chimes newsletter

C LARKSTO U NITED M ETHODIST C HURCH C HIMES Date Mailed: 8/31/15 Core Values: Committed to Christ Worship That Makes a Difference Making Disciples Biblical Hospitality Transformational Mission September issue Join us for our annual fall kick-off picnic, Sunday, September 13! Everyone is welcome… Please bring a friend! The picnic will begin following the 11:00am worship service. We will have games and a bounce house. Please bring a salad or side dish to pass. United Methodist Men will be providing and grilling the hotdogs and buns. It’s going to be a great time!! See you then!

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September 20115 Clarkston United Methodist Church


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Date Mailed: 8/31/15

Core Values: Committed to Christ Worship That Makes a Difference Making Disciples

Biblical Hospitality Transformational Mission

September issue

Join us for our annual fall kick-off picnic, Sunday, September 13! Everyone is welcome… Please bring a friend! The picnic will begin following the 11:00am worship service. We will have games and a bounce house. Please bring a salad or side dish to pass. United Methodist Men will be providing and grilling the hotdogs and buns. It’s going to be a great time!! See you then!

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September 2015 “Yes, I will get the door”. I closed the door as the last of the tour group left the room. Last one out, I had willingly accepted the responsibility of shutting the doors to the rooms as we left them. However, I stayed in the room as the others continued to be led through the house on the tour. You see, for me this was no ordinary house or tour. I was in London and walking through the house of John Wesley. John Wesley was the prominent leader of the Methodist movement that eventually became the United Methodist Church. More personally, it was through my reading the writings of John Wesley, that my faith journey was touched by the Holy Spirit. His journey of faith spoke powerfully to me and he has been my spiritual mentor since my early twenty’s. The room I lingered in alone was John Wesley’s prayer room. He had spent hours of prayer and study in that room during times of trial and searching. There he had debated with himself and God as to the direction of his ministry and his personal life. His prayer life and study was the foundation of a movement that changed all of England in the late 1700’s, became the largest church in America for a century and remains a force of transformation, mercy and faith today. It is my faith home and yours. So for 15-20 minutes, I prayed. I prayed for my family, for my ministry, this ministry and you who are in this mighty work with me. It was a humbling and uplifting moment. My prayer continues as we move forward sometimes with clarity and sometimes doubt and always in faith. As we jump into this fall, I offer you these final words of Wesley as he died. “The best of all, God is with us”. So it was and always will be true. Grace and Peace. Pastor Rick

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Notes from Pastor Kyle

So this is Clarkston UMC! I had heard very little of this church. All I knew about Clarkston UMC was that Rev. Dake (my old pastor) was the head pastor. When I got the call from the Crossroads District Superintendent I was excited to begin my pastoral life here at Clarkston UMC. Little did I know that shortly after my first day on the job I would be thrusted into the heart of Detroit with that Righteous Mission group. In all honesty, these first few months here at Clarkston UMC have been wonderful. You all have welcomed my wife and me into your hearts and into this church family. For all that and more I thank you. I look forward to my time here at Clarkston UMC. The ministry that has already begun here is astounding. The spiritual journeys I have witnessed recently have been uplifting. It has only begun and we have a lot of work still to do, but I am excited to go on this journey with you. Yours in Christ, Pastor Kyle

Second opportunity to welcome Pastor Kyle! The Staff Parish Relations Committee would like to extend a warm welcome to Pastor Kyle Bucholz and his wife in September also. Please join us for “Worship, Welcome, Picnic & Pounding” Sunday, September 13th. We will welcome Kyle and his wife immediately following the 11:00 am worship services. Come one, come all! What is a pounding? A pounding is an old fashioned practice celebrated when a new pastor is welcomed to the church. Traditionally, a pounding would provide a pastor and family with a pound of staples, such as a pound of flour, sugar, canned goods, cleaning supplies, paper products, non-perishable items, or gift cards. Be creative! Please bring your item on or before September 13th. Below, please find some information on the family and their interests: Food/snack favorites Kyle- Michigan black cherries, donuts, cookies Lauren- crunchy apples (honey crisp, gala), Cheetos, original hummus Hobbies Kyle-sports (golf, football, baseball, basketball), writing, theatre Lauren-outdoors, gardening, music, reading biographies Favorite color Kyle-blue Lauren-green and yellow

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The Emily Schmidt Memorial Trunk or Treat Trot Registration Opened August 1st. The Trot is October 24th at 9am and will offer a 5k run/walk, as well as a 1 mile family fun run. Add a little more fun to this event by running or walking in a costume! All proceeds will be used for our middle and high school Mission Trips 2016 in memory of Emily Schmidt. Sponsor. Volunteer. Donate water/cookies. Bake muffins. Participate. You can register on line at or by submitting a registration form (available in the office and on CUMC’s website) to CUMC, attention Annette Siminski.

Children’s Ministry Volunteer Orientation is Tuesday, September 1st at 7pm in Fellowship Hall. If you are helping with Sunday school, in the nursery or Angels this year, please attend this brief meeting to collect your teaching materials and annual Sunday school calendar, fill out forms, and enjoy some dessert with your fellow volunteers.

No Sunday School on September 6th. Attend worship service as a family!

Sunday School Kick Off & Registration Day is September 13th. Each Sunday school family should have received, among other things, an informational letter, a 2015-16 Universal Registration form, and a volunteer opportunity form in the mail. Please complete all forms and return to the church by September 11th. OR bring all forms on Sunday, Sept. 13th during Sunday School Registration day in Fellowship Hall (9 or 11am). Kids will meet their teachers, do a craft, enjoy a light breakfast and juice, and listen to an overview of the year before going to their classroom while you are in worship service. They may be picked up in their classroom after worship service.

CUMC is having a picnic on September 13th at noon, immediately following worship. Please wear comfy clothes, bring lawn chairs and a side dish or salad to share, and enjoy games, music, a bounce house, and more. Invite a friend!

Acolyte training is Wednesday, September 9th at 4:15-5pm. Any child in the 3rd grade or older may serve as an acolyte for worship service. Please return the acolyte form in your registration packet, and have your child attend this brief training (includes snack).

Camp Out on the church lawn! All are invited to join us Saturday, September 19th-Sunday, September 20th and camp out on our church lawn. The camp out begins at 7pm on Saturday and includes a bonfire, games, crafts and a movie. We will provide snacks Saturday evening and a light breakfast on Sunday. Bring your tent, drinks and lawn chairs, we will do the rest. And of course, stay for Sunday school and church!

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(Children Ministry Continued)


World Communion Sunday is October 4th. Sunday school children (Kdg-Lounge 456) will receive a communion lesson from CUMC’s Pastors during Children’s Church in September. Then they will have the opportunity to take communion during worship with their Sunday school class and parents throughout the year. The first opportunity for the kids to take communion with their class is on World Communion Sunday, Oct. 54th. If you do not want your child to take communion, simply indicate so on your registration form.

Bible Reading Challenge is on! The reading challenge has begun for all children 3rd grade and up. You have until June 14, 2016 to complete this challenge. We will hand out the assignments in Children’s Church during September.

Looking ahead . . . Trunk or Treat is Sunday, October 26th at 5pm! Dress in your favorite costume and trick or treat from car trunk to car trunk. Stay for a bon fire, hotdogs and s’mores. If you would like to decorate your car and pass out candy, email Annette Siminski at [email protected].

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REGISTRATION- Registration Forms for both Youth Breakfast Club and Sunday Night FUEL Youth group are due! Please bring in all registration forms, youth info forms and volunteer forms ASAP. You must have these turned in on Sept. 13th.

Youth Breakfast Club YBC Resumes at 9 & 11am on September 13th: All 7th-12th graders are invited to join us for a Youth Breakfast Club in the Youth Lounge. Adult leaders will lead our youth in reading the scripture for that day, praying for our congregation and watching the pastor’s sermon together, as it is stream lined into the classroom. The leaders will guide our youth in discussion questions our pastors have provided related to the sermon that day. This is a great time for our youth to take part in the sermon while connecting with others in their peer group. All those attending will have the opportunity to make a monetary donation to assist in keeping the breakfast food stocked up. Donation envelopes were sent home in the Youth information packets in August and can be found in the Youth Lounge. Sunday Night YOUTH GROUP for FUEL begins Sept. 13th. All 6th-8th graders are invited to our Youth Group “MESSY” kick-off 6-7:30pm. Wear clothes that can get wet and messy. A light dinner will also be provided. Parents please join us for the mandatory parent meeting at 7pm in the sanctuary.

Sunday Night Youth Group FUEL topics for September: Sept 13th —Kickoff (Parent meeting @7pm on Sept. 13th) Sept. 20th—Super Zero Men Murder Mystery Sept. 27nd—What does it mean to be a Methodist?

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(FUEL information continued) OTHER FUEL OPPORTUNITIES Wednesday Night Dinner Group begins September 16th. Join us every Wednesday from 5-6pm in the Youth Classroom. We will eat, pray and play together as we grow in our faith, joining in all church studies and curriculum chosen by the group. Dinners are also chosen by the group and are done in a pot luck fashion.

Camp Copneconic Fall Retreat Weekend is October 9th-11th: FUEL kids (6th-8th grade) are invited to Camp Copneconic in Fenton, MI to hike, maneuver a high-ropes course and more. The cost is $110; Sign up and money due to CUMC by Sept. 13th.

SAVE THE DATES-LOOKING WAY AHEAD Community Advent Night: Dec. 2th @5-8pm Spring Hill Retreat: January 22-24th Super Bowl Party: Feb. 7th @5pm Fuel Mission Trip: June 26th evening-June 30th (1 overnight, Sunday the rest are day trips)


High School Youth—Youth group topics for September

September 13- 6-7:30 Fall Kick Off (Bring your registration forms!)

September 20- 6-7:30 Youth Counsel, Team Building, What it means to be a group

September 27- 6-7:30 Hot Topics

October 4- 6-7:30 Girls Night/Guys Night- Locations TBD

Meet Our High School Youth Counselors With the addition of Pastor Kyle, and a couple of new youth counselor (Jenny Dean & Kristin Lewelling), we are excited for the new youth group year. There will be new faces, new stories to be shared, as well as new games. We are all excited to work with this fantastic group of students and are looking forward to a great year!

Dates to Save:

October 9th-11th Youth Group Retreat

January 23-24 30 Hour Famine

February 5-7 Spring Hill Retreat

Confirmation At CUMC Confirmation is for youth in ninth grade and above. Our first event is a lock-in @7 p.m.- 9 a.m. On September 26-27, 2015. Please contact Pastor Kyle if you have not yet registered for confirmation. Don’t forget to bring your forms with you to the lock-in!

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Lay Reader Reflections

1. What is God’s call in Genesis?

In the beginning, God gifted humankind with an Inexpressibly exquisite treasure–His earth. His intent Was that we would care for this gift, reap harvest and Sustain ourselves without exploiting or harming Creation.

Genesis 1: 28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase In number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule (Have dominion) over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

But yikes! This is serious. I must have missed the training class for this “ruling over every living thing.”

2. So, is there a problem? Well, yes. We have trashed the treasure. The prophet Jeremiah’s vision from God in the 6th century BC relates the result of being unfaithful. He sees a fruitful land becoming a desolation. History is proving that we have done an extremely inadequate job of following God’s directive. Overconsumption is a destructive way of life that is out of control with greed, selfishness and thoughtlessness causing irreparable harm by depleting more and more natural resources. Dire issues are poverty and illness caused by deforestation and pollution which speed global warming. We have created a hell on earth. We have bypassed God and put ourselves at the center of the universe. Oh, yes, there is a problem!

3. What to do? Turn, turn, turn. “If my people...will turn from their wicked ways...then I will hear from heaven and heal their land.” (2Chr. 7:14) We need to evaluate our use of resources—what we need as opposed to what we want. We need to educate ourselves so that we are wiser about sustainable options– in food, clothing, energy, shelter. Recycling is a crucial beginning. We need to become everyday environmentalists living an eco-friendly existence—become green.

4. As Christians… God trusts us, in spite of our muffing much in the past. As Christians, He has charged us to act proactively and passionately. As Christians we are called to lead this charge—educating, teaching, working toward harmony among all peoples environmentally, being shining examples. We lead crazy busy lives, constantly connected technologically, but we cannot afford to miss His grace—connecting with His state-of-the-art world through sunshine, fresh air and butterflies.

The earth’s plight is ours! Let us worship and love the Creator each day by living fruitfully. Brenda DuPree Lay Reader September 2015

Thought-provoking reading: A Hopeful Earth by Dyck and Ehrman, available in main hallway library bookcase.

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September 1, 2015 Dear Church Family, On behalf of the Building Committee and Capital Campaign teams, I wanted to provide an update on the status of our building process and its related fundraising. It has been a very busy summer, with a tremendous amount of work and dialogue to solidify the final construction plan and financial budget. The intent of this letter is to provide a detailed update on our progress, next steps and timeline.

Ministry Expansion Overview The Ministry Expansion project has been focused on addressing our priorities generated during the 2013 all-church workshops to meet our program needs. Our objective is to modernize our existing footprint to utilize space in a more flexible manner, update our restrooms and provide barrier free accessibility throughout the entire facility. We will expand out square footage to help address existing space challenges.

Improved Space for Children, Youth & Adult Programming

Updated Hospitality and Welcome Area

Multi-purpose addition

Dedicated Mission area

Barrier Free


Capital Campaign Status The Capital Campaign results were exemplary! Our inaugural event secured commitments for over $3,300,000 and we have already received payments in excess of $1,000,000. This success enables us to start the loan process and meet with potential lenders. We celebrate this initial campaign and the efforts of so many who have shown their support. We continue to encourage church members to prayerfully consider participating in the capital campaign. Our total project budget is estimated near $6,200,000. This will be paid off with a second capital campaign. With God’s blessing, these efforts will leave us debt free, allowing us to remain focused serving Christ and expanding ministry for His sake.

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Architectural Plans We have been working with SAA Architects to complete the final design phase. This is detailed, tedious work to ensure we remain within budget while addressing the Ministry Priorities. The Detailed Design work is underway and should be completed in early October. This information is used for Congregational & Conference reviews, zoning approvals, and our Construction Manager as the blueprint for the build. Since May, we have worked to finalize the design to remain within our budget and ensure we have the best possible master plan for today and future years.

Construction Manager Rewold and Sons is working collaboratively with SAA and the trades to provide accurate figures for the construction effort. Rewold is currently working with the trades on specific quotes to ensure the design SAA provides is priced and meets our budget. Our plan is to be able to break ground in Spring 2016.

Timeline August-September 2015 Finalize budget and design September-October CUMC Informational Update Meetings November Congregational Meeting December Finalize mortgage loans January-March 2016 Build Plans with Rewold- staging, phase identification April 2016 Prepare Site May 2016 Break Ground Fall 2017 Building Dedication 2018 Second Capital Campaign 2021 Final Payment on all Loans It is an exciting time in our church life. We are blessed to have the opportunity to make our dream a reality in the coming months. Our future is bright. Our programs are strong. Our church family is actively engaged and supportive. Please continue to keep our Ministry Expansion in your prayers. Thank you for your support. See you in worship! Blessings,

Richard L. Dake Senior Pastor

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PET Update On Wednesday, Sep. 2, we will be carpooling to Ed Noll's workshop near Hadley to fabricate and assemble parts for the PET vehicles. We will meet at the church at 08:15, and be back by about 1:00. You should wear clothing appropriate for the weather that would not be ruined by a little paint. Bring your favorite work gloves. Please let me know by e-mail or phone if you can help with this activity. Thank you & God Bless… Dave Kauffman [email protected] or cell: 248-425-3132.

Mission Possible Fundraiser & Auction Your mission should you chose to accept it will be to attend the “Mission Possible” Fundraiser & Auction . This is an important mission as it is THE major fundraiser for all the mission work done here at CUMC. Here are your details: When: Saturday, Nov 7th, 2015 Time: 6-9pm Where: Fellowship Hall, CUMC This mission includes fabulous food, silent & live auction items and general good fun and mayhem. It is of highest importance that you mark your calendars and show up that night. Stay tuned for updated donation information but most of all we need people to attend and bid on these great items. This message will self destruct in 10 seconds…. Well maybe not. But see you there. Missionary Opportunity Who: Alex and Brenda Awad, United Methodist missionaries with the General Board of Global Ministries, serving in Israel/Palestine Alex and Brenda’s efforts are to bring about reconciliation among Palestinian and Israeli believers in Christ. Alex pastors a small international church in East Jerusalem where Brenda fulfills a variety of functions. He is also a professor and dean of students at Bethlehem Bible College. What: They will be speaking of their mission and

work for Christ When: September 19, Saturday evening, 6pm-

light supper, 7pm - their talk Where: Parlor To Do: Read more about them in the bios which are

posted on the Missions Board & Sign Up

Bring: Donation, a gift of love, for their ministry

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Join a choir!

There is a place in the choir for everyone ages 4 to 104! Come and enjoy the fun, fellowship and creativity that musical groups can provide as we sing, ring, and sign God’s praises!

Cherub Choir- A first choir experience for children. Ages: 4 years-1st Grade Start Date: Wed., Sept 16 Weekly rehearsals: Wednesdays, 5:15-6 p.m. Director: Karen Girard

Wesley Choir- A children’s choir experience including the production of a children’s musical. Grades: 2nd-5th Start Date: Wed., Sept. 16 Weekly rehearsals: Wednesdays, 5:15- 6 p.m. Director: Angie Scheu

Youth Choir- A choir for guys and girls, sings in two or more parts. Grades: 6th- 12th Start Date: Wed. Sept. 16 Weekly rehearsals: Wednesdays, 6 – 6:45 p.m. Director: Angie Scheu

Chancel Choir- sings weekly in worship, usually in 4 parts. College students and adults welcome! Start Date: Thursday, Sept. 9 Weekly rehearsals: Thursdays, 7:30-9 p.m. Director: Kim Bishop

Sign Choir- Utilizes American sign language, drama and music to create an offering for worship. Grades: 2nd and up Start Date: Wed. Sept. 16 Weekly rehearsals: Wednesdays, 4-4:30p.m. Director: Mary Gladstone-Highland

(article continued on page 14)


conclude on Sunday, September 6th - 8:30am , 10:00am


Resume on Sunday, September 13 - 9:00am, 11:00am

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9-10am Worship Service 9-10am Sunday School 9-10am Youth Breakfast Club (starts 9/13) 10-11am Angels in Training (starts 9/13) 10:10– 10:50 Parlor Class (starts 9/13) 10:10– 10:50 Parent’s Circle (starts 9/13) 11-12pm Worship Service 11-12pm Sunday School 11-12pm Youth Breakfast Club (starts 9/13) 6-7:30pm FUEL and HS Youth Grps (starts 9/13) 6pm Parents of Teens Group (starts 9/20)


10:00am—1:00pm Line Dancing (starts 9/14) 1:00—2:30pm Knitting from the Heart (starts 9/14)

4pm– 5:30pm Gentle Yoga (starts 9/14) 6:00—7:00pm Tai Chi 7:00—9:00pm AA Meeting


9:30-12pm Caring Hearts Bible Study (starts 9/8) 10-11:30am Tuesday Bible Study (starts 9/15)


7:00—8:30am Optimist Club 9:15—11:30am Covenant Group (starts 8/9) 4-4:30pm Sign Choir (starts 9/16) 4:30-5:15pm Angelus Bells (starts 9/16) 5-6pm Wed Night Dinner Grp (starts 9/16) 5:15-6pm Cherub Choir & Wesley Choir (starts 9/16) 6pm Youth Choir (starts 9/16) 6:30pm Companion Group (starts 8/9) 6:45pm Celebration Ringers (starts 9/16) 7:30 Jubilate Bells (Starts 9/9 )


7:30—9:00am Clarkston Coffee Club 9:15-11:30am Beth Moore (starts 9/10) 6:30-7:30pm Men’s Bible Study 6:45— 7:45pm Divorce Care (starts 9/10) 7:30—8:30 pm Chancel Choir (starts 9/10) Friday 7:00—8:00am Men’s Bible Study 7:00—9:00pm AA Meeting

Sunday Monday Tuesday


Ministry Volunteer

6 7 Labor Day Church closed


13 9 & 11 Service

& Sunday School

12pm Church picnic

12pm Festival Singers (Music rm)

14 7pm SPRC Mtg

(Brd Rm)

7pm Trustee Mtg. (Lib)


Discussion (Par)

20 Youth Choir Retreat

returns 7pm 7:30am UMM Breakfast (FH) 12pm Festival

Singers (Music rm)

21 6:30 Grief Support

(Adl Clr)

7pm Bridges out of Poverty (Par)

7:30pm Ed 1 Mtg (Brd Rm)


27 8am Confirmation Lockin ends (FH)

9am Confirmation class (Yth Clr) 12pm Festival

Singers (Music rm)

28 10am Food Pantry 6pm Food Pantry

5:30 Bridges out of Poverty (Par)


For the most recent version of our calendar, please visit our website:

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Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 7pm Children's

Ministry Volunteer Mtg (FH)

2 8am Suzanna Wesley

Circle (Par) 5pm Building Cmt

(Rm 201) 7pm Alethea Rose

Mtg (Par) 7:15pm Stardusters

Band (Sanc)


4 5 Independence



9 8:45am Memorial

Cmt (Par)

4:15pm Acolyte Trg


11 7pm Getting Ahead

Graduation (Par)



15 7pm Book

Discussion (Par)

16 8:30am Optimist

Strategic Mtg. (FH) 5-7:30pm Bldg. Cmt (Rm 201)

7:15pm Stardusters 7pm CUMC Mens

Mtg (Adl Clr)


18 12pm 50 & Over

Potluck (Par)

19 8am Youth Choir

Retreat (OS) 6pm Missionary

Speakers Palestine (Par) 7pm Family Campout at

church lawn


23 8:30am Optimist

Strategic Mtg. (FH)

24 25

26 9am Rose Marie Ferrar

Memorial (Sanc) 9am Crossroads Dist.

SPRC Conf (FH) 7:30pm Confirmation

Lockin begins (FH)


30 8:30am UMW Mtg


For the most recent version of our calendar, please visit our website:

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Join a Bell Group!

Jubilation Ringers, our adult handbell choir, has several openings for ringers. If you are a good music reader and well-coordinated you have all that’s needed to learn to ring bells. You might want to consider a training period in the Celebration Ringers choir. Experienced ringers can step right into the intermediate/advanced adult choir which meets from 7:30-9:00 on Wednesdays. Please call Judy Mellen, 248-391-0671 or [email protected] if this sounds like a lot of fun to you, because it is! Remember, studying an instrument is an important part of a childs physical, social, and religious development!

Angelus Bells- An entry-level choral experience for children, learn to read music and ring bells. Grades: 2nd-5th Start Date: Wed., Sept. 16 Weekly rehearsals: Wednesdays, 4:30-5:15 p.m. Director: Judy Mellen

Celebration Ringers- A bell choir for intermediate level ringers. Entry based on experience level, not age. Start Date, Wed. Sept. 10 Weekly rehearsals: Wednesdays, 6:45- 7:30 p.m. Director: Judy Mellen

Jubilation Ringers- Entry based on experience level, advanced high school students and adults. Start Date: Wed., Sept. 9 Weekly rehearsals: Wednesdays, 7:30-9 p.m. Director: Judy Mellen

A very heart felt THANK YOU to all of our volunteers who provided music for worship this summer! Thanks to the CUMC Summer Choir, Wayne & Olivia Wills, Steve Thomas, Betsy Scheu, Dan Reed, Maia Girard, Mary Gladstone-Highland and Dave Gladstone. Thanks as well to our wonderful music staff who provided music throughout the summer!

Thriller Dance returns and we are looking for new zombies! We are continuing our tradition of dancing to “Thriller” with our small zombie troupe at our Trunk or Treat event on Sunday, Oct 25th. You do not have to be a talented dancer to be part of this group—just have a good sense of humor. All ages are welcome as long as they can (sort of) memorize the dance. We have 3 scheduled practices:

Monday, Oct 6, 7-8:30pm (Narthex)

Monday, Oct 13, 7-8:30pm (Narthex)

Monday, Oct 20, 7-8:30pm (Narthex)

If you are interested please email Cheryl Kelly at [email protected] and we can send you the video to check out. Come on, what do you have to lose?

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CUMC Men's Bible Study Thursday Evening Study, 6:30-7:30pm - Library (Jeff Smolek, Dave Kanous) - On summer break until Sept 3rd. Friday Morning Study, 7:00am-8:00am - Parlor (Bob Hoff) SEPT 13 (Sun) 2015 CUMC Fall Kick-Off Picnic (11:00am) The CUMC UMMen will be Grillin' Hot Dogs & Stuffin' Buns ...if you can lend a hand, please stop by the Big Grill at 10:30am to help the guys out, thx!

Upcoming Fall 2015 Men's Committee Meeting Schedule, Wednesday @ 7:30pm in the Adult Classroom—- Sept 16, Oct 14, Nov 11.

Upcoming Fall 2015 Men's Breakfast Schedule, 3rd Sunday @ 7:30am in Fellowship Hall—Sept 20, Oct 18, Nov 15.

Sunday, Sept 20th UMM Breakfast honors Jeremy Dean, Arsey Miller, Jim Degen & Jack McCarrick. Guest Speaker Dan Fife. All men of the church are welcome to attend. Kitchen committee would appreciate any volunteers.

Sept 27th, 2015 8am-4pm Annual Golf Event for Blessing In a Backpack @ Pine Knob Golf Course.

8am Registration & Practice Range Open

9am Tee-off (Shotgun start)

2:30pm Lunch at the Carriage House & Silent Auction. Contest winners awards

Join BIAB for a day of fun. Registration includes the following:

18 holes with cart and goodie bag


Use of range & practice green

Buffet Lunch after golf

Awards Foursome $400. Individual Golfers $110.@ Pine Know Golf Course Contact Kerri at [email protected] or 248-625-6963

Thanks & God Bless - CUMC Men's Officers


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ADULT EDUCATION NEW EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Rev. Hal’s Fly Fishing Fellowship 1st Tuesday of the month, 7:00-8:30pm (Oct – Mar) Our focus will be on friendships, fly fishing, conservation, spiritual growth, and mentoring. Any and all levels of experience and skill are welcome.

Rev. Hal’s Book Reviews 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7:00-8:30pm (Oct, Dec, Feb, Mar, Apr) October’s book: Pilgrimage into the Last Third of Life, by Jane Marie Thibault and Richard L Morgan (Upper Room Books), is about seven gateways to spiritual growth through scripture-based meditations.

New Member Classes -Oct 15 and 22, Thur, 6:30-8:30pm or Dec 12, Sat, 9:00am-1:00pm (Childcare available)

College Mission Trip (May 8-12, Sun-Thur) Henderson Settlement, Frakes, Kentucky (A part of the Red Bird Missionary Conference) We will leave following Sunday worship, and return Thursday evening. Three days will be spent learning the rich history of this mission and serving the community.

Snow Bird Luncheon (May 17, Tues, Noon, Fellowship Hall), facilitated by Rev. Hal and Kathy Waechter Spend time with the pastors and friends, reviewing church life while you were away, and catching up on what’s to come.

CONTINUING EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Caring Hearts, led by Jan Lewis Tuesdays, 9:30am, begins Sep 8 Finishing up the final two chapters of When Christians Get It Wrong by Adam Hamilton. Next the class will begin a study of angels.

Gentle Yoga, facilitated by Mary O’Rourke Mondays, 4:00-5:30pm, Fall Session is Sep 14 – Nov 16 (offered year-round) Cost for 10 weeks is $75, weekly drop in cost is $10 Focuses on balance, flexibility, and stretching, taught by Steve Guth of YogaOasis

Tuesday Bible Study, led by Lauren Dennis-Buchholz Tuesdays, 10:00-11:30am, begins Sep 15 (six weeks) Living our Spirituality is a “choose your own adventure class” that allows us to experiment and bring creativity into our spiritual lives. Together we will explore what spirituality is and the many ways we can connect to God and each other. Whether you are new to the idea

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of spirituality or have been practicing a spiritual discipline for years – this class is for you.

Friday Morning Men’s Bible Study, led by Bob Hoff Fridays, 7:00am, ongoing We study a variety of ways – a) we use the weekly scripture that is used on Sunday and have our own discussion b) topical study – we just completed a series on Spiritual Maturity or c) Book of the Bible – we are just starting a study of Ephesians. We rotate leadership each week and it is a participative class where everyone is given the opportunity to contribute, lead, or sit and listen. No age limitations or requirements!

Church Speakers Committee, led by Carol Zurka and Durelle Pitser Mondays, 9:00am, next meeting Aug 31 We are responsible for four events (2 Fall/Winter, 2 Spring) designed to invite members of our church and our community to join us in a social event. We encourage people to come and meet members and decide to attend our church.

Thursday Night Men’s Bible Study, led by Jeff Smolek Thursdays, 6:30pm, begins Sep 10 The basic outline is to review the upcoming Sunday’s scripture. Average weekly attendance is six. Inevitably we go off on a tangent regarding our work or personal lives, but we find ourselves relying on scripture for answers. This is a strong support group.

Monday Night Book Study with the DuPree-Degan Group, facilitated by Brenda DuPree Mondays, 7:00-9:00pm, meets alternately at DuPree and Degan homes This group studies a variety of books dealing with faith and life.

Companions in Christ, led by Sue Deacon & Carola Huttenlocher Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30pm, begins Sep 9 This is an in-depth study about Christian spiritual formation.

Covenant, led by Christine Wyatt Wednesdays, 9:30-11:15am, begins Sep 9

Book Discussion Group, facilitated by Christine Wyatt 3rd Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30pm, begins Sep 15 Do you like to read books and discuss them from various perspectives? The September meeting will discuss To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. The October meeting will discuss Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee. The question for the group is: is the new book a rough draft of Mockingbird or a second novel?

(More educational opportunities on next page)

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CONTINUING EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Beth Moore Studies, facilitated by Darlene Borowski Thursdays, 9:15-11:30am, begins Sep 10 We will be studying “The Patriarchs: Encountering the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” This is an 11 week journey through Genesis 12-50. Discover God’s pursuit of a relationship with man, and marvel as His plan to bless all people unfolds.

Parents’ Circle, led by Kathy Gleason Sundays, 10:10-10:50am, begins Sep 13 This class is for parents of elementary children, and meets on the same schedule while their children are in the Angels in Training (for children ages 4-12) classes. The book for this Fall’s study is Daring Greatly: How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brene Brown.

Sunday Parlor Class, facilitated by Christine Wyatt Sundays, 10:05-10:50am, begins Sep 13 The first class will meet between services to select a study for the Fall. Bring some goodies to share – call Donna Couture or Christine Wyatt for information or to make a topic suggestion. Prepare to stay for the All Church Picnic that day too!

Sunday Night Couples, facilitated by Debi Damico Every other Sunday night, 7:15-8:30pm, begins mid-Sep We primarily study books on Christian living and take time over snacks to develop personal connections. Please contact Debi Damico for more information.

Thank You

We would like to thank the congregation for all of the prayers and words of support over the last year for the Cobb family. They lost a child to pediatric cancer over a year ago and set out on a "Walk Across America". Julia, Walt Mison's granddaughter, lost her battle to Ewing Sarcoma at age eight. She was a great Disney fan and had funded trips to both Disney World and Disneyland. The family determined to walk from " Kingdom to Kingdom" in honor of Julia and to raise awareness for more funding needed for research for pediatric cancers. A 4000 mile walk began in Anaheim, California in August of 2014 and continued to Denver, Houston, Memphis and finally Orlando. They arrived safely in Florida on Father's day of 2015 where Margie and Walt were on hand to greet them. In His Love, Margie Ried and Walt Mison

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UMW UMW Staff Member – We are pleased to announce that Rev. Laura Speiran will be our Staff Member replacing Rev. Amy Moyle. Welcome, Laura.

UMW Circles – Following is information on the UMW Circles for their Septemb1er meetings.

Susanna Wesley Circle will gather at 9:15 am Wednesday Sept. 2 and the meeting will start at 9:30. Our program is BOOKS - BOOKS - BOOKS and Rev. Hal Weemhoff will introduce himself and tell us about his adult education plans. Please bring fruit cups and/or size 4 diapers for the Pantry and remember to wear your CUMC nametag, we expect some new ladies and they will help us all get acquainted. Our fun activity will be coloring and we will sign up for hostesses and devotions for the coming year. If you have questions, please call Paula at 248-625-5797 or just come!

Alethea Rose will have the first meeting of the new year on September 2nd at 7 p.m. We will meet in the parlor to plan monthly meetings for the coming year. Take a few moments to reflect on what you would like to see the circle do and bring your ideas and thoughts to share. We welcome all women to join us. Questions? contact Mary O'Rourke at [email protected], 248-620-9491

Recent Happenings Camperships – UMW donated $2,100.00 for Camperships for the young people in our Church to attend the various camps at Lake Louise this summer. Baby Blankets – The UMW ties fleece baby blankets for the babies of our church when they are baptized. Approx 25 blankets were completed. Mission u - One-Day Mission u was held at Marble UMC in Milan and was attended by several of the women from our church. Mission u, H.O.M.E., and One-Day Sampler - Two-Day Mission u was held at the Lake Huron Retreat Center on August 14 and 15 preceded by a choice of Mission u Sampler or H.O.M.E. on August 13.

Upcoming Events Crossroads District UMW Annual One-Day Mission Trip – Our One-Day Mission Trip is on Thursday, September 3. The group will be going to Grand Rapids for the day and will be visiting the United Methodist Community House and Clark Retirement Community. Crossroads District Annual Meeting & Leadership Development – Held on Saturday, October 10, at Byron First UMC in Byron. The cost is $12.00 and the deadline for registration is October 5, 2015.

NOTE: For both the Crossroads District and Detroit Conference Annual Meetings, please call me to register as I would like to register all participants from our Church at the same time.

If you have questions on any of the above, please give me a call at (248) 625-3405 or E-mail: [email protected].

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50 and OVER is a vibrant group that enjoys the fun and fellowship of monthly mid-day social gatherings. We meet for potluck lunches, programs and field trips. You are enthusiastically welcomed and encouraged to attend any time! We usually meet on the third Friday of the month. Watch the Bulletin, Chimes and Bulletin Board for detailed information, sign up on the Bulletin Board to attend and, also, if you would like to help by hosting. Contact for questions: Lou and Brenda DuPree, [email protected], 248-625-5141. September 18, Friday, Noon, Parlor Our guest speaker will be Lt. Col. Harry Stewart, an original Tuskegee Fighter Pilot of World War II, who flew 43 missions over Italy as a Red Tail. Bring friends, a dish to pass and your own place setting. October 23, Friday, Noon, Parlor Our guest speaker will be Cara Catallo, author and Clarkston native, who will relate the fascinating history of our town about which she wrote in her book that was released in June: Images of America: Clarkston. November 19, Thursday, 9am Tour James Lewis will be our host at Riley Broadcast in Wixom for a tour of the PBS Channel 56 Studio and a taping of a live show, MiWeek. We will leave at 8am from the church and do lunch afterwards, TBD. December 20, Sunday, 3pm Concert Orchestra Hall in Detroit will be our destination as we will again attend the Detroit Symphony Orchestra’s Home for the Holidays Pop Concert, carpooling from the church at 1:15pm and dining afterwards at TGIF’s on Squirrel Road on our return.

Attention Parents of College-Age Students: The Beyond High School Committee is looking for the college addresses of your students. Please email their address to Renee Weaver-Wright at [email protected]. Thank you!

Did you know that CUMC recycles? We have blue recycle bins located throughout the church that take both plastic and paper. We also recycle the bulletins each week. Please drop them in the basket located in the narthex. Any redeemable cans and bottles can be put in the labeled bin in the parlor kitchen. More recycling measures will be coming. We are committed to being good stewards of God’s creation.

Alternative Christmas Gift Fair It’s time . . . again! If you would like to be part of the organizing and planning for the 2015 ACGF please contact Brenda and Lou DuPree, [email protected], 248-625-5141. The Fair will be December 5 and 6.

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Transitioning Aging Parents Are you caring for your parents or an older adult you love? Would you like some support from others going through the same experience? Come to this group to learn, share ideas, and be encouraged. New! We will meet each month on the second Tuesday at 7 p.m., beginning Sept 8th. Facilitated by Rev. Laura Speiran

Grief Support Series for Adults Has someone close to you died? Come learn about grief and what you may expect. Beginning on Tuesday, September 15th and run for 6 weeks total. 6:30-8:00 p.m. There will also be time for sharing personal experiences, although sharing is not required. This support series is open to adults in the community and will be facilitated by Gina Shuster, Bereavement Coordinator from Grace Hospice-Flint. Questions? Please contact Deacon Laura Speiran.

New Prayer Group John Wesley listed prayer as one of the three main “means of grace,” or ways to access the grace of God. We want to elevate prayer in our congregation because we want to stay connected to God—not just as individuals, but as a community of faith. We also want to pray weekly over our prayer list. Will you be a part of a new prayer group to do just that? This will be in addition to the Prayer Chain, which is an email list of people who pray individually over immediate concerns that are sent out as needed. We will be gathering from 5-6 p.m. each Wednesday beginning September 9th. Don’t know how to pray? We will learn together! Questions? Please contact Deacon Laura Speiran.

Book Study The DuPree-Degen Bible Study Group will hold a 3-week study of the book Shopping by Michelle Gonzales September 14, 21 and 28. Please contact Brenda and Lou DuPree, [email protected], 248-625-5141, by September 1 if you would like to attend.

Parents' Night Out (PNO). Looking to spend some quality time when you don't have to worry about the kids? PNO is for families with children ages infant through elementary school and is typically held on the second or third Saturday of each month from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the church. Each participating couple must host approximately twice a year with 2 to 3 other families in exchange for having their children taken care of during the remaining events. We will be starting PNO this year in October. If you are interested, please contact Melissa Rykse at [email protected] or 248.568.3358.

DivorceCare new session is Sept 13– Dec. 10 on Thursdays 6:45-8:30pm in the Parlor. Drop-ins are welcome. Get help from a variety of experts who share via DVD effective ways to heal. Questions contact Rev. Laura Speiran at 248-620-8406.

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PRAYER REQUESTS If you or someone you know could benefit from the caring support of the church,

please contact Deacon Laura Speiran in the church office. Prayer Requests for church bulletin and/or Prayer Chain:

email to [email protected].

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Immediate Concerns: Roy Bleim, Mike Burns, Bethany Halterman, Jane Kriebel, Connor Maxfield, Wanda McCall, Steve Mengyan, Krista Miller, Jane Morse, Mark Thornton, Bob Wyatt

Our Sympathy goes to Jill Cascone-Wisser and family on the death of her brother, Chris Cascone. Mona Hart and family on the death of her husband, Jim Hart.

In Hospice Care: Peggy Dryer, Jean Koskela, Lila Miller, Jerry Rucker

Please continue to pray for:

Those in need of healing:

Judy Abbenhaus, Kathie Adams, Mary Aleksoff, Jan Altermatt, Lisa Ballinger, Sandy Balone, Blaze Beeson & Family, Debby Berry, Emma Jean Berquist, John Bundridge, Erica & Trevor Cale, Joan Carr, Vern & Betty Case, Amy Castell, Anne Chen, Linda Clark, Baby Collin, Daniel Corbett, Cameron Corder, Joe “Cus” Cusumano, Dan, Sarah Decker, Jon Dickey, Carol Doeringer, Ian Dyer, Kathy Fairburn, Janet Glascock, Bob Greene, Bernita Hawes, Jim Hart, Michelle Henry, Abby Hixson, Tom Hoff, Jessica and Baby Beaubien, Chris Johnston, Ruth Ellsworth Jones, Lee Kellogg, Patricia Kerrick, Mike Kindermann, Ken Klimek, Casey Knott, Nita Kozak, Jane Kriebel, Lynne Kristi, Fritz Kruger, Elsa Lopez, Tom Lowell, Jan Lucich, Laura Madison, Kelley Martin, Terry Matzke, Gary McCowan, Sam McIninch, Susanne McVinnie, Heather Merritt, Mary Muscat, Ed Nagel, Rev. Barbara Nolin, Cheryl Noll, Darren Ogden, Rebekah Oman, Joyce Opalko, Pat Ouellette, Marcia Outlaw, Jean Pachuta, Gordan Palmer, Mike Perry, Karen Phelps, Jay Reinke, Alicia Riegel, Fred Rohrbach, Cameron and Brandon Ruby, Leslie Rucker, Pat St. Dennis, Bill Samson, John Schell, Jo Schrader, Jane Sessions, Carol and Stu Smith, Matt Smolek, Darlene Soderwall, Raymond Stutzman, Arlyce Tague, Armen Tamakian, Jim Terrill, Jameson Timberlake, Nancy Vance, Joan Veale, Joyce VonKorff, Jim Walker, Robert Ward Sr., Brian & Lezley Wells, Dan Whiting, Noah Wills & family, Wendy Wisniewski, Shawna Wisser, Anne Wohlford, David Wood, Alice Wright, Andy Zag and Bill Zorka.

Life’s Important Issues:

Althouse Family, Yvonne Brown, Betty Cole, David, Dorothea Flagg & Family, Cameron Fortinberry, Jeremy Johnston, Vineese Kasari, Andrea Klimek, Jim Morrison, Ott Family, Wayne Parks, Dallas Peterman, Heather Robinson, Russ, Nick Schultz, Carol Ann Simmons, and Charles & Patricia Sutherland.


Doris & Bob Beattie, Golda Cecil, Rev. Jon Clapp, Jim & Kay Coates, Marie Dolby, Peggy Dryer, Eva Hofert, Marilyn Guzzo, Jean Macklem, Charlotte Maybee, Freda Meyland, Leona Stelmach, Patricia Stitt, Jan Sutton, Robert Wickell

Serving Our Country

Maggie Adams, Robert Baird, Aron Bland, Joe Bondy, Madeline Bondy, Josh Brewer, Scott Brewer, Becky Bucar, Tommy Bullen, Sean Coppinger, Shawn Flanigan, Charlie Fulton, Michael Galbraith, Jim Goerss, Joshua Goerss, Ansel Gruenberg, Ariel Gruenberg, Luke Harris, Courtney Koskela, Tommy Lewis, Matt Murphy, John Nickerson, Lisa Pasternak, Christian Pinter, Wendy Pinter, Robby Sedorchuk, Eric Speiran, Ben Tartell, John Wawruck, Dennis Wisser, Justin Wisser, and Gabriel Zapata

Following God’s Call: Kelsey Merz

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Submission deadlines Mail date

October Issue/ Fri, Sept 22 Fri, Sept 25

November Issue / Fri, Oct 27 Fri, Oct 30

December Issue/ Tues, Nov 17 Fri, Nov 20

Church Staff

Main Number: 248-625-1611 Email: [email protected] Website:

Main Number: 248-625-1611 Email: [email protected] Website:

Richard Dake, Senior Pastor ext. 223 Kyle Bucholz, Associate Pastor ext. 224 Laura Speiran, Minster of Congregational Care ext. 222 Hal Weemhoff, Minister of Adult Education ext. 226

Kim Bishop, Adult Choir Director Gwen Burns, Finance Assistant ext. 221 Jeremy Dean, Director of Facilities/Caretaker ext. 234 Michele Ettinger, Children & FUEL Coordinator ext. 235 Mary Gladstone-Highland, Community Outreach Director ext. 234 Collen Godfrey, Executive Director of Ministries ext. 250 Cheryl Kelly, Administrative Assistant ext. 227 Jack McCarrick, Evening Caretaker ext. 252 Judy Mellen, Handbell Choirs Director ext. 253 Kathy Walker, Director of Finance ext. 221 Michele Poirier, Childcare Coordinator ext. 232 Karen Girard, Cherub Choir Director ext. 251 Annette Siminski, Director of Family Ministries ext. 233 Fred Krause, Sunday Evening Caretaker Angie Scheu, Director of Worship ext. 228 Holly Stowers, Office Volunteer ext. 220 Leslie Wills, Principal Organist ext. 229

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