chapter 1 .jihad in islam

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  • 8/3/2019 Chapter 1 .Jihad in Islam


    JihadIn the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful. Praise be to

    Allah, and may his peace and blessings be upon Muhammad and upon his

    household and companions, and all those who follow him.


    "The best jihad [struggle] is (by) the one who strives against his own self for Allah, The

    Mighty and Majestic," Hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad). 1

    "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah

    loves not transgressors." Qur'an, Chapter 2, verse 190.

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    Jihad is an Arabic word whose root is "Jahada," which means, "to strive

    for a better way of life." Other nouns are Juhd, Mujahid, Jihad, and

    Ijtihad. Other meanings are: endeavor, strain, exertion, effort,

    diligence, and fighting to defend one's life, land, and religion.

    The highest degree of Jihad in Islam is when a person struggles against

    himself to change himself. He should not allow himself to commit any

    type of crime, assault, or ill act against the law, the society, or the

    environment. A Muslim who has already submitted himself and his

    loyalty to God, the Creator of the Universe, has to try his best to control

    his ego, his lusts, and his selfishness. He should be humble, amicable,

    and friendly to all, irrespective of color, nationality, ethnic background,

    gender, language, creed, position, or religion. A Muslim is a person

    who walks and behaves like an angel on this planet. He is to take care

    of the poor, the needy, those who have no jobs, and those who arehomeless. He is to sacrifice his time, money, knowledge, wisdom,

    efforts, energy, and all other capacities in order to please God Almighty

    and help people live in peace and harmony among themselves. This is

    considered in the Book of God as a True Jihad.

    Anyone who makes Jihad against himself is to be rewarded by God inthis world and the Hereafter. One has to make sure that, while he is

    making Jihad against himself, his intention should be for the love of

    God and for the sake of making people happy, healthy, and safe. He

    should never brag about his sacrifices and he should never exploit

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    people; otherwise, he will be the loser in this world and in the


    PS: For more references, one may read the Quran (3:142) (22:78)

    (29:6) (29:69)

    Jihad is not a war to force one's belief or faith on others, as some

    people may think. It should never be interpreted as a tool of

    compulsion to make others believe the same way one believes.

    Islam prohibits terrorism, kidnapping, and hijacking during peace and

    war, when carried out against civilians. Whoever commits such

    violations is considered a murderer and is to be punished by the Islamic

    State. During war, Islam prohibits Muslim soldiers from harming

    civilians, women, children, the elderly and religious men, like priestsand rabbis. It also prohibits cutting down trees and destroying


    A minority of among the Sunni scholars sometimes refer to this duty as

    the sixth pillar of Islam though it occupies no such official status.

    However, jihad is one of the 10th

    practices of religion.

    Muslims use the word in a religious context to refer to the three typesof struggle.

    An internal struggle to maintain faith. The struggle to improve Muslim

    society or the struggle to defend to defend Islam

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    One of the collective duties of the community as a whole is to lodge a

    valid protest to solve problems of religion. To have knowledge of divine

    law to command what is right & forbid wrong conduct.

    The Muslim world today is faced with tyranny and injustice. Indeed

    oppression and hardship is not just limited to the Muslim world, rather

    many non-Muslim states are subject to oppression at the hands of the

    worlds leading military and economic powers. Anyone who cares can

    only be saddened and hurt by the pain and suffering that accompanies

    so many faces. Islam has allowed jihad as a means to prevent

    oppression, yet the Muslims have forgotten this for too long.

    Though jihad may be a part of the answer to the problems of the

    ummah, it is an extremely important part. Jihad is to offer ourselves to

    Allah for His Cause. Indeed, every person should according to Islam

    prepare himself/herself for jihad and every person should eagerly and

    patiently wait for the day when Allah will call them to show their

    willingness to sacrifice their lives. We should all ask ourselves if there is

    a quicker way to heaven.

    Best Jihad

    Many peaceful demonstrations in Arab countries faced

    violence and gun fire by the government regime. The gun fires

    encouraged the protest and fed them to revolutions based on their

    strong faith of what is called the best Jihad. The best jihad was

    encouraged by the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) saying

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    The best Jihad is the word of justice in front of the

    oppressive sultan (ruler)

    Muslim scholar Mohammad Ayub states that The goal of true Jihad is

    to attain a harmony between Islam (submission), Iman (faith) and

    Ahsan (righteous living) in modern times, Pakistani scholar and

    professor fazul-u-Rahyman has the term to describe the struggle to

    established just moral social order while president Hahib bourguiba of

    Tunisia has used it to describe the struggle for economic development

    in that country.

    Distinction of greater and lesser Jihad

    The history of Baghdad, Al khatibul Baghdadi, an 11th

    century Islamic

    scholar, referenced a statement by the companion of Muhammad Jabir

    bin-abd-Allah. The reference stated that Jabir said the Prophet returned

    from his battle and there upon told us. You have arrived with an

    excellent arrival; you have come from the lesser Jihad to the greater thestriving of a servant of Allah against his desires (holy war) the reference

    gave rise to the distinguishing of two forms of Jihad greater &

    lesser some Islamic scholar dispute the authenticity of his reference

    and consider the meaning of Jihad as a ho0ly war to be more important

    the non-Muslims scholar, David cooks opinion is that the violent Jihad

    is not superseded by spiritual Jihad he writes.

    In Muslims literature both contemporary &classical one can see that

    the evidence for the primacy of spiritual Jihad is negligible. Today it is

    certain that no-Muslim, writing in a non western language such as

    (Arabic, Persian, and Urdu) would ever make claims that Jihad is

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    primarily non-violent or has been superseded by the spiritual Jihad.

    Such claims are made solely by western scholars, primarily those who

    study Sufism and or work in the inter faith dialogue, and by Muslims

    apologist. Who are trying to present Islam in the most innocuousmanner according to the Muslims jurist ibn hajar-alAsqani the quote

    in which Muhammad is reported to have said the greater Jihad in the

    inner struggle is from on UN reliable source.

    This saying is widespread an it is a saying by Ibrahim-ibn-ullah there

    are four basic term in greater Jihad.

    Fourth: Physical jihad against the disbelievers becomes obligatory infour cases, which are:

    1. When the Muslim is present in a jihad situation.

    2. When the enemy has come and attacked a Muslim land

    3. When the ruler mobilizes the people, they must respond.

    4. When a person is needed and no one else can do the task excepthim.

    Sheikh Ibn `Uthaymin said:

    Jihad is obligatory and becomes fard `ayn if a person is present where

    fighting is going on. This is the first of the situations in which jihad

    becomes an individual obligation, because Allah says: O you who

    believe! When you meet those who disbelieve, in a battlefield, neverturn your backs to them. And whoever turns his back to them on such a

    day unless it be a stratagem of war, or to retreat to a troop (of his

    own), he indeed has drawn upon himself wrath from Allah. And his

    abode is Hell, and worst indeed is that destination! (Al-Anfal: 16)

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    The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said that running away

    on the day when the army is advancing is one of the sins that doom a

    person to Hell. He said: Avoid the seven sins that doom a person to

    Hell among which he mentioned running away on the day when the

    army is advancing. But Allah has made exceptions in two cases:

    1. When it is a military maneuver, in the sense that he is leaving to

    bring reinforcements.

    2. When he is going to join another group, when he has been told that

    there is a group of Muslims elsewhere who are about to be defeated,

    so he goes to join them in order to strengthen their numbers. This is

    subject to the condition that there is no risk to the group he is in; ifthere is a risk to the group that he is in, then it is not permissible for

    him to go to the other group. In this case (jihad) is an individual

    obligation upon him (fard `ayn) and it is not permissible for him to


    The second situation (in which jihad becomes an individual obligation)

    is when a city is besieged by the enemy. Then he has to fight to defend

    the city because there is no alternative but to defend it. For if theenemy is going to prevent people from leaving the city or entering it,

    and prevent provisions from reaching it, and other things which are

    well known, and then in this case the people of the city are obliged to

    fight in order to defend their city.

    The third situation is when the leader tells the people to mobilize. The

    Muslim ruler is the highest authority in the state, but he need not

    necessarily be the leader of all the Muslims, because there has been noleader of all the Muslims (caliph or khalifah) for a long time. The

    Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: Listen and obey, even

    if you are ruled by an Abyssinian slave. So if a man becomes a leader,

    then his word is to be heeded and his commands are too obeyed. (Ash-

    Sharh al-Mumti`, 8/10-12).

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    Kinds of Jihad

    Jihad of the

    heart/soul(Jihad bin-


    This type of jihad is

    also called Al-jihad al-akbar (the greater jihad), the struggle

    against ones self. Jihad-bin-Nafs is an urge towards self correction

    and self righteousness. It is a continuous effort to achieve a

    personified model of Islamic teachings. Therefore, whole life of a

    Muslim is jihad, because in all types of circumstances, he has to

    follow the true path and abide by the laws of Allah. That is why

    this jihad has been declared as greater jihad in Islam rather than

    the Qitaal, which refers to the lesser jihad.

    . Jihad an-nafs (jihad against ones self) is of four kinds:

    a. Striving to learn the teachings of Islam without which one cannot

    attain success and happiness in this world or in the Hereafter. If this is

    missing, then one is doomed to misery in this world and in the


    b. Striving to make one act in accordance with what one has learned.

    Simply knowing without acting, even though it may not cause any

    harm, is not going to bring any benefit.

    c. Striving to call others to Islam, teaching those who do not know

    about it. Otherwise one will be one of those who conceal the guidance

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    and teaching that Allah has revealed, and it will not benefit him or save

    him from the punishment of Allah.

    d. Striving to bear patiently the difficulties involved in calling people to

    Allah and the insults of people, bearing all that for the sake of Allah.

    If a person achieves all these four levels, then he will be one of the

    rabbaniyyin (learned men of religion who practice what they know and

    also preach to others. [see Al `Imran: 79]). The salaf (righteous

    predecessors) were agreed that the scholar does not deserve to be

    called a rabbani unless he knows the truth, acts in accordance with it,

    and teaches it to others. Whoever teaches, acts in accordance with his

    knowledge, and has knowledge will be called great in the kingdom ofheaven.

    In western societies the term jihad is often translated as holy war

    scholar of Islamic studies often stress that these words are not

    synonymous. Muslim author in particular tend to reject such an

    approach, stressing non-militant connotations of the word.

    Jihad by tongue (Jihad-bil-Ilm) It means to use the knowledge

    by pen and tongue in the way of Allah. To seek knowledge is also

    one type of jihad. Therefore, a student and a teacher, when they

    are in search of knowledge, are both in a state of Jihad. The Holy

    Prophet (SAW) said:-

    He, who leaves his home in search of knowledge, is in the way

    of Allah till he returns. Thus jihad for knowledge occupies a

    dominant position in the Muslim culture and has worked as a

    torch-bearer of knowledge during the glorious days of Muslim


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    Jihad by hand: is referring to choosing to do what is right and to

    combat justice and what is wrong with action.

    Jihad-bis-Saif. (Qitaal) It means to fight in the battlefield in

    circumstances described by Allah and the Holy Prophet (SAW) touphold the cause of Islam. This type of Jihad is called Qitaal.

    Allah Says in the Holy Quran:-

    You may fight in the cause of Allah against those who attack

    you, but do not aggress. GOD does not love the aggressors:

    (2:190). This kind of jihad is also called Al-jihd al-Asghar (the

    lesser jihad).

    And the other one

    Jihad-bil-Maal. It means to spend the wealth in the way of Allah as to

    fulfill the expenses of Jihad. Allah Says in the Holy Quran:-

    And strive hard with your wealth and lives in the cause of Allah. This

    is better for you, if you but know. (9:41). Jihad with wealth also plays

    an important role in reawakening the people to spend in the way of

    Allah in the right direction for the good of mankind. If there is a dire

    need of wealth in some direction, it can be given preference over

    individual needs as the companions of the Prophet (SAW) did on

    various occasions by donating large amount of money; as the Quran

    depicts: Verily, those who believed and left their homes and strove

    with their wealth and their lives for the cause of Allah. (8:72).

    Shaykh Abd al-Azeez ibn Baaz said:

    We have previously explained on more than one occasion that jihad is

    fard kafaayah, not fard ayn. All Muslims are enjoined to support their

    brothers with their selves (i.e., physically, by joining them), or with

    money, weapons, dawah and advice. If enough of them go out (to

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    fight), the rest are freed from sin, but if none of them do that then all of

    them are sinners.

    The Muslims in Saudi Arabia, Africa, North Africa and elsewhere are

    obliged to do their utmost, and if there is a jihad in one country, thesurrounding countries should hasten to help them, the closest then the

    next closest. If one or two states, or three or more, manage to fulfill

    the obligation, then the rest are freed of responsibility. They deserve to

    be supported, and it is obligatory to help them against their enemies,

    because they are oppressed. Allah has enjoined jihad upon all Muslims,

    and they must fight against the enemies of Allah until their brothers are

    victorious. If they fail to do that than they are sinners, but if sufficient

    people undertake to do that, then the rest are absolved of sin.

    (Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn Baaz, 7/335)


    The term "Holy War" is not Islamic terminology. The only Holy One is

    God, the Creator. His Words are Holy. As far as war is concerned, there

    is nothing in the Quran, or even in the teachings of Islam, that indicates

    that Muslims should wage a war at all. Moreover, it is against the

    teachings of Islam to practice what is called "Holy War." This action is

    not at all from Islam. It is borrowed terminology from the Crusades.

    During the Crusades, the Romans used this terminology and applied it

    in action. They considered the local people in the Middle East to be

    infidels. It so happened that these people were Christian and Muslim

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    Arabs. Even the Christians did not accept the Crusaders as their

    leaders. Hence, the Romans had to get the verdict and blessings of the

    Pope to wage a tragic war against the Middle Eastern people.

    In order to raise enough money to buy ammunition, they started selling

    croissants in their local churches. They thought that the croissant was

    the symbol for Muslims, i.e., crescent and star. This was not true, of

    course. Muslims do not worship the moon. They worship Allah (swt)

    alone. Muslims use both the lunar and solar calendars in their religious

    services. Their pledge of allegiance is only to Allah (swt), the Creator ofthe whole universe.

    At that time, the Crusades killed 200,000 local people in the Middle

    East. Similarly, one can say that the Spanish Inquisition was carried out

    by the Franois against the local Muslims, Christians, and Jews. They

    killed 10 million Muslims and 4,000 Jews. Those acts of terrorism weredone in the name of their religion. However, Jesus was innocent of

    their terror, and Christianity and other Christians of the world are

    innocent of their crimes and atrocities. It should be stated here that

    the local Christians of present times have nothing to do with the

    Crusades or the Inquisition. No one is to be blamed for someone else's

    mistake in past history.

    Islam is against Holy War. It is against killing innocent people. The

    Quran stipulates, "Whoever kills one person, it will be as if he killed all

    of mankind. And whoever saves the life of one person, it will be as if he

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    saved the lives of all mankind." Moreover, if someone tries to create a

    commotion, disturbance, or hate among people in order to start a war,

    this person is committing a huge sin that is much larger and more

    serious than killing all of mankind. Therefore, Muslims try to live inpeace and harmony with all people, without exception. And there is

    nothing holy about wars. War only involves killing & disasters.


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    Islam is a word of Arabic Islam is one religion. The followers of these

    religion beliefs that there is only one ALLAH and the book of this

    religion is Quran. This book by followers to repeat the words of ALLAH

    and the teachings and normative example (called the Sunnah andcomposed of Hadise) of Muhammad (PBUH) often considered by them

    to be the last Prophet of ALLAH peace and way to peace. An adherent

    of Islam is called a Muslims.

    We mean Muslims believe that Allah is one and pear less and that the

    purpose of existence is to worship Allah. Muslims also believe thatIslam is the complete and universal version of a primordial faith that

    was revealed at many time and places before, including through the

    prophet Ibrahim, mosses and Jesus. Muslims maintain that previous

    message and revelations have been partially changed and corrupted

    over time, but consider the Quran to be both the unaltered and the

    final revelation from ALLAH final testament. Religious concept and

    obligatory act of worship, and following Islamic law. Which touches us

    every aspect of life and society.

    Most Muslims belong to one of two denomination with 80%-90% being

    Sunni and 10-20% being Shia. About 13% of Muslims live in Indonesia,

    the largest Muslim country, 25% in south Asia, 20%in the middle east

    Asia countries, and 15% in sub-Saharan Africa . Sizable communities are

    also found in china and Russia, and parts of the Caribbean. Converts

    and immigrant communities are found in almost every part of the

    world. Islam is the second largest religion and one of the faster growing

    religions in the world. The word ISLAM is a verbal noun and is derived

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    from the same root is salaam. Which mean peace believers of Islam

    demonstrate submission to ALLAH by worshipping him, following his

    commands and avoiding other things in the Quran. In some verses Ayat

    there is stress on the quality of Islam as an internal conviction:whomsoever ALLAH desires to guide, He expands his breast to Islam.

    Other verses connect Islam and (Din) (usually translated as religion):

    Today, I have perfected your religion (Din) for you; I have completed

    my blessing upon you; I have approved Islam for your religion. Still

    other describes Islam as an action of returning to ALLAH more than just

    a verbal affirmation of faith. Another technical meaning in Islamic

    thought is as one part of a triad of Islam, imam (faith), and ahsan (excellence ) where it represents acts of worship Ibadat and Islamic law


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    Muslims believe that the purpose of existence is to worship Allah. He is

    viewed as a personal Allah who states we are nearer to him than (his)

    jugular vein and responds whenever a person in need or distress calls

    him. There are no intermediaries, such ads clergy, between Allah and

    the creation that he brought in to being by the sheer command.

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    Allah is the term with no plural or general. Other non-Arab Muslims

    might use different names as such as much as Allah, for instance

    Tanri in Turkish or khoda in Persian.


    Belief in Angels is fundamental to the faith of Islam. The Arabic

    word for angel (Malak) means messenger like its counterparts in

    Hebrew (Malak) and Greek (angelus). According to the Quran, angels do

    not possess free will, and worship Allah in total obedience. Angels

    duties include communicating revelations from Allah, glorifying Allah,

    recording every persons actions, and taking a persons soul at the time

    of death. They are also thought to intercede on mans behalf. The

    Quran describes Angels as messengers with wingstwo, three or four

    ( pairs ). He [Allah] adds to creation as He pleases.


    The shahadah, which is the basic creed of Islam that must

    be recited under oath with the specific statement. Ashadu al-la illahu

    wa ashadu Anna mihammadan rasulu-llah or I testify that there is

    none worthy of worship except ALLAH and I testify that Muhammad is

    the messenger of Allah.This statement is a foundation for all other

    beliefs and practices in Islam. Muslims must repeat the shahadah in

    prayer, and non-Muslims wishing to convert to Islam are required to

    recite the creed.

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    Ritual prayer called salah or salat ( Arabic ), must be performed five

    times a day. Salah is intended to focus the mind on ALLAH, and is seen

    as a personal communication with him that expresses gratitude and

    worship. Salah is compulsory but flexibility in the specifies in alloweddepending on circumstances. The prayer is recited in the Arabic

    language, and consists of verses from Quran.

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    A Mosque is a place of worship for Muslims, who often refer to it by its

    Arabic name, Masjid. The word Mosque in English refer to all type of

    building dedicated to Islamic worship, although there is a distinction in

    Arabic between the smaller, privately owned Mosque and the larger,collective Mosque ( Masjidjami ). Although the primary purpose of

    the Mosque is to serve as a place of Prayer, it is also important to the

    Muslims community as a place to meet and study. Modern Mosque has

    evolved greatly from the early designs of the 7th



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    Fasting, called sawn, from food and drink (among other things) must

    be performed from dawn to dusk during the month of Ramadan. The

    fast is encourage a feeling of nearness to ALLAH, and during it Muslims

    should express their gratitude for and dependence on him, atone fortheir past sins, and think of the needy. Sawn is not obligatory for

    several groups for whom it would constitute an undue burden. For

    others flexibility is allowed depending on circumstances, but missed

    Fasts usually must be made up quickly.


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    Zakat is giving a fixed portion of accumulated wealth by those who can

    afford it to help the poor or needy, and also to assist the spread of

    Islam. It is considered a religious obligation ( as opposed to voluntary

    charity ) that the well-off owe to the needy because their wealth is seenas a trust from Allahs bounty. The Quran and the Hadith also suggest

    a Muslims give even more as an act of voluntary alms-giving ( Sadaqah



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    The pilgrimage, called the Hajj ( Hajj ) during the Islamic month of Dhu

    al-Hajjah in the city of Mecca. Every able-bodied Muslim who can afford

    it must make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in his or her

    lifetime. Rituals of the Hajj include walking seven times around theKaaba, touching the black stone if possible, walking or running seven

    times between Mount SAFA and Mount Marwah, and symbolically

    stoning the Devil in Mina.


    The sharia ( literally the path leading to the watering place )

    is Islamic law formed by traditional Islamic scholarship, which most

    Muslim groups adhere to. In Islam Sharia is the expression of the divine

    will, and constitutes a system of duties that are incumbent upon a

    Muslim by virtue of his religious belief.

    Islamic law covers all aspects of life, from matter of state, like

    governance and the foreign relations, to issue of daily living. The Quran

    defines hadud as the punishment for five specific crimes: unlawful

    intercourse, false accusation of unlawful intercourse, consumption of

    alcohol, theft and highway robbery. The Quran and Sunnah also contain

    laws of inheritance, marriage, and restitution for injuries and murder,

    as well as rules for fasting. Charity and Prayer. However theseprescription and prohibitions may be board, so their application in

    practice varies. Islamic scholars (known as Ulama) have elaborated

    systems of law on the basis of these rules and their interpretation.).

    according to Islamic legal theory, law has four fundamental roots,

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    which are given precedence in this order the Quran, the action and

    saying of Muhammad (S A W), the consensus of the ,Muslim.


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    There are many term in Islam to refer to religiously sanctioned of Islam,

    but jurist generally refer to the educated class of Muslims legal

    scholars engaged in the several fields of Islamic studies. In a border

    sense, the term Ulama is used to describe the body of Muslim clergy

    who have completed several years of training and study of Islamic

    sciences, such as a mufti, qari, faqah, or Muhaddith. Some Muslims

    include under this term the village Mullahs, imams, and Maulviswho

    have attained only the lowest rungs on the ladder of Islamic

    scholarship. Other Muslims would say that clerics must meet higherstandards to be considered Ulama. Some Muslims practice Ijtihad

    whereby they dont accept the authority of clergy.

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    The beginnings of Jihad are traced back to the words and actions of

    Muhammad and the Quran. This encourages the use of Jihad against

    non-Muslims The Quran, however, never uses the term Jihad for

    fighting and combats in the name of Allah; qital is used to mean

    fighting. Jihad in the Quran was originally intended for the nearby

    neighbors of the Muslims, but as time passed and more enemies arose,

    the Quranic statements supporting Jihad were updated for the new

    adversaries. The first documentation of the law of Jihad was written by

    Abd al-Rahman al-Awzai and Muhammad ibn al-hasan al-shaybani.Thedocument grew out of debates that had surfaced ever since

    Muhammad's death

    View of different Muslims Group


    In, Ahmadiyya Islam pacifism is a strong current, and jihad is one's personal inner struggle and should

    not be used violently for political motives. Violence is the last option only to be used to protect religion and

    one's own life in extreme situations of persecution


    Jihad has been classified either as al-jihd al-akbar(the greater jihad), the struggle against one's soul

    (nafs), or al-jihd al-asghar(the lesser jihad), the external, physical effort, often implying fighting (this is

    similar to the Shiite view of jihad as well).

    Gerbil Haddad has analyzed the basis for the belief that internal jihad is the "greater jihad", Jihad al-

    akbar. Haddad identifies the primary historical basis for this belief in a pair of similarly wordedHadith in

    which Mohammed is reported to have told warriors returning home that they had returned from the lesser

    jihad of struggle against non-Muslims to a greater jihad of struggle against lust. Although Haddad notes

    that the authenticity of both Hadith is questionable, he nevertheless concludes that the underlying

    principle of superiority internal jihad does have a reliable basis in the Quran and other writings
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    In contrast, the Hanbali scholar Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya did believe that "internal Jihad" is important.but

    he suggests those hadith as weak which consider "Jihad of the heart/soul" to be more important than

    "Jihad by the sword"]Contemporary Islamic scholar Abdullah Yusuf Azzam has argued the hadith is not

    just weak but "is in fact a false, fabricated hadith which has no basis. It is only a saying of Ibrahim Ibn Abi

    `Abalah, one of the Successors, and it contradicts textual evidence and reality.

    Muslim jurists explained there are four kinds ofjihad fi sabilillah(struggle in the cause of God)