chapter 3.2


Upload: auroraday01

Post on 04-Nov-2014




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Hello? Is anyone out there? I feel very silly posting this on the internet, but I had to get the message out somehow. My name is Aurora, the dawn guardian of Kimberton, a town afflicted with darkness, I have posted some of my story earlier this year but now I decided to take it a step further. This is my online journal and I am publishing it because of the horrific news that has reached me, it is said that Lady Ciara immortal witch of darkness has escaped Kimberton. I would be glad of this except a good friend of mine Phoebe one of the dawn spirits has sent me the news that Ciara will only be gone for a short while as she has successfully tracked down one more evil than herself. Queen Imogen, spirit of the dark realm and Ciara’s own sister.

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However, Imogen and Ciara may be defeated and my faith lies with one Madeline Heavenly (commonly known as Madi), a pure light within the darkness. Without Madi we would have all succumbed to the darkness by now, but alas I fear that once Imogen arrives in Kimberton for her wicked sister shall surely bring her here to destroy me once and for all. Madeline and her family will be slaughtered, our hope lies in Madi’s daughter Venetia (referred to as Netia) and her fiancée Damien Duparty but I’m getting ahead of myself. At all costs, Netia Heavenly must be kept as safe as possible. Venetia Heavenly must have a child, a girl child in order for everyone to be safe again. For there is a prophecy that has foretold these things, I have read it myself and when the time comes the Heavenlys shall also read it and learn their true task for the sake of this dark filled place.

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As a young girl, I loved the sunshine. I would run and laugh in the sunshine with my twin brother Joseph because we were not allowed to go out after dark. My momma used to tell me stories of an evil witch who ruled the night and if she saw me or my brother we’d be dead before we could even blink. I think it’s another one of momma’s fairy tales, I used to love them as a child, I know it’s all make believe now. I mean witches and wizards? Get real.

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“Seriously Netia? Your mom told you an evil witch was going to get you if you went out after dark?” Damien asked his fiancée, Venetia Heavenly nodded “Yep, that’s momma for you means well but goes a little overboard sometimes,” Damien rolled his eyes “Don’t all parents?” Netia laughed, “Speaking of parents, Netia when are you going to tell them we got engaged? Do you really think they’d hate me?” Venetia shook her head violently “No it’s just, it’s um complicated,” Damien shrugged “yeah but you have to tell them soon right? I mean Joseph was cool with it and he’s your brother isn’t he supposed to beat me up for touching his baby sis?” Netia rolled her eyes “Baby sis by 2 minutes Damien, 2 minutes Jesus when he’s around Stella it’s like I’m the older one!”

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A short time later, Venetia sat typing up her term paper. After she’d done she’d head off for lunch at the Student Association with Damien and then she’d agreed to check something out for her brother about land for a sorority. “I don’t wanna know,” Netia thought to herself as she finished, she reached into her pocket for her phone but was interrupted by a yell of “FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!” Netia span around shocked

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“Take that Bryn, don’t you dare insult Joseph EVER again.” said Stella Terrano, a member of the Sim State Llamas cheerleading squad that Netia and her friend Leonie were co-captains of and Joseph’s bride to be. “Jesus,” said Danni Swallow a fellow cheerleader as she passed them by “Someone woke up at the wrong side of the bed this morning honey,” Stella’s eyes narrowed “SHUT IT DANNI!”

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Leonie rolled her eyes at Stella and turned to Venetia “Netia sweetheart we need to give Stella a lesson in morale after all Bryn is our star football player and we never punch people if they insult Kain or Damien, maybe we should consider kicking her off and we need to get those new uniforms in as I co-captain of the cheerleading squad cannot repeat cannot wear the uniform from two years ago I mean pink goes excellently with my skintone,” Netia laughed and picked up her bag “Chill Leonie honey, We’ll discuss this at the next meeting, do we really need to make Stella hand in her uniform?” Leonie rolled her eyes “Yes,”

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“MADI HURRY UP!” Dan Heavenly yelped as his wife hurried through the door. “Sorry for being late to my own birthday party,” she giggled and twirled to her twin children and her son’s fiancée “What do you think?” “Gorgeous Mom,” Venetia said, taking a quick picture. “Netia! Stop taking pictures, your mom has to blow out her candles first,”

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Madeline turned to smile at her family before she blew out her candles, but she only met two smiling faces, Stella and Dan who looked delighted. Venetia however was examining the floor as Joseph glared at his twin. Madi frowned for a moment, “Twin problems,” she decided and leaned forwards to blow out her candles.

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Meanwhile at Sim State University, Megan Smith had taken advantage of the Heavenly twins and Stella of course being away. Megan sighed as she made the bed as neatly as she could, the art major had decided to drop out of college for one particular reason, Joseph Heavenly. Yeah, she loved him and she knew that she was getting in the way of Stella and Joseph and Megan didn’t want that, she’d never wanted anything like that. Megan had simply done as she’d been told and it had ended like this, she sighed and walked out the door.

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She couldn’t help turning back on the way out, she looked for one last time at the door that had once held her picture. Megan bit her lip and felt a tiny tear slide down her cheek but she grabbed her small bag and turned and walked down the stairs and out of the building.

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After walking over to the student association and informed them that she would no longer be attending the University, the secretary had taken down her details and seen her red-rimmed eyes and offered to call her a taxi. An offer which she’d gladly accepted now she threw a few coins at the driver and asked him to take her back to Kimberton. She slammed the door and braced herself for the long ride back.

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“Yes Dan Heavenly here,” he said impatiently “I am calling to inform you that I will be retiring, my wife and I are keen to prepare for our children’s return from college in a few months time thankyou Sara have a nice day,” Dan quickly hung up, funny how time passed so very quickly. Soon Venetia and Joseph would return from Sim State and of course Joseph would marry that lovely girl Stella, however Netia was a different matter, Joseph had hinted at the fact that she’d chosen a spouse but Venetia had not said anything, one of his jokes Dan presumed. Dan turned and headed downstairs to assist his wife with dinner.

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“Look Damien,” Joseph said annoyed, “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t hit on my sister while I’m trying to write my term paper,” Netia rolled her eyes and tried not to laugh. “Shut up Netia!” Joseph laughed “It’s your fault this place is a sorority! I told you it’s a Greek House!” Venetia rolled her eyes, officially the Heavenly Sorority had opened a few months ago, most of the time Netia and Damien had been raising funds to open the sorority without leaks in the ceiling and things like that.

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“ZOMG You GUYS!” came a loud shriek and Danni Swallow one of the sorority’s newest pledges came crashing in “You’ll never guess what!” Venetia rolled her eyes “What is it now Danni?” Danni smirked “Well,”TO BE CONTINUED