ch. 29: predetermined time systems frank and lillian gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements)....

Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements). The next step is to assign time values to the elements. Times for elements are added to obtain a total time. Independence and additivity are assumed. PTS are based on the concept that there are basic, universal units of work with standard amounts of time.

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Page 1: Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements). The next step is to assign time values to the elements

Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements).

The next step is to assign time values to the elements.

Times for elements are added to obtain a total time.

Independence and additivity are assumed. PTS are based on the concept that there are

basic, universal units of work with standard amounts of time.

Page 2: Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements). The next step is to assign time values to the elements

Methods-Time Measurements (MTM)

Developed in 1946 Simplified versions are available. A training course is required for using the

system correctly.

Page 3: Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements). The next step is to assign time values to the elements

MTM-1 10 categories of movements Times in TMUs (1 TMU = .000 010 h) Times are for an experienced worker working at

a normal pave. No allowances are included in the times.

Page 4: Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements). The next step is to assign time values to the elements


Reach to an object in a fixed location or in the other hand.

Reach to a single object whose general location is known.

Reach to an object jumbled with others in a group.

Reach to a very small object or where accurate grasp is required.

Reach to an indefinite location.

Page 5: Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements). The next step is to assign time values to the elements


Move object to the other hand or against stop. Move object to an approximate or indefinite

location. Move object to an exact location.

Page 6: Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements). The next step is to assign time values to the elements


A movement that rotates the hand, wrist, and forearm about the long axis of the forearm.

Time depends on degrees of turn, weight of the object, and resistance against turn.

Page 7: Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements). The next step is to assign time values to the elements

Apply Pressure

Application of force without resultant movement.

Page 8: Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements). The next step is to assign time values to the elements


Pickup grasp Regrasp Transfer grasp Jumbled grasp Contact, sliding, or hook grasp

Page 9: Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements). The next step is to assign time values to the elements


Aligning, orienting, or engaging one object with another

Position times vary with: Amount of pressure needed to fit Symmetry of the object Ease of handling

Page 10: Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements). The next step is to assign time values to the elements


Breaking contact between one object and another

Times vary with: Class of fit Ease of handling Care in handling

Page 11: Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements). The next step is to assign time values to the elements


Relinquishing control of an object by the hand or fingers

Two types: Simple opening of the fingers Contact release

Page 12: Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements). The next step is to assign time values to the elements

Other Motions

Body, leg, and foot motions Eye motions Combined motions Limited motions

Page 13: Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements). The next step is to assign time values to the elements

MTM Form

Page 14: Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements). The next step is to assign time values to the elements


Takes about 40% of the time of MTM-1 to analyze a task.

Has only 37 times in all. Key categories are GET and PUT. Provides decision trees to determine case. User estimates distance and uses time from

table. Includes 7 other motions.

Page 15: Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements). The next step is to assign time values to the elements

MTM-2 Analysis

Page 16: Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements). The next step is to assign time values to the elements


Takes about 15% of the time of MTM-1 to analyze a task.

Has only 10 times. Key categories are HANDLE and TRANSPORT. Provides decision trees to determine case. User estimates distance (< 6 in. or > 6 in.) and

uses time from table. Includes 2 other motions.

Page 17: Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements). The next step is to assign time values to the elements

MTM-3 Analysis

Page 18: Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements). The next step is to assign time values to the elements

MOST Work Measurement System

Based on observation that the majority of activities are associated with a limited number of motion sequences.

Significantly reduces time required to perform an analysis.

4 sequence models.

Page 19: Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements). The next step is to assign time values to the elements

General Move Sequence Model

Page 20: Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements). The next step is to assign time values to the elements


Based on the concept that the body member used is the key variable.

All body movements are multiples of a MOD (1 MOD = .129 s).

Page 21: Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements). The next step is to assign time values to the elements

Comments about PTS

In theory, PTS can accurately predict task times. Evidence shows reality and theory don’t agree. One problem is that analyst judgment is required. Most managements are not concerned with a great

deal of accuracy. Managements are concerned with cost of analysis.

Page 22: Ch. 29: Predetermined Time Systems Frank and Lillian Gilbreth broke work into therbligs (elements). The next step is to assign time values to the elements

Purposes of PTS Studies Make a methods analysis to determine an

efficient work method Determine the amount of time necessary to do

the job