chapter 3 (work in progress)

* Norgate was strange. Not different enough to be entirely unfamiliar, but enough changed to throw her off. Without knowing what any of the southern towns looked like, she could only imagine that it was a blend of both southern and northern villages. The small crack under the door, where it didn’t quite meet the floor, leaked a little light to see by. When she listened carefully, once Faron had finished talking, she could faintly hear soft, unintelligible voices murmuring on the other side of it. Fear gripped at her so tightly that her chest tightened. Turning to glance over her shoulder at her two guardians, she could not stop a flicker of this fear from showing on her face as she looked for their reassurance. Who were they meeting? Faron shifted his weight on his feet, looking uncomfortable. Sigurd reached out and gently squeezed her upper arm with an understanding smile. “Friends, Cassandra,” He answered, as though he could read the questions on her features. Then he gestured for her to lead, staying close by her side whilst being careful not to tread on the hem of her dress as they ascended the remaining stairs. Faron followed. The wooden boards of the small landing at the top were fairly sturdy, but creaked under Sigurd’s heavier frame as he and Faron caught up. The muffled voices inside whatever room was behind the door had instantly silenced themselves at the creaking noise, which did nothing to calm Cassandra’s nerved. She looked at the iron ring handle; same as those they had in the north. Sigurd gave Cassandra a gentle nudge as he stood beside her, she supposed it was meant to encourage her to actually open the door rather than stare at it. Her fingers wrapped around the cool metal slowly, taking a deep breath and straightening her posture as she gathered her composure and buried her fear. There would be no place for doubt here. She twisted the handle. As she opened the door, a surge of warmth and light enveloped her, half blinding her for a second or two. A round of cheers broke out as Sigurd stepped out in front of her, his shadow shielding her somewhat from the light she could now see was from a well-lit fireplace to her left. People crowded around, chatter and greetings

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Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Chapter 3 (work in progress) of a book I'm writing.


* Norgate was strange. Not different enough to be entirely unfamiliar, but enough changed to throw her off. Without knowing what any of the southern towns looked like, she could only imagine that it was a blend of both southern and northern villages.The small crack under the door, where it didnt quite meet the floor, leaked a little light to see by. When she listened carefully, once Faron had finished talking, she could faintly hear soft, unintelligible voices murmuring on the other side of it. Fear gripped at her so tightly that her chest tightened. Turning to glance over her shoulder at her two guardians, she could not stop a flicker of this fear from showing on her face as she looked for their reassurance. Who were they meeting?Faron shifted his weight on his feet, looking uncomfortable. Sigurd reached out and gently squeezed her upper arm with an understanding smile.Friends, Cassandra, He answered, as though he could read the questions on her features. Then he gestured for her to lead, staying close by her side whilst being careful not to tread on the hem of her dress as they ascended the remaining stairs. Faron followed. The wooden boards of the small landing at the top were fairly sturdy, but creaked under Sigurds heavier frame as he and Faron caught up. The muffled voices inside whatever room was behind the door had instantly silenced themselves at the creaking noise, which did nothing to calm Cassandras nerved. She looked at the iron ring handle; same as those they had in the north. Sigurd gave Cassandra a gentle nudge as he stood beside her, she supposed it was meant to encourage her to actually open the door rather than stare at it. Her fingers wrapped around the cool metal slowly, taking a deep breath and straightening her posture as she gathered her composure and buried her fear. There would be no place for doubt here. She twisted the handle.As she opened the door, a surge of warmth and light enveloped her, half blinding her for a second or two. A round of cheers broke out as Sigurd stepped out in front of her, his shadow shielding her somewhat from the light she could now see was from a well-lit fireplace to her left. People crowded around, chatter and greetings extended at first to Sigurd and then to Faron as he entered the room and closed the door behind them. The small room seemed altogether too full, she guessed at least twenty heads, but they kept moving around in such a way that it was difficult to count them. The fire merrily cast shadows over the walls and ceiling, flickering every now and then, as Sigurd laughed and greeted these people like old friends. Even Faron smiled, accepting firm handshakes, some drawing him in close and patting his back before withdrawing. It all seemed utterly bizarre to Cassandra, whose presence faltered in all the confusion. It were as though she had been forgotten entirely, no more than one of the many shadows on the wall, feeling uncomfortable and shrinking back slightly from the rest.Sigurd! Faron! Boomed a large man over the full room, parting the people as though they were curtains, Go on now, all of you, sit down! Youre overwhelming the poor lass! He shooed those who lingered, save for the small woman smiling at his side. Her hair was as thick and luxurious as his was sparse and thin, her auburn hair faring better than the last of his black ones. They both smiled at Cassandra, who straightened back up immediately. Ah, I dont know whether to greet you, or apologise first! Spoke the man, giving a narrowed glance around the rest of the rooms occupants while he rubbed his neck. You must be Lady Cassandra. Im _____, and this heres my wife _______. Everyone just got a little ahead of themselves for a moment there, we havent seen your companions here in a long while.Too long! Cried one, rousing a loud, collective cheer from the room. Sigurds smile began to wane, looking increasingly forced by the second. Yeah, not since just before you- The cheerful atmosphere suddenly muted, as though someone had snuffed out a candle. Cassandra looked at Sigurd, whispering to Faron in as quiet a voice as she could, yet still feeling it was far too loud; now there was no trace of cheers or merriment, only a couple of hushed whispers like her own.Even Faron looked more sombre than usual as he tilted his head down to answer her, but Sigurd cleared his throat before Faron had chance.Since just before I married, I know, He answered the room. Cassandra was utterly taken aback; she had never known that he had married. She glanced back at Faron in shock, but he merely inclined his head gently in confirmation.A wave of murmurs washed over the room as they realised what it meant to see him leave Foraje now, but ______ interrupted before anyone could dwell on it too long.Our deepest sympathies, Sigurd, She spoke softly, reaching out as though to touch his arm, then thinking better of it and wringing both of her hands instead in a sad, awkward manner of one who did not know what to say when tragedy strikes. _______ nodded, then boomed, Im sure there will be many who wish to offer commiserations once were done, but knowing you, youll want us getting all of this important stuff out of the way first! Sigurd nodded firmly, clearly relieved and looking a bit more himself again. Please. Weve travelled a long way; seats and meals would not go amiss! Cassandras stomach rumbled at the reminder that dinner was long overdue, turning her cheeks pink as she noticed Faron try to stifle a smile and pretend he hadnt heard. The fire was in need of more logs to feed on by the time everyone was settled, fed and watered. Several people excused themselves downstairs once they realised it was likely to be a more entertaining evening downstairs with the ale and mead than it would be up in this small room. Once it was only the twelve of them remaining, the room seemed cosy, rather than cramped. Cassandra was grateful for it, already overwhelmed with fatigue and sore from the days of travelling. Still, she forced herself to pay close attention as the others spoke.

* They stay at an old friends tavern, in one of the more secure spare rooms. Blah blah blah, dont see many from Norgate, specially not royalty. Faron corrects, nobles not royalty, Cass has never heard of Royalty before. She finds the idea fairly strange, as nobles in the north are considered protecters over their lands- more of a responsibility/burden than anything. Nothing like the royals and nobles of the south as ______ elaborates. Introductions are made, Cass meets her guards but is only told they will be guarding her once theyve already mentioned the council etc. They inform her of the plan; locate slock at Skayes council, instead of travelling all the way to Tides Reach. That way, even if Slock is of limited help, she will get to meet many different, influential figures that might be of assistance.

* Cass is warned about political tensions and to stay diplomatic; not to obviously side with either Skaye or Tides Reach, or the nobles representing either.

Add in as later point to confirm that Sigurd is no longer bound to Foraje now that his partner has died. Cass is shocked; she didnt even know Sigurd had a partner.

* Sigurd and Faron reveal they have to return to Arthwaite now. Cass finds this hard now she truly does feel alone, with no family or friends by her side for the first time in her life and a difficult journey + mission ahead.- Faron not being comfortable sending Cassandra off like this. This isnt properly explained, maybe overheard before someone shuts the door and she loses the conversation. Cassandra thinks this is him not having enough faith in her capability to do the job, but its actually just out of concern of what might happen to her if shes thrown to the wolves.

* Sounds of the inventor next door/ down the street eventually fading out, the clinks of metal, hammers and what sounded like an occasional booming bang echoing around his workshop. She wonders what the southern continent has in store for her.

Sigurd married when he was 28, then they were happy for a couple of years, before his wife died. After her death, he departed from the Keep for a few years, hunting and gathering instead so that he could be alone with his thoughts and memories and eventually begin to heal. He returned when Cassandra was about 9/10 and Alaric and the town welcomed him back gladly. He then became bladesmaster.