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Page 1: Chapter I: Sun, Earth & Moon Astronomy Vocabulary I: Sun, Earth & Moon Systems 1. Eclipse in which


Chapter I: Sun, Earth & Moon


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Page 2: Chapter I: Sun, Earth & Moon Astronomy Vocabulary I: Sun, Earth & Moon Systems 1. Eclipse in which


Astronomy: Sun, Earth and Moon Systems


MS-ESS 1: Space Systems; MS-PS2-4: Motion and Stability

Performance Expectations:

MS.ESS1-1. Develop and use a model of the Earth-sun-moon system to describe the cyclic patterns of

lunar phases.

MS.ESS1-2. Develop and use a model to describe the role of gravity in the motions within galaxies and the

solar system.

MS.PS2-4. Construct and present arguments using evidence to support the claim that gravitational

interactions are attractive and depend on the masses of interacting objects

Dimension Name

Science and



Developing and Using Models:

Develop a model to predict and/or describe phenomena.

Engaging in Argument from Evidence:

Construct and present oral and written arguments supported by empirical evidence and

scientific reasoning to support or refute an explanation or a model for a phenomenon or a

solution to a problem.


Core Ideas

ESS1.A: The Universe and Its Stars

Patterns of the apparent motion of the sun, the moon, and stars in the sky can be observed,

described, predicted, and explained with models.

ESS1.B: Earth and the Solar System

This model of the solar system can explain eclipses of the sun and the moon. Earth’s spin

axis is fixed in direction over the short-term but tilted relative to its orbit around the sun.

The seasons are a result of that tilt and are caused by the differential intensity of sunlight

on different areas of Earth across the year.

PS2.B: Types of Interactions

Gravitational forces are always attractive. There is a gravitational force between any two

masses, but it is very small except when one or both of the objects have large mass—e.g.,

Earth and the sun.




Patterns can be used to identify cause-and-effect relationships.

Systems and System Models

Models can be used to represent systems and their interactions.

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Astronomy Vocabulary I: Sun, Earth & Moon Systems

1. Eclipse in which the moon appears darkened as it passes into Earth's shadow

1. Date when the sun crosses the celestial equator; day and night are of equal

length: Autumnal = September 22; Vernal = March 20

1. Representing Earth as the center, as in former astronomical systems

When the sun reaches its highest (Summer) or lowest (Winter) point in the sky

at noon, marked by the longest and shortest days

The movement or path of the earth or a heavenly body turning on its axis

1. Having the observable illuminated part of the moon greater than a semicircle

and less than a circle

1. The orbiting of one heavenly body around another.

1. Progressively smaller part of the moon’s visible surface illuminated so it

appears to decrease in size; moving to NEW

2. Progressively larger part of the moon’s visible surface illuminated so it appears

to increase in size; moving to FULL

Representing the sun as the center of our solar system, as in the current

astronomical model

Curved or sickle shape of the waxing or waning moon

Eclipse where the sun is obscured or blocked by the moon

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Gravity Exploration: Rocketship

MS-PS2-4 Construct and present arguments using evidence to support the claim that gravitational interactions are attractive and depend on the masses of interacting objects.

Group Challenge:

Launch Alka-Seltzer rockets of varying masses with a controlled amount of ‘fuel.’ Collect and organize the data

using a spreadsheet of shared class data.

Analyze the data by creating a ‘double bar’ graph using Google Sheets to help draw a conclusion about the

relationship between mass and gravitational attraction.

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Geocentric Model: History

MS-ESS1-2 Develop and use a model to describe the role of gravity in the motions within galaxies and the solar system

Thousands of Years of Misunderstanding Rejected by modern science, the geocentric theory, which maintained Earth was the center of the universe, dominated ancient science. It seemed evident to early astronomers that the rest of the universe moved around a stable, motionless Earth. Sun, Moon, planets, and stars could be seen moving around Earth along circular paths day after day. It appeared reasonable to assume Earth was stationary, for nothing seemed to make it move. Furthermore, the fact objects fall toward Earth provided what was perceived as support for the geocentric theory. Finally, geocentrism was in accordance with the theocentric (God-centered) worldview, dominant in the Middle Ages, when science was a subfield of theology. The geocentric model created by Greek astronomers assumed the celestial bodies moving about the Earth followed perfectly circular paths. This was not a random assumption: the circle was regarded by Greek mathematicians and philosophers as the perfect geometric figure and consequently the only one appropriate for celestial motion. However, as astronomers observed, the patterns of celestial motion were not constant. The moon rose about an hour later from one day to the next, and its path across the sky changed from month to month. The sun's path, too, changed with time, and even the configuration of constellations changed from season to season. These changes could be explained by the varying rates at which the celestial bodies revolved around the earth. However, the planets behaved in ways that were difficult to explain. Sometimes, these wanderers showed retrograde motion meaning they seemed to stop and move in a reverse direction when viewed against the background of the distant constellations, or fixed stars, which did not move relative to one another. Eventually, the work of Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, led to the debunking of the geocentric view of the solar system replacing with the heliocentric view we believe today.

Citation: Edited from: "">Geocentric Theory

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Geocentric to Heliocentric Thinking:

The History of an Idea That Launched the Scientific Revolution By Holli Riebeek Design by Robert Simmon July 7, 2009

“We revolve around the Sun like any other planet.” —Nicolaus Copernicus

“Of all discoveries and opinions, none may have exerted a greater effect on the human spirit than the doctrine of Copernicus. The world has scarcely become known as round and complete in itself when it was asked to waive the tremendous privilege of being the center of the universe.” —Johann

Wolfgang von Goethe

The ancient Greek philosophers had conflicting theories about why the

planets moved across the sky. One camp thought that the planets orbited

around the Sun, but Aristotle, whose ideas prevailed, believed that the

planets and the Sun orbited Earth (geocentric). He saw no sign that the

Earth was in motion: no perpetual wind blew over the surface of the

Earth, and a ball thrown straight up into the air doesn’t land behind the

thrower, as Aristotle assumed it would if the Earth were moving. For

Aristotle, this meant that Earth had to be stationary, and the planets, the

Sun, and the stars rotated around Earth.

For over 1,800 years, Aristotle’s view of a stationary Earth at the center

of a revolving universe dominated natural philosophy. A geocentric worldview became ingrained in Christian theology,

making it a doctrine of religion as much as natural philosophy. Despite that, it was a priest who brought back the idea that the

Earth moves around the Sun.

In 1515, a Polish priest named Nicolaus Copernicus proposed Earth was a planet like Venus or Saturn, and that all planets

circled the Sun (heliocentric). Afraid of criticism, he did not publish his theory until 1543, shortly before his death. The theory

gathered few followers, and for a time, some of those who did give credence to the idea faced charges of heresy. Italian

scientist Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for teaching, among other heretical ideas, Copernicus’ heliocentric view of

the Universe. His theory took more than a century to become widely accepted.

But the evidence for a heliocentric solar system gradually mounted. When Galileo pointed his telescope into the night sky in

1610, he saw for the first time in human history that moons orbited Jupiter. If Aristotle were right about all things orbiting

Earth, then these moons could not exist. Galileo also observed the phases of Venus, which proved that the planet orbits the

Sun. While Galileo did not share Bruno’s fate, the Spanish Inquisition did, under threat of torture, force him to retract his

support for a heliocentric solar system, and they placed him under house arrest for life at the age of 69.

Galileo discovered evidence to support Copernicus’ heliocentric theory when he observed four moons in orbit around Jupiter.

Beginning on January 7, 1610, he mapped nightly the position of the 4 “Medicean stars” (later renamed the Galilean moons).

Over time Galileo deduced that the “stars” were in fact moons in orbit around Jupiter. [Adapted from Galileo Galilei, 1610,

Sidereus Nuncius (“The Starry Messenger.”)]

At about the same time, German mathematician Johannes Kepler was publishing a series of laws that describe the orbits of the

planets around the Sun. Still in use today, the mathematical equations provided accurate predictions of the planets’ movement

under Copernican theory. In 1687, Isaac Newton put the final nail in the coffin for the Aristotelian, geocentric view of the

Universe. Building on Kepler’s laws, Newton explained why the planets moved as they did around the Sun and he gave the

force that kept them in check a name: gravity.

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Planetary Motion The History of an Idea That Launched the Scientific Revolution Learning Target: Read, highlight and define key ideas. Concisely summarize your ideas here or to a shared document which could be printed and added to your binder

Scientist or Concept Notes of Importance

Geocentric Model ●


Heliocentric Model ●





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THE FORCE OF GRAVITY MS-ESS1-2 Develop and use a model to describe the role of gravity in the motions within galaxies and the solar system.

MS-PS2-4 Construct and present arguments using evidence to support the claim that gravitational interactions are attractive and depend on the masses of interacting objects.

Gravity or gravitational forces exist when one object attracts

another. We're not talking about finding someone really cutey-

wootie, awwww! We're talking about the molecules of one object

pulling on the molecules of another object. It's like the Earth

pulling on you and keeping you on the ground. That's gravity at

work. Every object in the universe that has mass has a gravitational

force. Even you exert gravity. When you compare your mass to the

mass of the Earth, your gravitational force isn't very impressive.

Sorry about that.

Gravity is one of the universal forces of nature. It is a very weak attractive force between all types

of matter. The gravitational force between two objects is dependent on their masses, which is why

we can only see gravity in action when at least one of the objects is very large (like the Earth).

Isaac Newton was the first scientist to define gravity mathematically when he formulated his law of

universal gravitation. The law of gravitation says that gravity is strongest between two very massive

objects, and gets much weaker as these objects get further apart.


Obviously gravity is very important on Earth. Other planets also affect our world. Our connection

to the Moon's gravity makes the tides rise and fall. The Earth's gravity keeps our planet orbiting the

Sun, just like the Sun's gravity pulls on our planet. When the earth spins and gravity pulls on the

clouds, weather can be affected. We have to bring up an important idea now. If you drop an acorn,

or you drop a piano, they will fall at the same speed. It is the Earth's gravity and pull that make

objects speed up when they are falling. The Earth constantly pulls and objects constantly accelerate.

"People always say, "What about feathers? They fall so slowly." Obviously, there is air all around

us. When a feather falls, it falls slowly because the air is in the way. There is a lot of resistance and

that makes the feather move slower. The forces at work are the same. If you dropped a feather in a

container with no air (a vacuum), it would drop as fast as a baseball.

One of the “real world” applications is the concept of ‘escape velocity’, which is the velocity an

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object needs to achieve to escape the gravitational pull of another object (like the Earth). Escape

velocity can be calculated from Newton’s gravitational law, and if we plug in the measurements we

have for the planet Earth, we see that Earth’s escape velocity is about 11 km/s. This means that if

you could throw a baseball at 11 km/s, it would never come down!

The concept of escape velocity is especially interesting when you consider black holes. These

objects are extremely dense and very small. When we calculate the escape velocity for these objects,

we find that the number is actually the speed of light, so not even light can get out of a black hole!

So, if the Earth is round like a ball, are we standing at odd angles around it?

Well, the fact is, we are all standing at odd angles around the Earth. It

just doesn't feel like it because of the force called gravity. Gravity was

first "discovered" by Newton. He said that every object pulls on every

other object. You are pulling on the Earth just as hard as it is pulling on

you! However, since you weigh so much less than the Earth, you do not

affect its motion at all. However, the earth has a big pull on you. This

pull is what keeps us all from flying off into space.

Every object pulls towards its center. If you look at the arrows on the

picture, you will see that they all point to the center of the Earth. This is the direction of gravity.

Now, when you look at the children, you will see that when they are standing on the surface of the

Earth, the force of gravity points away from their feet, into the Earth. Each child, no matter where

they are standing, can look "down" and it will be toward the center of the Earth. So, if you go visit

someone on the opposite side of the world, the gravitational force on you will be in the opposite

direction of that which is on your parents, who are still at home. So, we really are standing at odd


When astronauts go into outer space, they feel less of a pull from Earth or any other large object.

This is why they can float, and there is no "up" or "down."

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What Is Microgravity?

Microgravity is the condition in which people or objects appear to be

weightless. The effects of microgravity can be seen when astronauts and

objects float in space. Microgravity can be experienced in other ways, as

well. "Micro-" means "very small," so microgravity refers to the

condition where gravity seems to be very small. In microgravity,

astronauts can float in their spacecraft - or outside, on a spacewalk.

Heavy objects move around easily. For example, astronauts can move

equipment weighing hundreds of pounds with their fingertips.

Microgravity is sometimes called "zero gravity," but this is misleading.

Is There Gravity in Space?

Gravity causes every object to pull every other object toward it. Some people think that there is no gravity in space.

In fact, a small amount of gravity can be found everywhere in space. Gravity is what holds the moon in orbit

around Earth. Gravity causes Earth to orbit the sun. It keeps the sun in place in the Milky Way galaxy. Gravity,

however, does become weaker with distance. It is possible for a spacecraft to go far enough from Earth that a

person inside would feel very little gravity. But this is not why things float on a spacecraft in orbit. The International

Space Station orbits Earth at an altitude between 200 and 250 miles. At that altitude, Earth's gravity is about 90

percent of what it is on the planet's surface. In other words, if a person who weighed 100 pounds on Earth's surface

could climb a ladder all the way to the space station, that person would weigh 90 pounds at the top of the ladder.

Why Do Objects Float in Orbit?

If 90 percent of Earth's gravity reaches the space station, then why do astronauts float there? The answer is because

they are in free fall. In a vacuum, gravity causes all objects to fall at the same rate. The mass of the object does not

matter. If a person drops a hammer and a feather, air will make the feather fall more slowly. But if there were no air,

they would fall at the same acceleration. Some amusement parks have free-fall rides, in which a cabin is dropped

along a tall tower. If a person let go of an object at the beginning of the fall, the person and the object would fall at

the same acceleration. Because of that, the object would appear to float in front of the person. That is what happens

in a spacecraft. The spacecraft, its crew and any objects aboard are all falling toward but around Earth. Since they

are all falling together, the crew and objects appear to float when compared with the spacecraft.

How Can Spacecraft Fall Around Earth?

What does it mean to fall around Earth? Earth's gravity pulls objects downward toward the surface. Gravity pulls on

the space station, too. As a result, it is constantly falling toward Earth's surface. It also is moving at a very fast speed

- 17,500 miles per hour. It moves at a speed that matches the way Earth's surface curves. If a person throws a

baseball, gravity will cause it to curve down. It will hit the ground fairly quickly. An orbiting spacecraft moves at the

right speed so the curve of its fall matches the curve of Earth. Because of this, the spacecraft keeps falling toward

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the ground but never hits it. As a result, they fall around the planet. The moon stays in orbit around Earth for this

same reason. The moon also is falling around Earth.

Why Does NASA Study Microgravity?

NASA studies microgravity to learn what happens to people and equipment in space. Microgravity affects the

human body in several ways. For example, muscles and bones can become weaker without gravity making them

work as hard. Astronauts who live on the space station spend months in microgravity. Astronauts who travel to

Mars also would spend months in microgravity traveling to and from the Red Planet. NASA must learn about the

effects of microgravity to keep astronauts safe and healthy. In addition, many things seem to act differently in

microgravity. Fire burns differently. Without the pull of gravity, flames are more round. Crystals grow better.

Without gravity, their shapes are more perfect. NASA performs science experiments in microgravity. These

experiments help NASA learn things that would be hard or perhaps impossible to learn on Earth.

Can Microgravity Be Found on Earth?

For the same reason microgravity exists in orbit, it can also be found on Earth. NASA uses airplanes to create

microgravity for short periods of time. The airplane does this by flying in up-and-down parabolas. At the top of the

parabola, people and objects inside the airplane are in freefall for about 20-30 seconds at a time. For the same

reasons, a person can even experience free fall very briefly going over a large hill, like on a roller coaster.

Microgravity also can be experienced in amusement park free-fall rides. NASA also uses drop towers to study

microgravity. Objects are dropped using special equipment from the top of these tall towers, experiencing free fall

as they drop.

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The Force of Gravity Learning Targets: Cite evidence from the reading to help develop your understanding of the force of gravity.

● May do this activity as a shared doc which could be printed and inserted in your notes. Textual Evidence: Important notes from article Use direct quotes from reading

Rewrite the quotes using your own words. Optional: Include a picture

“ ”



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Gravitational Forces – Analyzing Data MS-PS2-4

Construct and present arguments using evidence to support the claim that gravitational interactions are attractive and depend on the masses of interacting objects.

How do mass and distance affect gravitational forces?

Examine the data table below, which includes data for the mass, distance from the sun (in AU and m), and gravitational force for the sun and nine major objects in our solar system. Analyze the data to determine the

relationship between gravitational forces, mass, and distance. Use evidence and reasoning to support your claim.

Question #1: What is the relationship between gravitational force and mass?

Claim #1:

Evidence: What evidence from the data table are you using to support your claim?

Reasoning: What is your rationale for using your selected pieces of evidence? What do you think the

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specific data you chose for your evidence (compared to other data) is important to consider?

Question #2: What is the relationship between gravitational force and distance?

Claim #2

Evidence: What evidence from the data table are you using to support your claim?

Reasoning: What is your rationale for using your selected pieces of evidence? What do you think the

specific data you chose for your evidence (compared to other data) is important to consider?

GRAPHING: Create a brief line graph to support your claim on the relationship between gravitational forces and mass and gravitational forces and distance.

Gravitational Forces vs Mass

Gravitational Forces vs Distance

Proficient Practice: Newton’s Law of Gravitational Force

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ESS1.B: Earth & Solar System

● The solar system consists of the sun and a collection of objects, including planets, their moons, and

asteroids held in orbit around the sun by its gravitational pull on them

● Apply mathematical concepts and/or processes (such as ratio, basic operations, and simple algebra) to

scientific and engineering questions and problems

Newton’s Law of Gravitational Force – proportional version

𝐹𝑔 ∝ 𝑚1 × 𝑚2

𝑑2 𝐹𝑔 ∝ 1 × 1

12= 1

Fg = Force of gravity between two masses

∝ = Proportional to – meaning there is more involved but this is the basic idea

m1 = Mass of object one

m2 = Mass of object two

d = Distance between center of two masses

● This is an example of the inverse square law

● The force between the two masses decreases as the masses move farther apart.

1. What happens to Fg if m1 is increased by x3? 2. How does Fg change if both masses are

increased by x4?

3. How does Fg change if distance is increased by


4. How does Fg change when m2 is increased by

x2 and distance is increased by x2?

5. What happens to Fg if m1 is increased by x5? 6. How does Fg change if both masses are

increased by x3?

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7. How does Fg change if distance is increased by


8. How does Fg change when m2 is increased by

x2 and distance is increased by x5?

9. How does Fg change when m1 is increased by

x2, m2 is increased by x4 and distance is

increased by x10?

10. How does Fg change when m1 is increased by

x5, m2 is increased by x10 and distance is

increased by x15?

11. What would be the one thing you could do if you wanted to increase the force of gravity between two

existing objects?

12. Is it possible for the force of gravity between two objects to be zero? Explain your reasoning?

Newton’s Law of Gravitational Force Advanced Practice: ESS1.B: Earth & Solar System

● The solar system consists of the sun and a collection of objects, including planets, their moons, and asteroids held in orbit around the sun by its gravitational

pull on them

● Apply mathematical concepts and/or processes (such as ratio, basic operations, and simple algebra) to scientific and engineering questions and problems

Newton’s Law of Gravitational Force

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𝐹𝑔 = 𝐺𝑚1×𝑚2


Fg = Force of gravity between two masses

G = Constant of universal gravitation: G = 6.673 x 10-11 𝑁∙𝑚2


m1 = Mass of object one m2 = Mass of object two d = Distance between center of two masses

● This is an example of the inverse square law

● The force between the two masses decreases as the masses move farther apart.

Sample problem: Solve for the force of gravity a person with a mass of 60 kg sitting 1.5 meters from another person with a mass of 45 kg.

𝐹𝑔 = 𝐺𝑚1×𝑚2

𝑑2 𝐹𝑔 = 6.673 𝑥 10 − 11 𝑁∙𝑚2

𝑘𝑔2 𝑥


1.5𝑚2 = 8.0 x 10-8 N

1. Two spheres each have a mass of 0.80 kg, and they are separated by a distance of 0.25 meters. Calculate the

gravitational force between the two spheres.

2. Calculate the gravitational force between the earth and the moon. The mass of the earth is 5.9742 × 1024

kilograms and the mass of the moon is 7.36 × 1022 kilograms. The distance between their centers is 382,171

km. Hint: Convert distance to meters!

Organize this information into a table. Use it to answer questions 3, 4 and 5

Sun’s mass = 1.99 x 1030 kg Sun’s radius = 7.00 x 108 m Moon’s mass = 7.36 x 1022 kg Distance: Sun to Earth = 1.48 x 1011 m

Moon’s radius = 1.7 x 106 m Earth’s mass = 5.98 x 1024 kg Earth’s radius = 6.38 x 106 m Distance: Earth to Moon = 3.8 x 108 m


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29A 29A

3. Determine the force the sun exerts on an object with a mass of 80.0 kg if that object is on the earth.

4. What is the force exerted by the moon on the same object?

5. What is the force the earth exerts on it?

6. Challenge!

Mars has a mass of 6.4 x 1023 kg and its moon Phobos has a mass of 9.6 x 1015 kg. The magnitude of the gravitational force between the two bodies is 4.6 x 1015 N. Calculate the distance between the center of Mars and Phobos.

Gravity Practice Proportion Practice (Proficient)

1. What happens to Fg if M1 is tripled and distance is doubled? Show work.

2. What happens to Fg if M1 is doubled, M2 is tripled, and distance

is quadrupled? Show work.

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3. What happens to Fg if M1 is doubled and the distance is cut in half? Show work.

Advanced Practice 1. When M1 is 5.9 E24 and M2 and 7.36 E22 and distance

between them is 382,171 km, what is Fg? Remember, distance must be in meters. G = 6.673 E-11. Show work.

2. When M1 is 1.87 E30 and M2 is 9.4 E17 and distance between them is 720,000 km, what is Fg? Remember, distance must be in meters. G = 6.673 E-11. Show work.

Lunar Lander

Gravity Practice Answers Proportional Practice (Proficient)

Fg is 3/4 of its original force

Fg is 3/8 of original force

Fg is 8x larger Advanced Practice

2.01 E20 N 2.26 E20 N

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Gravity: Pre & Post 1. Two students are having an argument about the moon. Which student do you agree with the most?

a. "The moon is falling toward the Earth because of gravity." b. "The moon can't fall toward the Earth because there is no gravity in space." c. Both students d. Neither student

Explain your thinking:

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Explain your thinking: _______________________________________







2. Imagine two planets in a solar system. Planet A is close to the sun, it has a low mass, and a fast spin. Planet

B is far from the sun, has a high mass, and a slow spin. Which planet would be more difficult to launch a

rocket from?

a. Rocket would work harder to get off of Planet A. b. Rocket would work harder to get off of Planet B. c. Neither – it would be the same for both Planets.

Explain your thinking:

3. Circle all places that gravity exists.

Earth’s atmosphere Moon Mars Pluto Sun Distant stars Galaxies Far out in the universe

Reasons for the Seasons:

Create a ‘model’ to explain the position of the sun and Earth during the summer in the Northern Hemisphere

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Reasons for the Seasons MS-ESS1-1 Develop and use a model of the Earth-sun-moon system to describe the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and seasons.

Seasons are caused because of the Earth's changing relationship to the Sun. The Earth travels around the Sun, called

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an orbit, once a year or every 365.25 days. As the Earth orbits the Sun the amount of sunlight each place on the planet gets every day changes slightly. This change causes the seasons.

ALERT! Earth is Tilted!! Not only does Earth revolve around the sun every year, but Earth rotates in a circle every 24 hours. This is what we call a day. However, the earth doesn't spin in a straight up and down manner relative to the sun. We are slightly tilted – actually 23.5 degrees from our orbital plane with the sun.

Does Tilt Matter? The tilt has two major effects: the angle of the Sun to the earth and length of the days. For half of the year the Earth is tilted such that the North Pole is more pointed towards the Sun. For the other half the South Pole is pointed at the Sun. When the North Pole is angled toward the Sun, the days on the northern part of the planet (north of the equator) get more sunlight or longer days and shorter nights. With longer days the northern hemisphere heats up and gets summer. As the year progresses, the Earth's tilt changes to where the North Pole is pointing away from the Sun producing winter. For this reason, seasons north of the Equator are the opposite of seasons south of the Equator. When it's winter in Europe and the United States, it will be summer in Brazil and Australia. We talked about the length of the day changing, but the angle of the Sun changes as well. In summer the sunlight shines more directly on the earth giving more energy to the Earth's surface and heating it up. During the winter the sunlight hits the Earth at an angle. This gives less energy and doesn't heat the Earth as much.

The Long and Short of It For the Northern Hemisphere, the axis points most toward the sun in June (specifically around June 21), and away from the sun around December 21. This corresponds to the Winter and Summer Solstice (solstice is Latin for "the sun stands"). For the Southern Hemisphere, this is reversed.

For both hemispheres, the earth is 90 degrees away from the sun around March 21 and then again around September 21. This corresponds to the Fall and Spring Equinox (equinox is Latin for "equal night"). Everyplace in the world has about 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night. .

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Vernal Equinox

First day of _______________ (in Northern


Sun directly over the ___________________

Occurs around __________________

Autumnal Equinox

First day of ___________________

Sun directly over the


Occurs around


Equal _____________________and


Winter Solstice

First day of ____________

Sun directly over the


Occurs around __________________

“_____________________” of

the year (least daylight)

Summer Solstice

First day of ____________

Sun directly over the


Occurs around


“____________________” of

the year (most daylight)

Earth’s Orbit = _______________________ miles

Page 26: Chapter I: Sun, Earth & Moon Astronomy Vocabulary I: Sun, Earth & Moon Systems 1. Eclipse in which


The Seasons: Pre & Post

1. Which of the following statements best describes why we experience seasons in Wisconsin?

a) Our orbit brings us closer to the sun in summer, making it hotter b) We are tilted towards the sun in the summer. c) The atmosphere traps heat differently when we are in different positions in our orbit. d) Because the Earth rotates.

Explain your thinking:

2. Which description best fits the orbit shape of planets around the sun?

a) Different circular orbits around the sun b) Different elliptical orbits around the sun c) Follow the same circular path around the sun

Explain your thinking:

Page 27: Chapter I: Sun, Earth & Moon Astronomy Vocabulary I: Sun, Earth & Moon Systems 1. Eclipse in which


Are You Smarter Than A Harvard Grad?

Twenty-one out of twenty-three Harvard graduates interviewed right after graduation could

not give correct explanations for why we experience seasons on Earth. You know better! Read the following

statements made by these students and explain whether you agree or disagree and why:

“I think the seasons happen because, as Earth travels around the sun it gets nearer to the sun which produces

warmer weather. Later, it gets farther away which produces colder weather. Voila! The seasons.”

“The earth goes around the sun, and it gets hotter when we get closer to the sun and colder when we get farther

away from the sun.”

Do you agree with either of these students? Explain yourself!

Sketch to Support Reasoning:

View an interview as a Harvard graduate explains the seasons:

Page 28: Chapter I: Sun, Earth & Moon Astronomy Vocabulary I: Sun, Earth & Moon Systems 1. Eclipse in which


Legendary Moon

Native American A Native American legend tells of a village near where the sun sets and the people had the moon. Other people were trying to go there and steal the moon to put it back in the sky. The Indians knew the other people wanted to take the moon. The Indians were hiding the moon and planned to kill the other people when they tried to steal the moon from them. Two antelopes decided they would steal the moon themselves because they were so fast and could outrun everyone, so the antelopes snuck by the Indians and stole the moon. The antelopes ran so fast the Indians weren't even close to catching up with them. The antelopes ran for a very long time until they got too tired to go any further. Then they stopped at the next village. They put the Moon outside a teepee and went inside. A very sneaky man named Coyote saw the Moon and thought he could steal it without the antelopes hearing. Coyote crept up very quietly and grabbed the moon. After Coyote got the moon, he ran the fastest he had ever run. The antelopes heard him and started after him. They could not catch up to Coyote because he had such a head start. Coyote was heading towards the lake. When he got there he threw the moon into the lake as far as he could, and it still lies there today.

The Inuit Malina is the Sun goddess and Anningan the Moon god of the Inuit people who live in Greenland. The word Inuit means "people." Its singular form is Inuk. According to legend, Malina and her brother, Anningan, lived happily together and used to play games, but when they grew up, things changed. One night, while they were playing in the dark (as they used to do when they were children), Anningan, jealous of his sister’s beauty, attacked her. During the fight, a seal-oil lamp overturned, covering Malina's hands with black grease. While they were fighting, she blackened his face with her greasy hands. He was very angry. Malina ran as far away as she could up into the sky, where she became the Sun. Anningan, still angry, continued to chase his sister in the sky where he became the Moon. This eternal race makes the Sun alternate with the Moon in the sky. But occasionally, the Moon god reaches the Sun goddess and attacks her again, causing a solar or lunar eclipse. Anningan gets so angry with his sister that he often forgets to eat, so as the days go by, he gets thinner. Once a month, the Moon disappears for three days, so the Moon god can eat. He always returns to chase his sister again. This is how the Inuit people explained the phases of the Moon.

Indian According to Hinduism, every part of the cosmos is seen as an action of a god. Time is the endless repetition of the same long cycle where gods, demons and heroes repeat their mythological actions. In Hindu mythology, Soma represents the god of the Moon. He rides through the sky in a chariot drawn by white horses. Soma was also the name of the elixir of immortality that only the gods can drink. The Moon was thought to be the storehouse of the elixir. When the gods drink soma, it is said that the Moon wanes because the gods are drinking away some of its properties. Some people think that the Moon is inhabited by a hare.

Australian Aboriginal People According to Aboriginal legend, when the world was young, there was no heat or light. Life was very difficult for

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the people. They searched for their food in the dark and then ate it raw because they had no cooking fires. One day, Purukupali (the first man in the world) and his friend Japara were rubbing two sticks together to see what would happen when they discovered fire! Purukupali realized this discovery would give them light, something to cook their food with and something to keep them warm. He gave a large torch of burning bark to his sister, Wuriupranala, and another smaller one to Japara, telling them that whatever happened they must always keep the torches burning. When the creation period came to an end and the mythical people became other things, Wuriupranala became the sun-woman and Japara became the moon-man. Every morning the sun-woman rises in the East with her torch of burning bark and the people leave their camps to hunt in the light. In the evening the moon-man with his smaller torch travels across the sky to light up the night.

Chinese The Chinese Moon Festival, or sometimes called the Mid-Autumn Festival, takes place on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. The festival dates back to the Tang dynasty 618 AD and celebrates the biggest and brightest full moon of the year, the harvest moon. One of the legends about the Moon Festival is about a builder or architect named Hou Yi and his divinely beautiful wife, Changer. Hou Yi built a beautiful jade palace for the Goddess of the Western Heaven who is sometimes called the Royal Mother. The Goddess was so happy that she gave Hou Yi a special pill that contained the magic elixir of immortality, but with it came the condition and warning that he may not use the pill until he had accomplished certain things. However, one day Changer found the pill and without telling her husband, she swallowed it. The Goddess of the Western Heaven was very angry and as a punishment, Changer was banished to the moon where, according to the legend, she can be seen at her most beautiful on the night of the bright harvest moon. Maori In a Maori legend Rona was the daughter of the sea god Tangaroa. She was the Tide Controller. One night when she was carrying a bucket with stream water home to her children, the path suddenly became dark. The Moon had slipped behind the clouds making it impossible to see anything. As Rona was walking, she hit her foot against a root that was sticking out of the ground. She was so upset that she couldn't see the root, she made some unkind remarks about the Moon. The Moon heard her and put a curse on the Maori people. The Moon grabbed Rona and her water bucket. Many people today see a woman with a bucket in the Moon. It is said that when Rona upsets her bucket, it rains. This Maori story symbolizes the influence of the Moon on the rain and on the waters of the Earth, and especially on the tides. In a different Maori myth, Rona is a man whose wife has run away. He travels everywhere looking for her and eventually finds her on the moon. To this day, the two take turns eating each other and becoming thin. They then replenish themselves in the waters of Tane and begin battling again. This is how the phases of the Moon were explained.

Adapted from various sources including Windows to the Universe at; Revised 2015 by Mr. Farnsworth

Page 30: Chapter I: Sun, Earth & Moon Astronomy Vocabulary I: Sun, Earth & Moon Systems 1. Eclipse in which


Sun, Earth & Moon Systems: Create a ‘space view model’ to explain the position of the sun, Earth and the moon during what we call a ‘crescent moon.’



Page 31: Chapter I: Sun, Earth & Moon Astronomy Vocabulary I: Sun, Earth & Moon Systems 1. Eclipse in which


Phases Why does the moon appear to go through phases?

Phase Space View Earth View

New Moon

First Quarter Moon

Full Moon

Third Quarter Moon

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Moon Modeling Topics, Questions, Discussion & Modeling

Making a physical model in your classroom to show each of the key ideas below! MS-ESS1-1 Develop and use a model of the Earth-sun-moon system to describe the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and seasons.


● Direction of Earth’s revolution?

● Direction of moon’s?

● Time for one Earth revolution?

● Time for one moon revolution?

● How many times does Earth rotate in one revolution?

● Why does Earth always see one side of the moon?


● Direction of Earth’s rotation?

● Direction of moons?

● Time for one Earth rotation?

● Time for one moon rotation?

Page 33: Chapter I: Sun, Earth & Moon Astronomy Vocabulary I: Sun, Earth & Moon Systems 1. Eclipse in which


Lunar Cycles MS-ESS1-1 Develop and use a model of the Earth-sun-moon system to describe the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and seasons. The lunar cycles as viewed from above the Northern hemisphere of Earth, including phases of the Moon as observed from Earth (A-H).

Space View

Earth View

Use the letters to create the pattern you’d see in order beginning with:

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E - ___- ___- ___- ___- ___- ___- ___

Are You Smarter Than A Harvard Grad?

Twenty-one out of twenty-three Harvard graduates and one professor interviewed right after

graduation could not give correct explanations for why we see different phases of the moon on Earth. You know

better! Read the following statement made by a professor and explain whether you agree or disagree and why:

“Earth’s position interferes with the reflection of the sun against the moon causing the phases of the moon.”

Do you agree with this professor? Explain yourself!

Sketch to Support Reasoning:

View an interview as a Harvard graduate explains the seasons:

Page 35: Chapter I: Sun, Earth & Moon Astronomy Vocabulary I: Sun, Earth & Moon Systems 1. Eclipse in which


The Dark Side of the Moon?? Why We Only See One Side of the Moon You may have heard references made to the "dark side" of the Moon. This popular term refers to the fact that the same physical half of the Moon, the "near side", is always facing Earth, which in turn means that there is a far side or so-called "dark side" that is never facing Earth and can only be seen from space. This phenomenon has nothing to do with illumination or the periodic light and dark we see as the phases of the moon change. Sometimes people refer to a New Moon as a "dark moon" because the moon is fully in shadow as viewed from Earth and we can't see it, but that's not the same thing as the dark side of the moon. The side of the moon facing us during a New Moon is the same as any other moon phase, such as a Full Moon when we can see the entire face. So why can we only see one side of the moon from Earth? We all know that the Earth rotates on its own axis, so theoretically, the Moon should also do the same, allowing us to get a full picture of the planetoid. Why are we limited to seeing only 50 percent? It turns out that the speed at which the Moon rotates has led to this particular phenomenon. Millions of years ago, the Moon spun at a much faster pace than it does now. However, the gravitational influence of the Earth has gradually acted upon the Moon to slow its rotation down, in the same way that the much smaller gravitational influence of the Moon acts upon the Earth to create tides. This influence slowed the rotational period of the Moon to match that of its orbit – about 27.3 days – and it is now "locked in" to this period.

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If the Moon didn't spin at all, then eventually it would show its far side to the Earth while moving around our planet in orbit. However, since the rotational period is exactly the same as the orbital period, the same portion of the Moon's sphere is always facing the Earth. Another interesting fact is that actually a little bit more than half of the Moon's surface is observable from Earth. Since the Moon's orbit is elliptical, and not circular, the speed of its orbital travel increases and decreases depending on how close it is to our planet. The rotational speed of the Moon is constant however – and this difference between orbital speed and rotational speed means that when the Moon is farthest from the Earth, its orbital speed slows down just enough to allow its rotational speed to overtake it, giving observers a small glimpse of the usually hidden area. The term for this "rocking" motion of the Moon is called libration and it allows for 59 percent of the Moon to be seen in total (over time). Finally, one reason that the far side of the Moon is frequently referred to as the "dark side" is because many people mistakenly think that it never sees any light from the Sun. In that sense the term "dark side" is wrong and misleading. In fact, since the Moon is constantly rotating on its own axis, there is no area of the planetoid which is in permanent darkness, and the far side of the Moon is only completely devoid of sunlight during a Full Moon – when the Sun is facing the Moon with the Earth in between. “Why Do We Only See One Side Of the Moon?” Why Do We Only See One Side of the Moon? Web. 5 Dec. 2015.

Moon Phases Pre & Post

1. How long does it take for the moon to orbit the Earth?

a. About a day

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b. About a week

c. About a month

d. About a year

2. Students are designing a moon home for a science project. They are trying to decide what a day-night cycle

on the moon would be like. Which of the following students has the most correct idea?

a. "I think the length of the day-night cycle on the moon is 24 hours."

b. "It depends where our moon home is. If it is on the dark side of the moon, there will never be


c. "I think there would be about two weeks of sunlight and two weeks of darkness."

d. "It depends on the moon phase. In a crescent moon, daylight would be much shorter. When there's

a full moon, daylight would be much longer."

Explain your thinking:

3. Which statement best describes why we see different shapes of the moon on different days/nights?

a. The part of the moon we can't see is the moon's own shadow

b. The part of the moon we can't see is in Earth's shadow

c. Light isn't reflecting off of the portion of the moon we can't see

d. Light only hits half of the moon - it never hits the other half.

e. This is because of Earth's rotation.

f. This is because the moon orbits the Earth.

Explain your thinking:

4. When there is a crescent moon, how much of the entire Moon's spherical surface is actually lit by the sun?

a. Quarter or less of the entire moon

b. Half of the entire moon

c. Three quarters of the entire moon

d. The entire moon

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5. Students are writing a science fiction story that takes place on the moon. One student wrote a scene in

which two characters are looking up at the "crescent Earth" just as it was setting behind a mountain on the

moon. Which of the following students has the most correct idea about this scene?

a. "I don't think you would see phases of the Earth. The Earth always looks like a round blue ball

from space. But, I do think you would see the Earth set."

b. "I think we would see a "crescent Earth." It is just like being on Earth and looking up at the moon.

But, the Earth would never "set"."

c. "I agree that we would see a "crescent Earth." The "crescent Earth" would set, but it would set very


d. "I don't think you would ever see a "crescent Earth" or ever see the Earth rise or set."

Explain your thinking:

6. Belinda lives in Waunakee, Wisconsin. She looked up at the sky one evening and observed a crescent

moon. What would her friend, who lives in Beijing, China, see if he looked up at the moon on the same


a. Crescent Moon

b. Quarter Moon

c. Gibbous Moon

d. Full Moon

e. New Moon

Explain your thinking:

Solar Eclipse: Create a ‘space view model’ to explain the position of the sun, Earth and the moon during what we call a ‘Solar Eclipse.’ Include these features along with shadows and solar energy as they may apply.’

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The Eclipse in History Eclipses have always been associated with legends, myths and symbols which constitute a rich source of inspiration in different cultures and epochs. Most of the ancient legends evoke a creature devouring the Sun: a dragon for Indian,

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Indonesian and Chinese, a giant frog for Vietnamese, a jaguar in Argentina, or a vampire in Siberia, these celestial monsters are responsible for the disappearance of the Moon or the Sun. One Chinese legend reports the total solar eclipse in 2134 BC took everybody by surprise. Therefore there was no time to prepare the archers and drummers in order to fight and frighten the dragons which devour the Sun during the eclipse. In fact, the official imperial astronomers, His and Ho, missed the prediction of the eclipse. Not only did they lose their work and the respect of their colleagues - they also lost their heads.

Historical Milestones In any civilization, a total eclipse occurring without being announced would certainly bring chaos for a few minutes and would remain a defining moment used later as a milestone. The Odyssey refers to a solar eclipse near Ithaca, which would correspond to 1178 BC. There is a reference to an eclipse in the Bible which could correspond to 15 June 736 BC. Babylonian astronomers have systematically noted solar and lunar eclipses from 700 BC to 50 years BC.

Thales of Milet reported a total solar eclipse (now dated in May 585 BC) crossed the battlefield during a war between the Lydians and the Medes. The fighting stopped, and peace was declared. Herodote, Cicero, and Pliny also refer to eclipses as time milestones. Plutarch gives very accurate observations of an eclipse on 20 March 71 AD. There are a number of famous historical events associated with lunar eclipses. On May 29, 1453, a rising full moon was eclipsed over Constantinople, then under siege by the Turk army. It is reported this created such a dip in morale that in a few days Constantinople was defeated leading to the end of the Roman Empire of Orient after 1130 years. Columbus in his fifth expedition in Jamaica, inspired fear and respect in superstitious Indians, by asking his Christian god to send a celestial warning in the form of a lunar eclipse on February 29, 1504. This enabled him to negotiate good provisions of food and protection for his troops, allowing them to survive until the arrival of the next vessel.

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Lunar Eclipse: Create a ‘space view model’ to explain the position of the sun, Earth and the moon during what we call a ‘Lunar Eclipse.’ Include these features along with shadows and solar energy as they may apply.’



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Lunar Eclipse vs. Solar Eclipse

A lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse refer to events involving three celestial bodies: the Sun (solar), the moon (lunar), and Earth. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes between the Moon and the Sun, and the Earth's shadow obscures the moon or a portion of it. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking all or a portion of the Sun. An eclipse can be total, partial, or annular. A total solar eclipse is when the moon blocks out the Sun entirely, a partial eclipse is when it blocks out a portion of the Sun, and an annular eclipse is when the moon is at its furthest point in orbit. It will

not cover the Sun completely that's when you can see a thin ring of light emerging from the outside rim of the moon. Differences A lunar eclipse occurs at night and a solar eclipse occurs during the day. There are only certain times when either of them can occur. A lunar eclipse can only occur when the moon is directly opposite the Sun in the sky — a full moon. Even though there is a full moon each month, obviously a lunar eclipse does not occur on a monthly basis because the Sun isn't exactly in line with the Earth and the moon. The moon's orbit is actually tilted 5 degrees more than that of the Earth; otherwise, we would see a lunar eclipse each month. If one ignores the very hard to detect penumbral lunar eclipses, solar eclipses outnumber lunar eclipses almost 3 to 2. On average, a century sees about 240 solar eclipses and about 150 lunar eclipses. Despite this, for most people a

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solar eclipse is a much rarer sight than a lunar eclipse. There are two reasons for this paradox:

● We are on the body casting the shadow during a lunar eclipse, so

everyone on the night-side of the Earth can see it. During a solar

eclipse, you must be within a narrow path, where the Moon's shadow


● Lunar eclipses tend to last longer than solar eclipses. The maximum

theoretical duration of totality in a total solar eclipse is 7:30 minutes,

while totality in a total lunar eclipse can last up to 100 minutes.

Fun fact: On average, a total lunar eclipse can be seen from any given location every 2.5 years, while it takes about 375 years for a total solar eclipse to happen again at a specific location. It is quite safe to watch a lunar eclipse with the naked eye, while watching a solar eclipse without eyewear protection can seriously damage your eyesight. You can use a telescope to get a clearer view of the moon during an eclipse and really see what is happening. A solar eclipse has always had a more profound effect on humans than a lunar eclipse. This is probably because of the importance of the Sun to all life on Earth. In ancient China, a solar eclipse was thought to be the dragon coming to eat the Sun. The effect that an eclipse has on all life on Earth is of particular interest to scientists. They eagerly await a solar eclipse because it helps them to gather more knowledge about the Sun and its position with respect to Earth.

Lunar vs. Solar Eclipse I

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MS-ESS1-1 Develop and use a model of the Earth-sun-moon system to describe the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and seasons.

Lunar Eclipse

Cause Effect

Write a clear and specific statement Write a clear and specific statement


Solar Eclipse

Cause Effect

Write a clear and specific statement Write a clear and specific statement


Page 45: Chapter I: Sun, Earth & Moon Astronomy Vocabulary I: Sun, Earth & Moon Systems 1. Eclipse in which


Lunar vs. Solar Eclipse II

MS-ESS1-1 Develop and use a model of the Earth-sun-moon system to describe the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and seasons.


Deep in the spaces of the floor of your bedroom, you have discovered an ancient scroll dating back several thousand years. Unsure how it got there, but… as you begin to read it, you realize it is a terrifying, yet exciting, legend involving either a solar or lunar eclipse –unsure which! Start writing your legend here and continue on loose leaf. You can write down a few ideas here and type your legend. Be sure your legend is creative and also strong on accurate science. Good luck!

Eclipse: Pre & Post 1. What phase is the moon in just before and after a solar eclipse?

Solar Eclipse Lunar Eclipse Both

Page 46: Chapter I: Sun, Earth & Moon Astronomy Vocabulary I: Sun, Earth & Moon Systems 1. Eclipse in which


a) Full Moon

b) New Moon

c) First Quarter

d) Last Quarter

e) It can be any phase

Explain your thinking:

2. From any place on Earth, a person can see more lunar eclipses than solar eclipses. Check each option that

supports the reasoning as to why this happens.

a) The sun moves faster than the moon.

b) Anyone who can see the moon when it enters Earth's shadow will see an eclipse of the moon.

c) The shadow of the moon on the Earth is very small and moves quickly.

d) The moon goes in front of the sun more often than Earth's orbit around the sun.

e) The moon spins on its axis faster than the Earth spins on its axis.

Explain your thinking:

Explanation of the Tides

MS-ESS1-1 Develop and use a model of the Earth-sun-moon system to describe the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and seasons.

Tides in the ocean are caused mostly by the pull of the moon on the Earth. The moon’s gravity pulls up on the

water which is directly beneath it, creating a high tide there. Another high tide occurs on the other side of the

Page 47: Chapter I: Sun, Earth & Moon Astronomy Vocabulary I: Sun, Earth & Moon Systems 1. Eclipse in which


Earth since the moon pulls the solid Earth away from the water. As the Earth turns, high tide occurs at each

place on the ocean twice a day.


Diagram 1 Diagram 2 Diagram 3

● High tide occurs directly below the moon and on

the opposite side of the Earth. When Earth is in

the position in Diagram 1, San Diego has a high

tide. (Diagram 1)As the Earth turns, the tides rise

and fall along coastlines. About 6 hours and 13

minutes after a high tide, San Diego has a low

tide. (Diagram 2)

● The next high tide at San Diego is about 12 hours

and 25 minutes after the first. (Diagram 3)

Spring Tides - Spring tides are extremely high and low.

This is created when the sun and moon pull together.

These occur twice a month near the full and new moons.

Neap Tides - Neap tides do not rise nor fall as low as normal tides. They occur twice a month when the moon

is near the first and last quarters and are caused by the moon and sun pulling at a right angle.

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Riptide?! MS-ESS1-1 Develop and use a model of the Earth-sun-moon system to describe the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and seasons.

This assignment is not about riptides, often called rip currents, even though these strange and

High Tide

24 hour rotation of Earth

Page 49: Chapter I: Sun, Earth & Moon Astronomy Vocabulary I: Sun, Earth & Moon Systems 1. Eclipse in which


potentially deadly water effects take place in the same areas as tides! Instead, you’ll be snipping the horizontal lines of the cards on the right side of this page and then ‘ripping’ them off before gluing them down on the back of this challenge activity where you feel they fit best. Good luck… and be careful!!


Neap Tides

Low Tide


Pulling the earth toward the moon

Approximately 12 hours

Approximately 6 hours

Spring Tides

Page 50: Chapter I: Sun, Earth & Moon Astronomy Vocabulary I: Sun, Earth & Moon Systems 1. Eclipse in which


Riptide?! MS-ESS1-1 Develop and use a model of the Earth-sun-moon system to describe the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and seasons.

Extremely high or low tides created when the sun and moon pull together in the same direction. Full and new moons.

This is the average amount of time between high tides in a coastal area.

The high tide on the opposite side of Earth from the moon is caused by the moon’s gravity actually

Reasoning behind why both low and high tides occur twice during each 24 hour period on Earth

These events occur directly below the moon and on the opposite side of Earth.

This is the average amount of time between a high and low tide in a coastal area.

Created by the fact the water is pulled away from these areas twice per day leaving less water in the coastal areas.

True or False? It is safe to assume that even though we wouldn’t notice the tide rising in the open ocean, it still does.

Twice a month when the moon is near the first and last quarter and pulling at right angles with the sun.

This is the force exerted by the moon on the waters of Earth and on Earth itself.

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If We Had No Moon… What would life on Earth be like without the moon? Chances are, there would be no life at all. Imagine a moonless weather report with blizzards over the Sahara, floodwaters swallowing the

Pyramids, and 90-degree temps in Antarctica!

1. Earth was hit by something the size of ___________________, which created our moon.

2. True or false?…scientists believe that humans would still exist if we didn’t have the moon.

3. ____________ is the only other “planet” in our solar system with a large single moon.

4. _____________ and its moons represent a mini solar system.

5. Mars has _______________ moons, most likely captured ______________________.

6. ________________ is the planet known as Earth’s twin.

7. ________________ is the planet barely bigger than our moon.

8. One theory is that our moon formed at the same time as Earth. What is one reason that scientists question

that theory? Hint – it has to do with the core. _______________________________________________

9. Why do scientists question the capture theory? _____________________________________

10. Later moon missions had the goal of collecting Genesis rock, which is…


11. Unfortunately, most of the rock brought back to Earth from the moon resembles rock from Earth’s

__________________, not the Genesis rock they were looking for.

12. Oldest rocks on moon were destroyed because of what? ______________________________

13. Particles in space clump together as they collide, which takes up to _____________________ years – our

solar system is in its final stages of this process.

14. What is Orpheus? ____________________________________________________________

15. Other planets have evidence of impacts in their history. For example, Venus rotates

___________________, Mars has a similar tilt to Earth, and _________________ rotates on its side.

Page 52: Chapter I: Sun, Earth & Moon Astronomy Vocabulary I: Sun, Earth & Moon Systems 1. Eclipse in which


16. Saturn’s rings are as small as _____________________ and as big as _________________.

17. Why won’t Saturn’s rings make a moon? __________________________________________

18. If Orpheus had hit Earth head on (instead of at an angle), what would happen?


19. Did impact with Earth take a couple seconds, a couple days, or a couple years? ____________________

20. When the moon first formed, how big was it compared to the moon we see today?


21. As the Earth cools and calms over 4.5 billion years, the moon pulls away from Earth and our spin slows.

This makes a day turn from ___________ hours to ____________ hours today.

22. What happens when the moon covers the sun when they are all aligned? __________________________

23. Reflectors were set up on the moon to help determine the distance between Earth and moon. Using these,

it has been determined that moon is moving away from the Earth at a rate of _______________________

24. Why does Mars wobble on its axis? ______________________________________________

25. If Earth didn’t have a moon, we would wobble between _____ and ______ degrees.

26. What are some other examples of things that would happen on Earth if we didn’t have our moon and we

wobbled on our axis? __________________________________________________________________


27. One scientist suggests that we hijack a moon from ______________________.

28. If you asked someone on the police force what they expect to see on the night of a full moon, what might

they say? __________________________________________________________

29. Tides are highest during the phases of ________ moon and ________ moon –when turtles lie their eggs.

30. Which country contains the oldest rocks on Earth, which used to be at the bottom of an ocean? ________

31. Layers of rock here contain which element, which is evidence of plankton (life)? ___________

Page 53: Chapter I: Sun, Earth & Moon Astronomy Vocabulary I: Sun, Earth & Moon Systems 1. Eclipse in which


32. Scientists believe that studying the moon is important because it is a stepping stone to what?


33. Surface area of moon is equal to ___________________ and ________________ combined.

34. A robot was sent to the moon looking for ________________.

35. Why is it cheaper for us to launch rockets from the moon rather than Earth? ______________

36. In order to get gravity in space, you have to have something that does what? _____________

37. Scientists suggest using a gigantic ring inflated with ice that could be refueled where? _______________