c:\fakepath\jenn2010 second grade parent orientation

Miss Zotter’s 2 nd Grade Class

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Miss Zotter’s 2nd Grade Class

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7:35-7:45 Greet Class

7:45-7:55 Announcements, Lunch Count, Morning Work

7:55-8:25 Handwriting, D.E.A.R. Time & Small Group Pullout

8:25-8:55 Whole Group Reading (Day 3 Library Lesson/Checkout 8:40-9:10)

8:55-9:15 Grammar & Spelling

9:15-10:00 Guided Reading Groups, Literacy Centers (Day 3 Counselor 9:35-10:05)

10:00-10:15 Recess

10:20-10:25 Restroom/Water Break

10:25-10:40 Guided Reading Groups & Literacy Centers

10:40-11:20 Writer’s Workshop & Author’s Chair

11:25-11:55 Lunch (Tables 9-10)

11:55-12:00 Restroom/Water Break

12:00-12:35 Social Studies/Science

12:35-1:35 Math Lesson & Problem of the Day

1:40-2:25 Specials

(Day1-PE, Day2-Music/Physical Activity, Day3-PE, Day4-Computer, Day5-PE, Day6-Art)

2:30-2:45 Everyday Counts Calendar, Math Wall, Target Math

2:45 Dismiss Students

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Behavior Calendar – Check daily & Sign

Homework :-READ 15-20 Minutes Daily and mark Reading Log-Students are responsible for turning in homework packets

on Friday

Graded Papers:- If grade is below a 70, Please Sign and Return- If grade is above a 70, Please Keep (to display on fridge)

Friday Folders:- Be sure to check weekly for school wide information

November- Student Timelines (pictures of their childhood needed)

January- Optional Student Treasures Book (about $20) February – Woodland Animal Research Project (computer

based and hand-made options will be given)

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General Promotion


70% end-of-year average in reading and in math

work on grade level in math

read and comprehend unseen text at an ending

2nd grade level

fluency expectation is 10 times your child’s age

(Ex. Age 7X10 =70wpm)by the end of second grade

demonstrate most of the 2nd grade TEKS in

reading, language arts, and math

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recall 30 subtraction

facts to 18 on a 5

minute timed test

Recall 30 addition

facts to 18 on a 5

minute timed test

place value- read,

write and describe

whole numbers to 999

as well as compare

and order numbers to



Receive a 2,3, or 4 on

a writing sample using

NISD rubric (example

in Coyote Binder)

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Parts of a sentence

Developing ideas and topics

Statements and questions

Exclamations and Commands

Language Arts

o nounso verbso adjectiveso quotations

Writer’s Workshop

o Beginning , Middle and End

o Use of editing marks


o Manuscript

o Cursive


o tests

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Using addition strategies

Using subtraction strategies

Patterns and numbers to 100


Adding two-digit numbers

Subtracting two-digit numbers



Patterns and numbers to 1,000

Geometry, fractions, and probability

Adding and subtracting three-digit numbers

Exploring multiplication and division

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Patterns all Around Us- rules, citizenship, map skills

Patterns where we live- living and non-living, basic needs, locate places on a map, continents and oceans

Historical Changes-timelines, research historical figures, Thanksgiving

Physical Changes- properties of objects, measurement of change (matter)

How science changes our world- sound, order of events, evolution of technology and communication

Airplanes are systems- airplanes , transportation

Our Government as a system- roles of public officials, local state and federal government

Woodland Forest Ecosystems- ecosystems, land characteristics, resources, national parks

San Antonio- settlement patterns, water as a resource, water cycle, celebrations as a culture

Economics- producers, consumers, free enterprise, trace a product from a natural resource to a finished product

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Read Aloud with Literature Discussions

Shared & Performance Reading (ex. Reader’s


Guided Reading

Use Technology & Communication

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Students must sit in the hallway assigned by their


Student may NOT arrive before 7 a.m., as teachers

are not on duty to supervise them.

Students must practice math facts, read a book, or

study spelling words each morning before the bell.

Students can only leave with permission.

All electronic game devices must be left at home.

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Ask permission before leaving your chair

Sit properly in chair

Talk quietly

Touch only your food

Buy only one dessert before sitting down

Pick up trash and push chairs under the table

(Students’ behavior is monitored and recorded daily)

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Play only in designated areas.

Use equipment safely and appropriately.

Leave objects where you found them.

Avoid unnecessary physical contact- No


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Kuentz School Rules


Your choices are your own.

Everyone shows respect.

Listen and follow directions.

Position yourself for success.

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On Mondays, a newsletter will be sent home containing homework assignments, spelling words, and a brief description of curriculum in each subject.

Visit my webpage at www.nisd.net for a new copy of the newsletter, information about me, our daily schedule, upcoming events, and some fun websites for your children.

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Report cards will be issued every nine weeks.

Your child will receive a numerical grade for Reading and Math.

Reading levels this year will correlate with new NISD expectations that match our new reading adoption and testing materials.

Your child will receive a letter grade in all other subjects.

E-ExcellentS-SatisfactoryN- Needs ImprovementU-Unsatisfactory

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Healthy Snacks may be brought to school for snack time.

Water bottles with a snap top may be brought to school.

Class Parties

Winter Celebration

Valentine’s Day

End of Year Party

Birthday Celebrations (during recess or last 5 minutes of the day)

Invitations for birthday parties may be distributed at school if all boys, all girls, or all students are invited.

To celebrate student birthdays, parents may bring store bought cookies/cupcakes to distribute at recess or the last five minutes of the day. I appreciate your cooperation with this matter.

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Attendance is a priority this year!

If our attendance improves by just 1%, NISD will get an additional 5.2 MILLION DOLLARS!

Any student who arrives after 7:45 will be counted tardy and issued a slip by the office.

Any student who arrives after 9:00 will be counted absent unless they have a note from a physician.

If a child is sent home before 9am they are considered absent.

Any student that is absent for 3 consecutive days must provide a statement from a health clinic or physician verifying the illness.

Attendance Law Violations of Unexcused Absences: 3 full or partial day absences in a 4 week period OR 10 full or partial day absences in a 6 month period (partial day includes tardies and early pick-ups)

Children absent from school must provide the teacher with a note upon their return including the current date and date of absence, child’s name, reason and parent signature.

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Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Friday, October 22nd, which is an Early Release Day as well as Howl at the Moon Night.

**If you are involved with the planning and set up of Howl at the Moon, options will be given for alternate conference times.**

Additional conferences will be scheduled as necessary to discuss academic or behavior issues.

I will ALWAYS make time for parent communication .

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Spirit day is every Friday!

Don’t forget to purchase

your new Kuentz shirt!

( If you have already ordered they

will be arriving shortly.)

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Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or concerns.

My conference time is from 1:40-2:25. I will try to respond to any phone calls, notes or emails at that time.

E-mail- [email protected]

Phone - 397-8050 Ext. 3165

FYI: All teachers on campus are required to attend Day 6 meetings during planning time. Wednesday is our team planning day during conference time.

(please call before 2:00 regarding any changes in transportation)

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It’s going to be a great year…!