chart discovery

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  • 7/27/2019 Chart Discovery


    Interrogatory Oral Deposition: Request for Admission Physical/ Mental Exam Request for Production

    Rule Number 33parties have 30 daysto answer aninterrogatorywrittenquestions answered inwriting; under oath;helpful to get background


    Rule 30 and 32Recorded by Ct Reporter;officer of the ct. present,sworn under oath (26g),attorneys can objectno


    Rule 36requires you toadmit or deny any

    discoverable manner (if

    they fail to deny they have

    admitted); anything that

    you dont expressly deny is

    considered admitted (but

    the court can overrule this)

    Rule 35must have acourt order

    Rule 34 - writtenrequest that someonegive you access tosomething (location,electronic info, etc)

    From whom isinformationsought?

    PARTIES ONLY Any parties that you cansubpoenaParties mustcome; but nonparties are not

    required to show up unlessthey are subpoenaed

    Only Parties Only a party or someonewithin the partys legalcontrol/custody(ie

    partys child or pet; doesnot include employees)

    34(c)info can befrom non-parties (butthey should be


    Limits on number orfrequency ofrequests?

    Yes33(a)(1): 25including all subquestions

    General rule is one day (for7 hours)Rule 30(d)

    No limit

    What if responsible

    party believes thatdiscovery should not

    be provided?

    33(a)(4)you can object They can refuse to answer a

    question (and potentiallyface sanctions); or object

    You can admit, deny, or


    Who bears cost ofproduction?

    The person responding(this is good for the

    profounder; not good forthe answer-er)

    There are very few costsinvolved

    What are the benefitsand the problems with

    this form ofdiscovery?

    Not expensive for theperson asking the

    questionsslightly lessvaluable now that there isdisclosure; constrained toa certain number ofquestionsno follow-upfor poorly askedquestions

    It can shorten the trial,and get major issues


    Standard for discovery 26(b)(1)can discover anything relevant to a claim or defense; you can discover things that would not be admissible at trial; it just has tobe reasonably calculated to lead to admissible evidence (ie hearsaythis is how Bill Clinton got screwed, not literally, that was done by Monica)Privilege matter is not discoverable: - confidential information; can be waivedAttorney/client privilege; spousal communications; priest/rabbiWork product26(b)(3)trial preparation materials prepared in anticipation of litigation (does not apply to routine stuff); is protected from discovery; can beoverridden (in part or in full) if you show substantial need and product/materials are not otherwise available, protection of mental opinions, conclusions, opinionsand legal theories is absolute. Not limited to just attorney work product (aka can also be private investigator)