chi-builder brochure

The World's First Total Body Optimizing System .The first time I used the Chi-Builder, I knew that my life would never be the same. It's the solution to my life-long struggle with my weight and health... the thing that I've always looked for but figured was too good to be true. Chi-Building has changed everything. I've never, ever looked this good, I've never felt this good either. Thank you! What can Chi-Building do for Y’? * Represents optional features The Chi-Builder has not been evaluated by the FDA or any other agency and is not a medical device. We do not claim to treat, cure, or diagnose any disease. Consult your doctor to make sure you're fit for intense heat and exercise before Chi-Building. Use of the Chi-Builder is in no way an alternative to sound medical advice or care by qualified medical professionals for any condition or disease. The Chi-Builder is protected by US Patents. "Chi-Builder," "Chi-Building" and "Chi-Built" are restricted trademarks of Chi-Builder, LLC. Chi-Builder Technologies •Far-Infrared Radiation (FAR) • Rebounding • LED Light Therapy • Visual, Sound and Aroma Therapies • Vibrational Therapy • Principles of Sacred Geometry • Principles of Feng Shui Chi-Builder Features • Surround Sound & Sub-Woofer • iPod Adapter and AV Input • High Powered Fan • Essential Oil Diffuser • Medical Grade Air Purifyer* • EMF Free Far-Infrared Panels* • Flat Panel TV with DVD/CD Player* Your First Session is Free! Visit for more information. The Chi-Builder is available for purchase and for commerical use. Look at our website to see if there is a location near you. If you're interested in owning a Chi-Builder for personal or professional purposes, contact the inventor, Jerry Reeves, at (503) 969-2600 or email [email protected]. Price: $30,000. Payment plans are available. Dimensions: 5'2" wide - 8'10" tall Requirements: The Chi-Builder uses a 30 amp circuit The World's First Total Body Optimizing System Chi-Builder ®

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Post on 30-Mar-2016




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The Chi-Builder is the worlds first whole body optimizer, designed to help you lose weight, detoxify and reduce stress.


Page 1: Chi-Builder Brochure

The World's First Total Body Optimizing System


The first time I used the Chi-Builder, I knew that my life would never be the same. It's the solution to my life-long struggle with my weight and health... the thing that I've always looked for but figured was too good to be true.

Chi-Building has changed everything. I've never, ever looked this good, I've never felt this good either. Thank you!

What can Chi-Building do for Y'?

* Represents optional featuresThe Chi-Builder has not been evaluated by the FDA or any other agency and is not a medical device. We do not claim to treat, cure, or diagnose any disease. Consult your doctor to make sure you're fit for intense heat and exercise before Chi-Building. Use of the Chi-Builder is in no way an alternative to sound medical advice or care by qualified medical professionals for any condition or disease. The Chi-Builder is protected by US Patents. "Chi-Builder," "Chi-Building" and "Chi-Built" are restricted trademarks of Chi-Builder, LLC.

Chi-Builder Technologies•Far-Infrared Radiation (FAR)

• Rebounding

• LED Light Therapy

• Visual, Sound and Aroma Therapies

• Vibrational Therapy

• Principles of Sacred Geometry

• Principles of Feng Shui

Chi-Builder Features• Surround Sound & Sub-Woofer

• iPod Adapter and AV Input

• High Powered Fan

• Essential Oil Diffuser

• Medical Grade Air Purifyer*

• EMF Free Far-Infrared Panels*

• Flat Panel TV with DVD/CD Player*

Your First Session is Free!Visit for more information.

The Chi-Builder is available for purchase and for commerical use. Look at our website to see if there is a location near you. If you're interested in owning a Chi-Builder for personal or professional purposes, contact the inventor, Jerry Reeves, at (503) 969-2600 or email [email protected].

Price: $30,000. Payment plans are available.Dimensions: 5'2" wide - 8'10" tallRequirements: The Chi-Builder uses a 30 amp circuit

The World's First Total Body Optimizing System

Chi-Builder ®

Page 2: Chi-Builder Brochure

8The Chi-Builder isthe worlds first

Optimizing SystemWHOLE BODY

The Chi-Builder is not an exercise machine or some fancy beauty treatment, nor is it simply a revolutionary leap in natural health. Chi-Builder is the worlds first whole body optimizer, folding all of these elements into one holistically integrated

system that addresses the three primary health concerns of modern day living: toxicity, weight gain and chronic stress.


Modern living is poisonous, from the food we eat to the air we breathe and water we drink, toxins and heavy metals accumulate in our bodies daily. Our environments are now hostile to not only human life, but all life. Why else would general health be in such steep decline? Science has officially declared, cancer is the number one killer in America. One out of every two people will die of some form of cancer, the cause of which is directly linked to bodily toxicity. Detoxifying your body is not an option in our current climate, it is an absolute necessity. The Chi-Builder uses cutting edge far-infrared (FIR) technology for deep purification, purging heavy metals, toxins and wastes through the sweat induced by it's radiant heat. Scientific analysis shows that this sweat is composed of 5-6 times more toxins, fat and impurities than the sweat caused by normal methods, with excretions of metabolic wastes, environmental toxins, city pollution, cholesterol, heavy metals, alcohol, nicotine and actual fat cells. FIR is the premier sauna technology because of it's ability to heal and detoxify, and studies have proven it beneficial for many applications, speeding injury recovery times, reducing pain and much more. Many alternative health experts recommend using far-infrared heat for it's therapeutic benefits, and the Chi-Builder provides more of it than any product or sauna on the market, offering 360° of head to toe exposure.

Weight Loss & Fitness The Standard American Diet (SAD), compounded by a lack of exercise and overall physical fitness is another cause of poor health. Our lifestyles simply don't afford us enough organic activity, and exercising is time consuming or difficult to motivate ourselves to do. Chi-Building provides weight loss that is both fast and sustainable, which sounds too good to be true, and probably was, before the Chi-Builder. In the short-term, it provides a complete flush of water weight. It's common for people to loose 2-6 pounds in one Chi-Building session due to this, even though they keep themselves hydrated with plenty of fresh water throughout. This provides the kind of motivation that will naturally keep you coming back for more, accomplishing in under an hour what people go on fasts and crash diets for days to accomplish. It also burns calories like wild fire, which produces long-term and sustainable weight loss, through not only the sweating (which easily burns 300-600 calories per session on it's own), but the exercise and movement of using the rebounder. A rebounder is a small trampoline that you jump on for therapeutic exercise. NASA advocates it as the "Worlds most perfect exercise," because it's low impact, burns 15% more calories than jogging in the same amount of time and improves your health by stimulating the lymphatic system. Rebounding tones every muscle in the body, is virtually effortless and fun to do!

Stress Reduction Chronic stress is the other major enemy of good health and quality of life. We work too hard, worry too much and rest too little in our lives in it's time to do something about it. The Chi-Builder is a sanctuary, a place where any stress and tension you may have simply melts away. Chi-Building brings yoga-like peace, balance and rejuvenation to the mind, body and spirit. Inside, it's cozy and womb-like, with soft LED lights, aromatherapy and isolating sound that makes you forget whatever may be going on in the world outside- almost as though for those 25-50 minutes, it ceases to exist. The Chi-Builder is intended for one person at a time and is a phone-free zone, providing you the time and space to put yourself first. On another level, the benefits Chi-Building provides can limit the amount of stress you experience in other ways, because being confident with how you look, loving your new Chi-Built body and feeling great do wonders. Imagine not having to feel guilty because you ate a cookie (or two), or the warm feeling you get knowing you're improving your health and fitness on a regular basis. Chi-Building invokes these feelings, and provides real results. This is why it's the modern day lifestyle solution. It's the elegant harmony of modern technology enhanced by ancient principles of natural wellness, the epitome of convience without compromise. It's the Chi-Builder, and it will change your life.