chapter 13 mrs. ward ap chemistry. good things to know: pg. 426 kinetic molecular theory pg. 448...

Chapter 13 Mrs. Ward AP Chemistry

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Page 1: Chapter 13 Mrs. Ward AP Chemistry. Good things to know: pg. 426 Kinetic Molecular Theory pg. 448 Characteristics of phases

Chapter 13

Mrs. Ward

AP Chemistry

Page 2: Chapter 13 Mrs. Ward AP Chemistry. Good things to know: pg. 426 Kinetic Molecular Theory pg. 448 Characteristics of phases

• Good things to know:

• pg. 426 Kinetic Molecular Theory

• pg. 448 Characteristics of phases

Page 3: Chapter 13 Mrs. Ward AP Chemistry. Good things to know: pg. 426 Kinetic Molecular Theory pg. 448 Characteristics of phases

Intermolecular vs. Intramolecular

• Intermolecular Forces (IMF): the forces present between individual particles

• Intramolecular Forces: the forces within a molecule that hold it together (covalent/ionic bonds)– Intermolecular forces are generally weaker

than intramolecular forces

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Intermolecular Forces

• A substance's state at a certain temperature depends on the particle’s ability to overcome intermolecular forces.

• Gases: kinetic energy of the particles is significantly greater than the intermolecular forces of the particles.

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Intermolecular Forces

• Liquid: kinetic energy of the particles is greater than their intermolecular forces but not great enough for the particles to completely break free of each other.

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Intermolecular Forces

• Solid: kinetic energy of the particles is less than the intermolecular forces of the particles.

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Intermolecular Forces

• Intermolecular forces are weaker than ionic/covalent bonds.

• A. Less energy is needed to boil or melt a substance than to actually break bonds.

• B. These forces influence boiling points.• C. Introducing: van der Waals forces

(intermolecular forces).• D. At higher pressures and lower temperatures,

these forces become more important. (Remember real gases!?)

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Ion-ion Interactions

• Ionic bonds= strong= high melting points

• When molten can conduct electricity

• As a liquid IMF is weaker than if solid, but still higher than neutral species

• Ionic substances w/multiply charged ions have higher melting/boiling points than single charged ions (pg. 450)

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Dispersion Forces (London)• Positive nuclei of one atom and electron

cloud of another molecule are attracted

• Induces temporary dipole

• Occurs in ALL molecules but it is the only one present in nonpolar molecules.

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• As cloud becomes larger, electrons attracted less strongly by own nuclei and are more easily polarized

• (Therefore, dispersion forces are stronger for larger molecules)

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Shape Matters

• Shape matters! More exposed surface = more contact = more induced dipoles!

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Dipole-dipole Forces

• 2. Dipole-dipole forces:• a. Occurs in polar molecules• b. Larger the dipole moment

(electronegativity difference), the stronger the force.

• c. These are stronger than dispersion forces.

• Short distances necessary because only partial charges in dipole

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Dipole-dipole Forces

• Higher temperature= more movement (kinetic energy)= dipole interactions less important

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Hydrogen Bonding

• A type of dipole-dipole interaction

• a. Occurs in polar molecules that have an H-F, H-O or H-N bond (H-FON!)

• b. Stronger than dipole-dipole and dispersion forces.

• c. Because of the attraction b/w the H and the lone pair on a small electronegative atom (F, O, N!)

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Relative strength:• A. Hydrogen bonding >>Dipole-dipole

forces >> London dispersion forces• B. If the type of intermolecular force is the

same, molecular size will influence the boiling point. (more polarizable!)

• C. If type and size is the same, shape will influence the boiling point. (more surface!)

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• Identify the types of intermolecular forces present in condensed phase of each. Then identify major type of force:

• H2O I2 NO2

• Water: H-bonds & London forces…H-bonds stronger

• Iodine: Nonpolar so London forces only• Nitrogen dioxide: Polar= dipole-dipole

interactions & London forces… dipole interactions stronger

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Liquid State (pg. 455)

• Viscosity is the resistance to flowHigh= honey low=gasoline

• The stronger IMF existing makes liquid more viscous – H-bonds usually have highest viscosities

• An increase in size/surface area of molecule means higher viscosity (more dispersion forces present)

• Decreases as temperature rises (more kinetic energy allows molecules to overcome IMF)

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Which is more viscous?

• C5H12 or C12H26


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Surface Tension

• Measure of inward forces that must be overcome to expand surface area of liquid.

• Stronger IMF = high surface tension

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Cohesion is the intermolecular attraction between like molecules

Adhesion is an attraction between unlike molecules


attracted to glass


attracted to each other

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• Evaporation (Vaporization)LiquidGas Molecules must gain enough

kinetic energy to overcome IMF (increases as temperature increases)

• CondensationIf gas molecule collides w/liquid, can be

“captured”• Dynamic equilibrium

evaporation/condensation at same rates in closed container– (More evap. = more molecules in air = more

likely to collide w/liquid and condense)

H2O (l) H2O (g)

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Le Chatelier’s Principle

• A system at equilibrium, or changing towards equilibrium, responds in the way that relieves stress placed on it.

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Vapor Pressure (vp)• Partial pressure of vapor molecules above the

surface of liquid at equilibrium at a given temperature (increases as temperature increases since vaporation increases as temperature increases)

• Easily vaporized liquids= volatile = high vapor pressure

(Strong IMF holds molecules in liquid state means not very volatile so larger molecules and h-bonds have low vapor pressure)

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The boiling point is the temperature at which the (equilibrium) vapor pressure of a liquid is equal to the external pressure.

The normal boiling point is the temperature at which a liquid boils when the external pressure is 1 atm.

If you add heat to a liquid at its boiling point, the temperature remains constant, because the energy is used to overcome the IMF (represented by a plateau on a heating curve).

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Heat transfer w/liquids• Molar heat capacity the amount of heat that must

be added to (a stated mass of) liquid to raise its temperature by one degree Celsius J/mol * C

• If heat added under constant pressure, temp will rise until hits boiling point, then temp remains constant…

• Molar heat of vaporization (enthalpy) amount of heat to be added to one mole of the liquid at its boiling point to convert it to vapor w/no change in temperature

• (Can be expressed in kJ/mol or J/g)• Why do you think that the units of heat of vap. Does

NOT include temp?– At boiling there is no change in temperature.

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• Heats of vaporization increase as boiling points (and IMF) increase and as vapor pressures decrease

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• Liquids can evaporate below their boiling points (perspiration)

• Perspiration absorbs heat (2.41 kJ per gram of water) from body and is evaporated away, thus we feel cooler.

• Heat of condensation amount of heat to be removed from vapor to condense it (w/no change in temp)

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Arrange in order of lowest to highest boiling point.H2S, H2O, CH4, H2, KBr

Answer:H2 CH4 H2S H2O KBr

• KBr is ionic, so highest… • Water has strong h-bonds, so it boils at next


• H2S is also polar covalent so boils below H2O but above other 2

• CH4 and H2 both nonpolar (weakest IMF), CH4 is larger (more dispersion forces) so will boil at higher temp than H2

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• Pg.492 # 21, 25, 27, 28, 29, 33

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The Solid State

Melting point (freezing point) is the temperature at which its solid and liquid phases coexist in equilibrium

Normal melting point is melting point at 1 atmosphere of pressure (though changes in pressure have small effects on melting points)

Molar heat of fusion is the energy required to melt 1 mole of a solid substance.

H2O (s) H2O (l)

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Page 32: Chapter 13 Mrs. Ward AP Chemistry. Good things to know: pg. 426 Kinetic Molecular Theory pg. 448 Characteristics of phases

Phase Diagrams

A phase diagram summarizes the conditions at which a substance exists as a solid, liquid, or gas

Only applies to closed systems (so matter doesn’t escape to surroundings)

The triple point is where all 3 phases meet.

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Some important points:

• 1. Lines (AD, AB, AC) represent points where phase changes or phase equilibria occur.

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2. Triple point (A): P and T where all three phases are in equilibrium.

3. Critical point (B): Created by the critical temp. and critical press. Above this point, liquid and vapor are indistinguishable .

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• 4. Melting points: Line AD.

• 5. Boiling points: Line AB.

• 6. Sublimation points: Line AC.

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• A note about the melting point line. When the slope of this line is:

1. Positive, the solid phase is more dense than the liquid phase.

2. Negative, the liquid phase is more dense than the solid phase.

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Steps for Drawing a Phase Diagram

• 1) Draw axes/label (pressure vs. temp)– Include units!!! (should be atm for pressure)

• 2) Plot triple point and normal melting point. Connect these…that’s the melting point line. Use the slope & draw the line past this point continuing the trend.

• 3) Draw lines from the triple point to the normal b.p. for boiling point line and from the triple point down for the sublimation line.

• 4) Label solid, liquid, and gas phases

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A crystalline solid possesses rigid and long-range order. In a crystalline solid, atoms, molecules or ions occupy specific (predictable) positions.

An amorphous solid does not possess a well-defined arrangement and long-range molecular order.

A unit cell is the basic repeating structural unit of a crystalline solid.


Unit Cell Unit cells in 3 dimensions

At lattice points:

• Atoms

• Molecules

• Ions

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Types of Crystals

Ionic Crystals – Ion-Ion interactions are the strongest (including the “intermolecular forces” (H bonding, etc.)

• Lattice points occupied by cations and anions• Held together by electrostatic attraction• Hard, brittle, high melting point• Poor conductor of heat and electricity

CsCl ZnS CaF2

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Types of Crystals

Covalent Crystals – Stronger than IM forces but generally weaker than ion-ion

• Lattice points occupied by atoms• Held together by covalent bonds• Hard, high melting point• Poor conductor of heat and electricity

diamond graphite


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Types of Crystals

Molecular Crystals• Lattice points occupied by molecules• Held together by intermolecular forces• Soft, low melting point• Poor conductor of heat and electricity• Example: P4, Cl2

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Types of Crystals

Cross Section of a Metallic Crystal

nucleus &inner shell e-

mobile “sea”of e-

Metallic Crystals – Typically weaker than covalent, but can be in the low end of covalent

• Lattice points occupied by metal atoms• Held together by metallic bonds• Soft to hard, low to high melting point• Good conductors of heat and electricity

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quartz (SiO2)Non-crystalline

quartz glass

An amorphous solid does not possess a well-defined arrangement and long-range molecular order.

A glass is an optically transparent fusion product of inorganic materials that has cooled to a rigid state without crystallizing

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Polarity and Solubility

• I. “Like dissolves like”

• A. polar dissolves polar and nonpolar dissolves nonpolar.

• B. Therefore, polar does NOT dissolve nonpolar and vice versa.

• C. When answering these questions, ALWAYS state polarity!