chapter02 presentation

Technology Integration for Meaningful Classroom Use: A Standards-Based Approach Instructor’s Guide Chapter Two SELF-DIRECTED LIFELONG LEARNING

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Technology Integration for Meaningful Classroom Use: A Standards-Based Approach

Instructor’s Guide


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The ISTE standards emphasize the need for self-directed learning by both teachers and students. This chapter introduces a model of self-directed learning, the GAME plan.

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In this chapter, you will:• Identify the components of self-directed learning• Self-assess your current proficiency in the skills

outlined in the ISTE NETS-S• Begin development of a portfolio in which you will

document your developing competencies in applicable technology standards for teachers

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Reflect on Prior Knowledge

• How do you know when you’ve learned something? What steps do you take to learn something well? What steps do you take to learn a new technology?

• How have you used portfolios to demonstrate your learning?

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Self-Directed Learning

“any increase in knowledge, skill, accomplishment, or personal development that an individual selects and brings about by his or her own efforts using any method in any circumstance at any time.”

– Gibbons (2002) p. 2

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“Think about thinking” and apply strategies to regulate and oversee your own learning

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Metacognitive learners engage in 3 key processes:

1.Planning – determine your individual learning goals

2.Monitoring – implement your plan and progress

3.Evaluating – reflect and modify

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The GAME Plan

1. Set Goals

2. Take Action to meet those goals

3. Monitor progress toward achieving goals and

4. Evaluate whether the goals were achieved and Extend your learning to new situations.

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Set Goals

• What do I want to know or be able to do?

• What do I already know about the topic?

• How will I know I have been successful?

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Take Action

• What information do I need to meet my goal?

• What learning strategy will I use?

• What resources are needed?

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• Am I finding the information I need?

• What patterns are emerging from the information sources?

• Do I need to modify my action plan?

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Evaluate and Extend

• Have I met my learning goals?

• If not, should I modify my goals or my learning strategies?

• What will I do differently in the future?

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Self-Assess Technology Skills and Set Goals

ISTE NETS-S1.Creativity and Innovation2.Communication and Collaboration3.Research and Information Fluency4.Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and

Decision Making5.Digital Citizenship6.Technology Operations and Concepts

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Apply to Practice

Assessing Your Skills:

1.Select a technology assessment tool.

2.Perform a self-assessment.

3.Identify and discuss gaps between what you know and what you should know.

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Develop an Action Plan

• Formal classes– eLearning for Educators

• Informal learning opportunities– Classroom 2.0, iLearn Technology

• Use technology to learn about technology– Atomic Learning, Butterscotch TV,

• Online and print publications– Educause’s 7 Things You Should Know About,

TechLearning, T.H.E. Journal

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Apply to Practice

Practice using the GAME Plan about a technology of interest.

• Set Goals: Select a current or emerging technology of interest to you

• Take Action: Search the web• Monitor Your Learning: Consider whether you

are gaining new knowledge or do you need to modify your strategy?

• Evaluate and Extend: Did you meet your goal?

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Documenting Growth and Competency through


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Portfolio Types and Purposes

• Assessment: demonstrate compliance

• Employment: present your skills

• Professional development: reflect on skills and guide your learning

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Portfolio examples• Set goals: Determine the type of portfolio that best

meets your current goals. • Take action: Find examples of employment,

assessment, and professional development portfolios.

• Monitor: Are you finding examples of each type? Which examples best match your goal?

• Evaluate and Extend: Evaluate what you find. Discuss your conclusions with your peers to determine how you might generate a portfolio to meet your goal.

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Portfolio Development Tools

• Presentation software• Word processors• Spreadsheet software• Multimedia software• WYSIWYG or HTML generators• Weblog (blogging) software• Content management systems• Commercial portfolio development products• Proprietary portfolio products, often developed by colleges

or universities• Open source tools

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Steps in Portfolio Development

1. Define your purpose, audience, distribution medium, and development tool.

2. Design your portfolio organization and layout.

3. Develop the portfolio.

4. Deliver it to its intended audience.

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Your Portfolio

1. Create the key components of your portfolio.

2. Create a “technology resume.”

3. Reflect on how you learn about technology.

4. Self-assess your ability to meet required standards.

5. Develop a professional development plan.

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Looking Forward: Chapter Three

Facilitating meaningful learning experiences for students.