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((bolehboleh photostatphotostat daridari bukubuku teksteks))


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The main reason of design is to fulfilThe main reason of design is to fulfilhuman needs.human needs.

The issue focus on the suitability of The issue focus on the suitability of 

the design for human beings.the design for human beings.The factors involved are:The factors involved are:

i.i. Human factorHuman factor

ii.ii. Functional factorFunctional factoriii.iii. Aesthetic factorAesthetic factor

iv.iv. Strength factorStrength factor

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Human beings haveHuman beings have

unique body shapeunique body shape

that must bethat must be

considered whenconsidered whendesigning a product.designing a product.

Sensitivity toSensitivity to

ergonomicergonomic producesproduces

better result andbetter result and

benefits the worker benefits the worker 

and organization.and organization.

Ergonomic is designconsideration to improvehuman comfort.

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Body and human movement(click here)

Colour blindnessand lighting

(click here)

Needs of the disabled people(click here)

Growth and age(click here)


(click here)


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 A product might have A product might havemore than onemore than onefunction depending onfunction depending on

the design.the design.Photograph shows aPhotograph shows asample of asample of atoothbrush that hastoothbrush that has

few parts andfew parts andfunctions.functions.

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Observation of Available Function(click here)

Finding andExplaining Functions

(click here)

% analysis on the success of the function

Identifying damage that

always occur 

Observing the


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 Aesthetic is defined as exquisiteness and beauty Aesthetic is defined as exquisiteness and beauty

that are attractive or mind stimulating to look or that are attractive or mind stimulating to look or 

own it.own it.

 A product that placed less emphasis on A product that placed less emphasis on

aesthetic value is less marketable.aesthetic value is less marketable.

Some of the aesthetic attributes observed are:Some of the aesthetic attributes observed are:

lineline (click here)(click here) ColourColour (click here)(click here)

Structure Structure  (click here)(click here) ArrangementArrangement (click here)(click here)

Sha e Sha e  click hereclick here Texture Texture  click hereclick here

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The strength of aThe strength of adesign is mainly design is mainly inf luenced by itsinf luenced by its

structure. structure. Structure is the Structure is the frame or parts thatframe or parts thatsupport an an object.

Group of StructureGroup of Structure

Natural structureNatural structure ManMan--made structuremade structure

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Design Method for StrengthDesign Method for Strength

Structure DefinitionStructure Definition

Structure is the arrangement orStructure is the arrangement orcombination of materials in frame form tocombination of materials in frame form to

support or strengthen any construction. support or strengthen any construction. 

A strong structure does not necessarily in A strong structure does not necessarily in large quantity but most importantly is howlarge quantity but most importantly is how

the structure is shaped, joined orthe structure is shaped, joined orassembled. assembled. 

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Design Method for StrengthDesign Method for Strength


TENSILE LOAD(click here)

TORSION LOAD(click here)

SHEARING LOAD(click here)


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Design Method for StrengthDesign Method for Strength

Structure in our universeStructure in our universe

The strength of a structure is inf luenced by f ew factorsThe strength of a structure is inf luenced by f ew factorssuch as:such as: Materials of structure Materials of structure Size of structural parts Size of structural parts Design of objects and structure Design of objects and structure Number of structure support Number of structure support Physical form of the structure Physical form of the structure Strength of the material that support it Strength of the material that support it

Quality of the structure joint Quality of the structure joint Arrangements of the parts Arrangements of the parts Loads it can support Loads it can support

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Design Method for StrengthDesign Method for Strength

Designing of BeamDesigning of Beam Generally, a beam is the part thatGenerally, a beam is the part that

supports the load and adds strength tosupports the load and adds strength tothe building. the building. 

The strength of beam is inf luenced by The strength of beam is inf luenced by f ew factors as follows:f ew factors as follows: its shape its shape strength of the material strength of the material its size its size location of the joint location of the joint number of beams number of beams

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Beam as supporting and bearingBeam as supporting and bearing

loadload Figure shows testing of Figure shows testing of beam¶ s strength using abeam¶ s strength using aruler. The ruler is easily ruler. The ruler is easily broken if placedbroken if placedhorizontally when the loadhorizontally when the loadis applied. However, it isis applied. However, it isdiff icult to break if the diff icult to break if the ruler is placed vertically. ruler is placed vertically. The ruler is also hard toThe ruler is also hard tobreak if it is made of steel break if it is made of steel and stacked in layers.and stacked in layers.

From this example, it isFrom this example, it is

proven that placement,proven that placement,assembly, shape andassembly, shape andmaterial inf luence beam material inf luence beam strength.strength.

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Beam for sheet and frameBeam for sheet and frame

Normally sheets are not hard or rigid, for instance a piece Normally sheets are not hard or rigid, for instance a piece of paper. of paper. 

There are f ew ways in making paper and other thin There are f ew ways in making paper and other thin materials rigid. They are as follows:materials rigid. They are as follows: folding the sheets folding the sheets

layering them until they become thick layering them until they become thick placing beams between two pieces of paper placing beams between two pieces of paper

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Designing sturdy boxesDesigning sturdy boxes

Boxes are designed from thin sheets. It can be Boxes are designed from thin sheets. It can be made from sheets, metal, plastic or wood. made from sheets, metal, plastic or wood. Normally boxes come in square shape. Normally boxes come in square shape. 

In making a sturdy and strong box, the thicknessIn making a sturdy and strong box, the thickness

of the box is increased by adding f ew layers orof the box is increased by adding f ew layers orapplying beams between the sheets. Sheets thatapplying beams between the sheets. Sheets thatare folded can also be added around the box wall are folded can also be added around the box wall to add to the strength of the box. Metal boxesto add to the strength of the box. Metal boxescan be strengthened by adding the thickness of can be strengthened by adding the thickness of 

the wall. This can be done by applying f lat sheetsthe wall. This can be done by applying f lat sheetsat the outer or inner box wall together withat the outer or inner box wall together withbeams. beams. 

Figure shows how the box can be strengthen.Figure shows how the box can be strengthen.

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A product will not be useful if its saf ety f eaturesA product will not be useful if its saf ety f eaturesare ignored.are ignored.

Photograph shows a fan equipped with saf ety Photograph shows a fan equipped with saf ety f ence. If the fan does not have saf ety f ence, itf ence. If the fan does not have saf ety f ence, it

might cause danger to users. might cause danger to users.  Factors taken into consideration for saf ety are:Factors taken into consideration for saf ety are:

--dangerous parts should not be exposed to the dangerous parts should not be exposed to the usersusers

--electric wires should not be exposed and touchedelectric wires should not be exposed and touched--no f lammable or explosive materialno f lammable or explosive material

--no poisonous materialno poisonous material

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Growth and Age LevelGrowth and Age Level

The ability to handle productThe ability to handle productchanges and modif ications should be changes and modif ications should be based on user¶ s age and growth.based on user¶ s age and growth.

If a certain product is to be If a certain product is to be sustained, it must be able tosustained, it must be able toaccommodate demand and changesaccommodate demand and changes

to match diff erent age group match diff erent age group needs.Photograph shows examples of Photograph shows examples of 

bicycle based on growth factor.bicycle based on growth factor.

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Needs of Disable and ElderlyNeeds of Disable and Elderly

PeoplePeople In design, considerations need to be In design, considerations need to be 

given to disable and elderly people.given to disable and elderly people.

They should be helped by designing They should be helped by designing special devices to enable them tospecial devices to enable them tomove around and participate in move around and participate in leisure activities.leisure activities.

Photograph shows some of the Photograph shows some of the vehicles for the disable people.vehicles for the disable people.

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Vision, Colour and LightingVision, Colour and Lighting

One of the design purpose is toOne of the design purpose is todeliver information, especially in deliver information, especially in terms of vision, colour and lightingterms of vision, colour and lighting

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Observation of Available FunctionObservation of Available Function

Various products are used in ourVarious products are used in ourdaily lives have diff erent functionsdaily lives have diff erent functionsand prices.and prices.

Photographs show a comparison of Photographs show a comparison of one type of product and its functionsone type of product and its functions

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Ways in Explaining FunctionsWays in Explaining Functions

Three aspects of design function Three aspects of design function analysis are described as follows:analysis are described as follows:

i) i)  PurposePurpose-- does the product achieve does the product achieve the purpose of design?the purpose of design?

ii) ii) usageusage-- does the product function does the product function well according to user¶ s needs?well according to user¶ s needs?

iii) iii) measurementmeasurement--does the productdoes the productfulf ill user¶ s expectation?fulf ill user¶ s expectation?

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Purpose is an aim or theoretical aspect toPurpose is an aim or theoretical aspect tobe achieved.

The following examples show the purpose The following examples show the purpose 

of using shoes:of using shoes:i) protects user¶ s f eet from in juryi) protects user¶ s f eet from in jury

ii) massages f eet to promote health toii) massages f eet to promote health tothe userthe user

iii) protects user from direct contactiii) protects user from direct contactfrom things that can spread diseasesfrom things that can spread diseases

iv) enhances the user¶ s appearanceiv) enhances the user¶ s appearance

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The f inal target of a product is the The f inal target of a product is the user. A research is conducted to f induser. A research is conducted to f indout user¶ s acceptance on the out user¶ s acceptance on the product.product.

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A product to be produced must be A product to be produced must be measured from aspects that are suitable measured from aspects that are suitable with its usage.with its usage.

For instance, questions regarding shoe For instance, questions regarding shoe measurement are as follows:measurement are as follows:

-- Are the shoes suitable for certain genderAre the shoes suitable for certain gendergroup only?group only?

-- Do the shoes come in only one size?Do the shoes come in only one size?

-- Are the shoes suitable for certain genderAre the shoes suitable for certain gendergroup only?group only?

-- Do the shoes have standard size?Do the shoes have standard size?

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The use of line in design are as follows:The use of line in design are as follows:

--showing the shape of objectsshowing the shape of objects

--boundary lineboundary line


--construction of geometrical patternsconstruction of geometrical patterns

--give impact or eff ectgive impact or eff ect

Photograph shows examples of braidPhotograph shows examples of braidmade of lines:made of lines:

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Shapes inf luence the aesthetic value of aShapes inf luence the aesthetic value of aproduct.product.

The shapes of the object could be presented in aThe shapes of the object could be presented in atwo dimensional (2D) or three dimensional (3D)two dimensional (2D) or three dimensional (3D)

Drawing will provide guidelines to produce aDrawing will provide guidelines to produce aprototype.prototype.

The prototype can answer a f ew questions suchThe prototype can answer a f ew questions suchas:as:

--is the shape of the product attractive?is the shape of the product attractive?--does the selected shape function well or does itdoes the selected shape function well or does it

hinder you from operating it?hinder you from operating it?

--does the shape odd?does the shape odd?

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 Arrangement Arrangement

By producing a good arrangement, aBy producing a good arrangement, acompleted product can be more completed product can be more attractive.attractive.

For instance, tiles can look more For instance, tiles can look more attractive if the tiles arrangement isattractive if the tiles arrangement ismade properly.made properly.

Photograph shows the tilesPhotograph shows the tilesarrangement.arrangement.

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Str t r  Str t r  

Normally a structure is completely coveredor invisible except for specif ic purposes where it can be opened and closed as shown in table 


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Colour Colour 

Colour plays an important role in lightening the environment. Therefore,colour selection must be made to fulf ill 

the aesthetic value. Colour selection is not the same between individuals. The diff erences in taste make colour selection diff icult. 

Photograph shows the diff erence in carcolours.

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Texture is the outlook of a surface. All Texture is the outlook of a surface. All objects have its texture such as rough,objects have its texture such as rough,coarse, smooth, bristly and shiny. coarse, smooth, bristly and shiny. 

Modern technology has added variousModern technology has added various

natural materials to produce a new texture natural materials to produce a new texture that is more beautiful, having good quality that is more beautiful, having good quality and long lasting. and long lasting. 

Photograph shows f ew examples of texture Photograph shows f ew examples of texture attribute.attribute.

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 Arrangement Arrangement

Arrangement is a technique on howArrangement is a technique on howlines, shapes, colours, structures andlines, shapes, colours, structures andtexture are arranged to obtain creative texture are arranged to obtain creative 

pattern and polar. pattern and polar. 


Rhythmic(click here)


Symmetrical(click here)

Rating(click here)


Repetition(click here)

  Arrangement methods

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Rhythmic is a repeated pattern orRhythmic is a repeated pattern orpolar after a f ew intervals. Thispolar after a f ew intervals. Thismeans pattern or polar has an ordermeans pattern or polar has an orderafter repetition of pattern or polarafter repetition of pattern or polarintervals. intervals. 

Figure shows examples of rhythmicFigure shows examples of rhythmic


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Symmetry is a pattern Symmetry is a pattern or polar that is in pairor polar that is in pairalong the same axis. along the same axis. 

The arrangement of The arrangement of 

symmetrical pattern issymmetrical pattern islike putting an objectlike putting an objectin front of a mirror. in front of a mirror. The entire object isThe entire object isref lected by the ref lected by the 

mirror. mirror.  This example isThis example is

demonstrated in demonstrated in Figure.Figure.

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New IdeasNew Ideas

By observing the nature, new ideas can be By observing the nature, new ideas can be generated. generated. 

If you look around, there are many kindsIf you look around, there are many kinds

of trees, fruits, animals, and hills that can of trees, fruits, animals, and hills that can generate new ideas. Patterns, colours,generate new ideas. Patterns, colours,texture, and functions of these natural texture, and functions of these natural resources can be imitated and adapted asresources can be imitated and adapted asideas. ideas. 

Photograph shows examples of idea whichPhotograph shows examples of idea whichare taken from nature and adapted intoare taken from nature and adapted intothe design.the design.

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A product will be packaged before marketed. A product will be packaged before marketed. 

The following are the importance of packaging:The following are the importance of packaging:

for easy transportation of the product for easy transportation of the product

durability and cleanliness of the product durability and cleanliness of the product classif ied according to types and materials classif ied according to types and materials

arrangements based on size and volume arrangements based on size and volume

increase eff iciency and aesthetic value increase eff iciency and aesthetic value

provide saf ety to the product and increase user provide saf ety to the product and increase userconf idenceconf idence

for easy storage and sending / receiving the  for easy storage and sending / receiving the packagepackage

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Compressive LoadCompressive Load

This type of load occurs when force This type of load occurs when force is applied on an object that causesis applied on an object that causesthe object to be squeezed, pressedthe object to be squeezed, pressed

or stamped. or stamped. For instance, a bridge structure will For instance, a bridge structure will 

be in a compressive state when there be in a compressive state when there are vehicles on the bridge. are vehicles on the bridge. 

Photograph shows how this loadPhotograph shows how this loadoccurs.occurs.

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Tensile LoadTensile Load

Tensile load occurs when any part of Tensile load occurs when any part of an object is stretched. an object is stretched. 

For instance, a swing with loading For instance, a swing with loading will be in tensile state. will be in tensile state. 

Photograph shows the compressive Photograph shows the compressive and tensile states.and tensile states.

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Torsion LoadTorsion Load

When a structure or object isWhen a structure or object istwisted, this means torsion load can twisted, this means torsion load can occur. occur. 

For instance, a bolt and nut can have For instance, a bolt and nut can have torsion load when it is turned using atorsion load when it is turned using aspanner. spanner. 

Figure shows examples of torsion Figure shows examples of torsion load.load.

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Shearing LoadShearing Load

Shearing load occurs when loads are Shearing load occurs when loads are moved and applied onto the object at amoved and applied onto the object at adirect angle to cut on the overall angle to cut on the overall object.

An example of shearing load is the blade An example of shearing load is the blade of a knif e while cutting. Shearing does notof a knif e while cutting. Shearing does notleave any surplus after the object hasleave any surplus after the object hasbeen cut. been cut. 

Photograph shows an example of aPhotograph shows an example of ashearing load.shearing load.

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