chairman’s corner - the wanderers club

July 2013 Newsletter Chairman’s Corner “There are no bad pictures; that’s just how your face looks sometimes” (Abraham Lincoln) Business plan update A members feedback session on the proposed business plan has been scheduled for Tuesday 27 August, to enable you, the members to have another opportunity to discuss and debate the final draft of the business plan with myself and Gillian Saunders (from Grant Thornton) so that we can incorporate your input into a final document to be presented to members, for approval, at a special general meeting to be scheduled in September (or later, if you give us a lot of homework at the meeting). Please make every effort to read the final draft business plan, which will be distributed to all members in the first week of August, and to attend and participate in the meeting, scheduled for Tuesday 27 August. I have already approached two members of the business planning committee to co-chair the business plan implementation committee which will consist of the Chairman, vice Chairman, Adrian Schofield, the CEO and Financial Manager of the Club (and anyone else the co-chairs feel can add value to the process). The purpose of the implementation committee will be to implement sound project management techniques and processes to monitor the implementation of the business plan and to provide regular and appropriate feedback to the members of the Club on the implementation of the business plan. I have also established a new sub-committee of the Main Committee to be chaired by Adrian Schofield, which will work hand in hand with our three main service providers (SilvaSale, Servest and Hope Security) to enhance their service delivery to members and guests and to assist our service providers in delivering fresh new ideas and concepts to the Club. College of Digital Photography (CODP) As previously alluded to in the Chairman’s corner we have arranged with CODP to host their Image Network (photographic club) at the Wanderers on the last Monday evening of each month and to explore a myriad of other initiatives between the Club and CODP including but not limited to: a discount for Wanderers members on CODP courses (refer to the body of the newsletter) the usage of the Club as a photography destination for CODP students the hosting of an exhibition of CODP students work (including a monthly Wanderers theme) at the Club an opportunity for Club members to source amateur/professional photographers for functions and events through CODP marketing opportunities for CODP and the Club in the Club and CODP newsletters/websites the creation of a visual history of the Club

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Page 1: Chairman’s Corner - The Wanderers Club


July 2013 Newsletter

Chairman’s Corner “There are no bad pictures; that’s just how your face looks sometimes” (Abraham Lincoln)

Business plan update

A members feedback session on the proposed business plan has been scheduled for Tuesday 27 August, to

enable you, the members to have another opportunity to discuss and debate the final draft of the business

plan with myself and Gillian Saunders (from Grant Thornton) so that we can incorporate your input into a

final document to be presented to members, for approval, at a special general meeting to be scheduled in

September (or later, if you give us a lot of homework at the meeting).

Please make every effort to read the final draft business plan, which will be distributed to all members in

the first week of August, and to attend and participate in the meeting, scheduled for Tuesday 27 August.

I have already approached two members of the business planning committee to co-chair the business plan

implementation committee which will consist of the Chairman, vice Chairman, Adrian Schofield, the CEO

and Financial Manager of the Club (and anyone else the co-chairs feel can add value to the process). The

purpose of the implementation committee will be to implement sound project management techniques and

processes to monitor the implementation of the business plan and to provide regular and appropriate

feedback to the members of the Club on the implementation of the business plan.

I have also established a new sub-committee of the Main Committee to be chaired by Adrian Schofield,

which will work hand in hand with our three main service providers (SilvaSale, Servest and Hope

Security) to enhance their service delivery to members and guests and to assist our service providers in

delivering fresh new ideas and concepts to the Club.

College of Digital Photography (CODP)

As previously alluded to in the Chairman’s corner we have arranged with CODP to host their Image

Network (photographic club) at the Wanderers on the last Monday evening of each month and to explore a

myriad of other initiatives between the Club and CODP including but not limited to:

a discount for Wanderers members on CODP courses (refer to the body of the newsletter)

the usage of the Club as a photography destination for CODP students

the hosting of an exhibition of CODP students work (including a monthly Wanderers theme) at the


an opportunity for Club members to source amateur/professional photographers for functions and

events through CODP

marketing opportunities for CODP and the Club in the Club and CODP newsletters/websites

the creation of a visual history of the Club

Page 2: Chairman’s Corner - The Wanderers Club

You may already have noticed some of the CODP students at the Club on Sunday morning (28 August);

they were working on “capturing movement”. Please feel free to chat to them and make them feel

welcome, as we would love them to become members of the Club and to recommend the Club to their


See you on Tuesday 27 August.

Membership Corner

The Club Rules state that membership fees should be paid by 31 May every year in order to avoid defaulting.

Well, it is that time of the year again and the defaulting process will shortly begin. Members who have not

as yet paid their subs for 2013 are currently being hounded by Wanderers admin staff in the hope of

encouraging them to do so, in order for them not to be defaulted.

Should you have a query on your subscriptions you can contact Tony in the membership department at

[email protected] or if you require more information about your membership you can e-mail

[email protected].

We really don’t want to lose you as a member so please make your payment as soon as possible or perhaps

enquire about setting up a debit order facility. If, regrettably, you do not wish to retain your membership,

you are requested to contact Tony to inform him about resigning your membership.


The Wanderers Club Blazer

Our Model for the Month of July is Main Committee member Robert Spanjaard

who had his blazer made for him during a recent trip to Hong Kong.

To place an order for material and to have a blazer made for yourself

please contact [email protected]

Page 3: Chairman’s Corner - The Wanderers Club


Comrades 2013 – A Seconder’s Tale

On the 24th of May in 1921, thirty-four men lined up outside the Pietermaritzburg City Hall to participate

in a ‘living memorial to the spirit of the soldiers of the Great War.’ Ninety-two years after the first

Comrades Marathon, the spirit of courage and camaraderie of Vic Clapham’s now-famous initiative

pulses through the veins of runners, supporters and viewers alike. There can be few greater single-day

sporting events anywhere in the world.

On 2nd June 2013, 14000-odd courageous individuals waged their own personal war with the grueling

87km up run. Among the vast array of vests, 50 flaming chariots had taken position in the starting ranks

in Durban. By 9am, the Wanderers colours had caught the Inchanga breeze. Just beyond the 48km water

station and equipped with little more than some coke, a drum of iced water and a mouthful of pep talk,

Andrew Zinn, Seoras Graham and I established our supporters encampment on the grassy hillside and


The list of finishers from the previous year’s down-run included both Andrew and myself. Despite the

indescribable euphoria of crossing that magical line, the Comrades sacrifice was not on our 2013 agenda.

Now, spellbound by the rush of adrenalin and emotion of the World’s greatest Human Race, it seemed

unfathomable to be on the sidelines applying Vaseline to the groins of grown men, instead of forging on

to the hinterland, for decorated glory!

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Our runners were looking strong and morale at our half-way pit-stop was high. Alongside Wanderers,

friends from RAC, Kudus and Pirates to name a few, smiled and waved as we saluted them from our post.

Our table soon started to look like a raided war-time medical cabinet. The look in every runner’s eye that

said “where is my pack?” initiated a momentary surge of blind panic for us, that we might have

misplaced these carefully packed survival-kits of gels, salts and juice … Fortunately nothing was lost and

despite the initial disappointment that we could not supply a new pair of legs, each runner bravely

turned to face the growing heat and dust of the undoubtedly torturous second half that sprawled ahead.

As the number of runners increased, so did the heat and the wind. By midday, the club umbrellas were

threatening to charter their own route to Maritzburg and the flag was almost at half-mast (appropriate

considering the merciless halfway cut-off nearby). The race conditions of 2013 are rumoured to have

been the toughest in 20-odd years.

By 1pm we had reclaimed our goods from the marauding Inchanga kids who had colonized our

encampment, to join the painfully slow pilgrimage to a hot and dusty Pietermaritzburg. After 2

frustrating hours on the highway we finally joined the roaring crowds and medalled champions at the

glorious Comrades finish. A magnificent battle won and hearty congratulations to all who participated.

(PS - A word of caution to next year’s seconders… this is not for sissies. With the hard work done, I

believe I have earned the right to choose the easier option next year… to run!).

Craig McClenaghan

Page 5: Chairman’s Corner - The Wanderers Club

Comrades Aches & Pains party

The traditional Comrades Aches & Pains party was held in the Cigar bar where the Comrades runners were awarded for their efforts! The Hare Plaque was presented to Ngate Lepulane, the first Wanderers finisher in a time of 08:10:32. The first novice trophy was presented to Miles Thies who finished in 09:52:55 and the last man home Aleck Mabena in a time of 11:57:29 received the Tortoise Plaque. The special shoe draw prize (the new Asics racer donated by the Sweat Shop) was won by Andrew Stainforth.

Andrew Stainforth wins the new Asics shoes Alex Mabena receiving the Tortoise Plaque from Athletics chairman Graham Calder

Ngate Lepulane being presented with the Guests and their partners enjoying the presentation Hare Plaque Award

Ken Hamilton

Page 6: Chairman’s Corner - The Wanderers Club


Wanderers Karate offers classes every day, Monday to Thursday, for children and adults. We have

introduced a class for high school children (Grades 8 to 12) every Tuesday and Thursday evening from

17h45 to 18h30. Our successful ladies self-defence class continues every Tuesday, Thursday and

Friday morning from 08h00 to 09h00. We welcome all beginners and those who have trained before.

For more information, please contact Sensei Johan la Grange (6th Dan) on 082 825 9318 or

Margie on 083 414 0508 or visit for the full training schedule.


All players keen for tennis on a Sunday morning are welcome to join Jose De Freitas from 9.30am

onwards. You can contact Jo on 083 395 7425.


We are always pleased to host new members and visitors. Don’t let doubt about your strength hold you

back. If you are not up to scratch we will inform you and introduce you to our resident coach to bring you

to the right level. For information contact John Galatis (082 4516326 or [email protected]) or

Howard Espley-Jones (082 564 7745 or [email protected]).


All 12 courts are now floodlit so more players can be accommodated at our Thursday evening social

tennis. Roll up and enjoy floodlight tennis.


For all age groups from the very young beginners to the very old experienced. Phone Wanderers Tennis

Academy and speak to Howard Espley-Jones at 082 564 7745 or get him on email at

[email protected].


Page 7: Chairman’s Corner - The Wanderers Club


Wanderers vs Wits University on 26th June

As usual the 3rds and u21's took to the field first.

The u21 lost 10-38. Wits scored 28 points in the first half. Lock Mike Badibang scored a try; Wing

Khanyi Somdyala converted and also added a penalty.

The 3rds lost 10-24. Flanker Duncan Sharp ran in for a try, after some good running by the backs.

Scrumhalf Grant Wilcox converted and also added a penalty. Lock George Mtemerewa was made the

man of the match.

Then the 2nds and u19's took to the paddocks.

The u19s lost their encounter 12-66. Mfanelo Khosa scored two tries. Siyabulela Somdyali converted one

of the tries.

The 2nds lost 11-42. Lock Eben Engelbrecht scored the try, while Fullback Nick Gerber put 2 penalty

kicks over.

The 1sts were now up against Wits and also lost by 16-37. Try scorers were Scrumhalf Wesley Flanagan

and Lock Richard Hayes. Flyhalf Craig Kollerick was successful with two penalties before leaving the

field injured.

Results for game vs Randfontein played on Saturday 6th July in Randfontein

1sts won 34-32

Scorers were Scrumhalf Wesley Flanagan and centre Clayton Kelly each with a brace of tries; Flyhalf

Stuart Hill converted all 4 tries and was successful with 2 penalties.

2nds won 30-26

Scorer was Hooker Rob Cloete

3rds lost 7-14 (0-7)

Scorers were centre Valery 'Gadafi' Awono Nguone with a try, converted by Fullback Jeremy Dobrowsky.

M.O.M. = None given as it was a team effort.

Under 21 lost 5-7

Under 19 lost 0-31

Four members of Wanderers have been invited to the G.LR.U Senior Amateur Team training squad. They

are Fullback Richard Aingworth, Centre Peter Hemsley, Flyhalf Craig Kolerick and Flanker Geoff Wood.

A Wanderers 3rd xv hosted the South African Maccabi side to help with their preparations for the

upcoming Maccabi Games.

Page 8: Chairman’s Corner - The Wanderers Club

Wanderers hosted Randfontein at Kent Park on Saturday 20th July

The first game in the Predator Plate competition kicked off when we took on Randfontein.

The 3rds and u21 took to the paddock first.

The 3rds won their game 29-13 (half time 17-6). Full back and Captain Grant Wilcox opened and closed

the scoring for Wanderers getting 2 tries and 1 conversion.

Other try scorers were Wing Mthokozisi Mtholo, Centre Lindi Mngadi and Lock George Mtemerewa,

while Flyhalf Nick Gerber was successful with 1 conversion.

It was difficult to choose a man of the match as the whole team played well, but honours went to Flank

Kyle Fyvie.

The under 21's also won their game 31-19 (half time 22-5). Try scorers were Mitchell Spencer, Grant

Prior, Dowayne Fourie, Timothy Bracke and Ricardo Viera who also converted 3 of the tries.

Then it was the 2nds and u19's turn to run on.

The seconds lost their encounter 17-23 (half time 5-20). The 2nd half comeback was just not good enough.

8th man Peter McConnell bagged 2 tries for his hard efforts. Substitute Prior also went over for a try.

Fullback and Captain James Small were successful with a conversion.

The u19s, although playing valiantly, were outscored 3-68. Sameul Mathebula kicked a penalty over and

was also their man of the match.

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The 1sts then took to the field for the final match of the day. They ran out 15-7 (half time 5-0) winners in

a hard fought, intense match. Each side received 2 yellow cards. Centre scored the first try which was not

converted by flyhalf Stuart Hill. Wing Kyle Dutton scored the second try which was converted by Stuart

Hill who then also added a penalty. Randfontein replied with a converted try in the second half.

Wanderers travelled to Springs on Saturday 27th for the second match of the Predator Plate competition.

The Wanderers Junior Clinic is well under way. Training is on Mondays starting at 5:30pm. All

youngsters from 7 years upwards are invited to attend these clinics. A junior club league will also

commence soon. For enquiries please contact Pat Lynch on 083-461-2409 or [email protected]

Pat Lynch

Wanderers Rugby Club Chairman

The Cricket Club AGM will take place on Thursday, 29 August 2013, from 18:30 after practice. All

players are expected to attend the meeting.

Please send any Apologies to [email protected] by Tuesday 27 August.

Cricket practices will be commencing in the next 3 weeks with a fielding & fitness session to be held next

Wednesday 31 July on the Bottom oval from 17:00.

Keep in contact with Jeff or Kreeson for the training sessions coming up.


Dale Hermanson

Wanderers Cricket Club

c: 082 467 5885


Page 10: Chairman’s Corner - The Wanderers Club

Wanderers Men’s 1st Team on Tour

Back Row: (Dylan Coombes, Brad Robertson, Tommy Hammond, James du Plessis, Stuart Spooner, Mike Heyink,

Ricky West, Miguel Da Graca, Sean Fielding)

Front Row: (Nic Spooner, Dylan Piatti, Aidan Lotz, Stuart Ledeboer, Terence Kidd, Jethro Eustice, Andre Pearce


Keeper: (Richard Curtis)

The Wanderers Men’s 1st team hockey side recently took part in the Riverside ‘Elite Club Champs” in Durban.

Riverside Hockey Club generated this great concept of getting South Africa’s top non-tertiary club sides together

for a round robin tournament once a year. Currently there is no tournament for open non-tertiary clubs in South

Africa, due to the National Club Champs hockey tournament being done away with many years ago.

2013 was the inaugural tournament that comprised of Riverside Hockey Club, Western Province Cricket Club

(WPCC), Tuks Hockey Club and Wanderers Hockey Club. The concept for the tournament is that each year

Riverside, WPCC and Wanderers will invite another club side from within South Africa or overseas to take part in

the tournament. This year Tuks were invited to make up the 4th team.

The tournament was a huge success, and the quality of hockey was exceptional, with the final outcome of the

tournament coming down to the final minute of the final game. Riverside ended up victorious at the end of the

tournament, beating Tuks (5-2) and drawing to both WPCC (2-2) and Wanderers (4-4). Wanderers finished 2nd

after beating WPCC (3-2), losing to Tuks (2-3) and drawing with Riverside (4-4). WPCC finished 3rd and Tuks 4th.

The Wanderers team thoroughly enjoyed their weekend in Durban where they got to play quality hockey against the

tops club sides in the country. There was also a great social atmosphere to the tournament, which allowed the teams

to get to know each other a little better. This is something that doesn’t get done often enough these days. The

friendships that are built on the sports field are friendships that many will have for years to come.

This tournament was hopefully the first of many to come, and the next step forward is to grow the tournament to

include the Women’s, juniors and Master’s teams.

SGHA leagues have continued again after the school holiday break in July.

All Premier league games have moved to the SGHA Randburg Astroturf for the final rounds. Our men’s 1st team is

still top of Premier league with outstanding results.


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Well done to our men’s 3rd team in 1st league as they qualified at the midway stage to play in the second Premier

league rounds. Unfortunately, the 1st Ladies side who boast many top players have had their problems and have not

lived up to our expectations of winning Premier league this season.

Both our ladies 1st and 2nd teams should remain in the Premier league again next year unless the league format


COLTS league hockey continues this week after a long break and the new format has created headaches for the

organisers and the fixtures have changed several times. Wanderers have entered eight teams in the league, so boys

and girls Colts hockey at Wanderers is thriving.

Mini-hockey is “full to bust” at the seams and we have had to close ranks as we simply don’t have the space to take

another keen child.

We have been invited and have played in several Round Robin tournaments all over Gauteng on Saturdays in May

and June.

Dates for rest of season are as follows:

27th July – Old Parks Tournament

3rd August – u5 – u 11 Crusaders Tournament at St Stithians Wanderers practice for u13 players

10th August – Women’s Day weekend

17th August – Practice for all age groups

24th August – Practice for all age groups

31st August - Practice for all age groups

7th September - u13 Champ of Champs – venue to be confirmed.


Kyle Lion – Cachet was selected to represent the SA under 18 team 2013

He is the Captain of the St John’s 1st team and plays in our Men’s 2nd team at Wanderers.

He played in the under 18 Southern Gauteng team at the recent IPT and was awarded best defender at the

Tournament. Well Done Kyle we are proud of you!

Exciting new fitness concept at the Wanderers Club.

CrossFit is arriving at Wanderers in early September.

What is CrossFit and how does it benefit our hockey players?

It is a program designed to build your strength and condition your body.

Men, women and children hockey players in all shapes and sizes will benefit from the CrossFit programs and it has

an excellent workout program for our top players as well.

We will shortly be launching an exciting opportunity of sponsorship at the surrounds of the hockey Astroturf. Our

state - of-the-art facility has heralded an exciting and continued golden era for Wanderers Hockey with the club well

known both on a provincial and an international stage. The Astroturf is fully booked in the winter months with

practices during the week and matches on the weekend, and is in regular usage over the summer months as well.

The Lapa alongside the Astro is further utilised regularly as a function venue for weddings, team building,

conferences etc.

This all brings with it a high level of exposure to many people.

If you are interested in this exciting sponsorship opportunity please contact :

Jamie Peers 082 567 3087 or [email protected]

Wendy Cooke on 011 4479502 [email protected]

Wendy B Cooke

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Page 13: Chairman’s Corner - The Wanderers Club

The Central Gauteng Snooker Association League season is nearing completion and with only a couple of

fixtures remaining in the season “The Undertakers”, consisting of Fakhrie Gierdien and Hugo Lotriet,

have taken an unassailable lead in the team standings. They remain unbeaten for the entire season and

Fakhrie Gierdien still tops the individual standings comfortably. The race for second place is still wide

open and there are at least three teams that are still in contention for this position. The final outcome and

league results will be available for the next article.

The HRSCC 6 Red Championships was played on the 6th of July at “The Matchroom” in Benoni. The

tournament drew some of the top entries from the Highveld Region and the round robin section saw some

very interesting results. At the end of the round robin section, eight players qualified for the quarter finals.

Six of those eight players were Wanderers players, which just goes to show Central Gauteng’s dominance

in the Highveld region at present. Having so many players in the knockouts unfortunately also meant that

a number of our players ended up playing against each other and knocking each other out.

Eventually, the semifinals saw Fakhrie Gierdien playing against Munier Cassim from Gauteng North,

while Mike Hines played against former SA champion, Kiashan Moodley. After two very tense matches,

however, it was Fakhrie Gierdien and Kiashan Moodley who proceeded to the final. It was a close affair

initially, but then Fakhrie pulled away and claimed the title again, winning 6-3 and adding yet another title

to his extraordinary season thus far. Well done Fakhrie and well done Central Gauteng.

HRSCC 6 RED Winner – Fakhrie Gierdien

The CGSA Handicap Singles Championships was played from 15-25 July. This tournament is always a

great opportunity for the players that are lower on the ranking list in the Association to compete on equal

terms with the top players.

According to the handicap format used for the event, the top players have to give the lower ranked players

a pre-determined number of points head start. The player’s ability therefore determines how much start he

gets, with the weakest players obviously getting the most start.


Page 14: Chairman’s Corner - The Wanderers Club

The round robin section of the tournament produced some very interesting results and a number of the top

players struggled to cope with the handicaps. One of our players, Fabian Fisher, who arguably performed

the best throughout the round robin section, unfortunately had to withdraw from the knockout section, as

his brother passed away unexpectedly. We would like to take this opportunity to again convey our deepest

and most sincere sympathies on his tragic loss and our thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family.

The knockout section got underway and after the semifinals it was Hugo Lotriet and Mukesh Dayah who

proceeded to the finals.

There were a number of very close frames and a lot of tactical safeties were played, but at the end of the

day it was Hugo Lotriet who ended up winning 5-0 to claim this title for the fourth time. Well done to

both players on a very successful tournament.

CGSA Handicap Singles Winner – Hugo Lotriet

Runner-up Mukesh Dayah

Yours in Snooker

Hugo Lotriet

Page 15: Chairman’s Corner - The Wanderers Club

Prakash Vijayanath, while currently living and training in Ireland, is still ‘ours’ and we are very proud to

announce that he has once again been selected to play for South Africa at the All Africa Championships in


We have had representation at various tournaments since the last newsletter but do not have information at

hand as to how the bodies fared. Hopefully by the next newsletter I will be able to blow their trumpets for


League continues and alternates between Wanderers and Alberton. There has been a bit of a break for the

school holidays. Marloes and Sarah are still unbeaten and flying our flag.

A social tournament is being held at Wanderers on the 31st of August starting at 10am. The idea behind

this is to introduce the sport to non-badminton players. It is for: - friends and family; neighbours and/ or

their children; people that wanted to play badminton but never got around to it; sons’/daughters’ friends;

anyone that wants to hold a racket and hit a shuttle; any age! The entry fee will be R 50 and the contact is

Emmanuel at 083 877 1362 / [email protected]. Yes, it is a sport that is not just played in

peoples back gardens and on the beach.

Finally, the players have asked me to issue a challenge to the squash section. They would like you to send

a team to play against us (even two teams) and we would be happy to reciprocate.

Rose Knight

There has been a lot of misconception regarding what the Discovery Soccer Park is to the Wanderers

Club. Some members have the perception that it is only a commercial enterprise that is quite separate

from the Club’s activities and they are inconvenienced by the fact that DSP members utilise prime

parking to the detriment of subscription-paying members.

This is not the case. There are two components to the Soccer section.

We have the Junior component who make use of the cricket ovals and they are fully-fledged junior members.

Then there is the 5-a-side action soccer utilising the synthetic fields which were built and financed by the DSP investors. These are used by individuals who do not pay the Club subscriptions but do pay a fee to DSP which in turn pays the Club a monthly fee. The amount received by the Club in this respect is a substantial contribution to the Club’s income stream and in addition they cover all their own operating expenses.

Therefore, the perception that DSP members are free loaders is far from the truth and Wanderers

members should welcome them as part of the Wanderers fold. DSP took an unsightly piece of ground

and turned it at their expense to a state-of-the-art sports facility.


Discovery Soccer Park

Page 16: Chairman’s Corner - The Wanderers Club

Two of our Club Players (Chris Hughes & Dave Grant) took part in the recent ‘In2Squash’ Doubles Tournament held jointly at Harlequins & CBC Old Boys, where they won their first match 11-10 in the fifth (sudden death) ! Regrettably, it got worse from there as this wasn’t an age-related tournament, and the youth and agility of players half their age showed through. Nevertheless, a well-run tournament with a large contingent of youngsters who we rarely see in our Jo’burg tournaments.

Dave & Chris

The Club Committee are gearing-up for the up-coming SA Nationals which will be held at our courts from the 3rd

August (3rd & 4th are for qualifying) until the finals on 10th August. Please take note of these dates as access to our

courts will be restricted during this time. Check with Graham if you want to play during this period. Please come

down to watch the finest players in South Africa battle it out for the coveted titles. Steve Coppinger will be

defending his title.

House-Keeping at the courts:

Please note that the courts need to be in top condition for the SA Nationals and we ask that you are especially

vigilant with the wearing of non-marking shoes and keeping drinks off the courts. This is particularly the case over

weekends when there is little supervision of activities at the courts.

You may have noticed that all the fluorescent tubes have been replaced with LED tubes which have brightened

things-up tremendously. Yes, we know that some tubes are not working, but we don’t want to bring the

scaffolding back onto the courts until Nationals are over.

We have also replaced the 6 hot-water geysers with 2 massive energy-efficient geysers, which should serve us


After the SA Nationals, we plan to re-furbish the Men’s change-room by re-tiling, replacing the old plumbing and

adding extra benches, hooks and lockers.


Page 17: Chairman’s Corner - The Wanderers Club

Squash Quiz :

1. What is the maximum time limit between the 4th and 5th games?

2. After a long rally between Grant and Mike, which Mike wins, the marker calls the score

and Mike serves. Grant then appeals about a shot during the long rally, which he says was

down. What is the referee’s decision?

3. If a player deliberately distracts the opponent what may the referee do?

4. During a tough tussle Iain, with an excessive swing, hits Gary on the nose, breaking it.

What is the referee’s decision?

Answers to the quiz down below.

SA Men’s Squash Rankings

1.Clinton Leeuw 2.Shaun le Roux 3.Kelvin Ndhlovu 4.Rodney Durbach 5.Adrian Hansen

For the complete list visit:

SA Women’s Squash Rankings

1.Siyoli Waters 2.Lauren Siddall 3.Lizelle Goosen 4.Cheyna Tucker 5.Diana Haynes

For the complete list visit:

SA Junior Squash Rankings

World Men’s Squash Rankings PSA

[1] Ramy Ashour(Egy) [2] Gregory Gaultier [3] James Willstrop (Eng) [4] Nick Matthew

(Eng) (Fra) [5] Karim Darwish (Egy)

For the complete list visit:

World Women’s Squash Rankings WSA

[1] Nicol David (Mas) [2] Laura Massaro (Eng) [3] Raneem El Weleily (Egy) [4] Alison

Waters (Eng) [5] Joelle King (NZ)

For the complete list visit:

Rule Quiz Answers

1. 90 seconds

2. No let

3. Apply Rule 17 (Conduct on Court- Ref to decide on penalty starting with a Conduct Warning)

4. If Gary is unable to continue award the match to Gary Many thanks to Gary Plumstead for allowing me to plagiarise his newsletter.

Until next month………keeeep squashing.

Yours in Squash, Dave Grant

Page 18: Chairman’s Corner - The Wanderers Club


If you haven’t seen them on TV you’ve definitely shopped next to them at the grocery store or could even possibly be living with one. They love WOD's, eat Paleo, and workout in a box. They are any one from a stay at home mom to students to a professional athlete. Who are ‘they’ you ask? Well they are CrossFitters of course. Defined as "constantly varied, functional movements at high intensity," CrossFit is popularly used by police academies, military special operations units, and elite athletes worldwide. It involves variety of fitness programs from running, rowing, weightlifting to gymnastics, and specializes in not specializing. CrossFit wants to prepare you for anything and everything which could even mean lifting your child, picking up groceries, or running from a barking dog. While high-level officials and athletes use this workout to condition themselves, CrossFit is a sport that anyone can do because every workout has universal scalability to one’s level and abilities. That means during one class, the new Mom can be working out next to the top-tier athlete. Load (how much weight) and intensity (reps) are changed, but the programs are not. With the sounds of weights slamming and music blasting through the speakers, it's easy to be intimidated from the outside, but once you join a CrossFit box, you will find some of the nicest, most genuine people you have ever met. It's easy to mistake these people as zealots or cultish, but CrossFit is not just a sport, it's a community. Much like the sports we played in childhood, this newfound sport geared mostly towards adults creates the same camaraderie we looked forward to in our after-school days. As adults, most are limited to socializing during work hours or happy hour. Social gatherings are limited to eating and drinking. CrossFit gives adults a way to socialize in a positive environment where they learn new things together and bond in the mutual suffering of workouts...and enjoy it!

Why CrossFit Is Better Than The Workout You're Doing Right Now

It’s a vigorous workout that combines weight training, aerobics and gymnastics all in one so that you become fit in every area of your game.

It is not the same routine every day, but a regular mixture of activities designed to activate and strengthen various core and major muscle groups from a variety of tasks.

Effort is the key to any workout routine, and because you go balls to the wall in CrossFit, you reach your goals sooner.

CrossFit is about competing against yourself and not others. In fact, since the exercises are done in group workouts, the others often encourage you and help you push your boundaries.

CrossFit instructors are trained not only to teach and motivate but to guide you through the workouts and help modify them around your game. So if you’ve been thinking about getting a personal trainer, your CrossFit membership basically has one included.

All The Girls Are Doing It - If you thought that CrossFit was a guy thing, think again. With the goal of the workout focused around overall physical preparedness opposed to just bulk strength, women are drawn to it.

CrossFit at Wanderers: Located in the Sables building opposite the Squash courts, the new CrossFit gym will be opening its doors to those looking for a fresh new and fun approach to fitness. Offering group training classes mornings and evenings CrossFit is suitable for all levels of fitness from beginners to experienced athletes. Also on offer will be ladies only Pilates and Body Conditioning Classes.

For more information Contact: Chris: 082 871 8196 John: 082 905 8524 Email: [email protected]


Page 19: Chairman’s Corner - The Wanderers Club

Monty Brett Birding Courses

Bird ID Course, Johannesburg

Our annual Bird ID Course, held over 10 evenings at the Wanderers Club in Illovo, Johannesburg. You’ll

come away with a considerable amount of birding know-how. It’s aimed at those who already know

something about birds, as well as those who are just starting out. Bird-song, plumage, courtship, breeding,

nesting strategies, migration and accurate identification are just some of the topics that will be covered by

our bird experts.

Lecturers: Clive Hopcroft, Geoff Lockwood, Marion Melville, Monty Brett

Duration: 10 evening sessions, 22 hours in all

Dates: August 12th, 15th, 19th, 22nd, 26th, 29th, September 2nd, 9th, 12, 16th, 2013

Time: 18h30 – 21h30 each evening

Field Trip: Sunday 15th September. Time and venue to be advised on the course

Venue: Wanderers Club, North Road, Illovo, Johannesburg

Cost: R1 800 per person for the full 10-evening course

To book please contact:

Kim Brett

Cell: 082 824-9378 Fax: 086 652-7662

Skype: kim.brett49

email: [email protected] website:


The College of Digital Photography (CODP) is a leader in providing high-quality part time photography, videography

and Photoshop education, tailored specifically to those of you with digital cameras. The extensive range of courses

will teach you how to capture amazing images as well as how to edit them.

It is never too late to FREE YOUR IMAGINATION! The courses cater for complete novices, serious enthusiasts and

aspiring professionals alike. They are fun, informative and are presented in a relaxed environment. The high

practical approach will reinforce what you are taught and will get you photographing as much as possible.

CODP has a campus in the leafy suburb of Saxonwold, as well as a satellite campus in Fourways. The Pretoria

campus is situated on Botterklapper Street in Die Wilgers. The atmosphere is relaxed and informal, making for a

comfortable learning experience. For more information you can go to or contact [email protected]

or 086 11 PHOTO (74686).

CODP is offering all Wanderers Club Members a 20% DISCOUNT off any of its courses that start before 30 th

September 2013. To apply for this special, please contact CODP directly and quote your Wanderers membership
