childhood obesity epidemic

Saved our childrens

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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Childhood obesity epidemic

Saved our childrens

Page 2: Childhood obesity epidemic

An obese person has accumulated so much body fat that it might have a negative ef fect on their health. If a person's bodyweight is at least 20% higher than it should be, he or she is considered obese. If your Body Mass Index (BMI) is between 25 and 29.9 you are considered overweight. If your BMI is 30 or over you are considered obese.

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Asking a child to do something you are unwilling to do yourself will usually yield poor results for both parties. “Practice what you preach” is the motto for encouraging kids to get moving and taking on a healthier direction.

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Providing a child with easy-to-access foods can make all the difference in the world. Having cut up vegetables, fruit , nuts, and seeds available can fi l l in for great snacks while breakfast, lunch, and dinner can supply them with the majority of their body and mind building nutrients.

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Try to encourage kids to put down their indoor electronics and go for a walk, r ide their bike, hit the playground, play recreational spor ts, and engage in all types of physical activit ies - especial ly with other fr iends. Kids tend to play more often and longer when they are with other kids so this is a great way to get them moving.

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With more and more research pointing to activity increasing a child’s potential for learning, it behooves us to support and encourage organized physical activity in and out of the schools. Interestingly enough, statistics show that getting students to workout greatly improves their classroom performance.

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