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  • 8/8/2019 Chapter I Aq


    STA IN B A T U S A N G K A R

    An Analysis of Students Ability in Performing Oral Recount Text(A Study of the Third Semester Students of Islamic Junior High School

    Bonjol) Academic year 2010/2011


    Diajukan kepada Jurusan TarbiyahSebagai Syarat Penulisan Skripsi


    Nurfitri Handayani

    206 233





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    Chapter I


    A. Background of the problem

    There are several standard competence and basic competence that

    has been established in 2006 Curriculum or KTSP about all subjects will be

    taught to students start from elementary school until senior high school. That

    is also with English. English is guided to develop four skills, listening,

    speaking, reading and writing, so the students are able to communicate on

    certain literacy. 2006 Curriculum has stated some literacy degree that should

    have been reached by student in learning language. They are, performative,

    functional, informational, and epistemic.In performative level, ones are able

    to read, write, listen and speak. In functional level, ones are able to use

    language like : read newspaper, manual or directions in daily life. In

    informational level, ones are prepared to acces knowledge with their abilty

    in a language. While in epistemic level, ones are able to express knowledge

    in target language.

    Each level of students has different goals to reach certain literacy.

    For elementary school, the government states it constitutes as local content

    subject, due to that not all over the region in Indonesia apply English as their

    local content subject. It is depend on the needs of a region. While in

    Junior/Islamic Junior High School, students are targeted able to reach

    functional level to communicate spoken and written in daily life. For Senior

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    High school/ Islamic Junior High School, students are hoped to reach

    informational level because they are assumed to continue their study to the

    higher level.

    As explained before, students in Junior high school are hoped to be

    able to communicate in daily life both spoken and written. Since that, they

    have to master four skills in English, listening, speaking, reading and writing.

    One of the importance skills is speaking. Harmer (2001:26) says speaking is

    ability to speak fluent presupposes not only knowledge of language feature,

    but also the ability to process the information and language and message.

    To reach that goal, the students are taught some genre. Each genre

    has its communicative purpose, generic structure (the beginning, middle, and

    end structure of a type of text), and certain lexicon grammatical features (the

    word choices, the use of tenses, etc.). Students will benefit a lot in studying

    genre. The awareness of genre will enable them to produce an effective text

    that will function in English communication, either spoken or written. Thus,

    the goal of English language teaching stated in 2006 English Curriculum will

    be achieved.

    The genres suggested in 2006 English Curriculum for junior

    high school/ Islamic Junior high School are descriptive, recount, procedure

    and narrative. Every grade has different genre that will be taught. Harmer

    (2004: 69) states the types of the text given depend on who the students are.

    The text should be suitable with the students. Especially in third semester

    students will be taught two genres, they are: descriptive and recount. In

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    speaking at the junior high school especially the third semester students as

    stated in content of standard competence, they have to be able to express idea

    in functional text and short monologue in descriptive and recount text to

    interact arround environment. In speaking as stated in curriculum 2006 ones

    are able to express an idea both functional and monologue.

    One of the genres of the text is recount. Sofyanda, et al (2005:95)

    states recount is a report of events or activity in the past. It is inform or to

    entertain thereaders. It has three structure : Orientation gives information

    about who, what, when and where. Event tells what happened, in what

    sequence. Re-orientation (optional) shows personal comments. Recount text

    also has language features they are: Written in the past tense. In

    chronological order. Focused on individual or group participants(available in


    Students in Junior High School are intended as beginner because they

    have been assumed not learnt English yet in elementary school. It can be said

    they are as young language learner. Young language learners have different

    characteristics than adult learners. Children bring to their language learning

    their own personalities, likes and dislikes and interest. As known, English in

    Indonesia as foreign language, because of that many students learning a

    language in a situation where the language is seldom heard or used outside

    classroom. Yet, students are expected to use language spoken and written.
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    As Junior High School Students especially at the third semester, it

    can be assumed they will be able to identify some genre with its components

    both spoken and written. The phenomenon that was found in Islamic Junior

    High School Bonjol the students are still difficult to tell the past event in

    recount form. The students feel shy when speaking. They have less

    vocabulary to express their idea; they do not know how to express their idea

    in past form. The teacher had said, it caused almost students are less practice.

    They speak English just in class atmosphere. English are very rarely used by

    the students there. Even recount has function to tell the event that had

    happened. With recount, the students are expected to be able to tell their

    experience or some thing happened in the past.

    Based on explanation above, the researcher is interested to conduct a

    study about students ability in performing recount text in speaking of third

    semester of Islamic Junior High School students.

    B. Identification of the problem

    Dealing with the 2006 curriculum for Junior High School or

    Islamic Junior High School there are several genres that will be learnt by

    students. They are descriptive, recount, narrative and procedure. As

    known, every semester will be taught different genre. At the third

    semester, students will be offered descriptive and recount text.

    Each genre has different characteristic. Larson (1984) defines a

    descriptive text is a text which lists the characteristics of something.

    Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.

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    Descriptive text has structure as below Identification; identifying the

    phenomenon to be described, Description; describing the phenomenon in

    parts, qualities, or/and characteristics. The Language Feature of this text

    are using attributive and identifying process, using adjective and classifiers

    in nominal group, using simple present tense. While, recount text is a text

    that retells events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. Purpose: to

    retell something that happened in the past and to tell a series of past event

    Generic structure: Orientation, Event(s) Reorientation. The Language

    Features: Uses of simple past tense. Uses of temporal conjunction. Uses of

    personal pronoun. In each genre students have to master to use it both

    spoken and written.

    C. Limitation and Formulation of the Problem

    Based on the identification the problem, this research will be

    limited on students ability in performing recount text in speaking.

    Furthermore, the problem can be formulated in following question:

    What is student ability in performing oral recount text?

    D. Definition of Key Terms

    In order to avoid misunderstanding of these key terms, the

    researcher defines:

    1. Students ability is students competence to perform on a

    monologue of recount text.

    2. Recount text is a text that tells about past event. It construct with

    two components Generic structure and language feature. Generic

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    structures of recount are orientation, events and re-orientation.

    Language feature of its, Uses of simple past tense. Uses of temporal

    conjunctions. Uses of personal pronoun.

    3. The purpose of this research

    The main purpose of this research is to analyze students ability in

    performing oral recount text doing by the third semester students of

    MTsN Bonjol in academic year 2010/2011.

    E. Significance of the purpose

    The result of this research hopefully can give some contributions to:

    1. Students, as information to students of their ability in performing

    oral recount text.

    2. Teachers, the research is expected to provide additional references

    for the English teachers about the students ability in applying such

    component of recount text.

    3. Researcher, as additional knowledge of the field and as

    requirement to get academic degree S1 at STAIN Batusangkar.

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    A. Review of Related Theories.

    1. Speaking

    a. Definition of speaking

    Speaking is on of skill that is became a priority in learning English

    as foreign language. Morris in David in Mahdalena says language is

    basically oral communications. Based on Nunan (2003: 48), speaking is

    productive aural/ oral which happens in real time, usually the person you

    are talking to is waiting for you speak. It consists of producing systematic

    verbal utterances to convey meaning. According to Moris in Zulfahmi in

    Mahdalena (2008: 4) defines speaking serves as a natural means of

    communication between members of community in which language is

    used both for expression of thought and as a form of a social behavior.

    In addition, Brown (2004) says speaking is a productive skill that

    can be directly and empirically observed. Mastering the art of speaking is

    the single most important aspect of learning a second or foreign language.

    Speaking is a complex skill requiring the simultaneous use a number of

    different abilities which often develop at different rates. Either four or five

    components are generally recognized in analyses of speech process:

    pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and added comprehension.

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    Furthermore, Sari Luoma (2003) says in a typical spoken

    interaction, two or more people talk to each other about things that they

    think are mutually interesting and relevant in the situation.

    So it means, speaking is oral communication in which consider

    the components of speaking itself.

    b. What make speaking difficult

    Brown (2001:270) list some problem in speaking,they are:

    a. Cluster

    Fluent speech is phrasal, not word by word. Learners can

    organize their output both cognitively in physical through such as


    b. Redundancy

    The speaker has an opportunity to make clearer thought the

    redundancy of language. Learner can capitalize on this feature of

    spoken language.

    c. Reduced form

    Construction, elisions, reduced vowel, etc, all from special

    problem in teaching spoken language.

    d. Performance variable

    One the most different between native and non native

    speaker of language is their hesitation phenomena.

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    e. Colloquial language

    Make sure your students are reasonably well

    acquainted with he words, idiom, and phrases of colloquial

    language and that they get practice in producing these forms.

    f. Rate of delivery

    Another silent characteristic of fluency is rate of delivery.

    One of your tasks in teaching spoken English is to help learners

    achieve an acceptable speed along with other attributes of


    g. Stress, rhythm, and intonation

    This is the most important characteristics of English

    pronunciation. The stress timed rhythm of spoken English and its

    intonation patterns convey important messages.

    h. Interaction

    Learning to produce waves of language in a vacuum-

    without interlocutors- would rob speaking skill of its richest

    component: the creativity of conversational negotiation.

    c. Type of classroom speaking performance

    In the classroom activities related with the speaking skill

    teacher command to perform his/ her students perform an oral task.

    Brown (2001: 271) mention six categories that include in speaking

    performance, they are:

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    1. Imitative

    Imitative is the activity that performance to simply parrot back

    (imitate) a word or phrase or possibly a sentence. While this is

    purely phonetic level of oral production, a number of prosodic,

    lexical, and grammatical properties of language include in criterion


    2. Intensive

    Intensive speaking goes one step beyond imitative to include any

    speaking performance that is designed to practice some

    phonological or grammatical aspect of language. Intensive

    speaking can be self-initiated or it can even form part of some

    pair work activities, where learner are going over certain form

    of language.

    3. Responsive

    Responsive: short replies to teacher or students initiated questions

    or comments. These replies are usually sufficient and do not

    extend into dialogues.

    4. Transactional (dialog)

    Transactional language, carried out for the purpose of conveying

    or exchanging specific information, is an extended form of

    responsive language.

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    5. Interpersonal (dialog)

    Interpersonal dialogue carried out more for the purpose of

    maintaining social relationship than for the transmission of facts


    6. Monolog

    Students are called on to give extended monologues in the form of

    oral report, summaries, or perhaps short speech. Here the register

    is more formal and deliberative. These monologues can be planed

    or impromptu.

    Furthermore MCkay states some task type for assessment of oral

    interaction (2008:198), they are:

    1. News telling

    News telling involves children telling other children what

    they have done recently.

    2. Storytelling.

    Childrens ability to tell a story can be assessed with the use

    of illustrations cut away and laminated into a book.

    3. Picture talks

    Children can be asked to describe a picture.

    4. Categorization tasks

    A categorization task involves children sorting ad finding


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    5. Oral presentations

    Oral presentation is also extended speaking tasks. Children

    may be talking their own experiences without preparation, or

    may be delivering project that has been prepared over

    number of weeks.

    6. Other speaking-only genres.

    Children may be asked to do the following in speaking-only


    Based on the categories above, it can conclude that there are many

    ways to asses students ability in speaking in classroom.

    2. Criteria in Speaking Test.

    Speaking is not only the content but also the accuracy and fluency.

    In testing oral presentation teacher can use the criteria of speaking test as

    argued by Clark in Vallete in Mahdalena (2008:14) :

    A. Pronunciation.

    1. Incomprehensible or no response.

    2. Many phonemic errors, very difficult to perceive meaning.

    3. Occasional phonemic error, but general comprehensible.

    4. Phonemically accurate pronunciation throughout.

    B. Vocabulary

    1. Vocabulary inaccurate, throughout or no response.

    2. Vocabulary usually inaccurate except for occasional correct


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    3. Minor lexical problems, but vocabulary generally appropriate.

    4. Consistent use of appropriate words throughout.

    C. Structure

    1. Virtually no correct structures or no response.

    2. Errors of basic structure, but some phrase sundered correctly.

    3. Generally accurate structure, occasional slight error.

    4. No errors of morphology or syntax.

    D. Fluency

    1. Long pauses, utterances left unfinished, or no response.

    2. Some definite stumbling, but manages to rephrase and


    3. Speech is generally naturally and continuous. Occasional slight

    stumbling or pauses at unnatural points in the utterances.

    4. Speech is natural and continuous. Any pauses. corresponded to

    those which might be made by a native speaker.

    3. Nature of Recount text

    a. Definition of recount text

    Recount is a reconstruction of something happened in the past. It is

    the unfolding sequence of events over time and the purpose is to tell what

    happened. Recounts begin with by telling the reader who was involved,

    what happened where this event took place and when it happened. The

    sequence of event is then described in some sort of order, for instance a

    time order (Seaton,2007).

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    Furthermore Derewianka in Mckay (2008:182) argues recount text

    is giving an account of what happened.

    It means recount is a text which retells events or experiences in the

    past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. There is

    no complication among the participants and that differentiates from


    b. Generic structures of Recount text

    The focus of recount text is on a sequence of events, all of which

    relate to a particular occasion. The Recount generally begins with an

    orientation giving the reader/listener the background information needed

    to understand the text (i.e., who was involved, where it happened, when it

    happened).Then, the Recount unfolds with a series of events ordered in a

    chronological sequence. At various stages there may be some personal

    comment on the incident (e.g., We had a wonderful time).(Derewianka,

    1990 in


    The generic structure of a recount consists of three parts; they are

    the setting or orientation, events, and conclusion. The setting or orientation

    is the background information answering who, when, where and why.

    Events are where you tell about the things that happened and are identified

    and described in chronological order. And the conclusion expresses a

    personal opinion regarding the events described. In other words this is,

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    saying what speaker felt about the things that happened and/or mentioning

    something which will or may happen later.

    c. Language Features of Recount Text

    A recount describes events, so plenty of use is made of verbs

    (action words), and of adverbs (describe or add more detail to verbs). And

    since it describes events in a chronological order, to describe the events

    words which link events in time can be used, such as next, later, when,

    then, after, before, first. The lexicon grammatical features of recount are

    focus on specific participants, use of past tense, use of material processes,

    circumstances of time and place, and focus on temporal sequence.

    It means in recount text the language features that is available are :

    Introducing personal participant, using chronological connection, Using

    linking verb, using action verb and using simple past tense.

    According to the 2006 English Curriculum, recount is being taught

    in eighth year. The basic competence is the students can use various kinds

    of language, either written or verbal in smooth and accurate transactional

    and monologue texts especially on the form of descriptive and recount.

    Example of recount text

    Going to Sanur Beach

    Orientation Last holiday our family went to Bali to have a

    picnic. We went there by plane. We were in Bali for six days, so

    we had to stay in a hotel because we didnt have any relatives

    there. We stayed in Bali Beach Hotel near Sanur Beach.

    Event 1 When we came to the hotel, we didnt come to our

    room directly, but we have to check in first. We were received

    by the receptionists who were friendly and kind, and then we

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    were helped by a room boy who took us to our rooms.

    Event 2 On the second day we visited Sanur Beach. We just

    took a walk, because the beach is in front of the hotel. Wewalked along the seashore, played water and sand. Actually we

    also wanted to swim in the beach but the lifeguard didnt allow


    Event 3 Besides doing many activities we also watched some

    foreign tourists activities. Some tourists were lying on the beach,

    while others were having message or surfing.

    Re-Orientation When we felt tired, we took a rest to have some

    meals and drinks. And at 2 p.m. we went to the hotel. It was

    tiring but we were happy.

    B. Review of Relevant Studies

    Based on literature that writer had read there is a researcher have

    done this research. Wiwit Rahmi Hidayah has conducted about An

    Analysis of the Application of generic Structure and Language Feature of

    Procedure Text, and that in written form. And the research was done in

    MAS Asy-Syarif Koto Laweh, Kec. Tilatang Kamang in the tenth grade

    Register in 2009/ 2010. the researcher got the result: most of respondences

    can apply the generic structure in procedure text with percentages 86%,

    and the language feature also most of students apply the language feature

    in writing of procedure text with percentage 79,06%.

    C. Conceptual Framework

    In this research, the researcher wants to know the students

    speaking ability in performing oral recount text. The writer will do

    research about students speaking in recount text. Then the writer will find

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    the result from it. The following diagram shows the conceptual framework

    of this research.

    Students speaking

    Recount text

    Content Vocabulary Grammar Fluency Pronunciation



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    1. Research Design

    In this research, the researcher will use descriptive research.

    According to Gay (2000: 189) Descriptive research involves collecting data

    in order to answer the questions concerning the current status of the subject of

    the study. In this case, the researcher describes the ability of students in

    performing oral recount text..

    2. Population and Sample

    a. Population

    According to Gay (2000:122) population is the group of interest to

    the researcher, the group to which she or he would like the results of the

    study to be generalized. The populations of this research will be second

    grade students of Islamic Junior High School (MTsN) Bonjol. The

    researcher chooses the second grade of Islamic Junior High School students

    as population because they have learned topic about recount text and they are

    assumed have basic knowledge in speaking recount text. The total population

    of this research is 109 students: they are divided into three classes VIII 1,

    VIII 2 and VIII 3. It will be pictured on the below table

    Table 1

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    Population of this research

    No Class Number of students

    1 VIII 1 35 students

    2 VIII 2 38 students

    3 VIII 3 36 students

    Total 109 students

    b. Sample

    Sampling is the process of selecting a number of individual for a

    study in such a way that they represent the larger group from which they

    were selected. The purpose of sampling is to gain information about

    population using sample (Gay, 2000: 122).in this research, the researcher

    will use stratified proportional randomly sample because the sample can

    be generalization of the population. As stated by Gay (2000:126) that

    stratified sampling is the process of selecting a sample such as way that

    identified subgroup in the population in same proportional that they exist

    in the population

    The researcher classifies the sample into three strata: high,

    average, and low. This classification based on their previous score of

    result their examination in previous semester. The criterion to classify

    them described in Anas (2005: 176)


    M + 1 SD


    M 1 SD

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    c. Technique of Data Collection

    1. Research instrument

    The instrument that will be used to collect the data in this research

    is performance test. In this research, the form of the test is performance

    test. Performance test is done for productive skill like speaking and writing

    A good test should validity and reliability. Gay (2000:128) states

    that validity is degree to which the instrument measures what it is intend

    to measure. Furthermore, Harmer (2004:322) states that a test is said to

    valid if it tests is supposed to test. Gay (2000: 169) states that reliability is

    the degree to which a test consistently measures A test is reliable if we get

    consistence result.

    2. Research procedure

    This research will be conducted by applying these following steps:

    a. Preparation

    Doing primarily research

    Writing thesis proposal

    Consulting with advisor

    Revising the proposal

    Doing try out

    Revising the instrument

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    b. Operation

    Giving the test to students

    Scoring the test

    c. Analysis

    Analysis the data

    Discussing research finding

    Making the conclusion

    d. Technique of Data Analysis

    In this data, the researcher will use the descriptive analysis. To

    analyze the data, researcher will follow steps, they are:

    The researcher will collect the data by administrating the test. The

    students performance in speaking recount text and the percentage of

    correct answer will be calculated by using formula suggested by Sudjono

    (2005:40) as follow

    P = F X 100%


    It means: P: the index of percentage

    F: the number of frequency

    N: the number of sample

    Next, researcher will interpreted the percentage of students ability

    Table 2

    Classification of Students Ability

    Class Interval Predicate

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    80-100 Very good

    66-79 Good

    56-65 Sufficient40-55 Poor

    30-39 Very poor


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