150,232,000)) $162,658,000 in proceeds from the24sale of bonds authorized in RCW ((47.10.812)) 47.10.873.25

(7) The Alaskan Way viaduct replacement project account—state26appropriation includes up to $77,956,000 in proceeds from the sale of27bonds authorized in RCW 47.10.873.28

(8) ((The multimodal transportation account—state appropriation29includes up to $5,408,000 in proceeds from the sale of bonds30authorized in RCW 47.10.867.31

(9) $90,464,000)) $168,757,000 of the transportation partnership32account—state appropriation, (($7,006,000)) $19,790,000 of the motor33vehicle account—private/local appropriation, (($3,383,000))34$3,384,000 of the transportation 2003 account (nickel account)—state35appropriation, $77,956,000 of the Alaskan Way viaduct replacement36project account—state appropriation, and $1,838,000 of the multimodal37transportation account—state appropriation are provided solely for38the SR 99/Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement project (809936Z). It is39

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the intent of the legislature that the $25,000,000 increase in1funding provided in the 2021-2023 fiscal biennium be covered by any2legal damages paid to the state as a result of a lawsuit related to3contractual provisions for construction and delivery of the Alaskan4Way viaduct replacement project. The legislature intends that the5$25,000,000 of the transportation partnership account—state funds be6repaid when those damages are recovered.7

(((10))) (9) $3,000,000 of the multimodal transportation account—8state appropriation is provided solely for transit mitigation for the9SR 99/Viaduct Project - Construction Mitigation project (809940B).10

(((11) $164,000,000)) (10) $168,655,000 of the connecting11Washington account—state appropriation ((is)), $1,052,000 of the12special category C account—state appropriation, and $738,000 of the13motor vehicle account—private/local appropriation are provided solely14for the US 395 North Spokane Corridor project (M00800R).15

(((12)(a) $22,195,000 of the transportation partnership account—16state appropriation, $12,805,000 of the transportation 2003 account17(nickel account)—state appropriation, and $48,000,000)) (11)18$82,991,000 of the Interstate 405 and state route number 167 express19toll lanes ((operations)) account—state appropriation ((are)) is20provided solely for the I-405/SR 522 to I-5 Capacity Improvements21project (L2000234) for activities related to adding capacity on22Interstate 405 between state route number 522 and Interstate 5, with23the goals of increasing vehicle throughput and aligning project24completion with the implementation of bus rapid transit in the25vicinity of the project. ((The transportation partnership account—26state appropriation and transportation 2003 account (nickel account)—27state appropriation are a transfer or a reappropriation of a transfer28from the I-405/Kirkland Vicinity Stage 2 - Widening project (8BI1002)29due to savings and will fund right-of-way and construction for an30additional phase of this I-405 project.31

(b) If sufficient bonding authority to complete this project is32not provided within chapter 421 (Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No.335825), Laws of 2019 (addressing tolling) or chapter 421 (House Bill34No. 2132), Laws of 2019 (addressing tolling), or within a bond35authorization act referencing chapter . . . (Engrossed Substitute36Senate Bill No. 5825), Laws of 2019 or chapter . . . (House Bill No.372132), Laws of 2019, by June 30, 2019, $21,000,000 of the Interstate38405 express toll lanes operations account—state appropriation39

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provided in this subsection lapses, and it is the intent of the1legislature to reduce the Interstate 405 express toll lanes2operations account—state appropriation in the 2021-2023 biennium to3$5,000,000, and in the 2023-2025 biennium to $0 on the list4referenced in subsection (2) of this section.5

(13))) (12)(a) (($395,822,000)) $422,099,000 of the connecting6Washington account—state appropriation((, $60,000 of the motor7vehicle account—state appropriation,)) and (($342,000)) $456,000 of8the motor vehicle account—private/local appropriation are provided9solely for the SR 520 Seattle Corridor Improvements - West End10project (M00400R).11

(b) Recognizing that the department of transportation requires12full possession of parcel number 1-23190 to complete the Montlake13Phase of the West End project, the department is directed to:14

(i) Work with the operator of the Montlake boulevard market15located on parcel number 1-23190 to negotiate a lease allowing16continued operations up to January 1, 2020. After that time, the17department shall identify an area in the vicinity of the Montlake18property for a temporary market or other food service to be provided19during the period of project construction. Should the current20operator elect not to participate in providing that temporary21service, the department shall then develop an outreach plan with the22city to solicit community input on the food services provided, and23then advertise the opportunity to other potential vendors. Further,24the department shall work with the city of Seattle and existing25permit processes to facilitate vendor access to and use of the area26in the vicinity of the Montlake property.27

(ii) Upon completion of the Montlake Phase of the West End28project (current anticipated contract completion of 2023), WSDOT29shall sell that portion of the property not used for permanent30transportation improvements and initiate a process to convey that31surplus property to a subsequent owner.32

(c) $60,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation is33provided solely for grants to nonprofit organizations located in a34city with a population exceeding six hundred thousand persons and35that empower artists through equitable access to vital expertise,36opportunities, and business services. Funds may be used only for the37purpose of preserving, commemorating, and sharing the history of the38city of Seattle's freeway protests and making the history of activism39

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around the promotion of more integrated transportation and land use1planning accessible to current and future generations through the2preservation of Bent 2 of the R. H. Thompson freeway ramp.3

(((14))) (13) It is the intent of the legislature that for the4I-5 JBLM Corridor Improvements project (M00100R), the department5shall actively pursue $50,000,000 in federal funds to pay for this6project to supplant state funds in the future. $50,000,000 in7connecting Washington account funding must be held in unallotted8status during the 2021-2023 fiscal biennium. These funds may only be9used after the department has provided notice to the office of10financial management that it has exhausted all efforts to secure11federal funds from the federal highway administration and the12department of defense.13

(((15) $265,100,000)) (14) $310,469,000 of the connecting14Washington account—state appropriation is provided solely for the SR15167/SR 509 Puget Sound Gateway project (M00600R).16

(a) Any savings on the project must stay on the Puget Sound17Gateway corridor until the project is complete.18

(b) Proceeds from the sale of any surplus real property acquired19for the purpose of building the SR 167/SR 509 Puget Sound Gateway20(M00600R) project must be deposited into the motor vehicle account21for the purpose of constructing the project.22

(c) In making budget allocations to the Puget Sound Gateway23project, the department shall implement the project's construction as24a single corridor investment. The department shall develop a25coordinated corridor construction and implementation plan for state26route number 167 and state route number 509 in collaboration with27affected stakeholders. Specific funding allocations must be based on28where and when specific project segments are ready for construction29to move forward and investments can be best optimized for timely30project completion. Emphasis must be placed on avoiding gaps in fund31expenditures for either project.32

(d) It is the legislature's intent that the department shall33construct a full single-point urban interchange at the junction of34state route number 161 (Meridian avenue) and state route number 16735and a full single-point urban interchange at the junction of state36route number 509 and 188th Street. If the department receives37additional funds from an outside source for this project after the38base project is fully funded, the funds must first be applied toward39the completion of these two full single-point urban interchanges.40

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(e) In designing the state route number 509/state route number1516 interchange component of the SR 167/SR 509 Puget Sound Gateway2project (M00600R), the department shall make every effort to utilize3the preferred "4B" design.4

(f) The department shall explore the development of a multiuse5trail for bicyclists, pedestrians, skateboarders, and similar users6along the SR 167 right-of-way acquired for the project to connect a7network of new and existing trails from Mount Rainier to Point8Defiance Park.9

(g) If sufficient bonding authority to complete this project is10not provided within chapter 421 (((Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill11No. 5825))), Laws of 2019 (addressing tolling) ((or chapter . . .12(House Bill No. 2132), Laws of 2019 (addressing tolling))), or within13a bond authorization act referencing chapter 421 (((Engrossed14Substitute Senate Bill No. 5825))), Laws of 2019 ((or chapter . . .15(House Bill No. 2132), Laws of 2019,)) by June 30, 2019, it is the16intent of the legislature to return the Puget Sound Gateway project17(M00600R) to its previously identified construction schedule by18moving $128,900,000 in connecting Washington account—state19appropriation back to the 2027-2029 biennium from the 2023-202520biennium on the list referenced in subsection (2) of this section. If21sufficient bonding authority is provided, it is the intent of the22legislature to advance the project to allow for earlier completion23and inflationary savings.24

(((16))) (15) It is the intent of the legislature that, for the25I-5/North Lewis County Interchange project (L2000204), the department26develop and design the project with the objective of significantly27improving access to the industrially zoned properties in north Lewis28county. The design must consider the county's process of29investigating alternatives to improve such access from Interstate 530that began in March 2015.31

(((18) $950,000)) (16) $1,029,000 of the transportation32partnership account—state appropriation is provided solely for the33U.S. 2 Trestle IJR project (L1000158).34

(((19))) (17) The department shall itemize all future requests35for the construction of buildings on a project list and submit them36through the transportation executive information system as part of37the department's annual budget submittal. It is the intent of the38legislature that new facility construction must be transparent and39not appropriated within larger highway construction projects.40

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(((20))) (18) Any advisory group that the department convenes1during the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium must consider the interests of2the entire state of Washington.3

(((21))) (19) The legislature finds that there are sixteen4companies involved in wood preserving in the state that employ four5hundred workers and have an annual payroll of fifteen million6dollars. Before the department's switch to steel guardrails, ninety7percent of the twenty-five hundred mile guardrail system was8constructed of preserved wood and one hundred ten thousand wood9guardrail posts were produced annually for state use. Moreover, the10policy of using steel posts requires the state to use imported steel.11Given these findings, where practicable, and until June 30, 2021, the12department shall include the design option to use wood guardrail13posts, in addition to steel posts, in new guardrail installations.14The selection of posts must be consistent with the agency design15manual policy that existed before December 2009.16

(((22))) (20)(a) ((For projects funded as part of the 201517connecting Washington transportation package listed on the LEAP18transportation document identified in subsection (1) of this section,19if the department expects to have substantial reappropriations for20the 2021-2023 fiscal biennium, the department may, on a pilot basis,21apply funding from a project in this section with an appropriation22that cannot be used for the current fiscal biennium to advance one or23more of the following projects:24

(i) I-82 Yakima - Union Gap Economic Development Improvements25(T21100R);26

(ii) I-5 Federal Way - Triangle Vicinity Improvements (T20400R);27or28

(iii) SR 522/Paradise Lk Rd Interchange & Widening on SR 52229(Design/Engineering) (NPARADI).30

(b) At least ten business days before advancing a project31pursuant to this subsection, the department must notify the office of32financial management and the transportation committees of the33legislature. The advancement of a project may not hinder the delivery34of the projects for which the reappropriations are necessary for the352021-2023 fiscal biennium.36

(c))) For connecting Washington projects that have already begun37and are eligible for the authority granted in section 601 of this38act, the department shall prioritize advancing the following projects39if expected reappropriations become available:40

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(i) SR 14/I-205 to SE 164th Ave - Auxiliary Lanes (L2000102);1(ii) SR 305 Construction - Safety Improvements (N30500R);2(iii) SR 14/Bingen Underpass (L2220062);3(iv) I-405/NE 132nd Interchange - Totem Lake (L1000110);4(v) US Hwy 2 Safety (N00200R);5(vi) US-12/Walla Walla Corridor Improvements (T20900R);6(vii) I-5 JBLM Corridor Improvements (M00100R);7(viii) I-5/Slater Road Interchange - Improvements (L1000099);8(ix) SR 510/Yelm Loop Phase 2 (T32700R); or9(x) SR 520/124th St Interchange (Design and Right of Way)10

(L1000098).11(((d))) (b) To the extent practicable, the department shall use12

the flexibility and authority granted in this section and in section13601 of this act to minimize the amount of reappropriations needed14each biennium.15

(c) The advancement of a project may not hinder the delivery of16the projects for which the reappropriations are necessary for the172021-2023 fiscal biennium.18

(((23))) (21) The legislature continues to prioritize the19replacement of the state's aging infrastructure and recognizes the20importance of reusing and recycling construction aggregate and21recycled concrete materials in our transportation system. To22accomplish Washington state's sustainability goals in transportation23and in accordance with RCW 70.95.805, the legislature reaffirms its24determination that recycled concrete aggregate and other25transportation building materials are natural resource construction26materials that are too valuable to be wasted and landfilled, and are27a commodity as defined in WAC 173-350-100.28

Further, the legislature determines construction aggregate and29recycled concrete materials substantially meet widely recognized30international, national, and local standards and specifications31referenced in American society for testing and materials, American32concrete institute, Washington state department of transportation,33Seattle department of transportation, American public works34association, federal aviation administration, and federal highway35administration specifications, and are described as necessary and36desirable products for recycling and reuse by state and federal37agencies.38

As these recyclable materials have well established markets, are39substantially a primary or secondary product of necessary40

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construction processes and production, and are managed as an item of1commercial value, construction aggregate and recycled concrete2materials are exempt from chapter 173-350 WAC.3

(((24))) (22)(a) $17,500,000 of the motor vehicle account—state4appropriation is provided solely for staffing of a project office to5replace the Interstate 5 bridge across the Columbia river (G2000088).6If at least a $9,000,000 transfer is not authorized in section7406(29) ((of this act)), chapter 416, Laws of 2019, then $9,000,0008of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation lapses.9

(b) Of the amount provided in this subsection, $7,780,000 of the10motor vehicle account—state appropriation must be placed in11unallotted status by the office of financial management until the12department develops a detailed plan for the work of this project13office in consultation with the chairs and ranking members of the14transportation committees of the legislature. The director of the15office of financial management shall consult with the chairs and16ranking members of the transportation committees of the legislature17prior to making a decision to allot these funds.18

(c) The work of this project office includes, but is not limited19to, the reevaluation of the purpose and need identified for the20project previously known as the Columbia river crossing, the21reevaluation of permits and development of a finance plan, the22reengagement of key stakeholders and the public, and the reevaluation23of scope, schedule, and budget for a reinvigorated bistate effort for24replacement of the Interstate 5 Columbia river bridge. When25reevaluating the finance plan for the project, the department shall26assume that some costs of the new facility may be covered by tolls.27The project office must also study the possible different governance28structures for a bridge authority that would provide for the joint29administration of the bridges over the Columbia river between Oregon30and Washington. As part of this study, the project office must31examine the feasibility and necessity of an interstate compact in32conjunction with the national center for interstate compacts.33

(d) Within the amount provided in this subsection, the department34must implement chapter 137 (((Engrossed Substitute House Bill No.351994))), Laws of 2019 (projects of statewide significance).36

(e) The department shall have as a goal to:37(i) Reengage project stakeholders and reevaluate the purpose and38

need and environmental permits by July 1, 2020;39

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(ii) Develop a finance plan by December 1, 2020; and1(iii) Have made significant progress toward beginning the2

supplemental environmental impact statement process by June 30, 2021.3The department shall aim to provide a progress report on these4activities to the governor and the transportation committees of the5legislature by December 1, 2019, and a final report to the governor6and the transportation committees of the legislature by December 1,72020.8

(((25))) (23) $17,500,000 of the motor vehicle account—state9appropriation is provided solely to begin the pre-design phase on the10I-5/Columbia River Bridge project (G2000088)((; however, if at least11$50,000,000 is not made available, by means of transfer, deposit,12appropriation, or other similar conveyance, to the motor vehicle13account for stormwater-related activities through the enactment of14chapter 422 (Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5993), Laws of 201915(model toxics control program reform) by June 30, 2019, the amount16provided in this subsection lapses)).17

(((26))) (24)(a) (($36,500,000)) $191,360,000 of the connecting18Washington account—state appropriation, (($44,961,000)) $47,655,00019of the motor vehicle account—federal appropriation, $11,179,000 of20the motor vehicle account—private/local appropriation, $6,100,000 of21the motor vehicle account—state appropriation, and (($18,539,000))22$18,706,000 of the transportation partnership account—state23appropriation are provided solely for the Fish Passage Barrier24project (0BI4001) with the intent of fully complying with the court25injunction by 2030.26

(b) Of the amounts provided in this subsection, $320,000 of the27connecting Washington account—state appropriation is provided solely28to remove the fish passage barrier on state route number 6 that29interfaces with Boistfort Valley water utilities near milepost 46.6.30

(c) The department shall coordinate with the Brian Abbott fish31passage barrier removal board to use a watershed approach to maximize32habitat gain by replacing both state and local culverts. The33department shall deliver high habitat value fish passage barrier34corrections that it has identified, guided by the following factors:35Opportunity to bundle projects, ability to leverage investments by36others, presence of other barriers, project readiness, other37transportation projects in the area, and transportation impacts.38

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(d) The department must keep track of, for each barrier removed:1(i) The location; (ii) the amount of fish habitat gain; and (iii) the2amount spent to comply with the injunction.3

(e) It is the intent of the legislature that for the amount4listed for the 2021-2023 biennium for the Fish Passage Barrier5project (0BI4001) on the LEAP list referenced in subsection (1) of6this section, that accrued practical design savings deposited in the7transportation future funding program account be used to help fund8the cost of fully complying with the court injunction by 2030.9

(((27) $14,750,000)) (25)(a) The Washington state department of10transportation is directed to pursue compliance with the U.S. v.11Washington permanent injunction by delivering culvert corrections12within the injunction area guided by the principle of providing the13greatest fisheries habitat gain at the earliest time and considering14the following factors: Opportunity to bundle projects, tribal15priorities, ability to leverage investments by others, presence of16other barriers, project readiness, culvert condition, other17transportation projects in the area, and transportation impacts.18

(b) The department and Brian Abbott fish barrier removal board,19while providing the opportunity for stakeholders, tribes, and20government agencies to give input on a statewide culvert remediation21plan, must provide updates on the development of the statewide22culvert remediation plan to the capital budget, ways and means, and23transportation committees of the legislature by November 1, 2020, and24March 15, 2021. The first update must include a project timeline and25plan to ensure that all state agencies with culvert correction26programs are involved in the creation of the comprehensive plan.27

(26) $16,649,000 of the connecting Washington account—state28appropriation, $373,000 of the motor vehicle account—state29appropriation, and $6,000,000 of the motor vehicle account—private/30local appropriation are provided solely for the I-90/Barker to31Harvard – Improve Interchanges & Local Roads project (L2000122). The32connecting Washington account appropriation for the improvements that33fall within the city of Liberty Lake may only be expended if the city34of Liberty Lake agrees to cover any project costs within the city of35Liberty Lake above the $20,900,000 of state appropriation provided36for the total project in LEAP Transportation Document ((2019-1))372020-1 as developed ((April 27, 2019)) March 11, 2020, Program –38Highway Improvements (I).39

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(((28))) (27)(a) (($7,060,000)) $6,799,000 of the motor vehicle1account—federal appropriation, (($72,000)) $31,000 of the motor2vehicle account—state appropriation, (($3,580,000)) $3,812,000 of the3transportation partnership account—state appropriation, and4$7,000,000 of the ((high occupancy)) Interstate 405 and state route5number 167 express toll lanes ((operations)) account—state6appropriation are provided solely for the SR 167/SR 410 to SR 18 -7Congestion Management project (316706C).8

(b) If sufficient bonding authority to complete this project is9not provided within chapter 421 (((Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill10No. 5825))), Laws of 2019 (addressing tolling) ((or chapter . . .11(House Bill No. 2132), Laws of 2019 (addressing tolling))), or within12a bond authorization act referencing chapter 421 (((Engrossed13Substitute Senate Bill No. 5825))), Laws of 2019 ((or chapter . . .14(House Bill No. 2132), Laws of 2019,)) by June 30, 2019, it is the15intent of the legislature to remove the $100,000,000 in toll funding16from this project on the list referenced in subsection (2) of this17section.18

(((29))) (28) For the I-405/North 8th Street Direct Access Ramp19in Renton project (L1000280), if sufficient bonding authority to20begin this project is not provided within chapter 421 (((Engrossed21Substitute Senate Bill No. 5825))), Laws of 2019 (addressing tolling)22((or chapter . . . (House Bill No. 2132), Laws of 2019 (addressing23tolling))), or within a bond authorization act referencing chapter24421 (((Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5825))), Laws of 201925((or chapter . . . (House Bill No. 2132), Laws of 2019, by June 30,262019)), it is the intent of the legislature to remove the project27from the list referenced in subsection (2) of this section.28

(((30) $7,900,000)) (29) $7,985,000 of the Special Category C29account—state appropriation and $1,000,000 of the motor vehicle30account—private/local appropriation are provided solely for the SR 1831Widening - Issaquah/Hobart Rd to Raging River project (L1000199) for32improving and widening state route number 18 to four lanes from33Issaquah-Hobart Road to Raging River.34

(((31))) (30) $2,250,000 of the motor vehicle account—state35appropriation is provided solely for the I-5 Corridor from Mounts36Road to Tumwater project (L1000231) for completing a National and37State Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA) analysis to identify mid-38

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and long-term environmental impacts associated with future1improvements along the I-5 corridor from Tumwater to DuPont.2

(((32) $1,290,000)) (31) $622,000 of the motor vehicle account—3state appropriation is provided solely for the US 101/East Sequim4Corridor Improvements project (L2000343)((; however, if at least5$50,000,000 is not made available, by means of transfer, deposit,6appropriation, or other similar conveyance, to the motor vehicle7account for stormwater-related activities through the enactment of8chapter 422 (Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5993), Laws of 20199(model toxics control program reform) by June 30, 2019, the amount10provided in this subsection lapses)).11

(((33) $12,800,000)) (32) $12,916,000 of the motor vehicle12account—state appropriation is provided solely for the SR 522/13Paradise Lk Rd Interchange & Widening on SR 522 (Design/Engineering)14project (NPARADI)((; however, if at least $50,000,000 is not made15available, by means of transfer, deposit, appropriation, or other16similar conveyance, to the motor vehicle account for stormwater-17related activities through the enactment of chapter 422 (Engrossed18Substitute Senate Bill No. 5993), Laws of 2019 (model toxics control19program reform) by June 30, 2019, the amount provided in this20subsection lapses)).21

(((34))) (33) $1,000,000 of the motor vehicle account—state22appropriation is provided solely for the US 101/Morse Creek Safety23Barrier project (L1000247)((; however, if at least $50,000,000 is not24made available, by means of transfer, deposit, appropriation, or25other similar conveyance, to the motor vehicle account for26stormwater-related activities through the enactment of chapter 42227(Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5993), Laws of 2019 (model28toxics control program reform) by June 30, 2019, the amount provided29in this subsection lapses)).30

(((35))) (34) $1,000,000 of the motor vehicle account—state31appropriation is provided solely for the SR 162/410 Interchange32Design and Right of Way project (L1000276)((; however, if at least33$50,000,000 is not made available, by means of transfer, deposit,34appropriation, or other similar conveyance, to the motor vehicle35account for stormwater-related activities through the enactment of36chapter 422 (Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5993), Laws of 201937(model toxics control program reform) by June 30, 2019, the amount38provided in this subsection lapses)).39

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(((36) $1,000,000 of the motor vehicle account—state1appropriation is provided solely for the I-5/Rush Road Interchange2Improvements project (L1000223); however, if at least $50,000,000 is3not made available, by means of transfer, deposit, appropriation, or4other similar conveyance, to the motor vehicle account for5stormwater-related activities through the enactment of chapter 4226(Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5993), Laws of 2019 (model7toxics control program reform) by June 30, 2019, the amount provided8in this subsection lapses.))9

(35) It is the intent of the legislature that no capital projects10be eliminated or substantially delayed as a result of revenue11reductions, but that as a short-term solution appropriation authority12for this program is reduced to reflect anticipated underruns in this13program, based on historical reappropriation levels.14

(36) The appropriations in this section include savings due to15anticipated project underruns; however, it is unknown which projects16will provide savings. The legislature intends to provide sufficient17flexibility for the department to manage to this savings target. To18provide this flexibility, the office of financial management may19authorize, through an allotment modification, reductions in the20appropriated amounts that are provided solely for a particular21purpose within this section subject to the following conditions and22limitations:23

(a) The department must confirm that any modification requested24under this subsection of amounts provided solely for a specific25purpose are not expected to be used for that purpose in this26biennium;27

(b) Allotment modifications authorized under this subsection may28not result in increased funding for any project beyond the amount29provided for that project in the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium in LEAP30Transportation Document 2020-2 ALL PROJECTS as developed March 11,312020;32

(c) Allotment modifications authorized under this subsection33apply only to amounts appropriated in this section from the following34accounts: Multimodal transportation account—state, transportation35partnership account—state, connecting Washington account—state, and36special category C account—state; and37

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(d) By December 1, 2020, the department must submit a report to1the transportation committees of the legislature regarding the2actions taken under this subsection.3*Sec. 305 is partially vetoed. See message at end of chapter.

Sec. 306. 2019 c 416 s 307 (uncodified) is amended to read as4follows: 5FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—PRESERVATION—PROGRAM P6Recreational Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . (($1,744,000))7 $2,971,0008Transportation Partnership Account—State9

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($23,706,000))10 $20,248,00011Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . (($74,885,000))12 $82,447,00013Motor Vehicle Account—Federal Appropriation . . . . (($454,758,000))14 $490,744,00015Motor Vehicle Account—Private/Local16

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($5,159,000))17 $7,408,00018State Route Number 520 Corridor Account—State19

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($544,000))20 $326,00021Connecting Washington Account—State Appropriation . (($189,771,000))22 $204,630,00023Tacoma Narrows Toll Bridge Account—State24

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($7,906,000))25 $8,350,00026Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Project Account—State27

Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,00028Interstate 405 and State Route Number 167 Express29

Toll Lanes Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . . . $3,018,00030Transportation 2003 Account (Nickel Account)—State31

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($9,617,000))32 $17,892,00033

TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($768,100,000))34$838,044,00035

The appropriations in this section are subject to the following36conditions and limitations:37

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(1) Except as provided otherwise in this section, the entire1connecting Washington account—state appropriation and the entire2transportation partnership account—state appropriation are provided3solely for the projects and activities as listed by fund, project,4and amount in LEAP Transportation Document ((2019-1)) 2020-1 as5developed ((April 27, 2019)) March 11, 2020, Program - Highway6Preservation Program (P). However, limited transfers of specific7line-item project appropriations may occur between projects for those8amounts listed subject to the conditions and limitations in section9601 of this act.10

(2) Except as provided otherwise in this section, the entire11motor vehicle account—state appropriation and motor vehicle account—12federal appropriation are provided solely for the projects and13activities listed in LEAP Transportation Document ((2019-2)) 2020-214ALL PROJECTS as developed ((April 27, 2019)) March 11, 2020, Program15- Highway Preservation Program (P). Any federal funds gained through16efficiencies, adjustments to the federal funds forecast, additional17congressional action not related to a specific project or purpose, or18the federal funds redistribution process must then be applied to19highway and bridge preservation activities or fish passage barrier20corrections (0BI4001).21

(3) Within the motor vehicle account—state appropriation and22motor vehicle account—federal appropriation, the department may23transfer funds between programs I and P, except for funds that are24otherwise restricted in this act. Ten days prior to any transfer, the25department must submit its request to the office of financial26management and the transportation committees of the legislature and27consider any concerns raised. The department shall submit a report on28fiscal year funds transferred in the prior fiscal year using this29subsection as part of the department's annual budget submittal.30

(4) (($25,036,000)) $26,683,000 of the connecting Washington31account—state appropriation is provided solely for the land mobile32radio upgrade (G2000055) and is subject to the conditions,33limitations, and review provided in section 701 of this act. The land34mobile radio project is subject to technical oversight by the office35of the chief information officer. The department, in collaboration36with the office of the chief information officer, shall identify37where existing or proposed mobile radio technology investments should38be consolidated, identify when existing or proposed mobile radio39

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technology investments can be reused or leveraged to meet multiagency1needs, increase mobile radio interoperability between agencies, and2identify how redundant investments can be reduced over time. The3department shall also provide quarterly reports to the technology4services board on project progress.5

(5) (($2,500,000)) $4,000,000 of the motor vehicle account—state6appropriation is provided solely for extraordinary costs incurred7from litigation awards, settlements, or dispute mitigation activities8not eligible for funding from the self-insurance fund. The amount9provided in this subsection must be held in unallotted status until10the department submits a request to the office of financial11management that includes documentation detailing litigation-related12expenses. The office of financial management may release the funds13only when it determines that all other funds designated for14litigation awards, settlements, and dispute mitigation activities15have been exhausted. No funds provided in this subsection may be16expended on any legal fees related to the SR 99/Alaskan Way viaduct17replacement project (809936Z).18

(6) The appropriation in this section includes funding for19starting planning, engineering, and construction of the Elwha River20bridge replacement. To the greatest extent practicable, the21department shall maintain public access on the existing route.22

(7) (($22,729,000)) $21,289,000 of the motor vehicle account—23federal appropriation and (($553,000)) $840,000 of the motor vehicle24account—state appropriation are provided solely for the preservation25of structurally deficient bridges or bridges that are at risk of26becoming structurally deficient (L1000068). These funds must be used27widely around the state of Washington. When practicable, the28department shall pursue design-build contracts for these bridge29projects to expedite delivery. The department shall provide a report30that identifies the progress of each project funded in this31subsection as part of its annual agency budget request.32

(8) The department must consult with the Washington state patrol33and the office of financial management during the design phase of any34improvement or preservation project that could impact Washington35state patrol weigh station operations. During the design phase of any36such project, the department must estimate the cost of designing37around the affected weigh station's current operations, as well as38the cost of moving the affected weigh station.39

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(9) During the course of any planned resurfacing or other1preservation activity on state route number 26 between Colfax and2Othello in the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium, the department must add3dug-in reflectors.4

(10)(((a) For projects funded as part of the 2015 connecting5Washington transportation package listed on the LEAP transportation6document identified in subsection (1) of this section, if the7department expects to have substantial reappropriations for the82021-2023 fiscal biennium, the department may, on a pilot basis,9apply funding from a project in this section with an appropriation10that cannot be used for the current fiscal biennium to advance the SR114/Abernathy Creek Br - Replace Bridge project (400411A).12

(b) At least ten business days before advancing the project13pursuant to this subsection, the department must notify the office of14financial management and the transportation committees of the15legislature. The advancement of the project may not hinder the16delivery of the projects for which the reappropriations are necessary17for the 2021-2023 fiscal biennium.18

(c) To the extent practicable, the department shall use the19flexibility and authority granted in this section and in section 60120of this act to minimize the amount of reappropriations needed each21biennium.22

(11))) Within the connecting Washington account—state23appropriation, the department may transfer funds from Highway System24Preservation (L1100071) to other preservation projects listed in the25LEAP transportation document identified in subsection (1) of this26section, if it is determined necessary for completion of these high27priority preservation projects. The department's next budget28submittal after using this subsection must appropriately reflect the29transfer.30

*Sec. 307. 2019 c 416 s 308 (uncodified) is amended to read as31follows: 32FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—TRAFFIC OPERATIONS—PROGRAM Q—33CAPITAL34Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . (($7,311,000))35 $7,746,00036Motor Vehicle Account—Federal Appropriation . . . . . (($5,331,000))37 $6,137,00038

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Motor Vehicle Account—Private/Local Appropriation . . . (($500,000))1 $579,0002Interstate 405 and State Route Number 167 Express3

Toll Lanes Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . . . . $100,0004TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($13,142,000))5

$14,562,0006The appropriations in this section are subject to the following7

conditions and limitations:8(1) $700,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation is9

provided solely for the SR 99 Aurora Bridge ITS project (L2000338)((;10however, if at least $50,000,000 is not made available, by means of11transfer, deposit, appropriation, or other similar conveyance, to the12motor vehicle account for stormwater-related activities through the13enactment of chapter 422 (Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5993),14Laws of 2019 (model toxics control program reform) by June 30, 2019,15the amount provided in this subsection lapses)).16

(2) It is the intent of the legislature that no capital projects17be eliminated or substantially delayed as a result of revenue18reductions, but that as a short-term solution appropriation authority19for this program is reduced to reflect anticipated underruns in this20program, based on historical reappropriation levels.21*Sec. 307 is partially vetoed. See message at end of chapter.

*Sec. 308. 2019 c 416 s 309 (uncodified) is amended to read as22follows: 23FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—WASHINGTON STATE FERRIES24CONSTRUCTION—PROGRAM W25Puget Sound Capital Construction Account—State26

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($111,076,000))27 $116,253,00028Puget Sound Capital Construction Account—Federal29

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($141,750,000))30 $198,688,00031Puget Sound Capital Construction Account—Private/Local32

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($350,000))33 $4,779,00034Transportation Partnership Account—State35

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($4,936,000))36 $6,582,00037

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Connecting Washington Account—State Appropriation . . (($92,766,000))1 $112,426,0002Capital Vessel Replacement Account—State3

Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($99,000,000))4 $96,030,0005Transportation 2003 Account (Nickel Account)—State6

Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $986,0007TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($449,878,000))8

$535,744,0009The appropriations in this section are subject to the following10

conditions and limitations:11(1) Except as provided otherwise in this section, the entire12

appropriations in this section are provided solely for the projects13and activities as listed in LEAP Transportation Document ((2019-2))142020-2 ALL PROJECTS as developed ((April 27, 2019)) March 11, 2020,15Program - Washington State Ferries Capital Program (W).16

(2) (($1,461,000)) $2,857,000 of the Puget Sound capital17construction account—state appropriation, (($59,650,000)) $17,832,00018of the Puget Sound capital construction account—federal19appropriation, and $63,789,000 of the connecting Washington account—20state appropriation, are provided solely for the Mukilteo ferry21terminal (952515P). To the extent practicable, the department shall22avoid the closure of, or disruption to, any existing public access23walkways in the vicinity of the terminal project during construction.24

(3) (($73,089,000)) $102,641,000 of the Puget Sound capital25construction account—federal appropriation, (($33,089,000))26$47,819,000 of the connecting Washington account—state appropriation,27and (($8,778,000)) $4,355,000 of the Puget Sound capital construction28account—((state)) local appropriation are provided solely for the29Seattle Terminal Replacement project (900010L).30

(4) (($5,000,000)) $5,357,000 of the Puget Sound capital31construction account—state appropriation is provided solely for32emergency capital repair costs (999910K). Funds may only be spent33after approval by the office of financial management.34

(5) $2,300,000 of the Puget Sound capital construction account—35state appropriation is provided solely for the ORCA acceptance36project (L2000300). The ferry system shall work with Washington37technology solutions and the tolling division on the development of a38new, interoperable ticketing system.39

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(6) $495,000 of the Puget Sound capital construction account—1state appropriation is provided solely for an electric ferry planning2team (G2000087) to develop ten-year and twenty-year implementation3plans to efficiently deploy hybrid-electric vessels, including a4cost-benefit analysis of construction and operation of hybrid-5electric vessels with and without charging infrastructure. The plan6includes, but is not limited to, vessel technology and feasibility,7vessel and terminal deployment schedules, project financing, and8workforce requirements. The plan shall be submitted to the office of9financial management and the transportation committees of the10legislature by June 30, 2020.11

(7) $35,000,000 of the Puget Sound capital construction account—12state appropriation and (($6,500,000)) $8,000,000 of the Puget Sound13capital construction account—federal appropriation are provided14solely for the conversion of up to two Jumbo Mark II vessels to15electric hybrid propulsion (G2000084). The department shall seek16additional funds for the purposes of this subsection. The department17may spend from the Puget Sound capital construction account—state18appropriation in this section only as much as the department receives19in Volkswagen settlement funds for the purposes of this subsection.20

(8) $400,000 of the Puget Sound capital construction account—21state appropriation is provided solely for a request for proposals22for a new maintenance management system (project L2000301) and is23subject to the conditions, limitations, and review provided in24section 701 of this act.25

(9) (($99,000,000)) $96,030,000 of the capital vessel replacement26account—state appropriation is provided solely for the acquisition of27a 144-car hybrid-electric vessel. The vendor must present to the28joint transportation committee and the office of financial29management, by September 15, 2019, a list of options that will result30in significant cost savings changes in terms of construction or the31long-term maintenance and operations of the vessel. The vendor must32allow for exercising the options without a penalty. It is the intent33of the legislature to provide an additional $88,000,000 in funding in34the 2021-23 biennium. ((Unless (a) chapter 431 (Engrossed Substitute35House Bill No. 2161), Laws of 2019 (capital surcharge) or36chapter . . . (Substitute Senate Bill No. 5992), Laws of 201937(capital surcharge) is enacted by June 30, 2019, and (b) chapter 41738(Engrossed House Bill No. 1789), Laws of 2019 (service fees) or39

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chapter . . . (Substitute Senate Bill No. 5419), Laws of 20191(service fees) is enacted by June 30, 2019, the amount provided in2this subsection lapses.)) The reduction provided in this subsection3is an assumed underrun pursuant to subsection (11) of this section.4The commencement of construction of new vessels for the ferry system5is important not only for safety reasons, but also to keep skilled6marine construction jobs in the Puget Sound region and to sustain the7capacity of the region to meet the ongoing construction and8preservation needs of the ferry system fleet of vessels. The9legislature has determined that the current vessel procurement10process must move forward with all due speed, balancing the interests11of both the taxpayers and shipyards. To accomplish construction of12vessels in accordance with RCW 47.60.810, the prevailing shipbuilder,13for vessels initially funded after July 1, 2020, is encouraged to14follow the historical practice of subcontracting the construction of15ferry superstructures to a separate nonaffiliated contractor located16within the Puget Sound region, that is qualified in accordance with17RCW 47.60.690.18

(10) The capital vessel replacement account—state appropriation19includes up to (($99,000,000)) $96,030,000 in proceeds from the sale20of bonds authorized in RCW 47.10.873.21

(11) It is the intent of the legislature that no capital projects22be eliminated or substantially delayed as a result of revenue23reductions, but that as a short-term solution appropriation authority24for this program is reduced to reflect anticipated underruns in this25program, based on historical reappropriation levels.26

(12) The appropriations in this section include savings due to27anticipated project underruns; however, it is unknown which projects28will provide savings. The legislature intends to provide sufficient29flexibility for the department to manage to this savings target. To30provide this flexibility, the office of financial management may31authorize, through an allotment modification, reductions in the32appropriated amounts that are provided solely for a particular33purpose within this section subject to the following conditions and34limitations:35

(a) The department must confirm that any modification requested36under this subsection of amounts provided solely for a specific37purpose are not expected to be used for that purpose in this38biennium;39

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(b) Allotment modifications authorized under this subsection may1not result in increased funding for any project beyond the amount2provided for that project in the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium in LEAP3Transportation Document 2020-2 ALL PROJECTS as developed March 11,42020;5

(c) Allotment modifications authorized under this subsection6apply only to amounts appropriated in this section from the following7accounts: Puget Sound capital construction account—state,8transportation partnership account—state, and capital vessel9replacement account—state; and10

(d) By December 1, 2020, the department must submit a report to11the transportation committees of the legislature regarding the12actions taken under this subsection.13*Sec. 308 is partially vetoed. See message at end of chapter.

*Sec. 309. 2019 c 416 s 310 (uncodified) is amended to read as14follows: 15FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—RAIL—PROGRAM Y—CAPITAL16Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . . (($1,750,000))17 $3,300,00018Essential Rail Assistance Account—State Appropriation . (($500,000))19 $851,00020Transportation Infrastructure Account—State21

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,554,00022Multimodal Transportation Account—State23

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($85,441,000))24 $74,876,00025Multimodal Transportation Account—Federal26

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($8,302,000))27 $8,601,00028Multimodal Transportation Account—Local29

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $336,00030TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($103,883,000))31

$95,518,00032The appropriations in this section are subject to the following33

conditions and limitations:34(1) Except as provided otherwise in this section, the entire35

appropriations in this section are provided solely for the projects36and activities as listed by project and amount in LEAP Transportation37

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Document ((2019-2)) 2020-2 ALL PROJECTS as developed ((April 27,12019)) March 11, 2020, Program - Rail Program (Y).2

(2) $7,136,000 of the transportation infrastructure account—state3appropriation is provided solely for new low-interest loans approved4by the department through the freight rail investment bank (FRIB)5program. The department shall issue FRIB program loans with a6repayment period of no more than ten years, and charge only so much7interest as is necessary to recoup the department's costs to8administer the loans. The department shall report annually to the9transportation committees of the legislature and the office of10financial management on all FRIB loans issued.11

(3) (($8,112,000)) $7,782,000 of the multimodal transportation12account—state appropriation, $51,000 of the transportation13infrastructure account—state appropriation, and $135,000 of the14essential rail assistance account—state appropriation are provided15solely for new statewide emergent freight rail assistance projects16identified in the LEAP transportation document referenced in17subsection (1) of this section.18

(4) $367,000 of the transportation infrastructure account—state19appropriation and $1,100,000 of the multimodal transportation account20—state appropriation are provided solely to reimburse Highline Grain,21LLC for approved work completed on Palouse River and Coulee City22(PCC) railroad track in Spokane county between the BNSF Railway23Interchange at Cheney and Geiger Junction and must be administered in24a manner consistent with freight rail assistance program projects.25The value of the public benefit of this project is expected to meet26or exceed the cost of this project in: Shipper savings on27transportation costs; jobs saved in rail-dependent industries; and/or28reduced future costs to repair wear and tear on state and local29highways due to fewer annual truck trips (reduced vehicle miles30traveled). The amounts provided in this subsection are not a31commitment for future legislatures, but it is the legislature's32intent that future legislatures will work to approve biennial33appropriations until the full $7,337,000 cost of this project is34reimbursed.35

(5)(a) (($365,000)) $716,000 of the essential rail assistance36account—state appropriation ((is)) and $82,000 of the multimodal37transportation account—state appropriation are provided solely for38

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the purpose of the rehabilitation and maintenance of the Palouse1river and Coulee City railroad line (F01111B).2

(b) Expenditures from the essential rail assistance account—state3in this subsection may not exceed the combined total of:4

(i) Revenues and transfers deposited into the essential rail5assistance account from leases and sale of property relating to the6Palouse river and Coulee City railroad;7

(ii) Revenues from trackage rights agreement fees paid by8shippers; and9

(iii) Revenues and transfers transferred from the miscellaneous10program account to the essential rail assistance account, pursuant to11RCW 47.76.360, for the purpose of sustaining the grain train program12by maintaining the Palouse river and Coulee City railroad.13

(6) The department shall issue a call for projects for the14freight rail assistance program, and shall evaluate the applications15in a manner consistent with past practices as specified in section16309, chapter 367, Laws of 2011. By November 15, 2020, the department17shall submit a prioritized list of recommended projects to the office18of financial management and the transportation committees of the19legislature.20

(7) $10,000,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state21appropriation is provided solely as expenditure authority for any22insurance proceeds received by the state for Passenger Rail Equipment23Replacement (project 700010C.) The department must use this24expenditure authority only to purchase ((new train sets)) replacement25equipment that ((have)) has been competitively procured and for26service recovery needs and corrective actions related to the December272017 derailment.28

(8) (($600,000)) $898,000 of the multimodal transportation29account—federal appropriation and (($6,000)) $8,000 of the multimodal30transportation account—state appropriation are provided solely for31the Ridgefield Rail Overpass (project 725910A). Total costs for this32project may not exceed $909,000 across fiscal biennia.33

(9)(a) For projects funded as part of the 2015 connecting34Washington transportation package listed on the LEAP transportation35document identified in subsection (1) of this section, if the36department expects to have substantial reappropriations for the372021-2023 fiscal biennium, the department may, on a pilot basis,38apply funding from a project in this section with an appropriation39

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that cannot be used for the current fiscal biennium to advance the1South Kelso Railroad Crossing project (L1000147).2

(b) At least ten business days before advancing the project3pursuant to this subsection, the department must notify the office of4financial management and the transportation committees of the5legislature. The advancement of the project may not hinder the6delivery of the projects for which the reappropriations are necessary7for the 2021-2023 fiscal biennium.8

(c) To the extent practicable, the department shall use the9flexibility and authority granted in this section to minimize the10amount of reappropriations needed each biennium.11

(10) The multimodal transportation account—state appropriation12includes up to (($19,592,000)) $25,000,000 in proceeds from the sale13of bonds authorized in RCW 47.10.867.14

(11) The department must report to the joint transportation15committee on the progress made on freight rail investment bank16projects and freight rail assistance projects funded during this17biennium by January 1, 2020.18

(12) $1,500,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state19appropriation is provided solely for the Chelatchie Prairie railroad20roadbed rehabilitation project (L1000233).21

(13) $250,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state22appropriation is provided solely for the Port of Moses Lake Northern23Columbia Basin railroad feasibility study (L1000235).24

(14) $500,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state25appropriation is provided solely for the Spokane airport transload26facility project (L1000242).27

(15) $1,000,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation28is provided solely for the grade separation at Bell road project29(L1000239)((; however, if at least $50,000,000 is not made available,30by means of transfer, deposit, appropriation, or other similar31conveyance, to the motor vehicle account for stormwater-related32activities through the enactment of chapter 422 (Engrossed Substitute33Senate Bill No. 5993), Laws of 2019 (model toxics control program34reform) by June 30, 2019, the amount provided in this subsection35lapses)).36

(16) $750,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation37((is)) and $399,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state38appropriation are provided solely for the rail crossing improvements39

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at 6th Ave. and South 19th St. project (L2000289)((; however, if at1least $50,000,000 is not made available, by means of transfer,2deposit, appropriation, or other similar conveyance, to the motor3vehicle account for stormwater-related activities through the4enactment of chapter 422 (Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5993),5Laws of 2019 (model toxics control program reform) by June 30, 2019,6the amount provided in this subsection lapses)).7

(17) It is the intent of the legislature that no capital projects8be eliminated or substantially delayed as a result of revenue9reductions, but that as a short-term solution appropriation authority10for this program is reduced to reflect anticipated underruns in this11program, based on historical reappropriation levels.12

(18) The appropriations in this section include savings due to13anticipated project underruns; however, it is unknown which projects14will provide savings. The legislature intends to provide sufficient15flexibility for the department to manage to this savings target. To16provide this flexibility, the office of financial management may17authorize, through an allotment modification, reductions in the18appropriated amounts that are provided solely for a particular19purpose within this section subject to the following conditions and20limitations:21

(a) The department must confirm that any modification requested22under this subsection of amounts provided solely for a specific23purpose are not expected to be used for that purpose in this24biennium;25

(b) Allotment modifications authorized under this subsection may26not result in increased funding for any project beyond the amount27provided for that project in the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium in LEAP28Transportation Document 2020-2 ALL PROJECTS as developed March 11,292020;30

(c) Allotment modifications authorized under this subsection31apply only to amounts appropriated in this section from the32multimodal transportation account—state; and33

(d) By December 1, 2020, the department must submit a report to34the transportation committees of the legislature regarding the35actions taken under this subsection.36*Sec. 309 is partially vetoed. See message at end of chapter.

*Sec. 310. 2019 c 416 s 311 (uncodified) is amended to read as37follows: 38

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FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—LOCAL PROGRAMS—PROGRAM Z—1CAPITAL2Highway Infrastructure Account—State Appropriation . . . (($793,000))3 $1,276,0004Highway Infrastructure Account—Federal Appropriation . . (($981,000))5 $1,337,0006Transportation Partnership Account—State7

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($750,000))8 $2,380,0009Highway Safety Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . . (($800,000))10 $1,314,00011Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation . . . . . . (($30,878,000))12 $35,607,00013Motor Vehicle Account—Federal Appropriation . . . . . (($33,813,000))14 $41,420,00015Motor Vehicle Account—Private/Local Appropriation . . (($21,500,000))16 $24,600,00017Connecting Washington Account—State Appropriation . (($172,454,000))18 $155,550,00019Multimodal Transportation Account—State20

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($72,269,000))21 $77,469,00022

TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($334,238,000))23 $340,953,00024

The appropriations in this section are subject to the following25conditions and limitations:26

(1) Except as provided otherwise in this section, the entire27appropriations in this section are provided solely for the projects28and activities as listed by project and amount in LEAP Transportation29Document ((2019-2)) 2020-2 ALL PROJECTS as developed ((April 27,302019)) March 11, 2020, Program - Local Programs Program (Z).31

(2) The amounts identified in the LEAP transportation document32referenced under subsection (1) of this section for pedestrian33safety/safe routes to school are as follows:34

(a) $18,380,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state35appropriation is provided solely for newly selected pedestrian and36bicycle safety program projects. (($5,940,000)) $18,577,000 of the37multimodal transportation account—state appropriation and38(($750,000)) $1,380,000 of the transportation partnership account—39

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state appropriation are reappropriated for pedestrian and bicycle1safety program projects selected in the previous biennia (L2000188).2

(b) $11,400,000 of the motor vehicle account—federal3appropriation and $7,750,000 of the multimodal transportation account4—state appropriation are provided solely for newly selected safe5routes to school projects. (($6,690,000)) $11,354,000 of the motor6vehicle account—federal appropriation, (($2,320,000)) $4,640,000 of7the multimodal transportation account—state appropriation, and8(($800,000)) $1,314,000 of the highway safety account—state9appropriation are reappropriated for safe routes to school projects10selected in the previous biennia (L2000189). The department may11consider the special situations facing high-need areas, as defined by12schools or project areas in which the percentage of the children13eligible to receive free and reduced-price meals under the national14school lunch program is equal to, or greater than, the state average15as determined by the department, when evaluating project proposals16against established funding criteria while ensuring continued17compliance with federal eligibility requirements.18

(3) The department shall submit a report to the transportation19committees of the legislature by December 1, 2019, and December 1,202020, on the status of projects funded as part of the pedestrian21safety/safe routes to school grant program. The report must include,22but is not limited to, a list of projects selected and a brief23description of each project's status.24

(4) (($28,319,000)) $37,537,000 of the multimodal transportation25account—state appropriation is provided solely for bicycle and26pedestrian projects listed in the LEAP transportation document27referenced in subsection (1) of this section.28

(5) (($19,160,000)) $23,926,000 of the connecting Washington29account—state appropriation is provided solely for the Covington30Connector (L2000104). The amounts described in the LEAP31transportation document referenced in subsection (1) of this section32are not a commitment by future legislatures, but it is the33legislature's intent that future legislatures will work to approve34appropriations in the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium to reimburse the city35of Covington for approved work completed on the project up to the36full $24,000,000 cost of this project.37

(6)(a) For projects funded as part of the 2015 connecting38Washington transportation package listed on the LEAP transportation39

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document identified in subsection (1) of this section, if the1department expects to have substantial reappropriations for the22021-2023 fiscal biennium, the department may, on a pilot basis,3apply funding from a project in this section with an appropriation4that cannot be used for the current fiscal biennium to advance one or5more of the following projects:6

(i) ((East-West Corridor Overpass and Bridge (L2000067);7(ii) 41st Street Rucker Avenue Freight Corridor Phase 28

(L2000134);9(iii) Mottman Rd Pedestrian & Street Improvements (L1000089);10(iv))) I-5/Port of Tacoma Road Interchange (L1000087);11(((v) Complete SR 522 Improvements-Kenmore (T10600R);12(vi))) (ii) SR 99 Revitalization in Edmonds (NEDMOND); or13(((vii))) (iii) SR 523 145th Street (L1000148);14(b) At least ten business days before advancing a project15

pursuant to this subsection, the department must notify the office of16financial management and the transportation committees of the17legislature. The advancement of a project may not hinder the delivery18of the projects for which the reappropriations are necessary for the192021-2023 fiscal biennium.20

(c) To the extent practicable, the department shall use the21flexibility and authority granted in this section to minimize the22amount of reappropriations needed each biennium.23

(7) It is the expectation of the legislature that the department24will be administering a local railroad crossing safety grant program25for $7,000,000 in federal funds during the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium.26

(8)(a) $15,213,000 of the motor vehicle account—federal27appropriation is provided solely for national highway freight network28projects identified on the project list submitted in accordance with29section 218(4)(b), chapter 14, Laws of 2016 on October 31, 2016.30

(b) ((In advance of the expiration of the fixing America's31surface transportation (FAST) act in 2020, the department must work32with the Washington state freight advisory committee to agree on a33framework for allocation of any new national highway freight funding34that may be approved in a new federal surface transportation35reauthorization act. The department and representatives of the36advisory committee must report to the joint transportation committee37by October 1, 2020, on the status of planning for allocating new38funds for this program.)) The department shall convene a stakeholder39group for the purpose of developing a recommendation for a Washington40

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freight advisory committee. The recommendations must include, but are1not limited to, defining the committee's purpose and goals, roles and2responsibilities, reporting structure, and proposed activities.3Stakeholders must include representation from, but not limited to,4the trucking industry, the maritime industry, the rail industry,5cities, tribal governments, counties, ports, and representatives from6key industrial associations important to the state's economic7vitality and other relevant public and private interests. In8developing the recommendation, the stakeholder group must review9practices used by other states. The proposed committee must conform10with requirements of the fixing America's surface transportation act11and other relevant federal legislation. The recommendations must12include how the committee can address improving freight mobility13including, but not limited to, addressing insufficient truck parking14in Washington state, examining the link between preservation15investments and freight mobility, and enhancing freight logistics16through the application of technology. The stakeholder group shall17make recommendations to the governor and the transportation18committees of the legislature by December 1, 2020.19

(9) $1,000,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation20is provided solely for the Beech Street Extension project (L1000222)21((; however, if at least $50,000,000 is not made available, by means22of transfer, deposit, appropriation, or other similar conveyance, to23the motor vehicle account for stormwater-related activities through24the enactment of chapter 422 (Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No.255993), Laws of 2019 (model toxics control program reform) by June 30,262019, the amount provided in this subsection lapses)).27

(10) $3,900,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation28is provided solely for the Dupont-Steilacoom road improvements29project (L1000224)((; however, if at least $50,000,000 is not made30available, by means of transfer, deposit, appropriation, or other31similar conveyance, to the motor vehicle account for stormwater-32related activities through the enactment of chapter 422 (Engrossed33Substitute Senate Bill No. 5993), Laws of 2019 (model toxics control34program reform) by June 30, 2019, the amount provided in this35subsection lapses)).36

(11) $650,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation is37provided solely for the SR 104/40th place northeast roundabout38project (L1000244)((; however, if at least $50,000,000 is not made39

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available, by means of transfer, deposit, appropriation, or other1similar conveyance, to the motor vehicle account for stormwater-2related activities through the enactment of chapter 422 (Engrossed3Substitute Senate Bill No. 5993), Laws of 2019 (model toxics control4program reform) by June 30, 2019, the amount provided in this5subsection lapses)).6

(12) $860,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state7appropriation is provided solely for the Clinton to Ken's corner8trail project (L1000249).9

(13) $210,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation is10provided solely for the I-405/44th gateway signage and green-scaping11improvements project (L1000250)((; however, if at least $50,000,00012is not made available, by means of transfer, deposit, appropriation,13or other similar conveyance, to the motor vehicle account for14stormwater-related activities through the enactment of chapter 42215(Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5993), Laws of 2019 (model16toxics control program reform) by June 30, 2019, the amount provided17in this subsection lapses)).18

(14) (($750,000 of the multimodal transportation account—state19appropriation is provided solely for the Edmonds waterfront connector20project (L1000252).21

(15))) $650,000 of the motor vehicle account—state appropriation22is provided solely for the Wallace Kneeland and Shelton springs road23intersection improvements project (L1000260)((; however, if at least24$50,000,000 is not made available, by means of transfer, deposit,25appropriation, or other similar conveyance, to the motor vehicle26account for stormwater-related activities through the enactment of27chapter 422 (Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5993), Laws of 201928(model toxics control program reform) by June 30, 2019, the amount29provided in this subsection lapses)).30

(((16))) (15) $1,000,000 of the motor vehicle account—state31appropriation and $500,000 of the multimodal transportation account—32state appropriation are provided solely for the complete 224th Phase33two project (L1000270)((; however, if at least $50,000,000 is not34made available, by means of transfer, deposit, appropriation, or35other similar conveyance, to the motor vehicle account for36stormwater-related activities through the enactment of chapter 42237(Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5993), Laws of 2019 (model38toxics control program reform) by June 30, 2019, the amount in this39

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subsection provided from the motor vehicle account—state1appropriation lapses)).2

(((17))) (16) $60,000 of the multimodal transportation account—3state appropriation is provided solely for the installation of an4updated meteorological station at the Colville airport (L1000279).5

(((18))) (17)(a) $700,000 of the motor vehicle account—state6appropriation is provided solely for the Ballard-Interbay Regional7Transportation system plan project (L1000281)((; however, if at least8$50,000,000 is not made available, by means of transfer, deposit,9appropriation, or other similar conveyance, to the motor vehicle10account for stormwater-related activities through the enactment of11chapter 422 (Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5993), Laws of 201912(model toxics control program reform) by June 30, 2019, the amount13provided in this subsection lapses)).14

(b) Funding in this subsection is provided solely for the city of15Seattle to develop a plan and report for the Ballard-Interbay16Regional Transportation System project to improve mobility for people17and freight. The plan must be developed in coordination and18partnership with entities including but not limited to the city of19Seattle, King county, the Port of Seattle, Sound Transit, the20Washington state military department for the Seattle armory, and the21Washington state department of transportation. The plan must examine22replacement of the Ballard bridge and the Magnolia bridge, which was23damaged in the 2001 Nisqually earthquake. The city must provide a24report on the plan that includes recommendations to the Seattle city25council, King county council, and the transportation committees of26the legislature by November 1, 2020. The report must include27recommendations on how to maintain the current and future capacities28of the Magnolia and Ballard bridges, an overview and analysis of all29plans between 2010 and 2020 that examine how to replace the Magnolia30bridge, and recommendations on a timeline for constructing new31Magnolia and Ballard bridges.32

(((19))) (18) $750,000 of the motor vehicle account—state33appropriation is provided solely for the Mickelson Parkway project34(L1000282)((; however, if at least $50,000,000 is not made available,35by means of transfer, deposit, appropriation, or other similar36conveyance, to the motor vehicle account for stormwater-related37activities through the enactment of chapter 422 (Engrossed Substitute38Senate Bill No. 5993), Laws of 2019 (model toxics control program39

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reform) by June 30, 2019, the amount provided in this subsection1lapses)).2

(((20))) (19) $300,000 of the motor vehicle account—state3appropriation is provided solely for the South 314th Street4Improvements project (L1000283)((; however, if at least $50,000,0005is not made available, by means of transfer, deposit, appropriation,6or other similar conveyance, to the motor vehicle account for7stormwater-related activities through the enactment of chapter 4228(Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5993), Laws of 2019 (model9toxics control program reform) by June 30, 2019, the amount provided10in this subsection lapses)).11

(((21))) (20) $250,000 of the motor vehicle account—state12appropriation is provided solely for the Ridgefield South I-5 Access13Planning project (L1000284)((; however, if at least $50,000,000 is14not made available, by means of transfer, deposit, appropriation, or15other similar conveyance, to the motor vehicle account for16stormwater-related activities through the enactment of chapter 42217(Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5993), Laws of 2019 (model18toxics control program reform) by June 30, 2019, the amount provided19in this subsection lapses)).20

(((22))) (21) $300,000 of the motor vehicle account—state21appropriation is provided solely for the Washougal 32nd Street22Underpass Design and Permitting project (L1000285)((; however, if at23least $50,000,000 is not made available, by means of transfer,24deposit, appropriation, or other similar conveyance, to the motor25vehicle account for stormwater-related activities through the26enactment of chapter 422 (Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5993),27Laws of 2019 (model toxics control program reform) by June 30, 2019,28the amount provided in this subsection lapses)).29

(((23))) (22) $600,000 of the connecting Washington account—state30appropriation, $150,000 of the motor vehicle account—state31appropriation, and (($50,000)) $267,000 of the multimodal32transportation account—state appropriation are provided solely for33the Bingen Walnut Creek and Maple Railroad Crossing (L2000328)((;34however, if at least $50,000,000 is not made available, by means of35transfer, deposit, appropriation, or other similar conveyance, to the36motor vehicle account for stormwater-related activities through the37enactment of chapter 422 (Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5993),38Laws of 2019 (model toxics control program reform) by June 30, 2019,39

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the amount in this subsection provided from the motor vehicle account1—state appropriation lapses)).2

(((24))) (23) $1,500,000 of the motor vehicle account—state3appropriation is provided solely for the SR 303 Warren Avenue Bridge4Pedestrian Improvements project (L2000339)((; however, if at least5$50,000,000 is not made available, by means of transfer, deposit,6appropriation, or other similar conveyance, to the motor vehicle7account for stormwater-related activities through the enactment of8chapter 422 (Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5993), Laws of 20199(model toxics control program reform) by June 30, 2019, the amount10provided in this subsection lapses)).11

(((25))) (24) $1,000,000 of the motor vehicle account—state12appropriation is provided solely for the 72nd/Washington Improvements13in Yakima project (L2000341)((; however, if at least $50,000,000 is14not made available, by means of transfer, deposit, appropriation, or15other similar conveyance, to the motor vehicle account for16stormwater-related activities through the enactment of chapter 42217(Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5993), Laws of 2019 (model18toxics control program reform) by June 30, 2019, the amount provided19in this subsection lapses)).20

(((26))) (25) $650,000 of the motor vehicle account—state21appropriation is provided solely for the 48th/Washington Improvements22in Yakima project (L2000342)((; however, if at least $50,000,000 is23not made available, by means of transfer, deposit, appropriation, or24other similar conveyance, to the motor vehicle account for25stormwater-related activities through the enactment of chapter 42226(Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5993), Laws of 2019 (model27toxics control program reform) by June 30, 2019, the amount provided28in this subsection lapses)).29

(26) It is the intent of the legislature that no capital projects30will be eliminated or substantially delayed as a result of revenue31reductions, but that as a short-term solution appropriation authority32for this program is reduced to reflect anticipated underruns in this33program, based on historical reappropriation levels.34

(27) The appropriations in this section include savings due to35anticipated project underruns; however, it is unknown which projects36will provide savings. The legislature intends to provide sufficient37flexibility for the department to manage to this savings target. To38provide this flexibility, the office of financial management may39

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authorize, through an allotment modification, reductions in the1appropriated amounts that are provided solely for a particular2purpose within this section subject to the following conditions and3limitations:4

(a) The department must confirm that any modification requested5under this subsection of amounts provided solely for a specific6purpose are not expected to be used for that purpose in this7biennium;8

(b) Allotment modifications authorized under this subsection may9not result in increased funding for any project beyond the amount10provided for that project in the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium in LEAP11Transportation Document 2020-2 ALL PROJECTS as developed March 11,122020;13

(c) Allotment modifications authorized under this subsection14apply only to amounts appropriated in this section from the following15accounts: Connecting Washington account—state and multimodal16transportation account—state; and17

(d) By December 1, 2020, the department must submit a report to18the transportation committees of the legislature regarding the19actions taken under this subsection.20*Sec. 310 is partially vetoed. See message at end of chapter.

Sec. 311. 2019 c 416 s 313 (uncodified) is amended to read as21follows: 22QUARTERLY REPORTING REQUIREMENTS FOR CAPITAL PROGRAM23

On a quarterly basis, the department of transportation shall24provide to the office of financial management and the legislative25transportation committees the following reports for all capital26programs:27

(1) For active projects, the report must include:28(a) A TEIS version containing actual capital expenditures for all29

projects consistent with the structure of the most recently enacted30budget;31

(b) Anticipated cost savings, cost increases, reappropriations,32and schedule adjustments for all projects consistent with the33structure of the most recently enacted budget;34

(c) The award amount, the engineer's estimate, and the number of35bidders for all active projects consistent with the structure of the36most recently enacted budget;37

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(d) Projected costs and schedule for individual projects that are1funded at a programmatic level for projects relating to bridge rail,2guard rail, fish passage barrier removal, roadside safety projects,3and seismic bridges. Projects within this programmatic level funding4must be completed on a priority basis and scoped to be completed5within the current programmatic budget;6

(e) Highway projects that may be reduced in scope and still7achieve a functional benefit;8

(f) Highway projects that have experienced scope increases and9that can be reduced in scope;10

(g) Highway projects that have lost significant local or regional11contributions that were essential to completing the project; and12

(h) Contingency amounts for all projects consistent with the13structure of the most recently enacted budget.14

(2) For completed projects, the report must:15(a) Compare the costs and operationally complete date for16

projects with budgets of twenty million dollars or more that are17funded with preexisting funds to the original project cost estimates18and schedule; and19

(b) Provide a list of nickel ((and)), TPA, and connecting20Washington projects charging to the nickel/TPA/CWA environmental21mitigation reserve (OBI4ENV) and the amount each project is charging.22

(3) For prospective projects, the report must:23(a) Identify the estimated advertisement date for all projects24

consistent with the structure of the most recently enacted25transportation budget that are going to advertisement during the26current fiscal biennium;27

(b) Identify the anticipated operationally complete date for all28projects consistent with the structure of the most recently enacted29transportation budget that are going to advertisement during the30current fiscal biennium; and31

(c) Identify the estimated cost of completion for all projects32consistent with the structure of the most recently enacted33transportation budget that are going to advertisement during the34current fiscal biennium.35


Sec. 401. 2019 c 416 s 401 (uncodified) is amended to read as37follows: 38

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FOR THE STATE TREASURER—BOND RETIREMENT AND INTEREST, AND ONGOING1BOND REGISTRATION AND TRANSFER CHARGES: FOR BOND SALES DISCOUNTS AND2DEBT TO BE PAID BY MOTOR VEHICLE ACCOUNT AND TRANSPORTATION FUND3REVENUE4Special Category C Account—State Appropriation. . . . . (($376,000))5 $105,0006Multimodal Transportation Account—State Appropriation. . . . $125,0007Transportation Partnership Account—State Appropriation (($1,636,000))8 $1,407,0009Connecting Washington Account—State Appropriation. . . (($7,599,000))10 $7,723,00011Highway Bond Retirement Account—State12

Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($1,327,766,000))13 $1,378,835,00014Ferry Bond Retirement Account—State Appropriation. . (($25,077,000))15 $25,078,00016Transportation Improvement Board Bond Retirement17

Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . (($12,684,000))18 $12,452,00019Nondebt-Limit Reimbursable Bond Retirement20

Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . (($29,594,000))21 $31,253,00022Toll Facility Bond Retirement Account—State23

Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($86,493,000))24 $86,483,00025

TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . (($1,491,340,000))26$1,543,461,00027

Sec. 402. 2019 c 416 s 402 (uncodified) is amended to read as28follows: 29FOR THE STATE TREASURER—BOND RETIREMENT AND INTEREST, AND ONGOING30BOND REGISTRATION AND TRANSFER CHARGES: FOR BOND SALE EXPENSES AND31FISCAL AGENT CHARGES32Multimodal Transportation Account—State Appropriation. . . . $25,00033Transportation Partnership Account—State34

Appropriation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($327,000))35 $281,00036Connecting Washington Account—State Appropriation. . . (($1,520,000))37

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$1,599,0001Special Category C Account—State Appropriation. . . . . . (($75,000))2 $21,0003

TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($1,947,000))4$1,926,0005

Sec. 403. 2019 c 416 s 403 (uncodified) is amended to read as6follows: 7FOR THE STATE TREASURER—STATE REVENUES FOR DISTRIBUTION8Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation:9

For motor vehicle fuel tax distributions to10cities and counties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($518,198,000))11


Sec. 404. 2019 c 416 s 404 (uncodified) is amended to read as13follows: 14FOR THE STATE TREASURER—TRANSFERS15Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation:16

For motor vehicle fuel tax refunds and17statutory transfers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($2,188,945,000))18


Sec. 405. 2019 c 416 s 405 (uncodified) is amended to read as20follows: 21FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING—TRANSFERS22Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation:23

For motor vehicle fuel tax refunds and24transfers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($220,426,000))25


Sec. 406. 2019 c 416 s 406 (uncodified) is amended to read as27follows: 28FOR THE STATE TREASURER—ADMINISTRATIVE TRANSFERS29

(1) Highway Safety Account—State Appropriation:30For transfer to the Multimodal Transportation31Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($10,000,000))32 $54,000,00033

(2) Transportation Partnership Account—State34

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Appropriation: For transfer to the Motor Vehicle1Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($50,000,000))2 $45,000,0003

(3) Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation:4For transfer to the State Patrol Highway5Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($7,000,000))6 $57,000,0007

(4) Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation:8For transfer to the Freight Mobility Investment9Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($8,511,000))10 $8,070,00011

(5) Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation:12For transfer to the Rural Arterial Trust13Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($4,844,000))14 $1,732,00015

(6) Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation:16For transfer to the Transportation Improvement17Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($9,688,000))18 $5,067,00019

(7) ((Highway Safety Account—State Appropriation:20For transfer to the State Patrol Highway21Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $44,000,00022

(8))) Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation: For transfer to23the Puget Sound Capital Construction Account—State. . . . $52,000,00024

(8) Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation: For transfer to25the Puget Sound Ferry Operations Account—State. . . . . . $55,000,00026

(9) Rural Mobility Grant Program Account—State27Appropriation: For transfer to the Multimodal28Transportation Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000,00029

(((9))) (10) State Route Number 520 Civil Penalties30Account—State Appropriation: For transfer to31the State Route Number 520 Corridor32Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,434,00033

(((10))) (11) Capital Vessel Replacement Account—State34Appropriation: For transfer to the Connecting35Washington Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($50,000,000))36 $60,000,00037

(((11) Multimodal Transportation Account—State38Appropriation: For transfer to the Freight39

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Mobility Multimodal Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . $8,511,000))1(12) ((Multimodal Transportation Account—State2

Appropriation: For transfer to the Puget Sound3Capital Construction Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . $15,000,0004

(13) Multimodal Transportation Account—State5Appropriation: For transfer to the Puget Sound6Ferry Operations Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45,000,0007

(14))) Multimodal Transportation Account—State8Appropriation: For transfer to the Regional9Mobility Grant Program Account—State. . . . . . . . . (($27,679,000))10 $11,215,00011

(((15))) (13) Multimodal Transportation Account—State12Appropriation: For transfer to the Rural13Mobility Grant Program Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . $15,223,00014

(((16))) (14) Transportation 2003 Account (Nickel Account)—15State Appropriation: For transfer to the Puget16Sound Capital Construction Account—State. . . . . . . (($20,000,000))17 $15,000,00018

(((17))) (15)(a) Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Project19Account—State Appropriation: For transfer to the20Motor Vehicle Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,992,00021

(b) The transfer identified in this subsection is provided solely22to repay in full the motor vehicle account—state appropriation loan23from section 1005(21) ((of this act)), chapter 416, Laws of 2019.24

(((18))) (16)(a) Transportation Partnership Account—State25Appropriation: For transfer to the Alaskan Way Viaduct26Replacement Project Account—State. . . . . . . . . . (($77,951,000))27 $77,956,00028

(b) The amount transferred in this subsection represents that29portion of the up to $200,000,000 in proceeds from the sale of bonds30authorized in RCW 47.10.873, intended to be sold through the312021-2023 fiscal biennium, used only for construction of the SR 99/32Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement project (809936Z), and that must be33repaid from the Alaskan Way viaduct replacement project account34consistent with RCW 47.56.864.35

(((19))) (17) Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation:36For transfer to the County Arterial Preservation37Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($4,844,000))38 $4,829,00039

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(((20))) (18)(a) General Fund Account—State Appropriation:1For transfer to the State Patrol Highway2Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $625,0003

(b) The state treasurer shall transfer the funds only after4receiving notification from the Washington state patrol under section5207(7) ((of this act)), chapter 416, Laws of 2019.6

(((21))) (19) Capital Vessel Replacement Account—State7Appropriation: For transfer to the Transportation8Partnership Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($3,293,000))9 $2,312,00010

(((22))) (20)(a) Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Project11Account—State Appropriation: For transfer to the12Transportation Partnership Account—State. . . . . . . (($19,262,000))13 $15,858,00014

(b) The amount transferred in this subsection represents15repayment of debt service incurred for the construction of the SR 99/16Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement project (809936Z).17

(((23))) (21) Tacoma Narrows Toll Bridge Account—State18Appropriation: For transfer to the Motor19Vehicle Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $950,00020

(((24))) (22)(a) Tacoma Narrows Toll Bridge Account—State21Appropriation:22For transfer to the Motor Vehicle23Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000,00024

(b) A transfer in the amount of $5,000,000 was made from the25Motor Vehicle Account to the Tacoma Narrows Toll Bridge Account in26April 2019. It is the intent of the legislature that this transfer27was to be temporary, for the purpose of minimizing the impact of toll28increases, and this is an equivalent reimbursing transfer to occur in29November 2019.30

(((25))) (23)(a) Transportation 2003 Account (Nickel Account)31—State Appropriation: For transfer to the Tacoma32Narrows Toll Bridge Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . $12,543,00033

(b) It is the intent of the legislature that this transfer is34temporary, for the purpose of minimizing the impact of toll35increases, and an equivalent reimbursing transfer is to occur after36the debt service and deferred sales tax on the Tacoma Narrows bridge37construction costs are fully repaid in accordance with chapter 195,38Laws of 2018.39

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(((26))) (24) Transportation Infrastructure Account—State1Appropriation: For transfer to the multimodal2Transportation Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,000,0003

(((27))) (25) Multimodal Transportation Account—State4Appropriation: For transfer to the Pilotage5Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500,0006

(((28))) (26)(a) Motor Vehicle Account—State7Appropriation: For transfer to the County Road8Administration Board Emergency Loan Account—State. . . . . $1,000,0009

(b) If chapter 157 (((Senate Bill No. 5923))), Laws of 2019 is10not enacted by June 30, 2019, the amount provided in this subsection11lapses.12

(((29))) (27)(a) Advanced Environmental Mitigation13Revolving Account—State Appropriation: For transfer14to the Motor Vehicle Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . $9,000,00015

(b) The amount transferred in this subsection is contingent on at16least a $9,000,000 transfer to the advanced environmental mitigation17revolving account authorized by June 30, 2019, in the omnibus capital18appropriations act.19

(((30) Motor Vehicle account—State Appropriation:20For transfer to the Electric Vehicle Charging21Infrastructure Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,255,00022

(31))) (28) Multimodal Transportation Account—State23Appropriation: For transfer to the Electric Vehicle24Charging Infrastructure Account—State. . . . . . . . . (($8,000,000))25 $1,000,00026

(((32))) (29) Multimodal Transportation Account—State27Appropriation: For transfer to the Complete Streets28Grant Program Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($14,670,000))29 $10,200,00030

(((33))) (30)(a) Transportation Partnership31Account—State Appropriation: For transfer to the Capital Vessel32Replacement Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (($99,000,000))33 $96,030,00034

(b) The amount transferred in this subsection represents proceeds35from the sale of bonds authorized in RCW 47.10.873.36

(31) Freight Mobility Multimodal Account—State37Appropriation: For transfer to the Multimodal Transportation38Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,296,00039

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(32) Connecting Washington Account—State1Appropriation: For transfer to the Motor Vehicle2Account—State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $115,000,0003

Sec. 407. 2019 c 416 s 407 (uncodified) is amended to read as4follows: 5FOR THE STATE TREASURER—STATE REVENUES FOR DISTRIBUTION6Multimodal Transportation Account—State7

Appropriation: For distribution to cities and8counties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $26,786,0009

Motor Vehicle Account—State Appropriation: For10distribution to cities and counties. . . . . . . . . $23,438,00011

TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50,224,00012

Sec. 408. 2019 c 416 s 408 (uncodified) is amended to read as13follows: 14FOR THE STATE TREASURER—BOND RETIREMENT AND INTEREST, AND ONGOING15BOND REGISTRATION AND TRANSFER CHARGES: FOR DEBT TO BE PAID BY16STATUTORILY PRESCRIBED REVENUE17Toll Facility Bond Retirement Account—Federal18

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $199,522,00019Toll Facility Bond Retirement Account—State20

Appropriation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,372,00021TOTAL APPROPRIATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . (($225,273,000))22



NEW SECTION. Sec. 501. A new section is added to 2019 c 41625(uncodified) to read as follows:26COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS27

Sections 502 and 503 of this act represent the results of the28negotiations for fiscal year 2021 collective bargaining agreement29changes, permitted under chapter 47.64 RCW. Provisions of the30collective bargaining agreements contained in sections 502 and 503 of31this act are described in general terms. Only major economic terms32are included in the descriptions. These descriptions do not contain33the complete contents of the agreements. The collective bargaining34agreements contained in sections 502 and 503 of this act may also be35

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funded by expenditures from nonappropriated accounts. If positions1are funded with lidded grants or dedicated fund sources with2insufficient revenue, additional funding from other sources is not3provided.4

NEW SECTION. Sec. 502. A new section is added to 2019 c 4165(uncodified) to read as follows:6DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MARINE DIVISION COLLECTIVE BARGAINING7AGREEMENTS—MEBA-UL8

An agreement has been reached between the governor and the marine9engineers' beneficial association unlicensed engine room employees10pursuant to chapter 47.64 RCW for the 2021 fiscal year. Funding is11provided to ensure training opportunities are available to all12bargaining unit employees.13

NEW SECTION. Sec. 503. A new section is added to 2019 c 41614(uncodified) to read as follows:15DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MARINE DIVISION COLLECTIVE BARGAINING16AGREEMENTS—MEBA-L17

An agreement has been reached between the governor and the marine18engineers' beneficial association licensed engineer officers pursuant19to chapter 47.64 RCW for the 2021 fiscal year. Funding is provided to20ensure training opportunities are available to all bargaining unit21employees.22

NEW SECTION. Sec. 504. A new section is added to 2019 c 41623(uncodified) to read as follows:24GENERAL STATE EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION ADJUSTMENTS25

Except as otherwise provided in sections 501 through 503 of this26act, state employee compensation adjustments will be provided in27accordance with funding adjustments provided in the 2020 supplemental28omnibus appropriations act.29


Sec. 601. 2019 c 416 s 601 (uncodified) is amended to read as31follows: 32FUND TRANSFERS33

(1) The 2005 transportation partnership projects or improvements34and 2015 connecting Washington projects or improvements are listed in35

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the LEAP Transportation Document ((2019-1)) 2020-1 as developed1((April 27, 2019)) March 11, 2020, which consists of a list of2specific projects by fund source and amount over a sixteen-year3period. Current fiscal biennium funding for each project is a line-4item appropriation, while the outer year funding allocations5represent a sixteen-year plan. The department of transportation is6expected to use the flexibility provided in this section to assist in7the delivery and completion of all transportation partnership account8and connecting Washington account projects on the LEAP transportation9document referenced in this subsection. For the 2019-2021 project10appropriations, unless otherwise provided in this act, the director11of the office of financial management may provide written12authorization for a transfer of appropriation authority between13projects funded with transportation partnership account14appropriations or connecting Washington account appropriations to15manage project spending and efficiently deliver all projects in the16respective program under the following conditions and limitations:17

(a) Transfers may only be made within each specific fund source18referenced on the respective project list;19

(b) Transfers from a project may not be made as a result of the20reduction of the scope of a project or be made to support increases21in the scope of a project;22

(c) Transfers from a project may be made if the funds23appropriated to the project are in excess of the amount needed in the24current fiscal biennium;25

(d) Transfers may not occur for projects not identified on the26applicable project list;27

(e) Transfers may not be made while the legislature is in28session;29

(f) Transfers to a project may not be made with funds designated30as attributable to practical design savings as described in RCW3147.01.480;32

(g) Each transfer between projects may only occur if the director33of the office of financial management finds that any resulting change34will not hinder the completion of the projects as approved by the35legislature. Until the legislature reconvenes to consider the 202036supplemental omnibus transportation appropriations act, any37unexpended 2017-2019 appropriation balance as approved by the office38of financial management, in consultation with the chairs and ranking39members of the house of representatives and senate transportation40

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committees, may be considered when transferring funds between1projects; and2

(h) Transfers between projects may be made by the department of3transportation without the formal written approval provided under4this subsection (1), provided that the transfer amount does not5exceed two hundred fifty thousand dollars or ten percent of the total6project, whichever is less. These transfers must be reported7quarterly to the director of the office of financial management and8the chairs of the house of representatives and senate transportation9committees.10

(2) The department of transportation must submit quarterly all11transfers authorized under this section in the transportation12executive information system. The office of financial management must13maintain a legislative baseline project list identified in the LEAP14transportation documents referenced in this act, and update that15project list with all authorized transfers under this section.16

(3) At the time the department submits a request to transfer17funds under this section, a copy of the request must be submitted to18the chairs and ranking members of the transportation committees of19the legislature.20

(4) Before approval, the office of financial management shall21work with legislative staff of the house of representatives and22senate transportation committees to review the requested transfers in23a timely manner and consider any concerns raised by the chairs and24ranking members of the transportation committees.25

(5) No fewer than ten days after the receipt of a project26transfer request, the director of the office of financial management27must provide written notification to the department of any decision28regarding project transfers, with copies submitted to the29transportation committees of the legislature.30

(6) The department must submit annually as part of its budget31submittal a report detailing all transfers made pursuant to this32section.33

Sec. 602. 2019 c 416 s 606 (uncodified) is amended to read as34follows:35TRANSIT, BICYCLE, AND PEDESTRIAN ELEMENTS REPORTING36

(1) By November 15th of each year, the department of37transportation must report on amounts expended to benefit transit,38bicycle, or pedestrian elements within all connecting Washington39

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projects in programs I, P, and Z identified in LEAP Transportation1Document ((2019-2)) 2020-2 ALL PROJECTS as developed ((April 27,22019)) March 11, 2020. The report must address each modal category3separately and identify if eighteenth amendment protected funds have4been used and, if not, the source of funding.5

(2) To facilitate the report in subsection (1) of this section,6the department of transportation must require that all bids on7connecting Washington projects include an estimate on the cost to8implement any transit, bicycle, or pedestrian project elements.9


Sec. 701. 2019 c 416 s 701 (uncodified) is amended to read as11follows:12INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OVERSIGHT13

(1) Agencies must apply to the office of financial management and14the office of the state chief information officer for approval before15beginning a project or proceeding with each discreet stage of a16project subject to this section. At each stage, the office of the17state chief information officer must certify that the project has an18approved technology budget and investment plan, complies with state19information technology and security requirements, and other policies20defined by the office of the state chief information officer. The21office of financial management must notify the fiscal committees of22the legislature of the receipt of each application and may not23approve a funding request for ten business days from the date of24notification.25

(2)(a) Each project must have a technology budget. The technology26budget must use a method similar to the state capital budget,27identifying project costs, each fund source, and anticipated28deliverables through each stage of the entire project investment and29across fiscal periods and biennia from project onset through30implementation and close out.31

(b) As part of the development of a technology budget and at each32request for funding, the agency shall submit detailed financial33information to the office of financial management and the office of34the state chief information officer. The technology budget must35describe the total cost of the project by fiscal month to include and36identify:37

(i) Fund sources;38p. 120 ESHB 2322.SL

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(ii) Full-time equivalent staffing level to include job1classification assumptions;2

(iii) A discreet appropriation index and program index;3(iv) Object and subobject codes of expenditures; and4(v) Anticipated deliverables.5(c) If a project technology budget changes and a revised6

technology budget is completed, a comparison of the revised7technology budget to the last approved technology budget must be8posted to the dashboard, to include a narrative rationale on what9changed, why, and how that impacts the project in scope, budget, and10schedule.11

(3)(a) Each project must have an investment plan that includes:12(i) An organizational chart of the project management team that13

identifies team members and their roles and responsibilities;14(ii) The office of the state chief information officer staff15

assigned to the project;16(iii) An implementation schedule covering activities, critical17

milestones, and deliverables at each stage of the project for the18life of the project at each agency affected by the project;19

(iv) Performance measures used to determine that the project is20on time, within budget, and meeting expectations for quality of work21product;22

(v) Ongoing maintenance and operations cost of the project post23implementation and close out delineated by agency staffing,24contracted staffing, and service level agreements; and25

(vi) Financial budget coding to include at least discrete program26index and subobject codes.27

(4) Projects with estimated costs greater than one hundred28million dollars from initiation to completion and implementation may29be divided into discrete subprojects as determined by the office of30the state chief information officer. Each subproject must have a31technology budget and investment plan as provided in this section.32

(5)(a) The office of the state chief information officer shall33maintain an information technology project dashboard that provides34updated information each fiscal month on projects subject to this35section. This includes, at least:36

(i) Project changes each fiscal month;37(ii) Noting if the project has a completed market requirements38


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(iii) Financial status of information technology projects under1oversight; ((and))2

(iv) Coordination with agencies;3(v) Monthly quality assurance reports, if applicable;4(vi) Monthly office of the state chief information officer status5

reports;6(vii) Historical project budget and expenditures through fiscal7

year 2019;8(viii) Budget and expenditures each fiscal month; and9(ix) Estimated annual maintenance and operations costs by fiscal10

year.11(b) The dashboard must retain a roll up of the entire project12

cost, including all subprojects, that can be displayed the subproject13detail.14

(6) If the project affects more than one agency:15(a) A separate technology budget and investment plan must be16

prepared for each agency; and17(b) The dashboard must contain a statewide project technology18

budget roll up that includes each affected agency at the subproject19level.20

(7) For any project that exceeds two million dollars in total21funds to complete, requires more than one biennium to complete, or is22financed through financial contracts, bonds, or other indebtedness:23

(a) Quality assurance for the project must report independently24the office of the chief information officer;25

(b) The office of the chief information officer must review, and,26if necessary, revise the proposed project to ensure it is flexible27and adaptable to advances in technology;28

(c) The technology budget must specifically identify the uses of29any financing proceeds. No more than thirty percent of the financing30proceeds may be used for payroll-related costs for state employees31assigned to project management, installation, testing, or training;32

(d) The agency must consult with the office of the state33treasurer during the competitive procurement process to evaluate34early in the process whether products and services to be solicited35and the responsive bids from a solicitation may be financed; and36

(e) The agency must consult with the contracting division of the37department of enterprise services for a review of all contracts and38agreements related to the project's information technology39procurements.40

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(8) The office of the state chief information officer must1evaluate the project at each stage and certify whether the project is2planned, managed, and meeting deliverable targets as defined in the3project's approved technology budget and investment plan.4

(9) The office of the state chief information officer may suspend5or terminate a project at any time if it determines that the project6is not meeting or not expected to meet anticipated performance and7technology outcomes. Once suspension or termination occurs, the8agency shall unallot any unused funding and shall not make any9expenditure for the project without the approval of the office of10financial management. The office of the state chief information11officer must report on July 1st and December 1st each calendar year,12beginning July 1, 2020, any suspension or termination of a project in13the previous six month period to legislative fiscal committees.14

(10) The office of the state chief information officer, in15consultation with the office of financial management, may identify16additional projects to be subject to this section, including projects17that are not separately identified within an agency budget. The18office of the state chief information officer must report on July 1st19and December 1st each calendar year, beginning July 1, 2020, any20additional projects to be subjected to this section that were21identified in the previous six month period to legislative fiscal22committees.23

(11) The following department of transportation projects are24subject to the conditions, limitations, and review provided in this25section: Labor System Replacement, New Ferry Division Dispatch26System, Maintenance Management System, Land Mobile Radio System27Replacement, and New CSC System and Operator.28

Sec. 702. RCW 46.68.310 and 2013 c 104 s 4 are each amended to29read as follows:30

The freight mobility multimodal account is created in the state31treasury. Money in the account may be spent only after appropriation.32Expenditures from the account may be used only for freight mobility33projects that have been approved by the freight mobility strategic34investment board in RCW 47.06A.020 and may include any principal and35interest on bonds authorized for the projects or improvements.36However, during the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium, the legislature may37direct the state treasurer to make transfers of moneys in the freight38mobility multimodal account to the multimodal transportation account.39

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Sec. 703. RCW 82.32.385 and 2015 3rd sp.s. c 44 s 420 are each1amended to read as follows:2

(1) Beginning September 2019 and ending ((June 2021)) December32019, by the last day of September((,)) and December((, March, and4June of each year)), the state treasurer must transfer from the5general fund to the connecting Washington account created in RCW646.68.395 thirteen million six hundred eighty thousand dollars.7

(2) Beginning March 2020 and ending June 2021, by the last day of8September, December, March, and June of each year, the state9treasurer must transfer from the general fund to the multimodal10transportation account created in RCW 47.66.070 thirteen million six11hundred eighty thousand dollars.12

(3) Beginning September 2021 and ending June 2023, by the last13day of September, December, March, and June of each year, the state14treasurer must transfer from the general fund to the connecting15Washington account created in RCW 46.68.395 thirteen million eight16hundred five thousand dollars.17

(((3))) (4) Beginning September 2023 and ending June 2025, by the18last day of September, December, March, and June of each year, the19state treasurer must transfer from the general fund to the connecting20Washington account created in RCW 46.68.395 thirteen million nine21hundred eighty-seven thousand dollars.22

(((4))) (5) Beginning September 2025 and ending June 2027, by the23last day of September, December, March, and June of each year, the24state treasurer must transfer from the general fund to the connecting25Washington account created in RCW 46.68.395 eleven million six26hundred fifty-eight thousand dollars.27

(((5))) (6) Beginning September 2027 and ending June 2029, by the28last day of September, December, March, and June of each year, the29state treasurer must transfer from the general fund to the connecting30Washington account created in RCW 46.68.395 seven million five31hundred sixty-four thousand dollars.32

(((6))) (7) Beginning September 2029 and ending June 2031, by the33last day of September, December, March, and June of each year, the34state treasurer must transfer from the general fund to the connecting35Washington account created in RCW 46.68.395 four million fifty-six36thousand dollars.37

Sec. 704. RCW 47.66.110 and 2015 3rd sp.s. c 11 s 4 are each38amended to read as follows:39

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(1) The transit coordination grant program is created in the1department. The purpose of the transit coordination grant program is2to encourage joint planning and coordination on the part of central3Puget Sound transit systems in order to improve the user experience,4increase ridership, and make the most effective use of tax dollars.5The department shall oversee, manage, score, select, and evaluate6transit coordination grant program project applications, and shall7select transit coordination grant recipients annually. A transit8agency located in a county or counties with a population of seven9hundred thousand or more that border Puget Sound is eligible to apply10to the department for transit coordination grants.11

(2) Projects eligible for transit coordination grants include,12but are not limited to, projects that:13

(a) Integrate marketing efforts;14(b) Align fare structures;15(c) Integrate service planning;16(d) Coordinate long-range planning, including capital projects17

planning and implementation;18(e) Integrate other administrative functions and internal19

business processes as appropriate; and20(f) Integrate certain customer-focused tools and initiatives.21(3) Transit coordination grants must, at a minimum, be proposed22

jointly by two or more eligible transit agencies and must include a23description of the:24

(a) Issue or problem to be addressed;25(b) Specific solution and measurable outcomes;26(c) Benefits such as cost savings, travel time improvements,27

improved coordination, and improved customer experience; and28(d) Performance measurements and an evaluation plan that includes29

the identification of milestones towards successful completion of the30project.31

(4) Transit coordination grant applications must include32measurable outcomes for the project including, but not limited to,33the following:34

(a) Impacts on service, such as increased service, improved35service delivery, and improved transfers and coordination across36transit service;37

(b) Impacts on customer service, such as: Improved reliability;38improved outreach and coordination with customers, employers, and39

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communities; improvements in customer service functions, such as1customer response time and web-based and other communications; and2

(c) Impacts on administration, such as improved marketing and3outreach efforts, integrated customer-focused tools, and improved4cross-agency communications.5

(5) Transit coordination grant applications must also include:6(a) Project budget and cost details; and7(b) A commitment and description of local matching funding of at8

least ten percent of the project cost.9(6) Upon completion of the project, transit coordination grant10

recipients must provide a report to the department that includes an11overview of the project, how the grant funds were spent, and the12extent to which the identified project outcomes were met. In13addition, such reports must include a description of best practices14that could be transferred to other transit agencies faced with15similar issues to those addressed by the transit coordination grant16recipient. The department must report annually to the transportation17committees of the legislature on the transit coordination grants that18were awarded, and the report must include data to determine if19completed transit coordination grant projects produced the20anticipated outcomes included in the grant applications.21

(7) This section expires ((July 1, 2020)) June 30, 2021.22

Sec. 705. RCW 46.68.290 and 2019 c 416 s 707 are each amended to23read as follows:24

(1) The transportation partnership account is hereby created in25the state treasury. All distributions to the account from RCW2646.68.090 must be deposited into the account. Money in the account27may be spent only after appropriation. Expenditures from the account28must be used only for projects or improvements identified as 200529transportation partnership projects or improvements in the omnibus30transportation appropriations act, including any principal and31interest on bonds authorized for the projects or improvements.32

(2) The legislature finds that:33(a) Citizens demand and deserve accountability of transportation-34

related programs and expenditures. Transportation-related programs35must continuously improve in quality, efficiency, and effectiveness36in order to increase public trust;37

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(b) Transportation-related agencies that receive tax dollars must1continuously improve the way they operate and deliver services so2citizens receive maximum value for their tax dollars; and3

(c) Fair, independent, comprehensive performance audits of4transportation-related agencies overseen by the elected state auditor5are essential to improving the efficiency, economy, and effectiveness6of the state's transportation system.7

(3) For purposes of chapter 314, Laws of 2005:8(a) "Performance audit" means an objective and systematic9

assessment of a state agency or agencies or any of their programs,10functions, or activities by the state auditor or designee in order to11help improve agency efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability.12Performance audits include economy and efficiency audits and program13audits.14

(b) "Transportation-related agency" means any state agency,15board, or commission that receives funding primarily for16transportation-related purposes. At a minimum, the department of17transportation, the transportation improvement board or its successor18entity, the county road administration board or its successor entity,19and the traffic safety commission are considered transportation-20related agencies. The Washington state patrol and the department of21licensing shall not be considered transportation-related agencies22under chapter 314, Laws of 2005.23

(4) Within the authorities and duties under chapter 43.09 RCW,24the state auditor shall establish criteria and protocols for25performance audits. Transportation-related agencies shall be audited26using criteria that include generally accepted government auditing27standards as well as legislative mandates and performance objectives28established by state agencies. Mandates include, but are not limited29to, agency strategies, timelines, program objectives, and mission and30goals as required in RCW

(5) Within the authorities and duties under chapter 43.09 RCW,32the state auditor may conduct performance audits for transportation-33related agencies. The state auditor shall contract with private firms34to conduct the performance audits.35

(6) The audits may include:36(a) Identification of programs and services that can be37

eliminated, reduced, consolidated, or enhanced;38

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(b) Identification of funding sources to the transportation-1related agency, to programs, and to services that can be eliminated,2reduced, consolidated, or enhanced;3

(c) Analysis of gaps and overlaps in programs and services and4recommendations for improving, dropping, blending, or separating5functions to correct gaps or overlaps;6

(d) Analysis and recommendations for pooling information7technology systems used within the transportation-related agency, and8evaluation of information processing and telecommunications policy,9organization, and management;10

(e) Analysis of the roles and functions of the transportation-11related agency, its programs, and its services and their compliance12with statutory authority and recommendations for eliminating or13changing those roles and functions and ensuring compliance with14statutory authority;15

(f) Recommendations for eliminating or changing statutes, rules,16and policy directives as may be necessary to ensure that the17transportation-related agency carry out reasonably and properly those18functions vested in the agency by statute;19

(g) Verification of the reliability and validity of20transportation-related agency performance data, self-assessments, and21performance measurement systems as required under RCW 43.88.090;22

(h) Identification of potential cost savings in the23transportation-related agency, its programs, and its services;24

(i) Identification and recognition of best practices;25(j) Evaluation of planning, budgeting, and program evaluation26

policies and practices;27(k) Evaluation of personnel systems operation and management;28(l) Evaluation of purchasing operations and management policies29

and practices;30(m) Evaluation of organizational structure and staffing levels,31

particularly in terms of the ratio of managers and supervisors to32nonmanagement personnel; and33

(n) Evaluation of transportation-related project costs, including34but not limited to environmental mitigation, competitive bidding35practices, permitting processes, and capital project management.36

(7) Within the authorities and duties under chapter 43.09 RCW,37the state auditor must provide the preliminary performance audit38reports to the audited state agency for comment. The auditor also may39seek input on the preliminary report from other appropriate40

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officials. Comments must be received within thirty days after receipt1of the preliminary performance audit report unless a different time2period is approved by the state auditor. The final performance audit3report shall include the objectives, scope, and methodology; the4audit results, including findings and recommendations; the agency's5response and conclusions; and identification of best practices.6

(8) The state auditor shall provide final performance audit7reports to the citizens of Washington, the governor, the joint8legislative audit and review committee, the appropriate legislative9committees, and other appropriate officials. Final performance audit10reports shall be posted on the internet.11

(9) The audited transportation-related agency is responsible for12follow-up and corrective action on all performance audit findings and13recommendations. The audited agency's plan for addressing each audit14finding and recommendation shall be included in the final audit15report. The plan shall provide the name of the contact person16responsible for each action, the action planned, and the anticipated17completion date. If the audited agency does not agree with the audit18findings and recommendations or believes action is not required, then19the action plan shall include an explanation and specific reasons.20

The office of financial management shall require periodic21progress reports from the audited agency until all resolution has22occurred. The office of financial management is responsible for23achieving audit resolution. The office of financial management shall24annually report by December 31st the status of performance audit25resolution to the appropriate legislative committees and the state26auditor. The legislature shall consider the performance audit results27in connection with the state budget process.28

The auditor may request status reports on specific audits or29findings.30

(10) For the period from July 1, 2005, until June 30, 2007, the31amount of $4,000,000 is appropriated from the transportation32partnership account to the state auditors office for the purposes of33subsections (2) through (9) of this section.34

(11) During the 2015-2017 fiscal biennium, the legislature may35transfer from the transportation partnership account to the36connecting Washington account such amounts as reflect the excess fund37balance of the transportation partnership account.38

(12) During the 2017-2019 and the 2019-2021 fiscal biennia, the39legislature may direct the state treasurer to make transfers of40

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moneys in the transportation partnership account to the connecting1Washington account ((and)), the motor vehicle fund, and the capital2vessel replacement account.3

Sec. 706. RCW 82.44.135 and 2006 c 318 s 9 are each amended to4read as follows:5

(1) Before a local government subject to this chapter may impose6a motor vehicle excise tax, the local government must contract with7the department for the collection of the tax. The department may8charge a reasonable amount, not to exceed one percent of tax9collections, or two and one-half percent during the 2019-202110biennium, for the administration and collection of the tax.11

(2) For fiscal year 2021, the department shall charge a minimum12of seven million eight hundred two thousand dollars, which is the13reasonable amount aimed at achieving full cost recovery for the14administration and collection of a motor vehicle excise tax. The15amount of the full reimbursement for the administration and16collection of the motor vehicle excise tax must be deducted before17distributing any revenues to a regional transit authority. Any18reimbursement to ensure full cost recovery beyond the amount19specified in this subsection may be negotiated between the department20and the regional transit authority if full cost recovery has not been21achieved, or if based on emergent issues.22

Sec. 707. RCW 46.68.395 and 2015 3rd sp.s. c 44 s 106 are each23amended to read as follows:24

(1) The connecting Washington account is created in the motor25vehicle fund. Moneys in the account may be spent only after26appropriation. Expenditures from the account must be used only for27projects or improvements identified as connecting Washington projects28or improvements in a transportation appropriations act, including any29principal and interest on bonds authorized for the projects or30improvements.31

(2) Moneys in the connecting Washington account may not be32expended on the state route number 99 Alaskan Way viaduct replacement33project.34

(3) During the 2019-2021 fiscal biennium, the legislature may35direct the state treasurer to make transfers of moneys in the36connecting Washington account to the motor vehicle fund.37

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NEW SECTION. Sec. 801. If any provision of this act or its2application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the3remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other4persons or circumstances is not affected.5

NEW SECTION. Sec. 802. This act is necessary for the immediate6preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of7the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes8effect immediately.9

Passed by the House March 11, 2020.Passed by the Senate March 11, 2020.Approved by the Governor March 31, 2020, with the exception of

certain items that were vetoed.Filed in Office of Secretary of State March 31, 2020. Note: Governor's explanation of partial veto is as follows:

"I am returning herewith, without my approval as to Sections 220(16);301(3); 302, page 70, lines 33-37 and page 71, lines 1-2; 303(2);305(35); 307(2); 308(11); 309(17); 310(26); 207(15); 208(35);208(22); 208(23); 208(24); 208(25); and 208(27), Engrossed SubstituteHouse Bill No. 2322 entitled:

"AN ACT Relating to transportation funding and appropriations."Section 220(16), page 60, Department of Transportation, PublicTransportation, Program V;Section 301(3), page 70, Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board;Section 302, page 70, lines 33-37, and page 71, lines 1-2, CountyRoad Administration Board;Section 303(2), page 71, Transportation Improvement Board;Section 305(35), page 86, Department of Transportation, Improvements,Program I;Section 307(2), page 91, Department of Transportation, TrafficOperations, Program Q;Section 308(11), page 94, Department of Transportation, WashingtonState Ferries, Program W;Section 309(17), page 99, Department of Transportation, Rail, ProgramY; andSection 310(26), page 107, Department of Transportation, LocalPrograms, Program ZThese sections include language declaring the Legislature's intentthat the projects in these sections should not be eliminated orsubstantially delayed due to revenue reductions taken in the budgetas a short-term solution to balance the budget. In light of theeconomic downturn due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it may be necessaryto delay or eliminate projects. For this reason, I have vetoed

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Sections 220(16); 301(3); 302, page 70, lines 33-37, and page 71,lines 1-2; 303(2); 305(35); 307(2); 308(11); 309(17); and 310(26).Section 207(15), pages 21-22, Washington State Patrol, Agreement forUtility Connection and Reimbursement of Water Extension ExpensesThis section requires the Washington State Patrol to terminate anagreement with the city of Shelton that requires latecomers toreimburse the Washington State Patrol if they connect to water andsewer infrastructure paid for with gas tax funds. Under the 18thAmendment to the state Constitution, infrastructure funded with gastaxes cannot be used by any entity for non-highway purposes unlessthe gas tax fund is reimbursed. Canceling the agreement would createa risk of unconstitutional use of the infrastructure withoutreimbursement. For this reason, I have vetoed Section 207(15).Section 208(35), page 30, Department of Licensing, Office RelocationsThis section directs the Department of Licensing to relocate orfinish relocating the Lacey, Tacoma and Bellevue-Redmond licensingservices offices, and to finish emergency repairs at the Vancouveroffice. Not enough funding was provided in the budget to complete allof these office moves and repairs to the Vancouver office. I amdirecting the department to initiate the office moves with thefunding provided and seek emergency capital funds for the Vancouveroffice repairs. For this reason, I have vetoed Section 208(35).I have vetoed the following sections related to bills that did notpass the Legislature, resulting in the lapse of funding. My veto ofthese sections will serve to clean up these unnecessary sections ofthe bill.Section 208(22), page 28, Department of Licensing, SHB 1255, PatchesPal Special License PlateSection 208(23), page 28, Department of Licensing, E2SHB 2050,Washington Wine Special License PlateSection 208(24), page 28, Department of Licensing, ESHB 2085, Mt. St.Helens Special License PlateSection 208(25), page 28, Department of Licensing, SHB 2187, WomenVeterans Special License PlateSection 208(27), page 29, Department of Licensing, SHB 2353, FireTrailer Vehicle Registration License Plate Registration License PlateFor these reasons I have vetoed Sections 220(16); 301(3); 302, page70, lines 33-37 and page 71, lines 1-2; 303(2); 305(35); 307(2);308(11); 309(17); 310(26); 207(15); 208(35); 208(22); 208(23);208(24); 208(25); and 208(27) of Engrossed Substitute House Bill No.2322.With the exception of Sections 220(16); 301(3); 302, page 70, lines33-37 and page 71, lines 1-2; 303(2); 305(35); 307(2); 308(11);309(17); 310(26); 207(15); 208(35); 208(22); 208(23); 208(24);208(25); and 208(27), Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2322 isapproved."

(End of Bill)

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INDEX PAGE #BOARD OF PILOTAGE COMMISSIONERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

MEBA-L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117MEBA-UL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

COUNTY ROAD ADMINISTRATION BOARD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 70DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

TRANSFERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION

AVIATION—PROGRAM F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37CHARGES FROM OTHER AGENCIES—PROGRAM U. . . . . . . . . . . . . 52FACILITIES—PROGRAM D—CAPITAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71FACILITIES—PROGRAM D—OPERATING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE—PROGRAM M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43IMPROVEMENTS—PROGRAM I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY—PROGRAM C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36LOCAL PROGRAMS—PROGRAM Z—CAPITAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99LOCAL PROGRAMS—PROGRAM Z—OPERATING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67MARINE—PROGRAM X. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62PRESERVATION—PROGRAM P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87PROGRAM DELIVERY MANAGEMENT AND SUPPORT—PROGRAM H. . . . . . . 40PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION—PROGRAM V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS—PROGRAM K. . . . . . . . . . . . . 41RAIL—PROGRAM Y—CAPITAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95RAIL—PROGRAM Y—OPERATING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65TOLL OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE—PROGRAM B. . . . . . . . . . . 31TRAFFIC OPERATIONS—PROGRAM Q—CAPITAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . 90TRAFFIC OPERATIONS—PROGRAM Q—OPERATING. . . . . . . . . . . . 46TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT AND SUPPORT—PROGRAM S. . . . . . . . 48TRANSPORTATION PLANNING, DATA, AND RESEARCH—PROGRAM T. . . . . 50WASHINGTON STATE FERRIES CONSTRUCTION—PROGRAM W. . . . . . . . 91

FREIGHT MOBILITY STRATEGIC INVESTMENT BOARD. . . . . . . . . . 18, 69FUND TRANSFERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117GENERAL STATE EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION ADJUSTMENTS. . . . . . . . . 117HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3JOINT TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1QUARTERLY REPORTING REQUIREMENTS FOR CAPITAL PROGRAM. . . . . . . 108SENATE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

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STATE REVENUES FOR DISTRIBUTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . 111, 116TRANSFERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

TRANSIT, BICYCLE, AND PEDESTRIAN ELEMENTS REPORTING. . . . . . . 119TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BOARD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 71UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3WASHINGTON STATE PATROL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18WASHINGTON TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

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