ch7 studyguide

Ch 7 STUDY GUIDE 1. If you were to choose a leader for a parent group, what types of leadership skills would you look for? 2. Group leadership is important for site-based management and collaborative decision-making, as well as parent involvement and parent education. Discuss. 3. What is a needs assessment? How would you develop one? 4. Why is group discussion used as a method of parent education? 5. What are two types of group discussion? Discuss each. 6. What are some of the criteria to make a group productive? 7. What are the general qualifications of a good leader? 8. Describe ice-breaker activities to use at group meetings. 9. The roles that emerge in a parent group have a great influence on the interactive process. Know dynamics of roles within groups. Be able to describe some roles under the three categories of task-oriented, group building and maintenance, and dysfunctional roles. 10. What is an observation wheel? Draw an example of one. 11. List the necessary arrangements that a teacher should complete when getting ready for a parent meeting. 12. Give some tips that will help you conduct an effective open discussion (round table) meeting. 13. Be able to describe the ideas behind different types of meetings; e.g., buzz sessions, concentric circle, and brainstorming.

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1. If you were to choose a leader for a parent group, what types of leadership skills would you look for?

2. Group leadership is important for site-based management and collaborative decision-making, as well as parent involvement and parent education. Discuss.

3. What is a needs assessment? How would you develop one?

4. Why is group discussion used as a method of parent education?

5. What are two types of group discussion? Discuss each.

6. What are some of the criteria to make a group productive?

7. What are the general qualifications of a good leader?

8. Describe ice-breaker activities to use at group meetings.

9. The roles that emerge in a parent group have a great influence on the interactive process. Know dynamics of roles within groups. Be able to describe some roles under the three categories of task-oriented, group building and maintenance, and dysfunctional roles.

10.What is an observation wheel? Draw an example of one.

11.List the necessary arrangements that a teacher should complete when getting ready for a parent meeting.

12.Give some tips that will help you conduct an effective open discussion (round table) meeting.

13.Be able to describe the ideas behind different types of meetings; e.g., buzz sessions, concentric circle, and brainstorming.