chapter 10 positive discipline supervision: concepts and practices of management, second canadian...

chapter 10 Positive Discipline Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and Docherty © 2005 by Nelson, a division of Thomson Canada Limited

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Page 1: Chapter 10 Positive Discipline Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and Docherty © 2005


10 Positive Discipline


Concepts and Practices

of Management,Second Canadian Edition

Hilgert, Leonard,

Shemko, and Docherty

© 2005 by Nelson, a division of Thomson Canada Limited

Page 2: Chapter 10 Positive Discipline Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and Docherty © 2005


Learning Objectives

1. Discuss the basis and importance of positive discipline in an organization.

2. Identify disciplinary situations that violate standards of conduct, and discuss the need to confront those situations appropriately.

3. Discuss the disciplinary process and approaches that ensure disciplinary action for just cause.

Page 3: Chapter 10 Positive Discipline Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and Docherty © 2005


Learning Objectives

4. Define and discuss the application of progressive discipline.

5. Explain the “hot-stove rule” approach for disciplinary actions.

6. Discuss the need to document disciplinary actions and to provide the right of appeal.

7. Explain the “discipline-without-punishment” approach as an alternative to progressive discipline.

Page 4: Chapter 10 Positive Discipline Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and Docherty © 2005


Positive DisciplinePositive Discipline

1. Discipline—state of orderliness; degree to which employees act according to expected standards of behaviour.

2. Positive discipline—condition that exists when employees generally follow the rules and meet standards.

3. Positive self-discipline—condition that exists when employees regulate their own behaviour out of self-interest and a desire to meet standards.

Page 5: Chapter 10 Positive Discipline Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and Docherty © 2005


Supervisory ExampleSupervisory Example

1. Positive employee discipline requires supervisory example. Employees will take most of their cues from their supervisors.

2. A supervisor’s actions are easy targets for the employees to either emulate or reject.

Page 6: Chapter 10 Positive Discipline Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and Docherty © 2005


Ethical Codes and Policies

1. Corporate code of ethics

2. Policy manual

3. Ethics-reporting systems

4. Conflict-of-interest statements

5. Employee handbook

6. Rules of conduct

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Rules of Conduct

1. Formal statements or lists of rules or codes of conduct

2. Provide a common basis and standards that help encourage employee self-discipline

Page 8: Chapter 10 Positive Discipline Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and Docherty © 2005


Confronting Disciplinary Situations

• Infractions or rules regarding time schedules, procedures, safety, etc.

• Excessive absenteeism or tardiness

• Defective or inadequate work performance

• Poor attitudes• Insubordination

Page 9: Chapter 10 Positive Discipline Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and Docherty © 2005


Just Cause

Standard for disciplinary action requiring:

1. Tests of fairness and due process

2. A penalty commensurate

with the infraction

Page 10: Chapter 10 Positive Discipline Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and Docherty © 2005


Tests for Just Cause

1. Did the company give forewarning?

2. Was the company’s rule reasonably related to (a) the orderly, efficient, and safe operation of the business and (b) the performance the company might properly expect?

3. Did the company try to discover whether the employee did in fact violate a rule?

4. Was the investigation fair and objective?

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Tests for Just Cause

5. Was substantial evidence provided of guilt?

6. Has the company applied rules and penalties evenhandedly without discrimination?

7. Was the degree of discipline administered reasonably related to the seriousness of the offense and the employee’s service record?

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Precautionary Measures

• Investigate the situation

• Maintain self-control

• Discipline privately

• Specify time limits on discipline

Page 13: Chapter 10 Positive Discipline Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and Docherty © 2005


Questions To Ask During A Disciplinary Investigation

1. Are facts available and reported accurately?

2. How serious is the offence and were others involved or affected? Were company funds used?

3. Did the employee know the rules, or have a reasonable excuse?

4. What is the employee’s past disciplinary record, as well as other work-related characteristics?

5. Should the same type of disciplinary means be applied in this situation?

6. Is relevant documentation available to support review?

Page 14: Chapter 10 Positive Discipline Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and Docherty © 2005


Progressive Discipline

• System of disciplinary action that increases the severity of the penalty with each offence

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Progressive Discipline

• Informal talk• Oral warning• Written warning• Disciplinary layoff

(suspension)• Transfer or demotion• Discharge

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Hot-Stove Rule

Discipline, like touching a hot stove, contains these four elements:1. Advance warning

2. Immediacy

3. Consistency

4. Impersonality

Page 17: Chapter 10 Positive Discipline Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and Docherty © 2005


Hot-Stove Rule

1. Advance warning—employees must know expectations in advance

2. Immediacy—supervisors must take prompt disciplinary action

3. Consistency—appropriate action is taken with every infraction

4. Impersonality—all employees are penalized or treated the same

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Documentation and Appeal

• Documentation—a record of the offense and the decision, including the reasoning involved

• Right to appeal—procedures by which an employee can request review of a disciplinary action

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Discipline without Punishment

1. Stresses extensive coaching, counselling, and problem solving to avoid confrontation

2. Decision-making leave—employees are sent home for a time with pay to consider whether they will commit to meeting performance standards