cherry industry overview · control technology queensland fruit fly (qff) is a major quarantine...

ANNUAL INDUSTRY REPORT 08 • 09 These projects have been funded by HAL using the cherry levy and/or voluntary contributions from industry with matched funding from the Australian Government for all R&D activity. Cherry Growers of Australia Cherry Cherry industry overview 2008/09 has been a mixed bag for cherry growers around Australia with effects of the continued drought and rain events affecting the season’s production. The threat of bushfires in Victoria in February 2009 also concentrated the attention of many within the industry. Thankfully, only minor scorch damage from spot fires occurred. One of the positives out of a relatively poor growing season was the opportunity for the cherry breeding trial to evaluate cracking resistance under extreme weather conditions that caused significant damage to existing varieties such as Stella, Bing and Lappin’s. Some of the new varieties emanating from the breeding program showed very little damage. Hopefully some of these new varieties will eventually become available to the industry when final evaluations are completed on a full range of other quality criteria such as size, firmness, colour, shape, flavour etc. One of the key R&D priorities for the cherry industry is to achieve market access to key export markets such as China and the USA, but also to regain access to the Taiwan market. Disinfestation trials on Queensland Fruit Fly conducted by NSW DPI have been completed successfully with a verification trial involving Taiwanese officials in attendance completed. The industry is optimistic this will lead to regaining market access to Taiwan for the 2009/10 season. With additional funding as a result of the 2007 industry decision to increase the R&D levy and introduce a new marketing levy, the cherry industry has increased its working committee structure from the existing Breeding Evaluation and Market Climate Change is increasingly becoming a significant topic for the horticulture industry. In 2007/08 the industry began contributing to the horticulture component of Phase One of the national Climate Change Research Strategy for Primary Industries (CCRSPI). The aim of CCRSPI Phase One was to develop a comprehensive research strategy that will allow industries to be informed by good research and be prepared to respond to the opportunities and risks presented by climate change. The scope of the strategy will be broad, covering any issue that needs consideration over the short (3 years), medium (5+ years) and long term (10+ years). The research strategy and phase one final report is available from the CCRSPI website HAL is now contributing to Phase Two of the project in 2008/09 in collaboration with other Rural RDCs, CSIRO and Federal, State and Territory Governments. This phase aims to develop an implementation plan for the research strategy for 2009/10 onwards. Access committees to also include R&D and Marketing committees. This should provide invaluable input into the development of effective industry programs. The additional workload that this brings to Cherry Growers of Australia (CGA) to manage this process is being addressed with a resource review and the desire to move to a full time Executive. A review of the cherry industry’s current strategic plan in May 2007 assessed the industry’s priorities for future activity. These priorities have been incorporated into a new draft plan with new strategies and actions being developed. For more information contact: Bradley Mills, HAL Industry Services Manager T 03 9909 7542 E [email protected]

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Page 1: Cherry industry overview · coNtrol techNology Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF) is a major quarantine pest for many Australian ... technologies for the field control of fruit flies could


These projects have been funded by HAL using the cherry levy and/or voluntary contributions from industry with matched funding from the Australian Government for all R&D activity.

Cherry Growers of Australia Cherry

Cherry industry overview2008/09 has been a mixed bag for cherry growers around Australia with effects of the continued drought and rain events affecting the season’s production. The threat of bushfires in Victoria in February 2009 also concentrated the attention of many within the industry. Thankfully, only minor scorch damage from spot fires occurred.

One of the positives out of a relatively poor growing season was the opportunity for the cherry breeding trial to evaluate cracking resistance under extreme weather conditions that caused significant damage to existing varieties such as Stella, Bing and Lappin’s. Some of the new varieties emanating from the breeding program showed very little damage. Hopefully some of these new varieties will eventually become available to the industry when final evaluations are

completed on a full range of other quality criteria such as size, firmness, colour, shape, flavour etc.

One of the key R&D priorities for the cherry industry is to achieve market access to key export markets such as China and the USA, but also to regain access to the Taiwan market. Disinfestation trials on Queensland Fruit Fly conducted by NSW DPI have been completed successfully with a verification trial involving Taiwanese officials in attendance completed. The industry is optimistic this will lead to regaining market access to Taiwan for the 2009/10 season.

With additional funding as a result of the 2007 industry decision to increase the R&D levy and introduce a new marketing levy, the cherry industry has increased its working committee structure from the existing Breeding Evaluation and Market

Climate Change is increasingly becoming a significant topic for the horticulture industry. In 2007/08 the industry began contributing to the horticulture component of Phase One of the national Climate Change Research Strategy for Primary Industries (CCRSPI).

The aim of CCRSPI Phase One was to develop a comprehensive research strategy that will allow industries to be informed by good research and be prepared to respond to the opportunities and risks presented by climate change. The scope of the strategy will be broad, covering any issue that needs consideration over the short (3 years), medium (5+ years) and long term (10+ years). The research strategy and phase one final report is available from the CCRSPI website

HAL is now contributing to Phase Two of the project in 2008/09 in collaboration with other Rural RDCs, CSIRO and Federal, State and Territory Governments. This phase aims to develop an implementation plan for the research strategy for 2009/10 onwards.

Access committees to also include R&D and Marketing committees. This should provide invaluable input into the development of effective industry programs. The additional workload that this brings to Cherry Growers of Australia (CGA) to manage this process is being addressed with a resource review and the desire to move to a full time Executive.

A review of the cherry industry’s current strategic plan in May 2007 assessed the industry’s priorities for future activity. These priorities have been incorporated into a new draft plan with new strategies and actions being developed.

For more information contact:Bradley Mills, HAL Industry Services ManagerT 03 9909 7542E [email protected]

Page 2: Cherry industry overview · coNtrol techNology Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF) is a major quarantine pest for many Australian ... technologies for the field control of fruit flies could


New ways to disiNfest aNd maiNtaiN cherry fruit quality

ProvidiNg data Packages for New fruit fly coNtrol techNology

Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF) is a major quarantine pest for many Australian cherry producers. Treatment to combat infestation can often affect fruit quality and marketing flexibility.

This project showed that a short-term high carbon dioxide (CO2) treatment, in combination with cold treatment, increased the mortality of QFF larvae and hence reduced the time required in cold storage for quarantine disinfestation purposes.

A range of different cherry varieties were infested with QFF and the fruit treated with 95 per cent CO2 at 0ºC or 3ºC for varying lengths of time before storage in air at either 0ºC or 3ºC. The results showed a significant increase in QFF larvae mortality in the CO2 treatment.

Increased CO2 levels, together with low oxygen, are widely used in the storage of other horticultural crops such as apples. Potential disinfestation treatments must effectively kill QFF larvae in cold storage

without affecting cherry quality after storage.

Storage trials were conducted on Bing, Lapin, Rons and Stella cherries over two seasons.

The CO2 treated fruit had similar storage life and had similar post-storage quality to normally stored fruit. No symptoms of CO2 injury were observed.

Results over two years demonstrated that a short-term high CO2 treatment at a low temperature was effective in reducing the time in cold disinfestation at both 0ºC and 3ºC without detriment to fruit quality during storage. These results show considerable promise in improving the current cold disinfestation protocol for QFF in cherries.

Project CY07011 (CY06005 Phase 2)

For more information contact:John Golding, NSW DPIT 02 4348 1926 E [email protected]

A current project is investigating the potential of lufenuron for Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF) control as an alternative to dimethoate and fenthion.

Cover sprays of dimethoate or fenthion have often been used in the pre-harvest control of fruit flies to enhance market access for many fruit and vegetable commodities. However dimethoate and fenthion are undergoing review and there is a risk that a number of current uses may not be available to horticultural industries in the near future. Therefore, alternative technologies for the field control of fruit flies could become necessary.

Lufenuron is known to hinder the formation and deposition of cuticle chitin in insects, thereby acting to kill eggs and/or larvae. This project is

determining the efficacy of lufenuron against QFF to subsequently provide data packages for new control technology.

Laboratory tests have developed technical procedures for attracting adult fruit flies to ingest lufenuron in appropriate quantities, and have established effective dose rates to inhibit reproduction in QFF (Bactrocera tryoni). Similar laboratory bioassays with B. jarvisi and B. cucumis are currently being conducted and field cage experiments will be followed.

Project MT08035

For more information contact:Dr Hainan Gu, QPIF, DEEDIT 07 3896 9382 M 0401 676 360 E [email protected]

workiNg towards quality ProductioN workshoPCherry Growers of Australia (CGA) presented the second workshop in the ‘Working Towards Quality’ series, presented by John Morton of Oregon Cherry Growers.

The two-day workshops included presentations, activities and demonstrations on nutrition, pruning, frost control, light influence on yield, crop load management, harvest and post harvest. Manuals covering these topics were developed as part of the project. The workshops were held in New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia and Tasmania.

Project CY08026

For more information contact:Trevor Ranford, Cherry Growers of AustraliaT 08 8349 4556 E [email protected]

Page 3: Cherry industry overview · coNtrol techNology Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF) is a major quarantine pest for many Australian ... technologies for the field control of fruit flies could


Overseas market access visitsThe Australian cherry industry does not have access to a number of overseas markets including China, Taiwan and New Zealand. While Australia has formal access approved to the USA, there has been a need to finalise the appropriate regulations to allow fruit to move into the market.

In addition, reviews of imports are being undertaken by Thailand, Indonesia and other South East Asian countries. Having input into the relevant meetings and negotiations are essential to achieve practical protocols and programmes.

The objective of the project involved ‘undertaking appropriate industry visits to relevant countries to participate in

government and industry meetings to assist in achieving market access and/or ensuring market maintenance’.

This was achieved through:

Regular communication and •participation with the HMAC Committee including participation in the recent Market Access Workshop;

Regular communication and •participation with the relevant Government agencies including DFAT, DAFF, BA and AQIS;

Establishing and maintaining •links with relevant contacts in the appropriate countries to which the cherry industry is seeking access;

Participation in all relevant industry/•government teleconferences and meetings;

Visits to relevant countries as part •of ministerial, government, HAL and industry bilateral and/or trade meetings;

Reporting regularly to the Australian •cherry industry;

Developing and implementing an •agreed market access plan.

Particularly through the work of Ian Hay (President, CGA) and Tim Reid (Vice President, CGA) Cherry Growers of Australia has made a number of visits to China, Taiwan, Korea and Japan as part of Industry and/or government delegations to discuss access issues and liaise with the relevant government ministers and agency representatives. CGA also participated in Asia Fruit Logistica as another method of delivering the Market Access message.

Project CY08009

For more information contact:Trevor Ranford, Cherry Growers of AustraliaT 08 8349 4556E [email protected]

freshnessAustralian Cherries

oPtimal irradiatioN delivers results for sterile iNsect techNiqueField cage tests of optimally irradiated Queensland fruit flies (QFF) bred for use in the ‘sterile insect technique’ have delivered very encouraging results.

In the sterile insect technique (SIT) millions of QFF are routinely reared, sterilised by irradiation and released in the field to disrupt reproduction of wild populations. Improved irradiation procedures are being developed to enhance quality assurance and to produce more effective sterile flies.

By irradiating at low dose rates and by minimising the total dosage applied, the aim is to produce flies that live longer and are better able to tolerate stressful conditions such as might be encountered in the field. Larger flies have demonstrated superior emergence and longevity.

The first field cage tests of sterile QFF mating performance have been carried out. In these field simulated tests sterile flies have been found to be competitively equal to their wild counterparts, a very encouraging result for SIT operations.

Project HG06040

For further information contact:Phillip Taylor, Macquarie UniversityT 0405 762 546E [email protected]

Page 4: Cherry industry overview · coNtrol techNology Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF) is a major quarantine pest for many Australian ... technologies for the field control of fruit flies could


Verification of a 3°C disinfestation treatment for nectarines, cherries and plumsBackground

In January 2006, the Taiwan Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine (BAPHIQ) excluded the entry of all Australian fresh produce known to be a host to the Queensland fruit fly (QFF). Taiwan has been an important export market for Australian summerfruit and cherries, and technical submissions based on QFF disinfestation treatment protocols for regaining market access were developed by NSW DPI and provided to the Taiwanese authorities. The Taiwanese government required that verification trials to confirm the efficacy of a 3°C cold disinfestation treatment for QFF in fresh cherries, nectarines and plums be conducted, and that these trials be overseen by a BAPHIQ Inspector.

Research findings

The three verification trials were conducted at the NSW Department of Primary Industries’ QFF research laboratory at the Gosford Primary Industries Institute in 2008/09. One BAPHIQ inspector was present to oversee the cherry trial and the beginning of the nectarine trial, before being

relieved by another BAPHIQ officer who oversaw the end of the nectarine trial and the entire plum trial.

Fresh nectarine, cherry and plum fruit were infested with QFF eggs by placing the fruit on top of mesh cages containing adult QFF. The eggs were then allowed to hatch and develop to the most cold-tolerant life stage, which had been determined during previous

BAPHIQ Inspector removing cherries from QFF cages following infestation.

BAPHIQ Inspector examining cherry fruit for surviving QFF larvae following treatment at 3°C for 14 days.

projects (SF05021 and CY05012). For nectarines and cherries, first instar larvae were the most cold tolerant, whereas third instar larvae were the most cold tolerant life stage in plums. The fruit were then subjected to a 3°C disinfestation treatment for 14 days. Following this, the fruit were removed from the coldrooms, stored for two to three days at 26°C and then examined by BAPHIQ inspectors for any surviving larvae. No QFF larvae survived in nectarines, cherries or plums following the 3°C disinfestation treatment for 14 days.

Industry outcomes

This project has been completed and the final report submitted to HAL. The inspectors present for the trials have reported back to BAPHIQ and negotiations are currently underway to restore market access for Australian summerfruit and cherries to Taiwan on the basis of the results of these verification trials. These trials may also provide supporting evidence for other export submissions.

Project MT08053

For more information contact: Katina Lindhout, NSW DPIT 02 4348 1965 E [email protected]

Page 5: Cherry industry overview · coNtrol techNology Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF) is a major quarantine pest for many Australian ... technologies for the field control of fruit flies could


The 2008/09 marketing program had a strong focus on the end consumer through product sampling and retail merchandising.

The key strategies included:

The development of the brand •positioning “Love Summer Love Cherries” based on research conducted in 2007/08 financial year:

– Point of sale (POS) material supporting the new brand positioning;

– Distribution of the POS material through six central markets nationally, state associations and the national merchandising program;

– National cherry sampling;

– Retail relations development with key retailer accounts;

– A public relations strategy targeting key media through media drops, media releases and liaising with individual media contacts to increase exposure.

The development of a cherry consumer •DVD;

State based co-operative marketing •activity.

2008/09 campaign highlights

The national cherry sampling and merchandising programs occurred in two waves. The first wave was two weeks prior to Christmas and the second wave was in the typically slow retail period of post Christmas and New Year in January.

National sampling program

The key objectives of the sampling program were: to increase sales of cherries, to engage target shoppers, to create a strong emotional connection, to increase trials of cherries, to demonstrate how to eat the fruit and to discuss handy tips i.e. how to select, store and eat.

The cherry sampling campaign involved an integrated delivery including female brand ambassadors dressed in summery cherry print dresses with matching accessories in order to draw attention and to generate interest and excitement around the campaign.

150 sampling sessions were conducted nationally. During the campaign period, a total cherry sale of around 5,000 kilos was recorded. The vast majority of store managers indicated an increase of over 50 per cent in sales when sampling occurred. It was estimated that a total of 14,950 consumers were educated nationally during the campaign. The price point that attracted the most sales was $10~$15/kg. This could suggest that price could be an indication of quality, at the same time the consumers became price sensitive when the price was in excess of $15/kg. However, in certain areas/demographics, sales defied the highest price point of >$15/kg.

Point of sale (POS) material development

Eye-catching POS material included A2 posters, wobblers and cherry paper bags with handy selection, storage and eating tips printed on the reverse side of the paper bags.

The range of POS had a wide reach in independent grocers around the country during the cherry season, with distribution through six central markets, a national merchandising campaign and the state cherry associations.

National merchandising program

Feedback from the central markets suggested that in some cities the reach of the independent retailers was in excess of 80 per cent of the retailers that purchased cherries from those markets.

In total, the number of stores merchandised was 330 nationally. About two thirds of the store managers allowed the merchandisers to display the POS material. Where appropriate, the merchandisers also imparted information about correct cherry handling and display based on the “Cherry Retail Tips” produced by the SA cherry association.

Domestic Marketing Program 2008/09

National public relations (PR) program

To announce the arrival of the cherry season and sustain news through the duration of the season, a comprehensive list of 175 key media contacts were approached in the form of cherry media drops and personal contact to secure media coverage.

An estimated 4.3 million people nationally were reached in 2008/09. Highlights included a 10 minute cooking segment on Channel 9’s Fresh TV Christmas with Australian Women’s Weekly, a 5 minute segment with Lynne Mullins on Sydney’s radio station 2UE and a half page in the Sydney Morning Herald’s Good Living supplement.

Project CY08500

For more information please contact:Elisa Tseng, HAL Marketing ManagerT 02 8295 2300E [email protected]

Page 6: Cherry industry overview · coNtrol techNology Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF) is a major quarantine pest for many Australian ... technologies for the field control of fruit flies could


BeNefits from comBiNed tasmaNia aNd cherry growers australia iNdustry develoPmeNt officer

fruit growers tasmaNia aNNual coNfereNce aNd regioNal visit may 2008

The Australian cherry industry is benefitting from combining the roles of a Tasmanian state and national industry development officer.

The Cherry Growers of Australia (CGA) strategic plan and the Fruit Growers Tasmania (FGT) operational plan identified the need for regional industry development officers to effectively achieve research, development and extension issues. The project’s combined national and local focus is improving awareness of issues surrounding export, in particular maximum residue limits (MRLs) and chemical use.

In August 2008 the inaugural CGA 2008 Cherry export manual was launched. The manual includes a variety of information and tools including export spray guides, MRL and export interval guides, export protocols, state requirements and permits to assist growers in meeting the requirements of various export markets. The manual will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis.

The project is also committed to addressing national extension requirements. The ‘Working towards quality’ seminar series for 2008

was concluded in August by cherry consultant and grower John Morton from Oregon Cherry Growers (USA). He presented a two day workshop to Tasmanian, Victorian, Western Australian, South Australian and New South Wales cherry growers on nutrition, pruning, frost control, light influence on yield, crop load management, harvest and postharvest.

The CGA 2009 seminar series commenced in May with cherry grower and consultant Earnscy Weaver from New Zealand presenting on cherry nutrition in Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia and New South Wales.

At a local and state level the project is dedicated to issues such as export market maintenance, and export market access and development, increasing production and profitability, maintaining protection from quarantinable pests and diseases, facilitation of research and development, maintenance of an adequate skilled workforce, and encouragement of industry alliances.

Through this project the IDO continued to support the implementation of best practice by organising training, field

days, newsletters, and conferences such as the annual May conference and 2009 National Cherry Conference. Relevant information was provided for the control of pest and diseases, particularly in relation to export market requirements through the development of spray programs, organised residue testing and applications for relevant permits for the industry through APVMA.

Project MT07058

For more information contact:Anna Steinhauser, Fruit Growers Tasmania Inc T 03 6266 4305 E [email protected]

The conference, held in May 2008,

was based around the theme “Working

Towards Quality” and included local,

national and international speakers

who addressed:

New (UFO training) orchard •


Orchard nutrition;•

Improving soil health;•

Cherry Growers of Australia (CGA) •


Trends in irrigation, drainage and •

soil moisture monitoring;

Crop load management including •pre-harvest;

Working towards quality from a •grower perspective;

Harvesting in the heat;•

In-transit temperature monitoring.•

The conference also included a regional visit to Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales with international presenter Matt Whiting covering pollination, fruit set and shedding, and crop load management.

The conference committee utilised its own resources and the Victorian Cherry Growers (VCG), New South Wales Cherry Growers Association (NSW CGA) and South Australian Cherry Growers Association (SA CGA) to facilitate the visits and add a personal level to the organisation, adding to the success of the conference.

Project CY07016

For more information contact:Anna Steinhauser, Fruit Growers Tasmania Inc T 03 6266 4305 E [email protected]

Page 7: Cherry industry overview · coNtrol techNology Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF) is a major quarantine pest for many Australian ... technologies for the field control of fruit flies could


facilitatiNg iNdustry commuNicatioN via tree fruit magaziNeTree Fruit magazine has continued to be an important part of the communication strategy for Cherry Growers of Australia Inc (CGA), and is well received by growers.

CGA has utilised this media as the official industry communication journal since September 2004. At that time the industry sought a mechanism to effectively, efficiently and regularly communicate with grower levy payers. Tree Fruit was selected and continues to be used to report on the activities of CGA.

Through regular reports from the President, Secretary and State Affiliates, CGA has been able to keep growers abreast of the many issues being dealt with by the organisation. The magazine also reports on industry programs including research and development, promotion, plant health, biosecurity, and general industry projects including reports on the Australian Cherry Breeding program.

Special industry articles are also supplied by local and international experts. In addition, CGA has used the regular mail out to distribute other industry publications including the Export Manual, the IPM poster and the Conference package.

A minimum of two pages are used to cover the industry activities across ten editions each year.

Tree Fruit is sent to all known Australian cherry growers on the industry database representing 650 to 700 growers. The magazine is also sent to a number of Federal and State Government politicians and Government Agency representatives.

Project CY08017

For more information contact: Trevor Ranford, Cherry Growers of Australia Inc T 08 8349 4556 E [email protected]

future surveillaNce Needs for Bee Biosecurity

advaNces iN australiaN cherry BreediNgDeveloping large, well adapted cherry varieties with improved rain cracking resistance for Australian cherry growers is currently underway.

Widespread rains across Australia’s cherry growing areas last December (season 2008/09) highlighted the need for varieties that sustain less damage from rainfall events near harvest. While financially costly for most growers, the rain occurring with 30 per cent of harvest completed did provide an excellent opportunity to get good differentiation of the relative rain cracking susceptibility of many lines within the breeding program.

In 2008 the breeding program contained 12,000 different genotypes, with 3,626 cropping trees. 87 trees were considered promising and a further 768 of sufficient standard to require further evaluation. In winter, 3,412 were removed based on previous season’s results to focus on those with greater potential.

In 2009, 1,627 cropping trees were assessed, 64 were considered promising, and a further 413 require further evaluation.

All promising lines have been grafted for further evaluation on Mazzard F12-1 rootstock.

Excellent progress was made this season, especially in weeding out those lines susceptible to rain cracking. Overall fruit firmness was considered impressive, and there were many quality fruit lines displaying good levels of reduced rain cracking susceptibility.

Several new lines will enter the national evaluation network field trials mid-2009 with the future looking bright for the release of new varieties with reduced rain cracking susceptibility in the near future.

Project CY07000

For more information contact:Darren Graetz, SARDIT 08 8303 9362 E [email protected]

A set of bee biosecurity surveillance options are being developed based on current knowledge. The options developed will be expert-based, with limited modelling used to explore possible scenarios. Beliefs should be consistent with the data and intuition.

In the first instance the targets of the surveillance options will be those threats identified under the EAD response agreement, although the final list may change after the initial scoping discussion with key industry and jurisdictional stakeholders. Varroa and Tropilealaps mites will be included in the final list.

Some capacity for flexibility will be incorporated in the surveillance strategy to include other targets. After initial discussion the options will be restricted to the use of bait hives and sentinel hives and exclusion within particular areas.

Once the options have been developed, a workshop will be used to validate results and analysis.

Project MT08044

For more information contact:Dr David Dall, RIRDCT 02 6271 4128 E [email protected]

Page 8: Cherry industry overview · coNtrol techNology Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF) is a major quarantine pest for many Australian ... technologies for the field control of fruit flies could


develoPmeNt of aN iNterNatioNal staNdard for moBile elevatiNg work PlatformsThis project is the final of a series to represent orchard grower’s interests in the development of standards for mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs) used in orchards.

The work has covered the operating and maintenance standard AS 2550.10 (published in 2006), the design standard AS 1418.10 (expected to be published 2009), and the international design standard ISO/DIS 16653-3 which is currently in draft.

Prior to this multi-industry initiative, orchard growers were not represented on the standards committees. The standards therefore tended to cover the needs of industrial users and did not recognise important innovations necessary to ensure MEWPs could operate efficiently and safely in orchards.

For example, an orchard MEWP operator may pick over 14,000 avocados in a shift repositioning the platform perhaps 5,000 times. The controls needed to provide for this high-speed picking are quite different from those required for an industrial MEWP which may be repositioned less than 20 times in a shift. Similarly, orchard MEWPs are generally smaller than industrial counterparts and need to travel faster to ensure efficient operation.

The omission of orchard grower input to the standards had left orchard MEWPs non-complying. Growers were at risk of dispute and prosecution from safety regulators and civil litigation in the event of an injury involving an orchard MEWP.

The current and final part of the project has been to develop an international standard for orchard MEWPs. The international standards did not recognise orchard MEWPs and their special

requirements. Courts have been known to reference higher-level standards in injury litigation and on that basis it was judged prudent to gain recognition at international level.

A valuable outcome of the project is that a commentary has been included in AS 1418.10 covering the use of MEWPs in orchards. The document has been written with input by orchard MEWP manufacturers and users. As the only published document covering the subject it may serve to help growers and manufacturers explain why efficient orchard MEWPs must be different from MEWPs used in general industry.

Project MT08013

For more information contact:Keith Batten, Keith Batten & AssociatesT 0418 738 969 E [email protected]

Taking a new view of cherry crackingBy better understanding how water enters the cherry, the costly problem of cherry cracking can be better understood and managed.

Rain-induced cherry cracking has always been a major challenge to sweet cherry growers. The unpredictable nature of rainfall and limited strategies to combat the problem makes the management of cherry cracking difficult and costly. This project was initiated to further understand the process by which water enters cherries during and following rainfall. It has extended the current understanding of cracking by examining an alternative view of the underlying process.

Different pathways exist by which water can enter the fruit, thereby causing it to crack. The propensity for cracking interacts with the time

of rainfall, cherry variety, seasonal conditions and crop load.

Cracks at the two ends of the fruit (apical and stem) have been shown to be caused by water moving directly across the skin of the cherry, whereas the large side cracks are caused by water moving from the soil via the internal system of the tree.

Higher numbers of fruit per tree reduced the level of cracking, further confirming the alternative view of the importance of the hydraulic system of the whole tree to the cracking problem. Work over the last season has extended our understanding of the hydraulic system of the whole cherry tree and its link to cherry cracking.

Simulated rainfall applied during the afternoon period induced higher levels

of cracking – especially side cracks – than night or morning applications.

Further work on the incidence of cracking has confirmed varietal differences in propensity to particular types of cracks, suggesting that varietal specific management strategies need to be considered in combating the problem.

The increased understanding of the process of cherry cracking should permit better risk assessment and provide the potential for the development of effective integrative prevention strategies.

The project will be completed later this year.

Project CY06001

For more information contact:Alistair Gracie, University of TasmaniaT 03 6226 7468 E [email protected]

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relatioNshiPs aNd roles relatiNg to hal ProgramsHorticulture Australia Limited (HAL) is a not-for-profit industry owned company. Its role is to manage the expenditure of funds collected by the Australian Government on behalf of horticulture industries.

HAL invests $85 million annually in projects to benefit horticulture industries.

An Industry Advisory Committee (IAC) is established for each industry with a statutory levy and annual income exceeding $150,000. The IAC is a subcommittee of the HAL Board. It makes recommendations to HAL on the expenditure of funds.

Cherry Growers of Australia Inc (CGA) recommends membership of the IAC to HAL and ensures the skills required on an IAC are met by the persons they recommend for appointment to the committee. CGA is responsible for recommending to HAL the establishment of, and any changes to, statutory levies.

For more information please visit

coNsultatioN fuNdiNgConsultation funding is paid by HAL to cover costs for IAC meetings, annual levy payers’ meetings and costs within the partnership agreement between HAL and the member industry that are specified as consultation, for example R&D program consultation. In 2008/09 $88,413 of consultation funding was budgeted to be provided to the Cherry Growers of Australia.

Productivity and Adding Value

Improve the productivity and profitability of existing industries and support the development of viable new industries.

Supply Chain and Markets

Better understand and respond to domestic and international market and consumer requirements and improve the flow of such information through the whole supply chain, including to consumers.

Natural Resource Management

Support effective management of Australia’s natural resources to ensure primary industries are both economically and environmentally sustainable.

Climate Variability and Climate Change

Build resilience to climate variability and adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change.


Protect Australia’s community, primary industries and environment from biosecurity threats.

Innovation Skills

Improve the skills to undertake research and apply its findings.


Promote the development of new and existing technologies.

Productivity and Adding Value (25.2%)

Supply Chain and Markets (34.1%)

Natural Resources Management (5.5%)

Climate Variability and Climate Change (2.7%)

Biosecurity (22.1%)

Innovation Skills (4.5%)

Technology (5.9%)

Percentage by value of Cherry 09

australiaN goverNmeNt PrioritiesAs part of the Australian Government’s commitment to rural research and development, horticulture industries can access matching Commonwealth funding through HAL for all research and development activities.

The Australian Government’s Rural Research and Development Priorities aim to foster innovation and guide R&D effort in the face of continuing economic, environmental and social change. HAL’s operations are closely aligned with these priorities.

This chart shows the proportion of projects in HAL’s cherry R&D program allocated against each of the Australian Government priorities for rural research and development. Full details across all industries are available in HAL’s annual report at

In 2008/09 the Cherry Growers of Australia Inc (CGA) acted as the service provider on five projects.

Full details can be found on page 11 of this report.

Investing in Australian horticulture

Page 10: Cherry industry overview · coNtrol techNology Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF) is a major quarantine pest for many Australian ... technologies for the field control of fruit flies could


The cherry industry contributes funding towards an across industry program that addresses issues affecting all of horticulture. Details of the current program are listed below. A full report of the program can be found at

Across Industry Program

Cherry Program 2008/09

Project No

TitleProject start

Project completion

Organisation Contact

Outcome 1 Enhance the efficiency, transparency, responsiveness and integrity of the supply chain for the total industry to provide clear market signals

AH04007 Pesticide regulation coordinator 5 Jul 04 1 Jul 09 AKC Consulting Kevin Bodnaruk 02 9499 3833

AH07033 Incident Response Protocol – development and training for horticulture

21 Apr 08 30 Sep 09 Control Risks Julian Heath 02 9279 0099

AH08011 A baseline survey of knowledge, attitudes, approaches and aspirations regarding contamination management

31 Jul 08 31 Jan 09 Instinct and Reason David Donnelly 02 9283 2233

AH08012 Country of origin labelling research project 1 Oct 08 31 Oct 08 Horticulture Australia Limited David Chenu 02 8295 2300

MT07029 Managing pesticide access in horticulture 1 Jul 07 30 Jun 10 AgAware Consulting Pty Ltd Peter Dal Santo 03 5439 5916

Outcome 2 Maximise the benefits of horticultural products in the eyes of consumers, influencers and government

AH07006 Promoting the health advantage of fruit and vegetable to increase their consumption

1 Jul 07 30 Jun 10 Horticulture Australia Limited Chris Rowley 02 8901 0329

Outcome 3 Position horticulture to compete in a globalised environment

AH07002 HAL market access coordination 1 Jul 07 30 Jun 09 Stephen Winter & Associates Pty Ltd

Stephen Winter 03 9832 0787

AH07003 Market access support program 30 Jun 08 30 Jun 09 Horticulture Australia Limited Kim James 08 6389 1407

AH08010 Workshop on quantitative methods applied to horticultural improvement

16 Jul 08 30 Sep 08 Australia Crop Genetic Services

Craig Hardner 07 3346 9465

Outcome 4 Achieve long term viability and sustainability for Australian horticulture

AH07031 Peri-urban horticulture and land use planning: Literature Review & ‘Tool-kit’

1 Apr 08 31 Oct 08 GHD Luke Jewell 02 9241 5655

AH08002 Horticulture Water Initiative 2008/09 1 Jul 08 30 Jun 09 Horticulture Australia Limited Alison Turnbull 02 8295 2300

AH08003 Analysis of Horticulture’s carbon footprint 15 Jan 09 31 May 09 Horticulture Australia Limited Alison Turnbull 02 8295 2300

AH08014 Horticulture industry consultation on Award modernisation

17 Nov 08 30 Apr 09 Horticulture Australia Limited Ravi Hegde 02 8295 2300

Project No

Project titleLevy or VC


Project completion

Organisation Contact

CY06001 A new view of cherry cracking Levy 22 Mar 07 31 Jul 09 University of Tasmania Dr Alistair Gracie 03 6226 7468

CY06015 Methyl bromide fumigation of cherries against Qfly for access to Taiwan

VC 1 Dec 06 30 Aug 09 Department of Employment, Economic Development & Innovation

Peter Leach 07 4044 1679

CY07000 Developing high quality Australian sweet cherries for export and domestic markets

Levy 10 Apr 08 31 Mar 11 South Australia Research & Development Institute

Darren Graetz 08 8389 8809

CY07011 CY06005 Phase 2: New ways to disinfest and maintain cherry fruit quality

Levy 1 Oct 07 1 Oct 09 NSW Department of Primary Industries

Dr John Golding 02 4348 1926

CY07015 Frost protection – evaluation of new system VC 3 Sep 07 31 Mar 09 University of Tasmania Dr Steve Wilson 03 6226 7469

Page 11: Cherry industry overview · coNtrol techNology Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF) is a major quarantine pest for many Australian ... technologies for the field control of fruit flies could


Project No

Project titleLevy or VC


Project completion

Organisation Contact

CY07016 Fruit Growers Tasmania Annual Conference, May 2008


5 May 08 1 Jul 08 Fruit Growers Tasmania Inc

Anna Steinhauser 03 6266 4305

CY08005 AFFOC well informed cherry and summerfruit supply chain application

VC 1 Aug 08 30 Apr 11 Australian Fresh Fruit Company Pty Ltd

Andrew Dick 03 5420 7444

CY08009 Cherry market access visits Levy 1 Oct 08 15 Jul 09 Cherry Growers of Australia Inc

Trevor Ranford 08 8349 4556

CY08012 CGA Annual Conference 2009 VC 19 May 09 31 Oct 09 Fruit Growers Tasmania Inc

Anna Steinhauser 03 6266 4305

CY08017 Facilitating cherry industry communications via the Tree Fruit publication 2008/09

Levy 1 May 09 27 Sep 09 Cherry Growers of Australia Inc

Trevor Ranford 08 8349 4556

CY08025 39th National Cherry Conference VC 1 Jul 08 30 Sep 09 NSW Cherry Growers Association

Joanne Wells 02 6384 3285

CY08026 Working towards quality production Levy 1 Aug 08 30 Nov 08 Cherry Growers of Australia Inc

Trevor Ranford 08 8349 4556

CY08033 Cherry industry biosecurity preparedness Levy 7 Mar 09 27 Nov 09 Cherry Growers of Australia Inc

Trevor Ranford 08 8349 4556

CY08035 Fruit Growers Tasmania Annual Conference and Cherry Growers of Australia regional extension, May 2009


1 May 09 1 Jul 09 Fruit Growers Tasmania Inc

Anna Steinhauser 03 6266 4305

CY08038 Facilitating cherry industry communications via the Tree Fruit publication 2009/10

Levy 1 Jun 09 30 May 10 Fruit Tree Media Nick Morenos 03 9740 7136

CY08500 Cherry marketing campaign 2008/09 Levy 1 Jul 08 30 Jun 09 Horticulture Australia Ltd Elisa Tseng 02 8295 2300

CY08505 Cherry Export Program Levy 1 Oct 08 30 Jun 09 Horticulture Australia Ltd Wayne Prowse 02 8295 2300

CY08900 Cherry Partnership Agreement 2008/09 Levy 1 Jul 08 30 Jun 09 Cherry Growers of Australia Inc

Trevor Ranford 08 8349 4556

HG06040 Optimal irradiation procedures for sterilization of Queensland fruit flies

Levy 1 Oct 06 30 Apr 10 Macquarie University Phillip Taylor 0405 762 546

MT07015 Tasmanian pest incursion monitoring Levy/VC

1 Aug 07 1 Jun 11 Fruit Growers Tasmania Inc

Anna Steinhauser 03 6266 4305

MT07058 Combined Fruit Growers Tasmania and Cherry Growers Australia Industry Development Officer


1 Jul 07 31 Aug 11 Fruit Growers Tasmania Inc

Anna Steinhauser 03 6266 4305

MT08013 Development of an international standard for Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWP’s) used in orchards


15 Jul 08 19 Jul 09 Keith Batten & Associates Keith Batten 0418 738 969

MT08015 Data collection program (continuation from MT07036)


15 Sep 08 31 May 10 Horticulture Australia Ltd Roger Bramble 028295 2300

MT08035 Providing data packages for new fruit fly control technology


1 Jul 08 25 May 10 Department of Employment, Economic Development & Innovation

Hainan Gu 07 3896 9382

MT08036 Ecology and preharvest control of fruit flies for systems approaches to market access for fruit fly host commodities

Levy 1 Jul 08 30 Apr 12 CRC For National Plant Biosecurity

Anthony Clarke 07 3864 5023

MT08038 Development of a business case for market access R&D

Levy 15 Sep 08 15 Dec 08 IDA Economics Pty Ltd Greg Martin 02 6227 5502

MT08044 Future surveillance needs for bee biosecurity Levy/VC

5 Jan 09 31 Jul 09 Rural Industries R&D Corporation

Dr David Dall 02 6271 4128

MT08048 Simulation workshop for Varroa mite incursion


5 Jan 09 15 Nov 09 Rural Industries R&D Corporation

Dr David Dall 02 6271 4128

MT08053 Verification of a 3ºC disinfestation treatment for nectarines, cherries and plums

Levy 21 Nov 08 27 Mar 09 NSW Department of Primary Industries

Katina Lindhout 02 4348 1965

MT08054 Taiwanese inspector costs for verification of a 3ºC disinfestation treatment for nectarines, cherries and plums

Levy 21 Nov 08 27 Mar 09 Kalang Consultants Rob Duthie 0422 905 787

Page 12: Cherry industry overview · coNtrol techNology Queensland Fruit Fly (QFF) is a major quarantine pest for many Australian ... technologies for the field control of fruit flies could


Horticulture Australia Limited (HAL) Level 7, 179 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000 T 02 8295 2300 F 02 8295 2399

Financial Report

Bradley Mills Industry Services ManagerHorticulture Australia Limited (HAL)

Suite 503530 Little Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000

T 0408 635 465E [email protected]


advisory committee (iac)David Minnis (Chair) retired February 2009

Ian Hay

Scott Coupland

Steve Chapman

Max Arif

Tim Reid

Ian Sparnon

Trevor Ranford (CGA ex officio)

Bradley Mills (HAL ex officio)

cherry iNvestmeNt summaryYear ended 30 June 2009

Marketing 2008/09

R&D 2008/09

Combined 2008/09

Funds available 1 July 2008 118,430 281,099 399,529


Levies Received 270,689 361,054 631,743

Commonwealth Contributions 246,937 246,937

Other Income 2,812 17,264 20,076

Total Income 273,501 625,255 898,756

Budget 280,000 705,664 985,664

Variance to Budget (6,499) (80,409) (86,908)


Levy Programs 196,253 434,672 630,925

Service Delivery Programs by HAL 26,730 59,202 85,932

Across Industry Contribution 5,042 5,042

Levy Collection Costs 2,740 3,966 6,706

Total Investment 225,723 502,882 728,605

Budget 349,106 709,696 1,058,802

Variance to Budget 123,383 206,814 330,197

Annual Surplus/Deficit 47,778 122,373 170,151

Closing Balance 30 June 2009 166,208 403,472 569,680